Productive people do these seventhings differently There is not much difference between productive and nonproductive people. If you think that you are trying very hard and still cannot contribute much to the achievement, you might be doing a few things differently than the people who actually do achieve. These might include the following:
1. Achievers do not think about what other people think of their life and achievements If you really want to grow in life; you better stop thinking that someone might think any less of you or you might not get the due recognition in society. It is best that you only work hard and concentrate on you want to achieve. Not thinking about other people’s perspectives would open up many avenues for achievement and you would find that there is not just one way to get your goals.
2. Achievers had stopped trying to make other people happy Making other people happy and doing things their way will get you off-track. Every person has a different target and every person focuses only on their own targets. Hence it is best that you focus on your own and stop thinking about what your mother or father might want. Many people get side-tracked and are able to get nowhere only because of this problem.
3. Achievers try one thing at a time When we speak of being productive, it does not mean that you go about doing everything. The greatest achievers always focus on a single goal at one time. This point also aims at avoiding getting side-tracked.
4. Achievers have well-defined and definite priorities These achievers have a definite number of priorities that are derived from their basic goals. These priorities help them achieve these goals as effectively and quickly as possible.
5. Achievers might do less but focus on what matters Even if they do not achieve much, they always know that their activities focus on getting what actually matters. Their activities focus on a greater good (of course focusing their own goals and priorities first).
6. Achievers do not cheat or skip work Procrastination is one of the worst habits that can keep you from achieving. Achievers would never skip or cheat from what they have to do. Instead, they finish their work on time and even if facing delays, they would know how to cover up their mess.
7. Achievers see their tasks differently The attitude of the achievers towards their work is much different than what under-achievers think of work. Achievers would always think of their work as their own responsibility and take full ownership of their work. You can never get to your goals if you keep running away from work and think of it as something holding you back.
Related Article: http://www.researchomatic.com/New-Research/Improving-Productivity-and-Quality24554.html