Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019 Sodexo Nordics
Sustainability – incorporated in our services Sodexo´s global sustainability program “Better Tomorrow 2025” has been established according to UN´s 17 sustainability goals and it covers nine commitments. They are concrete and measurable. We feel humility for the challenges we have ahead of us, but also pride for the successes we have within sustainability. For the 15th year in a row, Sodexo globally has been appointed the most sustainable company within its industry by Dow Jones Sustainability Index * (DJSI). Sodexo´s accountability and incorporation of CSR into our business strengthens the engagement of our employees, the collaboration with our customers, promotes the environment and the community and contributes to better profitability.
*DJSI is a global index used for monitoring financial, environmental and social performance among companies which are leaders within sustainability.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
In our sustainability work we are for instance working for: • Increased diversity and inclusion • More sustainable meal alternatives • Decreased food waste • Decreased carbon footprint • Phase out of disposables • Increased collaboration with local suppliers • Support to people in need In our Corporate Social Responsibility Report for the Nordics you will find information and many stories from the past fiscal year, describing how we drive a positive and sustainable development together with our customers and employees.
We have made our minds up, we shall be at the forefront within our industry, and this is why we incorporate sustainability into our business. Our daily ambition is to contribute to our customers and employees quality of life in different ways. We take our responsibility as an employer, develop our services and help our customers and the society in becoming more sustainable. I wish you an interesting read! Please, contact us if you wish to know more about how we can cooperate. Ulf Wretskog, Region Chair Sodexo Nordics
Ulf Wretskog, Region Chair Sodexo Nordics
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Improve the Quality of Life of our employees safely
Foster a culture of environmental responsibility within our workforce and workspaces
Source responsibly and provide management services that reduce carbon emissions
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Ensure a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflects and enriches communities we serve
17 Provide and encourage our consumers to access healthy lifestyle choices
Fight hunger and malnutrition
Drive diversity and inclusion as a catalyst for societal change
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Promote local development, fair, inclusive and sustainable business practices
Champion sustainable resource usage
Nine commitments for a better tomorrow Sodexo Group has developed nine commitments which will guide us until 2025. All of the commitments are measurable, which enables us to follow our progress and cooperate in order to find solutions to the challenges.
Candidness in the reporting helps us to understand what has went well, and in which areas we have been facing challenges that we can solve together with our partners. Yearly reporting helps us in building trust among all of our stakeholders. It proofs how we improve the quality of life in the communities in which we operate.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Improve the Quality of Life of our employees 80% Employee Engagement rate .
Provide and encourage our consumers to access healthy lifestyle choices 100% of our consumers are offered healthy lifestyle options everyday
Fight hunger and malnutrition 100 million Stop Hunger beneficiaries
Ensure a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflects and enriches communities we serve 100% of our employees work in countries that have gender balance in their management populations Promote local development, fair, inclusive and sustainable business practices 10 billion euro of our business value benefiting small and medium size enterprises
Drive diversity and inclusion as a catalyst for societal change. 500,000 women in communities educated through job training centers
Foster a culture of environmental responsibility within our workforce and workspaces 100% of our employees are trained on sustainable practices . Source responsibly and provide management services that reduce carbon emissions. 34% reduction of carbon emissions
Champion sustainable resource usage 50% reduction in our food waste
We are committed to UN´s sustainability goals The UN sustainability goals were launched in 2015, and it is the world´s common work plan when it comes to fighting global challenges within climate, environment and social circumstances. The sustainability goals covers 17 goals, which are applicable for all countries in the world, rich as well as poor countries. This means that also authorities, businesses and communities in the Nordic countries must work together, in order to create a more sustainable, just and equal world by 2030. As a global actor operating in 67 countries, it is Sodexo´s responsibility to contribute in order for us to reach the UN goals both locally as well as globally. We updated our own sustainability program in 2017, so it is aligned with the global sustainable goals.
