Sun & Moon Yoga Studio 2005 Spring Newsletter

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spring 2005

Staying Grounded in Chaos by JJ Gormley

There’s no longer any doubt that a never-ending array of technological gadgets (E-mail, Personal Digital Assistants, etc., etc.) has accelerated the pace of our lives, supposedly to simplify things. Indeed, these gadgets do simplify matters, but I fear that because they offer us more choices, we end up taking on so much that our lives become increasingly chaotic. The toll this chaos takes is manifested in increased stress levels and dour attitudes. Perhaps because everyone else partakes in this accelerated pace of life, it seems to take longer to get things done. Getting an electrician to come to your house to perform a simple task requires extraordinary effort simply to find someone and then coordinate the effort. Getting a car repaired these days—even a minor dent—takes twice the time it used to, or so it would seem. Stress levels go up, as do the costs of getting anything done (for example, procuring a rental car during your lengthy car repair). People I meet in the supermarket, at the gas station, in the bank, invariably seem on edge, less communicative, and in the case of people in the service industry, almost annoyed by the presence of a customer. Everyone seems to be racing around, which seems to contribute perversely to making me feel more compelled to rush around, too. Not surprisingly, the faster pace of life has invaded Sun & Moon Studio. Ten years ago, I only had the Arlington studio, and ran it for the most part on my own. Fewer students of course meant a lighter and simpler amount of office work. The teacher-training program then was comparatively trivial to today’s program. A decade ago, I simply met with a handful of eager students one weekend a month and taught them as much as I could. Now, we have well over 60 eager students in three programs. The teaching staff has grown from four teachers to over twenty-five and the office staff from one (myself) to seven. The volunteers have grown, too, from a handful to over 50. These (happy) circumstances make it more difficult for me to know everyone who passes through the door. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with how things are now, especially when I begin reminiscing about how simple my life once was. When this feeling of chaos overwhelms me, I must really

rely on my practice to keep me grounded. I really used to rely upon the asanas and their magic to ground me, but now I become increasingly reliant on my meditation practice to achieve the true grounding energy I require. The difficulty is finding enough time in a day to do as much meditation as I sometimes need to stay even-keeled during chaotic periods in my life. When I don’t spend enough time in my seated practice, I feel myself getting anxious, angry, and upset when those around me are displaying similar feelings. I tell myself that my sensitive body is just picking up on the energies around me, but I do really know better. I’m not spending as much time as I need to keep myself well grounded. Besides spending more time meditating, I’ve adjusted my teaching to incorporate more time in “centering” for beginners. For advanced students, I refer to such centering as meditating. I used to just do 10-15 minutes of this activity in each class; now I try to allow more like 15-20 minutes. Also, I make sure to allow at least 15 minutes for savasana (final relaxation) at the end of class, and usually try for 20 minutes. These times call for such grounding work. I hope that each of you are allowing ample time for centering, meditating or grounding asanas. If so, I know you will find that such a practice will help you to keep the chaos that you are dealing with in your life from affecting your ability to stay even-keeled. If not, please take a few minutes right now, to breathe and center. Come to the group meditations offered at both studios on Sunday evenings and begin to get your home practice going in a direction more suited for today’s accelerated pace of life. Namaste, JJ 1

Meet Charlie Heffernan Transition and Transformation

How does it feel to teach a yoga class? I get a little nervous before each class. I want so much to be sure that those who attend have a wonderful experience; I usually ask what people want to focus on. I want to create a smooth sequence of postures that will leave our minds and bodies both refreshed and quieted from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Then, once we get started, it is almost like an invisible hand takes over, and the class falls into a groove. I might have written out a set of asanas to follow but we will skip one or two or jumble them all up, based simply on the energy in the room and the feedback from the class. Invariably I end up feeling just great and I hope everyone else does, too. I usually sort of float back to my house grinning, where my wife can always tell I’ve just come back from leading a yoga class. I find it a privilege and an honor to share my love of this discipline. You are one of two guys teaching at Sun and Moon. Why don’t more men do yoga? American men are acculturated to be strong silent types. It is a pity that this mind set seems to make men more keen to get ‘buff’ at the gym – working out alone or with a spotter on weights – than coming into a community with yoga. Men could benefit greatly from the physical and emotional balancing brought about through a yoga practice. Yoga opens your heart; unfortunately not enough men see the benefits of that. What is going on in your life? After over 25 years in various government jobs - Peace Corps Volunteer, Dept. of Agriculture employee and Foreign Service Officer - I will leave the rolls of the State Department on April 30. This transition coincides with personal changes in our house: my wonderful wife Robbie retired from the Foreign Service in Spring 2003 and is finishing her Sun and Moon 300 hour TT program. We will now, for the first time in over 25 years, not be heading back overseas after a short stay in the States. Our son Joe is preparing for his senior year in high school and a transition to college. Our daughter Amanda has graduated from college and relocated to Seattle, where she will pursue post-graduate work in nursing and midwifery. All of this dovetails with our ever-deepening practices of yoga and Buddhist meditation. We have been hosting a meditation group at our house for over three years now and Robbie and I have begun to share leading a partner yoga class here at Sun & Moon in Arlington on Friday nights. Why both yoga and meditation? These two practices are in essence one; Patanjali’s eighth and final limb of yoga is ‘samadhi’ (lit: putting it all together) where one’s yoga practice can lead, through meditation, to enlightenment. When looked at separately they compliment each other in won2

