Sun & Moon Yoga Studio 2008 Fall Newsletter

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Fall 2008

Second Nature by Amir

An old proverb about habits says, “bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of.” As long as we are alive, we constantly create new habits in our mind and body that directly affect our emotions and our behaviors. Our habits range from the simple — like nail biting — to the more complex, structural behavior — like slouching in our seats or on our feet. One thing that most habits have in common is that they feel good … but only for a while. If you habitually slouch when you sit, your back will eventually start to hurt. These routine, automatic behaviors may contradict the mindfulness we try to develop through our yoga and meditation practice, but habits do serve an important function — they allow us to complete tasks without having to stop to think about it. Having particular actions on autopilot frees us to react to changes in our environment that require our attention. A mind totally free of habits would likely be overwhelmed by the endless choices faced in everyday life. As we know, learned behaviors don’t always promote wellness, and may create compulsions and addictions. We are capable of change and we can learn how to acknowledge our habits and learn new healthier behaviors. Yoga’s strategy for solving the habit problem is simple — instead of insisting we stop creating habits, yoga encourages us to consciously create, and refine, our habit patterns. The yogic model systematically strengthens new, healthy behaviors through repetition; creating healthy habits that are so strong they compete with older, dysfunctional ones. This refining and replacing of previous habit patterns through daily practice is the principle behind yoga’s three most recognized tools: yoga postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. Yoga postures teach us to properly align our bodies and improve our neuromuscular movement patterns. Each pose challenges a different network of cells in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and organs. Continued practice brings mindfulness to aligning the spine and improving overall flexibility and strength. Breathing techniques are designed to replace tense, shallow, irregular breathing with a slower, deeper more efficient breath. Over time, this brings vitality to our overall system, stability to the mind, and harmony to the emotions. Meditation techniques replace negative mental patterns with positive ones — the mind becomes more focused, conscientious, and relaxed.


Philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote, “habit is the second nature which destroys the first.” Yoga gives us a practice to mindfully refine our habits and continually improve our lives. If we can learn how to acknowledge our habits and replace them with healthier behaviors, the list of benefits is infinite.

Letting Go Into the Full Light of Yoga

by Alex Levin

Our yoga teachers are nudging us toward the drastic shift from perceiving that “something’s wrong with this/me/him/her” to knowing “something is very right here and how can I be the expression of that?” Step by step they take us toward a posture honoring exactly what is happening with us—in body, mind and spirit—right at this gap in time. When learning yoga, we often have a mental picture of the pose we are trying to become. Chances are we think thoughts such as, “This hurts, when will it be over?” or “I’m doing this better than anyone else!” or “How do I get this right?” or “I’ll never get this.” Our teachers remind us to stay with the now experience, including the thoughts and emotions that arise. And not to hold on to any notions too tightly; just let them come and go as all phenomena do.

Our teachers’ voices also help us realize the vast scope of our options. Many guide us compassionately into the alignment where each part of us—every joint, every fiber, every cell—participates in its right way. In those spots, we get to savor a feeling of clarity and ease. Imagine a light inside of us. When we release our demand that what is created matches our mental picture, and instead appreciate and allow what is being created, the light shines through more and more fully.

When things feel out of sync, disharmonious, it’s tempting to try to reason why it isn’t work-

ing, what is blocking success, why this pose or person challenges me. This process usually only gets us part of the way. The final leg of the journey seems counter-intuitive but is actually intuition itself. Rather than struggling to get beyond the limits and obstacles, we can relax into the place that feels clear, fluid and smooth at all levels of our being. Being there. Being awareness there. It may feel like emptiness, stillness or silence. But from our willingness to trade our narrow view for the unfathomable vastness of the whole, insight comes. It may manifest as the question you ask that helps you understand your boss; or as a new body/energy sensation that informs your pose; or that you surprise yourself with an unlikely boatload of patience.

Life is constantly presenting us with a plethora of choices. The one that could radically change our lives and make all other choices simple, is to learn to get quiet and still; to courageously be curious in the face mystery; to learn to feel the compassion that arises from allowing the bigger picture, a knowing that comes not from our effort but from letting go.


