Henrik Olesen. Abandon the Parents

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Henrik Olesen Abandon the Parents


"Afsked med forældrene" Værker, Lister, Navne, Billede, Tekst, Lyd, fra Private Samlinger, fra Offentlige Samlinger, Originaler, Kopier, Forfalskninger Kurateret af

Henrik Olesen: Abschied von den Eltern, 2003, collage.

Henrik Olesen Daniel Buchholz Christopher Müller

Udstillingen tager udgangspunkt i den selvstændighedsgørelse, der måske (eller måske ikke) finder sted i et ungt menneskes liv, når det tager afsked med gamle værdier f.eks. ved at forlade sine forældre – og opsøger nogle nye. Under overskriften "Afsked med forældrene" forsøger udstillingen at danne ramme om et rum, der kontekstualiserer kunstnerisk produktion og selvorganisering. Ved at adressere de afgørende øjeblikke i konstruktionen af en identitet samler denne udstilling en mængde meget forskellige kunstnere, stemmer og materialer; ikke bare visuelle kunstværker som skulpturer, malerier og tegninger, men også litteratur, breve og historiske dokumenter såvel som mere performative bidrag, lyd, musik og film. Disse kunstneriske udsagn følger forskellige narrative tråde omkring afskedsprocessen: fra familie, institutioner og fængsel til økuller, landskab, eventyr, trompe l'oeil, seksualitet og portrættering. Udstillingen er en del af udstillingsrækken i X-rummet på Statens Museum for Kunst og præsenterer en fiktiv samling sammen med udvalgte værker fra museets samlinger.


En introduktion til udstillingen "Afsked med forældrene" Marianne Torp

Installation view

Maleri, film, video, tegning, foto, bøger, lyd, bøger og tekst fra et forgrenet netværk af kunstnere indgår i udstillingen "Afsked med forældrene". Henrik Olesen har inviteret sine to samarbejdspartnere, venner og gallerister gennem mange år, Daniel Buchholz og Christopher Müller, til sammen med ham at kuratere udstillingen i x-rummet på SMK. Værkerne er lånt fra private samlinger og museer, deriblandt flere fra SMK. Også et af Olesens egne værker er med. Hans collage, Abschied von den Eltern fra 2003, deler ikke alene titel med udstillingen, den repræsenterer også nogle af de tematikker og den praksis, der ligger til grund for selve dens koncept. Olesens collage sampler en figur fra den finske kunstner Tom of Finlands univers med en af den tyske surrealist Max Ernsts collager fra bogen Une Semaine de Bonte. Ligesom collagen samler også selve udstillingen billeder og materialer fra vidt forskellige sammenhænge i en ny kontekst, hvor de kombinerede elementer etablerer overrumplende forbindelser og foreslår nye betydninger. Ernst og Tom of Finland er desuden nogle af de figurer, som Olesen konsulterer for at formulere sit eget projekt. Ligesom mange andre af udstillingens kunstnere har de været vigtige holdepunkter i Olesens kunstneriske liminalfase, hvis overgangsritual omfavner afskeden med de identifikationsmæssige og kunst-


neriske konventioner - med "forældrene" - der repræsenterer hans udgangspunkt. Henrik Olesens praksis inddrager ofte dokumentationer eller arkivalske indekser af forskellig slags. Det kan være fotos af kunsthistoriske malerier, hvor figurerne eller de portrætterede er gengivet i kokette stillinger eller med affekterede håndbevægelser som i værket Some Faggy Gestures, eller det kan være faktuelle henvisninger til lovgivningen omkring homoseksualitet i forskellige lande rundt om i verden som i værket Lack of Information. På samme måde dokumenterer udstillingen Afsked med forældrene et muligt indeks over kunstnerens egne referencer. Udstillingen fungerer som en konstellation af materialer, et arkiv eller en ramme for den afsøgning, som de tre kuratorer er i gang med. Denne søgen materialiserer sig ikke som entydig fortælling. Undervejs forgrener den sig i et netværk af ikoniske eksempler og oplagte forbilleder, men også af intuitive og endnu ikke systematiserede interesser. Dermed bliver udstillingen på en gang en repræsentation af tre sammenvævede homoseksuelle autobiografier og et mere generelt billede på den stadige identitetsudvikling, som vi alle sammen oplever. På den måde er udstillingen en italesættelse af en mulig homoseksuel identitet, men den repræsenterer også de mekanismer og aspirationer og intuitioner, som ligger til grund for enhver formning af en identitet. Olesens værk kredser om repræsentation, om hvordan ting fremstilles og hvilke forestillinger, der på en gang er forudsætning for gengivelsen og konstituerende for den. Den socio-politiske konnotation er altid til stede i Olesens værk. Han formulerer en stilfærdig - og ofte poetisk - kritik af repressive, diskriminerende, undertrykkende begrænsninger af individets udfoldelse.


Udstillingen er som sagt et indeks over de tre kuratorers referencer og identifikationspunkter, men den er også et bud på en kunsthistorie baseret på andre kriterier og kategorier end dem, vi fx ligger til grund for samlingen på museet. Udstillingen opløser dermed museets entydige og universelle kunsthistoriske perspektiv. På et mere overordnet plan taler den derfor også om, hvordan man overhovedet konstruerer kunsthistorie, og den peger indirekte på, at også de kriterier, som vi i et forvokset oplysningsprojekt, dybest set stadig anser for objektive og rationelle, egentlig er kulturelt indlejrede, subjektive eller ligefrem arbitrære. Udstillingen taler dermed også om, hvordan vi ordner et kulturelt materiale, og hvordan denne orden etablerer et

Installation view

helt specifikt blik på verden og os selv. Denne orden - det vi får øje på, det vi vælger, det vi italesætter som interessant, det vi synes giver mening - er i første omgang bestemmende for, hvordan det aktuelle bud ser ud, men den bliver også bestemmende for, hvad der kan lade sig gøre fremover. Den er både forudsætning og begrænsning. Denne udstilling kan måske fungere som en model for, hvordan en frigørelse fra konventionelle systemer kan begynde. Den generelle tendens i Henrik Olesens værk til at folde materialet ud og få øje på mønstre og teknologier, som er indlejrede i vores kultur, får også denne udstilling til at udvide sig fra at være et personligt statement til netop at repræsentere et mønster: Derfor inviterer Olesen også Buchholz og Müller til at kuratere udstillingen sammen med ham og ekspanderer dermed til et tresporet perspektiv. Det er dermed ikke det snævert subjektive, men et bredere udfoldet og flerstemmigt udsagn, som vi bliver introduceret til. Det flytter fokus fra det personlige til det generelle, og dermed til repræsentationen. Udstillingsprojekt bliver selv en form for indeksikal kortlægning af fremtrædelser af et muligt selvformuleringsprojekt. Samtidig forsøger udstillingen i sig selv at frigøre sig selv fra konventionerne og formulere nogle mulige konturer af et homo-perspektiv på kunsthistorien, men på sin vis giver denne gestus også museet mulighed for at frigøre sig eller i hvert fald bevidstgøre sig. I en tid hvor verden oplever forstærkede homofobiske udfald, hvor politiske udmeldinger og lovgivning rundt omkring i det internationale samfund ikke alene diskriminerer, men også kriminaliserer homoseksuelle, synes en udstilling, der som et underliggende perspektiv taler om en homoseksuel erfaring, også rent politisk så meget desto vigtigere.


Værkliste List of Works

Abandon the Parents


Berenice Abbott. American Photographer Edited by Hank O'Neal Artnews Book, New York 1982 256 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket, 37 x 26 cm, with numerous plates With an introduction by John Canaday and comments by Berenice Abbott

H. C. Andersen (Danish, 1805-75) Mill man Papercut 21.5 x 23 cm List no. 284. Cat. 481 The Royal Library, The Portman collection

Guillaume Apollinaire (French, 1880-1918), Calligrammes. Poèmes de la paix et de la guerre (1913-1916) Mercure de France, Paris 1918 206 pp, soft cover, 23 x 14.5 cm With a portrait of the author by Pablo Picasso, editon no. 445

Antonin Artaud (French, 1896-1948) …Autre chose que l’enfant beau Louis Broder, Paris 1957 loose sheets in hardcover slipcase in cloth bound slipcase, 17 x 15 cm. Edition 70 of 120, with coloured drypoint by Pablo Picasso, signed

Julie Ault (American, 1957-) (Editor) Show and Tell: A Chronicle of Group Material. Four Corner Books, London 2010, 272 pp, soft cover, 28 x 22 cm, with numerous plates

Bruce Bagemihl (Canadian) Biological Exuberance Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity Profile Books Limited, London 1999 Hardcover, 768 pp Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Ivan Albright Edited by Michael Coydon. Abbeville Press, New York 1995 308 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket, 39 x 30 cm, with numerous plates With a foreword by Jean Dubuffet

H. C. Andersen (Danish, 1805-75) Symmetrical paper cut Papercut 5.5 x 6.5 cm List no. 285. Cat. 482 The Royal Library, The Portman collection

Private collection

Kai Althoff (German, 1966-) Erwachsen Werden, Fabio (Growing up, Fabio), 1996 16 parts Acrylic, pencil on paper 42 x 29.6 cm each

H. C. Andersen (Danish, 1805-75) Flower man Papercut 18.5 x 26 cm List no. 287. Cat. 484

The Royal Library, New Royal Collection, 2642, 2º

Antonin Artaud (French, 1896-1948) Surrealistische Texte. Briefe Matthes Seitz, Munich 1985 166 pp, soft cover, 22 x 14 cm, with plates Edited and translated by Bernd Mattheus Private collection

Phil Andros (American, 1909-93) Below the Belt & Other Stories Alyson Publications, Boston 1992 132 pp, soft cover, 21.5 x 14 cm