We have a number of goals related to the 17 main goals and a total of 114 milestones, which we are aiming to achieve. For a company with 470, 000 employees in 67 countries, it means that we have a huge impact both locally and globally. No individual company can create a sustainable tomorrow on its own. We must work together in order to achieve lasting changes. At Sodexo we work together with global organizations in order to make a difference. On several occasions we have also started own initiatives in order to be able to help others in a better way. We work closely with our customers, suppliers and partners. With the UN's global goals, we feel that we have a common starting point and common goals, which we can work to achieve together. NOTE! The symbols used in the articles in the report, shows which of the UN global goals they have a connection with.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
What does Quality of Life mean for Sodexo?
470, 000 employees 100 million consumers served daily 19th largest employer in the world We operate in 67 countries
Our values
Service spirit Team spirit Spirit of progress
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Our ethical principles
Loyalty Respect Transparency Business integrity
By performing surveys and having over 50 years of experience Sodexo has identified
dimensions of quality of life that our services have an indirect impact on.
Social interactions
Ease and efficiency
Personal growth
Physical environment
Health and well-being
Our awards and recognitions 15 years as an industry leader within sustainability
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
#3 within our sector among the most highly regarded companies worldwide #1 for innovation
12 years in RobecoSAM´s Sustainability Yearbook
Improve the Quality of Life of our employees safely
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Improve the Quality of Life of our employees safely
Sodexo Nordics quality assures the working environment As one of relatively few companies, Sodexo Nordics has been certified according to ISO 45001. The certification focuses on both safety and health. We have a zero vision when it comes to work-related accidents, and through determined work we have managed to halve the number of accidents that have resulted in sick leave. ISO 45001 is an international working environment standard published in 2018, which enables global comparisons of health and safety at work. - The certification confirms that we work systematically and well with Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
health and safety related issues. The relatively new ISO standard will contribute to continuous improvements when it comes to our ambition for an accident-free and healthy workplace for everyone, Ulf Wretskog, Region Head Sodexo Nordics says. Our increased focus on health and safety has halved the number of accidents resulting in sick leave during the last four years. Clearer routines for health and safety work and a focus on risk assessments are a couple of the contributing factors leading to results. However, the goal is zero accidents. Today falling and tripping accidents and cuts are causing most of our accidents.
AndrĂŠ Sandberg, Quality Manager Sodexo Nordics and Anna Burholm, HSE Manager Sodexo Sweden are proud of our Nordic certification focusing on both health and safety.
Improve the Quality of Life of our employees safely
A sabbatical leave improves employees’ quality of life and motivation At the beginning of 2019, Sodexo introduced a Nordic policy for employees to take a sabbatical leave. This milestone was based on employees’ changed expectations and Sodexo’s desire to evolve as a modern and attractive employer. This Nordic policy supports the wider Sodexo initiative FLOW (Flexibility Optimizes Work). – We were thinking about how we could improve our employees’ quality of life and what people want and expect from their employer today. When surveying what things people value in an employer, we have found that the top question has been whether the employer offers a better future. We believe that knowing of the option of taking a leave in itself improves employees’ quality of life, even if they Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
have no immediate need for a leave, Inkeri Puputti, HR Director in Finland says. Various life situations can cause a need to take a sabbatical leave: a loved one may fall ill and the employee wishes to stay home to care for them, or an employee’s spouse may leave on a foreign assignment and the employee wishes to go with them. Or an employee may wish to spend time in their native country or study. Employees commit to employers that provide opportunities to develop through different career stages, in addition to offering interesting work. Taking a sabbatical leave requires that the employee has been in Sodexo’s service for thee to five years, depending on which country the
employee works in. The maximum duration of the leave is one year. An employee taking a sabbatical leave is expected to have the intention of returning to Sodexo after the leave. The time of the leave is agreed upon with the employee’s line manager. A sabbatical leave meets needs that are normally not met by statutory and collective agreements, such as job alternation leaves and study leaves. – People have primarily used the leave for travelling and spending time with their families. The goal is for the employee to return from the sabbatical leave with improved commitment, motivation and know-how, Puputti says. .
