Annual Report 2022 - Soccer Without Borders

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Welcome Letter About Soccer Wthout Borders Our Values What We Do Who We Serve People & Culture at SWB Soccer: Combatng Socal Isolaton Educaton: A Core Pllar of SWB Communty: Afghan Workshops SWB Assst Hub Hghlghts In the Huddle Soccer Wthout Borders In the Meda Our Boards FY2022 Fnancals Our Partners 2 4 5 6-7 8 9 11 12 13 15 16-19 21 22 23 24 25-26



ItswthabttersweetjoythatIpenmyfnal AnnualReportletterasExecutveDrectorof Soccer Wthout Borders As we closed out 2022, we were actvely engaged n our search for a new leader to take the rens of Soccer Wthout Borders We expect that thssearchwllleadtoaleadershptranston nearly2023.

Transton s not only upon us n Soccer WthoutBorders Wearelvngandworkngn atmeofgreattranstonnourcommuntes and as a humanty. Global dsplacement soars above 100 mllon people Mllons of students struggle to recover from nterrupted educaton durng the Covd-19 pandemc Ways of workng n person and remotely have shfted back, forth, and back agan.Sportteams,enttes,andathletesare actvatng ther platforms for change lke never before We are lvng n a tme of profound changes n the way we welcome and connect wth one another, the way we delver educaton, and the role that sport playsnsocety.

Insoccer,transtonlookslkeopportunty.A teamburstsoutofavulnerablemomentwth strengthandspeed,chargngdownthefeld

wthconfdenceandhope.Throughoutthese pages, you wll fnd the story of a year of tremendous reslence, learnng, and nnovaton at Soccer Wthout Borders. It s a story of sheer wll and endless creatvty, brngng soccer, educaton, and communtybuldng actvtes to young people across more than 40 program stes, each wth ts own unque set of challenges, condtons, cultures, and people Behnd every number and hghlght are a thousand everyday actons that lead to transformatve change Between the lnes, there are empty spaces flledwthgrefandloss.Behndtheeyesand smlesnphotos,lesgrtandperseverance.

Servng as the frst Executve Drector of Soccer Wthout Borders has been the greatesthonorofmylfe.Iknowthatthenext chapter of SWB's story wll be the most mpactful one yet Thank you to all staff, volunteers, board members, and supporters whomakeourworkpossbleeveryday!


Ihavelearnedsomuch EnglshhereatSWB.At frstIwassoshytospeak butnowIamsureof myself.

-Marlene, SWB Partcpant

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AboutSoccer Wthout Borders


To use soccer as a vehcle for postve change, provdng under-served youth wth a toolkt to overcome obstacles to growth, ncluson, and personal success.


A more nclusve and equtable world where all young people have the opportunty to reach ther full potental


Our mantras defne the unque culture that s consstent across all SWB hubs, stes, programs, and teams. Wth such a dverse range of people and programs, our mantras gude us to prortze what matters most.

You Play Best When You're Smlng

We're Glad You're Here Leave Your Shoes at the Door Know the 'Thngy Thngy' Celebrate the Pass More Than the Goal Get Them to the Feld

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We am to advance equty n ourselves as well as our systems, partners, and communtes. We seek best practces for equtable access and opportunty, nvestment, representaton, power, and voce.


We strve to be authentc n all we do. When buldng an SWB program, we value all voces, partcularly those of youth and members of the communtes we serve


We beleve n a whole-person approach to youth development Our programs help young people come nto a greater, holstc understandng of ther bodes, mnds, and voces


Learnng comes from a qualty process that focuses on what s wthn our control: creatng a culture of welcomng, addressng obstacles to ncluson, and supportng ndvdual, team and communty goals.

*In the fall of 2021, n honor of the Internatonal Day of Peace, Equty was offcally named as a fourth organzatonal core value of Soccer Wthout Borders. LearnMoreabouthowweput thsvaluentoacton.



Our program hubs delver holstc, youth-development programmng throughout the year, and are desgned to 'get them to the feld'. We work to elmnate obstacles that too often keep under-served youth from partcpatng n the game they love: all of our programs are free of charge, transportaton s provded, and all of the necessary equpment s suppled.


