What Are The Causes Of Kids Obesity? What is happening in todays’ society where Kids Obesity has now become such a huge problem? If we track back 40 years kids obesity was not prevalent. Kids were moving and eating as they are now; so what are the real contributors to kid’s obesity. Three key contributors stand out that has led to increases in kid’s obesity.
Changes in Diet The foods available for kids today is much more diverse then what was offered 40-50 years. Processed foods and greater access to fast foods is a large contributor to kid’s obesity. With parents working harder than ever before, the temptation to buy your kids a cheeseburger from McDonalds because you don’t have time to prepare food is greater than ever. Foods also have more sugar and preservatives than what they had 40-50 years. It amazes me how much sugar a can of soft drink has. No wonder kid’s obesity is such a problem .
Technology The technology wasn’t as prevalent 40 years ago as it is today. IPADS, phones and computer games places huge demands on kids and their lack of physical movement. Forty years ago kids would come home from school and immediately be outside playing, running and having fun with people in the neighbourhood. These days, kids return home and are immediately using technology, playing games etc. The lack of movement is a big contributor to kid’s obesity . Psychological Stress Kids Obesity is not just about the food you eat or the exercise you undertake. Psychological pressure can create environments where one eats more, doesn’t exercise and generally feels depressed and anxious. With more pressures on the family nucleus to work, make money etc this creates adverse stress on children. Feelings of anxiety, depression etc are key contributors to kid’s obesity if those kids respond to their stress by eating more, not exercising or feeling down on a regular basis.