Plant Your Tree by Allegra Gulino

I consider tree pose (vrksasana) to be a quintessential yoga pose. The eye delights in its stately beauty and sense of wisdom, and it is simple, yet challenging to practice. It gives a powerful sense of the pranic unity of nature, and frequent practice over time leads to almost never-ending insights into its name and nature itself. Teachers often say “send your roots into the earth” or “spread your branches to the sun,” not for humor’s sake, but from our “lizard brain” love of trees, and our understanding of their practical and soulful nourishment. Old growth forests hold in moisture and cool shade, exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen, and sustain many species, sheltering and maintaining the complex web of life on earth. Therefore, with gratitude and reverence: Stand in mountain pose (tadasana) with your heels directly below your hip points and feet parallel. Slightly bend the knees to avoid hyperextension, and keep the pubic bone and tail bone level with the ground. Inhale deeply while lengthening the spine. Keep that height as you exhale and relax your shoulder blades down the back. Draw the belly muscles slightly inward and up to maintain core strength and height.

From here, inhale and lift up your toes and spread them wide while pressing the balls and heels of the feet down. The arches of the feet will lift. Exhale and keep the arches lifted and toes spread as you press them evenly down to the ground. Imagine each toe and the balls and heels are all sprouting roots deep into the earth. Feel the rebound of energy up the legs. Now engage the leg muscles squeezing them in towards the bones. This is your powerful trunk—keep this working throughout. Now lift the right heel off the ground while squeezing the left leg muscles and pressing the left foot down more, shifting from two trunks to one. Turn the right knee out by externally rotating the hip. If you feel stable, lift your right foot off the ground and place it against the side of the left calf. The 4

arch of the foot fits into the curve of the calf. Remain rooted through your left foot while pressing the right foot towards the leg and the leg into the foot. Inhale and reach your crown towards the sky while maintaining squared hips. Your hands can be in prayer pose. If this is easy, reach your right hand down and grab the right ankle and place the sole of the foot against the inner left thigh. If your foot doesn’t reach this high, go back to the calf. Again press the leg into the foot and foot into the leg and keep the hips square and right knee moving back. If balance is easy, take your hands out of prayer pose and stretch your arms straight overhead. Spread your fingers like leaves reaching for the sun and slide your shoulder blades down. Come out with control and rest in mountain pose before switching sides. As your practice ripens, you might notice how the steadiness of the breath (wind) causes you to sway, or the taller you reach the more energy you feel, or that bending when you lose your balance works better than stiffness, or even get a taste of the tremendous patience and endurance required to be a tree. Plant your tree.

Teacher Feature Meet Frank Wooldridge

When did you begin practicing yoga? About seven years ago, I had to have surgery on my right knee that I injured while marathon running. I was willing to try anything to keep going with my running program, and my wife suggested I take a yoga class with her at Sun&Moon. The instructor began talking about topics I had never heard about before, like chakras, doshas, ayurveda, Mahabharata, Bagavad Gita, Hatha Yoga Pradapika, kundalini, etc. The terms were so exotic, I could not resist exploring their meanings. When did you decide to become a teacher? About a year and a half after starting yoga, I realized I wanted to become a teacher. My first motivation was the desire to know what the other teachers knew. Second, I wanted to gain a greater appreciation of how all of the diverse materials we were learning in class integrated into a consistent philosophy. Since I have a full time job and travel, it took me about two years to complete teacher training, but that allowed me time to absorb it. You’re a former Navy Captain and a current engineer trained in physics and meteorology…we don’t have many yoga teachers with your background. What brought you here? I came into the Navy during the Vietnam War, had many challenging assignments and made lifelong friendships with truly outstanding people. The opportunity to travel and observe the cultures of many countries opened my eyes to the great diversity within this community we call earth.

In some cases these views were opposite of my belief system, but I made an effort to learn about them and began to see their value.

Please describe your meditation practice. My basic practice is mindfulness or insight meditation. This style comes from Theravada Buddhist tradition and is known as Vipassana. Briefly, it is concentration with non-judgmental awareness. Also, I practice loving kindness (metta), compassion (karuna), and generosity (naikan) meditations. Metta trains one to open his/her heart and accept either pain or pleasure with equanimity. The first principle of metta is maitri: unconditional loving kindness toward oneself, and the desire for all beings to be happy (happiness in this case is not the thrill of a birthday or a new car or a new job, but a calm, serene mind.)

Do you expect to become enlightened as a result of your meditation practice? Enlightenment can be defined as blissful awareness without being influenced by external circumstances. This state is difficult to adequately quantify. I believe it is more productive to work to free oneself of the blocks that ego habits and attachment set up. Through this process one can begin to explore the ignorance caused by our imperfect knowledge of the true nature of things. Do you have any final remarks? Yes. May we all live like the lotus — Content in the muddy waters.


Special Events and Workshops











Free Class

Teacher in Training







Yoga Workshop w/JJ

Celebrating the Fall Equinox

JJ Gormley-Etchells




Weekend with Doug Keller


Fri-Sun Sat

9/13 9/27











1:00-3:00pm 1:30-4:30pm





45x5: Daily Sunrise Sampler

Better Balance, Better Bones: Yoga for Women Over 40

Yoga for the Neck and Shoulders

Rotating Teachers

Pauline T, Carole R, Helene H. Doug Keller

Beth E. and Carole T.