derful ways. Yoga practices are enhanced by ‘sitting’ and for me, sitting is always better after a thorough stretching with asanas. Each ebbs and flows as you pursue them and each requires awareness, particularly awareness of breathing. There are times when you can feel stuck, in one or the other, and there are times when it all seems to click and yoga and meditation bring deep refreshing benefits that enhance the joy of living and multiply your happiness. How is what are you reading these days affecting your teaching? Richard Rosen’s Yoga of Breath is the main book at my bedside now, and it is helping me guide yoga classes into a fuller awareness of breathing. Using this guidance we vastly improve our breathing. Maximizing life energy through breathing requires good posture, smooth mechanics and strong organs of respiration. The diaphragm and the abdominal muscles are critical. Focusing on core strength and alignment serve to make us all better, more efficient breathers. I learned in teacher training and have felt in class that deep breathing should be pursued for a series of inhalations and exhalations after finding one’s full expression of an asana: Mr. Rosen’s book helps us understand just how transforming this can be. Some day I want to teach a class where we pursue just two or three asanas, but take them each deeper and deeper and deeper on the breath. What is it like for you to teach a pre-natal class? I have occasionally substituted for colleagues leading a pre-natal class and it affected me two ways: first, I feared someone would go into labor during class, and second, I was thrilled to be with expectant mothers. I love babies. And, most times, babies seem to like me. Teaching a pre-natal class took me back to the special times of Robbie’s pregnancies with Joe and Amanda. Tell us about your partner yoga class. Robbie and I first ventured into teaching yoga at our house in Amman, Jordan, to American and Jordanian Embassy colleagues and others in the expatriate community. There were no certified teachers in Jordan at that time offering classes to both men and women, so we filled that niche. It was a bit frightening and ultimately very satisfying. We discovered teaching yoga was for us what Joseph Campbell recommends: “Follow your bliss.” The partner class brings us back to those great times when we first tried teaching. Robbie is the true leader of the effort, having done a paper for the TT program on partner yoga. I basically get to go along for the ride. The class is fun and full of laughter. It is really impossible to be overly serious when doing yoga with someone you are close to, adjusting your bodies to one another’s and giving each other constant feedback. It’s a kick.

Triangle Pose – “Trikonasana” By Alexandra "Zan" Evans

Ah triangle pose. One of the first standing poses learned in yoga. Many people like it, several don’t care for it and a few think it is designed to humiliate the length of their hamstrings. Why do we DO this pose? Well, the main crux of trikonasana is lengthening the spine. This is hard to accomplish if your hamstrings are screaming and your shoulders are equally miserable. This article will dissect the pose AND offer some alternatives to making it feel like you are actually lengthening the spine. And THAT feels good! Begin on a sticky mat and have one block available. We start, as so many standing poses do, by taking the feet apart. They should be a leg length apart. If you have long legs, you’ve got a wider stance. (shorter legs, shorter stance) Turn your feet to the right so that your right foot is facing right, and your left foot is turned in at a right angle. Begin with hands on your hips. The hips and shoulders face toward (approximately) the long side of your mat. The feet face toward the short end of your mat. This stance allows hip opening. But it also encourages the front knee to veer towards the long end of the mat. Don’t allow it. Encourage that front knee to stay lined up with the front foot. If it won’t behave, encourage the knee to roll towards the baby toe of that right foot. That will keep the knee in line, and feeling good through the pose. If the pose doesn’t feel good, something needs to change. We don’t want to feel like we are being tortured. Have the block next to your front ankle, on the baby toe side of the foot. Normally we would reach the arms out, and bring the front hand to the block. For now, let’s just get that hand to the block and put your left hand on your left hip. BEND YOUR KNEES. “What?” you gasp. “Triangle pose has STRAIGHT legs! You can’t, um, well, the legs, should be, um, sputter, gasp, um…” Yes, exactly! We are going to bend the legs in the pose so that the focus isn’t on the hamstrings. Soooooooo, it's okay to bend those knees. You’ve got your front hand on the block and other hand on that top hip. And hey, isn’t that a little easier than doing this with straight legs? I know, I know. We will get them straight later. Stay focused on what we are attempting to accomplish, which is a long spine.

Now, we want to add the essential twist to the pose. Lots of folks don’t realize that this pose has a twist. Think for a moment about doing twists when you are seated. You are settled on the floor. You inhale, lengthen your spine, exhale, and turn. Right? Welllllll, let’s do that here! Use your top hand, (left hand), to assist your torso in twisting. Move the top left hand to the bottom right ribs. And gently turn your ribs up towards the ceiling. Let your heart turn towards the ceiling. Let the top shoulder roll back. If comfy, allow your head to look at the ceiling. This should feel good, like a twist does! Now, inhale, draw your hips towards your back foot. Exhale; take your collarbones towards the front of your mat. You are longer. Can you feel the spine lengthening? THEN twist them ribs again! Wow, this feels good. Are your knees still bent? If not, BEND “EM. Even if your hamstrings couldn’t care less about this pose! Bend those knees! YEEEESSSS! You can do this lengthening, breathing, and twisting a few times. We are moving the torso so that the twist is such that the top shoulder winds up eventually right over the bottom shoulder. WHEN that happens (it is ok if it doesn’t today), then you may take that left arm up towards the ceiling. This should feel lovely and your body will respond that this is a good idea. If the body says, “whoa, watch the shoulder buddy!” drop that top arm. Put that hand back on those top ribs and work from here. NOW, if you want, begin to straighten the legs. Your final poses will either look like the one your teacher demos, with straight legs and top arm reaching towards the ceiling OR your knees are bent, and your top arm is on the top ribs. EITHER IS OK because both have brought length to the spine and encouraged a lovely twist. Just a note: The ego gets caught up in doing the pose a certain way and will ignore the intelligent messages from the body saying “this is a bad, bad idea." Let go of the ego and focus on the pose and the benefits of lengthening your spine. You have a long journey to practice yoga. Let it unfold at your body’s rate. If you do, you will enjoy the journey. When you don’t, well it isn’t much fun. Let’s take the fun route. Enjoy. Namaste, Alexandra “Zan” Evans 5

Class Descriptions, Resources and Staff

Workshops, Retreats and Events

CLASS DESCRIPTIONS Level 1: Learn the fundamentals and relax. This class can be joined at any time during the session. Level 2: Refine the basics and gain more awareness of the body through more advanced breath work.

