Snippetz Issue 936

Page 1





MONSTER LAWS by Lindsey Harrison

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MONUMENT “Useless laws weaken the necessary laws.” – Montesquieu

yes, even laws that cover some pretty questionable topics.

ave you ever read a rule or regulation that seemed so ridiculous and unnecessary that you can’t even imagine a reason why it would be something a governing body felt like addressing? If you haven’t you probably haven’t spent much time actually considering it because there are quite literally thousands of rules, regulations and

Probably at the top of the list we’ve got laws that talk about how to handle monsters. Yes, that’s right. We said monsters. Want to make something of it? Sorry, just talking about monsters tends to bring out the monstrous side of us. So monstrous in fact that the in


Monster Laws... Continued on Page 2

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MONSTER LAWS COMMUNITY CALENDAR Pages 4-5 Don’t Miss Another Event! THE DINING GUIDE Pages 6-7 • Traditional Roast Turkey With Pan Gravy BUSINESS DIRECTORY Page 8 Local Businesses on the Move THE CLASSIFIEDS Page 8 Find “Your” Treasure NOW HERE’S A TIP! Page 8 Household Tips PAGE by Eric Metzger


“AVAILABLE INTERNET CONNECTIONS” A Lexicon of Life-Giving Words by Dr. Ron Ross



THIS MONTH: “SPONTANEITY” ENTERTAINMENT Pages 10-11 Puzzles, Trivia & Comics

Strange But True • Moments in Time

TRI-LAKES CHAMBER Page 12 Monthly Chamber Happenings PAW’S CORNER Page 12 Halloween Candy: No Treat for Pets TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Page 13 Can Nothing be Done for Severe Back Pain? KOVELS ANTIQUES & COLLECTING Water Carriers Page 13 FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE


Monster Laws... Continued from Page 1

cessant noise of the video game the child sitting next to a certain writer while she writes a certain article about monsters makes her want to snatch the phone away and throw it across the room. But she’s not a monster . . . it’s just all this dang talk about them that’s getting into her head! Anyway, back to the laws about monsters thing. While many of the laws we found are admittedly fairly old, we still couldn’t believe that they even existed at one point in time in the first place! And as the quote from Montesquieu says, useless laws (such as ones that dictate behavior regarding monsters) weaken the necessary ones. Perhaps that’s why we see so many people ignoring the necessary laws, like say, the one that states a driver must stop at a red light rather than blowing through it because they’re in a hurry. You get the idea, don’t you? So, if you’re curious, as we know you likely are, sit back and enjoy these monsters laws that your friendly neighborhood Snippetz magazine has found just for you! (That means you, Susan.)

We’re not opening this up for a debate about whether or not Bigfoot exists. Just because we haven’t found one doesn’t mean they’re fake. But that also doesn’t mean they’re real, either. However, someone on the board of commissioners in Skamania County in Washington state felt the topic was worthy of not only a discussion, but of passing a law that protects these real/fake creatures. Granted, this was in 1969 and the law was passed on April 1 (a.k.a. April Fools’ Day) so perhaps it wasn’t a super serious law. Either way, it passed and in the language of the law, it states that it is illegal to kill a Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch or Giant Hairy Ape. But we feel that lives a little room for debate. What if the creature in question simply goes by the name Karen? What then? Is it all of a sudden OK to hunt giant hairy apes named Karen? We need clarification! Initially, the law stated that such a killing was a felony and carried with it a fine of $10,000 and up to five years in jail. Now, here’s the interesting part: the law – or more specifically the ordinance – was amended in 1981 stating the fine was reduced to $1,000 and carried a one-year jail sentence. So, here’s what we think: if the original



“WHAT IS THE BEST FORM OF PROPERTY OWNERSHIP FOR ME?” VETERAN’S POST Page 14 Congressional Offices in Veterans Hospitals SENIOR NEWS LINE Page 15 Staying Safe and Warm ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2019





FUNDER ENLIGHTENING, INC. PO Box 789 • Monument, CO, 80132 George Wilkins • Publisher/CEO Office: 719-487-0484 •

ordinance was a joke, why did they amend it 12 years later? Our theory is that there are just enough people out there who are serious about bagging themselves a Karen, er, Bigfoot that they’re a danger to the general population. Can you imagine a bunch of Bigfoot hunters taking to the woods one night and stumbling upon a Boy Scouts troop that were camping in the area of a supposed Bigfoot sighting? It makes us shudder just to think about it! Interestingly enough, Manitoba, Canada passed their own “protection” law to allow all members of the Bigfoot species the same legal protection from hunting as endangered species. Good, now we have protection for things that may or may not exist. That’s like saying your child is grounded because they may or may not try to sneak out of the house at night when they’re a teenager. To be fair, the member of Parliament that was presented with the petition to draft a law protecting the Bigfoot species said he didn’t exactly believe in Bigfoot, but felt it was his duty to represent the interests and opinions of any of his constituents, especially those who took the time to draft petitions such as the Bigfoot one. We suppose we can let that one slide, then. So far, the laws pertaining to Bigfoot that we’ve presented have all been in favor of protecting the monster. But leave it to Texas to publicly state that Bigfoot hunting is perfectly legal in the state and in fact, there are no restrictions to which season or seasons Bigfoot can be hunted in. Nor are there any limits to how many Bigfoots a person can “bag” should they decide to go Bigfoot hunting.

MIGOI Speaking of Bigfoot, there happens Monster Laws... Continued on Page 3



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Michael D. Ahlers 66 Second St. Ste. B P.O. Box 1212 Monument, CO 80132-1212 (719) 481-2550 Cell: (719) 209-4534 Monster Laws... Continued from Page 2

to be another similar creature that is rumored to live in Bhutan, a small country in Asia, near India, China and Tibet. This creature (perhaps a cousin of Bigfoot, who knows?) is described as an ape-like monster that stands about eight feet tall and has reddish-brown fur and is known as a “migoi.â€? You’re probably wondering why a migoi has never been caught considering it’s a large creature and the reddish-brown fur probably stands out in comparison to the surrounding environment. Turns out, a migoi has a few things going for it. First off, the creature is said to walk backwards in its own footprints to keep trackers from easily following it. Second, it can also turn itself invisible. Fair enough. Even though migoi sightings are rare to say the least, a protective habitat was set up to keep these creatures safe, known as the Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary. Now, granted, the sanctuary is also home for other wildlife species, including snow leopards, the Himalayan black bear and about 147 types of birds. But without the migoi, the sanctuary may not exist, considering it was set up using a grant from the MacArthur Foundation for $700,000 and oďŹƒcially deemed a protected area by the Bhutan government in 2003. The sanctuary is 253 square miles, giving the creature (and all the others who just happen to live in its protected area) a decent chunk of land on which to roam without fear of being hunted by those pesky migoi hunters. As animal lovers ourselves, this is one monster law we at Snippetz can

really get behind.

