Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence: A Danger at Home Unfortunately, the domestic violence cases are nothing new for the society. We have heard a lot of times people saying that ‘rape and sexual harassment’ is only happening because women have unlimited rights and they are allowed to work with men on equal grounds. But the question from those low esteemed people is that, “Has non-working women never been a victim of women harassment and abuse? “ As everybody knows the answer is ‘No’.

There are numerous examples of non-working women who have been victims of domestic violence. Women are tortured, beaten and abused by their spouse and family members. Then how can people say that modernization of women, based on changing trends has been the reason of women assault. But rather than blaming others for domestic violence, some women themselves are to be blamed for incessantly tolerating the assault against them.

However, there are certain myths regarding domestic violence that are believed in our society and a lot of women themselves assume that assaulting woman is a right of a husband. Such dim-witted arguments can never be the cause for supporting such shameful acts.

A lot of the times men torture women because they think that they owe them. Some men are too possessive and cannot tolerate their women getting friendly to other colleagues. Moreover it is seen that men who spends a bad day at work, beat their wives just blaming them for their frustration. It is also observed in a lot of studies that women who are victims of domestic violence defend their men by giving futile arguments that ‘whatever, he loves me’.

These are just a few reasons why social issue of domestic violence is becoming a nuisance in our society day by day. Not just the men are blamed for domestic violence but those women are equally responsible who tolerate physical assault and abuse on them by assuming that assaulting a woman is a man’s right.

Apart from the several issues, domestic violence is just one of the social issues that our society is facing today. Education is therefore the biggest weapon which can help women to fight against domestic violence which is committed against them.


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