TEAM s a "Spanglsh" acronym that stands for "trabajando en equpo aprendemos más" or "workng as a team we learn more." Our TEAM programs are our most comprehensve programs Combnng soccer, educaton, and communty-buldng more than 36 weeks/year, each s unquely talored to meet the unque needs of the specfc communty and fll n gaps where there aren't other servce provders. Whether school-based or communty-based, TEAM program actvtes nclude soccer practces and games, tutorng, homework support, Englsh language nstructon, team-buldng trps, leadershp groups, mentorng, and socal-emotonal learnng to support each partcpant to reach ther goals on and off the feld.


Summer can be an solatng and challengng tme, especally for newcomer youth who may experence language loss when away from school Our USA summer programs combne soccer wth Englsh language nstructon and academc support to keep youth engaged n learnng and connected to a communty of teammates throughout ths tme off from school.

41 TEAM Programs

42 Weeks of Summer Programs & Camps

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Our evdence-based programmng and trauma-nformed coachng strateges are desgned to create a safe space where youth can heal, experence a sense of belongng, and access the sklls and support they need to fulfll ther nherent potental.


Our soccer camps and clncs are a condensed verson of a typcal SWB season or practce sesson, but often wth extra surprses! Each camp has a specfc purpose. Whether t be outreach to new communtes, ntroducng soccer for the frst tme, supportng dfferent age groups beyond our TEAM programs, or somethng else, all are desgned to support the whole person. Our range of actvtes usually starts wth soccer, but can also nclude art, dance, musc, cultural celebratons, yoga, and more.


Our leagues and tournaments are not about lftng trophes Rather, they are desgned to strengthen communty coheson, teach socal-emotonal sklls, and rase awareness and knowledge about specfc socal ssues Creatng our own leagues emerged as a prorty as many of our partcpants and teams ether couldn't access exstng leagues due to transportaton barrers and regulatons for foregn-born players or, n the case of our grls' teams n Ncaragua and Uganda, because no leagues for grls exsted.


Leagues across 6 Hubs
SoccerWthoutBorders 7
19 Camps & Clncs


Soccer s known as the "world's game" because of ts ablty to transcend language and culture and unte the global communty around a shared passon. At SWB, each of our partcpants come to us wth ther own unque experences and backgrounds. Regardless of gender dentty, sexual orentaton, economc means, mmgraton status, or language spoken at home, our programs are desgned to be a safe space where all partcpants feel welcomed and ncluded.


4,324 Regstered Program Partcpants

2,915 TEAM Program Partcpants

65 Countres Represented

47 Languages Spoken

95% Hgh School Graduaton Rate

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GenderIdentty: 54%Male•46%Female RegonofOrgn: 54%LatnAmerca 17%E Afrca•29%Other PartcpantsbyAge: 25%5-11years•33%12-14 years 34%15-18years•8%19+years
(Fscal Year 2022)

People& Cultureat SWB


Both on the feld and off, our passonate team brngs a culture of welcomng and ncluson to lfe Operatng through a lens of dversty, equty, and ncluson, we strve to be authentc n all we do and by ensurng that our staff and volunteers understand, represent, and reflect the communtes we serve.

99 Full & Part-Tme Staff

267 Total Volunteers

50% Full-tme Staff Identfy as a Woman

50% Coaches Identfy as a Refugee, Immgrant, Ncaraguan, or Ugandan

9 Countres Represented by Staff

48 Month Average Coach Tenure

5.3 Years Average Full-Tme Staff Tenure

32% of All Staff are SWB Alumn

Snce the start of FY22, we welcomed 29 new full-tme staff members across our US and nternatonal hubs! Abgal, Andrew, Amna, As, Blase, Brenda, Catherne, Chrstan, Dustn, Ern, Felpe, Joe, Jose, Laffon, Lucas, Matt, Max, Mchael, Molly, Murel, Nck, No Roah, Pat, Qunn, Rafa, Rck, Shahr, Solana, and Zena: We'reGladYou'reHere!

