Sun & Moon Yoga Studio 2008 Winter Newsletter

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Winter 2008

breathe. stretch. relax. repeat.

An Effortless Mind by Amir

Meditation is a cost-free tool that allows us to let go of the complex outside world in order to find a powerful inner peace. The goal is to find a beautiful inner calmness and clarity of mind. Once we understand this, it becomes much easier to identify where to place our effort in meditation. As we go through life we are generally conditioned to use our “effort” to “obtain” something, however, the “effort” of meditation leads us in the opposite direction — an effortless mind that leans toward abandoning. One of the first instructions I ever heard in a meditation class was to “renounce your entire past history” — a powerful instruction but scary, too, because it gets right to the point. It means abandoning all interest in every single past experience. We become someone with no history by not thinking about where we were born, what our upbringing was like, what hurtful things were said and done to us — right up to the memory of what happened just a moment ago. By abandoning our past, we simultaneously abandon its baggage. It’s often said that we need to contemplate and understand the past in order to figure out the future. However, we tend to see the past through our own filters — seeing our own “side of the story.” If we rely on our one-sided memory, hanging onto the past creates burdensome baggage. In meditation, we don’t allow the past to reverberate in our minds because we focus instead on letting go and unburdening. In her essay about taking time for self-reflection and intentionsetting during the holiday season, Alex Levin reminds us in this issue of the newsletter of the inherent simplicity of mindfulness at any time of the year. So when you meditate, this holiday season or anytime thereafter, see if you can generate the willingness to give things away. And when you give things away in your mind, your whole being will feel lighter and more free.


Refresh Your Intentions by Alex Levin

Daylight shortens. Autumn escorts us toward the emptiness of winter — into clearer contrasts, leafless trees against dusk skies. Nature prompts us to notice the quiet and space, best conditions for new growth. Perfect for reflections on gratitude and desires for the New Year. Despite Nature’s cue, the time just before the New Year is not empty at all — full of responsibilities and activities and deadlines for family, work, social obligations. We’re expected to be “on” 24/7 for weeks on end, and joyfully so, while our inner voice begs for peaceful hibernation. Again, Nature beckoning loud and clear! Because there, in that quiet space, our minds become tranquil, we connect to the ocean of compassion and knowing where we feel most un-judged and hear most clearly our heart’s desires. It is the clarity of these inner desires, both mundane and profound, that best guides our intentions. And this clarity is useful not only for the New Year’s resolutions we’re about to author, but for how we respond to whatever we’re doing.

We discover and treasure these calm spaces in favorite yoga classes and personal practices. How can we access these spots during this hectic season? In general more often? And especially in the midst of life’s immense pressures? The good news is that it’s not essential to become a hermit or a bear during the winter months to accomplish this. There are ways we can meet our responsibilities, participate in the holiday season, and ruminate on resolutions while cultivating an awareness that is our quiet space. Further good news is that if you’re already practicing yoga and/or meditation regularly, you’re already familiar with the simple tools for this seemingly impossible feat.

The main tool is awareness of what is happening at any given moment. In this season of giving presents, give your presence. Many venerated practitioners teach that attentive presence is the most precious gift we can give — to others and ourselves. Whatever the situation, especially tight spots you’d rather not be in, tinker with these readily available ways of being present: • Pause. Dedicate a few moments to observing your breath as you wait in line somewhere. Just as you do in your yoga class, notice the speed, capacity and texture of the in- and out-breaths. Take in what’s happening with childlike curiosity and without thinking it should be a certain way. This simple effort moves us into relaxation and clarity.

• Listen. Occasionally stop talking when you would normally chime in and, instead, listen more deeply to those who are speaking, as if you were trying to hear the emotion under the words, or the vibration between the lines. Then we hear a greater range of tones, pitches and melodies, and we get a more accurate assessment of what is happening to us and around us. In this more spacious vantage point, beyond initial responses, fresh and creative solutions arise. Decision-making is easier and harmonious.

