Different Flavors of Coffee

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Types of Coffee Drinks Gone are those days when people used to ask for coffee only. Now they take names of coffee as they are aware of different tastes that coffee has to offer them. As we all know that through different brewing method we get different taste of coffee and thus we are capable of creating different flavours of coffee ranging from lattes to cappuccinos, mochas and breves. The taste of the coffee is highly dependent on ratios of coffee with milk and other ingredients of flavours. There are indefinite combinations of varieties of coffee drinks that you can customize to the tastes of your customers. In the following section, we have discussed some of the famous and notable tastes of coffee drinks

Types of Coffee 1. Black Coffee The name of the coffee says it all. This coffee is served without milk and sugar. People who prefer strong taste in coffee prefer black coffee the most.

2. Espresso This coffee does not contain milk. This is a strong concentration of coffee beans made by espresso machines with the forced stream of hot water through coffee beans with pressure. Espresso has become a foundation of many flavours of the coffee.

3. Black Eye Coffee This coffee is an American style drip coffee served with a shot of espresso. This coffee is an eye-opener as it is strong in taste.

4. Americano Americano is served with a single espresso shot with a hot cup of water. It is a diluted form of espresso shot as we mix water with a shot of espresso.

5. Breve Coffee It is a combination of latte coffee served with half milk and half cream instead of whole milk. It is an American style latte coffee.

6. Mocha Cafe This type of coffee is also called mocaccino. This is a combination coffee drink which includes an espresso shot, chocolate syrup or powder and steamed milk. This coffee is preferred by chocolate and coffee lovers both as it is a chocolate flavour variant latte.

7. Cappuccino Cappuccino is an Italian variant coffee drink which is served with espresso shots, foamed milk and steamed milk. This coffee has a frost later on the top. This coffee is famous for art work too. This variant can be served with coffee or cinnamon artwork on the top of a coffee mug.

8. Cafe Latte This variant is made with one shot if espresso and three shots of steamed milk with froth on the top.

9. Chai Latte It is a combination of tea and coffee. Chai latte includes one shot of tea mixed with one shot of espresso.

10.Cafe au Lait This coffee is made with 1:1 ratio of espresso or brewed coffee shot with steamed milk.

11.Cortado This is a Spanish variant of a coffee drink. This type of coffee is made with steamed milk and espresso shot in equal ratio. This is done to reduce the acidity of the coffee.

12.Frappe It is a cold coffee drink like milkshake. This coffee is made with cold espresso shot sugar and milk with other flavours blended into a thicker frosty drink.

13.Iced Coffee It is either an iced latte or iced mocha. This is a brewed coffee served with sugar, milk and ice or ice-cream.

14.Irish Coffee It is a cocktail drink containing a shot of brewed coffee, Irish whiskey, sugar and cream.

15.Macchiato This is a spotted or stained coffee. This coffee is made with 4:1 ratio of espresso and milk. The milk is added as a formality to stain the coffee shade or to foam it.

Having understanding of the different brewing methods of coffee is important of you run a coffee shop or a cafe to provide successful service in the

industry. With this basic understand you can adequately find out the techniques and types of coffee are a best suit for your customers' needs.

Reference http://www.caffeinelab.me

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