Apollinaire chez lui Galerie Apollinaire, London 1947 Unpaginated, soft cover, 28 x 22.5 cm With a portrait of the author by Pablo Picasso, a foreword by André Billy and an English translation by Apollinaire's "La Jolie Rousse"

Private collection

Private collection

Nairy Baghramian (Iranian, 1971) Slip of the Tongue, 2014 Concrete, epoxy resin, rubber, styrofoam, paint Ca. 42 x 24 x 28 cm Courtesy of the Artist and Galerie Daniel Buchholz

Private collection


Private collection

The Royal Library, The Portman Collection

Private collection

H. C. Andersen (Danish, 1805-75) Two pierrots on swans Papercut 5 x 7 cm

Apollinaire Editions de L’esprit Nouveau, Paris, 1924 soft cover, 26 x 17 cm, with plates Contains contributions by Roch Grey, Andre Salmon, Celine Arnauld, Paul Dermee, Francis Picabia, Pierre Albert-Birot, Henri Hertz, Ivan Goll, M. Marinetti, Alberto Savinio, facsimile of the manuscript "LaPlante", letters and drawings by Picasso, Marcoussis and others

Julie Ault (American, 1957-) / Heinz Peter Knes (German, 1969-) / Danh Vo (Danish, 1975-) / Martin Wong (American, 1946-99) IMUUR2 Galerie Buchholz, Cologne 2013 Unpaginated, soft cover, 23 x 18 cm, with numerous plates With an essay by Julie Ault

Antonin Artaud (French, 1896-1948) Van Gogh. Le suicidé de la société K. Editeur, Paris 1947. 1. Edition 72 pp, soft cover, 16.5 x 13.5 cm, with plates Edition 1 of 630 copies Private collection

Herman Bang Cardboard cut-out ca. 160 x 120 cm Private collection

Lutz Bacher (American, 1952-) Horse Painting, 2010 Acrylic on canvas 91.44 x 127 cm Private collection

Herman Bang (Danish, 1857-1912) Haabløse Slægter J. H. Schubothes, Copenhagen 1880 602 pp, leather bound, gilt edging, slipcase, 17 x 11.5 cm Private collection

Julie Ault (American, 1957-) Come Alive! The Spirited Art of Sister Corita Four Corners, London 2007 128 pp, soft cover, 28.5 x 24.5 cm, with numerous plates Private collection

Lutz Bacher (American, 1952-) Horse/Shadow, 2010-12 Plywood, paint, ribbon, horsehair tail, rotating pedestal with motor 198 x 91 x 76 cm Unique Private collection

Herman Bang (Danish, 1857-1912) Mikaël Gyldendalske, Copenhagen 1904 380 pp, leather bound, 18.5 x 13.5 cm Private collection

Herman Bang (Danish, 1857-1912) Exzentrische Novellen S. Fischer, Berlin 1905 332 pp, cloth bound, 20 x 15 cm With illustrations and double title by Marcus Behmer and an inital by A. D. Karolis Private collection

Charles Baudelaire (French, 1821-67) Blumen des Bösen Insel, Leipzig 1907 160 pp, hard cover, 19.5 x 14 cm Edition 22/850, with illustrations by H. Wilhelm Wulff, translated into German by Graf Wolf von Kalckreuth

Marcus Behmer (German, 1879-1958) Goldhündchen, 1912 Lithograph 30 x 21 cm

Leo Bersani (American, 1931-) Homos Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1995 208 pp, clothbound, dust jacket

Gregg Bordowitz (American, 1962-) Fast Trip, Long Drop, 1993 Colour video with sound 54:04 min. Courtesy of the Artist and Video Data Bank, School

Private collection

Private collection

of the Art Institute of Chicago

Marcel Broodthaers (Belgian, 1924-76) La souris écrit rat, 1974 Lithograph 76 x 57 cm Edition 116 of 150, signed Private collection

Private collection

Letters by Herman Bang Private collection

Cecil Beaton (English, 1904-80) My Fair Lady Weidenfeld and Nicolson, New York 1964 130 pp, soft cover, 21.5 x 14 cm, with numerous plates

Marcus Behmer (German, 1879-1958) Goldhündchen, 1912 Etching 8.3 x 16.4 cm Private collection

Forrest Bess. Seeing Things Invisible Edited by Clare Elliott Menil Foundation, Houston 2013 112 pp, hard cover, 27.5 x 25 cm, with numerous plates With a contribution by Robert Gober Private collection

André Breton (French 1896-1966) Young Cherry Trees Secured against Hares View Editions, New York 1946 Unpaginated, hard cover, dust jacket by Marcel Duchamp, 24 x 16 cm Translated by Edouard Roditi and drawings by Arshile Gorky

Marcel Broodthaers (Belgian, 1924-76) Racisme Vegetal. La Seance in: Interfunktionen No.11, Cologne 1974 Unpaginated, soft cover, 29.5 x 21 cm, with numerous plates

Private collection

Private collection

Marcel Broodthaers (Belgian, 1924-76) Interview with a Cat Audio-CD, Marian Goodman Gallery, New York 1995

William S. Burroughs (American, 1914-97) Nova Trilogy: The Soft Machine, Nova Express, The Wild Boys Grove press, New York 1980 548 pp, soft cover, 21 x13.5 cm Cover illustrated: hands Up, Gilbert and George

Private collection

Roland Barthes (French, 1915-80) Empire Of Signs Translated by Richard Howard Hill and Wang, New York 1982 110 pp, soft cover, 21 x 14 cm Private collection

Charles Baudelaire (French, 1821-67) Charles Baudelaire, Sa Vie es son Oeuvre Edited by Charles Asselineau Alfonse Lemerre, Paris 1869 112 pp, soft cover, 19 x 12.5 cm With five etchings, two after Edouard Manet and one after Gustave Courbet Private collection

Marcus Behmer (German, 1879-1958) Niemand kann wieder sein Schicksal, 1905 Colour lithograph on paper 44.5 x 33,5 cm

Marcus Behmer (German, 1879-1958) Allegorie, 1924 Etching 30.8 x 19.7 cm Private collection

Gerry Bibby (Australian, 1977-) The Drumhead Avt IV. Tectonic Mnemonic, 2014 Plywood boards, posters, books Courtesy of the Artist and Siberkuppe, Berlin

Private collection

Private collection

Marcus Behmer (German, 1879-1958) Heiligenholz. Gegenüber durchs Fenster, beschneites Scheunendach, 2 kämpfende Vögel am Futterhäuschen vor dem Fenster im Winter, 1935 Pencil and watercolour on paper 25.5 x 19 cm Private collection

Private collection

Marcus Behmer (German, 1879-1958) Das Zellenfenster in Stochach (Riffelglas und die Taube auf dem Dache), n.d. Watercolour 19.5 x 19 cm Private collection

Cosima von Bonin (German, 1962-) Untitled, 1993 Chalk, bird droppings, tape on cardboard 53 x 53 cm Private collection

Marcel Broodthaers (Belgian, 1924-76) Tractatus Logico. Catalogicus - Art or the Art of Selling, 1972 Screenprint on paper 60.6 x 146.4 cm Edition of 100 Private collection

Michael Buthe (German 1944-94) In: Ingrid Oppenheim: Highlights. Rückblick Oppenheim Studio Köln 1973 - 1979 Städtisches Kunstmuseum, Bonn 1981 105 pp, spiral bound, 33 x 24 cm, with numerous plates Private collection


Claude Cahun (French, 1894-1954) Aveux non Avenus Éditions du Carrefour, Paris 1930 242 pp, soft cover, slipcase With photoengravings of photo compositions by Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore. With a foreword by Pierre Mac Orlan, Edition 157

Leidy Churchman (American, 1979-) Here, 2011 Oil on canvas 80 x 60 cm

Tony Conrad (American, 1940-) Dollar Bill, 2001 Frame, US Dollar bill, tape 23 x 17,5 x 2 cm

Courtesy of the Artist and Silberkuppe, Berlin

Private collection

Arthur C. Clarke (British, 1917-2008) 2061: Odyssey 3 Del Rey Book, New York 1988 172 pp, soft cover 17.5 x 11 cm

Tony Conrad (American, 1940-) Framed Red Fiber Stock, 2001 Frame, paper, tape 23 x 17,5 x 2 cm Private collection

Private collection

Truman Capote (American, 1924-84) Die Musen sprechen Limes, Wiesbaden 1961 176 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket by Hannes Jähn, 20 x 12.5 cm

Private collection

Anders Clausen (Danish, 1978-) Untitled (head), 2014 Plaster, wood, paint
 Ca. 164 x 23 x 23 cm

Private collection

Courtesy of the Artist

Jean Cocteau (French, 1889-1963) Dessins Librairie Stock Delamain, Paris 1924 Unpaginated, cloth bound, 27.5 x 21 cm, with numerous plates

Baron Corvo, Frederick Rolfe (English, 1860-1913) & Andy Warhol (American, 1928-87) The Desire and Pursuit of the Whole. A Romance of Modern Venice New Directions, New York 1953 300 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket by Andy Warhol, 21 x 13 cm With an introduction by A.J.A. Symons and a foreword by W. H. Auden Private collection

Private collection

Jay Chung (American, 1976-) / Q Takeki Maeda (Japanese, 1977-) Untitled, 2009 Wood, glass 183 x 64 x 46 cm Private collection

Private collection

Enrico David (Italian, 1966-) The Counterfeiters, 2007 Gouache, pencil on paper 37.7 x 37.7 cm

Samuel R. Delany (American, 1942-) The Jewels Of Aptor Ace Books, 1972 159 pp, soft cover, 18 x 11 cm

Private collection

Private collection

Enrico David (Italian, 1966-) Untitled, n.d Pencil on paper 24.6 x 17.1 cm

Gilles Deleuze (French, 1925-95) / Félix Guattari (French, 1930-92) Rhizom Merve Verlag, Berlin 1977 64 pp, soft cover, 17 x 12.5 cm