continued on page 12


Cobra From the Core by Allegra Gulino

Like its namesake, cobra pose approached with ignorance can be surprising and dangerous; yet, if approached with intelligence and respect it can be exciting and beautiful. To beginners it is deceptively simple, but mindlessly forcing one’s body into this serpentine shape can be painful, especially if the “shape” is that of an advanced practitioner’s deep back bend. Developing strength and an unblinking focus over time is paramount because this provides great protection, while increasing energy and absorbing the full benefits of yoga. Once this solid foundation is established, one can safely begin to deepen poses. Let’s approach this animal in stages, shall we? First, let’s explore “cobra breath.” Lie on your belly with your arms by your sides, palms down, legs straight and hip-width apart, forehead to the ground. Use the pressure of the ground to focus on the breath in the front of the torso, and then refine the focus to your belly. After the next inhale fills it, draw your belly in more deliberately with the exhale and try to maintain that toned concave belly during your next inhale. Your ribs and back expand like the wide hood of a cobra! Relax the whole body with the next exhale. This exercise bears much repeating over time to gain control and endurance. Adding ujjayi breath can also heighten the intensity. Once you feel ready, attempt cobra breath during physical movement. Take the same position on your belly. On your next cobra inhale, stretch your right leg long and raise it about two inches from the floor while also stretching your left leg and pressing it down. Keep your legs parallel throughout the movement. On the exhale slowly lower the right leg and relax the left. Switch to the opposite side. Gradually you will be able to increase the repetitions of single legs, raise them higher, or take both parallel legs up and down simultaneously with your cobra breath working throughout.


Now let’s try cobra pose. Take the same starting position. Put your hands flat on the ground underneath your shoulders and splay out your fingers. The middle fingers point forward and elbows are bent and tucked next to your ribs. If your shoulder blades climb up around your ears, slide them down your back away from your ears, and firmly press your fingers into the ground. Inhale deeply, and then, while exhaling, apply your cobra breath. Now squeeze your legs together (or a block between the thighs) and press the tops of your feet into the earth. Gather your cobra power and begin to rise on your next inhale, pealing the forehead and chest off the floor, while keeping all other alignment active. It’s okay to stay low with your elbows bent. Keep your shoulder blades down and squeezing in to lift your chest, while your hands are strongly grounded. Keep expanding your hood with the inhales making the cobra-like ujjayi sound. Feel the strength of your belly drawing in and legs and feet pressing inward and down to suck energy up from the earth as a cobra presses down to lift its menacing hood. Come down on an exhale and rest in child’s pose. Before completing your session, stretch the low back, and cool the body down with gentle twists and forward bends. One mustn’t leave the room all puffed up!

Teacher Feature Meet Beth Fedman

What initially drew you to yoga? Each person who discovers the path of yoga is blessed. I have now been on this path for about twenty years. When I first started I was interested in strengthening and healing my lower back, working with my arthritis, and quieting my mind which was brimming with anxieties. At that point, I had tried almost everything except really listening and opening up. Those were the two things that I most needed and the two things that I wasn’t able to do. Yoga has changed that and has opened a path to myself. As incremental gains in my health and well being have become more apparent, I have been able to stay focused and motivated.

What style of practice did you start with and how did it evolve? In developing my practice I initially tried Buddhist and Transcendental meditation but my progress using these approaches was limited. I found myself restless and out of physical balance. One day my husband brought home a copy of the Bhagavad Gita from the library and asked me if this particular translation and commentary looked familiar. On the back was a picture of Swami Satchidananda whom I had encountered back in my college days. The book gave the site of publication as Yogaville, Buckingham, Virginia. We immediately found Buckingham on the map, called their number, and in a few weeks found ourselves at a workshop there called “Living Your Values.” It was a terrific program, and I followed it with an Integral Yoga class in Arlington. It was just what I needed. Although each style of yoga that I have experienced has enriched and informed my practice and teaching, the Integral approach feels like home.

What about Integral Yoga do you enjoy? With Integral Yoga the meditative aspects are an essential part of hatha classes. In every class asanas are practiced in a certain sequence designed by Swami Satchidananda to optimize the physical benefits and provide a deep peace as a basis for meditation. Each class is composed of warm-ups, standing poses, backbending poses, forward bends, an inversion, twists and optional poses. Within this framework an endless variety of poses can be introduced and linked in creative ways. Each Integral class follows the same format. After an hour of asanas, the last half hour is spent in a guided yoga nidra (deep relaxation), pranayama (breathing exercises), a short chant, and a few minutes of meditation. This holistic sequence nourishes the body, mind, and spirit. Where do you find the most inspiration? In addition to teaching kids and prenatal classes, making longer retreats is a valuable part of my journey. Although I have enjoyed retreats with Thich Nhat Hanh, Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg, Yogaville is my place of true rejuvenation. As Swami Satchidananda teaches, “You don’t need the physical presence of the guru. The guru is the teachings. Live the teachings and you become the guru.” I also find inspiration among my colleagues. After I’d written this article, I decided to go and have a look at others’ thoughts and ideas. I can only say that you will be spending good time by taking a look yourself at these thoughtful reflections on the meaning of yoga. My fellow teachers here at Sun&Moon are an inspirational bunch. Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi. 5

