Governor : August 2014 [Multimedia FULL]

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What Is an RCC?


Program Goals


RCC History


Establishing an RCC


Assess the Community’s Needs


Promote the RCC to Your Rotary Club


Recruit RCC Members


Identify and Mobilize Potential Members


Develop a Mission Statement


Register the RCC with RI


Implementing an RCC Project


Develop an Action Plan


Set Attainable Goals


Use Rotary Resources


Promote the RCC Initiative in the Community


Obtain Feedback on Completed Projects


Club and District Administration of RCCs


A Guide for Rotary Club RCC Committee Chairs


A Guide for District RCC Committee Chairs


RCC Project Highlight


Guidelines for Rotary Community Corps


Recommended Bylaws for Rotary Community Corps


Rotary Marks



For over a century, Rotarians have devoted themselves to improving their local and global communities using the resources of Rotary International and their club members. Rotarians embrace the challenges of these humanitarian service efforts with compassion and a commitment to providing long-term, sustainable solutions. A community’s power to transform itself exists foremost with its residents, who have firsthand knowledge about the most pressing local problems. Developing service projects to address those problems can unite and empower the community at the grassroots level. Residents can form a Rotary Community Corps (RCC) to carry out the projects and substantially improve their quality of life.



Rotary Community Corps Handbook


Providing a home for AIDS orphans

The RCC of Cura, near Nairobi, established a home for children, some of them HIV positive, whose parents have died from AIDS. The home has been able to take in more than twice the number of children it could originally support, thanks to donations from international Rotary clubs, the Arya Vedic Interact Club, and local organizations. Such donations include food, educational materials, a water tank, and kitchen appliances. Donations were also used to organize a New Year’s party for the children featuring awardwinning Kenyan musician Eric Wainaina and his band.

What Is an RCC?

A Rotary Community Corps (RCC) is a team of nonRotarian men and women who are committed to their community’s long-term development and selfsufficiency. An RCC is sponsored by a Rotary club and, like Rotaract and Interact clubs, is one of Rotary’s partners in service. The main principle of the program is to enable RCC members to personally address and solve problems in the area where they work or live. Sponsoring an RCC is a great way to initiate and implement enduring service projects. RCCs carry out creative and sustainable solutions to address a wide array of community issues, such as lack of safe water, hunger, pollution, illiteracy, and inadequate housing. An RCC works with its sponsoring Rotary club to consult with the local community, identify needs, and plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate a service project. Every community’s needs are different, but what unites RCC members is the idea that no problem is too large to solve. An RCC can be formed in any Rotary country or geographical area where non-Rotarians and Rotarians want to work together on service projects (the sponsoring Rotary club must be in the same country/district). RCCs are active in urban and rural communities in both developed and developing countries. An RCC may comprise an entire village or community, or a smaller group within it. Some members may qualify for Rotary club membership but choose instead to participate in an RCC because of professional or personal commitments. RCCs and Rotarians find their association mutually beneficial in working together to meet the community’s needs.

Consider what an RCC can do in your community: • Establish a literacy center or tutor group at a local school or library • Set up a clinic for people who cannot afford regular health and dental care • Create a vocational training program to help workers obtain valuable skills • Organize teams to clean up local parks and highways • Develop neighborhood safety projects

Program Goals All RCCs share four major goals: • To encourage individuals to take responsibility for the improvement of their village, neighborhood, or community • To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations • To mobilize self-help activities and collective work to improve the quality of life • To encourage the development of human potential to its fullest, within the context of the local culture and community

RCC History The RI Board of Directors officially adopted the RCC program in 1988, following its introduction in 1985 by M.A.T. Caparas, who was then RI president-elect. The RCC was envisioned as an organization of community members who wish to improve the places where they live or work. Until 1999, RCCs were referred to as either Rotary Village Corps or Rotary Community Service Corps. Today, the RCC program continues to grow worldwide, with more than 6,700 corps in over 75 countries and geographical areas.

Rotary Community Corps Handbook



Establishing an RCC

Assess the Community’s Needs Establishing an RCC begins with using your Rotary club’s resources efficiently to determine which projects will have the greatest impact on the neediest part of the community. A community needs assessment is essential to planning the RCC’s course of action and can save valuable time, money, and resources. Here are eight recommended assessment tools: • Survey • Asset inventory • Community mapping • Daily activities schedule • Seasonal calendar • Community cafe • Focus group • Panel discussion Learn more about these tools in Community Assessment Tools (605) at

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Improving health and education at an elementary school

The RCC of Bahçekonak Village worked with the Rotary Club of Samsun Karadeniz, Samsun Interact club members, and local leaders to improve the resources available at Bahçekonak Village Elementary School. Donations included 90 desks, copy and projection machines, and educational games and books. In addition, two local dentists provided dental exams for all kindergarteners, and 75 students were screened for pinworms.



Rotary Community Corps Handbook

Promote the RCC to Your Rotary Club To understand an RCC’s value to the community, your club must be given an overview of the RCC program. Gather Materials for a Presentation Ask your club president to appoint an RCC committee of interested club members who can gather resource materials for Rotarians and potential RCC members, discuss program ideas with the district RCC chair, and research the activities of community groups with similar programs. Have the committee familiarize itself with the RCC Program Guidelines (see page 20 of this handbook).