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SWBhasbeenabrght spotnmylfe.Theyare gvngthesekdsachance tobegreatnanythng theyputthermndsto.

-Brahema, SWB Volunteer

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FromMyanmartoMexco,ErtreatoAfghanstan,andmore,theyoungpeopleservedatSWB cometousfromavastnumberofcultural,lngustc,relgous,andethncbackgrounds.Whle everycountryandculturesunque,onthewholenewcomeryoutharedsproportonately mpactedbycommuntyandglobalchallenges,ncludngtheeconomcandeducatonal dsruptonsoftheCovd-19pandemc,dsplacementduetowar,conflct,andclmate-related naturaldsasters,systemcracalnjustceandxenophoba,andanxetyanddepresson.

Prortothepandemc,mmgrantandrefugeeyouthwerealreadyathgherrskofnegatve healthoutcomesasaresultofmultplecompoundngrskfactors:thechronctrauma experencedbefore,durng,andaftermgraton,famlyseparatonanddetenton,acculturatve stress,experencesofdscrmnaton,andbarrerstoschoolconnectedness.

Tradtonalapproachestoaddressngnequteshavebeentofocusonvsblerskybehavors thatweseenyouth.Theseeffortstrytoeducateormotvatehealtherchoces.Butthese approachesdonotacknowledgetheunderlyngtraumathatcontrbutestounhealthy behavors.

AtSWB,advancnghealthequtyfornewcomeryouthand famleslookslketangbleeverydayactontostrengthen protectvefactorsbysurroundngyouthwthcarngmentors andpeers,buldngphyscallteracy,cultvatngasenseof belongng,andpractcngsocal-emotonalskll-buldng. Theresagrowngbodyofevdencethatsport-partcularly soccerwhchsnterpersonalandphyscallyactve-sa powerfulnterventontosupporthealngfromtraumaandto buldpostvementalhealth.Notonlysexercsebenefcal forcombatnganxety,buttherelatonshpswthpeersand mentorsallowsthebodytofeelsafensteadof dysregulated

From FY21 to FY22, respondents to our youth survey showed an ncrease of


n the soco-emotonal learnng competency of 'self-awareness'




Along wth soccer and communty, educaton s a key aspect of our holstc, evdence-based approach to youth development. Whle SWB coaches are ntentonal about ncorporatng language and educatonal support nto soccer actvtes, t doesn't end there. Snce every SWB hub s embedded wthn a communty wth ts own set of needs and challenges, our programs are specfcally talored to meet youth where they are. Through school-based partnershps, summer school, tutorng, homework help, or mentorng, partcpants have access to the academc, language, and behavoral support they need to advance toward graduaton.


EachSWBhubworkstomeettheneedsofourlocal communtes FormanyofourUS-basedprogramstes, partnerngwthlocalschoolshasproventobethemost effectvewaytomeetnewcomerswheretheyare By mnmzngtheneedtotravel,school-basedprogramsare abletoreacheventhenewestofnewcomeryouth,those whomaynotyethavethelanguageskllsorsocal confdencetonavgatebetweenactvtesacross dfferentlocatons.Byovercomngthsgap,SWB partcpantsarebetterequppedtogetthesupportthey needtoensuretheyreachthergreatestpotental,not onlyonthefeld,butalsontheclassroom.



AtSWBUganda,partcpantscometousasrefugees fromcountressuchastheDemocratcRepublcof Congo,Rwanda,SouthSudan,andBurund.Dueto Englshlanguagerequrementsandpublcschoolfees, formalclassesatlocalschoolsareoftennaccessbleto refugees.TheSWBUgandaYouthCenterwascreatedto fllthsgap.Inaddtontosoccer,communty-buldng, andotheractvtes,theYouthCenteroffersfree-of-cost accesstoeducatonalactvtesledbycertfedteachers toover250youtheachday Formany,thecenterhas becomeavtalresourceforganngthelanguage,lteracy, andleadershpskllsnecessaryforsuccess





InFebruaryof2022,SWBhostedafree,three-partvrtualworkshopcreatednpartnershp wthLaureusSportforGood'sSportsLabandwthsupportfromtheCenterforHealngand JustceThroughSport(CHJS). AsSWBhascontnuedtogrowasleaderswthnthe sport-basedyouthdevelopmentsector,wehavemadetaprortytoharnessour experenceandexpertsetoempowerlkemndedorganzatonswththetoolsneededto makeameasurablempact.Thssereswasdesgnedforrefugeeservceprovders, resettlementagences,communty-basedyouthprograms,soccerclubsandcoaches,and anyoneelsewhosnterestednlearnngmoreabouthowsportcancreatebelongng, partcularlyntmesoftranstonanddsplacement.

