Fourteen Rules Millennial Have to Master in the Workplace In this era, there is no place for free riders, either you rise to reach the top or you just don’t survive. To thrive in this challenging world, millennial have to master the new set of rules which are not taught in the schools. The list is quite long including advancements in technology on daily basis, rising social media, 24/7 wireless connectivity and what not. Now the young people need to take ownership of their careers and have to promote it differently from the previous generations. The fourteen new rules millennial must learn about the modern workplace are as follows: 1. Job Description Is Only The Beginning You won’t achieve success if you do what you were hired for, but you’ll have to do a lot more to make an identity. The job description given to you is a basic task sheet of what you have to do. One should be attentive and should lookout for new projects and collaborations and go for more learning and development. 2. Job Is Temporary World is changing and so does the workplace. Corporations are acquiring companies and companies are merging into conglomerates. So there is a high risk that your team could be eliminated, your job could be outsourced now or you might lose interest in your current job. 3. Learning New Skills The corporate skills that are necessary for a successful career are good working capabilities, proficient communication skills, the emotional capacity and the additional qualities. By learning and incorporating these skills you can perform better at work, build stronger associations and work towards receiving encouragement on your job. At times talent is tied
to an individual’s own personality rather than a formal training. These are allied with a person’s Emotional Intellect Quotient. 4. Reputation Is The Greatest Asset The things that are going to improve your career are your skills, the projects of which you are part of, the level of trust your colleagues have on you, whom do you know, what others know about you, what you are best at, etc. Eventually what you do is important and highlighted because others take a perception from it, so money and reputation would follow you automatically. 5. Nothing Is Personal Small postings on twitter and Facebook about your boss or your colleagues could ruin your career forever. Even small things like your dressing, your behavior, body language, social networking, etc. could build or break your image in the most horrible way. 6. Positive Image The new media has built convergence between private and personal lives. Online social networking sites have connected people of similar interests. This helps in building a reputation and at the same time one can dig deeper into opportunities one is passionate about and wants to learn the expertise. 7. Working With Mixed Generations Currently in the market, you find the Baby Boomers (Executives), Generation X (Managers), Generation Y (Employees) and Generation Z (Interns). All of these generations are different from the others because of the difference in view of workplace, communication ways and of course the difference of eras. Learning the management of relationships despite of these differences would earn you a successful career.
8. Boss Comes First You see low chances of promotion, if your boss is unsuccessful so indirectly or directly he would rub off his anger on you. To tackle this issue you’ll have to support your boss’s career, by making his life easy and earn his trust. This way he’ll take you along the success steps whether in same organization or in the other organization. 9. Networking This is no more an information economy, we have moved towards a social one. On the other side, it is now more about your relationships with people you work with and less about your technical understanding of the work because now anybody can learn anything with a simple click. 10. Rule Of One It is about that one person who can change your life in a better aspect, whether it is related to getting a job or your marriage or starting a business or anything else. There are people all around saying no but the yes from that one person would trigger that you are on the right track. 11. You Are The Future As predicted that by 2025, the workforce will constitute Generation Y. It means that you will be on the forefront despite of being early in the career lead. All you need to do is position yourself to take up the leadership roles when the older generations retire. 12. Entrepreneurship, Open for All Entrepreneurship is the procedure of commencing a company or business. The entrepreneur or the opportunist is a risk taker, who develops a business plan, acquires the human and supplementary needed resources, and is fully accountable for its accomplishment or failure.
In today’s world if you want to go ahead of the competitors, you need to work on your company’s management as a venture capital firm. It about selling your innovative idea and being persistent. 13. Accomplishments Matter Calculating the hours one has put in on the job has become outdated. The thing which matters most is one’s own value and staying firm on delivering tasks based on that value, so that one can measure his own success and earn encouragement. 14. You Career, Your Rules Time has changed, now there isn’t anything like relying on anyone else, one has to be accountable for his own career and is in charge of his own life. The issues that must be resolved are learning, growing and in return benefiting your own self.
Related link: http://www.researchomatic.com/Managing-Workplace-Diversity-117697.html