Make a Motivational Presentation

Outline Your Club’s Role as Sponsor

After the RCC committee has completed its research, ask one member to make a motivational presentation to your Rotary club on the merits and methods of the RCC program. Invite the RCC chair or a Rotarian from a club already sponsoring a corps to share his or her experiences. Discuss how RCC involvement can help address community needs, and distribute RCC brochures or other material to club members.

Explain that the sponsoring Rotary club plays a unique role by drawing on the assets of club membership. Gain a consensus among members for a sustained commitment to sponsor an RCC; without it, the RCC will have difficulty achieving success. Discuss the idea of forming an RCC with club members to find out who is interested and would be able to participate in supporting the RCC.

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Rotary Community Corps of Gainesville-Haymarket: Practicing Service Above Self

Successful Rotary clubs have learned that there are many ways to expand the good works of Rotary. One such way is to form a Rotary Community Corps (RCC), just as the Rotary Club of Gainesville-Haymarket did in Prince William County, Virginia, USA.

RCC members participate in Interact and Rotary club projects and also plan and carry out independent activities, such as collecting food for the local pantry and homeless shelter, providing holiday gifts for seniors and needy families and toys for the disadvantaged, and donating to a local animal shelter. Members are also knitting blankets for foster children and raising money to sponsor a foster child.

“We knew of the many organizations that were crossing paths with us as we and they were working on valuable projects,” says George Layne, a club member and District 7610 Rotary Community Corps chair. “We also thought the resulting combination of forces could produce more support and better service for projects and the various needs of our local communities.”

Hundreds of residents in Prince William County have been served by the efforts of the RCC since its inception. The RCC continues to expand its reach, truly reflecting Rotary’s motto of Service Above Self.

Members of the board saw the RCC as an opportunity to enlist the support of individuals and organizations to work as a cohesive group on service projects to address community needs that were desperately needed and, yet, often hidden in the mostly suburban county. The Rotary club formed a small committee to develop the RCC of GainesvilleHaymarket and applied for an official charter from RI once they had gathered 13 committed members. The RCC, through direct contact with community groups, grew to include a postmaster, nurses, police and security personnel, business owners, health specialists, a news reporter, a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar, a member of the Coast Guard, representatives of individual communities, and many others.

Rotary Community Corps Handbook



Recruit RCC Members Plan a Community Meeting Once your Rotary club realizes an RCC is needed — either for a specific project or to provide a dependable service outlet for a particular community group — it can begin identifying and recruiting RCC members. Rather than recruiting residents to join an RCC project that your club has already planned, first consult with the community to understand its needs. This is also essential to getting the community to buy into the RCC and take ownership of it. Using the club’s community needs assessment as a resource, hold a community profiling meeting to brainstorm with local representatives about opportunities for service. Plan the meeting in a central location so that it is easy for residents to attend. Consider the community’s daily routine, and make the meeting convenient for residents by combining it with a meal or a special event that is open to all

members. Promote the meeting in public areas — such as local libraries, universities, parks, recreation centers, and other gathering places — to attract a wide variety of interests and talents. Use fliers and posters that include an attractive slogan summarizing the overall purpose, such as “Building a Future for Our Community.” Distribute Rotary Community Corps: Changing Lives, Shaping the Future (780), a brochure for prospective members, imprinted with your Rotary club’s contact information. Invite as many local residents as possible who represent a cross-section of the population, including non-Rotarians involved in other Rotary service projects. Invite technical experts (health officials, engineers, and social workers) and meeting facilitators to offer their expert opinions and assist the community in voicing its concerns. Arrange for interpreters to assist members who speak another language.

“We are proud to report that our scholarship recipients have benefited greatly from the services provided by the hospital’s Adult Day Health Program. The family caregivers have also benefited by gaining the freedom to perform family responsibilities, knowing that their family members are being cared for in a safe environment.” — RCC of Adult Day Health Program Inc., USA


Teaching schoolchildren about disaster prevention

The RCC of Handa Volunteer Disaster Relief Coordinators Society works with local schools to organize disaster prevention classes for youth of all ages in the Handa city area. These classes take place in nursery, elementary, and secondary schools and at the university level. Class activities include first aid, building portable toilets, and emergency food preparation.



Rotary Community Corps Handbook

Meet with Community Members At the meeting work with community representatives to identify problems that the community is facing and determine which of these would be best addressed by developing an RCC. Ask representatives of community organizations and nongovernmental agencies to join your club in a discussion of community problems and recommend possible corps members. Through consultation you can determine what resources are available and what others may be needed. First, have all participants express their ideas, then break into small groups to discuss them. Bring the whole group together and ask all participants to prioritize these issues and problems and discuss possible strategies. Finally, request that participants leave their personal contact information and a list of any special skills or interests they have for future reference.

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Providing educational seminars for women and children

The Anadolu Bahçeleri RCC organized educational seminars for low-income women and children on breast cancer diagnosis, violence against women, women’s rights, positive child discipline methods, and children’s rights. Local specialists, including lawyers, doctors, and social service specialists, presented at these talks.

Meeting Tips • Use visual aids and graphics such as a “problem tree” to analyze complex issues. • Take a walk through a neighborhood or community and stop to discuss problems that are evident in certain areas. • Make maps of the community, pointing out the characteristics and resources of different areas. See “Community Mapping” in Community Assessment Tools (605).

