Important Parenting Hacks As a parent, your life can become very complex and tedious. In such a time, taking care of your children can be difficult, let alone giving them a dreamy childhood. The responsibilities of parents involve multi-tasking and can get very exhausting. To make life easy for you, here are a few parenting hacks:
1. Use clothes to differentiate if you have more than one child If you have a whole tribe of children to look after, it can often get difficult to differentiate between them very quickly. Use dotted clothes for one, striped for the second, colors for the third and so on. It should get difficult for a day may be. But once you get the hang of it, this will save you much time.
2. Inflatable pool The inflatable pool will make a very good playpen for children. If they’re troubling you much, you can always put them in the pool and they’ll start playing right away.
3. Eating in the car Children make a lot of mess as is. So when you’re in the car, use a shower caddy to store the food and drinks. This will save you much time on cleaning the carpets.
4. Scaring the monsters at night Add a couple happy stickers to a spray bottle filled with water. Whenever your child gets scared in the night, you can always spray some of that magic potion to scare the monsters away.
5. Make a slide on the stairs Use a sturdy cardboard to make a slide by the stairs. This will provide the kid with some extra entertainment.
6. Stroller/Scooter Get your child a scooter/stroller. The little vehicle will make walking through the park (or any place for that matter), much fun and quicker.
7. Avoiding door slams You can cut a wedge into a pool noodle and then use it in the door frames to avoid your children’s fingers being stuck in the door.
8. Hold toys from floating away You can always use a laundry basket to hold the toys close to the child. This way, they will not float away and the kid can access them at an arm’s length.
9. Tooth Fairy Money Use glue and glitter to make the tooth fairy money for your children.
10.Chore games Get your children excited about household chores by making games out of them. This gives them a sense of responsibility and contribution to the family as well.
11.Organizing With a million things to think about, sometimes you don’t know what children are up to and what they are doing at the moment. In such a case, it is best to have flipcharts for all activities where you can post notes to remember what to do.
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