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

George Chauncey (American, 1954-) Gay New York. Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1890 – 1940 Basic Books, New York 1994 478 pp, soft cover, 23 x 15.5 cm, with plates

René Crevel (French, 1900-35) /Max Ernst (German, 1891-1976) Mr. Knife Miss Fork Walter König, Köln 2007 46 pp, cloth bound, hard cover slipcase 18 x 12 cm With soft cover booklet and translation from French to Germany by Charlotte Jenny, with illustrations by Max Ernst, edition 123 of 300

Patrick Cowley (American, 1950-82) School Daze, 2013 LP Record, vinyl Dark Entries Records

Douglas Crimp (American, 1944-) AIDS. Cultural Analysis. Cultural Activism MIT Press, Cambridge 1996 176 pp, soft cover, 23 x 17.5 cm Private collection


Dangerous Visions 33 original Stories edited by Harlan Ellison Doubleday & Company, New York 1976 544 pp, hard cover, 21.5 x 14.5 cm

Samuel Delaney (American, 1942-) The Einstein Intersection Sphere Science Fiction, 1970 159 pp, soft cover, 18 x 11 cm

Private collection

Private collection

Hanne Darboven (German, 1941-) Opus 17A Audio-CD, 70’, DIA Center for the Arts, New York 1997 Private collection

Charles Demuth (American, 1883-1935) The Museum of Modern Art, New York 1950 96 pp, soft cover, 25 x 19 cm, with numerous plates With a text by Marcel Duchamp Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Tony Conrad (American, 1940-) Grommet Horn, 1970 Plastic bottle, rubber grommets 10.1 x 10.1 x 17.8 cm

Guy-Ernest Debord (French, 1931-94) /Asger Jorn (Danish, 1914-73) Mémoires. Structures Portantes d'Asger Jorn Permild & Rosengreen, Copenhagen 1959 soft cover, 28 x 21 cm, with numerous illustrations Edited by the Situationist International, book design by Jorn, text by Debord

Liz Deschenes (American, 1966-) photograph # 6, 2004 Silver-toned gelatin silver photogram 51 x 40.5 cm (framed) Courtesy of the Artist and Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York

Thomas Disch (American, 1940-2008) On Wings of Song Magnum Books, London 1981 315 pp, soft cover 18 x 11 cm Private collection

Tableau bon levain a vous de cuire la pate. L’ art Brut de Jean Dubuffet Edited by Georges Limbour Pierre Matisse, New York 1953 104 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket, 25 x 20 cm With numerous plates and mounted colour plates Private collection

View. The Modern Magazine. Marcel Duchamp Number, Series V, No. 1 View, New York 1945 53 pp, soft cover, 30.5 x 23.5 cm, with numerous plates With pull-out plate, designed by Marcel Duchamp. With texts by Charles Henri Ford, Andre Breton, James Thrall Soby, Gabrielle Buffet, Robert Desnos, Harriet & Sidney Janis, Nicolas Calas, Frederick J. Kiesler and Barry Ulanov

Max Ernst (German, 1891-1976) Une Semaine de Bonté ou Les Sept Éléments Capitaux Éditions Jeanne Bucher, Paris 1934 5 volumes, unpaginated, soft cover, slipcase, 28 x 22 cm, with numerous illustrations by Max Ernst Edition 578 of 800


Vincent Fecteau (American, 1969-) Untitled, 2006 Papier maché 27 x 78 x 43 cm Cerith Wyn Evans (Welsh, 1958-) The Return of the Return of the Durutti Column, 1997 Phosphorescent print on primed tablet, 108 x 123 cm

Private collection

Heike Föll (German, 1967-) Typoscript n° 18, 2014 5 DIN-A-4- pages, printed on Bristol Drawing Board, ink

Private collection

Private collection

Charles Henri Ford (American, 1908/1913-2002) Poem Poster from Mexico City exhibition, ca. 1964 Silk screen print 104 x 77 cm Private collection

Courtesy of the Artist and Mathew, Berlin

Private collection

Cerith Wyn Evans (Welsh, 1958-) Untitled, 2010 Collage 41.2 x 33.6 x 2.8 cm (framed)


Courtesy of the Artists

Charles Henri Ford (American, 1908/1913-2002) Collage from trip to Spain with Pavel Tchelitchew and Cecil Beaton, 1934 Collage 27 x 19 cm

Hubert Fichte & Jean Genet Rimbaud, Aachen, 1992 64 pp, soft cover, 21.5 x 21.5 cm With photographies by Leonore Mau

Private collection

Marcel Duchamp A Retrospective Exhibition Pasadena Art Museum, Pasadena 1963 Unpaginated, dust jacket, soft cover, 27.5 x 21.5 cm, with numerous plates With an introduction by Walter Hopps, one of 2000 copies

Private collection

Private collection

Michael Elmgreen (Danish, 1961-) & Ingar Dragset (Norwegian, 1969-) Twelve Hours of White Paint / Powerless Structures, Fig. 15, 1997 Slide projection Performance documentation

Ronald Firbank (British, 1886-1926) / Andy Warhol (American, 1928-87) Three Novels. Vainglory. Inclinations. Caprice New Directions, New York ca. 1953 426 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket by Andy Warhol, 22.5 x 14 cm With an introduction by Ernest Jones Private collection

Malmö Konstmuseum, MM 7156

La Vache Au Pré Noir De Jean Dubuffet. Lettre d’un imprimeur a un peintre at la résponse que celui-ci y fit. Edited by Louis Barnier College de Pataphysique, Paris 1962 2 soft cover booklets and loose plates in an envelope, 28.5 x 23.5 cm

Courtesy of the Artist and Galerie Buchholz

Private collection

Private collection

Lukas Duwenhögger (German, 1956-) Probleema, 1995 Wooden house on castors Wood, glass, metal, photo canvas, five paintings 300 x 400 x 300 cm

Loretta Fahrenholz (German, 1981-) Implosion, 2011 Video, 30 min.

Hubert Fichte (German, 1935-86) Paraleipomena. Lil`s Book. Die Geschichte der Empfindlichkeit S.Fischer, 1991 255 pp, hard cover, cloth bound, 21.5 x 13 cm

Charles Henri Ford (American, 1908/1913-2002) Collage from trip to Spain with Pavel Tchelitchew and Cecil Beaton, 1934 Collage 19 x 27 cm

Charles Henry Ford (American, 1908/1913-2002) (Editor) View, No. 4, Americana Fantastica, January 1943 56 pp, soft cover, 26 x 18.5 cm, with numerous plates With a cover by Joseph Cornell

Private collection

Private collection

Charles Henri Ford (American, 1908/1913-2002) Collage from trip to Spain with Pavel Tchelitchew and Cecil Beaton, 1934 Collage 19 x 27 cm

Charles Henry Ford (American, 1908/1913-2002) ABC’s Press of James A. Decker, Prairie Cities 1940 Unpaginated, soft cover, dust jacket by Joseph Cornell, 26 x 19.5 cm Signed by Charles Henry Ford

Private collection

The Fall (English band, 1976-) I am Kuridust jackets Oranj Record, 12“, Rebell Records 1988 Private collection

W.C. Fields (American 1880 - 1946) The Fatal Glass of Beer, 1933 Film (B & W), 18:17 min. Directed by Clyde Bruckman, produced by Mack Sennett Paramount Pictures

Private collection

Private collection

Charles Henry Ford (American, 1908/1913-2002) Silver Flower Coo Kulchur Press, New York 1968 Unpaginated, soft cover, dust jacket (portraits of Warhol’s Factory) 25.5 x 19 cm, with numerous plates Signed by Charles Henry Ford, with a dedication by Charles Henry Ford’s sister

Charles Henry Ford (American, 1908/1913-2002) / Parker Tyler (American, 1904-74) The Young and Evil Gay Press, New York 1988 216 pp, soft cover, 22.5 x 15.5 cm With an introduction by Steve Watson and illustrations by Pavel Tchelitchew, with leporello

Michel Foucault (French,1926-84) Death and The Labyrinth. The World of Raymond Roussel Doubleday Books, 1986 186 pp, hardback Private collection

Paul Gauguin (French, 1848-1903) Noanoa. Voyage de Tahiti Facsimile Marées-Gesellschaft, Berlin, no date Unpaginated, soft cover, 34 x 26 cm Private collection

Jean Genet (French, 1910-86) Journal du Voleur Aux dépens d’un amis, Genève 1949 First Edition 312 pp, soft cover, slipcase 29 x 19.5 cm Signed by Jean Genet

Jean Genet (French, 1910-86) Trois Visages et deux Oiseaux Doublesided drawing, indian ink, pen, wash 29 x 37 cm Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Charles Henry Ford (American, 1908/1913-2002) / Parker Tyler (American, 1904-74) The Young and Evil Obelisk Press, Paris 1933 216 pp, soft cover, dust jacket 19.5 x 14.5 cm Private collection

Charles Henry Ford (American, 1908/1913-2002) / Parker Tyler (American, 1904-74) The Young and Evil Obelisk Press, Paris 1933 215 pp, soft cover, dust jacket, 20 x 14.5 cm Signed by Charles Henry Ford, with six original gouaches by Pawel Techlitchew

Lecreux Frères, Paris Sketch of a unrealized tombstone for Raymond Roussel at Père-Lachaise cemetery, ca. 1932 Watercolour 63 x 52.5 cm (framed) Private collection


E. Jane Gay (American, 1830-1919) With the Nez Perces: Alice Fletcher in the Field, 1889-92 University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, USA, 1981 Edited, with an Introduction by Frederick E. Hoxie and Joan T. Mark Softcover, 188 pp, 1. Edition 20 x 13.5 cm

