Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Soke Yee Leong (900576) Chelle Yang + Studio 1
Week Three
Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)
In this new digital age that we are currently living in, digital fabrication techniques have recompose the link between conception and product, creating a linking bridge between what can be conceived and what can be construct. It is also the realization of the ‘file to factory’ concept of Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) fabrication technologies which bring us to this new type of fabrication. In the readings of Kolerevic, there are three types of fabrication techniques found. Firstly is the two-dimensional fabrication which is the most commonly used technique. It consist of plasma-arc cutting, water jets and laser cutters. He talked about subtractive fabrication as removing specific volume of material from solids, which can be axially, surface or volume constrained. Lastly he talked about addictive fabrication contrasting subjective fabrication, adds material in layer-by-layer fashion.
Week Three
Surface Creation
In the script,I highligted the most significant part in creating my surfaces as they are symmetrical and they used three lines to be lofted. The picture shows how I got my three lines and lofted into one surface. The four pictures on the right hand side show the iterations that I used throughout this module. The fourth iteration is the one that has been chosen to be fabricated. The rest of the Grasshopper script will be inserted in the Appendix.
Week Four Panels & Waffle
The panels which I used are mostly in pyramid form which consist of a gradient flow from the first surface to the second surface, indicating a harmony and unity amongst the two surfaces. From the first surface, the pyramids are larger and longer, as it flows upwards, the pyramids get smaller and shorter as well. When it comes to the second surface, the pyramids get smaller as it flows downwards and they gradually blend into the flat panels on the surface.
The waffle structure is constructed based on the surfaces which are concave and symmetrical. The form of the surfaces resulted in a stable and sturdy waffle structure due to the larger base of the waffle. the large opening at the top of the structure act as an opening which allows light to enter. The large volume of the structure enable large interior space within the structure as well.
Week Four
Laser Cutting
In this module, I learnt that when making a laser cut file like this, the lines which are cut and the lines which are etched need to place them in seperate layers to be easiily differentiated. The duplicated lines which overlaps need to be removed as well to minimize the time for the laser cutter to cut the file. When placing the elements to be cut, the inidivual elements should be placed as close as possible in order to save material too.
Week Five
After sevral tries of using different geometries and shapes to create booean volumes, in the end I used voronoi cells as my boolean cutout objects. On the right are my iterations and the last one is the one I chose in the end.
Week Five
On the left is an isometric view of my boolean structure which will be 3D printed. I used voronoi cells to create the volumes which are cut out from the original cube using the boolean command in Rhino. When doing that in Grasshopper, I partitioned the voronoi cells list into a few groups and by using the ‘List Item’ command in Grasshopper, decided the cutout volumes by selecting different index in order to result with a structure that I am satisfied with. The final structure has very unique spaces due to the voronoi cells cutout. Textures on the surfaces are altered, with some surface being flat and some being voronoi. Through observations, there are parts when two voronoi cells interesect and result with having a small opening at the intersection. This can give the structure some ventilation functions like allowing natural light to enter the structure. Furthermore, with the odd angles that the surface manifests, it creates some interesting linkage or partition between two spaces on the structure as seen on the top of the structure where two voronoi cells collide and it created a partition-like element between them. By using this method, a strong and sturdy structure is created as no thin or weak intersections are generated. Moreover, this method is also very sustainable as it does not use much materials due to the hollow volumes cut out from the cube but also having a sturdy remaining structure.
Week Six Task 01
{0,0,0} {150,0,120}
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves
Grid Points
{54,150,60} {150,0,15}
{150,15,0} {30,130,0}
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{No Attractor Point}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Control Curve Location}
+ + +
Task 01 Matrix
Surface 1
For task 1, I chose the last one with the pyramids which a flow can be seen. I chose that one because it is a good alternative way to play around with pyramids by showwing a gradient in the pyramids’ sizes and length.
Surface 2
Week Six Task 02
Points for Grid Distribution
Key {0,0,0}
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points
Boolean Geometries Voronoi Grids Distribution
{Attractor point location}
{Random attraction grids}
{Populate 3D - 50 points}
{Populate 3D - 100 points}
{Sphere Distribution}
{Delaunay Distribution}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Voronoi Grids}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
Task 02 Matrix
View 1
In task 2, I chose the last one because the last one uses voronoi cells rather than spheres as I want to explore more with different geometries and how those geometries affect the internal volume on the original cube.
View 2
Week Six
Final Isometric Views
Task 01 Appendix
Firstly, a 150x150x150 mm box is created using Grasshopper.
By using the box generated, lines are created by joining two points from the box and the lines are then lofted to create two surfaces.
Points were chosen using the “List Item� command for index selection and then joined to form lines which are then lofted to create surfaces.
Script for generating the second line.
Appendix Process
The two lines were then connected and lofted to form a suuface.
After forming the surfaces, then panels were built on the surfaces.
The next step was to build the waffle structure using contour lines based on the surfaces.
After unrolling the surfaces and laying them with the waffle structure into the laser cutting template, the physical model is then be made.
Task 02 Appendix
Firstly, a 150x150x150 mm box is created using Grasshopper.
The box is then populated with points using the “Populate 3D� command in Grasshopper.
With the points generated, voronoi cells are then formed following the distribution of the points in the box.
A selection of voronoi cells are chosen to be used as elements to cutout from the original box and the left over are then to be 3D printed.