Improve the Quality of Life of our employees safely
CASE Did you know that…
Spent sabbatical leave in Asia
• our Nordic policy for sabbatical leave has been implemented in order to offer our employees more flexibility, when it comes to periods of unpaid leave and to strengthen Sodexo as an attractive employer?
The Finnish HR Manager Anna Römpötti took an eight-month sabbatical to tour Asia.
• that all Nordic employees who have been employed by Sodexo for a minimum of 3-5 years (depending on regulations within the country), can apply for sabbatical leave which aren´t covered by statutory rights for studying and vacation? For instance the sabbatical leave can be used for travelling, spending more time with the family or to accompany a family member on a foreign assignment.
- I love travelling, and I had dreamt of taking a little break from working life with my live-in partner for years,” Römpötti says. The couple visited 14 countries. They spent a month in India, turned prayer wheels in Tibet, marvelled at the Terracotta Army built for the first Emperor of China and cared for elephants rescued from poor conditions at an animal sanctuary in Thailand. – The journey was a deep dive into the Asian way of life. I saw the different ways in which people lead their lives and had the chance to experience first hand what inequality can look like. I learned a lot about Asia in general: its cultures, religions, politics, history and geography. Now I have a much better understanding of what and how Asia is. I also learned a lot about myself. The sabbatical leave gave me new energy for everyday life, and I think the experiences and the learnings from the tour will stay with me for years,“Römpötti says. Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
• all applications for sabbatical leave are handled in the same way, regardless who the employee´s manager is? However business related consequences must be considered. For instance Sodexo can´t guarantee an employee granted sabbatical leave during sensitive periods such as an upstart of a new assignment or during peak seasons..
Anna Römpötti in Kioto
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Ensure a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflects and enriches communities we serve
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Ensure a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflects and enriches communities we serve
We ensure diversity and an inclusive culture Diversity and Inclusion is an inherent part of our culture and drives Sodexo’s growth and innovation and improve the quality of life for our employees, clients and communities. Our gender balance strategy is a key driver in ensuring that both women and men have equal access to growth and opportunities in our workplace. In 2017 we signed the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP’s), which includes a commitment to promoting equality through community initiatives.
How we ensure a diverse workforce and inclusive culture: • Rolling out our diversity and inclusion action plan at regional level • Ensuring flexible work arrangements and practices • Enhancing development opportunities for our employees • Ensuring to keep and improve gender balance 40-60% in management positions • Applying a diverse lens to Human Resources processes and to employee learning and development
Key Performance Indicators Nordics: 61,8% of women’s representation in total workforce 59,6% of women in management positions 50% of women’s representation on the Regional Leadership Committee
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Ensure a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflects and enriches communities we serve
Sodexo´s Gender Balance Study 2018 The goal of Sodexo’s Gender Balance Study was to expand previous research on the business case for women in leadership to the business case for parity in representation of men and women in management positions (“gender balance”). The study therefore aimed to test the performance implications of a genderinclusive work culture, as opposed to a culture in which one gender dominates over the other.
Read the Gender Balance Study: Denis Machuel, Chief Executive Officer, Sodexo Group
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Furthermore, Sodexo’s study took a broader approach by examining women across all levels of management. This wider lens was designed to shed light on the “pipeline” that will ultimately affect gender balance at the top tier of leadership. Data was collected and analyzed from over 50,000 managers from 70 entities worldwide.
In an effort to build upon previous studies by Catalyst, McKinsey and other agencies that have largely focused on financial performance indicators, both financial and nonfinancial business indicators were examined as outcomes of gender balance in management. Sodexo’s previous research suggests that the optimal outcomes are evidenced when management teams have a gender ratio of 40% – 60% women, and this ratio was used in the current study to define gender-balanced management. - Gender diversity is essential. It is beyond a moral obligation - it’s a business imperative and differentiator. At Sodexo, greater diversity and inclusiveness are part of a cultural transformation that requires time and humility, Denis Machuel, Chief Executive Officer, Sodexo Group says.