Special Events and Workshops













Mexico Mexico













Sun Sun


1/13 1/20

Arl Arl





Exploring Freeform Yoga

Anne Jablonski and Alex Levin

Meditation for Beginners

Maureen Vasquez

Free Class


Mexico Retreat with JJ Gormley-Etchells and Alexandra (Zan) Evans: Double Occupancy $1,095

JJ and Zan

Mexico Retreat with JJ Gormley-Etchells and Alexandra (Zan) Evans: Single Occupancy $1,495

Yoga for Winter Blues

JJ and Zan

Annie Moyer



Office Yoga

Carol Confino



Family Yoga

Beth Fedman


Hamstrings Workshop





Teacher Training Intensive









Exploring the Mysteries of Downward Facing Dog

Yoga Nidra





Restore With Amir





Yoga Dessert

Pat Pao



Opening the Heart

Rixie Dennison



FEBRUARY Sat Sun Sun Sat

Sun Sat

2/9 2/10


2/16 2/17


2:30-4:00pm 2:30-4:30pm 1:00-3:00pm





Sat Sat


Yoga, Labor and Delivery for Partners








3/8 3/14-3/16




Inversions Workshop

Restore With Amir Free Class

Reducing Stress in Daily Life

45x5: Daily Sunrise Sampler

See Flyer


Barbara Benagh Worskhop

Info. Coming


Teacher Training Intensive



Teacher-in-Training Faith Halter

Phyllis Haney



Rixie Dennison

Heat Up Your Winter

Teacher Training Intensive


Faith Halter

Maureen Vasquez

Family Yoga



Alex Levin Jackie Shaffer

Partner Yoga

Info. Coming


Fri.-Sun. Wed-Fri

Reducing Stress in Daily Life

Yoga For the Wrists



Free Class



















Hip Openers

Beth Fedman Amir

Laureen Smith

JJ Gormley-Etchells Beth Fedman


Teacher-in-Training Faith Halter

Rotating Teachers

Barbara Benagh


JJ Gormley-Etchells

Class Descriptions, Resources and Staff

Ashtanga: Synchronizes a set sequence of yoga postures, yogic breathing and the practice of mula and uddiyana bandhas (energy locks) to produce an internal heat. The poses are done in rapid succession, making this a flowing and vigorous workout. Not recommended for beginners.

Baby and Me: Supports the transition into parenthood with developmental movement and interactive massage to strengthen the mother/infant bond and facilitate infant motor development. Parents are also taught specific asanas which can help with common physical and emotional challenges of early parenthood.

Level 1: Provides a basic introduction to yoga breathing, postures, and relaxation. Intended for beginners with no previous experience, or those looking for a gentle and basic ongoing practice. This class can be joined at any time during the session. Level 2: Refines the basics and provides more detailed alignment instructions and breath work.

*Level 3: Teaches more advanced standing and seated poses, pranayama, and begins integrating inversions, deeper backbends, and meditation techniques.

*Level 4: Intensifies an already-strong asana practice by developing a deeper internal and energetic understanding of yoga. Inversions, arm balances, wheel and lotus poses are included, as well as advanced pranayama and meditation. Students are expected to have a home practice.

All Levels: Includes the basics as well as options for deeper practice. Appropriate for all students.

Level 5: Focuses on meditation and philosophy. Intended for advanced practitioners, teachers and teacher trainees.

Combination Classes (i.e. Level 1-2): For the student who doesn’t quite feel ready to move on to the next level, but is trying to ease forward slowly. Gentle: Includes basic poses at a slow pace. Ideal for beginning students and/or students with health concerns.

Integral Yoga: A holistic approach to yoga that incorporates a complete hatha routine combined with a deep relaxation, pranayama, chanting and a short meditation. A stress reducing, more inward approach to yoga. Appropriate for all levels.

Kids’ classes: We will play and work with poses to increase flexibility and strength, develop coordination and posture, and explore relaxation and stress reduction tools. Yoga stories and/or visualizations will be presented in each class.

Meditation Group: A general survey and practice of various meditation philosophies and practices. Open to beginners and advanced students alike. No registration necessary.

Parent/Child: Practice yoga with your children ages 5-12 and have fun learning yoga together. This light-hearted class is designed to be playful and to help build motor coordination, balance and strength. Yoga practice also helps children to reduce stress in their lives.

Pilates 1: This exercise system focuses on correct breathing, posture and core strengthening. No admittance after week three without permission of the instructor.

Pilates 2: The progression in this class is faster than in Pilates 1 and provides an energetic, full body workout. Prior Pilates experience necessary.

