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We am to advance equty n ourselves as well as our systems, partners, and communtes. We seek best practces for equtable access and opportunty, nvestment, representaton, power, and voce.



We strve to be authentc n all we do. When buldng an SWB program, we value all voces, partcularly those of youth and members of the communtes we serve


We beleve n a whole-person approach to youth development Our programs help young people come nto a greater, holstc understandng of ther bodes, mnds, and voces


Learnng comes from a qualty process that focuses on what s wthn our control: creatng a culture of welcomng, addressng obstacles to ncluson, and supportng ndvdual, team and communty goals.

*In the fall of 2021, n honor of the Internatonal Day of Peace, Equty was offcally named as a fourth organzatonal core value of Soccer Wthout Borders. LearnMoreabouthowweput thsvaluentoacton.


Our program hubs delver holstc, youth-development programmng throughout the year, and are desgned to 'get them to the feld'. We work to elmnate obstacles that too often keep under-served youth from partcpatng n the game they love: all of our programs are free of charge, transportaton s provded, and all of the necessary equpment s suppled.


TEAM s a "Spanglsh" acronym that stands for "trabajando en equpo aprendemos más" or "workng as a team we learn more." Our TEAM programs are our most comprehensve programs Combnng soccer, educaton, and communty-buldng more than 36 weeks/year, each s unquely talored to meet the unque needs of the specfc communty and fll n gaps where there aren't other servce provders. Whether school-based or communty-based, TEAM program actvtes nclude soccer practces and games, tutorng, homework support, Englsh language nstructon, team-buldng trps, leadershp groups, mentorng, and socal-emotonal learnng to support each partcpant to reach ther goals on and off the feld.


Summer can be an solatng and challengng tme, especally for newcomer youth who may experence language loss when away from school Our USA summer programs combne soccer wth Englsh language nstructon and academc support to keep youth engaged n learnng and connected to a communty of teammates throughout ths tme off from school.

41 TEAM Programs

42 Weeks of Summer Programs & Camps



Our evdence-based programmng and trauma-nformed coachng strateges are desgned to create a safe space where youth can heal, experence a sense of belongng, and access the sklls and support they need to fulfll ther nherent potental.


Our soccer camps and clncs are a condensed verson of a typcal SWB season or practce sesson, but often wth extra surprses! Each camp has a specfc purpose. Whether t be outreach to new communtes, ntroducng soccer for the frst tme, supportng dfferent age groups beyond our TEAM programs, or somethng else, all are desgned to support the whole person. Our range of actvtes usually starts wth soccer, but can also nclude art, dance, musc, cultural celebratons, yoga, and more.


Our leagues and tournaments are not about lftng trophes Rather, they are desgned to strengthen communty coheson, teach socal-emotonal sklls, and rase awareness and knowledge about specfc socal ssues Creatng our own leagues emerged as a prorty as many of our partcpants and teams ether couldn't access exstng leagues due to transportaton barrers and regulatons for foregn-born players or, n the case of our grls' teams n Ncaragua and Uganda, because no leagues for grls exsted.



Soccer s known as the "world's game" because of ts ablty to transcend language and culture and unte the global communty around a shared passon. At SWB, each of our partcpants come to us wth ther own unque experences and backgrounds. Regardless of gender dentty, sexual orentaton, economc means, mmgraton status, or language spoken at home, our programs are desgned to be a safe space where all partcpants feel welcomed and ncluded.


4,324 Regstered Program Partcpants

2,915 TEAM Program Partcpants

65 Countres Represented

47 Languages Spoken

95% Hgh School Graduaton Rate

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