I am an Inquirer when I; E x p l o r e n e w t o o l s a n d t e ch n i q u e s independently. Listen carefully to find out what is next. Wonder what would happen if you tried something differently.
I am Balanced when I; Maintain my studio space. Work with good humour. Control how I express my opinion. Know how to laugh, when something goes wrong, and persevere through a challenge.
I am Caring when I; Let others learn. Think about the artist’s feelings when offering my opinion. Critique with kindness. Offer help with tools and materials.
I am a communicator when I; Express what I think and feel through my art. Record my ideas in my sketchbook. Write what my intention was with my choices.
I am a Thinker when I; Make a clear plan for my art. Develop and revise my ideas in my sketchbook. Remember what I have already learned, and apply it to a new project or task.
I am Reflective when I; Develop my ideas; choose, express, reflect, revise. Look back at ideas in my sketchbook, or past projects. Make connections with art and the world.
I am Open-Minded when I; Look and wonder before making judgements about art. Accept different perspectives. Try to understand other people’s art.
I am a Risk-Taker when I; Try new ways of making art. Explore new tools and techniques. Share my opinion about a work of art. Show my work as an example.
I am Knowledgeable when I; Know my studio space. Learn how to use new tools, and explore techniques thoroughly. Learn about the art from various cultures. Learn about art throughout history.
I am Principled when I; Make original art from my own ideas, and acknowledge influences. Encourage others honestly, with kindness. Take on my fair share of clean-up time.