Foster a culture of environmental responsibility within our workforce and workspaces
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Foster a culture of environmental responsibility within our workforce and workspaces
We have 400 environmentally trained managers If everyone were to live the same way we do in the Nordic countries, four times more resources would be needed than what the earth produces each year. Our goal is to contribute to sustainable development that meets today's needs without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their needs. To achieve this, basic knowledge about the environmental challenges that exist today and what we at Sodexo can do to reduce the environmental impact of our services is required. That is why we have developed a thorough environmental training where we go through both environmental challenges and solutions. So far, about 400 managers in the Nordic countries have taken the environmental training and next year all other employees will receive it in their local languages. Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
The main purpose of environmental training is, of course, that the knowledge should be used in everyday work. It is rewarding that we see an increased interest in environmental issues among our customers as well. Many people expect us to work actively on environmental issues and our goal is to be one step ahead for being able to help our customers achieve their goals. Consumers and employees also expect us to offer services that don´t harm them or the environment.
The plan consists of nine commitments, three of which are directly related to the environment:
It is our sustainability plan "Better Tomorrow 2025" that defines where we should focus our resources and guides us in our daily work. “Better Tomorrow 2025” has been developed in accordance with the UN's Global Sustainable Development Goals.
For more than a decade, Sodexo has been the industry leader in sustainable development. We are both humble and proud when we are noticed externally to the work performed daily by our employees. Together with our stakeholders, we contribute to a more sustainable planet.
• Improve a culture of environmental responsibility with our employees and at our workplaces • Use resources responsibly and offer management services that reduce carbon dioxide emissions
• Be the best at sustainable resource usage, focusing on cutting our food waste in half
Provide and encourage our consumers to access healthy lifestyle choices
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Provide and encourage our consumers to access healthy lifestyle choices
Healthy and sustainable food We have launched a new food concept, focusing on tasty and healthy lunches, minimal food waste and environmentally-friendly packaging. With this new concept, Sodexo is putting sustainable, high-quality, healthy food in the spotlight, and making EAT its main concept in the Nordic region. - We have a wide lunch assortment, but we would like to highlight our large salad buffet and our innovative vegetarian dishes during our discussions with our clients, Britten Viklund, Food service developer and adaption specialist at Sodexo in Sweden says. At the heart of the EAT concept is a large salad buffet, full of tempting colors. People should be attracted by different types of vegetables, beans, lentils, home-made dressings, baked vegetables, etc. The menu structure is flexible and all food is prepared from scratch.
Fruit and vegetables are full of fibre, and the most important nutrients are in or directly under the skin. This is why we clean our vegetables thoroughly while leaving the skin on. Water added to herbs, fruit and citrus has replaced juice and milk. Fresh, home baked bread is displayed on the daily menu, and some of the EAT restaurants also offer a good start of the day for people who don´t have the time to eat breakfast at home. In the morning breakfast options can include for instance porridge and yoghurt with berries and other nutritious supplements.
Sodexo is a company that carries out ambitious health and sustainability work. Of course, the EAT concept is no exception. We also work with different ways of serving and we try to implement beautifully portioned food on plate and sales by weight. This radically reduces the food waste.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Some of our restaurants in Norway and Sweden are also climate labelling their menus by using a system developed by a company named Klimato. Our country based Culinary teams are planning the weekly menus with regards to the carbon footprint, aiming for as a low carbon footprint as possible. The guests, on the other hand, are able to see the amount of carbon footprint a meat, fish- or vegetarian dish generates. Reducing food waste is one of Sodexo´s many sustainability goals, and various measures have been taken to ensure that customers don't take more than they eat.
– We look forward to implementing more EAT restaurants in the Nordic region, where our sta can focus on incredible food presentations, ambitious sustainability goals and modern climate smart food, Viklund says. .