• Review the roles and impact of groups and organizations involved in ongoing projects; an RCC project should complement and strengthen these projects rather than duplicate or compete with them. • Be open to a range of opinions, methods, and approaches. • Assume the role of a facilitator — helping the community achieve its goals — rather than a provider of solutions.

Rotary Community Corps Handbook



Identify and Mobilize Potential Members Prepared with project ideas, have the RCC committee meet again to begin recruiting a core group of dedicated individuals. Contact the motivated people you met at the first community profiling meetings and compile a list of recommended individuals who were referred to the RCC committee. Ask Rotarians to spread the word about the RCC in their daily activities and continue your promotional efforts to recruit community representatives who were unable to attend earlier meetings. Introduce Rotary to the RCC Invite RCC membership candidates to your Rotary club meeting and explain the mission of Rotary International and the goals of the RCC program. Have the candidates introduce themselves and talk about their priorities and willingness to join the RCC as a volunteer. Stress that the program strives to develop the community’s potential and does not function as a charity. Distribute informational and promotional materials for their future reference. Compile an Asset Inventory The local population’s knowledge and experience are among the RCC’s greatest resources. Residents have an intimate understanding of their surroundings and often can analyze and assess their situation better than professionals. Compile an asset inventory by having RCC member candidates list their particular skills and capacities that would be most useful in an RCC, such as: • Access to available community resources (financial, donated goods, space) • Availability to participate • Mastery of local knowledge or traditions • Entrepreneurial experience • Training and educational experience • Civic or community-based experience • Talents and ideas • Enthusiasm and energy

Develop a Mission Statement Developing a mission statement before the RCC begins working helps to define the corps’ purpose, operation, and values. The statement should motivate and inspire the RCC and the people it serves. Mission



Rotary Community Corps Handbook


Organizing medical missions and day care centers

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Santa Ana, the RCC of San Vicente Day Care Center has provided a yearlong day care center since 1985 for preschool children (ages 4-6). During the 2008-09 Rotary year, this center was renovated with the help of donations. In addition, this RCC provides medical missions at least twice a year for the Purok community. These missions include medical checkups by volunteer physicians and the distribution of vitamins and medicines to children and adults.

statements will vary among RCCs, but should reflect what its members, together, would like to accomplish in their community, united in action by shared humanitarian values. Questions an RCC should ask when composing a mission statement include: What existing community needs will be addressed? What will the RCC do to address these needs? What are the values that guide the RCC? Sample Mission Statement • To inspire and motivate community members to take an active role in identifying and addressing community problems • To mobilize community members to carry out sustainable service projects that will improve the lives of everyone in the community • To always use humanitarian principles as a guide when carrying out service projects Review the RCC Program Guidelines (see page 20), and establish the RCC’s bylaws based on the Recommended Bylaws for Rotary Community Corps (see page 23).


Register the RCC with RI Once an RCC is established and includes at least 10 members, the sponsor club can apply for a charter from Rotary International. Chartering the RCC formalizes its relationship with Rotary, creating a useful communications link. After an RCC is officially registered with RI, the sponsor club will receive regular mailings/updates from the RI Programs Division and have the opportunity to share its success stories in RI’s publications and on its website. Download and complete the RCC Organization Form (769), which requires signatures from the RCC representative, president of the sponsoring Rotary club, and district governor. Send the form to RI World Headquarters or the RI international office serving your area. Once RI receives the completed form, an official charter certificate will be mailed to the sponsor Rotary club’s president. Sponsor clubs are encouraged to plan a special ceremony or celebration to present the RCC charter certificate.

Expanding employment opportunities for disabled individuals

The RCC of Panchkula, with help from Disability Empowerment and Rehabilitation and the National Institute for the Disabled, organized interviews at IBM for disabled individuals in their community. Most of the RCC’s members are themselves disabled and work hard to improve the lives of disabled individuals in Panchkula. The individuals were trained at a computer center established by the National Institute for the Disabled and supplied with computers donated by a Rotarian. Once trained, the disabled students were interviewed by IBM managers and executives, and 6 of the 18 job candidates received job offers from IBM.

Rotary Community Corps Handbook



Implementing an RCC Project

The RCC and its sponsor club can use the following information as a guide for implementing an RCC project.

Develop an Action Plan Using as your guide the mission statement and goals established from the community needs assessment, develop an action plan to implement specific projects. An RCC may have one project focus or an agenda of different projects. Detail the work that needs to be done to meet your goals in the most efficient manner. Match the corps members’ abilities to specific tasks. Define a set of strategies and time lines for achieving the goals. By clearly listing the tasks and agenda for corps members, the RCC can plan ahead to overcome potential difficulties (see the Sample Action Plan on page 13). For more information on choosing and planning projects, see Communities in Action/Community Assessment Tools (605).



Rotary Community Corps Handbook

Planning Details • Coordinate materials and supplies • Prepare and distribute informational and promotional materials • Schedule volunteers according to their availability • Establish a record keeping system • Set up a telephone or other contact system

Create a Project Proposal A concise project proposal introduces corps activities to potential funding sources. This document includes the mission statement and goals and action plan. Be specific. If certain aspects of the project seem too difficult to explain, that may indicate more research needs to be done.

