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Låsby Kro og Hotel ....................................... 13
Frederik VI’s Hotel No. 176
Scenic surroundings close to Odense
Frederik VI’s Hotel has a perfect location if you would like to explore the city of Odense or Funen with its many sights as for example H.C. Andersen’s House, Den Fynske Landsby (The Funen Village), Danmarks Jernbanemuseum (Railway Museum) and Egeskov Slot (Castle). The hotel offers a restaurant, cozy bar and a gym. Outside the door you will find a lovely park with a system of forest paths and jogging trails. Free parking near the hotel.
Host: Thomas Danielsen
62 rooms 30 m
Rugårdsvej 590 | 5210 Odense NV | (+45) 65 94 13 13 www.smalldanishhotels.com/frederik
Hotel Knudsens Gaard Nr. 177

Rural idyll in the middle of H.C. Andersens Odense
The charming Hotel Knudsens Gaard is the combination of rural idyll and modern comfort with half-timbering, cobblestones, style and elegance. The hotel is located in a beautiful garden only 2 km from Odense city center, with easy access from the access roads. The hotel offers personal service, high quality and good atmosphere. The rooms have a homely feel and the restaurant delivers delicious culinary experiences. Here you get a unique hotel experience that exudes history.
Hostess: Bettina Bønneland
77 vær. Upon request 400 m