Foundations of Design : Representation, SEM1, 2017 M3 JOURNAL - PATTERN vs SURFACE Leong Soke Yee 900576 Colby Vexler (Studio 14)
WEEK 6 READING: SURFACES THAT CAN BE BUILT FROM PAPER IN ARCHITECTURAL GEOMETRY Question 1: What are the three elementary types of developable surfaces? Provide a brief description. (Maximum 100 words) The first type of developable surface is the cylinder which parallel lines form the surface. Secondly, the elementary types of developable surface is the cone which is formed by a vertex and a profile curve surface. The surface can be generated by using central extrusion as well. The third type is tngent surfaces of space curves formed by the union of the tangent lines to the curve.
Question 2: Why is the understanding of developable surface critical in the understanding of architectural geometry? Choose one precedent from Research/Precedents tab on LMS as an example for your discussion. (Maximum 100 words) Developable srurfaces are used during the form-finding process as developable surfaces are easy to assemble and disemble. As in the Huyghe and Le Corbusier Puppet Theatre, developable surfaces were used to form the curved structure of the builing by breaking down the surface into diamond shaped panels, interlocking to form a rigid structure, so that they can be assembled or dissembled because they were easily bolted together.
2d Panelling, Pattern: Triangular
2d Panelling, Pattern: Dense
2d Panelling, Pattern: TriBasic
I used hexagon shapes to custom panelise on the surface with variables
I used right-angled triangles to custom panelise on the surface.
I used star shapes to custom panalise on the surface
Unrolled surfaces of my test prototypes before folding them
Shapes that I tried and prototyped before deciding on hte final shape that I used n the surface
WEEK 7 READING: DIGITAL FABRICATION Complete your reading before attempting these questions:
Question 1: What is digital fabrication and how does it change the understanding of two dimensional representation? (Maximum 100 words) Digital fabrication is a type of manufacturing process where computers congtol over machines to produce the end product. It narrows the gap between representation and building, affording a hypothetically seamless connection between design and making. CAD programs also took 3D computer modeling and digital fabrication to enhance design thinking and expand the boundaries of architectural form and construction.
Question 2: Suggest two reasons why folding is used extensively in the formal expression of building design? (Maximum 100 words) When folding the surfaces, the materials gain stiffness and rigidity, can span distance and can self-support. Folding also expands three-dimentional vobaulary of surface by naturally producing deformation and inflection.
3D paneling on the terrain surface given with 3 different modules by altering the size of the opening of the hexagon on the top of each of the module . The modules are arranged on the surface using a concept of a mountain where the middle part is the peak and it slopes down gradually in all directions by reducing the number of modules and compesating it using the offset grids on the surface as well to produce this effect. As shown in the three modules that I ued, the openings of them are different which allowed me to apply them into my surface and enhanced the visual effect of it too look like a mountain.
Unrolled surfaces ofthe final product with labels
Unrolled surfaces ofthe final product with labels Unrolled surfaces ofthe final product with labels
Final product of my panelized suface by combining 3D and 2D panels. I used the concept of a forest on a high mountain where the pea kof the mountain which is the middle part of the surface to be dense and it spreads out to become less dense at the bottom. Then I applied this concept to my offset points where I used the middle point as my attractor point to produce the effect and towards the bottom, my panels become shorter as they go down the mountain, oroducing a sloping downwards effect as well.
Close-up photo of 3D and 2D panels. At the top of each panel. I used a hexagon shape to show the six surfaces on the side of the panels and I folded them so they point into the panel to produce a volcano shape as well to enhance the effect of a mountain.
First, I reconstruct my surface using contouring and Sweep 2 command and placed 10X10 grids on the surface to get ready for the paneling process later on.
Then after I chose the shape that I want to use, I started to cut and glue them with UHU glue and a scalpel. Then I folded them with care and labeling them as well to locate them on my surface.
Next, I tried to build differect shapes for my 3D panel and experiment the shapes onto the surface to produce the satisfactory by-product. Then, I unrolled the shapes and made prototypes out of them to try out which ones work the best for my surface.
After folding all of the panels, glued the tabs together to connect them all and build my terrain.