Create a Budget The Rotary club may choose to provide start-up funds for corps development but is not required to do so. However the RCC is funded, it is important to create a detailed budget to avoid running out of money midway through a project. Underestimating the job costs doesn’t help anyone in the long run, so budget wisely. • Consider all expenditures (e.g., printing, transportation, materials, supplies, meals or refreshments for participants, etc.). • Calculate income sources such as donated goods and services, funds raised by the club, and possible grants. • Start small and expand projects as more funds become available. • List all the materials you will need and match them against the resources and community assets at your disposal. • Budget for training whenever necessary. • Refer to Use Rotary Resources on page 14 for more ideas.

Plan for Project Emergencies, Protect Against Liabilities It is important to have a plan in place for dealing with any accidents and emergencies that might occur during service projects, and for the RCC and Rotary club to be legally protected against liabilities. For more information, see “Project Liability and Protection” in Communities in Action: A Guide to Effective Projects (605). Team Building Tips It is important that members’ roles are clearly defined and that the RCC stays focused on its task. Keep members motivated by reminding them of the mission behind the difficult work they are carrying out. Here it is important to acknowledge the sacrifice they are making in their personal lives in order to be a part of the service project. A simple thank you can go a long way. Involve all sectors of the community at an early stage in the project. Foster principles such as accountability, shared responsibility, trust, and mutual respect. Understand that people want to be involved for a variety of reasons and at different levels of participation; incorporate different tasks based on the participants’ interests and abilities. Coordinate and mobilize the community’s talents and energies, which previously had not been well used or were fragmented.

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Encouraging positive activity through sports

In an effort to decrease the crime rate in the community, the RCC of Gizri arranged a community-wide soccer tournament to establish positive activities. More than 72 registered soccer clubs entered the tournament, which helped to unite the community through spirited competition and gain support for community development. The RCC has also conducted health awareness programs in local schools and eye camps for cataract scanning, with surgeries funded by the Rotary Club of Karachi Karsaz.

Communicate to relevant media outlets what the group is doing and how other community residents can get involved.

Team Building Tip Always incorporate community members’ skills before seeking outside assistance. Formal training or experience is not always necessary. RCC members should have the ability, interest, and initiative required to learn the basics of the field in which they will be working. Some people have hidden talents that emerge when they work together with others to achieve a common goal. Therefore, it is important to give people who desire to help the opportunity to participate in RCC projects.

Rotary Community Corps Handbook



Set Attainable Goals

Words of Advice

It is essential to the RCC’s success that its leaders and Rotary club representatives establish the RCC’s overall goals, taking into consideration the community needs assessment. Set goals that are attainable based on your club and community resources. The broad goals and objectives represent what the RCC hopes to achieve and reflect the mission statement (for example,“to improve and foster public health by establishing a community health clinic”). The goals should be community specific, practical, and realistic. Objectives should be measurable and achievable. In defining the RCC’s goals, consider the following: Identify where the RCC would have the greatest impact. Prioritize the community’s needs in relation to the RCC’s capabilities — undertaking projects that are too large can present problems. Create a timeline for a project’s completion and consider events that might affect implementation. Consider project sustainability. For example, if special equipment is involved, a community member with the knowledge to maintain it will be required. Review the skills and interests of the corps members listed in the asset inventory; consider additional expertise that might be needed. Determine possible funding sources (e.g., microloan program, organizing a cooperative, and/or fundraising). For fundraising strategies and ideas, see Communities in Action: A Guide to Effective Projects (605).

• Rely on a core group to implement an RCC project. • Tap leaders in the community. • Don’t be discouraged by slow progress. • Consider teaming up with a community development institution that has social workers and experience. • Register RCC projects on ProjectLINK to gain support (financial, donated goods, or volunteers) from other Rotary clubs worldwide. • Consider applying for grants offered through The Rotary Foundation to help fund projects. • Bring club members and sister clubs to the RCC project site so they appreciate the project and provide ideas and support. • Document, photograph, and recognize efforts of Rotarians and RCC members. • Share achievements with the district and RI.

Monitor and Evaluate Set a timeline for monitoring and evaluating your project to determine if the established goal has been, or is on track to be met. The evaluation timeline will vary, depending on the size and type of project. Consider sending updates on the project’s progress to donors or potential donors. Remember to document your RCC activities and keep detailed financial records for donors requesting reports. Monitoring and evaluation will ensure the continued transparency and success of the project.

“One of the first RCC projects seen by Past RI President M.A.T. Caparas [of the Philippines] was a well in Cagayan de Oro, in the big island of Mindanao, Southern Philippines. When the water started flowing, there were tears in the eyes of women in the community; they no longer had to carry water buckets up a hill to their homes!” — Jun Tambunting, Past District Governor



Rotary Community Corps Handbook

Clean-Up Day — Sample Action Plan



TIME FRAME (to finish)


Initial meetings

Resident groups, Rotarian representatives

4 months before

Discuss RCC formation process

Project planning

RCC group, Rotarian representatives, speaker/facilitator

4 months before

Plan project

Press release

Rotarians, club PR contact, press

1 month before

Create public awareness and involvement

Clean-Up Day

General public, RCC participants

day of event

Meet RCC’s goals of improving the community’s environment


General public, RCC participants

1 week after event

Get feedback, distribute information on project’s success, thank participants

Rotary Community Corps Handbook



Use Rotary Resources

Model Projects

Rotary Internal and The Rotary Foundation offer various publications, databases, grants, and other resources for implementing RCC projects.