"Anyactvtythatcentersplayandthathelpsapersonfeelasenseofbelongngsgongto beasourceofjoyandsgongtobeacomfortasonenavgatesanewplaceandprocesses howtoleavehome."SoccerWthoutBorders'sManagngDrectorofProgramsLndsey Whtfordkckedoffourthree-partvrtualworkshopseres,HowSoccerCanSupport NewcomerAfghanYouth,wththspowerfulstatementwhchsetthetoneforanengagng, enlghtenng,andacton-orentedseresofdscussons.

Incaseyoumssedt,allthreeworkshopsessonscanbevewedntherentretyatthe lnksbelow:

Workshop1: Program Desgns for Welcomng Refugee Youth

Workshop2: Best Practces n Trauma-Informed Coachng

Workshop3: Inclusve Team and Program Culture for Afghan Arrvals

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Inthefallof2022,aftermanymonthsofplannng, branstormng,andcollaboratng,ourbrandnewwebstewas launched.Thsredesgnofsoccerwthoutborders.orgwas bultfromthegroundupandwasdesgnedtonotonlyhavea moremodernlook,buttoalsoprovdereaderswthaclean, clear,nteractve,andeaslynavgablesnapshotofthe mssonofSoccerWthoutBordersatwork.


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Celebratng the pass more than the goal, SWB Assst was launched n 2022 to support partners to advance gender equty and socal ncluson worldwde through capactybuldng, program desgn, and strategy consultng. SWB Assst ams to contrbute to the Sustanable Development Goals by sharng what we've learned and collaboratng to accelerate and elevate the power of sports programs to affect postve change. Below you'll fnd examples of the types of programs spearheaded by SWB Assst n 2022.


InpartnershpwthCommonGoal,2022sawthe launchofSwtchthePtch,afrst-of-ts-knd collectvemovementtountetheUSSoccer communtyaroundant-racsteducatonand acton.Interactveandexperental,Swtchthe Ptchprovdesopportuntesforcoachesand youthplayerstotakeactontomakethegame andtheworldmorenclusveandequtableforall.



TheGlobalGoal5Acceleratorsadvancng genderequaltyontheptch,onthesdelnes,and norganzatons.Eachacceleratorbrngstogether aregonalcohortoforganzatonstobuldgrls’ partcpaton,advanceppelnesandpathwaysfor femalecoaches,elevatefemaleleaders,and changeperceptonsnourcommuntes.



addas, Amerca SCORES, Center for Healng and Justce Through Sport, Common Goal, Fundacón Seleccón Colomba, Kng County Play Equty Coalton, Kng County Youth Amateur Sports Grant, Laureus Sport for Good, Soccer n the Streets, SOMOS Equdad, and Women Wn

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UntedStates Hub


SWB Colorado launched new stes at Aurora Central and Jefferson Hgh Schools, expanded summer programmng for elementary-aged youth n Greeley, and more than doubled the number of grls enrolled across all programs.


Our Colorado hub has been servng newcomer youth n the greater Denver area snce 2011 and ncludes year-round programmng n the ctes of Aurora and Greeley. In FY22, SWB Colorado welcomed 655 partcpants.

In partnershp wth GreeleyEvans School Dstrct 6, SWB Colorado hred youth nterns to support summer programmng. Not only dd these youth nterns provde leadershp on the feld, they were also actve role models on the sdelnes as well!