Practice Teaching

Restore with Rixie

Jackie and Alex


Acro Yoga

Adi Carter

Rixie Dennison







Guest Teacher

Kim Groark




Free Class

Teacher in Training



Mon-Fri Sat Sat Sat Sat






10/6-10/10 10/11 10/18 10/18 10/19


2:30-4:00pm 1:30-3:30pm 1:00-2:00pm








Teacher in Training

Exploring Freeform Yoga

Alex L. and Anne J.

Yoga for the Joints




45x5: Daily Sunrise Sampler




Yoga for the Feet



Free Class

11/15 11/16

1:00-4:00pm 1:30-3:30pm

Ffx Arl Arl









Pierre Couvillion

Free Class

Yoga Workshop w/JJ




Beth Fedman

Weekend With Pierre

Anne Jablonski




Family Yoga



Beth Fedman

Meditation Simplified



Yoga, Labor and Delivery for Partners







Restore with Amir

Teacher in Training

Jackie and Alex

Sun Sun


Free Class

Rotating Teachers

Practice Teaching




45x5: Daily Sunrise Sampler


11/1 11/1



Sat Sat







Yoga for the Knees

JJ Gormley-Etchells Carol Confino

Rotating Teachers

Rixie Dennison Amir

Teacher in Training

Yoga Workshop w/JJ

JJ Gormley-Etchells

45x5: Daily Sunrise Sampler

Rotating Teachers

Hip Openers with Amir Free Class


Teacher in Training

Class Descriptions

Level 1: A basic introduction to yoga breathing, postures, and relaxation. Intended for beginners with no previous experience, or those looking for a gentle and basic ongoing practice.

Level 2: Refines the basics and provides more detailed alignment instructions and breath work.

*Level 3: Teaches more advanced standing and seated poses, pranayama, and begins integrating inversions, deeper backbends, and meditation techniques.

*Level 4: Intensifies an already-strong asana practice by developing a deeper internal and energetic understanding of yoga. Inversions, arm balances, wheel and lotus poses are included, as well as advanced pranayama and meditation. Students are expected to have a home practice.

All Levels: Includes the basics as well as options for deeper practice. Appropriate for all students.

Level 5: Focuses on meditation and philosophy. Intended for advanced practitioners, teachers and teacher trainees.

Combination Classes: (i.e. Level 1/2) For the student who is comfortable in the lower level, but interested in exploring the next.

Gentle: Basic poses at a slow pace. Ideal for beginners and/or students with health concerns.

Integral Yoga: A holistic approach to yoga that incorporates a complete hatha routine, deep relaxation, pranayama, chanting and a short meditation. Appropriate for all levels.

Meditation Group: A general survey and of various meditation philosophies and practices. Open to beginners and advanced students alike. No registration necessary.

Middle and High Schoolers: A playful yet disciplined practice of asana, pranayama and relaxation, intended to help reduce stress and promote strength, self-esteem, focus, balance, and positive body images. Pilates 1: This exercise system focuses on correct breathing, posture and core strengthening. No admittance after third week without permission of the instructor.

Pilates 2: The progression in this class is faster than in Pilates 1 and provides an energetic, full body workout. Prior Pilates experience necessary.

Pre-Natal Yoga: An all-levels course which supports and empowers expectant mothers. Teaches ways to ease aches and pains, make the body comfortable during pregnancy, and use the breath to calm and steady the mind. Post-Natal: A “Mommy and Me” class with infants welcome until they are crawling. Focus on toning, stretching and strengthening the post natal body and work with poses that include the baby. Relaxation and breath work will help re-energize and rejuvenate the new mom.

Restorative Yoga: Completely relax, relieve tension and revive the mind and body through breath work and passive yoga poses. Restorative yoga provides an ideal way to end the work week, recover from stress, and renew the nervous system.

Family Yoga: A light-hearted and playful class for kids and adults together. Helps to build motor coordination, balance and strength; and reduce childhood stress.

Simply Seniors: Improve flexibility, balance, posture, stamina and circulation through breathing exercises, gentle modified movements, and complete relaxation.

Kids and Toddlers: Play and work with poses to increase flexibility and strength, develop coordination and posture, and explore relaxation and stress reduction tools. Yoga stories and/or visualizations will be presented in each class.

Stress Reduction/All Levels: Emphasizes how students at all levels can consciously extend the stress-reducing benefits of yoga to daily life.