SAVE THE WEEKEND OF APRIL 22-24 FOR SUN & MOON’S 10TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ! Join us for a special celebration weekend featuring workshops, food and lots of other fun! JJ GORMLEY’S WORKSHOP CALENDER 2005


Other Info


Contact Info

April 8-10

Lenox, MA

Kripalu Yoga Center


May 13-15

Hohenwald, TN

Gray Bear Retreat Center

Adam or Dian

Jun 10-12

Seattle, WA

Lotus Yoga

Maia Laverty

July 8-10

Vinalhaven/ NorthHaven, ME

Recreation Center

Lizzie Clapham

BlackTail Ranch, MT

Weeklong Retreat: Yoga and Ritual

Feathered Pipe Ranch

Aug 6-13


Sept 16-18

Lake Jackson, TX

Weekend Workshop

Scott Bury

Oct 2-7

Lenox, MA

Kripalu Yoga Center


Nov 4-6

Edisto, SC

Sun & Moon Yoga Center

Virginia Woodhead

Dec 16-18

Ft. Walton Beach, FL

DragonFly Yoga Center

Laura Tyree



Other Info


Contact Info

May 31-Jun 4

Rappahannock, VA

Therapeutics Intensive with Terry Brown

Sun & Moon Yoga Studio

Jun 27-Jul 1

Rappahannock, VA

Teacher Training Intensive Module A

Sun & Moon Yoga Studio

Jul 5-9

Sun & Moon Yoga Studio

Hosting Anodea Judith for Chakra Intensive

Sun & Moon Yoga Studio

Teacher Training Intensive Module B

Sun & Moon Yoga Studio

Teacher Training Intensive Module C

Sun & Moon Yoga Studio

Jul 19-23

Aug 1-Sep 5

Rappahannock, VA

Rappahannock, VA

JJ will be in Montana

Oct 14-16

Sun & Moon Yoga Studio

Hosting Barbara Benagh for Yoga Workshop

Sun & Moon Yoga Studio

Dec 3-5

Sun & Moon Yoga Studio

Hosting Kausthub Desikachar Sun & Moon Yoga Studio for Yoga Workshop

Did you know that you can register for many of our workshops online? (click on calendar) 6

*Level 4: Intensify your strong asana practice by developing a deeper internal understanding of yoga. Must be comfortable with deep back bending and inversions. All Levels: Appropriate for all students, this class introduces the basics and challenges more advanced students. Combination Classes: For the student who doesn't quite feel ready to move on to the next level, but is trying to ease forward slowly, combination classes (i.e. Level 1-2) provide the avenue to do so. Deepening Your Practice: Each week, Amir examines a specific category of poses and explores not only detailed instructions and variations of the pose, but also emphasizes the poses' significance and how it integrates physically and psychologically into our being. The class is taught in a workshop style that emphasizes the student's home practice. This class is practical for all levels, however, the student must complete at least one full session of Level 1 at SMYS before taking this class. Gentle: Introductory poses at a slow pace. This class is ideal for beginning students and students with health concerns. Meditation Group: A general survey and practice of various meditation philosophies and practices. Open to beginners and advanced students alike. No registration necessary.


Jul 12-16

*Level 3: Progress to advanced standing and seated poses and begin integrating inversions.

Parent/Toddler: This is a class for parents and toddlers to have fun exploring yoga together Partner Yoga Class: This class will focus on doubled and partner-assisted asanas as well as shared breathing and meditation practices. PLEASE SIGN UP IN PAIRS. The class is appropriate for partners, close friends, or family members comfortable with sharing touch. The goal is to joyfully nourish primary relationships through yoga. The intriguing challenges to balance (and humor) that emerge from doubling yoga postures mean that this class is best suited to students who have had at least one term at Level 2 and/or other yoga experience. Pilates 1: This exercise system focuses on correct breathing, posture and core strengthening. No admittance after week three without permission of the instructor. Pilates 2: The progression in this class is faster than Pilates 1 and provides an energetic, full body workout. Prior Pilates experience necessary.

