Read to Succeed 1

Page 1

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總 編 輯





Patrick Cowsill, Mike Corsini, Carrie Kellenberger,

Valerie Tidwell, Megan Kung


Mike Corsini, Carrie Kellenberger













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Unit 1

Teddy Bears

TRACKS 01~02


Unit 2

April Fools’ Day

TRACKS 03~04


Unit 3

Hualien Road Trip

TRACKS 05~06


Unit 4

The World’s Most Extreme Marathons

TRACKS 07~08


Unit 5

Around the World by Train

TRACKS 09~10


Unit 6


TRACKS 11~12


Unit 7

A Good Laugh

TRACKS 13~14


Unit 8

Food for Thought

TRACKS 15~16


Unit 9

Protect Your Environment

TRACKS 17~18


Unit 10

Mysteries of the World

TRACKS 19~20


Unit 11

Gap Years

TRACKS 21~22


Unit 12

Get Rich Quick

TRACKS 23~24 101

Unit 13

Foods that Make You Happy

TRACKS 25~26 109

Unit 14

A Nobel Prize You Can Laugh At

TRACKS 27~28 117

Unit 15

Meet the Adélie Penguin

TRACKS 29~30 125

Unit 16

The Statue of Liberty

TRACKS 31~32 133





Reading Skills

Vocabulary Skills

Teddy Bears

• Scanning • Understanding Time Order

• • • • • •

Word Definitions Words in Context Prefix: Un– Time Words Word Families Suffixes: –er / –or

Page 13

Further Reading: The World’s Strangest Collections


April Fools’ Day

• Reading for Details • Understanding the Topic, Main Idea, and Topic Sentence • Reading a Recipe

• Word Definitions • Words that Are Both Nouns and Verbs • Word Group • Words in Context


• Word Definitions • Words with Different Meanings • Words in Context • Suffix: –ness


• Word Definitions • Words in Context • Words with Different Meanings • Example Words


Further Reading: Well-Known April Fools’ Jokes


Hualien Road Trip

• Identifying the Type of Text • Skimming and Scanning • Classification • Separating Facts from Opinions • Compound Adjectives

Further Reading: My First Time in Taiwan


The World’s Most Extreme Marathons

• Predicting the Main Idea • Classification • Understanding Examples

Further Reading: The Marathon through Time





Reading Skills

Vocabulary Skills

Around the World by Train

• • • •

• • • •

Word Definitions Words in Context Cause and Effect Words Topic Words: Traveling


• • • •

Word Definitions Words in Context Compare and Contrast Words Suffixes: –less vs. –ful


• • • • •

Words with Different Meanings Word Definitions Words in Context Present Participles Suffix: –ous


• • • •

Word Definitions Irregular Verbs Words in Context Measure Words


Scanning Making Predictions Making Inferences Understanding Cause and Effect • Classification


Further Reading: The Fastest Trains in the World



• • • •

Making Predictions Scanning Classification Comparing and Contrasting

Further Reading: A Natural Way to Decorate Your Body


A Good Laugh

• • • •

Scanning Making Predictions Classification Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences

Further Reading: Humor around the World


Food for Thought

• Understanding the Main Idea • Identifying the Pronoun • Summarizing • Paraphrasing • Understanding Cause and Effect

Further Reading: Inventing Foods by Accident





Reading Skills

Vocabulary Skills


Protect Your Environment

• Making Predictions • Making Inferences • Understanding Imperatives • Classification

• Word Definitions • Words with Different Meanings • Words in Context • Topic Words: Environment


• Word Definitions • Antonyms • Words with Different Meanings • Word Usage: Tour vs. Visit vs. Trip


• Word Definitions • Words that Are Both Nouns and Verbs • Words in Context • Compare and Contrast Words • Antonyms


• Word Definitions • Words with Different Meanings • Phrases in Context • Order Words • Word Usage: Hold vs. Run vs. Take Place


Further Reading: Save the Planet in a Fun Way


Mysteries of the World

• Using Pictures to Make Predictions • Scanning • Classification • Separating Facts from Opinions • Reading a Book Summary

Further Reading: A Mystery Tour of Britain


Gap Years

• Reading a Quiz • Using the Title to Make Predictions • Reading for Details • Comparing and Contrasting

Further Reading: Thinking about Taking a Year Off?