Flow & Focus Advanced Practice: An active and rigorous exploration of your postures, breathing and meditation. For Level 3 and above.

Sound Healing/L 1/2: Students will learn or deepen their knowledge of fundamentals of posture, breathing and relaxation. Focus will be given to better energy flow and stress reduction through sound and music.

*Vinyasa 1: A fast-paced, challenging practice that builds stamina and strength through a series of flowing poses. Students should be comfortable coming quickly into standing poses with good alignment and should be practicing at Level 2 or above. Appropriate for beginning Ashtanga-style and power yoga practitioners.

*Vinyasa 2: Adds more advanced poses and challenging transitions to the fast, flowing pace of Vinyasa 1. Open to Level 3+ students or students comfortable with a Vinyasa 1 practice who are ready to expand their focus and core strength. Appropriate for experienced Ashtanga-style and power yoga practitioners. Viniyoga: A complete practice, linking breath and movement into a meditative flow, allowing students to tailor their practice to suit their pace and ability. Poses are used in specific ways to strengthen and realign the core, bringing greater balance to the body and mind. All levels are welcome.

Yin Yang Yoga: While yang practice focuses on muscles and the surface of the body, yin practice works our connective tissues (ligaments and fascia) and nourishes the flow of energy in our bodies. Yin is more passive and balances the active yang. Yoga Energies: Explore chakras, vayus, marma points and other subtle energies in postures, breathing and meditation.

Yoga for Recovery: A slow paced class which combines yogic breathing, deep relaxation, and gentle movement to restore strength, range of motion and vitality. Modified for individual needs.

*These classes require completion of at least two sessions of the previous level and permission of the teacher before registering. TEACHER BIOS For a listing of Sun&Moon teachers, please go to our website at and click on “about sun&moon” and then “our teachers”.


Class Schedule Sun&Moon Yoga Studio is

a place for people to experience and study yoga. We

believe in a holistic approach to the study of yoga, giving

our students a well-rounded

yoga education, bringing in teachers with an eclectic background of yoga.

We believe in combining

alignment techniques of the

body with breath techniques

for calming and balancing

the mind and the belief and

faith that our work feeds us

and is fed by the (spirit) Divine Universal Energy present in us all and in all things.

First Class Free!

If you have never taken a class at our studio, we would like you to try a class on us. We hope that if Sun&Moon is the right studio for you that you'll sign up for one of our many offerings. You may want to give this coupon to a friend.

Bring this coupon to the studio for your first class free! (This offer is valid one time to local residents who have never attended a class at Sun&Moon studios.)


ARLINGTON STUDIO • Fall September 3-December 21 (15 weeks)



Start Date


Enid Kassner Alex/Jackie Enid Kassner Deborah McKay Beth Fedman Alfia Khaibullina Deborah McKay Various teachers

7-Sep 7-Sep 7-Sep 7-Sep 7-Sep 7-Sep 7-Sep 7-Sep

$225.00 $225.00 $210.00 $225.00 $225.00 $225.00 $225.00 Donation


All Levels Level 1 Level 2 Gentle Level 1 Level 2/3 High Schoolers Flow & Focus (Advanced Practice) Level 2 Pilates All Levels Vinyasa All Levels Level 1

Andrea Kiss Judith Lyon Asya Haikin Asya Haikin Karin Caffi Jackie Shaffer Annie Moyer Alex Levin Amir Danielle Ring Carol Stehl Amir

8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep

8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep

$195.00 $210.00 $225.00 $210.00 $210.00 $225.00 $195.00

$225.00 $225.00 $210.00 $225.00 $210.00



Level 2 Level 1 Level 3 Pilates All Levels Postnatal Level 2/3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 1 Gentle Level 1 Level 2/3

Annie Moyer Judith Lyon Annie Moyer Frankie Park-Stryke Beth F./Faith Jackie Shaffer Allegra/Anne J. Jackie Shaffer Laura Dillon Asya Haikin Heather Laura Dillon

9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep

$225.00 $210.00 $225.00 $210.00 $225.00 $225.00 $210.00 $225.00 $210.00 $210.00 $210.00 $225.00


Pauline Howard Jackie Shaffer Laura/Andrea Jackie Shaffer Maureen/Faith Beth Fedman Pauline/Faith Beth Fedman Annie Moyer Annie Moyer Suzanne/Faith Jackie Shaffer Andrea Kiss Faith/Maureen Heather Amir

3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 8-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep

$195.00 $225.00 $210.00 $210.00 $225.00 $150.00 $210.00 $150.00 $195.00 $225.00 $225.00 $210.00 $225.00 $225.00 $225.00 $225.00