Charles Henry Ford (American, 1908/1913-2002) / Parker Tyler (American, 1904-74) The Young and Evil Obelisk Press, Paris 1960 186 pp, soft cover, dust jacket 17.5 x 11 cm Private collection

Charles Henry Ford (American, 1908/1913-2002) (Editor) The Mirror of Baudelaire New Directions, New York 1942 Unpaginated, hard cover, dust jacket with a drawing by Henri Matisse, 22.5 x 15 cm With a foreword by Paul Eluard Private collection

General Idea (Canadian conceptual artists, 1968-94) File Megazine (1972-89) jrp ringier, Zürich 2008 Edited by Beatrix Ruf 2024 pp, softcover volumes under cloth binding boxset 30.5 x 24 x 15 cm

Jean Genet (French, 1910-86) May Day Speech City Lights Books, San Francisco 1970 28 pp, soft cover, 20 x 14 cm With an introduction by Allen Ginsberg

Private collection

Jean Genet (French, 1910-86) Divine Perfume Perfume bottle, ca 13 x 4 x 4 cm 2 offsets on paper 28.5 x 21 cm Private collection

André Gide (French, 1869-1951) Les Faux-Monnayeurs Gallimard, Paris 1925 504 pp, soft cover, 18.5 x 12 cm No. 176/1200 Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Paul Gauguin (French, 1848-1903) Noanoa. Voyage de Tahiti Marées-Gesellschaft, Berlin, no date Unpaginated, hard cover, cloth bound, dust jacket, slip case, 32 x 25 cm With a facsimile

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Galerie Krise Statens Museum for Krise, 2014 Courtesy of the Artists

Jean Genet (French, 1910-86) Notre Dames De Fleurs Merlin, Hamburg 1960 276 pp, cloth bound., dust jacket, 21 x 15 cm

Isa Genzken (German, 1948-) Invitation card "Wind" (Michael Jackson), 2009 Collage, c-print and felt pen on cardboard 30 x 41 cm

Jean Genet (French, 1910-86) L’enfant Criminel et Madame Minoir Paul Morihien, Paris 1949 54 pp, soft cover, 19 x 14.5 cm The cover shows a photograph of the young Genet at the jail of Mettray. Private collection

André Gide (French, 1869-1951) L’immoraliste Mercure de France, Paris 1942 172 pp, soft cover, 19.5 x 13 cm Private collection


André Gide (French, 1869-1951) Oscar Wilde in memoriam (Souvenirs): Le "De Profundis" Mercure de France, Paris 1910 Private collection

Robert Gober (American, 1954-) The Meat Wagon Menil Foundation, Houston 2006 108 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket 26 x 23 cm Private collection

J. J. Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gérard) (French, 1803-47) Un Autre Monde Fournier, Paris 1844 296 pp, half leather, 26.5 x 20 cm With wood engraving frontispiece, 36 coloured wood engraving plates and numerous text wood engravings after Grandville

David Hammons (American, 1943-) The Holy Bible, leather bound Testament Hand/Eye Projects, London 2002 1002 pp, leather bound, slipcase, 30 x 24 cm Edition 127 of 165, signed by David Hammonds

Richard Hawkins (American, 1961-) First Appearance of the Ancestor Spirit, Medicine Man Clarence 'Beave Butcher' Hawkins (1760’s), 2003 Acrylic and oil on canvas 30 x 40 cm

Manfred Hermes (German) Ull Hohn Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin 1995 58 pp, soft cover, 24 x 21 cm, with numerous plates Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Cornelius Norbertus Gijsbrechts (Flemish, after 1675) Trompe l'oeil. The Reverse of a Framed Painting, 1668-1672 Oil on canvas 66.4 x 87 cm

Julian Göthe (German, 1966-) Untitled, 2003 B/W-xerox, framed 42 x 30 cm Private collection

Statens Museum for Kunst, KMS1989

Glenn Greenwald (American 1967-) No Place to Hide Metropolitan Books, New York 2014 272 pp., hardcover, 15,5 x 23,5 cm Private collection

Donna Haraway (American, 1944-) The Companion Species Manifesto. Dogs, People, And Significant Otherness Prickly Paradigm Press, Chicago 2003 100 pp, softcover, 11 x 18 cm

Richard Hawkins (American, 1961-) Untitled, 2004 Collage (graphite, magazine photo, oil on board) 28 x 35.5 cm

David Higgs Queer Sites: Gay Urban Histories Since 1600 Routledge, London & New York 1999 224 pp, soft cover, 23.1 x 15.5 cm Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Gilbert & George (British, 1943- & 1942-) Bloody Life no 1, 1975 Photograhy. Work in 16 parts 247 x 206 cm

Julian Göthe (German, 1966-) Untitled, 2003 B/W-xerox, framed 42 x 30 cm Private collection

Statens Museum for Kunst, KMS7655

Robert Gober (American, 1954-) Heat Waves in a Swamp. The Painting of Charles Burchfield Hammer Museum, Los Angeles 2010 182 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket 28 x 24.5 cm Curated by Robert Gober Private collection

Julian Göthe (German, 1966-) (for Motherland), 2009 Record cover 31 x 31 cm Photo: Ben Clark, Make-up: Heike Föll, Digital editing: Susanne Riedel Private collection

Masist Gül (Turkish, 1947-2003) Bent Artist’s Books from Turkey 001. Kaldirim Destani – Kaldirimlar Kurdunun Hayati 1–6. Pavement Myth – The Life of the Pavement's Wolf 1-6 BAS, Istanbul 2006 6 booklets, unpaginated, soft cover, 24 x 16.5 cm, with numerous plates Edited by Banu Cennetoglu, Philippine Hoegen

K8 Hardy (American, 1977-) Duff Libber, 2014 Wood, paint, metal bracelet 188 x 77 x 53 cm

Richard Hawkins (American, 1961-) Tamotsu Yato 2001 Printout, unpaginated, spiral bound, 30 x 21 cm

Patricia Highsmith (American, 1921-95) The Boy Who Followed Ripley Lippincott & Crowell, New York 1980 291 pp, hard cover, cloth bound, 24 x16 cm Private collection

Private collection

Courtesy of the Artist and Karma International, Zurich

Private collection

Richard Hawkins (American, 1961-) Untitled, 2004 Collage (magazine photo, oil on paper, painted on both sides) 28 x 35.5 cm Private collection

Henriette Heise (Danish, 1966-) Tv-video, 1997 Video, no sound, 48 min. Courtesy of the Artist

Carl Fredrik Hill (Swedish, 1849-1911) Untitled (Palace Interior with Tigers), nd Ink on cartridge paper 56 x 66 cm (75 x 83 cm) Malmö Konstmuseum, MM 19427

David Hockney (English, 1937-) Soldiers, for Ubu Roi, ca. 1966 Crayon and pencil on paper 36.8 x 31 cm Private collection

Andrew Hodges (English, 1949-) Alan Turing: The Enigma Vintage Books, London 1992 586 pp, soft cover, 19.7 x 12.9 cm Private Collection

Judith Hopf (German, 1969-) (Schaf 4), 2013 Concrete, styrofoam, armoring iron, charcoal drawing 63.5 x 38.5 x 51.1 cm Courtesy of the Artist and Deborah Schamoni, Munich

Joris-Karl Huysmans (French, 1848-1907) A Rebours La Bonne Compagne, Paris 1955 222 pp, half leather, 20 x 14.5 cm Edition 204 of an unknown number of copies, with a foreword by the author

Gary Indiana (American, 1950-) The Shanghai Gesture Two Dollar Radio, Minneapolis 2009 207 pp., soft cover, 19 x 13 cm Cover by Barbara Kruger Private collection

Private collection

Alfred Jarry (French, 1873-1907) César Antéchrist Mercure de France, Paris 1895 First Edition 146 pp, leather bound, 14.5 x 12 cm One of 206 numbered copies, with nine woodcart plates, five small woodcart vignettes and woodcart printer’s mark Private collection

Guy Hocquenghem (French, 1946–88) Homosexual Desire, 1972 Duke University Press, 1993 Introduction by Michael Moon, Preface by Jeffrey Weeks Paperback, 160 pp

Hannah Hoech (German, 1889-1978) Toilette, 1964 Collage 29.5 x 39.5 cm Private collection

Private collection

I Judith Hopf (German, 1969-) (Schaf 7), 2013 Concrete, armoring iron, styrofoam, wood, charcoal drawing 55.5 x 28.5 x 37 cm Courtesy of the Artist and Deborah Schamoni, Munich

Guy Hocquenghem (French, 1946–88) The Screwball Asses Semiotext(e) / Intervention Series, Los Angeles, 2010 Original work published in Recherches no 12, March 1973 Paperback, 88 pp

Hannah Hoech (German, 1889-1978) Untitled, ca. 1948 Collage 24.5 x 34 cm Private collection

Anne Imhof (German, 1978-) Was tun Freund?, 2013 Pencil, marker on paper 29.5 x 42 cm

Harry Jacobsen (Danish, 1895-1975) Herman Bang. Resignationens Digter Hagerup, Copenhagen 1957 214 pp, soft cover, 20.5 x 13.5 cm, with plates Private collection

Courtesy of the Artist and Deborah Schamoni, Munich

Alice Horodisch-Garnmann, after Marcus Behmer (Dutch, 1905-84) Das Schul-Heft I und II 2 vol, Amsterdam 1980 Ink on transparent paper 21.1 x 16.3 cm Private collection

Private collection

Ull Hohn (German, 1960-95) Ohne Titel, 1994 Oil on canvas 112 x 91 cm

Anne Imhof (German, 1978-) Aluminium, Silver, Gold, 2013 Ink, blood on paper 29.5 x 42 cm, framed 42 x 51cm