In December, we welcomed Matt Kaser as the new drector of SWB Colorado Matt jons SWB from Bg Brothers Bg Ssters where he served n multple leadershp roles. He s passonate about socal work, youth development, and soccer

Snce 2009, our Maryland hub has operated n the cty and county of Baltmore and delvers year-round mddle school and hgh school programs, and summer programs for K-12, servng 570 youth n FY22 Addtonally, Baltmore s home to our SWB global headquarters

Durng the fscal year, we welcomed Nck Brooks as the Drector of SWB Maryland A Baltmore County natve, Nck brngs a wealth of youth programmng and workforce development experence to SWB along wth hs passon for soccer

SWB Maryland contnued ts partnershp wth YouthWorks to provde summer employment opportuntes at SWB for more than 40 of our hgh school partcpants. More than just a summer job, these youth leaders ganed valuable workforce readness sklls.

SWB Maryland's College Access Program was establshed n 2021 and contnued to make an mpact n 2022 On Saturdays, coaches and volunteers gude partcpants through the dfferent avenues avalable after hgh school 100% of SWB Maryland senors graduated from hgh school.

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For the frst tme, SWB Massachusetts hosted a Global Goal 5 league The GG5 League s a chance for grls and nonbnary youth of all skll levels to learn, grow, and have fun whle playng soccer together n a safe and welcomng space.


Our Massachusetts hub has served newcomers n Greater Boston snce 2012 and currently leads year-round programs n Chelsea, East Boston, and Somervlle. In FY22, the hub welcomed 511 youth partcpants

The summer 2022 saw the expanson of summer programmng to Sprngfeld, Chelsea, Somervlle, and Everett, MA. Ths growth has provded the opportunty to reach more than 200 partcpants over the summer!


SWB Massachusetts was awarded a grant by Sports 4 Lfe The grant–made possble by the Women's Sports Foundaton, espnW, and Gatorade–supported our efforts to mprove the health and development of underserved grls n MA.

Snce 2007, our Oakland hub has served newcomer youth across Alameda County, CA and are leaders and actve partcpants n the Bay Area sports-based youth development communty. The hub served 965 youth n FY22.

SWB Oakland was named a 2022 Project Play Champon by the Aspen Insttute, jonng a cohort of organzatons takng new, meanngful, and specfc actons to promote more healthy youth partcpaton n sport.

Wth support from the Westly Foundaton, the Global Goal 5 league contnued to grow n sze and mpact at SWB Oakland The 2022 edton brought together grls from across teams nto a safe space where they can grow n confdence, develop leadershp sklls, and buld communty.

In December, SWB Oakland hosted ts annual Alumn Tournaments The tradton s an opportunty for alumn to return to SWB and reconnect wth coaches and mentors and to form new bonds wth each other and wth younger partcpants.

Sgnupforoure-newsletterto stayuptodatewththelatest news,announcements,and storesfromthefeld!





Our Ncaragua hub has operated n Granada snce 2008 and uses soccer as a way to buld leadershp, mprove educatonal outcomes, and strengthen socal-emotonal sklls for grls, ages 5-20 Barrers to partcpaton are addressed through holstc, long-term programmng and a future-focused culture that nvtes grls to "dream bg" and magne ther future. 822 youth were served by SWB Ncaragua n FY22.

SWB Ncaragua's Educaton & Leadershp Program was selected as a featured grantee of Together Women Rse, a passonate communty of women and alles who envson a world of equtable opportuntes regardless of gender.

Granada FC, a women's club team n the Ncaragua 2nd Dvson, was created by SWB staff and alumnae. In the summer of 2022, the team reached ts frst semfnal, nstantly makng them an nspraton to the the entre communty of Granada.

More than 90 grls were awarded prmary, secondary, & unversty scholarshps By provdng fnancal & academc resources, these scholarshps have helped mantan an avg. academc advancement rate of 93% over the last fve years.

SWB Ncaragua coaches partcpated n a cultural & sports exchange program hosted by the US State Department In addton to tourng several US ctes, they attended workshops desgned to strengthen women's leadershp & empowerment n sport.

The 2002 Copa de Paz (the Peace Cup) took place n October and saw 375 partcpants across 20 teams take the feld. Ths edton of the chershed grls-only tournament was supported by Brstol Lnk UK.