Alex Levin Annie Moyer Judith Lyon Pauline Howard Alex Levin Suzanne Anne Jablonski Beth Fedman Mike Ricker

4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep

$225.00 $210.00 $225.00 $195.00 $225.00 $225.00 $210.00 $225.00 $225.00


Pauline Howard Laura/Andrea Jackie Shaffer Laura Dillon Pauline Howard Maureen/Beth E. Alfia Khaibullina

5-Sep 5-Sep 5-Sep 5-Sep 5-Sep 5-Sep 5-Sep

$195.00 $210.00 $225.00 $225.00 $210.00 $225.00 $210.00


Nirinjan Devi Nirinjan Devi Amir Amir Allegra Gulino Allegra Gulino

6-Sep 6-Sep 6-Sep 6-Sep 6-Sep 6-Sep

$195.00 $195.00 $210.00 $225.00 $225.00 $225.00


SUNDAY (No class week of Nov. 26) All Levels 9:00am-10:30am Yoga Energies 9:00am-10:30am Level 1 10:45am-12:00pm Level 2 10:45am-12:15pm 3:00pm-4:30pm Prenatal Vinyasa 4:45pm-6:15pm 5:00pm-6:30pm Level 2/3 Meditation 6:30pm-7:30pm MONDAY 6:45am-7:45am 10:00am-11:15am 10:15am-11:45am 12:00pm-1:15pm 4:30pm-5:45pm 4:30pm-6:00pm 5:00pm-6:00pm 6:15pm-7:45pm

6:15pm-7:45pm 6:30pm-7:45pm 8:00pm-9:30pm 8:00pm-9:15pm

TUESDAY 10:15am-11:45am 10:15am-11:30am 12:00pm-1:30pm 12:00pm-1:15pm 3:00pm-4:30pm 4:30pm-6:00pm 4:45pm-6:00pm 6:15pm-7:45pm 6:15pm-7:30pm 7:30pm-8:45pm 8:00pm-9:15pm 8:00pm-9:30pm

WEDNESDAY (No class week of Nov. 26) 6:30am-7:30am All Levels 9:30am-11:00am Level 2 9:30am-10:45am Level 1 11:30am-12:45pm Philosophy & Meditation 12:00pm -1:30pm All Levels 2:15pm-3:00pm Kids Yoga 7-12 yrs 3:00pm-4:15pm Chair Yoga 3:15pm-4:00pm Kids Yoga 3-6 yrs 3:30pm-4:15pm Middle Schoolers 4:30pm-6:00pm Level 2/3 4:30pm-6:00pm Level 1 6:15pm-7:30pm Level 1 Level 2 6:15pm-7:45pm Stress Reduction 6:30pm-8:00pm 8:00pm-9:30pm Level 1/2 8:00pm-9:30pm Level 3

THURSDAY (No class week of Nov. 26) Level 2 10:30am-12:00pm 10:30am-11:45am Level 1 12:30pm - 2:00pm Level 2/3 3:00pm-4:00pm Gentle 4:30pm-6:00pm Level 4 Level 2/3 6:15pm-7:45pm 6:15pm-7:30pm Level 1 7:45pm-9:15pm Integral Yoga 8:00pm-9:30pm Vinyasa 2 FRIDAY (No class week of Nov. 26) 6:15am-7:15am All Levels 9:30am-10:45am Level 1 10:15am-11:45am Level 2/3 11:00am-12:30pm Level 2 4:30pm-5:45pm Gentle 6:30pm-8:00pm Prenatal All Levels 6:30pm-7:45pm


Arlington • Fairfax City 703.525.YOGA (9642)

SATURDAY (No class week of Nov. 26) Pilates Level 1/2 8:00am-9:00am Pilates Level 1 9:15am-10:15am 9:15am-10:30am Level 1 10:45am-12:15pm Level 2 10:45am-12:15pm Vinyasa 12:30pm-2:00pm Prenatal


FAIRFAX STUDIO • Fall September 3-December 21 (15 weeks) Time SUNDAY 9:00am-10:00am 9:15am-10:30am 10:15am-11:45am



Start Date


Carolyn Amundson Amir/Asya

7-Sep 7-Sep

$195.00 $210.00


10:45am-12:15pm 3:00pm-4:15pm 4:30pm-5:30pm

Pilates/Yoga Level 1 Level 1/2 Sound Healing Level 2/3 Level 1 Family Yoga

Vicki Christian

($65 2nd child)


(Parents optional)