Harry Jacobsen (Danish, 1895-1975) Den unge Herman Bang Hagerup, Copenhagen 1954 174 pp, soft cover, 20.5 x 14 cm, with plates

Alfred Jarry (French, 1873-1907) / Claude Terasse (French 1867-1923) Ubu Roi. Texte et Musique. Fac simile autobiographique Mercure de France, Paris 1897 1. Edition 175 pp, soft cover, hard cover, 19 x 12.5 cm, with gilt edge With drawings by Alfred Jarry, notes by Claude Terasse and a personal dedication by Alfred Jarry for Eduard Diaz on the flyleaf Private collection

Private collection

Sergej Jensen (Danish, 1973- ) Untitled, n.d. Felt pen on paper 31 x 28 cm

Courtesy of the Artist and Deborah Schamoni, Munich

Private collection

Private collection

Guy Hocquenghem (French, 1946-88) Race d'Ep! Un siècle d'images de l'homosexualité Édition Libres/Halier, Paris 1979 192 pp, soft cover, 24 x 15.5 cm Private collection

Karl Holmqvist I am With You in Rockland, 2005 Video, 25 min. Courtesy the Artist and Galerie NEU, Berlin

Peter Hujar (American, 1934-87) Portraits in Life and Death Da Capo, New York 1976 Unpaginated, soft cover 28 x 25.5 cm, with numerous plates With an introduction by Susan Sontag Private collection

Anne Imhof (German, 1978-) Drawing for SOTSB II, 2013 Marker, oil pastell on paper 30.5 x 22 cm, framed 35.5 x 27 cm Courtesy of the Artist and Deborah Schamoni, Munich

Alfred Jarry (French, 1873-1907) César-Antechrist; from L'Ymagier II, 1895 Lithograph 27.5 x 22 cm Private collection


Mike Kelley (American, 1954-2012) Reconstructed History Thea Westreich, New York / Gisela Capitain, Köln, 1990 Unpaginated, hard cover, dust jacket 31 x 23 cm, with plates Edition 39/250, signed by Mike Kelley

Pierre Klossowski (French, 1905-2001) Living Currency (La monnaie vivante), 1970/2013 96 pages, hardcover, 21 x 13.5 cm Reena Spaulings, New York 2013

Private collection

Lincoln Kirstein (American, 1907-96) Paul Cadmus Chameleon Kooks, New York 1996 144 pp, soft cover, 28 x 25 cm

Pierre Klossowski (French, 1903/1905-) Le Baphomet. Roman 1. Edition Mercure de France, Paris 1965 224 pp, soft cover, 18.5 x 12 cm Private collection

Private collection

Justus Köhncke (German, 1966-) Direct Metal Master Music, 2012 Sony PS-20FB, Sony XL-44MC Direct Drive Automatic Turntable, marantz console Stereo amplifier Model 1090, 2 quadral all-craft 150 Boxen, digital picture frame, Nano iPod turntable: 12.5 x 43.5 x 35 cm amplifier: 15.8 x 41.4 x 30 cm boxes: 60 x 33 x 27 cm digital frame: 20.2 x 16.2 cm edition Nr. 1 von 3 + 1 AP

Michael Krebber (German, 1954-) Außerirdische Zwitterwesen. Alien Hybrid Creatures König, Cologne 2005 184 pp, soft cover, 21 x 15 cm, with numerous plates With a book list by Oswald Wiener about Dandysme

Michael Krebber (German, 1954-) Au hasard Balthazar, 1989 Photograph 40 x 50 cm

Jochen Klein (German, 1967-97) Untitled, 1997 Oil on canvas 60.5 x 45.5 cm Private collection

Pierre Klossowski (French, 1903/1905-) Framed print, special edition that is part of: Pierre Klossowski / Pierre Zucca La Monnaie Vivante Eric Losfeld, Paris, 1970 framed: 29.5 x 23 cm Private collection

Michael Krebber (German, 1954-) Untitled, 1996 Felt pen on paper 21 x 14.5 cm, framed 38.5 x 32.2 cm

Private collection

Private collection

© the Artist and Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne

Lars Bang Larsen (Danish, 1972-) Organisationsformer Det Jyske Kunstakademi, 2009 64 pp, soft cover, 20.8 x 14.8 cm Private collection

Zoe Leonard (American, 1961-) Untitled, 1995 Silver gelatine print 17.7 x 13 cm Edition 6/10 © the Artist and Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne

Private collection

Statens Museum for Kunst, KMS7086

Pierre Klossowski (French, 1903/1905-) / Pierre Zucca (French, 1943-95) La Monnaie Vivante Eric Losfeld, Paris, 1970 Unpaginated, hard cover, dust jacket, 32 x 25 cm, with numerous plates Special edition with framed orignal photography

Private collection

Zoe Leonard (American, 1961-) Blonde, 1990/1994 Silver gelatine print 15 x 11.2 cm Edition 3/6

Private collection

Private collection

Arthur Köpcke (Danish, 1928-77) Silver Sculpture. Assemblage, 1961-62 Mixed media 108 x 76 x 90 cm

Lars Bang Larsen (Danish, 1972-) Kunst er norm Det Jyske Kunstakademi, 2008 32 pp, soft cover, 20.8 x 14.8 cm

Michael Krebber (German, 1954-) Respekt Frischlinge. Je suis la Chaise. London Condôm Galerie Buchholz, Cologne/Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris/Maureen Paley, London 2008 Unpaginated, soft cover, 18 x 13 cm, with numerous plates

An affectionate biography of Laurel & Hardy by John McCabe Signet, New York 1968 176 pp, soft cover, 18 x 10.5 cm, with numerous plates With a foreword by Dick Van Dyke

Madeleine Lemaire (French, 1845-1928) Portrait of Raymond Roussel, ca. 1885 Watercolour on paiting 39 x 31 cm Private collection

Heinz Peter Knes (German, 1969-) Ludwig, 2014 C-Print 35 x 45 cm, framed

Michael Krebber (German, 1954-) Untitled (#33), 2007 Acrylic and lacquer on canvas 105 x 75 cm

Cravate of Jacques Lacan

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection


Klara Liden (Swedish, 1979-) Untitled (Trashcan), 2013 68 x 42 x 30 cm

Lukian (Greek, ca. 120-180) Wahre Geschichten Manesse, Zurich 2000 94 pp, hard cover, 17.5 x 11 cm Private collection

George Platt Lynes (American, 1907-55) Portrait. The Photographs of George Platt Lynes. 1927-1955 Twin Palms Publishers, Santa Fe 1994 Unpaginated, cloth bound, dust jacket designed by Ruth Ford and Victor Kraft 36 x 28.5 cm, with numerous plates

Jeanne Mammen (German, 1890-1976) Transparentes Profil, nd (ca.1945/46) Oil and wire on cardboard 27.4 x 22 cm

Otto Meyer-Amden (Swiss, 1885-1933) Figur im Raum, ca. 1920 Colored pencil, pen and ink 14.8 x 10.7 cm

Ariane Müller (Austrian, 1964-) Handbuch für die Reise durch Afrika, 2013 Starship Verlag, 2013 208 pp, softcover, 19.7 x 13 x 2 cm

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection



Private collection


Stéphane Mallarmé (French, 1842-98) Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard Gallimard, Paris 1914 Unpaginated, soft cover 32.5 x 25 cm Private collection

Marsden Hartley and Nova Scotia Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery, Halifax 1987 184 pp, soft cover, dust jacket, 24 x 19 cm, with numerous plates Edited by Gerald Ferguson, with essays by Ronald Paulson and Gale R. Scott

Marianne Moore (American, 1887-1972) A Marianne Moore Reader Viking Press, New York 1961 301 pp, hard cover, dust jacket, 24 x 16 cm Private collection

Private collection

Courtesy of the Artist

Elie Nadelmann (American, 1882-1946) Untitled, n.d. Ink on paper 10.5 x 17 cm


Private collection

Henrik Olesen (Danish, 1967-) & Judith Hopf (German, 1969-) The Evil Faerie, 2007 Video, no sound, 1:10 min

Private collection

Ariane Müller (Austrian, 1964-) Gefälschte Bahnkarten, 1987-93 Mixed media on document 10 x 18 cm, 22 pieces Albert Mertz (Danish, 1920-90) Portrait Gallery, 1961 Oil on canvas 72.5 x 92.5 cm

Jean Painleve (French, 1902-89) Hippocampes Males Vintage print 11.3 x 8.1 cm (51 x 41 cm) Private collection

Statens Museum for Kunst, KMS8636

Hat of Marianne Moore

Henrik Olesen (Danish, 1967-) Untitled (HB, A), 2012 Computer collage on paper 48 x 22 cm, framed 52,5 x 37 cm

Pauline Oliveros (American, 1932-) Bye bye butterfly, 1965, 8'02" Deep Listening Publications Composers Recordings, Inc. 1977

Important Information Inside. The Art of John F. Peto and the Idea of Still-Life Painting in Nineteenth-Centrury America Edited by John Wilmerding National Gallery of Art, Washington 1983 270 pp, soft cover, 25 x 18 cm, with numerous plates

Private collection

Licensed courtesy of CRI

Private collection

Henrik Olesen (Danish, 1967-) Some Illustrations to the Life of Alan Turing, 2008 Photographs

Michael Oppitz (German, 1942-) Semiologie eines Bildmythos. Der Flipper Shangri-La Völkerkunde Museum Zürich, Zurich 2000 122 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket, 23 x 18.5 cm, with numerous plates

Jean Baptiste Pillement (French, 1728-1808) No publisher, no place, no year Unpaginated, hard cover, 35 x 28 cm, with numerous coloured lithographs, gouaches

Private collection

Jeanne Mammen (German, 1890-1976) Totem und Tabou, nd (ca. 1971) Oil and tinfoil on cardboard 73 x 59 cm