At the close of 2022, SWB Ncaragua was recognzed by the Football Federaton of Ncaragua for 15 years of contrbuton to the development of grls' & women's soccer & gender equty programmng across the country.

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In May, Jerry Lukeka was named SWB Uganda's program drector Havng held nearly every role at the hub, Jerry has proven hmself to be a dedcated, nspratonal leader who truly embodes the msson & values of SWB. Learn more !

The SWB Uganda Youth Center contnues to provde crucal lteracy, leadershp, & language sklls for more than 500 refugee youth each year Clck here for a specal vdeo tour of the Youth Center, led by SWB partcpants!


Wth daly programs for out-of-school youth partcpants, communty actvtes durng school holdays, and youth-led soccer leagues, our Uganda hub serves approxmately 250 partcpants daly and s a crucal resource to refugee youth n Kampala. As leaders n the soccer-for-good sector n East Afrca snce 2007, the hub also works to buld capacty of partner organzatons to buld more equtable program spaces n the regon.

More than 50 parents & guardans gathered at the SWB Uganda Youth Center for a parent workshop desgned to rase awareness about chld safeguardng, how t s a crtcal element of our work, & the mportant role held by parents.

In partnershp wth Brtsh Councl Uganda, SWB Uganda's Kampala Grls League contnued to advance gender equty on the ptch Ths year's league brought together partcpants nto 29 teams composed of over 500 grls from the local communty.

After suddenly & unexpectedly losng access to ther home soccer ptch, the SWB communty ralled together to rase funds to 'get them to the feld' wth free, daly bus access to help partcpants overcome the barrer of transportaton.

Jules Mayele, SWB Uganda's Program Manager, was chosen to represent East Afrca n the naugural Common Goal Youth Councl, a platform for young people to grow as leaders n ther organzaton, ther regon, and the Common Goal Communty.

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MySWBcoachs thebest...hejustgetsus.

-Ismal, SWB Partcpant

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In order to buld a more nclusve and equtable world, we must ensure that our values do not only show up wthn our youth programs, but also n the way we operate as an organzaton, the way we tran coaches, and the way we buld teamwork and communty among stakeholders. These values - authentcty, equty, a focus on the whole person, and a process-orented approach - are not just words Instead, they are gudeposts for growth and adaptaton, they are ways of beng for our team members These "In the Huddle" features gve an nsde look at the way we embed our values and culture nto our daly actons, operatng to brng these values to lfe behnd the scenes and across the organzaton.


Forthefrsttmennearlythreeyears,20full-tme staffmembersfromaroundtheUSAgatherednpersonforCoachFoundatons,athree-day ntensve,hands-ontranngdesgnedtosetupour coachesforsuccess.HostedbyourColoradoHub, thetranngprovdedcoacheswththen-depth knowledgeandpractcalskllsneededto understandtheSWBmethodology,teamculture, skll-buldng,andtohonetherowncoachngstyle. LearnmoreaboutCoachFoundatons


Ths8-partseresbrngstogetherdverse membersofSWBstaffntoavrtualsafespace wheretheycanbetterunderstandandembodythe valuesofSWBtothecommuntesweserve.The goalsoftheseresnclude:

Growng ncomfortandfluencydscussngthe themesofequty&ncluson, Buldngcommuntyandconnectonthrough meanngfulconversaton, Developngasaleadersandmentorsthrough self-reflectonandgroupconversaton,and Buldnganawarenessofandsenstvtytothe ssuesofequty&nclusonwthnSWB.


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SoccerWthout Borders ntheMeda


Laureus Sport for Good spoke wth SWB Founder Ben Guccard and Co-Founder Mary Connor on how soccer can support newcomer youth n the USA. Read the artcle.


The Baltmore Mayor's Offce announced SWB as a recpent of a second round of fundng from the Amercan Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Among other thngs, ths fundng enabled us to purchase 3700 Eastern Ave., SWB's new headquarters, located n the heart of Baltmore. Read the press release.