Promote local development, fair, inclusive and sustainable business practices
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Promote local development, fair, inclusive and sustainable business practices
Sustainable purchasing – the obvious way forward Our purchasing is determined both by client demands and financial frames, but also through demands we require of ourselves. Our objective is to continue to lead the Nordic sustainability development forward. Purchaser’s engagement, knowledge and experiences play an important role for sustainability efforts. They set demands for and negotiate with our suppliers. Below are some of the areas they have developed and improved on a Nordic level during the recent fiscal year. . ”CODE OF CONDUCT” Codes of conduct are guidelines regarding how we shall operate in an ethical, social and environment friendly way. During the fiscal year we have updated these in order to be even more clear connect them to UNs 17 sustainability goals.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
SMALL AND MIDDLE SIZED COMPANIES In order to support local businesses we have initiated the work to simplify and thereby make it easier for small and middle sized companies to be authorized suppliers to us. Through us they can become suppliers to companies, municipalities and county councils without having to participate in rigorous tender processes themselves. CLEANING The progress within cleaning has moved forward during recent years. Today chemical free cleaning is applied wherever it is possible. 81% of cleaning products that we use have an environmental labelling. Our purchased paper is eco-labeled.
FOOD SERVICES The sustainability efforts within food services are complex. Food production has a large impact on environment and climate, but it’s also
about food safety, animal protection and labor conditions. We follow the tender authority, criteria which in most parts are aligned with our own rules regarding animal welfare. Our suppliers sign agreements where they obligate to at least live up to our charters based on ”Five freedoms” – where the animals shall: • Have access to clean water and feeding that contributes to their health • Grow up in a suitable environment where there is room for shelter and rest • Access to quick diagnosis and treatment for any possible injury or disease • The possibility to express their normal behavior • Have living conditions and treatment that don’t expose them to mental suffering
Promote local development, fair, inclusive and sustainable business practices
Some Nordic KPI´s EGG On a global level, a while back Sodexo has driven the work to phase out eggs from caged chicken by 2025. Within the Nordic countries we have come a long way. Of the nearly five million eggs that we purchased during the recent fiscal year, more than 57 % came from free range chicken. 36% of the eggs that we purchased in liquid form, 89 500 liters, came from free range chicken. FISH We protect the ocean environments and do not buy fish from populations that are red listed by the World Wildlife Fund. In the Nordic countries we purchased: • 64% green listed fish • 56% certified fish • 32% orange listed fish
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
COFFEE Each fiscal year we serve almost 58 million cups of coffee in the Nordic countries. 80% have one or more labelled certifications according to KRAV, Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade. CHICKEN During the recent fiscal year Sodexo has committed to extend current requirements for animal welfare in order to improve animal welfare within chicken farming. Through cooperations with current suppliers Sodexo shall achieve set standards within the frame for European Chicken Commitment by year 2026 for 100% of all chicken meat purchased within Europe.
Source responsibly and provide management services that reduce carbon emissions
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Source responsibly and provide management services that reduce carbon emissions
We are phasing out disposable plastics In the beginning of 2019 we announced Sodexo Nordic´s commitment to phase out disposable plastics as an additional step towards a sustainable planet. Our goal is to eliminate single use plastics in the Nordic region and replace them with more sustainable- and environmental friendly alternatives. We acknowledge that waste is one of our planet’s biggest collective challenges. Through our “Better Tomorrow 2025” corporate responsibility roadmap, we have committed to eliminating avoidable waste globally by 2025. As one of the largest service and food supplier in the Nordics, serving consumers in universities, workplaces, hospitals, schools, and so many other venues, we understand
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
both the potential impact we can make by a commitment to reduction and the real benefit that some of these products bring to people every day. We believe there is tremendous room for reducing waste without having a single person who uses our services feel like they are being excluded. This is what we have committed to: • Eliminate disposable plastic cups, plastic take out bags and plastic stirrers by the end of 2019 • Eliminate plastic lids and plastic food containers by 2025
• Reduce plastic straw use by adopting a ‘by request’ policy and shift plastic straws to more sustainable materials unless plastic is required for accessibility by 2019
• When plastic needs to be used we will always use plastic that is possible to recycle • Continue to seek innovative practices and products to reduce or eliminate other single use plastics Given our expertise in ensuring quality of life services in cleaning, for people with disabilities, patients in hospitals, seniors, and people with food allergies, we are applying a targeted approach that will avoid the unintended consequences that could accompany full-scale elimination. Perhaps most importantly, we are continuing to work with supply partners on innovative and more sustainable product packaging for all customer facing retail products.