Get Rich Quick

• Understanding the Type of Text • Predicting the Main Idea • Scanning • Making Inferences • Listing Things in Order • Reading for Details

Further Reading: A Game of Chance




Reading Skills

Vocabulary Skills



Foods that Make You Happy

• Predicting the Main Idea • Identifying Supporting Details • Understanding Cause and Effect • Comparatives

• • • •

Word Definitions Antonyms Words in Context Word Usage: Also vs. Too vs. As Well vs. Either


• • • •

Word Definitions Word Group: Nationality Suffixes: –ful, –ly Collocations: Prepositions


Further Reading: Okinawa: The Secret to Long Life


A Nobel Prize You Can Laugh At

• Using the Title to Make Predictions • Scanning • Understanding the Main Idea • Using Dashes and Hyphens

Further Reading: Winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize


Meet the Adélie Penguin

• Predicting the Main Idea • Scanning • Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences

• Word Definitions • Words with Different Meanings • Phrases in Context


• Word Definitions • Words with Different Meanings • Words in Context


Further Reading: Save the Earth, Save Its Animals


The Statue of Liberty

• • • •

Scanning Understanding the Topic Summarizing Compound Nouns

Further Reading: The Story behind Three Famous Landmarks


Learning Overview 每課分為

8 個學習區塊,循序漸進精進你的閱讀技巧! 提供有關主 題的背景知 識,帶領讀 者進入學習 情境

1 補充與主題相 關的有趣資訊

加強閱讀前 的技巧練習

2 透過討論問題做課前暖身 朗讀 CD 音軌

進入閱讀 主文

4 8

囊括多元化的閱讀理解題目,如是非、 填空、選擇、分類、改錯等



3 藉由同(反)義 字、上下文線 索、特定詞彙用 法等練習,學習 如何不靠字典, 輕鬆閱讀 條列參考字彙

6 綜合運用前面所學的閱讀及字彙技巧, 進一步挑戰延伸閱讀


7 補充英語用 法和字彙延 伸學習

8 9

CD-ROM Instructions 登入頁


學生如要將學習狀況上傳至管理系 統中,需輸入帳號、密碼、學校網 址始能登入。依照學校的管理系統 位置不同,網址也會不同;請輸入 http://學校網址/z_liveorg7。