Followng an nflux of refugees from Ukrane and Afghanstan wthn the state, Colorado Publc Rado featured SWB Colorado's work wth refugee and mmgrant youth n Greeley and Aurora It can be read here


Baltmore County Publc Schools captured SWB Maryland's program for Englsh for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) students at Lansdowne Hgh School. Watch the vdeo.


Soccer Amerca - the oldest soccer-specfc meda publsher n the USA - featured SWB Co-Founder and Executve Drector Mary Connor n an artcle on the power of soccer to create a sense of belongng Read the artcle

AnnualReport2022 22



Tammy M. Reder

Martha E Saavndra

Charle F Bustn

Toaha Ahmad

Gllan R Cassell-Stga

Sara Chehrehsa

Ern S. Cook

Skye S J DeLano

Chrstopher Grecco

Benjamn L Guccard

Ryan K Hawke

Lela R Mlan

Francsco P.B.R. Queró

Mchael R. Sack


Calen Carr

Ann Cook

Naom Grma

Greg Lalas

Smon Levett

Jeff McIntyre

Bll Prce

Melssa Roth

Chrs Sonntag








(Presdent) Chef Fnancal Offcer, Horzons for Homeless Chldren

(Secretary) Assocate Drector, Center for Afrcan Studes, UC Berkeley

(Treasurer) Partner, Douglas C Lane & Assocates

Wreless Archtecture, Mcrosoft

Drector, Make It Real Foundaton

Assocate General Counsel, General Catalyst

Co-Founder, Authentc

Executve Drector, Outrde

Founder, Element Market Research

Founder, Soccer Wthout Borders

Vce Presdent, Under the Influence Productons

Senor Internatonal Polcy Advocate, Futures Wthout Volence

Assstant Professor, Nova School of Busness & Economcs, Unv. of Lsbon

Senor Fellow, Jobs For The Future

On-Ar Host, Major League Soccer

Assocate Head Coach, Penn State Women’s Soccer

Professonal Soccer Player, San Dego Wave & USWNT

Chef Marketng Offcer, Unted Soccer League

Retred Accountant, W-League Franchse Owner

Founder & Presdent, Ruffneck Scarves

Presdent & Founder, Drva Solutons

Vce Presdent & General Counsel, Global Rescue

Managng Drector, rEvoluton



































In 2022, the Board of Drectors logged 1320 offcal mnutes wth an 87% attendance rate, and over 30 commttee meetngs.

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As a Platnum Level partcpant on Candd: Gudestar, Soccer Wthout Borders upholds the hghest level of transparency and ntegrty n our fnancal systems. In FY22, we contnued our trend of renvestng pror year surplus funds nto expanded servces and greater depth of programmng on the ground, whle mantanng a healthy reserve to ensure stablty through uncertanty. In the last 5 years, SWB has nvested over $11 mllon nto free, holstc youth development programmng for underserved youth



TotalLabltes: $275,422

Current: Long-Term: Total labltes & net assets:

$50,067 (18 2%) $225,355 (81 8%) $2,717,643

OnNovember4,2021,SoccerWthout Borderspurchased3700EasternAve, Baltmore,Maryland,USAtoserveasaYouth HubforlocalSWBMarylandpartcpantsand asorganzatonalheadquarters Thelongtermlabltyof$225,355representsthe mortgageprncpalatfscalyear-end

Earned/Events 34%
Unrestrcted: Board Restrcted: Donor Restrcted: Revenues Assets TotalEndngNetAssets: $2,442,221 TotalExpenses: $3,188,847 Drect Program: Admnstratve: Fundrasng: TotalRevenues: $3,814,864 Foundatons & Corporate Government Indvdual Earned/Events In-Knd August1,2021-July31,2022 ThesefnancalswerendependentlyaudtedbyDanelDenns&Co $1,281,571 (52 4%) $947,000 (38 8%) $213,650 (8 7%) $2,682,003 (84 1%) $346,451 (10 9%) $160,393 (5 0%) $1,363,432 (35.7%) $1,429,056(37.5%) $610,252 (16.0%) $131,396 (3.4%) Unrestrcted 524% Board Restrcted 388% Donor Restrcted 87% DrectProgram 841% Fundrasng 50% Admn 109% Foundatons &Corporate 357% Indvdual 160% Government 375% In-Knd 74% $280,728 (7 4%) AnnualReport2022 24
Offcal Unform & Apparel Partner OffcalGameBall OurPartners SoccerWthoutBorders 25 We'dlketoextendaspecal shoutouttoCapellSportfor renewngandexpandngour partnershpbyprovdng unformsandcoachnggear toallofourteamsacrossall stes!LearnMore



