Program of Inquiry Visual Art BCIS

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ART Programme of Inquiry Correlation 2013/2014 ART POI Week Notes & Events Grade 2 HR POI Grade 2 ART Grade 3 HR POI Grade 3 ART Notes & Events Beginn WK ing How We Organize Ourselves Central Idea: Communities function more effectively when rules and routines are shared with all members.: LOI:Various communities to which we belong. Purpose of essential agreements and routines. How we can use our materials most efficiently and effectively. KC: Causation, Responsibility, Form. 12 AUG


19 AUG


26 AUG




Opening Assembly

Developing life drawing skills encourages an understanding of our physical self, allowing us to demonstrate our self knowledge with greater complexity.


Maths week Assembly

16 SEPT *


Moon Festival Thursday Friday PD



UOI Correlation Math/Literacy

Central Idea

Materials, Tools & Techniques

SLC Portfolio Pages

IT Correlation

LP: Reflective, Risk Taker Life Drawing: Numeracy 5.1 Pencil Sketch

How We Organize Ourselves

October Break 01 OCT - 07 OCT 8

Kathy Walker PD 7-11


PD day-Thursday Parent Teacher/Conference Friday

21 OCT

10 Thursday Terry Fox Run

28 OCT

11 Friday Assembly

International Day Spirit week

4 NOV 12 Mac testing

Maths PD Wed/Thurs

11 NOV

13 Winter Olympics - Wednesday

18 NOV

14 2-5 Concert Schedule

25 NOV

2-5 Winter Concert 15 Saturday Christmas Bazaar


16 N-1 Winter Concert Friday


Who We Are: Self Portrait Mixed Drawing Tools

Central Idea: We can improve our lifestyle through a Who We Are : Life Drawing Central Idea: Developing life drawing balanced diet and exercise skills encourages an understanding of view help us live together better. our physical self, allowing us to LOI LOI demonstrate our self knowledge with •Why people see things differently LOI •What it means to have a healthy and greater complexity. •Why people feel and think differently balanced lifestyle. • Point of View: Personal perspective LOI: •The appreciation of others’ perspective •How nutrition influences our health. •Conflicts we experience in our lives Art Concept: Evidence •How exercise promotes a healthy •Exploring proportion of the body and the face. •How solutions can be found lifestyle. • Understand how are bodies move, and KC: Function LP: Open Minded, Risk-Taker this allows us to capture movement. Perspective, Responsibility KC: Connection, Responsibility Numeracy 5.1 • Demonstrating motion and body RC: communication, conflict, language more effectively. cooperation, identity, prejudice,diversity Colour Theory RC: Well-being, Ink Painting Balanced, Nutrition, and Exercise Art Concepts: Movement, emotion,

Report Comments Due Wednesday How We Organize Ourselves Moon festival-Thursday PD day-Friday


14 OCT *

Who We Are

WHO WE ARE Central Idea: Listening to other Sharing the Planet: Perspective & Central Idea: Self Portrait/Life p e o p l e ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e a n d Point of View Drawing communicating our own points of



Who We Are: Self Portrait Mixed Drawing Tools

Sharing the Planet

Reports Due Friday

17 Noon Finish

16 DEC 06 JAN 18 PD day Monday *

Central Idea: Different systems of transport are organized to meet people’s needs. •Investigating the creation of various paper model vehicles. •How the different transport systems •Creating 3D Shapes •Creating vehicles using relate to our needs. knowledge of 3D shapes. •The different parts that make up transportation systems. LP: Thinker, Reflective •The impact of our transportation A: Appreciation, Curiosity choices. KC: Form, Function, Art Concepts: Form, Creation Connection Shape to Form RC: transportation, systems Paper Sculptures

Where We Are in Place and Time

How we Express Ourselves How We Express Ourselves & Central Idea: People communicate Descriptive Language using non-verbal language. LOI: Body Language Card

How We Organize Ourselves

Central Idea: Different systems of transport are organized to meet people’s needs.

•How non-verbal communication can affect a message. •How being reflective about nonverbal communication can help us to be better communicators. •The connection of culture and society in non-verbal Communication.