Source responsibly and provide management services that reduce carbon emissions
Reducing our environmental impact
Did you know that… • many of the ‘single use’ items end up littering the environment or the world’s oceans, where they can cause significant harm?
- As a major actor in the food sector we have a responsibility to take initiatives in order to increase the pace and find new sustainable and more environmental friendly solutions. Us removing disposable plastics is one of the steps we are taking in order to reduce our environmental impact. The outphasing work has started and our first goal has been to eliminate plastic bags and plastic stirrers within our Nordic business during 2019. It is a challenge but thanks to innovative collaboration with our suppliers we are on the right track.”, Per Liljedahl, Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Director Sodexo Nordics says.
• plastic accumulates in seas, oceans and on beaches worldwide, due to ´single plastic´s´ slow decomposition? • plastic residues are often found in marine species – such as sea turtles, seals, whales and birds, but also in fish and shellfish, and therefore also in the human food chain? • animals may also starve to death when they eat plastic and there is no more room in their stomachs for food?
Our Disposable Plastics Commitment is merely one step in our effort to reduce environmental impact, as we continue to research and introduce new innovations such as reusable materials, bioplastics and organic materials in our effort to eliminate fossil based material.
Per Liljedahl, QHSE Director, Sodexo Nordics Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Fight hunger and malnutrition
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Fight hunger and malnutrition
Stop Hunger – a global network A hunger free world is possible
Stop Hunger is a global non-profit network that has been working locally for those most in need to permanently escape hunger for more than 20 years. Stop Hunger has transformed into a global network of non-profit organizations working for a hunger-free world in 3 fields of intervention: Support to local communities in need, Women empowerment and Emergency assistance. The United Nations has set a goal of eliminating hunger in the world by 2030. Stop Hunger with Sodexo, as a founding partner, want to contribute and act on the ground together and with the international community to end hunger in the world.
Stop Hunger Sodexo Nordics Within Sodexo Nordics our main NGOs are city missions and similar local organizations that support people in need. We contribute with donations and food distribution through our dedicated employees.
2019: 5 898 meals 1 866 kilos of food
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Click on the picture to read Stop Hunger 2019 Activity Report
Drive diversity and inclusion as a catalyst for societal change
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Drive diversity and inclusion as a catalyst for societal change
Gender balance – the key to success - SheWorks Job Shadowing program Diversity and inclusion is a given part of our business culture. Diversity creates dynamics and contributes to our employees’ engagement, creativity and our profitability. For us, diversity and inclusion are about respecting people's equal value regardless of gender, gender identity, ethnic affiliation, religion, disability, sexual orientation or age. Everyone should have the opportunity to contribute based on their abilities and conditions. Our research shows that gender balanced teams perform better, and so we are working to have women represent at least 40 percent of our leaders by 2025.
This important goal won’t be met overnight, so we have established a gender strategy to help us to do this Our global gender balance strategy is a key driver in ensuring that both women and men have equal access to growth and opportunities in our workplace. And we are investing in a number of initiatives to accelerate the advancement of women and spark progress towards gender equality globally. Why? Because when women are empowered, we’re all empowered. And achieving gender equality drives our performance and is critical to reaching a Better Tomorrow for our employees, our clients and consumers, and the communities we serve.