Courtesy of the Artist

Michael Oppitz (German, 1942-) Schamanen im Blinden Land Syndikat, Frankfurt am Main 1981 286 pp, soft cover, dust jacket 26.5 x 21 cm, with numerous plates

Henrik Olesen (Danish, 1967-) Chelsea Manning, 2014 Prints

Private collection

Lucy McKenzie (Scottish, 1977-) Quodlibet, 2010 Oil on canvas, metal, glass 60 x 81.5 x 62.5 cm

Henrik Olesen (Danish, 1967-) Abschied von den Eltern, 2003 A4-print of collage

Courtesy of the Artist

Statens Museum for Kunst, KMS6680

Ariane Müller (Austrian, 1964-) Hubert Fichte travelling library, 2010 Handbag, books, plaster Courtesy of the Artist

Courtesy of the Artist

Private collection

Private collection

Polysexuality Semiotext(e) no. 10, New York 1995 300 pp, soft cover 24,5 x 16,5 cm, with plates Edited by François Peraldi

Patrick Procktor (Irish, 1936-2003) Untitled, 1964 Pen on paper 36 x 25 cm Private collection

Private collection

Yvonne Rainer (American, 1934-) Feelings are Facts. A Life. MIT Press, Cambridge 2006 474 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket 23.5 x 18 cm Private collection

Sabine Reitmaier (German, 1974-) O.T., UNTITLED (MAUVE), 2008 C-print, Fujicolor ca type dp II, grey lacquered wood frame, UV-Plexiglas framed 32 x 21 cm Editon 5 + 2 AP Private collection

Raymond Roussel (French, 1877-1933) In Havanna. Als Kanevas gedachte Dokumente. Ein Romanfragment Translated, edited and with a foreword by Hanns Grössel, Qumran, Frankfurt am Main/Paris 1982 101 pp, soft cover, 20.7 x 12.8 cm

Raymond Roussel (French, 1877-1933) Locus Solus Lemerre, Paris 10. Edition 460 pp, soft cover, 18.5 x 12 cm Private collection

Private collection

Frans Post (Dutch, 1612-80) Landscape in Brazil with Sugar Plantation, 1660 Oil on canvas 87 x 113

Patrick Procktor (Irish, 1936-2003) Untitled, 1967 Pen and pencil on paper 36.5 x 25 cm Private collection

Statens Museum for Kunst, KMSsp491

Rolf Recknagel (German, 1918-2006) B. Traven. Beiträge zur Biografie Reclam, Leipzig 1982 472 pp, soft cover, 18 x 10.5 cm

La Revue du Touring-Club de France No. 381, Juli 1926 34 pp, soft cover 25.3 x 20.5 cm, with plates

Private collection

Private collection


Beatriz Preciado (Spanish, 1970-) Kontrasexuelles Manifest b_books, Berlin 2003 174 pp, soft cover, 18 x 14 cm German translation by Stephan Geene, Katja Diefenbach, Tara Herbst

Sun Ra (American, 1914-93) My Brother the wind, ca. 1970 Design for Record Sleeve, back 33 x 47 cm Private collection

Private collection

Odilon Redon (French, 1840-1916) Charles Baudelaire. Les Fleurs Du Mal. Interpétations par Odilon Redon Edmond Deman, Brussels 1891 Nine photoengravings in a hard cover sleeve, 22.5 x 60.5 cm With index, one of 50 copies

Mia Rosasco (Danish) Untitled (My Table) Poul Kjærholm table

© the Artist and Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne

Sun Ra (American, 1914-93) My Brother the wind, ca. 1970 Design for Record Sleeve, front 33 x 47 cm Private collection

Sabine Reitmaier (German, 1974-) Muave (01/2010), 2011 C-print, white lacquered wood frame 70 x 50 cm Editon 3 + 2 AP Private collection

Dieter Roth (German, 1930-98) 55 Schisse für Rosanna Edizioni Pari & Dispari, Cavriago 1982 loose sheets in slipcase 25.5 x 18 cm With colour copies of Polaroids, mounted. Edition 9 of 16, signed and dated by Dieter Roth Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Courtesy of the Artist

Private collection

Stephen Prina (American, 1954-) Untitled Exquisite Corpse: The Complete Paintings of Manet, 259 of 556 Portrait de Stephane Mallarmé (Portait of Stephane Mallarmé) 1876 Jeu de Paume, Louvre, Paris, 2013 black cord, 8 nails with golden head 2 Panels 27.5 x 36 cm, 66 x 83 cm

Raymond Roussel (French, 1877-1933) Comment j’ai écrit certains de mes livres Lemerre, Paris 1935 First Edition 445 pp, soft cover 17.5 x 11.5 cm, with portrait plate

Bizarre. Deuxième Trimestre 1964 No. 34-35 Raymond Roussel. Numéro Spécial Edited by Jean Ferry Paris, Bizarre, 1964 159 pp, soft cover, 27 x 19.5 cm, with numerous plates

Raymond Roussel (French, 1877-1933) Impressions d’Afrique Lemerre, Paris 1925 455 pp, soft cover, 18.5 x 12 cm

Re-Establishing Raymond Roussel. By John Ashberry Portfolio and Art News Annual, No. 6 Autumn 1962 125 pp, cloth bound, 31.5 x 23.5 cm, with numerous plates Private collection

Private collection

Raymond Roussel (French, 1877-1933) Nouvelles Impressions d’Afrique Lemerre, Paris 1932 316 pp, soft cover, 19.5 x 14 cm Private collection

Johanna Russ (American, 1937-2011) Picnic on Paradise A Star Book, London 1976 157 pp, soft cover, 18 x 11 cm Private collection

Johanna Russ (American, 1937-2011) We Who Are About... Dell Book, 1978 170 pp, soft cover, 17.5 x 11 cm Private collection

Sagitta (John Henry Mackay) (British-German, 1864-1933) Der Puppenjunge. Die Geschichte einer Namenlosen Liebe aus der Friedrichstrasse private press, no place 1926 368 pp, cloth bound, slipcase, 16.5 x 11.5 cm Edition 229 of an unknown number of copies

Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (American 1950-2009) Touching Feeling. Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity. Duke University Press, Durham/London 2003 192 pp, soft cover, 23 x 15.5 cm

Cordwainer Smith (American, 1913-66) Ballad of Lost Cmell Original Galaxy Magazine October 1962 194 pp, soft cover, 19 x 14 cm

Jack Smith (American, 1932-89) Untitled, n.d. Pastel on paper 35 x 28 cm Private collection

Olaf Stapledon (British, 1886-1950) Sirius. A Fantasy Of Love and Discord Penguin Books, New York 1999 188 pp, soft cover, 18 x 11.5 cm Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Johanna Russ (American, 1937-2011) The Two Of Them Berkley Books, 1978 181 pp, soft cover, 17.5 x 10.5 cm Private collection

Nora Schultz (German, 1975-) Tripod I, 2013 Steel, foam Dimensions variable Unique

Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (American 1950-2009) The Weather in Proust. Edited by Jonathan Goldberg. Duke University Press, Durham/London 2011 224 pp, soft cover, 23.5 x 15 cm

Jack Smith (American, 1932-89) The Beautiful Book The Dead Language, New York 1962 Unpaginated, soft cover, 22.2 x 19.2 cm

Private collection


Kurt Schwitters (German, 1887-1948) Städtische Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Dusseldorf 1971 Unpaginated, soft cover, dust jacket, 29 x 24 cm, with numerous plates

Private collection

Private collection

Gertrude Stein (American, 1876-1946) Autobiographie von Alice B. Toklas Gustav Kiepenheuer Bücherei, Leipzig und Weimar 1986 304 pp, hard cover, cloth bound, 20 x 12.5 cm Private collection

Private collection

Courtesy of the Artist and Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi

Arthur Russel (American, 1951-92) The Sleeping Bag Sessions Compiled and Executive produced by DJ Cerock IHS Sleeping Bag Records, 1981-1986 re issue 2009

Jack Smith (American, 1932-89) Untitled, 1969-70 Pencil on paper 27.7 x 21.3 cm

Heji Shin (South Korean, 1976- ) Untitled, Margit Carstensen I, 2014 Untitled, Margit Carstensen II, 2014 Photographic print 48 x 33 cm each

Jack Smith (American, 1932-89) The Beautiful Book Granary Books, New York 2001 Unpaginated, soft cover 22.7 x 19.2 cm Loose sheets with mounted photographies

The Société Anonyme and the Dreier Bequest at Yale University. A Catalogue Raisonné. Edited by Robert L. Herbert, Eleanor S. Apter and Elise K. Kenney. Yale University Press, New Haven 1984 792 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket 31 x 23.5 cm, with numerous plates Private collection

Private collection

Gertrude Stein (American, 1876-1946) Jedermanns Autobiographie Bibliothek Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1986 352 pp, hard cover, 18.5 x 12 cm Private collection

Courtesy of the Artist

Private collection

Sagitta (John Henry Mackay) (British-German, 1864-1933) Sagitta’s Buecher der Namenlosen Liebe V. Am Rande des Lebens. Gedichte der Namenlosen Liebe Bernhard Zack, Berlin 1909 64 pp, soft cover, 21 x 17 cm Edition 93 of an unknown number of copies Private collection

Judith Scott (American, 1943-2005) Untitled, 2003 Mixed media: Found objects, plastic, wire, yarn 45.8 x 58.4 x 22.9 cm Courtesy of Creative Growth Art Centre, JS 56

The Best Of Cordwainer Smith Edited by J.J. Pierce Ballantine Books, 1975 377 pp., soft cover, 18 x 11 cm Private collection

Jack Smith (American, 1932-89) The Memoirs of Maria Montez or Wait for me at the Bottom of the Pool in: Film Culture, Nr. 31, Winter 1931-64, pp 3-4 Private collection