學生可選擇「線 上學習」,將學 習記錄回傳至管 理系統或「離線 學習」。

填入個人帳號 填入個人密碼 填入學校代碼或名稱 填入回傳網址




學習記錄查詢 使用說明 離開


3 全部朗讀 快慢朗讀 反覆朗讀 錄音 中文翻譯 字典查詢 列印 點選 Key Words 可查詢當 課的重點單字及片語,並 附有例句和發音。



4 點選任一句英文 句子(中文翻 譯),對照的中 文翻譯(英文句 子)也會跟著變 色,有助訓練理 解與翻譯能力。


5 除了重點單字 外,可透過 Dictionary 功能 查詢課文其他用 字的相關用法。


6 可點選任一課文 句子,並在跟讀 練習後錄下自己 的聲音,語音辨 識系統將自行偵 測發音是否準 確。


Introduction Welcome to Read to Succeed — Strategies for Reading Comprehension. This book is the first of three volumes in a series designed for learners looking to improve their reading comprehension skills. The ability to read English quickly and effectively is crucial for scoring well on important exams such as the GEPT, TOEIC, and TOEFL. It is also an increasingly valuable skill to have on the job. This book gives learners a chance to develop skills while taking pleasure in reading at the same time. Read to Succeed — Strategies for Reading Comprehension will introduce you to a variety of topics. Each unit includes a main passage and a related one for those who want to make an extra effort to elevate their reading comprehension. Each unit of Read to Succeed — Strategies for Reading Comprehension has clearly stated objectives about which reading and vocabulary skills English learners are intended to develop. We will help students learn to grasp the main point of a passage by skimming and scanning. We will also assist students in developing their ability to draw conclusions and make inferences, to compare and contrast, and to understand the purpose for which a passage is written. Tricky topics such as collocations, context clues, words with different meanings, and nouns that can be used as adjectives will also be covered. Read to Succeed — Strategies for Reading Comprehension is separated into 16 units. We start by examining the origin and evolution of one of the world’s most beloved toys, the teddy bear. From there, we move on to look at April Fools’ Day and some of the funny jokes that have been pulled off over the years. The next few units will take you to the beautiful east coast of Taiwan and stunning mountain ranges in Africa, the Himalayas, and Switzerland. Later on, we explore ways to save the earth and its wildlife, learn about some of the world’s most well-known mysteries, and take a closer look at the effects that different foods have on our bodies and life spans. Come along with us as we embark on a journey of reading. When it’s all over, you will have greatly improved your English comprehension and vocabulary, and you’ll have learned about a variety of cultures across the globe — all without ever having to step on a plane!


unit1 Teddy Bears y, th rthda 5 bi 2 r 1 i e bear’s bears. Th teddy 25 e nds. h t only 1 ere diamo rate e b d e a l ,000. e m w To c $193 yes pany e r m o e o f h c dt old man ld an ven s a Ger re go y bears e e w s mouth hese tedd ft One o

THINK ABOUT IT Discuss with a partner. 1. Did you have a favorite toy as a child? 2. Did you hold your favorite stuffed animal when you went to sleep? 3. Do you or anyone you know collect anything? 4. What are a few expensive collectibles? Photo: teddy-family


Before We Read A. Read and Tell

The cartoon on the right was about the 26th US President Theodore Roosevelt’s hunting trip in 1902. It helped to make the teddy bear popular in America and across the world. Use the words in the box to guess what happened and share with the class.

Drawing the Line in Mississippi By Clifford Berryman, Washington Post

hunting unfair

woods toy maker

caught newspaper cartoon

shoot cute

president stuffed bears

B. Did You Know . . .?

Roosevelt used the image of the teddy bear to win his second presidential election.

Some of the first teddy bears were made with real bear fur. The first Teddy Bear Museum was opened in Petersfield, England in 1984. 40 percent of all adults still have their childhood teddy bear.

C. True or False


Look at the reading on page 16. Check T if the sentence is true or F if false.

1. T  F  President Roosevelt was not very good at hunting.

2. T  F  The bear was killed in the end.

3. T  F  Morris Michtom created the first American teddy bear.

4. T  F  President Roosevelt didn’t like the idea of naming the bears “Teddy.”

Vocabulary Preview A. Word Definitions

Match the word with its definition.


all people of about the same age


a person who kills wild animals


to have something in your hands or arms


what is left


someone or something you like the most

B. Complete the Sentences

Use the words in bold from A to fill in the blanks.

1. Christmas is my ______________ holiday.

2. Peter ate the ______________ of the pizza.

3. He is a deer ______________. He hunts deer for a living.

4. People of my grandfather’s ______________ are hardworking.

5. Could you ______________ the baby for me?

C. Words in Context

Circle the answer.

1. I didn’t catch any birds. I am not a good buyer / hunter.

2. Bill is named after his father. His father is also / not called Bill.

3. The first McDonald’s was opened in 1940, and the rest is history. No one / Everyone knows what happened next.

4. This house was passed down from my parents. They gave / sold me the house.

5. These pillows were very soft, so I had / didn’t have a good night’s sleep.

6. My sister and I hug each other every day. We are not / very close.

7. He was shot in the leg and lost a lot of money / blood.

8. Josh was popular at school. Everyone liked / hated him.

D. Prefix: Un–

Tip The prefix un– means “not” or “the opposite of.” It is usually added to adjectives

Add un– to the following words and fill in the blanks. fair





or verbs.