Post-Natal Yoga: The focus of this class is on supporting the new mom in relating to both her own new body and her new baby. Babies are welcome! Pranayama/Meditation: This class will provide students the skills and tools necessary to develop their home meditation and conscious breathing practice. Pre-Natal Yoga: An all-levels course that will support and empower expectant mothers. The focus is on easing aches and pains and making the body comfortable during pregnancy. *Vinyasa 1: A challenging practice that builds stamina and strength through a faster-paced flow. Students must have some yoga experience. *Vinyasa 2: Adding more advanced poses to the fast pace of Vinyasa 1, this class is open to level 2+ students ready to test their focus and core strength. Introduction to Ashtanga: This class is for the first time Ashtanga student. It covers the basic Sun Salutations and standing postures from the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga, a challenging and dynamic style of yoga. Although the series requires stamina and strength, it is adaptable to all levels of practitioners. Ashtanga: A faster paced class not for the beginning yoga student. Previous vinyasa, power or Ashtanga experience is suggested. The emphasis of this style is on flow, floor work, inversions and breathing. Philosophy: Classical yoga philosophy using Shree Patanjali Aphorisms and other relevant texts. This class is suitable for yoga students and yoga teachers at all levels, and also for other philosophy and psychology students. Chanting/Meditation: This class shall offer chanting on some days, and classical meditation on other days. Chanting includes vedic chanting, mantras chanting, and sankirtan chanting, etc. Classical Meditation helps achieve personal goals such as focus, stress relief, happiness, and classical yoga goals of concentration and samadhi. Suitable for students and teachers interested in conceptual understanding and practice of Classical chanting and/or meditation. Yoga for Tots: A fun class for children 3-5 to begin playing with yoga. Yoga for Kids: Children 8-12 years learn yoga in a relaxed, playful environment. Teens Yoga: For the adolescent yogi we offer a teen's class (age 12-18) focusing on a playful, yet disciplined practice of asana, pranayama and relaxation. Yoga can help stressed out young people to increase focus, self-esteem and personal awareness. Yoga for Recovery: This slow paced class will be a combination of yogic breathing, and deep relaxation combined with gentle movement to restore strength, range of motion and vitality. The practice will be modified for individual needs.

300-hr TT Class:This class is offered for advanced students, those in a teacher training program and particularly for those enrolled in the 300-hr Sun and Moon Teacher Training Program. Each week a different topic from the required curiculum will be covered. Topics may be viewed on the website, but include anatomy, how to teach Level 1 and 2 asanas, philosophy, etc. 700-hr TT class: This class is offered for the very advanced student (Level 3 and up), those who've completed a Teacher Training, and particularly those enrolled in the 700-hr Sun and Moon Teacher Training Program. Each week a different topic from the required curriculum will be covered. Topics (may be viewed on the website) include: anatomy, how to teach upper level asanas, philosophy, energy work, etc. * These classes require completion of at least two quarters of the previous level and permission of the teacher before registering.

VOLUNTEER STAFF We just couldn’t do it without these helpers. Thank you all!! Alana Weathersbee, Alexes Pereira , Ann Rickard, Anne Meador, Bandana Risal, Barb Lewis, Carmen Nielsen, Caroline Sl obodzian, Christi Fath, Christine Szegda, CJ Arban, Courtney Schwarten, Cynthia Maltenfort, Danielle Tipton, Debbie Kidd, Deborah Martin, Ellen Brown, Harriet Snope, Honora Price, Ingrid Resch, Irma Ruiz, Jennifer Cavalet, Jennifer Farmer, Jennifer Shaw, Jessica Harris, Jessica Woolard, Kara Bowling, Karen Skomorucha, Kathi Whitmore, Kit Johnston, Kristin Golias, Kristy Sampson, Laura Nelson, Linda Kleckner, Linda Lewis, Linda Sultan, Lindsay Mayhood, Lisa Gunther, Lucy Warner, Maria Smith, Marie Rodriguez, Martha Chisnell, Mary Blackwell, Mary Carlton, Mary Jane, Mary McInerney, Melissa Garcia, Melissa Topscher, Monika Nelson, Murli Dhage, Nancy Rowland, PaulaLevinAlcorn, Sarah Fox, Sharon Ezzeldin, Sharon Safran, Shilo Kwuamoto, Shoshana Rosenbaum, Susan Hennessy, Svetha Veeravalli, Theresa Prych, Ziggy Issa Volunteer at one of our studios in exchange for yoga classes! We have weekday evenings and weekend hours available. Call the studio 703-525-9642. Owners JJ Gormley, Executive Director Alexandra Evans Tanya Roland Staff Katie Banfield, Tricia Berman, Lee Bory, Noralea Dalkin, Arlene Greenfield, and Sally Wurtz Newsletter Design: Scott Severson Photography: Charma Le Edmonds



Katie Banfield

Rhonda Cavenuagh

Joyce Cmiel

Noralea Dalkin

Rixie Dennison

Lilly Draney

Beth Ebner

Alex Pratt Gorman

Janet (JJ) Gormley

Allegra Gulino

Asya Haikin

Charlie Heffernan

Carol Herring

Cindy Kahn

Sarah Kashdan

Enid Kassner

Andrea Kiss

Neel Kulkarni

Alex Levin

Judith Lyon

Cynthia Maltenfort

Audra Monk

Suzanne Morgan

Annie Moyer

See our Web site for more information on our teachers. Erika Neil

Robbie Newell

Mary O’Meara

Patricia Pao

Katie Banfield earned her teaching certificate from Sun & Moon Studio in 1999 and has been teaching ever since. She blends her enthusiasm for asana with her reverence for inner stillness. Rhonda Cavenaugh first began her yoga studies more than 20 years ago. Her background includes Integral, Iyengar and Kripalu traditions. Rhonda encourages students to develop compassionate self-awareness while challenging their “growing edge.” Joyce Cmiel completed her Sun & Moon teacher certification and studied for many years with teachers whose backgrounds include Iyengar, Anusara and Shivananda styles of yoga. Joyce’s warm style of teaching fosters comfort and growth. Noralea Dalkin has completed teacher certification programs at The Health Advantage Yoga Center and Satchidananda Ashram. She encourages students to breathe and notice the changes and relaxation that yoga brings to their body, mind and spirit. Rixie Dennison is Sun & Moon certified and teaches workshops on special healing modalities including the popular Mandala workshop. Always with a smile, her teaching style is gentle, warm and creative. Lilly Draney began her yoga practice as a teenager. She is a Sun & Moon certified teacher. Her teaching is open and lighthearted, with an emphasis on the fundamental connection of mind, breath and body. Beth Ebner began practicing yoga more than 12 years ago. She loves the benefits of yoga: balance, relaxation and alignment. Her diverse yogic background gives a rich and eclectic quality to her teaching. Alex Pratt Gorman started practicing yoga 8

Michelle Renfield

Zahra Sadry

Jackie Shaffer

Amir Tahami

in 1999 and could barely get comfortable enough to take her socks off in class and now she has nearly finished her teacher training program at Sun & Moon. She hopes to give to her students the gift her favorite yoga teacher gave to her: a place where students can feel free to take their socks off and trust their own best instincts.