Central Idea: Our family histories enable us to Two Stars & a Target develop historical awareness Self Portrait Page LOI •Our family history •How family histories are different or alike over time. •Ways we can find out about our history KC: Form Function, Change RC: Heritage, Tradition, Time

Central Idea: Non-profit organizations allow people to come together to take action Open-Minded, Caring LOI •What is a non-profit organization Life Drawing Skills •Roles and responsibilities within a nonDrawing Tools profit organization •Why organizations take action Ted Harrison Style •How we know if organizations are Oil Pastel Drawing successful

Winter Break 17 DEC - 06 JAN Who We Are Central Idea: Significant people shape the future through their actions. •Actions which make someone Significant. •Significant people and their

Who We Are: Significant Artists

Digital Design

Expression: Art communicates thoughts feelings and ideas.

Art Concept: Evidence Digital Design

Creation: Art develops imagination and innovation.

How We Organize Ourselves Element of Design: Form Central Idea Learning to manipulate the Elements and Principles of Design allows us to understand and create art.

Stimulation: Art is used to motivate and inspire. Evidence: Art provides evidence of our beliefs.

LOI Reflection: Art demonstrates thoughts and •Understanding form with increasing ideas. complexity. •Shading can imply form in 2D work. •Applying the use of form to create Function: Art enables lateral thought. various 3D pieces of art.

Art Concepts: Form, Creation Art Shows with Music Concerts Foam Core Sculptures Sculpture How the World Works Central Idea: Understanding and appreciating the power of colour. Value Scale Math: Shape, Size & Balance Measurement: 21.4 Pencil & Ruler

Winter Break 17 DEC - 06 JAN KC: Function, Causation, Responsibility, Monochromatic Shapes Painting Reflection

RC: Initiative and Organization

Art Concepts

Who We Are Central Idea: Significant people shape the future through their actions.

13 JAN 19 CNY Celebration & Friday

20 JAN 20 Assembly

Temple Fair

27 JAN 21 Noon Finish Wednesday

•Actions which make someone Significant. •Significant people and their contributions to society •How people’s lives are affected by significant people’s actions KC: Form, Function

KC: Function, Causation, Responsibility, Reflection

ART Programme of Inquiry Correlation 2013/2014 LOI: •History of Art •Art we know about.

RC: Initiative and Organization

•Various artists, their work, their time •How artists mirror human activity

How We Express Ourselves

Art Concepts: Stimulation, Reflection LP Open-Minded, Reflective

Central Idea: Pe o p l e e x p r e s s t h e m s e l ve s differently through dance and music.

3 FEB LOI -How people expressed through dance -How people expressed through music

RC: chronology, significance, history How The World Works

10 FEB


17 FEB

23 Mother Tongue week

Building a City

LOI •Innovative use of materials. •Structural integrity.

ISA test Tue/Wed

24 FEB 24 03 MAR*

25 PD day Friday

10 MAR

26 Assembly

17 MAR

27 SLC

24 MAR

28 3.20pm finish Friday

Book Week

How The World Works Central Idea: The design of structures depends upon the materials and their properties. LOI •Techniques used to build structures •The considerations that need to be taken when designing and building Structures. •How we decide if a structure is successful

KC: Causation, Change Tints & Shades of One Colour Tempera Paint Brush Technique & Colour Mixing Chinese New Year 09 - 17 Feb

LOI: •Patterns exist everywhere. •What makes a pattern

KC: Form, function,

•What makes symmetry •How can we create symmetry within our pattern?

Math: Realizing Forms from Shapes, mapping, birds eye view. Places important things in their environment in order on a map.

Art Concepts: Function, Creation

Chinese New

Transdisciplinary Theme for all How the World Works :Symmetry Central Idea: Patterns behave and Portraiture/Life Drawing Stand Alone interact in different ways, which Unit determine how people use them.

RC: expression, emotions, cultures

WHO WE ARE Central Idea: Self Portrait/Life Drawing

Developing life drawing skills encourages an understanding of our physical self, allowing us to demonstrate our self knowledge with greater complexity.

Math Indicators 4, 5 Identifies, How the World Works creates and describes symmetrical Central Idea: Electricity is a force that can be objects. Represents transformations. harnessed to improve our lives. Pattern, rhythm, movement LOI: What is electricity? LP: Knowledgeable, Thinker, Reflective How electricity is Harnessed At:Independence, Enthusiasm How electricity improves our lives Hand Eye Coordination

Spring Break 01 - 07 APR

03 MAR

LOI •The ability of colour to affect our mood. •Manipulating Colours

(04 APR Tomb Sweeping)

KC: Form, function, causation.

