Rock Music Transformation

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The Transformation Period of Rock Music From 1940’s to 1980’s The late 1940’s witnessed the origins of the rock music. The amalgamation of electric guitars and steady beats of drum created this new style. This bought the unique styles of country and blues. The 1950’s featured the legendary Chuck Berry who pioneered the style of classic blue structures that was more of a ‘Rock n Roll’. His style was highly entertaining and laid-back that is still popular even today. This music gave rise to sexual freedom as compared to the rest of the genres of that era. Further transition took place in the 1960’s when the musicians progressed and worked on complete rock albums. This gave the rebellious freedom to the music heightening the elements of sex and youth. Rolling Stones was one of the prominent names of the 1960’s that also gave rise to several controversies but played an eminent part in the development of rock tunes. 1970’s was the golden era for the rock music. The most popular bands like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and others made the genre more dominant, popular and diverse. Led Zeppelin bought great revolution to the genre by inducing heavy metal beats and tone that led to the advent of ‘Hard Rock’. Meanwhile, Pink Floyd, further polished the music with its psychedelic components that made a suitable blend. The band was classified as being ‘hippie’ along with other bands like Clash and the Sex Pistols. The core elements of these bands induced enraged singing, loud guitars and rude attitudes. This gave rise to the new division of rock known as ‘Punk’. The categories of rock genre were vastly putative. One of the least known subclass also established in the 1970’s, called industrial rock originated by the Pere Ubu. The music constituted of drum machines blending with the cacophonous noise spotlighting. However, it failed greatly to generate appeal. The 1980’s is marked as the fragmented era for the rock music. From the early 80’s, the genre began to lose its dominance however, the subgenres progressed with great demand. A new wave originated by the modification of the punk style. It consisted of a lean back song with the blend of electric instruments. Various American bands experimented with the traditional rock music and the new wave that gave rise to the alternative rock. This sub classification is also known as modern rock and his immensely popular among the music fans. The present day most popular groups include ‘The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Linkin Park, 3 Doors Down and others that fuse different genres or subclasses together to create thrilling music.

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