SoDo Minutes June 2015

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Annual Meeting Minutes June 17, 2015 -­‐ Hartford Public Library Attendance: J. Palerma, C. Lowell, C. Sicbaldi, R. Zaleski, C. Ortiz, M. Moriarty, F. Gordon-­‐ Quiroga, J. Howard, Z. Lebron, H. Roggi, P. Abrams, C.S.O. M. Gorman Called to order: 6:12pm Police Report: There was a slight uptick in crime with several “apple picking” and burglaries-­‐ including 4 residential burglaries. Crime usually increases during the summer months because more people are outside. Approval of Minutes: C. Ortiz made a motion to accept the minutes of the May meeting. C. Lowell seconded the motion, which was approved on a voice vote. Strategy Committee Update: C. Ortiz provided an update on plans for Buckingham Square Park. Also updated group on neighborhood signs being provided to each NRZ (six each NRZ) by the City. Each NRZ is to determine where their signs will be placed. An art installation also will be placed in the park – maybe have a neighborhood competition to decide. There was a great deal of discussion regarding the overall look of the park and taking into consideration the residents adjacent to the park. Voting: C. Lowell explained the voting process. Ballots were distributed and collected. Three absent board members will be asked to vote by email. New News: J. Howard brought up a suggestion there be a community meeting to address crime and what can be done to ensure everyone’s safety. Also discussed was that as the numbers of downtown residents increases will an additional NRZ be created to accommodate them or would they be incorporated into SoDo. Adjourned: 6:50pm *reminder no meeting in July and August. Next meeting: September 2015 Addendum to the minutes: Results of elections at the Annual Meeting (see email of June 22 from C. Lowell) The following were all reelected to three-­‐year terms ending 2018: A. Ambrose, M. DiBella, M. Gottesdiener and C. Ortiz. Officer elections: President – R. Zaleski, Vice President – vacant, Secretary – J. Gordon, Treasurer – C. Sicbaldi.

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