7-Sep 7-Sep

$195.00 Donation



Cynthia Maltenfort Jon Waterman


MONDAY 9:00am-10:30am 10:15am-11:45am 12:00pm-1:00pm 1:30pm-2:00pm 2:15pm-2:45pm 4:30pm-6:00pm 6:15pm-7:30pm 6:00pm-7:30pm 7:45pm-9:15pm 7:45pm-9:00pm

Vinyasa All Levels Gentle Kids 4-9 Kids 7-11 All Levels Level 1 Level 2/3 Level 2 Level 1/2

Kelly Johnson Carol Confino Carol Confino Cynthia Maltenfort Cynthia Maltenfort Rixie Dennison Rixie Dennison Vicki Christian Frank Wooldridge Vicki Christian

8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep 8-Sep

$225.00 $225.00 $195.00 $150.00 $150.00 $225.00 $210.00 $225.00 $225.00 $210.00


TUESDAY 7:00am-8:00am 10:15am-11:15am 9:00am-10:15am 10:30am-12:00pm 11:30am-12:45pm 4:30pm-6:00pm 6:15pm-7:45pm 6:15pm-7:45pm 8:00pm-9:30pm 8:00pm-9:15pm

All Levels Pilates Level 1 All Levels Viniyoga Level 2 All Levels Vinyasa 2 Level 2/3 Level 1

Cynthia Lim Suze Auda Kelly Johnson Kelly Johnson Anna Mikheeva Rixie Dennison Rixie Dennison Tanya Zimmerli Suze Auda Phyllis Haney

9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep 9-Sep

$195.00 $195.00 $210.00 $225.00 $210.00 $225.00 $225.00 $225.00 $225.00 $210.00


WEDNESDAY 9:00am-10:15am 10:00am-11:30am 12:00pm-1:00pm 1:30pm-2:30pm 4:30pm-6:00pm 6:00pm-7:45pm 8:00pm-9:00pm 6:15pm-7:45pm 8:00pm-9:15pm

Level 1 All Levels Level 1/2 Simply Seniors Gentle Level 1 Level 3 and up Yin Yoga Level 2 Level 1

Cynthia Maltenfort Pauline Tait Carol Confino Carole Rodero Noralea Dalkin Pat Pao Pat Pao Carol Confino Carol Confino

3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep 3-Sep

$210.00 $225.00 $195.00 $195.00 $225.00 $240.00 $195.00 $225.00 $210.00


THURSDAY 7:00am-8:00am 10:00am-11:30am 10:00am-11:30am 2:00pm-2:30pm 6:15pm-7:30pm 6:00pm-7:15pm 7:45pm-9:15pm 7:30pm-9:00pm

All Levels Level 2/3 Level 1/2 Kids 3-6 Level 1 Vinyasa 1/2 Prenatal All Levels

Cynthia Lim Judith Lyon Carol Confino Cynthia Maltenfort Anand Bhatt Audra Monk Allegra Gulino Audra Monk

4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep 4-Sep

$195.00 $225.00 $225.00 $150.00 $210.00 $210.00 $225.00 $225.00


FRIDAY 10:00am-11:30am 10:15am-11:30am 11:45am-1:15pm 11:45am-1:15pm 6:00pm-7:00pm

All Levels Vinyasa Level 1/2 Yoga for Recovery Restorative Yoga

Noralea Dalkin Audra Monk Audra Monk Noralea/Cynthia Carole Rodero

5-Sep 5-Sep 5-Sep 5-Sep 5-Sep

$225.00 $210.00 $225.00 $225.00 $195.00


SATURDAY 9:00am-10:45am 9:00am-10:45am 11:00am-12:00pm 11:00am-12:15pm

Level 3 Level 2 Pilates Level 1

Andrea K/Anna M Annette Hyde Carolyn Amundson Annette Hyde

6-Sep 6-Sep 6-Sep 6-Sep

$240.00 $225.00 $195.00 $210.00


5:00pm-6:15pm 5:45pm-6:45pm

Prenatal High Schoolers

Helene Hammer Amir/Asya Carol Confino Cynthia Maltenfort

7-Sep 7-Sep 7-Sep 7-Sep

$225.00 $225.00 $210.00 $260.00 $210.00





From Rt. 66 heading East: Take Exit 72 (Spout Run/Lee Hwy). Turn left onto Lee Hwy. Continue on Lee Hwy. until you reach your 3rd light. Turn right onto N. Pollard. The studio is on Lee Hwy. on the right in a small strip of stores.