1. Eva was very _____________ after her boyfriend left her.

3. The new rules are so ______________! We’ll lose for sure.

4. Kyle never wins. He’s ______________.

5. If you don’t smile, people will say you’re ______________.

2. Eating in the night market is ______________.


Now Let’s Read


A Bear Is Born


o you remember your favorite stuffed animal as a child? For many children, it is a teddy bear. Teddy bears are soft, cute, and fun to hold. They are good for watching TV with, sitting next to at breakfast, and hugging in bed. Teddy bears are really good “listeners” too when kids want to talk. Teddy bears are so popular that they are passed down from one generation to the next. The first teddy bear was named after an American president, Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt. One day, in 1902, Roosevelt and his friends were hunting in the woods. Roosevelt was not a good hunter. His friends tried to help him. They caught a bear and told him to shoot it. The president thought that was unfair because it was too easy. Shortly after, a toy maker named Morris Michtom saw a newspaper cartoon with a picture of Roosevelt and the bear. He thought the bear in the cartoon was really cute, so he made stuffed bears to look like it. He sent one to the president and asked him if he could name the bears “Teddy.” The answer was yes, and the rest is history.

Children’s Best Friends Children’s hospitals all over the world have found that teddy bears make children happy. When they hug the bears, they forget their troubles. Teddy bear robots also help nurses watch young patients.


After We Read A. Put in Order

Put the following events in order.

______ Morris Michtom made stuffed bears to look like the bear in the newspaper.

______ Toy bears are now known as “Teddy.”

______ President Roosevelt’s friends caught a bear for him to shoot.

______ Morris Michtom saw a cartoon with a picture of Roosevelt’s hunting trip.

______ President Roosevelt went hunting with his friends.

______ Morris Michtom asked President Roosevelt if he could name the bears “Teddy.”

B. Complete the Sentences

Fill in the blanks with the words from the article.

1. Kids like to ______________ their teddy bears in bed and also ______________ TV with them.

2. The teddy bear was ______________ after US ______________ Theodore Roosevelt.

3. Roosevelt refused to ______________ the bear his friends had ______________ for him because he thought it was ______________.

4. Morris Michtom was a ______________ ______________. He made ______________ bears to look ______________ the bear he saw in a newspaper ______________.

5. Roosevelt allowed Michtom to use his nickname “Teddy,” and the ______________ is ______________.

C. Multiple Choice

Circle the answer. 1. What is this reading mainly about?

a. The trend of the teddy bear b. Roosevelt’s love of hunting c. The origin of the teddy bear d. Different kinds of teddy bears

a. the things that make teddy bears special. b. the things teddy bears like to do with kids. c. the different ways teddy bears can be. d. the many hobbies that children enjoy.

3. What does the word they refer to in the 4. In the last paragraph, the phrase shortly second paragraph? after can be replaced with . . .

2. The first paragraph tells about . . .

a. Hunters in the woods b. Roosevelt and his friends c. Teddy bears in the woods d. Roosevelt’s friends

a. a little bit shorter. b. a little bit smaller. c. a little while later. d. a little sooner.

5. What is NOT true about Theodore Roosevelt?

a. He was a US president. b. He inspired the creation of the teddy bear. c. “Teddy” was his last name.

d. He thought killing a bear was cruel.


Reading Strategy Understanding Time Order Hints that tell the order of events in a passage:

Time words (years, months, weeks, hours, etc.)

Clue words such as: after before

at first now

shortly after immediately

at that time at last

when while

Sentence patterns like:

during + noun for + a period of time

We went to Paris during the holiday.

I’ve lived in this city for five years.

since + time / S. + V. until / till + time / S. + V.