Pre-Natal Yoga: An all-levels course which supports and empowers expectant mothers. Teaches ways to ease aches and pains, make the body comfortable during pregnancy, and use the breath to calm and steady the mind. Middle and High Schoolers: A playful yet disciplined practice of asana, pranayama and relaxation, intended to help reduce stress and promote strength, self-esteem, focus, balance, and positive body images.

Toddler/Preschool class: A fun class for young children to explore and play with yoga. *Vinyasa 1: A challenging practice that builds stamina and strength through a faster-paced flow. Students must have some yoga experience.

*Vinyasa 2: Adding more advanced poses to the fast pace of Vinyasa 1, this class is open to level 2+ students ready to test their focus and core strength. Yoga for Athletes: Targets the improvement of flexibility, balance and coordination. The focus of this class is on counteraction of muscle imbalances brought up by athletic training, restoration of healthy posture, and increased body awareness. No one is too inflexible to be in this class, beginners and “gym” athletes are welcome!

Yoga for the Feet: Helps us to discover that we have lost connection with our feet and can transform our relationship with our feet. Practicing barefoot, we develop a feel for the ground and our connection to the earth. This class will consist of Asanas (poses) to energize our feet, and to create a healthy foundation for our bodies. Rixie will teach the use of reflexology points on our feet to help heal our bodies. Each class will end with a self-foot massage that will surely send you home with a new respect and love for your feet! (All Levels welcome.)

Yoga for People with Cancer/Yoga for Recovery: These slow paced classes will be a combination of yogic breathing, and deep relaxation combined with gentle movement to restore strength, range of motion and vitality. The practice will be modified for individual needs.

*These classes require completion of at least two sessions of the previous level and permission of the teacher before registering. TEACHER BIOS For a listing of Sun&Moon teachers, please go to our website at and click on “about sun&moon” and then “our teachers”.

VOLUNTEER STAFF We just couldn’t do it without these helpers. Thank you all!!

Abhaya Schlesinger, Adam John, Anand Bhatt, Anne Meador, Annie Mechanic, Ashley Brennan, Audrey Sandhusen, Bailey Fiscus, Barb Lewis, Belkis Hazera, Benedicte Monroe, Carole Rodero, Cecile Klayton, Cheryl Beaver, Chris Nixon, Courtney Reeve, Cynthia Maltenfort, Deb Martin, Debbie Kidd, Deborah Gribbin, Debra Hanley, Denise Furst, Desiree Garcia, Dia Pullen, Dru DeLong, Gail M. Wood, Harriet Snope , Helene Hammer, Jackie Zovko, Jean Stuiale, Jennifer Jevne, Jill Curry, Jocelyn Staebler, Joni Carluzzo, Judy Ladd, Julie Carvalho, Justin Dunn, Kamala Mohammed, Karen Grattan, Kathleen Thompson, Kathy Byman, Kerri White, Kimberly Phillips, Kirstin Conaway, Kristin Thorburn, Lea Gaffen, Linda Becker, Lisa Murphy, Lisa Gunter, Lisa Szytel, Lise Sajewski, Madeline Wiley, Maria Schwab, Mary Archer, Mary Blackwell, Mary Thomas, MaryAnne Buckley, MaryPat Miller, Melanie Mustone, Micheline Toussaint, Phyllis Haney , Rachael Goldberg, Rita Bartolo, Samatha Doak, Sandra Kilburn, Sharon Safran, Shobha Shagal, Susan Hennesy, Tabitha Abramson, Thea Bertoni, Theresa Drake, Theresa Esterlund, Trudi Olivetti

Volunteer at one of our studios in exchange for yoga classes! Shift availability varies. Please check with the studio in which you’d like to volunteer. Call the studio at 703.525.9642.

STAFF: Lee Bory, Carol Confino, Noralea Dalkin, Arlene Greenfield and Amir Tahami. NEWSLETTER LAYOUT: Laura Symanski/ Natsuko Design.


Class Schedule Sun&Moon Yoga Studio is

a place for people to experience and study yoga. We

believe in a holistic approach to the study of yoga, giving

our students a well-rounded

yoga education, bringing in teachers with an eclectic background of yoga.

We believe in combining

alignment techniques of the

body with breath techniques

for calming and balancing

the mind and the belief and

faith that our work feeds us

and is fed by the (spirit) Divine Universal Energy present in us all and in all things.

First Class Free!

If you have never taken a class at our studio, we would like you to try a class on us. We hope that if Sun&Moon is the right studio for you that you'll sign up for one of our many offerings. You may want to give this coupon to a friend.