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Enough about Bigfoot and his relatives. Let’s move on to a perhaps lesser-known monster who also happens to be the subject of a piece of legislation. This one happens to be a monster called Champ, a pike-like creature that lives in Lake Champlain – hence the name “Champ.� Specifically, Champ is said to live in Bulwagga Bay or at least that’s where the 1819 sighting of the monster occurred. In case you didn’t know, Lake Champlain is pretty darn big so it’s marginally feasible that there’s a “sea monster� swimming around in its depths that we have yet to discover. Again, jumping right into the “let’s make laws about this thing that we have not confirmed even exists� seems a bit premature. But that’s just what both New York and Vermont did in the 1980s. It is currently illegal to harm Champ in any way . . . but as we mentioned before, that law leaves a lot of wiggle room should a creature matching his description ever be discovered. What if Champ is actually Charlene? There’s no protection for a Charlene in the waters of Lake Champlain. So sad.

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Champ isn’t the only aquatic monster that has received enough notoriety to be considered worthy of a protection law. Whitey, a river monster that lurks in the White River between the Arkansas towns of Jacksonport and Possum Grape. We bet you can’t figure out how Whitey got its name . . .




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wrong exactly, but they quite literally have no proof so making laws to protect him and claiming that he’s a dinosaur living in the 21st Century might be taking it a bit far.



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Again, we’re not saying they’re


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Champ actually has his own day in Port Henry, New York, which takes place every summer. As if that wasn’t enough, cryptozoologists – pseudoscientists who seek to prove the existence of creatures like Champ and Bigfoot – oďŹƒcially posited the idea that Champ is actually a plesiosaur . . . yes, they said he’s a dinosaur.



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Anyway, Whitey has been spotted on several occasions since 1915 but it was one sighting in 1973 that prompted Robert Harvey, a state senator for Arkansas, to bring a bill forward for approval that created the White River Monster Refuge, prohibiting anyone from hurting Whitey in any way . . . within the refuge’s boundaries, of course. Members from both the Republican and Democratic parties apparently felt strongly about the bill and it was approved – thus becoming law – by a large majority.



TRI-LAKES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • Weds., Nov. 6 – 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – Is My Business Sellable? Consideration for Creating an Optimal Exit Strategy


• Thurs., Nov. 7 – 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. – Chamber Networking Breakfast


• Thursday, Nov. 7 4:00 p.m. – Gymnastics Varsity State Championships @ Thornton High School 6:00 p.m. – Football Varsity Game vs. Discovery Canyon High School @ D-20 Stadium • Saturday, Nov. 9 TBD – Volleyball Varsity Regional Tournament @ TBD

6:00 p.m. – Cheer Varsity • Tues., Nov. 19 – 5:00 p.m. • Mon., Nov. 18 – 6:00 p.m. – Competition @ Vista Ridge High 1:30 p.m. – Gymnastics Varsity to 7:00 p.m. – Business After Board of Education Regular School State Championships @ Hours: TBD Thornton High School Meeting: Learning Center at • Wednesday, Nov. 13 Administration, 146 N. Jefferson • Thurs., Nov. 21 – 7:30 a.m. to St., Monument, CO 80132 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. – Wrestling • Tuesday, Nov. 12 9:00 a.m. – Chamber Networking Parent Meeting in Distance 6:00 p.m. – Cheerleading Varsity Breakfast League Tournament @ Vista • Mon. through Fri., Nov. 25 Learning Lab @ LPHS Ridge High School through 29 – District Closed – • Saturday, Nov. 16 Thanksgiving Break 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – Cheer 6:00 p.m. – Pom Varsity League TOWN OF MONUMENT Varsity Competition @ Chaparral Championships @ VRHS High School (all meetings held at Monument Town • Thursday, Nov. 14 LEWIS-PALMER Hall: 645 Beacon Lite Rd., 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – Cyber TBD – Volleyball Varsity State Monument, CO 80132) Competition in Room 319 @ Championships HIGH SCHOOL @ Denver LPHS Coliseum • Mon., Nov. 4 – 6:30 p.m. – Board of Trustees Meeting • Friday, Nov. 1 • Wednesday, Nov. 20 7:00 p.m. – Drama Varsity Meet 4:30 p.m. – Volleyball Varsity 3:30 p.m. – Lewis Palmer @ PRHS Auditorium • Mon., Nov. 11 – Town Hall Indian Invitational vs. Cheyenne Accountability Advisory Closed – Veterans Day Mountain High School @ CMHS Committee Meeting in Room • Friday, Nov. 15 108 @ LPHS TBD – Volleyball Varsity State • Weds., Nov. 13 – 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. – Football Varsity Championships @ Denver 8:30 p.m. – Planning Commis- Game vs. Palmer Ridge High 6:00 p.m. – Girls Basketball Coliseum sion Meeting School @ LPHS Parent Meeting in Lecture Hall @ LPHS 7:00 p.m. – Drama Varsity Meet • Mon., Nov. 18 – 6:30 p.m. – • Saturday, Nov. 2 @ PRHS Auditorium Board of Trustees Meeting TBD – Volleyball Varsity Indian • Monday through Friday, Nov. Invitational vs. Cheyenne 25 through 29 • Saturday, Nov. 16 • Tues., Nov. 19 – 7:00 p.m. – Mountain High School @ CMHS Thanksgiving Break TBD – Soccer Boys Varsity Outpouring at Pikes Peak BrewState Championships @ Dicks ing Company • Wednesday, Nov. 6 Sporting Goods Park 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. – Fall • Weds., Nov. 20 – 5:30 p.m. – Musical in LPHS Auditorium PALMER RIDGE TBD – Volleyball Varsity State Municipal Court Championships @ Denver HIGH SCHOOL • Thursday, Nov. 7 Coliseum • Thurs., Nov. 28 – Town Hall 9:00 a.m. – Principal’s Coffee @ • Friday, Nov. 1 Closed – Thanksgiving Day Serannos 2:00 p.m. – Drama Varsity Meet TBD – Gymnastics Varsity @ PRHS Auditorium • Fri., Nov. 29 – Town Hall Closed 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. – Fall Regionals Tournament @ TBD – Day after Thanksgiving Musical in LPHS Auditorium 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. – Harlem 7:00 p.m. – Football Varsity Wizards Basketball Fundraiser Game vs. Lewis-Palmer High Event @ PRHS • Friday, Nov. 8 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. – Fall School @ LPHS TOWN OF PALMER LAKE Musical in LPHS Auditorium 7:00 p.m. – Drama Varsity Meet • Saturday, Nov. 2 @ PRHS Auditorium (all meetings held at Palmer Lake 7:00 p.m. – Football Varsity 8:00 a.m. – Volleyball Varsity Town Hall: 28 Valley Crescent, Game vs. Little High School @ Tournament vs. Air Academy • Monday, Nov. 18 Palmer Lake, CO 80133) High School @ PRHS LPHS 3:30 p.m. – Building Advisory


