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As a Platnum Level partcpant on Candd: Gudestar, Soccer Wthout Borders upholds the hghest level of transparency and ntegrty n our fnancal systems. In FY22, we contnued our trend of renvestng pror year surplus funds nto expanded servces and greater depth of programmng on the ground, whle mantanng a healthy reserve to ensure stablty through uncertanty. In the last 5 years, SWB has nvested over $11 mllon nto free, holstc youth development programmng for underserved youth

TotalLabltes: $275,422
Current: Long-Term: Total labltes & net assets:
$50,067 (18 2%) $225,355 (81 8%) $2,717,643
OnNovember4,2021,SoccerWthout Borderspurchased3700EasternAve, Baltmore,Maryland,USAtoserveasaYouth HubforlocalSWBMarylandpartcpantsand asorganzatonalheadquarters Thelongtermlabltyof$225,355representsthe mortgageprncpalatfscalyear-end