Bring this coupon to the studio for your first class free! (This offer is valid one time to local residents who have never attended a class at Sun&Moon studios.)



Start Date


5:00-6:30pm 6:30-7:30pm

All Levels Level 2 Level 1 All Levels Prenatal Ashtanga/ Power Yoga Level 2/3 Meditation

Alfia Khaibullina Deborah McKay Various teachers

6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan

$165 $165 Donation


6:45-7:45am 9:00-10:15am 10:15-11:45am 10:30-12:00pn 12:00-1:15pm 4:30-5:45pm 4:30-6:00pm 5:00- 6:00pm 6:15-7:45pm 6:15-7:45pm 8:00-9:30pm 8:00-9:15pm

All Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Gentle Level 1 Level 2/3 High Schoolers Level 4 Level 2 Vinyasa All Levels Level 1

Andrea Kiss Judith Lyon Asya Haikin Judith Lyon Asya Haikin Karin Caffi Jackie Shaffer Annie Moyer Alex Levin Amir Becky Pfordresher Amir

7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan

$143 $154 $165 $165 $154 $154 $165 $143 $165 $165 $165 $154


10:15-11:45am 10:15-11:30am 12:00-1:30pm 12:00-1:15pm 4:30-6:00pm 4:45-6:00pm 6:15-7:45pm 6:15-7:30pm 7:30-8:45pm 8:00-9:15pm 8:00-9:30pm

Level 2 Level 1 Level 3 Pilates All Levels Level 2/3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 1 Gentle Level 1 Level 2/3

Annie Moyer Judith Lyon Annie Moyer Frankie Stryk Jackie Shaffer April Scripps Jackie/Laureen Laura Dillon Asya Haikin Heather Humphrey Laura Dillon

8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan

$165 $154 $165 $154 $165 $154 $165 $154 $154 $154 $165


7:00-8:00am 9:30-11:00am 9:30-10:45am 11:45am-1:15pm 2:00-2:45pm 3:00-3:45pm 3:30-4:15pm 4:30-6:00pm 4:30-6:00pm 6:15-7:30pm 6:15-7:45pm 8:00-9:30pm 8:00-9:30pm

All Levels Level 2 Level 1 Level 5/Meditation Kids Yoga 7-11 yrs Kids Yoga 3-6 yrs Middle Schoolers Level 2/3 Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 1/2 Level 3

Pauline Howard Jackie Shaffer Laura Dillon Various Teachers Beth Fedman Beth Fedman Annie Moyer Annie Moyer Suzanne Morgan Jackie Shaffer Andrea Kiss Heather Humphrey Amir

2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan

$143 $165 $154 Donation $132 $132 $132 $165 $165 $154 $165 $165 $165


10:30am-Noon 10:30-11:45am 12:00-1:15pm 12:30-2:00pm 3:00-4:00pm 4:30pm-6:00pm 6:15-7:45pm 6:15-7:30pm 7:45-9:15pm 8:00-9:30pm

Level 2 Level 1 Pilates All Levels Level 2/3 Gentle Level 2 Level 2/4 Level 1 Integral Yoga Ashtanga/Vinyasa

Alex Levin Annie Moyer Krisi Frazee Judith Lyon Pauline Howard April Scripps Suzanne Morgan Anne Jablonski Beth Fedman Mike Ricker

3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan

$165 $154 $154 $165 $143 $165 $165 $154 $165 $165


6:00-7:00am 9:30-10:45am 10:15-11:45am 11:00am-12:30pm 4:30-5:45pm 6:30-8:00pm 6:30-7:45pm

All Levels Level 1 Level 2/3 Level 2 Gentle Prenatal All Levels

Pauline Howard Laura Dillon Jackie Shaffer Laura Dillon Pauline Howard Maureen/Beth E. Alfia Khaibullina

4-Jan 4-Jan 4-Jan 4-Jan 4-Jan 4-Jan 4-Jan

$143 $154 $165 $165 $154 $165 $154


8:00-9:00am 9:15-10:15am 9:15-10:30am 10:45am-12:15pm 10:45-12:15pm

Pilates Level 1/2 Pilates Level 1 Level 1/2 Level 2/3 Vinyasa

Nirinjan Devi Nirinjan Devi Amir Amir Allegra Gulino

5-Jan 5-Jan 5-Jan 5-Jan 5-Jan

$143 $143 $154 $165 $165


9:00-10:30am 9:00-10:30am 10:45-12:00pm 10:45-12:15pm 3:00-4:30pm 4:45-6:15pm






breathe. stretch. relax. repeat.