RCCs can publish their successfully completed projects on ProjectLINK by submitting the ProjectLINK Model Project Submission Form. RCCs looking for project ideas can refer to the listed model projects.

World Community Service (WCS) World Community Service occurs whenever a Rotary club in one country assists a club in another country with a service project. An RCC project seeking international funding, donated goods, and/or volunteers may be registered as a WCS project. The online ProjectLINK database, available at, publicizes hundreds of Rotary club, Rotaract club, and RCC projects needing assistance. A sponsor Rotary club can register a project on behalf of the RCC (provided the club complies with RI and Rotary Foundation reporting and stewardship policies) using the downloadable ProjectLINK Submission Form: Project Seeking Support.

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Supporting projects through a Matching Grant

The Rotary Club of Agrabad partnered with the Rotary Club of Hiroshima North (Japan) to provide a Matching Grant for projects initiated by the RCC of Masajidda, which the Agrabad club sponsors. Projects include a tube well for clean drinking water, computer and sewing training centers, free monthly eye clinics, sapling plantation, and literacy schools.



Rotary Community Corps Handbook

Rotary Volunteers The Rotary Volunteers database is an online registry of Rotarian and non-Rotarian volunteers who have numerous skills and are willing to serve abroad and assist an RCC project, either in the planning or execution stages. Rotary Foundation Grants Matching Grants provide matching funds for the international service projects of Rotary clubs and districts. Clubs and districts interested in Matching Grants are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible in the Rotary year. The Foundation’s new Future Vision Plan offers two types of grants: Rotary Foundation District Grants and Rotary Foundation Global Grants. For more information on how to apply for a grant, contact your district Rotary Foundation chair or go to Publications Rotary Community Corps Brochure (779) This full-color brochure for Rotarians provides a general overview of the program and examples of successful RCC projects. It can be distributed at club and district meetings. Rotary Community Corps: Changing Lives, Shaping the Future (780) This brochure is a recruiting resource that Rotary clubs can give to prospective RCC members in their community. The back panel of the brochure has a blank space for attaching a label with your club or RCC contact information.

Communities in Action/Community Assessment Tools (605) The Communities in Action handbook provides stepby-step instructions on how to develop, carry out, and evaluate a service project. The information can be applied to any type of service project the RCC is interested in undertaking. Community Assessment Tools provides a set of practical methods for clubs to learn about and identify important issues and project resources in their communities. World Community Service Handbook (742) The handbook includes information for finding support for and publicizing projects, as well as donations-inkind and disaster relief.

Marketing ideas Create an interactive project display. Post the goals, mission statement, and strategies of the project. Include news and updates of the project’s status. Use maps, drawings, and photos. Ask the community for feedback via a paper handout, suggestion box, etc., and record responses for later evaluation. Create a photo gallery featuring the project. Host a dinner discussion about the project.


Hold talks on the project at a community center.


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Organizing a youth orchestra

The RCC Alianza para la Educación established a youth orchestra for children in the community of El Talar. Through this program, the RCC aims to promote selfesteem and develop the techniques and social skills necessary for artistic and professional development in children, particularly those in vulnerable social conditions. In addition, children who register for the program are given a health exam to raise awareness and promote preventive measures for medical conditions. Agreements have been made with governmental entities that will allow diagnosed medical problems to be treated.

Promote the RCC Initiative in the Community Transforming a community involves building relationships and invoking change. What better way to get community members involved than to advertise your RCC’s current efforts and celebrate its achievements. Marketing your RCC’s work will allow the entire community to see the project’s results while encouraging residents to get involved and offer feedback. For more information on promoting service projects, see “Public Relations” in Communities in Action: A Guide to Effective Projects (605). Beyond Your Community Discover new project ideas, market community efforts, and search for global resources via the online ProjectLINK database, and by taking advantage of Rotary International’s social media, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, and YouTube ( Another useful resource is the International Service Update. This newsletter combines current information on World Community Service, Rotary Volunteers, and RCCs that your club or district can use to administer international service projects in your area. Sign up for this free e-mail newsletter at Rotary Community Corps Handbook



Obtain Feedback on Completed Projects Adapt the form below to solicit feedback on completed projects from community and RCC members.

Sample feedback form What was your involvement in the project? What skills did you use? Did you feel that your skills were utilized? What is your understanding of the objectives of the RCC and its project? What motivated you to get involved? What impact has your project had on the community?

Was the completed project able to address the original goals and objectives of your RCC? What was particularly successful about the project? What improvements would you make if the project was done again? What would your advice be to others organizing a similar project? Any other comments?

Thank you for your time. Please return this form to:

For more information on assessing project effectiveness, see “Evaluating Success� in Communities in Action: A Guide to Effective Projects (605).



Rotary Community Corps Handbook

Club and District Administration of RCCs

Rotary Community Corps is an integral part of a club’s balanced service program and provides a means to expand its service endeavors to include non-Rotary members in addressing community concerns. It is recommended that clubs and districts establish RCC committees with the objective of promoting greater participation and collaboration in all types of community service activities. Club presidents and governors are encouraged to appoint their RCC committee chairs as ex officio members of the club service projects committee and the district community service committee, when appropriate.