• Saturday, Nov. 9 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. – Fall Musical in LPHS Auditorium

Committee Meeting in Sunset • Wednesday, Nov. 6 Room @ PRHS 8:00 a.m. – Blood Drive Hosted by National Honor Society @ 6:00 p.m. – Booster Club Meeting PRHS in Sunset Room @ PRHS

• Monday, Nov. 11 • Tues., Nov. 12 – 7:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. to 8:20 p.m. – Booster 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. – D 38 Free Application for Federal District Accountability Advisory Club in Room 108 @ LPHS Student Aid Night @ PRHS Meeting • Tuesday, Nov. 12

• Tuesday, Nov. 19 7:00 p.m. – Band Jazz Concert @ Tri-Lakes Center for the Arts


• Saturday, Nov. 23 4:30 p.m. – Choir Palmer Lake Star Lighting Festival @ Palmer Lake • Monday through Friday, Nov. 25 through 29 Thanksgiving Break


SNIPPETZ COMMUNITY CALENDAR Exhibition Dates: January • Thurs., Nov. 28 – Library Closed – Thanksgiving 28 – February 28, 2020 at Tri Lakes Center for the Arts. Call Day for entry dates: October 10th, 2019 -January 17th, 2020. Please review eligibility criteria and terms of submission at: PIKES PEAK


• Fri., Nov. 8 – Library Opens at 12:00 p.m.

• Weds., Nov. 27 • Saturday, November 2 vs. – Library Closes at 6:00 p.m. – Army @ USAFA Thanksgiving Eve • Saturday, November 9 vs. • Thurs., Nov. 28 University of New Mexico @ – Library Closed – Thanksgiving Albuquerque, NM Day • Saturday, November 16 vs. Colorado State University @ Ft. Collins, CO • Saturday, November 30 vs. University of Wyoming @ USAFA

PIKES PEAK LIBRARY DISTRICT MONUMENT BRANCH (registration required for all events unless otherwise noted)

PALMER LAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY (at Palmer Lake Town Hall) • Thurs., Nov. 21 – 7:00 p.m. – “On a Wildflower Excursion: Colorado Midland Rwy’s Finest” – Mel McFarland Presents

PALMER LAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT Palmer Lake Chili Supper and Star Lighting

• Weds., Nov. 6 – 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Saturday, – All Pikes Peak Reads Breakout 2019 Room • Fri., Nov. 8 – Library Opens at 12:00 p.m. • Mon., Nov. 11 – 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – Tri-Lakes Friends of the Library Meeting (no registration required)



4:30PM to 7:00PM with star lighting at 7:00PM sharp Tickets include: • Food (Chili, Mac and Cheese, Potato Soup, and Cinnamon rolls) • Pictures with Santa • Hay-wagon rides • Carolers

• Thurs., Nov. 14 – 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Raffle tickets and silent auction – Second Thursday Craft: Witty items are available for purchase Gloves the night of the event. • Fri., Nov. 15 – 4:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – Paper Tigers Origami Club


• Tues., Nov. 19 – 4:00 p.m. to The Palmer Lake Art 5:30 p.m. – Teens Make Tuesday: Iron-On Group is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Visit our website: T’s • Sat., Nov. 23 – 11:30 a.m. to Sat., Nov. 9 – 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. – Monthly Meeting – – Paint Like Bob Ross 643 CO-105 Palmer Lake, CO 80133 • Weds., Nov. 27 – Library Closes at 6:00 p.m. – Thanksgiving Eve

Palmer Lake Art Group Winter Show: Call for Artists

TRI-LAKES CARES 235 N. Jefferson St., Monument • Thurs. and Fri., Nov. 28 and 29 – Closed for Thanksgiving


TRI-LAKES CENTER FOR THE ARTS 304 State Hwy 105, Palmer Lake • Fri., Nov. 15 – 7:00 p.m. – “Joyful Acoustic Americana” by Bettman and Haplin. Advance tickets: TLCA Members $18, Non-Members $20. Day of show tickets: TLCA Members $20, Non-Members $22.



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(RSVP required unless otherwise noted) 719-488-0880 or email 255 North Gate, Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80921

Tuesday Mornings - 7:45AM Meeting Begins at 8:00AM Come Grow Your Business With Us

• Sat., Nov. 9 – 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. – VIP Blacksmith Backstage Pass. $35 per person • Tues., Nov. 12 – 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – WMMI Speakers’ Bureau Lecture with Jim Crompton. $5 per person • Tues., Nov. 19 – 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – Annual General Meeting (must be a fully paid member in good standing to attend)

Accelerating Small Business!

SUBMIT YOUR LISTING FOR PLACEMENT IN THE COMMUNITY CALENDAR There is no charge for non-profit organizations for a listing in Snippetz Community Calendar. Local ‘for profit’ businesses are invited to list their events for a nominal monthly fee of $25. (719) 487-0484 Email:

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ere it is, the traditional Thanksgiving centerpiece.

1 (14-pound) fresh or frozen (thawed)


Rock House Ice Cream turkey 1 medium onion, cut into 1-inch chunks 2 stalks celery, cut into 1-inch chunks 1/2 bunch fresh parsley 1 bunch fresh sage 1 bunch fresh thyme 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper Pan Gravy 1. Heat oven to 325 F. Remove neck from inside turkey; reserve for making pan gravy. Discard giblets and liver or save for another use. Rinse turkey with cold running water; pat dry with paper towels. 2. Place onion, celery, parsley and 1/2 bunch each of sage and thyme (wrap and refrigerate remaining herbs to garnish platter) inside body and neck cavities of turkey. Fasten neck skin to back with 1 or 2 skewers. With turkey breast-side up, fold wings under back of turkey so they stay in place. If drumsticks are not held by band of skin or a stuffing clamp, tie legs together with string.