Arlington • Fairfax City Rappahannock 703.525.YOGA (9642)

ARLINGTON STUDIO • WINTER 2008 • Jan 2-Mar 18 (11 Weeks)





Enid Kassner Carol Stehl Enid Kassner Carol Stehl Beth Fedman

Allegra Gulino

6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan


$165 $165 $154 $165 $165


Studio A B A B B


FAIRFAX STUDIO • WINTER 2008 • Jan 2-Mar 18 (11 weeks)





Start Date



Pilates/Yoga Level 1 Level 2/3 Level 1 Prenatal High Schoolers

Carolyn Amundson Amir/Asya Amir/Asya Carol Confino Vicki Christian

$143 Donation



6-Jan 6-Jan

$143 $154 $165 $154 $154

(Parents optional)

Cynthia Maltenfort Jon Waterman

6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan

8:45-10am 9-10:15am 10:15-11:45am 10:30-Noon Noon-1pm 1:30-2pm 4:30-5:45pm 6-7:15pm 6:15-7:45pm 7:30-9pm 8-9:15pm

Level 1 Vinyasa 1 All Levels Level 3 Gentle K-3 Level 1 Level 1 Level 2/3 Level 2 Level 1/2

Pauline Tait Kelly Johnson Carol Confino Kelly Johnson Carol Confino Cynthia Maltenfort Rixie Dennison Rixie Dennison Vicki Christian Frank Wooldridge Vicki Christian

7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan

$154 $154 $165 $165 $143 $110 $154 $154 $165 $165 $154


7-8am 9-10:15 10-11:30am 11-12:30pm 4:30-6pm 6:15-7:45pm 6:15-7:30pm 7:45-9:15pm 8-9:15pm

All Levels Level 1 Level 2/3 Level 4 Level 2 Level 2 Vinyasa 1 Vinyasa 2 Level 1

Cynthia/Pauline H. Kelly Johnson Noralea Dalkin Alex Levin Rixie Dennison Rixie Dennison Tanya Zimmerli Tanya Zimmerli Phyllis Haney

8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan

$143 $154 $165 $165 $165 $165 $154 $165 $154


From Rt. 29/211: Take 236 East (Main Street). Pass downtown Fairfax City. We’re located on the left in Main Street Plaza.

9-10:15am 10-11:30am Noon-1pm 3:45-5:15pm 4:15-5:45pm 6:30-8pm 6-8pm 8:15-9:30pm

Level 1 All Levels Level 1/2 All Levels Gentle Yoga Level 2 Level 3 and up Level 1

Cynthia Maltenfort Pauline Tait Carol Confino Agi Fry Noralea Dalkin Carol Confino Pat Pao Carol Confino

2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan

$154 $165 $143 $165 $165 $165 $220 $154


From Rt. 123: Take Rt. 236 East (Main Street). We’re located on the left in Main Street Plaza.

7-8am 9-10:15am 10-11:30am 10:30-12:00pm 1-1:45pm 2-2:30pm 3:30-5pm 4:15-5:30pm 6-7:30pm 6-7:15pm 7:45-9pm 7:30-9:00pm

All Levels Level 2 Level 3 Level 1/2 Home School ages 5-8 Toddlers All Levels Yoga for the Feet Level 3 Vinyasa 1/2 Prenatal All Levels

Cynthia/Pauline H. Kelly Johnson Judith Lyon Carol Confino Cynthia Maltenfort Cynthia Maltenfort Suze Auda Rixie Dennison Pauline Tait Audra Monk Allegra Gulino Audra Monk

3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan

$143 $154 $165 $165 $132 $110 $165 $154 $165 $154 $154 $165


7-8am 10-11:30am 11:45-1:15pm 11:45-1:15pm

Pilates Level 1/2 All Levels Level 2 Yoga for Recovery

Carolyn Amundson Tanya/Phyllis Tanya/Phyllis Noralea D/Cynthia M.

4-Jan 4-Jan 4-Jan 4-Jan

$143 $165 $165 $165


8-9am 8:45-10:45am 9:15-10:45am 11am-12:15 pm

Pilates Level 2 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Carolyn Amundson Andrea Kiss Annette Hyde Annette Hyde

5-Jan 5-Jan 5-Jan 5-Jan

$143 $220 $165 $154


9-10am 9:15-10:30am 10:45-12:15pm 3-4:15pm 5-6:15pm 5:45-6:45pm 7-8pm







RAPPAHANNOCK STUDIO • WINTER 2008 • Jan 2-Mar 18 (11 Weeks) Please call Mary O’Meara for information or see the website. Mary O’Meara: 540.825.1215 or




All Levels





All Levels




All Levels







Rappahannock classes are $12 per class for registered students and $15 for drop ins.


