Problems of Underdeveloped Nations

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Dilemmas of Underdeveloped Countries Poverty is one of the root problems that differentiate between developed and underdeveloped nations. United Nation embarks poverty as living on minimum 2.5 dollars per day. Extreme poverty is categorized as living on 1 dollar or less than that. People living in underdeveloped nations are majorly below the line of poverty. This causes yearly deaths of about 22,000 children as reported by the UN from the sufferings of over 1 billion children widely. Poverty gives rise to hunger. Over 870 million people are deprived of food or are fed with little amount of it. Since one third of the population resides in underdeveloped countries, majority of the population is malnourished. This includes the pregnant women that are deprived of basic nutrients which is responsible for 300,000 maternal deaths from childbearing. Clean water supplies are scarce to over 884 million people in the world. In many of the developing nations, people don’t have water for drinking. Generally, the water accessible to them is highly impure and unsafe for drinking purposes. This causes immense deaths reaching more than 840,000 in number. According to the UN report, water diseases takes away the life of a child per minute. Majority of the developing countries rely on the Agricultural produce for their survival which accounts for 75 percent people of the world. Numerous campaigns have been established over the decades for training and establishing skills of these people. Still, over 1.4 billion population is still dependent on the agriculture sector. Almost 50 percent of these families earn their livelihood from farming field. In many parts of the world, people face electricity issues. Particularly in the rural areas, people have to survive in the darkness after the sunset. There are over 1.6 billion people in the world that are surviving without electricity. For them, the technological advancement as basis as internet or appliances is unidentified. Pollution, one of the main dilemmas of underdeveloped nations does not only affect people of those countries but also the population of all over the world. Poverty, un-education and lack of government laws give rise to different forms of pollution because of improper living standards. This causes immense hazards not only for human beings but also for plants and animals. Pollution is primary responsible for several diseases particularly in the underdeveloped countries.

While many of the developing countries are striving for being a developed nation, like China and India, there are several countries that are still under the constraint of limited resources leading to deprivation of basic rights. These countries have to put up with war, social and cultural exclusion, illiteracy, unemployment and political instabilities.

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