M3 - Entwine Pavilion
White row cotton are used for shelter purposes and provide shade as a form of threshold.
Focuses on weightlessness and openess to attract by passers as well as to provide shelter too.
Provide a contrast with the cold and hard material of the stainless steel and adding a softness to the pavilion.
Reflective stainless steel mateial is used to show sturdiness within the fragility that it portrays.
Seatings are adapted with the steel soils at a sitting height for people to rest on
Space within the pavilion provides space for the string quartet and the seminar event as well.
Soke Yee Leong - 900576
Entrance into the pavilion Concrete platform under the pavilion
Grass covered steps to guide people towards the pavilion
Human Scale Ref.
Landform are modified with steps to reach the pavilion and using a simpler design to emphasis on the pavilion itself.
Key Primary Circulation Circulation Path
Perspective View 1:25 0
Vignette 01
Pavilion approach from South West direction
Vignette 02
View highlighting the roof structure forming a threshold
Vignette 03
View of pavilion from the South East.
M3 - Entwine Pavilion
The protruding section generates shadows and shelter for people.
Overlapping cotton materials form greater shelter from the sunlight so denser shadows could be formed.
The denser entwines of the structure forms a barrier that seperates private and public.
Soke Yee Leong - 900576
One part which is not covered with the cotton is to allow visual continuity to the outside and allows interaction too.
The cotton material hung from the structure can also be seatings when hang between strips at lower heights.
Human Scale Ref. Strips at lower heights can be used as seats for resting or to enjoy the string quartet.
Perspective Views 1:50 0
M3 - Entwine Pavilion
General Idea & Concept The structure is generated from five strips with irregular forms of coiling and intersecting each other, forming this unique pavilion. Concept is to create a pavilion which does not have specific functionality and requires users to adapt to the forms of it. For example, the users could find seatings on the coils at lower heights and so on. The pavilion does not rely on enclosure or any facades to seperate spaces of private and public but using the entwining elements which will form some interesting thresholds to differ spaces.
Soke Yee Leong - 900576
Human Scale Ref.
Exploded Structure Diagram 1:50 1000 0
M3 - Entwine Pavilion
Threshold: Row cotton material as shelter from sun or rain.
Soke Yee Leong - 900576
Threshold: Stainless steel elements which form seperation between private and public although the structure is not fully enclosed.
Human Scale Ref.
Exploded Threshold Diagram 1:50 0