Maureen Vasquez

Cindy Kahn is certified through The Health Advantage Yoga Studio. Cindy draws from a background of dance and physical therapy. She guides others in yoga in an honest and openhearted manner, addressing yoga as a synthesis of body and mind, and also of spirit.

Asya Haikin enjoys teaching dynamic classes, focusing on clear alignment instructions, and aspires to share the inner balance that yoga brings to her life. She is a graduate of Sun & Moon's advanced teacher training program.

Sarah Kashdan has been practicing yoga regularly for over ten years and has been teaching since 1998. She was first introduced to yoga when she accompanied her mother to a class when she was eight years old. Sarah received her 200 hour interdisciplinary yoga teacher certification at Omega Institute with Don and Amba Stapleton in 1998. Her passion for yoga led her to complete a prenatal yoga teacher certification at Kripalu Institute in 2001 and most recently her 500 hour advanced training at Be Yoga in NYC with yoga master Alan Finger in 2003. Sarah enjoys teaching a blend of hatha yoga styles including iyengar, ashtanga, kripalu, and ishta yoga into a flowing sequence. Sarah has her bachelors degree in psychology and has worked with individuals with epilepsy helping them to reduce stress through guided imagery, yoga, breathing and relaxation techniques.

Charlie Heffernan has studied yoga for 20 years and is Sun & Moon certified. He focuses on centering the mind, body and breath, while joyfully exploring the asanas. Charlie practices mindfulness meditation in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.

Enid Kassner completed her teacher certification through Sun & Moon Studio. Her teaching style promotes a sensitive exploration of the inner experience of yoga in a light-hearted encouraging environment in which students can progress at their own pace.

Carol Herring is a certified yoga instructor, group exercise instructor and personal trainer. In addition, Carol works as a computer consultant. Her work experience in computers parlays into her yoga instruction. Asanas are presented with preciseness. Students are encouraged to develop their potential through a combined mindset of humor and humility.

Andrea Kiss came from Hungary seven years ago, where she was a modern dancer and dance teacher. She is in the Sun & Moon Yoga Studio teacher training program. Students enjoy Andrea’s warmth and passion of yoga and people.

JJ Gormley is the owner and founder of Sun & Moon Studio. Her teaching has evolved from 25 years of practice and spiritual growth. She guides students with a warm, non-judgmental style. JJ encourages students to honor and understand their differences. Allegra Gulino’s teaching style is fun, creative and non-judgmental with an emphasis on releasing everyday stress and negative attitudes to experience the joy yoga brings. She has completed her Sun & Moon teaching certification.

Neel Kulkarni Born in a yoga family in India, Neel Kulkarni developed a compre-

hensive health and yoga system after completion of study of health and yoga in a classical style for over 30 years, with the international trademark "Authentic Yoga". He has taught yoga internationally, for over 25 years, in many a settings. His book, Health and Yoga Aphorisms, is considered as a classical yoga text of the 21st century. Additionally, he has contributed many other works including yoga videos, chanting instruction audios, and books on tapes.

Annie Moyer is a Sun & Moon certified teacher. She views the practice as an avenue toward flexibility and strength in the mental, emotional and spiritual self as well as the physical body.

Alex Levin is Sun & Moon certified. She guides students to find their own expression of yoga, with acceptance of where they are today and to trust in how their path will unfold.

Robbie Newell retired from an exciting career in the diplomatic service in 2003. Yoga has been a loving thread woven through her life. She began studying yoga in high school, practiced it all over the world, and taught for several years in Jordan. She is currently a teacher trainee at Sun and Moon. She practices Buddhist meditation in the tradition of Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh with Arlington’s Weeping Cherry Sangha and the Mindfulness Practice Center of Fairfax.

Judith (Judy) Lyon has studied yoga and meditation for more than 25 years. Her classes are based on the teachings of classical hatha yoga, as expressed by B.K.S. Iyengar, and Sri Swami Satchidananda, by whom she is certified. Cynthia Maltenfort has been working with children for the past 11 years. She is certified through the Radiant Child teachertraining program as well as Brain Gym. Her approach to teaching emphasizes having fun in a loving environment. Audra Monk has been teaching yoga since 2002. She is currently working toward a certification with Sun & Moon. Audra enjoys helping students on their journey with yoga, allowing laughter and moments of stillness to be their guide. Suzanne Morgan is completing her teacher training certification at Sun and Moon. Her goal is to help students with self-acceptance and to find joy in the moment. These concepts have helped her to find a balanced path in her own life as the president of Print Buyers

Erika Neil has received teacher training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction from Jon Kabat-Zinn and in meditation from Tara Brach. She enjoys teaching a variety of mindfulness practices.

