How We Express Ourselves - People communicate using non-verbal language. REFLECTION - Body Language, Gesture, Life Drawing. Understanding social cues, body language and gestures can help us act and react appropriately to another person or situation.
Art Concept (EVIDENCE): Art provides evidence of our beliefs. Life Drawing provides us an opportunity to observe the human form, body language is a powerful and important medium of expression. We can practice caring, reflective and open-minded behaviour by observing others, and learning to interpret their needs.
Drawing from life provides an opportunity for developing hand-eye coordination, observational skills and drawing techniques.
How do we express ourselves without saying a word? Grade two shall observe and record in a drawing, an exchange between a minimum of two people. Students will try to guess the feelings and opinions of the people they observed, solely from their growing understanding of body language. They will provide a written narration to the scene so we can see if our guess is correct.