07 APR 29 N-1 concert schedule Assembly

Drawing a birds-eye view of their Large Scale Paintings KC: Form, Function RC: properties, city. Then explaining everything they materials, construction, structure R C : m a g n e t i c f i e l d , m a g n e t i s m , Movement, Music, Colour & Line have made. electricity, innovation, ingenuity

N-1 dress rehearsal - Wed 14 APR 30 N-1 Spring concert - Friday

Math, Place & Time: Space 19.2, 20.3, 20.6 , G3: 19.1

Painting ES Experience China Week (ECW)

21 APR 28 APR 31 May Day- Thursday * 05 MAY

32 Spring in the City - Saturday

12 MAY

Report comments due Wednesday 33 Assembly

19 MAY

34 2-4 concert schedule

26 MAY

dress rehearsal-Wednesday 35 2-4 2-4 Spring concert - Friday

MAC testing

2 JUN *

Boat festival-Monday 36 Dragon Exhibition - Tues- Thurs


Moving Up Ceremony 37 Assembly 12pm finish Friday

Jun 16, 2014

How We Express Ourselves

Where We Are Place and Time

Element of Design: Line KC: Function: How does it work? Central Idea: The Earth’s physical geography Causation: Why is it like it is? RC: determines how humans Change, Exploration, Expression, interact with places. Creativity, Proof, Mood LOI - We will inquire into… LOI: Understanding Line with increasing •Th e v a r i a b i l i t y o f p hy s i c a l complexity. geography around the world. Line can imply movement. •The impact of human interactions Applying the use of Line to create various moods on the physical environment. ART CONCEPTS Expression: Art communicates thoughts, KC: Form, causation, change feelings & ideas. Creation: Develops imagination and RC: physical geography, location innovation.

Sharing the Planet Central Idea: Conserving and using fossil fuels efficiently can contribute to a green future. LOI: •What are fossil fuels •Conservation of fossil fuels •How conservation has a positive impact on the environment

Art Concepts Central Idea: Pe o p l e e x p r e s s t h e m s e l ve s differently through movement and Expression: Art communicates thoughts feelings and ideas. music. LOI How people express themselves through movement & music. How people express themselves through Line & Colour. RC: expression, emotions, KC: Form, function,

Creation: Art develops imagination and innovation. Stimulation: Art is used to motivate and inspire.

This requires an overlap as we complete the large works with few KC: Responsibility, Connection and students painting at a time.

Evidence: Art provides evidence of our beliefs.


Reflection: Art demonstrates thoughts and

RC: Renewable and Non-renewable, Conservation, sustainability

Observational/Still LIfe Drawing ideas.

Large Scale Paintings Movement, Music, Colour & Line Function: Art enables lateral thought. Chalk & Oil Pastel Drawings

Summer Break


ART Programme of Inquiry Correlation 2013/2014 Week Beginn WK ing

12 AUG


19 AUG


26 AUG




Grade 4 HR POI

Grade 4 ART

Grade 5 HR POI


How We Organize Ourselves Central Idea: Communities function more effectively when rules and routines are shared with all members. LOI: LOI:Various communities to which we belong. Purpose of essential agreements and routines. How we can use our materials most efficiently and effectively. KC: Causation, Responsibility, Form. Opening Assembly WHO WE ARE Central Idea: Self Portrait/Life Drawing

Developing life drawing skills encourages an understanding of our physical self, allowing us to demonstrate our self knowledge with greater complexity.



Maths week Assembly

16 SEPT *


Moon Festival Thursday Friday PD



Report Comments Due Wednesday Moon festival-Thursday PD day-Friday


Who We Are Central Idea: The relationship between human body systems contribute to personal well being.

Who We Are: Self Portrait Mixed Drawing Tools WHO WE ARE Central Idea: Self Portrait/Life Drawing

Developing life drawing skills encourages an understanding of our physical self, allowing us to demonstrate our self knowledge with LOI •Body systems, their function an greater complexity. connections. •Factors that affect the body. •Our responsibilities to maintaining health. KC: Function, connection, responsibility RC: well-being, systems, interdependence

LOI •Exploring proportion of the body and the face. •Purposefully emphasizing certain dominant attributes allows for self reflection.