Philippe Sollers (French, 1936-) L’oeil de Proust. Les Dessins de Marcel Proust Gallimard, Paris 1999 158 pp, soft cover 27.5 x 21 cm, with numerous plates Private collection

The Films of Josef von Sternberg. Edited by Andrew Sarris. The Museum of Modern Art, New York 1966 58 pp, soft cover, dust jacket, 23.5 x 20.5 cm, with numerous plates Private collection

Florine Stettheimer Museum of Modern Art, New York 1946 56 pp, hard cover, dust jacket 26.5 x 19.5 cm With a foreword by Marcel Duchamp

Josef Strau (Austrian, 1957-) Nazis of Suburbia, 1998 B/W-photography, worked over 44.5 x 30 cm Private collection

Theodore Sturgeon (American, 1918-85) Venus Plus X Sphere Books, 1969 160 pp, soft cover, 18 x 10.5 cm Private collection

Private collection


Samuel M. Steward (American, 1909-93) A Gertrude Stein – Alice B. Toklas mystery. Murder is Murder is Murder Alyson Publications, Boston 1985 190 pp, soft cover, 21.5 x 14 cm

Josef Strau (Austrian, 1957-) Nazis of Suburbia, 2001 B/W-photography, worked over 24 x 18 cm Private collection

Private collection

Pavel Tchelitchew (American, 1898-1957) Portrait of Charles Henri Ford (From behind / Ear) - by, 1934 Ink on paper 30 x 20 cm Private collection

Josef Strau (Austrian, 1957-) Nazis of Suburbia. Einleitung, 2006 Self-published, xeroxed booklet, unpaginated, 21 x 15 cm Josef Strau (Austrian, 1957-) Nazis of Suburbia, 1998 B/W-photography, worked over 20 x 30 cm

Paul Thek (American, 1933-88) / Edwin Klein (Dutch, 1946-) Document 2. Document 3 Janos Gat Gallery, New York 2005 2 volumes, unpaginated, hard cover in slipcase, 32 x 24.5 cm Text and drawings by Paul Thek, photographies by Edwin Klein, foreword by Gary Indiana Private collection

Theodore Sturgeon (American, 1918-85) original UNIVERSE of June 1953 128 pp, soft cover, 19.5 x 14 cm

Paul Thek (American, 1933-88) Schellenberger Wald (Baldeneysee), 1972 Indian ink and graphite on notebook paper, doublesided work 15.6 x 24 cm Signed and dated Private collection

Wolfgang Tillmans (German, 1968-) Michael & Otto, 1998 C-Print, framed 40.6 x 30.5 cm (44 x 34 x 2.4 cm) Edition 1/10

Paul Thek (American, 1933-88) Castello di Rivara, Rivara 1992 48 pp, soft cover, 22 x 16 cm, with numerous plates Edited by Daniel Buchholz, with a text by Mike Kelley Private collection

Wolfgang Tillmans (German, 1968-) Lighter, orange concave I, 2009 Unique c-print in plexi-hood 65 x 54 x 12.5 cm

Theodore Sturgeon (American, 1918-85) Sturgeon Is Alive and Well Berkley Books, 1971 224 pp, soft cover, 18.5 x 10.5 cm Private collection

Private collection

Paule Thévenin (French,1923-93) /Jacques Derrida (French, 1930-2004) Antonin Artaud. Zeichnungen und Portraits Schirmer/Mosel, Munich 1986 270 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket, 29.5 x 24 cm Private collection

Tom of Finland (Finnish, 1920-91) Untitled, 1986 Graphite on paper 30 x 21 cm, framed: 41 x 33.5 cm Private collection

Private collection

James M. Tiptree Songs (American, 1915-87) Of An Old Primate Del Rey, New York 1979 270 pp, soft cover, 18 x 11 cm

Alice B. Toklas (American, 1877–1967) The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book Penguin, Harmondsworth 1961 336 pp, soft cover, 18 x 11 cm Private collection

Paul Thek (American, 1933-88) Processions Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia 1977 64 pp, soft cover, 30.5 x 22.5 cm

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Tom of Finland (Finnish, 1920-91) Untitled, 1979 Pencil on paper 40 x 30 cm, framed: 59 x 47.5 cm

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Josef Strau (Austrian, 1957-) Nazis of Suburbia, 1998 B/W-photography, worked over 44.5 x 30 cm

Paul Thek (American, 1933-88) / Edwin Klein (Dutch, 1946-) A Document made by Paul Thek and Edwin Klein Alexander and Bonin, New York 2011 Unpaginated, soft cover, slipcase, 40.5 x 30.5 cm

Trojan (English, 1966-86) Works on Paper ICA, London 2012 Unpaginated, soft cover, 21 x 15 cm Private collection


Wilhelm Ude (German, 1874-1947) Der Maler Helmut Kolle. Das Bildnis eines Frühvollendeten Atlantis-Verlage, Zurich/Berlin, 1932 63 text pp, 40 plates pp, hard cover, cloth bound, 25.5 x 18 cm Private collection

Stewart Uoo (American, 1985-) Untitled (San Quentin Drawing 3), 2012 Graphite on San Quentin envelope 10 x 24 cm, framed 25 x 40 cm Private collection


Danh Vo (Danish, 1975-) Untitled, 2009 Ink on paper Last letter of French Saint Théophane Vénard to his father before he was decapitated, copied by Danh Vos father, Phung Vo 29.6 x 21 cm Statens Museum for Kunst, KMS8667


Andy Warhol (American, 1928-87) Raid the Icebox 1 Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Rhode Island 1961 104 pp, soft cover, 23 x 17.5 cm, with numerous plates With a foreword by Dominique de Menil and contributions by Daniel Robbins, David Boudon and Stephen E. Ostrow

Jonathan Weinberg (American, 1957-) Speaking for Vice. Homosexually in the Art of Charles Demuth, Marsden Hartley, and the First American Avant-Garde Yale University Press, New Haven/ London 1993 260 pp, soft cover, 25.5 x 17.5 cm, with numerous plates

Private collection

Private collection

H.C. Westermann (American 1922-81) o.T.,1968 Granite boulder on ice chain Stone: 26 x 43 x 30 cm, chain: 3, 78 m Courtesy Collection of Kasper König, Berlin

Oscar Wilde (Irish, 1854-1900) Der Priester und der Messner Knabe Zweemann Verlag, Hanover 1920 50 pp, hard cover, 19 x 12 cm With two original wood engravings by Ernst Schütte, German by E. Sander Private collection

© 2014 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc./billedkunst.dk

Portraits. The Photography of Carl Van Vechten Edited by Saul Mauriber Bobbs Merrill, Indianapolis / New York 1978 Unpaginated, cloth bound, dust jacket, 31 x 23 cm, with numerous plates Private collection

Jules Verne (French, 1828-1905) Le Tour de Monde en 80 Jours. Le Docteur Ox Collection Hetzel, Paris 1874 212 pp, hard cover, 28 x 19 cm, with numerous plates (wood engravings), gilt edge Coloured illustration on book cover Private collection

Danh Vo (Danish, 1975-) I M U, U R 2, 2012 Heliogravure on somerset white satin 300g 44 x 52 cm (48.5 x 56.5 cm) Edition 24 + 2 AP Private collection

Robert Walser (Swiss, 1878-1956) Der Spaziergang Huber & Co, Leipzig 1917 85 pp, hard cover, 16 x 10.5 cm

Steven Warwick (Heatsick) (British,1981) Intersex, 2011 Record

Karlheinz Weinberger (Swiss, 1921-2006) Rumy (Priska Sonderegger), St. Petersinsel, 1963, Baryt print, (Ed. 3/5) 40 x 40 cm


Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

John Waters (American,1946-) Role Models Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York 2010 304 pp, hard cover, dust jacket 21.5 x 14.5 cm, with plates

© 2014 The Andy Warhol Foundation for

Private collection

Andy Warhol (American, 1928-87) Nr. 22: The Story of Moondog, 1957 LP, 12'', Prestige, 7099 Offset Lithograph 31.1 x 31.1 cm

Weird Tales Magazine cover by Margaret Brundage and a text by C. L. Moore or Seabury Quinn Volume 25, 1935 135 pp, soft cover, 25 x 17 cm

Oscar Wilde (Irish, 1854-1900) Salome. Tragödie in einem Akt Insel, Leipzig 1903 Unpaginated, hard cover, 21 x 15.5 cm Book design and numerous illustrations by Marcus Behmer, translation by Hedwig Lachmann

Oscar Wilde (Irish, 1854-1900) Der Priester und der Messner Knabe Zweemann Verlag, Hanover 1919 32 pp, hard cover, 23 x 14 cm Illustrated by Ernst Schütte, German by E. Sander Private collection

Private collection

Oscar Wilde (Irish, 1854-1900) Der Priester und der Messner Knabe Paul Steegemann, Hanover 1922 44 pp, soft cover, 18.5 x 12.5 cm Private collection

Oscar Wilde (Irish, 1854-1900) Der Priester und der Ministrant Schmitz & Olbertz, Dusseldorf 1906 44 pp, hard cover, 22.5 x 14.5 cm Translated by A. W. Hiller and designed by F.H. Ehmcke Edition 94 of 600 Private collection

Private collection

the Visual Arts, Inc./billedkunst.dk

Einar Wegener (Lili Elbe) (Danish, 1883-1931) Portrait of the Artist's Father, 1897-1931 Oil on canvas 43.5 x 34 cm Vejlemuseerne (Kunst), 4799

Denton Welch (British, 1915-48) Maiden Voyage Penguin, London 1954 304 pp, soft cover, 18 x 11 cm With a foreword by Edith Sitwell Private collection