They’ve known each other since high school. I haven’t seen him since we met last summer.

● ●

Don’t call me until 11 a.m. Let’s stay home until it stops raining.

Give It a Try PART I Read the passage and underline the time words you see. Smokey Bear has warned Americans about the dangers of forest fires since World War II. He was created by the US Forest Service. At first, the Forest Service used the Disney character Bambi on posters to teach people about fires. Shortly after, the Forest Service decided to make up its own character. On August 9, 1944, the first poster of Smokey Bear was created. Since then, Smokey Bear has been popular with people of all ages. In 1964, he was given his own zip code* in Washington, DC because he was getting too much mail! A Photo: United States Department of Agriculture

Smokey Bear stamp was made in 1984. Today, almost every American knows his famous words: “Only you can prevent wildfires*.” Reference: ✽

zip code a number at the end of an address

wildfire a forest fire

PART II Put the following events in order. ______ The US government started to use Smokey Bear in advertisements. ______ Smokey Bear was given his own zip code. ______ The US Forest Service used the Disney character Bambi on fire-prevention posters. ______ Smokey Bear became very popular with Americans. ______ The US government issued a Smokey Bear stamp.


Further Reading

, The World s Strangest Collections TRACK 02

Whether you collect for pleasure or for your job, collections bring fun to our lives. Stamps, postcards, old coins, and model airplanes are some of the most common collectibles, but people will collect just about anything. Every collector feels his or her collection is unique. Some collections, however, are strange. Let’s check out some of the things people collect.

Toilet Paper

ns Traffic Sig

allejo Seth, 25, V

et signs and I collect stre he . Don’t call t traffic lights a ther them in police — I ga e. uy them onlin legal way. I b ent the governm , s e im t e m o S to me if I ask will give one h. nicely enoug

Claudia, 16, Vancouver

Lots of people think I’m strange for collecting toilet paper. But I’m really interested in the beautiful or creative designs. My favorite rolls are the ones with Mickey Mouse on them. I also have one with cute monsters.

Tea B ags I’m cra

Candy Wrappers

Carrie, 19, Cleveland

I’ve been collecting candy wr appers since I was a little kid. I started saving them to get prizes, but now I do it for fun. I gues s I just don’t want to grow up !


n, 30,

zy abo ut tea I’ve eve bags. n made trips t foreign o countr ies jus some w t to fin onderf d ul bags drinkin . And g tea a lways lots of gives m energy e !

El Paso


Comprehension Check Multiple Choice Circle the answer. 1. What is the main idea of the reading?

2. What does the sign collector say?

a. People only collect certain items. b. People collect just about anything. c. People don’t like collecting things. d. People only want to collect stamps.

3. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a. The government wants to catch him. b. He’s always breaking the law. c. He hasn’t done anything wrong. d. The government isn’t very nice.

4. Who has been abroad to get something?

a. Claudia is only interested in white toilet paper. b. Tea always makes Duncan feel sleepy. c. Seth never uses the computer to buy signs. d. Carrie has been collecting for a long time.

a. Duncan b. Seth c. Claudia d. Carrie

English Follow-Up A. Word Families Word

Part of Speech




to keep something as a hobby



a person who keeps objects



a set of similar things that are kept together



something people collect

Use the words above to fill in the blanks. Change the form of the words if necessary.

1. Mr. Johnson has a nice ______________ of Japanese vases.

2. Arlene likes to ______________ postcards from different countries.

3. Some sports ______________ are very expensive.

4. He’s been a stamp ______________ since he was a little boy.

B. Suffixes: –er / –or Tip The suffixes –er and –or mean “person or one who.” Look at the examples below:

teacher reporter


listener hunter

reader director

writer actor


Complete the sentences with the words above. Add an “s” if necessary.

1. The radio show has more than two million ____________ across the country.

2. He used to work as a newspaper ____________ in New York.

3. Johnny Depp is my favorite ____________.

4. This book is very popular among young ____________.

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