The following guidelines will help RCC committee chairs effectively carry out their responsibilities.

A Guide for Rotary Club RCC Committee Chairs The club RCC committee should: • Become familiar with the RCC pages on the RI website and all RCC publications. • Create awareness of the RCC program among club members and promote the benefits of sponsoring an RCC. • Research the need for and feasibility of establishing an RCC, and identify potential RCC members.

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Sponsoring RYLA training

The RCCs of Gurabo, La Torre, Los Almacigos, and Los Higos sent 66 young adults on a RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) training weekend with the help of many Rotary clubs in the area. Three Rotarians and five RCC members joined the youth for the program. Activities included hand-washing tutorials, antiviolence workshops, and nutrition discussions.

• Guide the process of forming an RCC once the club has agreed to sponsor one. • Provide ongoing guidance and support to the RCC in developing its service projects. • Collaborate with other relevant committees to determine how the club and RCC can work together. • Help your RCC register its project on ProjectLINK to gain support from other Rotary clubs. • Network with local organizations that your club and RCC can collaborate with on service projects. • Invite club members’ spouses and family members, Rotaractors, Interactors, and Rotary Foundation alumni to participate in RCC service projects. • Keep your district informed of the status of your club’s RCC and all RCC activities. • Share successful RCC project stories and photos with RI.

Rotary Community Corps Handbook



A Guide for District RCC Committee Chairs The district RCC committee should: • Promote understanding of and participation in the RCC program through regular contact with clubs in the district and through district meetings. • Encourage clubs to perform community assessments to determine the feasibility of forming RCCs. • Help clubs in establishing RCCs and instruct them on how the RCCs can be officially chartered by RI. • Assist clubs in registering their RCC’s projects on ProjectLINK. • Share knowledge with clubs about non-Rotary service organizations in the district and identify areas for possible cooperation. • Link clubs with RCCs that are working on similar projects or those that are in need of additional support. • Urge clubs to send reports and photos of successful RCC projects for promotion via the district website, governor’s monthly newsletter, and RI publications. 18


Rotary Community Corps Handbook

• Administer districtwide RCC projects. • Maintain records of RCC status and activities in the district, and report periodically to the governor and Secretariat. For more on RCC administration, see “Managing Project Activities” in Communities in Action: A Guide to Effective Projects (605).

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Establishing a microenterprise venture

The RCC of Houston, Texas, based in a poor, at-risk Latino neighborhood outside of Houston, focuses its efforts in the jewelry business. A designer from Texas-based department store Neiman Marcus has offered to teach women from the community how to be successful in this industry. The Rotary Club of Houston develops business partnerships for the women to sell their products. Project participants have received custom design orders due to these efforts. The Rotary Club of Houston plans to expand this microbusiness venture to Rotary clubs in other cities and states.

RCC Project Highlight Microcredit project in the Philippines creates opportunities for small enterprises and livelihood projects In 2000-01, the Rotary Club of Parañaque, Rizal, Philippines, established the Rotary Community Corps of Sitio Malaya in the neighborhoods of Sitio Malaya, Tuyuan, and Cubic Side in Merville, Parañaque City. This RCC participates in a microcredit project sponsored by the Rotary Club of Parañaque. By providing small loans and helping RCC members create and expand small businesses and livelihood projects, the Rotary club hopes to create an environment of financial independence. The Malaya Tuyuan Multipurpose Cooperative was created in 2008 to provide a means of income to its members, who are also members of the Sitio Malaya RCC. This cooperative sells affordable basic necessities to the community, and the money raised is used as a means to decrease dependency on the Parañaque club. The project has been registered as a WCS project on ProjectLINK for three years, and also received a Matching Grant to help with funding. This project loans money to small businesses and microprojects that are owned by members of the RCC

and in need of assistance, without asking for collateral. Most of the loan recipients are women. Before being granted a loan, they are asked to form self-help groups of five to eight members, which helps ensure, through mutual support and accountability, that the loans will be repaid. In this way, the project promotes self-sufficiency among the RCC members. Once a group has been formed, its members are trained in the procedures and principles of the credit plan, microenterprise management, livelihood skills, and value formation. The project has been a success. Over 200 families have seen improvements in their quality of life, and in the economic and social conditions of the area. In addition, the collection record for the project is 100 percent, demonstrating that the members of the RCC have learned the importance of loan repayment to improve their credit. Currently, the 30 borrowers in the Malaya Tuyuan Multipurpose Cooperative are on their eighth loan cycle. They have consistently repaid their loans in full and are successful business owners and entrepreneurs. This cooperative has saved its own funds over the years, which will help to decrease its dependency on the Parañaque club and increase its sustainability.

