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Brownies Bounce Onwards

Private tuion where do you start? For many parents, it's an internet search "maths tutor near me" for example. Try this and you will see lots of search results, many of which look very similar (to the uniniated ie most of us!) It turns out that most of them are adverts for tuion agencies give them a try and you will receive a list of possible tutors, then it's up to you to select a suitable one that's available at the right me and fingers crossed it all works out. Or you could call us instead I will visit in person to discuss your child's tuion needs and future goals and provide one of our handpicked tutors. That's me, Stephen, in the photograph. We are a local company, employing local tutors to help children at Key Stage 2 and 3, GCSE and A level, to be the best they can be at Maths, English, Sciences, Languages any subject. Great tutors always required. Call us on 01509 767007 to arrange your free consultaon. www.tutordoctor.co.uk/loughborough.


Brownies Bounce Onwards Did you know that across the UK around 70% of all adult women were a Brownie when they were younger? It’s true and Brownies are sll hugely popular with youngsters across the Soar Valley Life area. Recently Loughborough Brownies joined together for a day of fun and learning where they earned their stage 2 and stage 3 first aid badges. That’s almost 50 Brownies who have pracced: • keeping themselves safe in an emergency • making an emergency phone call •  using the recovery posion to help keep someone breathing • dealing with burns •  recognising the signs of diabetes and severe allergies What is most important is that these Brownies had a fantasc me with their friends. Even if they arrived knowing only one other Brownie they certainly le having made lots of friends!

As this magazine goes to print there are just under 14,000 Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers and of course their adult volunteers, from across the Midlands, who are excited to meet together for a day of adventure, fun and friendship at the NEC in Birmingham where we will #Celebrate Thinking Day together. Almost 2,000 of them are travelling from Leicestershire – look out in the next edion of Soar Valley Life to find out what we get up to! If you can’t wait unl the next edion then why not join in our fun and adventures? To register your daughter visit hps://bit.ly/2uVOBue To volunteer with us (if you’re aged 14+) visit hps://bit.ly/2rSbziB

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