ACTION Zone - Aurora Publc Schools

Adams 12 School Dstrct

Adolph Coors Foundaton

AIMS Communty College

Angus Held Foundaton

Aurora Youth Volence Preventon Program

Colorado Dept of Human Servces

Colorado Refugee Servces Program

Frst Congregatonal Church of Greeley

Greeley-Evans School Dstrct

Lttler Youth Fund

Tony Grampsas Youth Servces

Unted Way of Weld County

Unversty of Denver

Unversty of Northern Colorado

The Weld Trust


Abell Foundaton

Baltmore Cty Communty College

Baltmore Cty Publc Schools

Baltmore County Publc Schools

Baltmore Ravens

Baltmore Women’s Gvng Crcle


Blausten Foundaton

Crane Foundaton

Dck's Sportng Goods

Famly League of Baltmore Cty

France-Merrck Foundaton

Goldseker Foundaton

Harry & Jeannette Wenberg Foundaton

Internatonal Rescue Commttee

Levelng the Playng Feld

Lvng Classrooms

Madelne Foundaton

Maron I & Henry J Knott Foundaton

Maryland Offce for Refugees & Asylees

Meyerhoff Famly Chartable Funds

The Macht Fund of THE ASSOCIATED

Schusterman Foundaton

T Rowe Prce Foundaton

Under Armour


Anna B Stearns Chartable Foundaton

Bethany Chrstan Servces

Boston Parks and Recreaton Department

Cabot Foundaton

Chelsea Parks and Recreaton Department

Drcks Famly Foundaton

The Donal McKay School

East Boston Ecumencal Councl

East Boston Famly Engagement Network

East Boston Neghborhood Health Center

East Boston Socal Center

Excel Academy Charter School

Falmouth Road Race Charty Program

Nesworthy Chartable Trust

New Balance Foundaton

Procter & Gamble

Roy A. Hunt Foundaton

Somervlle Publc School

Veronca Robles Cultural Center

Wellngton Management Foundaton

Women's Sports Foundaton


Boreko Famly Foundaton

Brstol Lnk UK

Cruz Roja

Federacón Independente de Granada

FENIFUT – Fútbol Federaton of Ncaragua

Grls' Rghts Project

Granada FC

Hotel Con Corazon


MINED- Mnstero de Educacón

Plan Internatonal

Thomas H Pope Memoral Fund

Together Women Rse

U S Department of State

U S Embassy n Managua


Alameda Behavoral Health Servces

Albany Berkeley Soccer Club

Calforna Refugee Programs Bureau

Corca Park

East Bay Asan Youth Center

Greenway Foundaton

Hayward Unfed School Dstrct

Hellman Foundaton

La Famla Counselng Servces

Oakland Educaton Fund

Oakland Fund for Chldren & Youth

Oakland Internatonal Hgh School

Oakland Kds Frst

Oakland Unfed School Dstrct

Oakland Roots Sports Club

Olympc Club Foundaton

Refugee & Immgrant Transtons

Youth Enrchment Program (Hayward)


Beyond Sport

Brtsh Councl

Common Goal

FIFA Foundaton

Internatonal Rescue Commttee

Laureus Global Tackle Afrca

Gracas Merc

Dhanyabaad Obrgado

Asante Shukran

AnnualReport2022 26
©2023SoccerWthoutBorders Soccer Wthout Borders 3700 Eastern Ave Baltmore, MD 21224 USA (857) 264-0097 Soccer Wthout Borders s a 501c3 organzaton (EIN) 20-3786129 soccerwthoutborders org nfo@soccerwthoutborders org

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