Arial ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP QRSTUVWX YZ abcdefghijk lmnopqrstu vwxyz 123456789 0.,?&/“@%‘ - = + ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP QRSTUVWX YZ abcdefghij klmnopqrst uvwxyz ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP QRSTUVWX YZ
History Arial was drawn up in 1982 by designers, Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders. It was created as monotype typography for the IBM laser printer. In 1992 Arial was
Characteristics Arial is a more rounded design than Helvetica, with softer, fuller curves, and more open counters. Some Helvetica and Arial charaters look almost identical and others look
the right from near the center of the horizontal bar and straightens out at an angle to the end. The ‘G’ in Helvetica has a spur at the bottom of the stem on the right side and
licenced to microsoft making it more available and there fore more popular. Arial is used alot for its readability, on screen and off screen.
different such as ‘R’. The tail of the ‘R’ in Helvetica flows out from the bowl and curves straight down, ending in a slight curve to the right. In Arial, the tail flows down and to
the curve at the bottom of the ‘G’ flows into the stem; in Arial the ‘G’ has no spur and the curve at the bottom meets the stem at an angle. The ‘a’ in Helvetica has a tail; Arial
does not. Also, the bowl of the ‘a’ flows into the stem like a backwards ‘s’; the bowl of Arial’s ‘a’ simply intersects the stem with a slight curve.
RGa Arial Helvetica