Oscar Wilde (Irish, 1854-1900) / Alastair (Baron Hans Henning Voigt) (German 1887-1969) The Birthday of the Infanta Black Sun Press, Editions Narcisse, Paris 1928 38 pp, soft cover, slipcase 29.5 x 24 cm, with coloured plates With 8 full-page plates, 2 coloured plates and a vignette by Alastair Private collection

Tennessee Williams (American, 1911-83) Suddenly Last Summer New Directions, New York 1958 90 pp, cloth bound, dust jacket, 21 x 14 cm Private collection


David Wojnarowicz (American, 1954-92) Untitled (Buffalos), 1988-89 A4 print copy of Gelatin Silver Print 69.9 x 87.6 cm

Tennessee Williams (American, 1911-83) The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone New Directions, New York 1950 148 pp, hard cover, dust jacket, 21 x 14 cm

Courtesy of the Estate of David Wojnarowicz and

Tamotsu Yato (Japanese, - 1973) Naked Festival Walker/Weatherhill, New York /Tokyo 1968 178 pp, hard cover, dust jacket, 31 x 23.5 cm, with numerous plates

Private collection

P.P.O.W Gallery, New York

Private collection

Tennessee Williams (American, 1911-83) One Arm & Other Stories New Directions, New York 1967 212 pp, soft cover, 20 x 13 cm

David Wojnarowicz (American, 1954-92) Untitled, ca. 1984 Crocodile, acrylic paint ca. 42 x 90 x 25 cm

Private collection

Private collection

Martin Wong (American, 1946-99) Untitled, ca. 1970 Ink on paper 28.2 x 21.8 cm

Katharina Wulff (German, 1968-) Untitled, 2006 Oil on canvas 120 x 85 cm

Private collection

Private collection

City As Canvas. New York City Graffii from the Martin Wong Collection Edited by Sean Corcoran / Carlo McCormick Museum of the City of New York, New York 2013 240 pp, hard cover, 26 x 22 cm, with numerous plates

Amelie von Wulffen (German, 1966-) Untitled, 1995 Acrylic, wood ca. 85.3 x 45 cm Private collection

Tamotsu Yato (Japanese, - 1973) Otoko. Photo-Studies of the Young Japanese Male Rho-Delta Press, Los Angeles 1972 114 pp, hard cover, dust jacket, 30 x 23.5 cm, with numerous plates Private collection

Private collection

Tennessee Williams (American, 1911-83) Memoirs New Directions, New York 2006 274 pp, soft cover 23 x 15.5 cm, with plates With an introduction by John Waters

Martin Wong (American, 1946-99) Did I Ever Have a Chance, 1999 Acrylic on canvas 155 x 122 cm Private collection

Amelie von Wulffen (German, 1966-) Am k체hlen Tisch Koenig Books, London 2014 Unpaginated, soft cover, 30 x 24 cm Virginia Woolf (English, 1882-1941) Orlando Penguin Books, New York 214 pp, soft cover, 18 x 11 cm

Private collection

Private collection

Private collection

David Wojnarowicz (American, 1954-92) Rimbaud in New York,1978.1979, 2004 Gelatin Silver Print 32.3 x 24 cm Private collection

Martin Wong (American, 1946-99) Cockettes, ca.1970 Ink on paper 35.5 x 27.3 cm Private collection

Workshop People take action to receive certain results, like the Workshop now deliberately giving in to a momentary urge to make music. Finlayson Tontr채ger 1990 Private collection


Amelie von Wulffen (German, 1966-) This is how it happened Distanz, Berlin 2011 Unpaginated, soft cover 29.5 x 21.5 cm Private collection

Kristian Zahrtmann (Danish, 1843-1917) The Death of Queen Sophie Amalie, 1882 Oil on canvas 92.5 x 86.5 cm Statens Museum for Kunst, KMS1231

"Abandon the Parents" Works, Lists, Names, Image, Text, Sound, from Private Collections, from Public Collections, Originals, Copies, Forgeries Curated by Henrik Olesen Daniel Buchholz Christopher M端ller

The exhibition departs from the premise of an act of self-empowerment that may (or may not) happen in the life of an adolescent leaving e.g. his or her parents and looking for a new set of values. Under the headline"Abandon the Parents", the show tries to frame a space that contextualizes artistic production and self-organization. Addressing the decisive moments in the construction of an identity, this exhibition brings together a lot of very diverse artists, voices and materials, not only visual artworks like sculptures and paintings and drawings, but also literature, letters and historical documents as well as more performative contributions like sound, music and films. These artistic proposals follow various narrative threads around the process of departure: from family, institutions, and prison to cabin fever, landscape, adventure, trompe l'oeil, sexuality, and portraiture. The exhibition is part of the X-rummet series at the National Gallery of Denmark, presenting a fictional collection alongside selected works from the museum's holdings.


An introduction to the exhibition "Abandon the Parents" Marianne Torp

Installation view

Painting, film, video, drawing, photography, books, sound, and texts by a wide range of artists are featured in the exhibition ”Abandon the Parents”. Henrik Olesen has invited his two long-standing collaborators, friends, and gallerists Daniel Buchholz and Christopher Müller to join him in curating the exhibition in x-rummet at SMK. The works on display have been borrowed from private collections and museums and includes several pieces from the SMK collections. One of Olesen’s own works has been included, as well. His collage Abschied von den Eltern from 2003 not only shares its title with the exhibition; it also represents some of the themes and practices that lie at the heart of its concept. Olesen’s collage samples a character from the work of the Finnish artist Tom of Finland, combining it with the German Surrealist artist Max Ernst’s collages from the book Une Semaine de Bonte. Like the collage, the exhibition itself brings together images and materials from a wide range of contexts, creating a new setting where the combined elements establish startling links and suggest new meanings. Ernst and Tom of Finland are also some of the figures that Olesen consult in order to formulate his own project. Like


many artists featured in the exhibition, they have constituted important navigational points during Olesen’s artistic liminal stage; a stage whose coming-of-age ritual includes an abandonment of the identificatory and artistic conventions – the “parents” – that represent his point of departure. Henrik Olesen’s practice often incorporates documentation or archival indexes of various kinds. These may include photographs of paintings from art history in which the characters or sitters have been represented in coquettish poses or with effete hand gestures, such as in the work Some Faggy Gestures, or they may consist of factual references to legislation on homosexuality in various countries throughout the world, as in the work Lack of Information. In a similar move, the exhibition Abandon the Parents documents a potential index of the artist’s own references. In this way the exhibition acts as a constellation of materials, as an archive or framework for the exploration conducted by the three curators. This exploration does not manifest itself as a single, straightforward narrative. It branches out and multiplies, forming a web of iconic examples and obvious role models, but also of intuitive and asyet unsystematised fields of interest. In this way the exhibition becomes a representation of three interwoven homosexual autobiographies and a more general view of the ongoing development of our identity that every person experiences. In this sense, the exhibition gives voice to a possible homosexual identity, but it also


Installation view


represents the mechanisms, aspirations, and intuitions that form the basis for any shaping of an identity. Olesen’s work concerns itself with representation, with how things are depicted and the conceptions that are not only prerequisites of representation, but which also govern it. Socio-political connotations are always present in Olesen’s work. He formulates a quiet, gentle, frequently poetic critique of repressive, discriminatory, oppressive limitations imposed on the free expression of individuals. As has been pointed out, the exhibition constitutes an index of the three curators’ points of reference and identification, but it also offers a take on an art history based on alternative criteria and categories, different from those used, for instance, in the SMK collections. The exhibition thereby dissolves the museum’s clear-cut, universal art historical perspective. At a more general level this move speaks to how art history is constructed, indirectly pointing to how the criteria that we now, within an overgrown Enlightenment project, still basically regard as objective and rational are in fact culturally embedded, subjective, or even arbitrary in nature. Thus, the exhibition also addresses the question of how we arrange cultural materials, and how the order thus established also imposes a specific view of the world and of ourselves. This order – what we see, what we choose, what we present as interesting, what we think makes sense – initially governs the current take on things, but it also comes to govern what may be done in the time that lies ahead. It becomes a precondition and a limitation. Perhaps this exhibition can serve as a model for how to initiate a liberation from conventional systems. The general approach in Henrik Olesen’s work – which sees him unfolding his chosen materials to unearth patterns and technologies that are embedded in our culture – also prompts this exhibition to expand in scope: beginning as a personal statement it comes to represent a pattern. He invites Buchholz and Müller, thereby expanding the

perspective to a three-fold one. Thus, we are not introduced to a narrowly subjective statement, but to a wider, polyvoiced utterance. This also shifts the overall focus away from the personal to the universal, and hence to representation. The exhibition becomes a form of indexical mapping of a potential self-formulation project. But doing that the exhibition seeks to set itself free from convention, formulating a range of possible contours for a homosexual perspective on art history, but in a way this gesture also gives the museum the opportunity to set itself free – or certainly to become more aware. In our current time the world is seeing harsher expressions of homophobia, where political messages and legislation throughout the international community not only discriminates against, but actively criminalises LGBT people. This makes exhibitions such as this, with its underlying homosexual perspective, all the more important.



Henrik Olesen "Abandon the Parents" x-rummet, 23.05. — 28.09.2014

Udstillingstilrettelæggelse / Exhibition organisation Marianne Torp Assistenter / Assistants Tone Bonnén Anna Vestergaard Jørgensen Assistenter til kunstner og kuratorer / Artist's and curators' assistants Nikola Dietrich Friederike Gratz Oversættelse / Translation René Lauritsen Fotos / Photo Anders Sune Berg & SMK-foto Layout Designbolaget Tryk og repro / Printing and repro Narayana Press © 2014 Statens Museum for Kunst Statens Museum for Kunst has tried, as far as it has been possible to contact all right holders of images and film in this exhibition. If you have any rights to claim and have not been contacted, please contact Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen. x-rummet er støttet af Det Obelske Familiefond / x-rummet is supported by The Obel Family Foundation

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