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3. Place turkey, breast-side up, on small rack in large (17 by 11 1/2-inch) roasting pan. Rub turkey all over with salt and pepper. Insert meat thermometer into thickest part of thigh next to body, being careful that pointed end of thermometer does not touch bone. Cover turkey with a loose tent of foil, letting top of thermometer poke through foil. Roast turkey about 3 3/4 hours; start checking for doneness during last hour of roasting. 4. While turkey is roasting, prepare broth to use in Pan Gravy. 5. To brown turkey, remove foil during last 1 1/4 hours of roasting time; baste with pan drippings occasionally if you like. Turkey is done when thigh temperature on meat thermometer reaches 175 F to 180 F and breast temperature reaches 165 F. (Internal temperature of turkey will rise 5 degrees to 10 degrees F upon standing.) 6. When turkey is done, place on large platter; cover with foil to keep warm. Complete gravy. Continued on Page 7



5. Stir 1/4 cup all-purpose flour and 1/2 teaspoon salt into fat in saucepan; cook over medium heat until flour turns golden brown, stirring. Gradually stir in drippings mixture and cook until gravy boils and thickens slightly, stirring occasionally. Stir in reserved meat; heat through. Pour gravy into gravy boat or serving bowl. Makes 12 servings.

1 medium onion, cut in half 1 stalk celery, cut into large chunks 1 bay leaf 4 sprigs parsley Turkey neck 4 cups water 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1. To make the broth: In 3-quart saucepan, place onion, celery, bay leaf, parsley sprigs, turkey neck and water; heat to boiling over high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer 45 minutes. 2. Strain broth into large bowl; set aside. Pull meat from neck; discard bones and vegetables. Chop neck meat. If not using right away, cover and refrigerate broth and meat separately up to 2 days.

Chinese Restaurant



TIPS: If using a frozen turkey, make

sure it is completely thawed, especially inside the cavity. The rule of thumb for thawing turkey in the refrigerator is 24 hours per 5 pounds.

Cooking the stuffing separately yields a juicier bird, but if you want to stuff your turkey, to be safe, make sure that the stuffing temperature reaches 165 F on a meat thermometer. And you will need to roast the turkey about 30 minutes longer than the roasting time indicated. Find more triple-tested holiday recipes at


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Jackson Creek Parkway

3. To make gravy: Remove rack from roasting pan and strain drippings from roasting pan into 8-cup liquid measuring cup or medium bowl. Let stand 1 minute or until fat separates from drippings. Spoon 2 tablespoons fat from drippings into 3-quart saucepan; skim and discard any remaining fat from drippings.

Jasmine Garden


7. To serve, garnish platter with remaining herbs. Pass gravy to spoon over turkey. Remove skin from turkey before eating, if you like.

4. Add 1 cup broth to roasting pan. Place pan over medium-high heat and stir until browned bits are loosened and liquid boils; boil 1 minute. Strain liquid into drippings in measuring cup. Add enough water to meat-juice mixture in cup to equal 3 1/2 cups total.

ood D

Continued from Page 6




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• “You set a curfew and a bedtime for your children because you know that kids need a good amount of sleep to keep those little bodies growing and their minds happy. Do you do the same for yourself? It’s tempting to stay up late zoning out after the kids are (finally) in bed, but make sure you get your rest, too. Set a bedtime and stick to it.” -- T. in Oklahoma • Love your pod coffee maker but hate the waste? Almost every brand has some sort of reusable filter that you can purchase.

They are cost-efficient and much better for the environment. As a bonus, just add those used coffee grounds to your compost pile or sprinkle them in your garden. • “My grandma came to visit and left behind a box of bunion pads. Since she didn’t want them back, I used them on the bottom of my kitchen chairs to keep them from scraping up the floor. They are self-stick, and they worked like a charm.” -E.S. in Indiana • Self-care tip: Some-

times taking care of yourself means saying yes, and sometimes it means saying no. Turn off push notifications from smartphone apps and email when they aren’t absolutely necessary. You’ll find it easier to focus, and odds are good that you won’t really miss anything important. Schedule check-in times through the day if needed. • “I have found a great second use for a coffeecan lid. Use it to catch paint drips when you’re painting a ceiling or the underside of anything. Just cut a slit in the lid and slip it over the brush handle. That way, the paint drips on the saucer, and saves you a sleeve.” -- O.J. in North Carolina Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.




By: Eric Metzger


or the next two months, I am going to write about one of the most common complaints received at Simple Computer Repair: Slow Internet. If web pages are loading slowly and email takes forever to check, it’s often the fault of your Internet provider and the type of connection you have. This month let’s examine some of the more common Internet connections available in the Tri-Lakes area. Each type of connection comes with advantages and disadvantages. Let’s examine some of these below

DIAL-UP While not the first Internet connection to exist, dialup definitely became the most common source of Internet during the 90’s. Some of you may still remember the screeching and scratching sounds a dial-up modem emitted while making a connection. This system uses the telephone lines to make a direct connection to a central hub. The signals are sent back and forth between the hub and your computer with an analog signal. While this signal is extremely slow compared to modern systems, it is typically very affordable and has the added benefit of working on the infrastructure that has been in place for a hundred years. Yes, there are still people using Dial-up Internet today.

SATELLITE INTERNET Satellite Internet provides users access to the world wide web through a direct connection from their devices to geostationary satellites about 22,000 miles above the Earth. The big advantage of this type of Internet is that it is available almost anywhere across the planet. It can be broadcast to fixed positions or mobile devices. The disadvantages, however, are great. The speeds are typically very slow, and weather has a significant impact on signal strength. There is extreme latency (the time it takes the signal to travel from its source to its destination) as the signal must travel 88,000 miles from your computer to the satellite and from the satellite to the Internet hub, and then back again. This makes online gaming nigh impossible on this type connection. Finally, the data caps that come with these connections are relatively low and the connections can be expensive.

DSL DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE There are many forms of DSL: DSL, ADSL, ADSL+2, SDSL and VDSL. They’re all different from each other in their own ways, but for our discussion today, we’ll just call it DSL. The speeds of DSL range from 128 Kbps (barely better than dial-up) up to 50 Mbps (enough for 2 4k Netflix streams). DSL uses the same copper lines as dial up Internet but can do so while the phone line is also in use. DSL only provides Internet to one stationary location, but typically isn’t affected by poor weather. It is available more widely than cable or fiber Internet, but the speeds available are typically far below those offered through coax cable lines. Most of Monument has DSL available through Centurylink, and in some areas this is the only type of physical line available.

CABLE In the Tri-Lakes area, the cable TV, Internet, and phone lines are provided by Comcast/ Xfinity. This type of Internet connection uses the cable lines that were originally designed to carry television signals. In our area, the theoretical speeds offered are anywhere from 20 Mbps up to 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps) but actual speeds may be less. Cable Internet is much faster than DSL and tends to be more reliable since the lines are thicker/newer and the infrastructure tends to be newer than the phone lines. Weather doesn’t affect the signal, but speed can vary from minute to minute depending on the number of people in your area using the Internet. If this is available in your neighborhood, Simple Computer Repair recommends cable Internet for most users.