Who We Are Central idea: Exploring ways we learn helps us to understand ourselves and maximizes our learning capacity. LOI: •The different learning styles and intelligences •The unique challenges we face as learners •How to optimize our learning capacity KC: Form. Connection, Reflection RC: Identity, Responsibility

Who We Are: Self Portrait Mixed Drawing Tools

UOI Correlation Math/Literacy

Who We Are: Cubist Self Portrait Sculpture

Central Idea

LOI: •Exploring sculpture techniques

Materials, Tools & Techniques

SLC Portfolio Pages

Art Concepts: Form

IT Correlation

Where We Are in Place and Time Multi-Media Sculpture Central idea: Modigliani Style Portrait Oil Pastel Humans migrate as a response to Where We Are in Place and Time Two Stars & a Target challenges, risks and opportunities. Migration Experience Self Portrait Page Elements of Design Causation, Change, Perspective to Create Digital

October Break 01 OCT - 07 OCT

21 OCT

10 Thursday Terry Fox Run

28 OCT

11 Friday Assembly

LOI: •Migration throughout history. •Reasons why people migrate •Effects of migration on communities, cultures and individuals. entertain through drama. KC: Causation, Change, Perspective LOI RC: migration, history, conflict, •Th e d ra m a t e ch n i q u e s u s e d i n Digital Design Explain Everything opportunity performance. •Using reflection as a tool for self Sharing the Planet improvement. Paper Sculptures •The role of drama in society. Central idea:

Spirit week 12 Mac testing Maths PD Wed/Thurs

KC: Perspective, Function, Reflection

11 NOV

13 Winter Olympics - Wednesday

RC: interpretation, performance

18 NOV

14 2-5 Concert Schedule

25 NOV

15 Saturday Christmas Bazaar


16 N-1 Winter Concert Friday


17 Noon Finish



Kathy Walker PD 7-11

14 OCT *


PD day-Thursday Parent TeacherConference Friday


Grade 5

International Day

2-5 Winter Concert

Reports Due Friday

16 DEC 06 JAN 18 PD day Monday *

How We Express Ourselves How We Express Ourselves Central Idea: Headdresses People can express themselves and entertain through drama. People can express themselves and

Sharing the Planet Central Idea: Water and its properties help us appreciate its value. LOI •Properties of water. •Value of water. •Responsibilities towards managing water. KC: Causation, Form, Responsibility

Children can help overcome a Central Idea: Understanding and variety of risks and challenges by appreciating the power of colour. taking action

Using Colour to Create Mood

LOI: • The connection between colour and our emotional state is inherent to understanding of how people react to one another, and their environment. •What does “XXX” colour make you feel? •Is colour important in our world? Provocative What colour expresses death, happiness, loneliness? Does colour exist at night? Why do we see colours differently at night?

Math 3.3 3D Visualization of a room from two angles. Colour Pencil & Pencil Drawing How We Organize Ourselves Digital Design

How We Express Ourselves: Dream Window

Winter Concert Poster Small Business Poster Design

Function: Art enables lateral thought.

How we Organize Ourselves: Small Businesses

Art Shows with Music Concerts

Digital Design Winter Break 17 DEC - 06 JAN

Central idea: Systems of organization and the

Stimulation: Art is used to motivate and inspire.

thoughts and ideas.

KC: Function, reflection, responsibility RC: equality, rights, action.

How We Organize Ourselves

Creation: Art develops imagination and innovation.

C e n t r a l I d e a : L e a r n i n g t o Evidence: Art provides evidence of manipulate the Elements and our beliefs. Principles of Design allows us to understand and create art. Reflection: Art demonstrates

Brush Technique Tempera Paint

Winter Break 17 DEC - 06 JAN RC: Properties, water cycle, sustainability, awareness

LOI: •How children respond to risks and challenges •Children’s rights - Ways in which children can be helped

How the World Works: One Point Perspective Central Idea: Learning to Art Concepts manipulate materials to create physical illusions affords us a better Expression: Art communicates understanding of the world around us. thoughts feelings and ideas. KC: Function, Causation

LOI: • Positive & Negative Space

How We Organize Ourselves

ART Programme of Inquiry Correlation 2013/2014 Where We Are in Place and Time Central Idea: Evidence from the past reveals how CNY Celebration & Friday Assembly people may have lived which can 20 JAN 20 Temple Fair help us develop and make decisions about the future. 27 JAN 21 Noon Finish Wednesday 13 JAN 19


3 FEB 10 FEB 17 FEB

“Stained Glass Work” Numeracy 21.5 Paper Cutting How We Organize Ourselves: Systems of organization include careful use of materials and tools. The exchange and consumption of goods contribute to an efficient art room. Art Concepts: Creation, Function

Chinese New Year 09 - 17 Feb LOI Where we are in Place & Time •How we understand and interpret the past. •Aspects of the past that have survived. Evidence from the past reveals how •Reasons why these systems and people may have lived which can technologies developed.

