Facts About Extroverts

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Six Interesting Facts about Extroverts If you are an introvert yourself, it might be a bit difficult for you to understand extroverts. Carl Jung defined introverts as contemplative/reflective and not very social people. These people are not good conversationalists either; whereas the extroverts enjoy company and talking as they are gregarious and outgoing. Here are six points, which you can remember about extroverts to understand them better:

1. They know the value of conversations Extroverts are the only people keeping real live conversations alive these days. When you go to a restaurant with friends, you will usually see people stuck to their devices, conversing on social media and other virtual platforms. Extroverts are the only people who actually laugh, tell jokes and promote social function.

2. Immediate need for rewards Unlike introverts who can wait long for their rewards, extroverts are quite restless in this regard. The part of their brains, which control the dopamine flow (reward system), is more active. Hence, if an introvert would wait to save their bonuses to purchase a house, an extrovert might want to spend it right away and go on a vacation.

3. Online interaction does not mean much to them Extroverts might have a million Facebook friends, but they’d always be waiting for a real-time face to face conversation with people. They are not afraid to meet new people either and would want to interact with them and talk to them as well. On the other hand, social media and text messaging would not fascinate them much.

4. Moving up the career ladder is easier for them Since they are charming, outgoing and cheerful, they get many advantages in the workplace. They can easily gain advantage over the shy and introverted colleagues simply because they can better present their ideas and achievements.

5. The spotlight is their spot While shy and introverted people would often not want to be in the spotlight, the extroverts dig for that spot. They will want all the attention that they can get. This is one of the reasons that majority of the people in the media and entertainment industry are extroverts. It is hence, hard to imagine an extrovert as a coin collector.

6. They are bored very easily Many extroverts find it very difficult to survive in a quiet room. They are not the thinking types who can wander through their own mind for hours. They would rather be in a company of some person. They usually have short attention spans and need external stimulus for staying energetic. There are many other ways to identify and categorize extroverts. They are completely different from introverts and have different needs and requirements.

Related Article: http://www.researchomatic.com/New-Research/IntrovertExtrovert-171170.html

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