FIBER The fastest Internet connection ever demonstrated was made over fiber optic cable and clocked in at over 1 petabit per second (1000 terabits per second) over more than 30 miles. That’s 27,000 hours of 4k video in 1 second, or 26 million songs per second. The two major providers in the Tri-Lakes area, Comcast and CenturyLink both offer fiber to some of their subscribers. Typically, speeds you’ll actually see from a fiber Internet connection will be between 25 Mbps and 10,000 Mbps, with extremely low lag times or latency. Fiber connections are extremely fast and reliable but can be expensive.

NEW SERVICE There is a new service in our area that is specifically targeting underserved areas and neighborhoods that don’t currently have cable Internet. Force Broadband was started by a local Monument resident, Dan Hamilton, and has been quickly expanding their footprint and offering faster speeds to their customers. They are now consistently providing speeds of 50 Mbps or greater to their subscribers throughout the TriLakes area. In fact, we changed to Force Broadband in our shop and have been very happy with the service.

HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED? While a fast Internet connection is always nice, with speed usually comes increased cost. So how much do you really need? As a general guide you need 1-5 Mbps to check e-mail and browse the web. You need 5-10 Mbps to stream low resolution content and 15-25 Mbps to stream HD content. To stream 4K content and play online games you need 40-100Mbps and to download very large files you’ll need 200+ Mbps. Additionally, multiple streaming downloads in the same household will need faster speeds. Go to www.speedtest. net and check your speeds. If you are unhappy with your Internet speeds, come talk to us at Simple Computer Repair and let us help you find the optimum connection for your home or business. If you have a question about your computer, services available in our area, or any other IT-related question, please send it to:

Lexicon of Life-lifting Words Dr. Ron Ross’s




ickey Mutt, our little black dachshund, was the epitome of this life-lifting word — “spontaneous.” Though he spent most of his time napping in the sunshine, all you had to do was say, “Do you wanna go bye-bye, Mickey Mutt?” Instantly, he jumped with delight, grabbed his blanket, and dragged it to the door. Mickey was excited to go — with no idea where we were going, how long we would be gone, or what would happen. He didn’t care; he was always ready to go. Children are like that too — free souls who wonder and wander. They are treasure seekers and learning sponges with an insatiable appetite for something new. Children seem unable to “be patient” and “be quiet”; they need to move, explore, invent, play, and discover the world around them. They’re full of life. They’re spontaneous. Too many adults have lost the capacity for spontaneity. They obey the unwritten laws of adulthood that demand a calendar crammed with appointments, a life directed by technology, and a capitulation to prudence, procedure, or precept. Any extracurricular activity — a thought or act outside the boring box of conformity — is forbidden … almost sinful. So what happens? When spontaneity is lost, we never free ourselves from the rigidity of our responsibilities or the tyranny of our to-do list long enough to think new thoughts, experience something remarkable, or indulge in the delightful. Our wondering morphs into laboring, our curiosity fades into apathy, and our inspiration is crushed by exhaustion. But from a realm above the status quo,

the magic of spontaneity still attracts us — because spontaneity is where creativity is unleashed. New ideas are explored, new products are developed, new cures are discovered, new joys are experienced, and interesting people are met. Mickey Mutt is not the only creature who wants to be “unleashed.” We all want to be spontaneous, but how do we make it happen? Four suggestions: #1. Take a road less traveled. A few years ago, my wife and I drove through the mountains and took a side road that led us to a tiny town where a flea market was open. We stopped, bought an item or two and heard a couple of amateur country singers perform on an improvised stage. It was a delightful, spontaneous experience. #2. Look and smile at everyone you see. Better yet, say hello. And if they seem really interesting, find a way to engage in conversation. The more interesting people you meet, the more interesting your life will be. #3. Rid yourself of life-stealing activities, brain-clogging thoughts, and spirit-quenching relationships. You deserve happiness and joy. #4. Trust your gut. You have endless opportunities for spontaneity. See them for what they are: moments to learn about life and people, chances to experience new joy. No sensible adult would imprison a child and deny him the right to ask, look, learn, run, play, discover, invent, sing, or dance. We encourage a child’s capacity for wonder and afford them opportunities for social, emotional, hands-on learning and playing experiences. But neither should you deny yourself the same wonder, joy, and learning that is inherent with spontaneity. It has been said, “We are spontaneous when we are at our genuine best.” That’s certainly something to think about. How spontaneous are you? ©2019 Dr. Ronald D. S. Ross

cies of orchid -- and one of them smells so bad that it’s been known to make bees sick. It’s called the Violent Stench.

• It was Austrian philosophical author Robert Musil who made the following sage observation: “It’s not the genius who is 100 years ahead of his time but average man who is 100 years behind it.” • Here’s a sign of our increasingly cluttered lives: When the National Association of Professional Organizers was formed in 1985, it had five members. Today there are more than 3,500 registered organizers with the group. • Despite many people’s assumptions, the word “bayou” doesn’t come from French; it’s from the Choctaw word “bayuk.” • Those who study such things say that in tunnels that have lighting on the sides rather than above, the placement of those lights can influence the likelihood of people speeding. Evidently, the farther apart the side lights are placed, the faster drivers go. • Florida famously harbors many spe-

• In February of this year, a Japanese man named Yuya Yamada broke his own Guinness World Record for the largest hula hoop spun around the body three consecutive times -- the hoop in question measured 17.72 feet in diameter. • If you harbor over much ill will toward your mother-in-law, you could be described as “pentheraphobic.” • It was Britain’s Prince Albert who originated the boutonniere. It seems that while they were courting, Queen Victoria offered a small bouquet of flowers to her future husband. Prince Albert used his pocketknife to cut a hole in the lapel of his jacket and put the stems of the bouquet through it. *** Thought for the Day: “If you watch a game, it’s fun. If you play at it, it’s recreation. If you work at it, it’s golf.” -- Bob Hope

© 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.



SAVORY MASHED SWEET POTATOES 2 pounds sweet potatoes 2 tablespoons softened butter 2 teaspoons McCormick Pure Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon thyme leaves 1/4 teaspoon salt 1. Peel and cut sweet potatoes into equal-sized large chunks. Place in large saucepan. Add cold water to cover 1 inch over potatoes. Bring to boil; cover and cook over medium-low heat 15 to 30 minutes or until tender. Drain. 2. Place potatoes, butter, vanilla, ginger, thyme and salt in large bowl. Mash until smooth and well-blended. Makes 4 (3/4 cup) serving. NOTE: Microwave oven may be used to cook the sweet potatoes. Do not peel. Pierce each unpeeled potato twice with a fork so excess steam can escape while cooking. Microwave potatoes on HIGH 5 to 10 minutes or until tender, turning potatoes over halfway through cooking. Let stand 5 minutes or until cool enough to handle. Remove skin from sweet potatoes and proceed as directed above. (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.





