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ItswthabttersweetjoythatIpenmyfnal AnnualReportletterasExecutveDrectorof Soccer Wthout Borders As we closed out 2022, we were actvely engaged n our search for a new leader to take the rens of Soccer Wthout Borders We expect that thssearchwllleadtoaleadershptranston nearly2023.

Transton s not only upon us n Soccer WthoutBorders Wearelvngandworkngn atmeofgreattranstonnourcommuntes and as a humanty. Global dsplacement soars above 100 mllon people Mllons of students struggle to recover from nterrupted educaton durng the Covd-19 pandemc Ways of workng n person and remotely have shfted back, forth, and back agan.Sportteams,enttes,andathletesare actvatng ther platforms for change lke never before We are lvng n a tme of profound changes n the way we welcome and connect wth one another, the way we delver educaton, and the role that sport playsnsocety.

Insoccer,transtonlookslkeopportunty.A teamburstsoutofavulnerablemomentwth strengthandspeed,chargngdownthefeld wthconfdenceandhope.Throughoutthese pages, you wll fnd the story of a year of tremendous reslence, learnng, and nnovaton at Soccer Wthout Borders. It s a story of sheer wll and endless creatvty, brngng soccer, educaton, and communtybuldng actvtes to young people across more than 40 program stes, each wth ts own unque set of challenges, condtons, cultures, and people Behnd every number and hghlght are a thousand everyday actons that lead to transformatve change Between the lnes, there are empty spaces flledwthgrefandloss.Behndtheeyesand smlesnphotos,lesgrtandperseverance.
Servng as the frst Executve Drector of Soccer Wthout Borders has been the greatesthonorofmylfe.Iknowthatthenext chapter of SWB's story wll be the most mpactful one yet Thank you to all staff, volunteers, board members, and supporters whomakeourworkpossbleeveryday!
WthAdmraton, MaryConnor Co-Founder&ExecutveDrector
Mary Connor
Ihavelearnedsomuch EnglshhereatSWB.At frstIwassoshytospeak butnowIamsureof myself.

-Marlene, SWB Partcpant