Rotary Community Corps Handbook



Guidelines for Rotary Community Corps

ARTICLE I — Purpose and Goals The purpose of the Rotary Community Corps program is to improve community living and enhance the enjoyment of life by encouraging community members to contribute to these goals by acting in the spirit of service to the community and their fellow man. The goals of the Rotary Community Corps program are: a) To encourage individuals to take responsibility for the improvement of their village, neighborhood, or community; b) To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations; c) To mobilize self-help activities and collective work to improve the quality of life; and d) To encourage the development of human potential to its fullest, within the context of the local culture and community. ARTICLE II — Sponsorship The sponsorship of each Corps shall be one or more local Rotary clubs which, through a committee of Rotarians, shall provide counsel on activities, programs, and policies of the Corps. The continued existence of the Corps shall depend on the continued active participation of the sponsoring Rotary club. The members of the Corps are not members of the sponsoring club and are not to be considered as associate or apprentice Rotarians. ARTICLE III — Membership a) The membership of each Corps shall consist of adults with good character and leadership potential. Membership shall be open to men and women, who are residing, employed, or studying in or near the Corps’ village or community.



Rotary Community Corps Handbook

b) The method of electing members of each Corps shall be determined by the Corps in consultation with the sponsoring Rotary club. c) Membership may be terminated (a) upon failure to continue to meet the qualifications for membership, or (b) for cause, as determined by the Corps by vote of not less than 2/3 of all the members in good standing. ARTICLE IV — Meetings a) Each Corps shall meet not less than once per month, at a time and place suited to the convenience of the members. b) The leadership group of each Corps shall meet not less than twice per month. c) No meeting of the Corps or of its leadership group shall be deemed official unless a member of the Rotary Community Corps committee (or other Rotarian designated by the Rotary club president) of the sponsoring Rotary club is in attendance. ARTICLE V — Leadership Group a) The leadership group of each Corps shall consist of as many members as the Corps itself shall determine, in consultation with the sponsoring Rotary club, all to be elected from among the members in good standing. b) Election of members of the leadership group shall be by methods compatible with local customs and procedures, but in no case shall more than a simple majority vote be required for election. c) The leadership group shall elect from among themselves a representative, who shall represent the Corps in dealings with the sponsoring Rotary club and the public. d) The term of office of all Corps leaders shall be one year, unless a shorter term is determined by the Corps in consultation with its sponsoring Rotary club.

ARTICLE VI — Activities and Projects

ARTICLE VIII — Fees and Dues

a) Each Corps shall be responsible for planning, organizing, financing, and conducting its own activities and shall itself supply the manpower and creative imagination necessary thereto, except that in the case of joint projects or activities undertaken in cooperation with other organizations, such responsibility shall be shared with such other organization(s). Members working on Corps projects may be paid reasonable compensation for their work, out of the revenue from such projects. Projects may be undertaken partially in order to provide gainful employment to the members, but the net proceeds from the project shall be expended for the service projects of the Corps.

a) Any fees, dues, or assessments to be paid by the membership of the Corps shall be nominal and shall be for the sole purpose of meeting administrative costs.

b) Each Corps shall undertake among its activities at least two major projects annually. One of the major projects shall be to serve the community and the other shall be to promote the recognition of the dignity and value of all useful occupations. Such major projects shall involve all or most of the members of the Corps. c) Each Corps shall raise the funds necessary to carry out its programs. It shall not solicit or accept more than occasional or incidental financial assistance from its sponsoring Rotary club, nor shall it make general solicitations from other Rotary clubs or other Rotary Community Corps. It shall not solicit financial assistance from individuals, businesses, or organizations in the community without prior approval of the sponsoring Rotary club. ARTICLE VII — Committees a) The Corps representative, with the approval of the leadership group, may appoint such committees as he or she may deem necessary, citing their duties at the time of appointment. All such committees shall lapse upon completion of their duties, upon discharge by the appointing Corps representative, or with the end of his or her term of office, whichever occurs first.

b) Funds for activities and projects undertaken shall be raised apart from such fees or assessments. c) A thorough audit by a qualified person shall be made once each year of all financial transactions and reported to the members of the Corps and to the sponsoring Rotary club. ARTICLE IX — Acceptance of Guidelines All members of Rotary Community Corps, by their acceptance of membership and continuation thereof, accept the principles of the Rotary Community Corps expressed herein and agree to comply with and be bound by these Guidelines. No member shall be absolved from the observance of these Guidelines on the plea that he or she has not received a copy of them. ARTICLE X — Adoption of Bylaws Each Corps shall adopt bylaws for its management and governance. The bylaws shall be similar to the “Recommended Bylaws for Rotary Community Corps” as approved by the Board of Directors of Rotary International, but such recommended bylaws may be modified to accommodate local customs and procedures. ARTICLE XI — Emblem The emblem of the Rotary Community Corps shall be preserved for the exclusive use and benefit of its members. Members shall be entitled to wear or otherwise display the emblem in a dignified and appropriate manner during the period of their membership. Each member shall relinquish such entitlement upon termination of his or her membership or upon termination of the Corps.

b) Committees for administration, vocational service, community service, and finance are recommended for each Corps.

Rotary Community Corps Handbook



ARTICLE XII — Duration a) Each Corps shall exist so long as it continues to function in accordance with the provisions of these Guidelines or until it is terminated: 1) by the Corps upon its own determination and action; 2) by the sponsoring Rotary club upon withdrawal of its sponsorship of the Corps; or 3) by Rotary International for failure of the Corps to function in accordance with these Guidelines or for other cause. b) Upon termination of the Corps, all rights and privileges relating to the Rotary Community Corps name and emblem shall be relinquished by the Corps and by its members individually and collectively.