From GW Parkway/Alexandria: Take the Spout Run Exit (left exit) off GW Parkway. Turn right onto Lee Hwy. Continue on Lee Hwy. and at the fourth light turn right onto N. Pollard. Park in lot on your right. The studio will be on Lee Hwy. in a small strip of stores. FAIRFAX CITY STUDIO 9998 Main Street Fairfax, VA 22031

From Rt. 29/211: Take 236 East (Main Street). Pass downtown Fairfax City. We’re located on the left in Main Street Plaza. From I495: Take Rt. 236 West (Little River Turnpike). Little River Turnpike turns into Main Street. We’re located on the right in Main Street Plaza.

From Rt. 123: Take Rt. 236 East (Main Street). We’re located on the left in Main Street Plaza.

Classes are held at the Belle Meade Inn. For directions, see their website at or call Mary O’Meara at 540.825.1215.

While this schedule is current as of the printing, there may be changes prior to and after the start of the session. Please check our website at for the most up to date information.


General Information and Fees

REGISTRATION INFORMATION To register, please read all of our policy information before filling out the registration form on the following page. If you have any questions, please call the studio at (703) 525-YOGA (9642). We accept beginners or new students at any time throughout the session as long as space is available in your class choice. If you are joining the session late, partial session registration is available. Drop-in and single class registration is available at our normal single class rate. Local students who are considering registering for classes may take a trial class without charge to determine if Sun&Moon is the right studio for them (ask our staff for terms and information). We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, checks or cash.

A $20 fee will be charged for checks returned to Sun&Moon. If you fax in a credit card registration, please do not mail a copy — you may be charged twice. Sorry, we do not call to confirm registrations. However, we will call if the class you requested is full.

FEES Full Session Registration Sun&Moon classes are offered weekly on a seasonal session basis (usually 14 weeks, fewer in summer). We are a school of yoga with our classes structured to provide a well-rounded curriculum over an entire session. Prices for a full session registration represent a discount off our regular single class rate and are listed on our class schedule. Single Class/Drop-ins Sun&Moon allows students who are not registered for a full session to attend classes on a single class/drop-in basis. The following are our single class rates: • Classes 1 hour or less: $15 • Classes 1-1 1/2 hours: $18 • Classes 2 hours: $21

Drop-ins A Drop-in is a student not currently registered, wishing to take a single class, or a current student wishing to take an additional class. Drop-ins are permitted only if space is available, so please call first. You may come to a class that is full, but you will need to wait until class begins to see if you can take the place of a “no show” that day. Drop-in fees are under Fees on this page. Please inform the teacher that you are taking the class as a drop-in.

REGISTER EARLY Registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register early to avoid disappointment.

MAKE-UPS If you miss a class, you may make it up in any other yoga class within the current session. Classes cancelled due to inclement weather may be made up during the session. Call the studio or visit our website to find out if your class has been cancelled. (For your safety, when making up classes we ask that you stay at the same or lower level yoga class.) You do not need to call ahead to do a make-up; however, you should tell teachers that you are taking their class as a make-up for your regular class. Make-ups may also be done at the Health Advantage Yoga Center or Boundless Yoga Studio under our reciprocity agreement and at any of the two Sun&Moon Studios. REFUND POLICY You must fill out a Refund Request form. The forms are available at the front desk. The date the written request is received rather than the last class attended is the criterion for determining refunds. • A $30 non-refundable administration fee is deducted from all tuitions. • After week one, all tuition less the $30 registration fee is refunded. • After week two, 75% of tuition less the $30 registration fee is refunded. • After week three, 50% of tuition less the $30 registration fee is refunded. • After week four, 25% of tuition less the $30 registration fee is refunded.

No refunds are given after the fifth class. Refunds are made by check and may take up to six weeks.

WHAT TO WEAR Comfortable clothes such as shorts, footless tights or leggings with a T-shirt or leotard. Please do not wear baggy sweats or pants (this inhibits the teacher’s ability to spot misalignments). Please remove shoes before entering the yoga rooms. We have men and women’s changing areas. No heavy perfume/cologne or noisy jewelry please. Please leave cell phone and valuables locked in your car. Sun&Moon Yoga Studio, Ltd. reserves the right to dismiss (with or without a refund) any student who disrupts the harmony of the class and/or studio environment.


VOLUNTEER STAFF We just couldn’t do it without these helpers.Thank you all!!