ARLINGTON STUDIO 3811 Lee Highway Arlington, VA 22207

From Rt. 66 heading East: Take Exit 72 (Spout Run/Lee Hwy). Turn left onto Lee Hwy. Continue on Lee Hwy. until you reach your 3rd light. Turn right onto N. Pollard. The studio is on Lee Hwy. on the right in a small strip of stores.

From GW Parkway/Alexandria: Take the Spout Run Exit (left exit) off GW Parkway. Turn right onto Lee Hwy. Continue on Lee Hwy. and at the fourth light turn right onto N. Pollard. Park in lot on your right. The studio will be on Lee Hwy. in a small strip of stores. FAIRFAX CITY STUDIO 9998 Main Street Fairfax, VA 22031

From I495: Take Rt. 236 West (Little River Turnpike). Little River Turnpike turns into Main Street. We’re located on the right in Main Street Plaza.

RAPPAHANNOCK STUDIO 9998 Main Street Fairfax, VA 22031

Classes are held at the Belle Meade Inn. For directions, see their website at or call Mary O’Meara at 540.825.1215.

While this schedule is current as of the printing, there may be changes prior to and after the start of the Fall session. Please check our website at for the most up to date information.


General Information and Fees

REGISTRATION INFORMATION To register, please read all of our policy information before filling out the registration form on the following page. If you have any questions, please call the studio at (703) 525YOGA (9642). We accept beginners or new students at any time throughout the session as long as space is available in your class choice. If you are joining the session late, partial session registration is available (see below). Drop-in and single class registration is available at our normal single class rate. Local students who are considering registering for classes may take a trial class without charge to determine if Sun&Moon is the right studio for them (ask our staff for terms and information). We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, checks or cash.

A $20 fee will be charged for checks returned to Sun&Moon. If you fax in a credit card registration, please do not mail a copy — you may be charged twice. Sorry, we do not call to confirm registrations. However, we will call if the class you requested is full.

FEES Full Session Registration Sun&Moon classes are offered weekly on a seasonal session basis (usually 14 weeks, fewer in summer). We are a school of yoga with our classes structured to provide a well-rounded curriculum over an entire session. Prices for a full session registration represent a discount off our regular single class rate and are listed on our class schedule. Single Class/Drop-ins Sun&Moon allows students who are not registered for a full session to attend classes on a single class/drop-in basis. The following are our single class rates: • Classes 1 hour or less: $15 • Classes 1-1 1/2 hours: $18 • Classes 2 hours: $21

Drop-ins A Drop-in is a student not currently registered, wishing to take a single class, or a current student wishing to take an additional class. Drop-ins are permitted only if space is available, so please call first. You may come to a class that is full, but you will need to wait until class begins to see if you can take the place of a “no show” that day. Drop-in fees are under Fees on this page. Please inform the teacher that you are taking the class as a drop-in.

Partial Registration For students who start mid-session or can not attend a full session, we offer students the option to register for a partial session. The single class rate applies if the number of classes is less than six. The following partial registration rates apply if the student registers for six or more classes: • 45 minutes = $12 • 1 hour = $14 • 1 hour 15 min = $15 • 1 hour 30 min = $16 • 2 hours = $20 10

Arlington send payment and registration to: 3811 Lee Highway, Arlington VA 22207 Fax: 703-525-5524 Fairfax City send payment and registration to: 9998 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031 Fax: 703-934-9481

Rappahannock send payment and registration to: 9998 Main St., Fairfax, VA 22031 Fax: 703-934-9481

REGISTER EARLY Registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register early to avoid disappointment.

MAKE-UPS If you miss a class, you may make it up in any other yoga class within the current session. Classes cancelled due to inclement weather may be made up during the session. Call the studio or visit our website to find out if your class has been cancelled. (For your safety, when making up classes we ask that you stay at the same or lower level yoga class.) You do not need to call ahead to do a make-up; however, you should tell teachers that you are taking their class as a make-up for your regular class. Make-ups may also be done at the Health Advantage Yoga Center or Boundless Yoga Studio under our reciprocity agreement and at any of the three Sun&Moon Studios. REFUND POLICY You must fill out a Refund Request form. The forms are available at the front desk. The date the written request is received rather than the last class attended is the criterion for determining refunds. • A $30 non-refundable administration fee is deducted from all tuitions. • After week one, all tuition less the $30 registration fee is refunded. • After week two, 75% of tuition less the $30 registration fee is refunded. • After week 3, 50% of tuition less the $30 registration fee is refunded. • After week 4, 25% of tuition less the $30 registration fee is refunded. No refunds are given after the fifth class. Refunds are made by check and may take up to six weeks.

