Fatal Aircraft Accidents

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Shocking Aircraft Accidents in the World Aircraft accidents are severely fatal that leaves the world in shock. The aviation crash takes away the life of numerous people instantly that reaches up to hundreds in number. The worst part is the sudden death that causes immense grief to the victim’s loved ones. In many cases, the bodies become unidentifiable. In this article, we have listed few of the major aviation accidents in the history of the world. A total of 150 passengers were killed instantly on 24th, March, 2015, when the flight of Germanwings 925 was crashed. The collision took place in the French Alps that subjected to the massive deaths. The evidence of black box recording revealed that the crash was deliberate. It uncovered the story that the captain of the flight was trapped in the cockpit by the co-pilot, Andreas Lubritz. The plane descended to the rocky territory that caused immense deaths. The massive crash of US Air Flight 427 of 5000 feet to the ground while landing resulted in about 132 deaths instantaneously. The reason of the crash was known after five years of inspection and examination. The NTSB published a report in which the cause of plane’s sudden movement was the jammed valve that stuck in the system of rudder control. A total of 2800 planes were repaired by the Boeing airlines costing them approximately $500 million. An act of Aviation Disaster for Family was also passed by the law to subjugate the airline and victim’s families’ conflicts. This fatal aircraft accident occurred on 8th, September, 1994. Almost 230 passengers instantly died in a Paris bound plane from the JFK. The plane exploded airborne, giving rise to huge controversy of that time. It was believed that the explosion was the result of a terrorist bomb but the possibility was soon ruled out by the NTSB. The investigation of the explosion revealed that it was caused by a short circuit that ignited fumes in the fuel tanks. Precautionary measures have been taken by the aircraft after the fatality. This incident happened on 17th, July, 1996. The 1956 collision of TWA Flight 2 and United Airlines Flight 718 was one of the major fatal aviation accidents. It caused the loss of more than 128 people of both the airlines at the time of intersection. This one is also one of the biggest and expensive incidents in the history. Because of this collision, agency relating to the Federal Aviation Safety was formed in 1958. Moreover, a total of $250 million were spent on the system upgrade of Air Traffic Control. These safety measures proved to be fruitful as no case of collision has occurred in US since. The list of shocking accidents doesn’t end here. There have been numerous cases that of aircraft accidents that traumatized the humanity to the core.


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