Abhaya Schlesinger, Alison Bauer, Alyson Lipsky, Andrew Clark, Angela Robb, Anne Burnell, Anne Meador, Ashleigh Gurtler, Ashley Brennan, Barb Lewis, Becki Sottile, Benedicte Monroe, Bonnie Awosika, Carol Murphy, Carole Rodero, Connie Donaghy, Cori Brown, Corinne Krill, Cynthia Maltenfort, Dalia Palchik, Dana Cook, Dante Deen, Deb Martin, Debbie Kidd, Debra Hanley, Denise Furst, Eileen Spinella, Elizabeth Clark, Harriet Snope, Helene Hammer, Jackie Zovko, Jacquelyn King, Janice Price, Jodi Branch, Joni Carluzzo, Judy Ladd, Julie Carvalho, Kamala Mohammed, Kathleen Brown, Kathleen Thompson, Katie Middleton, Kristin Thorburn, Linda Becker, Lindsay Casale, Lisa Gunther, Lisa Murphy, Lise Sajewski, Madeline Wiley, Mary Blackwell, Mary Pat Miller, Mary Thomas, Melanie Mustone, Monica Kaiser, Patricia Rostkowski, Princess Bracey, Ronnie D, Sabrina Haritos, Sandra Kilburn, Sara Wossen, Sharon Safron, Shirley Lock, Shobha Shagal, Susan Fox Hirschmann, Susan Hennessy, Susan Jacobson, Thea Bertoni, Theresa Drake, Theresa Esterlund, Tom Wanat, Trudi Olivetti

Volunteer at one of our studios in exchange for yoga classes! Shift availability varies. Please check with the studio in which you’d like to volunteer. Call the studio at 703.525.9642. STAFF: Lee Bory, Carol Confino, Noralea Dalkin, Arlene Greenfield, Annie Moyer and Amir Tahami. NEWSLETTER LAYOUT: Laura Symanski/ Natsuko Design. 10

Arlington Studio 3811 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207 Fairfax City Studio 9998 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031 703-525-YOGA (9642) PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER

Online Registration go to: DISCOUNT POLICY Sun&Moon offers a ten-dollar ($10.00) discount to students registering for the full session if • students are sixty (60) years of age or • students are registering for two (2) or more classes

We have a work exchange program for those who wish to trade work at the studio for yoga classes. Students may also apply for financial aid for assistance in paying for their classes. Please cut along dotted lines

Registration – Fall 2008 One form per person please.

Name _______________________________________________________________________________

Date _______/_______/_______

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________________ State ___________________________________ Zip ___________________________ Phone (day) _________________________________ (evening) __________________________________ (cell) __________________________________

Email _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How did you hear about Sun&Moon Studio? _______________________________________________________________________________________

By signing here, I declare myself to be responsible for my own health and safety while participating in class. ___________________________________________________________________________ Class



Start Date



■ Arlington


■ Fairfax

■ Arlington ■ Fairfax

Check box to indicate discount. ($10.00): Senior (60 years or older) ■ Multiple Classes ■


For mail in or Faxed registrations only: ■ Visa ■ MC ■ Disc# _________________________________________ Exp. Date ______ /______

Signature __________________________________________________________________

Please make payment to Sun&Moon for full amount. You may drop off, fax or mail to: Arlington students, mail to 3811 Lee Highway, Arlington VA 22207 Fax: 703-525-5524 Fairfax students, mail to 9998 Main St., Fairfax, VA 22031 Fax: 703-934-9481

Office Use: ■ Reg. Book ■ Cash Reg. ■ CC Proc. Circle: V/MC/Disc/CA/CK# __________PR________GC$________NAME_____________ Date rec’d _______________ Database by__________________________


Prsrt Std U.S. Postage


3811 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207

Merrifield VA Permit #6445

Yoga Workshops!!! Please check our website at for worskhop details and registration information. Be sure to register early to avoid disappointment. Workshops fill quickly. GUEST TEACHERS Fri-Sun, 9/19-9/21 Doug Keller Sat, 10/4 Adi Carter

Sat, 10/11 Kim Groark

Fri-Sun, 10/24-10/26 Pierre Couvillion

TEACHER TRAINING WORKSHOPS Thursday–Sunday September 11–14 Sunday September 28

Saturday–Sunday October 25–26

Thursday–Sunday October 30–November 2 Friday–Sunday November 21–23

Sun&Moon Teacher Certification programs are registered with The Yoga Alliance. See page 6 for more details


• 300-hour Hatha Teaching Certificate Learn to instruct the Level 1 and 2 students and get an introduction to the many facets of the eight-fold path of yoga. • 700-hour Advanced-Yoga Teaching Certificate Learn to instruct the Level 3 and 4 poses and move more into the depth of the spiritual and philosophical basis and practices of yoga.

• Therapeutic Certificate This certification would be added to the 700-hour program course of study focusing on using yoga as a holistic mind/body practice encompassing the physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual aspects of a student. Sun&Moon Teacher Certification programs are registered with The Yoga Alliance.

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