1. GEOGRAPHY: Which is the northernmost of the Great Lakes? 2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What would a phillumenist collect or study? 3. MOVIES: Which movie was based on the novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”? 4. HISTORY: The Treaty of Versailles ended which major 20th-century war? 5. LANGUAGE: What does the Greek prefix “lex” mean in English? 6. TELEVISION: What was the nickname of Carrie Bradshaw’s boyfriend in the comedic series “Sex and the City”? 7. ANIMAL KINGDOM: How many eyes does a honey bee have? 8. MEASUREMENTS: What does a caliper measure? 9. MUSIC: Who sang the hit 1970s song “Love Me Like a Rock”? 10. ANATOMY: What is a common word for the sternum?

1. Who broke Hideki Matsui’s major-league record for most career home runs by an Asianborn player (176)?

(c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

(c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.



1. Which singer was born Bobby Pedrick, Jr. in Brooklyn, N.Y.? Hint: He released “Sad Eyes” in 1979.

1. Is the book of Romans in the Old or New Testament or neither?

By Fifi Rodriguez

By Mick Harper

2. What color was the door in Jim Lowe’s 1956 song? Hint: There was an “eyeball peepin’ through a smoky cloud.” 3. How did Grammy-nominated vocalist Tata Vega get her name? 4. Which Beatles/Paul McCartney song was originally titled “Seventeen”? 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “Rainy night and we worked all day, We both got jobs ‘cause there’s bills to pay.” (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

By Chris Richcreek

2. Ted Kluszewski hit 40 or more home runs three times during his 15-year major-league career. How many times did he have a batting average of .300 or better? 3. When was the last time the UCLA football team won a conference championship? 4. Who is the all-time leader in career points scored for the Philadelphia 76ers franchise? 5. Name the last player before Jaden Schwartz of the St. Louis Blues in 2019 to have two hat tricks in one NHL playoff year. 6. Who was the first player to score a goal in five different Women’s World Cups? 7. In 2019, Egan Bernal of Colombia became the third-youngest cyclist (22) to win the Tour de France. Who was the youngest?

By Wilson Casey

2. What Moabit woman became ancestress of King David through her marriage to Boaz? Sarah, Jezebel, Ruth, Leah 3. From biblical times, what was a rough, coarse cloth worn as a mourning symbol? Sackcloth, Shadrach, Shiloh, Sling 4. Who was the father of the apostles James and John? Zechariah, Zephaniah, Zebedee, Zebulun 5. What was the site for Moses’ burial place? Paphos, Beth-peor, Petra, Beth-shan 6. From 2 Samuel 12, who said, “Thou art the man”? Boaz, Samson, Isaac, Nathan (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

• On Nov. 8, 1951, Yankees catcher Yogi Berra is voted the American League’s most valuable player. He went on to be the league MVP twice more, in 1954 and 1955.

• On Nov. 6, 1528, the Spanish conquistador Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca is shipwrecked on a low sandy island off the coast of Texas. Starving, dehydrated and desperate, he is the first European to set foot on the soil of the future Lone Star state. • On Nov. 10, 1775, a resolution, drafted by future U.S. president John Adams, creates the Continental Marines and is now observed as the birth date of the United States Marine Corps. The motto of the service is Semper Fidelis, meaning “Always Faithful” in Latin. • On Nov. 7, 1914, while World War I rages in Europe, a new weekly magazine, The New Republic, is first published in the United States. Though its first issue sold only 875 copies, after a year the circulation reached 15,000. The New Republic still operates today as a weekly journal of opinion.


• On Nov. 5, 1968, in one of the closest elections in U.S. history, Republican challenger Richard Nixon defeats Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Because of third-party candidate George Wallace, neither Nixon nor Humphrey received 50% of the vote. • On Nov. 4, 1979, student followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini send shock waves across America when they storm the U.S. embassy in Tehran. The radical Islamic fundamentalists took 90 hostages. • On Nov. 9, 1989, East German officials open the Berlin Wall, allowing free travel from East to West Berlin for the first time since 1961. The next day, celebrating Germans began to tear down one of the ugliest and most infamous symbols of the Cold War. The wall was built to keep a flood of refugees from fleeing Communist East Germany to the West.

(c) 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved


TRIVIA TEST 1. Lake Superior 2. Matchbook covers and boxes 3. “Blade Runner” 4. World War I 5. Word 6. Mr. Big 7. Five 8. Distance between two opposite sides of an object 9. Paul Simon 10. Breastbone

SPORTS QUIZ 1. The Texas Rangers’ Shin-Soo Choo did it in 2018. 2. Seven times. 3. It was 1998. 4. Hal Greer, with 21,586 points. 5. Detroit’s Johan Franzen, in 2008. 6. Brazil’s Marta (2003-2019). 7. Henri Cornet, who was 19 years, 350 days old when he won it in 1904.

BIBLE TRIVIA 1) New 2) Ruth 3) Sackcloth 4) Zebedee 5) Beth-peor 6) Nathan

FLASH BACK 1. Robert John. He had his first hit at age 12 with “White Bucks and Saddle Shoes” in 1958. 2. It was a green door, which was the entrance to a party. 3. She was born Carmen Rosa Vega, but her father called her Tata because that was her first word. She had her name legally changed at age 17. 4. “I Saw Her Standing There,” released in 1963. 5. “Born to Be My Baby,” by Bon Jovi in 1988, released as a single from their “New Jersey” album. The video, shot in a studio, was done in black and white, as were others on the album.

the behavior that you want from him, and not rewarding the behavior you don’t want, Jake should settle down.

HALLOWEEN CANDY: NO TREAT FOR PETS DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I tried training my cat to stay off the counter using the “positive reinforcement” method you described. It worked at first, but now “Jake” is acting worse! Why didn’t it work? - Greg H., Iowa City DEAR GREG: Don’t give up on training Jake to stay off the counter. If you continue to be consistent in rewarding

What’s happening with Jake is not unusual. He previously had a habit of jumping up on the counter, and his “reward” at the time was to get attention from you, even if it was just picking him up or shooing him down. Even though he responded well to the initial training, that habit is still lurking in the background. Behavioral therapists call this “extinction burst” -- a last hurrah, of sorts, by the brain. It’s one more huge attempt to get that old “reward” back. It’s very similar to someone who’s on a strict diet for a long time, and despite seeing great results, suddenly begins talking themselves into eating that piece of cake they’ve seen in the bakery window. Now, cats (probably) don’t talk themselves into starting up old behaviors.

