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UntedStates Hub
SWB Colorado launched new stes at Aurora Central and Jefferson Hgh Schools, expanded summer programmng for elementary-aged youth n Greeley, and more than doubled the number of grls enrolled across all programs.
Our Colorado hub has been servng newcomer youth n the greater Denver area snce 2011 and ncludes year-round programmng n the ctes of Aurora and Greeley. In FY22, SWB Colorado welcomed 655 partcpants.
In partnershp wth GreeleyEvans School Dstrct 6, SWB Colorado hred youth nterns to support summer programmng. Not only dd these youth nterns provde leadershp on the feld, they were also actve role models on the sdelnes as well!
In December, we welcomed Matt Kaser as the new drector of SWB Colorado Matt jons SWB from Bg Brothers Bg Ssters where he served n multple leadershp roles. He s passonate about socal work, youth development, and soccer
Snce 2009, our Maryland hub has operated n the cty and county of Baltmore and delvers year-round mddle school and hgh school programs, and summer programs for K-12, servng 570 youth n FY22 Addtonally, Baltmore s home to our SWB global headquarters

Durng the fscal year, we welcomed Nck Brooks as the Drector of SWB Maryland A Baltmore County natve, Nck brngs a wealth of youth programmng and workforce development experence to SWB along wth hs passon for soccer

SWB Maryland contnued ts partnershp wth YouthWorks to provde summer employment opportuntes at SWB for more than 40 of our hgh school partcpants. More than just a summer job, these youth leaders ganed valuable workforce readness sklls.
SWB Maryland's College Access Program was establshed n 2021 and contnued to make an mpact n 2022 On Saturdays, coaches and volunteers gude partcpants through the dfferent avenues avalable after hgh school 100% of SWB Maryland senors graduated from hgh school.
For the frst tme, SWB Massachusetts hosted a Global Goal 5 league The GG5 League s a chance for grls and nonbnary youth of all skll levels to learn, grow, and have fun whle playng soccer together n a safe and welcomng space.

Our Massachusetts hub has served newcomers n Greater Boston snce 2012 and currently leads year-round programs n Chelsea, East Boston, and Somervlle. In FY22, the hub welcomed 511 youth partcpants
The summer 2022 saw the expanson of summer programmng to Sprngfeld, Chelsea, Somervlle, and Everett, MA. Ths growth has provded the opportunty to reach more than 200 partcpants over the summer!
SWB Massachusetts was awarded a grant by Sports 4 Lfe The grant–made possble by the Women's Sports Foundaton, espnW, and Gatorade–supported our efforts to mprove the health and development of underserved grls n MA.
Snce 2007, our Oakland hub has served newcomer youth across Alameda County, CA and are leaders and actve partcpants n the Bay Area sports-based youth development communty. The hub served 965 youth n FY22.
SWB Oakland was named a 2022 Project Play Champon by the Aspen Insttute, jonng a cohort of organzatons takng new, meanngful, and specfc actons to promote more healthy youth partcpaton n sport.

Wth support from the Westly Foundaton, the Global Goal 5 league contnued to grow n sze and mpact at SWB Oakland The 2022 edton brought together grls from across teams nto a safe space where they can grow n confdence, develop leadershp sklls, and buld communty.
In December, SWB Oakland hosted ts annual Alumn Tournaments The tradton s an opportunty for alumn to return to SWB and reconnect wth coaches and mentors and to form new bonds wth each other and wth younger partcpants.
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