Introducing SheWorks Job Shadowing In celebration of International Women’s Day in March 2019, we introduced the SheWorks program, a Sodexo’s global day of job shadowing. This will connect women in the community with Sodexo employees in a one-day program to learn about Sodexo’s business and job opportunities. SheWorks is a great opportunity to support women in our local communities, but it’s also an opportunity for us as a company to gather insight from a new talent pool and identify potential candidates to fulfil future roles at Sodexo. .
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Drive diversity and inclusion as a catalyst for societal change
Our candidates that shadows the ambassadors have similar experiences. They find it rewarding in having established new contacts, new ideas and inspiration in their work and future growth.
Job shadowing for growth
For external students it’s a great opportunity to have some practical experience in an easy way, being inspired to work at Sodexo.
The purpose with job shadowing is to give women and men an introduction to job careers that they otherwise wouldn’t have considered.
Employees who already have tried this opportunity witness that it truly is a chance to contribute to someone else’s growth as an ambassador and also learning new things for yourself. Ambassadors also find that it’s very useful to be shadowed since you learn to look at what you do on a daily basis with fresh eyes giving feedback on improvement potential.
The experience is described with words like fun, important and that it is with pride you do it.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Christina Ydrauw, Bid Project Manager was Ambassador for Candidate Linda Backström, Operations Manager Transport and they have made a pact to keep in touch also in the future so Christina will continue to have the Ambassador role for Linda.
I’m a curious person by nature and really enjoy meeting new people for inspiration and also to build a larger network. At Sodexo your network is really important, no one can get the job done on their own. When an opportunity like this is being offered internally it’s well invested time to jump onboard. Linda Backström
Champion sustainable resource usage
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Champion sustainable resource usage
The climate – one of our times’ biggest challenges Global emissions of greenhouse gases must revert from today’s increase to a major decrease in order to stay at a level with manageable risks for serious climate impacts. All countries in the world are affected and all are part of both the problem and the solution. Our environmental objective is to decrease our climate impacts with 34 % by 2025, with 2011 as the base year. This commitment is aligned with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report’s reduction pathway to limit warming to 1.5°C. Our environmental engagement is part of Sodexo’s mission and an alleged priority within our sustainability program Better Tomorrow 2025.
In order to reach our set targets, knowledge is required and that’s why we since 2014 perform environmental trainings, which are mandatory for all employees. We measure our climate impacts according to the international established standard from Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) where there is a direct and indirect categorization of carbon emissions such as CO2 equivalent emissions.
We have committed to decrease our climate impacts with 34 % by 2025, with 2011 as the base year. / Global objective within Sodexo
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Scope 1 relates to direct emissions from operations owned or controlled by Sodexo, and include emissions from vehicles, tools and self-heating. Scope 2 relates to indirect emissions from purchased and used electricity, heating and cooling. In a physical sense, these emissions are made at sites where electricity, heating and cooling are produced.
Scope 3 relates to other indirect emissions, for Sodexo mainly from our supply chain, production of raw material (food), purchased transports and business travel. This is where our biggest climate impact arises due to our food operations.
Champion sustainable resource usage
Sodexo´s efforts to reduce climate impacts We have achieved considerable reductions in climate impacts from transports and electricity, not least by, since 2015, only buying fossil free hydro power electricity. The opportunity for us to make a difference is largest within the area of indirect emissions (Scope 3). According to EAT/Lancet and several other reports, an extensive adaptation is required where consumption of red meat and sugar needs to be reduced by about 50%, while consumption of nuts, fruit, vegetables and pulses must more than double. It is a big challenge for us to influence our children’s and adult’s food habits. In order to succeed, comprehensive efforts and a dialogue with clients and guests are required.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Our efferts mainly consist of: 1. Preventing Food Waste Preventing food waste is the single most important area where we can work to reduce emissions. Sodexo has implemented WasteWatch, a waste reduction program to help meet food waste reduction goals. Using this program, Sodexo site teams take action and drive change to cut food waste generated in the kitchen as well as that left on consumers’ plates.