Jake may simply be reacting to an old habit resurfacing. Keep working with him on staying off the counter. When he looks as if he’s going to jump up, redirect his attention by calling him over. Note the times that he jumps on the counter and keep him

occupied with a fuzzy toy or snuggles during these periods. Be patient, and don’t give up. Send your comments, questions or tips to (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

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ple with interstitial cystitis, where it is directly instilled into the bladder. It is also used (off-label, meaning without an official FDA indication) as a recovery treatment when the tube delivering some types of chemotherapy comes out of the vein.


DMSO may have a pain-relieving effect, both topically when applied, as well as in the brain, though the mechanism for this is unclear. DMSO is an antioxidant and opens pores in lipid membranes, but again it’s unclear how this relates to its possible effects on people’s symptoms.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I have severe lower back pain and can’t stand up straight or walk very well. I saw a back specialist, and he took X-rays and reviewed an MRI. He informed me nothing could be done for me because I have diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH). I would like to know what this is and why nothing can be done for me. -- Anon.

It is an interesting and difficult-tostudy compound. It is exceedingly permeable: Within five minutes of being applied to skin, it is detectable in the blood. It has a distinct flavor and odor that can be noticed after application to the skin, which makes doing a controlled trial difficult; subjects in a study find it very easy to know whether or not they have been given DMSO.

ANSWER: DISH is essentially a disease of bone spurs. The ligaments and their attachments to bone themselves become calcified and bonelike. The cause is unknown. Symptoms are commonly back pain (more often, middle or upper back, not the lower back pain you have), but pain also may occur in the neck. Problems with walking are not common, but can happen if a nerve is being compressed.

It’s estimated that people have spent billions of dollars on DMSO for other conditions, especially arthritis and inflammatory diseases. However, the evidence that it is effective is poor, largely because of the difficulty in doing good studies on this compound, but also because large-scale studies are very expensive and there is little enthusiasm on performing such studies on a cheap compound.

Surgery is not a usual treatment for DISH. It is occasionally necessary if the bone spurs press on nerves or if the bone spurs are so large that they interfere with eating. That doesn’t mean nothing can be done for you. Physical therapy may be very beneficial; judicious pain medication and regular gentle exercise are the other effective treatments.

The risks appear to be small. Apart from the taste and smell changes, there are rare reports of allergies, discomfort in the bladder after instillation there and possible damage to the eye lens (at least in animals).

If the difficulty standing straight and walking persist, you should get reevaluated. *** DEAR DR. ROACH: What is your take on the benefits versus risks of DMSO? -- W.R. ANSWER: DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) has only one use approved by the Food and Drug Administration, in peo-


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--veryday life was often depicted in paintings or figurines in the days when photographs were unknown. Familiar workers like firemen, soldiers, farmers or royalty were made from porcelain or metal. Several important factories, including the Royal Worcester company of England, Royal Dux, Zsolnay, Goldscheider, Hummel, Lladro and KPM, made water-carrier

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Q: I am trying to identify a table I inherited from an aunt. The table has a paneled drawer, applied panels on the sides and a turned trestlelike base with a shelf. It had an inset leather top that was tattered, and there is an odd drawer hanging underneath. This piece was covered in black tar from years in a basement. I don’t know what is. I think it was part of a home library. Can you help?


This pair of Royal Worcester water carriers sold for $240. They are large enough to be important decorations on a table, but most of your guests won’t realize how important they were to life in a Victorian city.

figures of porcelain. Others created bronze figures. They must have had a very important, very familiar job to have been subjects for so many makers. Most people today do not realize that the water carrier was an important person. Water had to be scooped from a well, then walked to the center of the city or perhaps carried in a cart, where it was ladled into containers held by customers. There were no wells or piped-in water supplies.

Toll Free


You have a ladies’ work table, probably from the late Victorian era. Sewing or work tables originated in England about 1770 and were used in America after the Revolutionary War. Women gathered in a parlor and worked around a small table with a surface for writing, needlework or other activities. Early work tables were Sheraton or Empire and often made of mahogany. They had a drawer or two for storage. Later Victorian tables were heavily carved with turned scroll legs. Most had an extra storage compartment under the top -- either a cloth sack or a compartment under the central drawer. Ladies’ work tables auction for about $225 to $600.

You didn’t tell me what condition you are considering DMSO for, but except in the case of interstitial cystitis (where there are other therapies more likely to be effective), given uncertain benefits, I don’t recommend DMSO despite the low risk of harm. Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell. edu.

late 19th century sold for $240 at a Cowan’s auction.

The figures were very similar -- usually a pair, a man and a woman, each holding a pouring jug and a large container of water. They were wearing the common clothes of the country. The woman often carried the water bottle on her head. Each figure was 10 to 15 inches tall, and most were glazed in appropriate colors. A pair of marked Royal Worcester water carriers made in the



Silver creamer, repousse, roses, cscroll handle, S. Kirk & Sons, 4 1/2 inches, $190.

Model plane, wood and metal with red paint, working engine, propeller and landing wheels, 1950s, 48 inches with 5-feet-6-inch wing span, $350.

Doulton jardiniere, pedestal, impressed autumn leaves, red, tan, Lambeth, 24 x 14 1/2 inches, $630.

Louis Vuitton suitcase, monogram, leather, brass straps, pull-out tray, 1920, 31 x 20 inches, $1,025.



TIP: The more elaborate the interior fit-

tings for a desk, the more valuable the piece. For more collecting news, tips and resources, visit (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.





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n planning your estate, it is customary to consider wills and trusts (as well as intestacy) as a means of property distribution. As a matter of fact, the manner in which you hold title to your assets may supersede provisions contained in other transfer documents. Likewise, significant tax benefits can be gained (or lost) depending on the characterization of your property. Let’s take a look at the general classifications of ownership.

SOLE OWNERSHIP Sole ownership occurs when someone owns a complete interest in property. Ownership is passed by the typical transfer documents, or by the laws of intestate succession. The complete interest is included in the estate of the decedent. Because of this, the beneficiary receives a full step-up in basis. This, in essence, brings the basis up to the fair market value at death, thereby eliminating a capital gain if

the property is sold immediately after death.

JOINT TENANCY Joint tenancy exists when two or more persons share equal, undivided interests in property. Joint tenancy is not limited to spouses. Anyone can share joint interests, but there are tax benefits when this arrangement is shared only between husband and wife (qualified joint tenancy). A joint property interest cannot be passed through traditional documents, such as a trust or a will. Ownership of a joint interest passes by “operation of law” to the surviving joint owner(s). Further, property held in joint tenancy will not be subject to probate. Under qualified joint tenancy, half of the property is included in the first decedent’s estate. Because of this, the surviving spouse obtains a stepped-up basis only on the first decedent’s half of the property.