Mary O’Meara is pursuing teacher training with Sun & Moon, and currently teaches in our Rappahannock studio. Her classes encourage students to move into a meditative space that emphasizes awareness of breath as the impetus for each movement, and fosters a curiosity about what facilitates each pose. Patricia Pao has completed The Health Advantage Yoga Center teacher training program, The Radiant Child TT Program, and she is also a Relax and Renew Trainer. She is a former professional dancer and ballet teacher. She teaches from the heart and emphasizes opening up to the experience of yoga.

ences and being open to different teaching styles. Her students enjoy having their own health and spirits enriched and enlivened by yoga. Michelle Renfield has taught for over seven years throughout Northern Virginia, and in India. She has taken teacher trainings from a wide variety of yoga masters representing a full spectrum of styles. Her classes are an ever-evolving and fun amalgam of stress-reduction, athletics, and present-moment practice. Zahra Sadry is a certified Pilates instructor, hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga teacher and a shiatsu practitioner. She has been teaching for 15 years. Zahra has a deep understanding of body movement and the human condition, which is evident in her teaching. Jackie Shaffer has been practicing hatha yoga and meditation for more than 20 years. She received her teaching certification at Sun & Moon. Jackie’s teaching reflects the influence of her eclectic hatha studies and her interest in watching students refine their energy and self-awareness. Amir Tahami works attentively with students who want an enhanced quality of life through a plainspoken and sensible approach to health and well being. Amir uses innovative techniques in teaching students to help bring mindfulness into their yoga practice and daily life. He is also a practitioner of Thai Yoga Therapy. Maureen Vasquez is completing her teacher training certification at Sun & Moon. Her light-hearted style is gentle, with an element of fun.

Alexes Pereira has received her training with Sun & Moon Yoga Studio. Her fluid and fun style comes from her own experi9

Class Schedule

Sun & Moon Yoga Studio is a place for people to experience and study yoga. We believe in a holistic approach to the study of yoga, giving our students a wellrounded yoga education, bringing in teachers with an eclectic background of yoga. We believe in combining alignment techniques of the body with breath techniques for calming and balancing the mind and the belief and faith that our work feeds us and is fed by the (spirit) Divine Universal Energy present in us all and in all things.

First Class Free! Sun & Moon Yoga Studio offers each new student the first class free. You may want to give this coupon to a friend who wants to try yoga. Bring this coupon to the studio for your first class free!

Fairfax City • Arlington Rappahannock 703-525-YOGA (9642)


ARLINGTON STUDIO SPRING 2005 APRIL 14-JULY 6 (12 WEEKS) Room locations may change depending on enrollment. Time SUNDAY 9-10:30am 9-10:30am 10:45am-noon 10:45am-12:15pm 12:30-2pm 3:15-4:45pm 5–6:30pm 5-6pm 6:30pm-7:30pm MONDAY (No Class 10-11:30am 10:15–11:30am 11:45-1:15pm noon-1:15pm 1:30-3pm 4:30-6pm 4:30-6pm 6:15–7:45pm 6:15–7:45pm 8–9:30pm 8–9:15pm TUESDAY 7–8am 9:30-11am 10:15–11:45am 11:15-12:15pm noon-1:30pm 12:30-1:30pm 4:30-6pm 4:45-6pm 6:15 –7:45pm 6:15–7:45pm 8–9:15pm 8-9:30pm

FAIRFAX STUDIO SPRING 2005 APRIL 14-JULY 6 (12 WEEKS) Room locations may change depending on enrollment.





All levels Level 2 Level 1 Ashtanga Practice Teaching Prenatal Yoga Level 2 Teen Yoga Meditation

Enid Kassner Jackie Shaffer Enid Kassner Katie Banfield Katie Banfield Allegra Gulino Rhonda Cavenaugh Allegra Gulino Alex Levin

17-Apr 17-Apr 17-Apr 17-Apr 17-Apr 17-Apr 17-Apr 17-Apr 17-Apr

$180.00 $180.00 $168.00 $180.00 $180.00 $180.00 $180.00 $156.00 Donation


Asya Haikin Joyce Cmiel JJ Gormley Asya Haikin JJ Gormley Jackie Shaffer JJ Gormley Katie Banfield Amir Tahami Lilly Draney Amir Tahami

18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr

$165.00 $154.00 $165.00 $154.00 $165.00 $165.00 $165.00 $165.00 $165.00 $165.00 $154.00


Charlie Heffernan Enid Kassner Judith Lyon Asya Haikin Judith Lyon Katie Banfield Jackie Shaffer Annie Moyer Enid Kassner Jackie Shaffer Asya Haikin Laura Dillon

19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr

$156.00 $180.00 $180.00 $156.00 $180.00 $156.00 $180.00 $168.00 $180.00 $180.00 $168.00 $180.00


July 4) Level 2 Level 1 Level 3-4 Gentle Level 1-2 Level 2-3 300 Hr. TT Level 4 Level 2 Level 1-2 Level 1

All Levels Level 3 Level 1-2 Parent/Toddler Level 2-3 Vinyasa 1 Level 2 Level 1 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Level 2-3


WEDNESDAY 9:30-11am noon-1pm 3:15-4:15pm 4:30-6pm 4:30-6pm 4:30-6pm 6:15–7:30pm 6:15–7:45pm 8–9:30pm 8–9:30pm

Level 2 Pilates Level 1 Kids Yoga 700 Hr. TT Level 3 Gentle Level 1 Level 2 Vinyasa 1/2 Level 3

Jackie Shaffer Zahra Sadry Beth Taylor JJ Gormley Kim Weeks Beth Taylor Jackie Shaffer Annie Moyer Lilly Draney Amir Tahami

20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr

$180.00 A $156.00 B $156.00 B $180.00 Bsmnt $180.00 A $180.00 B $168.00 B $180.00 A $180.00 B $180.00 A

THURSDAY 10:30am-noon 10:30-11:45am noon-1pm 3-4pm 4:30-6pm 6:15-7:45pm 6:15-7:30pm 7:45-9:15pm 8-9:30pm