What to wear Comfortable clothes such as shorts, footless tights or leggings with a T-shirt or leotard. Please do not wear baggy sweats or pants (this inhibits the teacher’s ability to spot misalignments). Please remove shoes before entering the yoga rooms. We have men and women’s changing areas. No heavy perfume/cologne or noisy jewelry please. Please leave cell phone and valuables locked in your car. Sun&Moon Yoga Studio, Ltd. reserves the right to dismiss (with or without a refund) any student who disrupts the harmony of the class and/or studio environment.

Arlington Studio 3811 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207 Fairfax City Studio 9998 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031 Rappahannock Studio 9998 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031 703-525-YOGA (9642)


DISCOUNT POLICY Sun&Moon offers a ten-dollar ($10.00) discount to students registering for the full session if • students are sixty (60) years of age or • students are registering for two (2) or more classes

We have a work exchange program for those who wish to trade work at the studio for yoga classes. Students may also apply for financial aid for assistance in paying for their classes. Please cut along dotted line

Registration – Winter 2008

breathe. stretch. relax. repeat.

One form per person please.

Name _______________________________________________________________________________

Date _______/_______/_______

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________________ State ___________________________________ Zip ___________________________ Phone (day) _________________________________ (evening) __________________________________ (cell) __________________________________

Email _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How did you hear about Sun&Moon Studio? _______________________________________________________________________________________

By signing here, I declare myself to be responsible for my own health and safety while participating in class. ___________________________________________________________________________ Class



Start Date


Location ■ Arlington ■ Fairfax ■ Rappahannock


■ Arlington ■ Fairfax

■ Rappahannock

Check box to indicate discount. ($10.00): Senior (60 years or older) ■ Multiple Classes ■


For mail in or Faxed registrations only: ■ Visa ■ MC ■ Disc# _________________________________________ Exp. Date ______ /______

Signature __________________________________________________________________

Please make payment to Sun&Moon for full amount. You may drop off, fax or mail to: Arlington students, mail to 3811 Lee Highway, Arlington VA 22207 Fax: 703-525-5524 Fairfax students, mail to 9998 Main St., Fairfax, VA 22031 Fax: 703-934-9481 Rappahannock students, mail to 9998 Main St., Fairfax, VA 22031 Fax: 703-934-9481

Office Use: ■ Reg. Book ■ Cash Reg. ■ CC Proc. Circle: V/MC/Disc/CA/CK# __________PR________GC$________NAME_____________ Date rec’d _______________ Database by__________________________ 11

Prsrt Std U.S. Postage

breathe. stretch. relax. repeat. 3811 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207


Merrifield VA Permit #6445

Yoga Workshops!!! Please check our website at for worskhop details and registration information. Be sure to register early to avoid disappointment. Workshops fill quickly. January Hamstrings Workshop Yoga Nidra February Restore With Amir Yoga Dessert March Reducing Stress in Daily Life Workshop Barbara Benagh Worskhop

REFRESH YOUR INTENTIONS continued from page 3

• Relax. Allow your stressors to become your teachers. How does misery feel in your body? Go into the feel of your blues, your frustration, your pressures, your anger. Do they have a specific location, rhythm, texture, pattern? Make a point of relaxing, physically and mentally, just a little, even while holding tense emotion, and notice what you notice. The more we relax, the more freely energy flows through us, the less we have to push and control. We experience the essence of who we are. We feel the mysterious and compassionate force that guides us with harmony and grace. If alluring, let these techniques lure you. Enjoy the parts of winter that you love, but remember to use every opportunity for these mini-yoga practices to create the quiet and space for observing, assessing and choosing intentions. See for yourself if the fertile void of a pause yields a clearer sense of what intentions and goals really matter, and a way to keep your mind and heart open and flexible for whatever you meet on your path.


• 300-hour Hatha Teaching Certificate Learn to instruct the Level 1 and 2 students and get an introduction to the many facets of the eight-fold path of yoga. • 700-hour Advanced-Yoga Teaching Certificate Learn to instruct the Level 3 and 4 poses and move more into the depth of the spiritual and philosophical basis and practices of yoga. • Therapeutic Certificate This certification would be added to the 700hour program course of study focusing on using yoga as a holistic mind/body practice encompassing the physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual aspects of a student. Sun&Moon Teacher Certification programs are registered with The Yoga Alliance.


• January 26-27 with Alex Levin and Jackie Shaffer • February 26-28 with JJ Gormley-Etchells • March 20-22 with JJ Gormley-Etchells For more information, visit

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