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If any nonspouses participate in joint ownership, the entire value of the property is includable in the decedent’s estate, reduced to the extent that the estate can prove that the surviving tenant(s) contributed to the cost of the property. Another form of joint ownership — tenancy by the entirety — is similar to joint tenancy, but it can only be created between husband and wife. Unlike joint tenancy, an interest cannot be transferred without the consent of the spouse. Tenancy by the entirety is only recognized in certain states.

TENANCY IN COMMON Tenancy in common provides an undivided interest in property between two or more people. Unlike other forms of joint ownership, however, these interests can be owned in different percentages. A tenant in common can utilize the traditional transfer documents, but interest cannot be passed by operation of law.

COMMUNITY PROPERTY Under community property statutes, all property earned or acquired by either spouse while they are married is owned in equal shares by each spouse. The essential principle of community property is that the earnings of either husband or wife and the revenue from their community property belong not

retary Robert Wilkie has said that the representatives already have offices in Washington, D.C., and their districts. Legally, he says, he’s found nothing that says it’s OK for memsonal offices. It started bers of Congress and their staffs to with one, and quickly set up shop in VA hospitals. They grew to six U.S. repre- were given occupancy permits with sentatives in one state a time limit, and now they’re refuswho’ve set up shop in ing to move out. hospitals. They want to talk to veterans, One has made public statements they say. that the VA says are untrue, which

to the producer but to the community of the husband and wife. For estate conservation purposes, there are no restrictions on how each spouse can give away his or her half of the community property. There is no law requiring one person to leave his or her half to the surviving spouse, although, of course, many do. Currently, 9 states have community property laws: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin. (Alaska adopted a community property system in 1998, but it is optional). The amount includable in the estate of a decedent is based on his or her 50% of community property ownership. The beneficiary of the property interest receives a stepped-up basis on that portion of the property. The surviving spouse also receives a stepped-up basis on his or her 50% community property interest. It is important to remember that the beneficiary can be chosen by the decedent. This is in contrast to joint tenancy, under which the surviving joint tenant(s) automatically inherit the interest of the decedent. The information in this newsletter is not intended as tax, legal, investment, or retirement advice or recommendations, and it may not be relied on for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. You are encouraged to seek advice from an independent professional advisor. The content is derived from sources believed to be accurate. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. This material was written and prepared by Broadridge Advisor Solutions. © 2019 Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc.

died in committee last year. This, of course, raises questions. If the bill becomes law, does it mean ” every VA facility would have to provide space? What about those that aren’t hospitals per se, but do serve veterans, such as community clinics, assisted living and nursing homes, outpatient clinics and vet centers? How much time are congressmen likely to spend in those by Freddy Groves spaces, when they have others? Who’s going to pay for any renovaCONGRESSIONAL OFFICES got a heated letter in response. Back tions? The VA wants them out by the end IN VETERANS HOSPITALS of the year. It wants the space back and forth they go. Of the 535 members of Congress, --for medical purposes. In retaliation, the congressmembers only six are pushing for dedicated can’t imagine this being OK anywhere else: Members of One congressman claims it’s per- drafted a bill that would force the space. The others manage to conCongress have commandeered sonal because of something he said VA to provide space for them to talk duct business without it. space in Department of Veterans in a meeting with the VA. Snarling to veterans. The bill is currently sitAffairs hospitals to use as their per- has gone back and forth, as VA Sec- ting in committee. An identical bill (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.





ment. As incentive to keep to a routine, corral a few friends who also want to walk on a regular basis. If nothing else, use the aisles of the big box stores or ask about senior fees at the YMCA.



ike it or not, here it comes again: winter, along with snow and ice in many parts of the country. As seniors we need to take extra steps to stay safe, warm and healthy during cold weather. Investigate now whether your grocery store delivers. Groceries brought to your door can be a wonderful help when you can’t get out. Also keep on hand a few days’ worth of extra canned goods such as beans, fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals.

Remember to get out among people. It’s healthier for us to have social connections so we don’t feel isolated, which can lead to depression. Look for an interesting weekly group to join. Call others to check in on days you can’t get out. Check your supply of warm winter clothing. A hat, coat and gloves are a good place to start, followed by socks and a scarf. Remember to dress in loose layers that trap body heat. Hypothermia and frostbite can affect us faster than when we were younger. Put a thermometer outside your door or window so you know what to expect.

Series 17 Article 36

Aside from social interaction, newsfeeds on common social


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networking platforms are designed to show off a mix of text and visuals, rather than one primary content type. This flexibility makes social networking platforms easy to begin a social strategy on because you can experiment with different forms of content before branching out to platforms that require more specific content types. For those who want to dabble in video or graphics, these platforms could be a great place to test this new content. With the growth of video marketing, many have begun to launch more advanced features like Facebook Stories and Twitter’s live streams. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have also started to encourage native video and photo uploads more heavily. Recently, Facebook even adjusted its algorithms to favor live video and image uploads. This

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The main platforms for Social Networking are:

Part 1: Social Networking

SOCIAL NETWORKING Social Networking is the most traditional form of social media where users can easily communicate with others through simple actions like tagging, hash-tagging, commenting, private messaging, reacting to posts, and resharing content.

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has caused these types of native content to gain greater user engagement.

Choosing Social Media Platforms for your Business

There are 5 “types” of Social Media (we will be covering Social Networking in this article): 1. Social Networking 2. Photo Sharing 3. Video Sharing 4. Interactive Media 5. Blogging

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Be sure you have enough batteries and flashlights in case of a power outages.

Contact the National Energy Assistance Referral service at 1-866674-6327 if you have trouble payStart now to find indoor walking lo- ing your heating bill, or think you cations, especially if you get lots of will. Call them sooner rather than snow and ice. Enclosed malls often later, as many organizations have a open early to allow walkers. Look set budget amount each year. for local indoor tracks, perhaps as (c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc. part of the parks and rec depart-

Over 97% of marketers are now using social media to engage with their audiences. But if you’re tasked with starting a social media strategy for your company, you might be wondering which type of platforms you should be on.

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a. Facebook: 2.38 billion monthly active users If you’re a small business, like a restaurant, a platform like Facebook could be a great place to start your social strategy. With Facebook, you can build a business profile that includes links to your website and details about your menu.

b. Twitter: 126 million daily active users A Twitter account could be helpful to companies in a wide spectrum of industries, from entertainment to e-commerce. This platform similarly allows you to create a profile where you can list and link company information. c. LinkedIn: Over 500 million users For companies looking to offer a professional service, B2B or publishing companies, LinkedIn is another great way to grow your following. LinkedIn emphasizes career-related networking.






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