Level 2 Level 1 Vinyasa 1 Gentle Level 3 Level 2/3 Level 1 Level 2 Intro to Ashtanga

Alex Levin Annie Moyer Katie Banfield Alex Levin Alex Levin Jackie Shaffer Alexes Pereira Alexes Pereira Katie Banfield

21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr

$180.00 $168.00 $156.00 $156.00 $180.00 $180.00 $168.00 $180.00 $180.00


FRIDAY 10:15-11:45am noon-1pm 6:30-8pm 6:30-8pm

Level 2-3 Post-natal Pre-natal Yoga Partners Yoga

Enid Kassner Allegra Gulino M. Vasquez/B. Ebner Charlie & Robbie

22-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr

$180.00 $156.00 $180.00 $180.00


SATURDAY 8-9am 9-10:15am 9:15-10:30am 10:45-12:15pm 11am-12:30pm 12:45-1:45

Pilates Level 1-2 Level 1 Deepening Your Practice Level 2/3 Philosophy Chanting and Meditation

Zahra Sadry Suzanne Morgan Amir Tahami

23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr

$156.00 $168.00 $168.00


Amir Tahami Neel Kulkarni Neel Kulkarni

23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr

$180.00 $180.00 $156.00


Time SUNDAY 9:15-10:30am 10:45am-12:15pm 4:30-6pm 7-8pm







Level 1 Level 2-3 Prenatal Meditation

Amir/Asya Amir/Asya Vicki Christian Erika Neil

17-Apr 17-Apr 17-Apr 17-Apr

$168.00 $180.00 $180.00 Donation


MONDAY (No Class July 4) 10-11:30am All Levels 4:30-5:45pm Gentle Yoga 6-7:15pm Level 1 6-7:30pm Level 2 7:30-9pm Level 2 7:45-9:15pm Level 3/4

Katie Banfield Rixie Dennison Rixie Dennison Alexes Pereira Rixie Dennison Neel Kulkarni

18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr

$165.00 $154.00 $154.00 $165.00 $165.00 $165.00


TUESDAY 10-11:15am 10:45-12:15am 11:30-1pm 12:30-2pm 4:30-6pm 4:30-5:45pm 6:15-7:45pm 6:15-7:30pm 7:45-9:15pm 8-9:15pm

Level 1 Level 3-4 Vinyasa 1 Level 2-3 Level 2 Level 1 Level 2 Vinyasa 1 All Levels Level 1

Allegra Gulino JJ Gormley Allegra Gulino JJ Gormley Noralea Dalkin Rixie Dennison Rixie Dennison Michelle/Geri Audra Monk Donya Bauer

19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr

$168.00 $180.00 $180.00 $180.00 $180.00 $168.00 $180.00 $168.00 $180.00 $168.00


WEDNESDAY 10:15-11:45am noon-1pm 1 -1:45pm 1:15-2:45 pm 6-7:30pm 6-7:30pm 7:45-9pm 7:45-9:15pm

Level 2 Postnatal Yoga for Tots Level 1-2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2

Rixie Dennison Sarah Kashdan Cynthia Maltenfort Sarah Kashdan Cindy Kahn Pat Pao Cindy Kahn Pat Pao

20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr

$180.00 $168.00 $120.00 $180.00 $180.00 $180.00 $168.00 $180.00


THURSDAY 10:00-11:30am 10:15-11:30am 6-7:15pm 6:15-7:45pm 7:30-8:45pm 8-9:30pm

Level 2-3 All Levels Vinyasa 1 Level 2 Prenatal Level 1-2

Judith Lyon Alexes Pereira Michelle/Geri Neel Kulkarni Sarah Kashdan Audra Monk

21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr

$180.00 $168.00 $168.00 $180.00 $168.00 $180.00


FRIDAY 10-11:30am 10:15-11:45pm 11:45-1:15pm 12-1:30PM

Level 1-2 Level 2-3 Yoga for Recovery Level 1-2

Cindy Kahn Rixie Dennison Noralea Dalkin Cindy Kahn

22-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr

$180.00 $180.00 $180.00 $180.00


SATURDAY 9-10:30am 10-11am 10:45am-noon 11:15-12:15pm

Level 2 Pilates Level 2 Level 1 Pilates Level 1

Andrea Kiss Zahra Sadry Andrea Kiss Zahra Sadry

23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr

$180.00 $156.00 $168.00 $156.00


ARLINGTON STUDIO 3811 Lee Highway Arlington, VA 22207 From Rt. 66 heading East: Take Exit 72 (Spout Run/Lee Hwy). Turn left onto Lee Hwy. Continue on Lee Hwy until you reach your 3rd light. Turn right onto N. Pollard. The studio is on Lee Highway on the right in a small strip of stores. From GW Parkway/Alexandria: Take the Spout Run Exit (left exit) off GW Parkway. Turn right onto Lee Hwy. Continue on Lee Hwy and at the fourth light turn right onto N. Pollard. Park in lot on your right. The studio will be on Lee Highway in a small strip of stores. FAIRFAX CITY STUDIO 9998 Main Street, Fairfax VA 22031 From Rt. 29/211 take 236 East (Main Street). Pass downtown Fairfax City. We're located on the left in Main Street Plaza. From I495 take Rt. 236 West (Little River Turnpike). Little River Turnpike turns into Main Street. We're located on the right in Main Street Plaza. From Rt. 123 take Rt. 236 East (Main Street). We're located on the left in Main Street Plaza. RAPPAHANNOCK STUDIO Classes are held at the Belle Meade Inn. For directions see their website at or call Mary O'Meara at 540-825-1215.