22 ISA test Tue/Wed

23 Mother Tongue week

help us develop and make decisions about the future.

24 FEB 24 03 MAR*

25 PD day Friday

10 MAR

26 Assembly

17 MAR

27 SLC

24 MAR

28 3.20pm finish Friday

Key concept: Perspective, Reflection Related concept: development, theories and justifications, evidence, civilizations, adaptations, developments Sculpture Preparation for Artifacts How We Organize Ourselves Central Idea: Governmental systems use power and authority to make decisions and accomplish goals. LOI: Types of governance. The relationships between power and authority.

Book Week

The responsibilities of governments, leaders and citizens. KC: Function, Responsibility, Perspective RC: Leadership, power, authority

07 APR 29 N-1 concert schedule Assembly N-1 dress rehearsal - Wed

14 APR 30 N-1 Spring concert - Friday

•The interdependence of economic activities. •The origins of goods we consume. KC: Function, Connection, Form. RC: interdependence, supply and demand, consumerism.

How the World Works Central idea: Converting energy from one form to another and storing it in various Sculpture: Plaster,Papier Mâché ways can enable people to use and control it effectively.


Spring Break 01 - 07 APR

03 MAR

LOI: Forms of energy The storage and transformation of energy Multi Media Conservation of energy

How we Express Ourselves Central idea: Artists use the creative process to make purposeful choices to express themselves. Learning to manipulate the Elements and Principles of Design allows us to understand and create art. LOI: •Using colour to Express Feelings and Emotions • Using Line to Express feeling

Colour Theory

Mask: Paper Mache Ink Painting, Poetry

(04 APR Tomb Sweeping)

KC: form, function, change. How the World Works RC: transformation, conservation, forms. Observational Drawing Element of Design: Form Numeracy 5.1 Central Idea: Learning to manipulate the Elements and Principles of Design allows us to How We Express Ourselves Pencil Sketch understand and create art.

ES Experience China Week (ECW)

21 APR 28 APR 31 May Day- Thursday * 05 MAY

32 Spring in the City - Saturday

12 MAY

33 Assembly

19 MAY

34 2-4 concert schedule

26 MAY

dress rehearsal-Wednesday 35 2-4 2-4 Spring concert - Friday

MAC testing

Report comments due Wednesday

2 JUN *

Boat festival-Monday 36 Dragon Exhibition - Tues- Thurs


37 Assembly

Jun 16, 2014

Central Idea: Language and art can Central idea: be used together to communicate and Systems of organization and the stimulate our imagination. exchange and consumption of goods LOI: • Using colour to create mood and services contribute to an • Using language to create mood efficient economy. Poetry Unit LOI: Texture & Colour Drawing , paper •The ethics of economic activities. cutting, writing

How the World Works Central Idea: Continuous natural changes to the Earth can affect life and require humans to respond. LOI: Continuous natural changes to the earth. Causes and consequences of natural changes. Ways humans respond to natural changes.

LOI •Understanding form with increasing complexity. •Shading can imply form in 2D work. •Applying the use of form to create various 3D pieces of art. KC: Function, Causation, Form

Central idea: Artists use the creative process to make purposeful choices to express themselves.

LOI: •The choices artists make to Math: 20.3, 20.6 Sculpture communicate a message. How we Express Ourselves Central Idea: •Using different modes of People can express themselves and expression to express our ideas, entertain through drama. LOI feelings, experiences and beliefs. •The drama techniques used in •The creative process. performance

KC: Responsibility, Causation, Change RC: Force, disasters, weather, geology, Write stories, poems, and scripts that use foreshadowing, similes, and/or prevention & relief.

KC: Connection, perspective, reflection Poetry Weaving RC: art, creative process, purposeful Art Concepts: Stimulation, Reflection choices. Multi-Media metaphors.

Moving Up Ceremony 12pm finish Friday

Summer Break

How We Express Ourselves Central Idea:

Art Concepts

Artists use the creative process to make purposeful choices to express themselves.

Expression: Art communicates thoughts feelings and ideas.

Colour & Line Expression

Creation: Art develops imagination and innovation.

Fairy Tale in Simplest Terms

Stimulation: Art is used to motivate and inspire. Evidence: Art provides evidence of

Collage our beliefs.

Art demonstrates Art Concepts: Expression, Stimulation Reflection: thoughts and ideas.

Post Exhibition Take Down Function: Art enables lateral Painting: Colour Theory thought.

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