Cosmetic Surgery

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Cosmetic Surgery: A Bane or a Blessing? Cosmetic surgery helps in shaping and improving the physical features of the body. Majorly, cosmetic treatment is considered by women for beautifying the facial features. However, advanced procedures of cosmetic surgery have caused a rise in demand for the cosmetology for the entire body including breast enlargement/reduction, liposuction and others. Many people, particularly women, are obsessed with the idea of having the perfect body to flaunt. This has caused the misuse of cosmetic treatments. Over seven thousand people in US have ruined their face and their bodies in the desire to be perfect or look like a celebrity. The medical advancement in cosmetology was made to help the victims of disfiguration caused by fatal injuries and acid attacks. The surgeries performed on these victims help them in regaining confidence by elevating the level of their self-image. The risk factors involved in performing the cosmetic surgery depends on the level of complications and the expertise of the surgeons. Bigger cosmetic procedures are at high risk and a lot of elements are put into consideration including the overall patient’s health. Complex surgeries are not only very difficult to perform but also the surgical procedures are attempted several times to get the desired results. Generally, cosmetic surgeries are unable to completely heal the scars of the victims even after the couple of surgeries in most of the cases, however, it lessens the effects to a great level. Expert surgeons are able to perform much successful procedures because of their skills of diminishing the scars in less prominent areas. They also conduct precautionary steps to eradicate any future inflectional risk or wound. Though this field has progressed in recent years, the complications involved cannot be ignored. A minor error can cause disfigure the features of any the person. During the procedure, excessive bleeding can occur. Also, anesthesia risk factors cannot be neglected. With extensive surgical procedures, these treatments are highly expensive. Most of the time, the victims are unable to afford the treatment, specially, those living in underdeveloped regions. This includes the acid attack victims of countries like India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, where the ratio of such cases are extremely high.

Cosmetic surgeries are pretty common for the people of US and beyond. This include the elite class of the society particularly, the people of entertainment industry. Not only are the actors of Hollywood, but even Indian celebrities are widely undergoing the knife surgeries to enhance their physical appearance.

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