That requires good planning, tools, perseverance and trained staff in order to succeed. In Sweden we have been measuring and reducing food waste in a structured way since 2013. We are already reporting of food waste from most
of our food sites in the Nordic countries. Sodexo’s Nordic objective is to reduce food waste below 50 gram per served meal before 2022. Another Swedish example is our cooperation with Karma app for left over food. Karma is an app that connects surplus food from our restaurants, cafes to consumers for a reduced price. As a result, users eat great food for less and we receive an additional revenue stream — all while reducing food waste. Sodexo employees, clients and consumers around the world are particularly mobilized around the topic of waste, every autumn, during our annual event, WasteLESS Week.
Champion sustainable resource usage
Sodexo´s efforts to reduce climate impacts 2. Promoting Plant-Based Meal Options According to the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization, raising livestock contributes 14.5% of all climate change related emissions (FAO) or about 7 times more than global air transport. In order to raise awareness on the health and environmental benefits of plant-based meals, Sodexo has implemented programs like Love of Food and offers like Mindful. Sodexo has also partnered with World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to work on criteria for dishes that are better for consumers and for the environment.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Sodexo will feature recipes inspired by Knorr and WWF’s Future 50 Foods report, 50 nutritious foods that are healthy, flavorful, accessible and can be better for the planet than comparison foods. This will provide and promote a balanced intake of protein through plant based protein alternatives and other sustainable offers. Our long term goal is to reduce climate impact per meal to under 0.5 kg CO2 equivalent emissions. In Sweden this is for example being done through our cooperation with our Sparx start-up company Klimato.
Champion sustainable resource usage
Sodexo´s efforts to reduce climate impacts 3. Reduce our use of disposable plastics We have a Nordic Commitment to eliminate single use plastics by 2025. We have already started to step by step replace plastic material with more sustainable alternatives. (read more on the pages 23-24). 4. Increasing local and small business engagement and responsible sourcing Sodexo places a strong focus on supporting local and small businesses such as suppliers promoting sustainable agricultural practices.
Today, more than half of Sodexo’s carbon emissions come from its supply chain, primarily from carbon intensive commodities such as beef, dairy, palm oil, soy and paper that can also have an impact on deforestation. Sodexo is continuing our collaborative efforts with the WWF (our global technical partner on environmental issues since 2010) and its suppliers to reduce the emissions associated with the products used, particularly products such as these ones.
With our structured process for supplier assessment (SoSP) we can evaluate and prioritize suppliers with an active environment work.
We have specific demands within different supply chain areas, through Sodexo´s Supplier Code of Conduct which regulate for example areas such as palm oil, sea food and disposables. 5. Develop services that help our clients to measure and reduce their climate impacts Sodexo is working with our clients on-site to reduce energy consumption. Sodexo can help a business reduce its energy costs by six figure amounts in some instances; and reduce its carbon emission through auditing, monitoring, design, and by bringing about behavioral change. Additionally, Sodexo Nordics only buy electricity from fossil free Hydropower with very low carbon footprint. .
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
Champion sustainable resource usage
WasteLESS Week WasteLESS Week is a global, five day campaign which is run by Sodexo on a yearly basis in the autumn. During the week Sodexo encourages employees, clients and customers to be thrifty when it comes to consumption of water, energy and paper.
During the campaign teams on-site focuses on reviewing various actions in order to streamline and improve their waste management. The also highlight importance of reducing food waste during the week. For instance we encourage our guests at Sodexo restaurants to only take as much food on their plates as they can eat, and to only take one napkin at a time. - Our employees work to reduce the amount of waste and the consumption of natural resources together with our customers on a daily basis. During WasteLESS Week we focus on communicating about our environmental work and we try to have a positive dialogue with our clients and customers, Per Liljedahl, Director QHSE Sodexo Nordics says.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019