RAPPAHANNOCK STUDIO SPRING 2005 APRIL 14-JULY 6 (12 WEEKS) Please call Mary O’Meara for information or see the Web site. Mary O’Meara: 540.825.1215 or Rappahannock classes are $10 per class for registered students and $12 for drop ins. MONDAY (No Class July 4) 10:30-noon All Levels



WEDNESDAY 5:45-7:15pm

All Levels



FRIDAY 10:30-noon

All Levels




Arlington Studio 3811 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207 Fairfax City Studio 9998 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031 Rappahannock Studio P.O. Box 348, Sperryville, VA 22740 703-525-YOGA (9642)

Registration Information


Registration Information To register, please read all of our policy information before filling out the registration form below. If you have any questions, please call the studio at (703) 525-9642. We accept beginners or new students at any time throughout the session as long as space is available in your class choice. If you are joining the session late, your tuition will be prorated based on the Fee chart below. Students new to our studio receive their first class free and may prorate their tuition for the remainder of the session. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, checks or Cash. We do not accept registrations by phone. A $20 fee will be charged for checks returned to Sun & Moon. If you fax in a credit card registration, please do not mail a copy – you may be charged twice. Sorry, we do not confirm registrations. We will call only if the class you requested is full. Fees Registered Students Class Length 45 minutes 1 hour 1 hour 15 min 1 hour 30 min 1 hour 45 min 2 hours

Prorate fee per class* $10 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17

*To receive the prorated fee, you must pay for minimum of 6 classes. Drop-ins/Non-registered Students Class Length Less than 1 hour More than 1 hour

Fee per class $15 $18

Arlington students send payment and registration to: 3811 Lee Highway, Arlington VA 22207 Fax: 703-525-5524 Fairfax City students send payment and registration to: 9998 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031 Fax: 703-934-9481 Rappahannack students, mail to P.O. Box 348, Sperryville, VA 22740 Register Early Registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register early to avoid disappointment. Discounts (Only one discount applies.) Discounts apply only at the time of registration. 15% discount for seniors (55+ yrs), full-time college students and teachers. 10% 12

family discount (two or more people from the same family registering together). Please use a separate form for each person registering. 10% to Fannie Mae employees. The following discounts are for students taking more than one class and apply only to the same person taking more than one course, not two people registering together.

New students to Sun & Moon receive 10% off spring session with this coupon.

Two classes/wk=15% Three classes/wk=20% Four classes/wk=30% (maximum discount) Make-ups If you miss a class, you may make it up in any other yoga class within the current session. Classes cancelled due to inclement weather may be made up during the session. Call the studio or visit our website to find out if your class has been cancelled. (For your safety, when making up classes we ask that you stay at the same or lower level yoga class.) You do not need to call ahead to do a make-up. Make-ups may also be done at the Health Advantage Yoga Center, Willow Street Yoga Center or Boundless Yoga Studio under our reciprocity agreement and at any of the three Sun & Moon Studios. Also, at our affiliated Sun & Moon Studio in Edisto, SC. Drop-ins A Drop-in is a student not currently registered, wishing to take a single class or a current student wishing to take an additional class. Drop-ins are permitted only if space is available, so please call first. You may come to a class that is full, but you will need to wait until class begins to see if you can take the place of a “no show” that day. Drop-in fees are under Fees on this page. Refund Policy Please fill out a Refund Request form at the front desk. The date the written request is received rather than the last class attended is the criterion for determining refunds. A $30 non-refundable administration fee is deducted from all tuitions. After 1st class, all tuition less the $30 registration fee. After second class, 75% of tuition. After third class, 50%. After fourth, 25%. No refunds after fifth class. Refunds are given by check and may take up to six weeks. Class size/location Minimum number of students for a class is 8. Classroom location may change depending on enrollment. What to wear Comfortable clothes such as shorts, footless tights or leggings with a T-shirt or leotard. Please do not wear baggy sweats or pants (inhibits the teacher’s ability to spot misalignments). Please remove shoes before entering the yoga rooms. We have men and women’s changing areas. No heavy perfume/cologne or noisy jewelry please. Please leave cell phone and valuables locked in your car. Sun & Moon Yoga Studio, Ltd. reserves the right to dismiss (with or without a refund) any student who disrupts the harmony of the class and/or studio environment.

Registration - Spring 2005 Please read the registration information below. One form per person please. Name ________________________________________________________________ Date______/________/______ By affixing my initials here, I declare myself to be responsible for my own health and safety while participating in class: _______

Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City________________________________________________ State ___________________ Zip_______________________________ Phone (day) _________________________________________ (evening) ________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How did you hear about Sun & Moon Yoga Studio? ______________________________________________________________ How would you prefer to receive the newsletter? Class



Electronic (e-mail) ■ Start Date

Print ■

Both ■



■ Arlington ■ Fairfax ■ Rappahannock


■ Arlington ■ Fairfax ■ Rappahannock ■




Amount Due $________

(for fax-ins only)

Exp. Date _____/_______



Signature _____________________________________________________

Total Due


Please make checks payable to Sun & Moon for full amount and drop off or mail to: Arlington students, mail to 3811 Lee Highway, Arlington VA 22207 Fax: 703-525-5524 Fairfax students, mail to 9998 Main St., Fairfax VA 22031 Fax: 703-934-9481 Rappahannock students, mail to P.O. Box 348, Sperryville, VA 22740 Office Use: ■ Cash Reg. ■ CC Proc. Date rec’d _________________

Reg. Book Circle: V/MC/Disc/CA/CK# _____________

Please cut along dotted line

Check discount ■ 55+ ■ Family ■ Full-time Student ■ Multiple Classes ■ First Class Free ■ Other __________

PR_______GC$______INI______ Database by_________________

3811 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207




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