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Our Ncaragua hub has operated n Granada snce 2008 and uses soccer as a way to buld leadershp, mprove educatonal outcomes, and strengthen socal-emotonal sklls for grls, ages 5-20 Barrers to partcpaton are addressed through holstc, long-term programmng and a future-focused culture that nvtes grls to "dream bg" and magne ther future. 822 youth were served by SWB Ncaragua n FY22.
SWB Ncaragua's Educaton & Leadershp Program was selected as a featured grantee of Together Women Rse, a passonate communty of women and alles who envson a world of equtable opportuntes regardless of gender.
Granada FC, a women's club team n the Ncaragua 2nd Dvson, was created by SWB staff and alumnae. In the summer of 2022, the team reached ts frst semfnal, nstantly makng them an nspraton to the the entre communty of Granada.
More than 90 grls were awarded prmary, secondary, & unversty scholarshps By provdng fnancal & academc resources, these scholarshps have helped mantan an avg. academc advancement rate of 93% over the last fve years.
SWB Ncaragua coaches partcpated n a cultural & sports exchange program hosted by the US State Department In addton to tourng several US ctes, they attended workshops desgned to strengthen women's leadershp & empowerment n sport.
The 2002 Copa de Paz (the Peace Cup) took place n October and saw 375 partcpants across 20 teams take the feld. Ths edton of the chershed grls-only tournament was supported by Brstol Lnk UK.
At the close of 2022, SWB Ncaragua was recognzed by the Football Federaton of Ncaragua for 15 years of contrbuton to the development of grls' & women's soccer & gender equty programmng across the country.
In May, Jerry Lukeka was named SWB Uganda's program drector Havng held nearly every role at the hub, Jerry has proven hmself to be a dedcated, nspratonal leader who truly embodes the msson & values of SWB. Learn more !
The SWB Uganda Youth Center contnues to provde crucal lteracy, leadershp, & language sklls for more than 500 refugee youth each year Clck here for a specal vdeo tour of the Youth Center, led by SWB partcpants!
Wth daly programs for out-of-school youth partcpants, communty actvtes durng school holdays, and youth-led soccer leagues, our Uganda hub serves approxmately 250 partcpants daly and s a crucal resource to refugee youth n Kampala. As leaders n the soccer-for-good sector n East Afrca snce 2007, the hub also works to buld capacty of partner organzatons to buld more equtable program spaces n the regon.
More than 50 parents & guardans gathered at the SWB Uganda Youth Center for a parent workshop desgned to rase awareness about chld safeguardng, how t s a crtcal element of our work, & the mportant role held by parents.
In partnershp wth Brtsh Councl Uganda, SWB Uganda's Kampala Grls League contnued to advance gender equty on the ptch Ths year's league brought together partcpants nto 29 teams composed of over 500 grls from the local communty.
After suddenly & unexpectedly losng access to ther home soccer ptch, the SWB communty ralled together to rase funds to 'get them to the feld' wth free, daly bus access to help partcpants overcome the barrer of transportaton.
Jules Mayele, SWB Uganda's Program Manager, was chosen to represent East Afrca n the naugural Common Goal Youth Councl, a platform for young people to grow as leaders n ther organzaton, ther regon, and the Common Goal Communty.
MySWBcoachs thebest...hejustgetsus.
-Ismal, SWB Partcpant