Rotary Community Corps Handbook

ARTICLE XIII — Amendments These Guidelines may be amended only by action of the Board of Directors of Rotary International.

Recommended Bylaws for Rotary Community Corps SECTION A — Name The name of this organization shall be the Rotary Community Corps of


sponsored by the Rotary Club of


SECTION B — Approval of Guidelines This organization shall be conducted in accordance with the“Guidelines for Rotary Community Corps”as adopted by the Board of Directors of Rotary International.

2) Treasurer. One member of the leadership group shall be treasurer and have custody of all Corps funds, maintaining all necessary records, and depositing all such funds in a bank approved by the leadership group. The treasurer shall report on the Corps’ financial status at each meeting of the Corps and shall hold all records available for inspection by any member. All disbursements shall be by check which shall require the signatures of two authorized members of the leadership group. SECTION E — Meetings

SECTION C — Elections 1) Elections to choose the members of the leadership group shall be held annually prior to the

day of in each year. The representative shall be elected by the leadership group within one week after their election. Those elected as the leadership group and the

representative shall take office on the

day of

following their election.

2) Nominations for election to the leadership group shall be made in writing and filed with the representative at least one week before the regular meeting at which voting shall be held. Notice of the election shall be made at the regular meeting preceding the election. Voting shall be by secret ballot. Those candidates receiving a majority of the votes of the members present and in good standing shall be elected, provided a quorum is present at the meeting. SECTION D — Duties of Officers 1) Representative. The representative shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Corps and of the leadership group. He or she shall, with the approval of the leadership group, fill all vacancies by appointment, until the next regular election of the Corps. He or she shall be an ex officio member of all committees with the right to vote.

1) The Corps and the leadership group shall each meet regularly at such time and place as they may determine. The Corps shall meet not less than once each month, and the leadership group shall meet not less than twice each month. 2) A majority of the members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the Corps. Any four members of the leadership group shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the group. No meeting of the Corps or of the leadership group shall be deemed official unless a member of the Rotary Community Corps committee (or a Rotarian designated by the Rotary club president) of the sponsoring Rotary club is in attendance. SECTION F — Fees and Dues 1) The admission fee for new members shall be

. Annual dues shall be paid at the rate of

per month.

2) All fees and dues must be paid before a member will be considered in good standing.

Rotary Community Corps Handbook



Rotary Youth Exchange Long-Term Program Application

Submit completed application to:

Number of Copies of Application to be Submitted: Four (4)

Read Instructions

Instructions for Rotary Youth Exchange Program Application Read all directions on each page carefully before completing the application. Use the checklist on the last page to ensure that you have completed all sections and obtained all necessary signatures.

If you are accepted as an exchange student, this application will be sent to your host country and will serve as your introduction to the people who are being asked to host you. The information you provide will help to determine your acceptance in the Rotary Youth Exchange program, and your placement in a host family, school, and community. Furthermore, your information will be provided to Rotary International. It will only be used for official RI business and will not be sold to or shared with third parties, unless its release is required by law.

Components of Your Application Your application consists of: •

All forms in this application, along with your student and parent letters (Section B)

Any additional information or reports from your doctor or dentist

Copies of your passport or birth certificate

Copies of your school transcript

Filling Out Your Application Your application must be legible. Only computer-generated (or typed) applications are accepted (no hand-written applications). Answer all questions completely and as asked (do not write “same,” “see above,” or “see page __”). Enter your information directly onto the application unless directed otherwise. Make sure to use correct grammar and spelling. Make note of the formats specified for date fields and other items. Wherever the application asks for your full legal name, enter your name exactly as it appears on your passport or birth certificate.

Printing Your Application and Signing the Forms You may need to submit several complete sets of this application – your local Rotary district/club will tell you how many sets are required. You may also wish to make an additional set for your own records. Be sure to provide computer-printed forms or good-quality photocopies. All signatures on all sets must be ORIGINAL and with BLUE ink. To accomplish this: 1.

Complete the application form. Do not sign it.


Print the required number of sets of the completed application (if using a typewriter, make good-quality photocopies of your original).


Sign all of the sets yourself, then have your parents/legal guardians sign all sets.


Medical and dental forms: Ask your physician and dentist to make the appropriate number of photocopies of the completed medical/dental form before signing it and then to sign each copy in blue ink.

The photo of yourself that you attach to Section A, page 1, and the photos required by Section B, must be original photographs or good quality color prints on all sets. You may digitally insert the photos into the document, or physically attach them with glue or two-sided tape (no staples).

Additional Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The deadline for this application will be established by the sponsoring Rotary District and local Rotary Club. Applications WILL NOT be accepted after the deadline date. They will also dictate the number of copies you are required to submit. Hand-written applications will not be accepted. Use Acrobat Reader to complete your application, or, if necessary, a typewriter. Collate the sets appropriately, attach all photos where indicated, include your letters/photos (Section B), and your checklist (final page). Do not submit this instruction page or the cover page that precedes it. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the School Reference Form (Section H) is completed and sent in by the teacher/administrator in time for the application deadline. When putting the applications together, use only PAPER CLIPS. Do not staple or otherwise bind your applications.

Questions? If you have any questions about completing this application, check with your local Rotary club’s Youth Exchange Officer. Once you’ve completed your application, return it to your local Rotary club/district as they’ve instructed.

Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth Rotary International strives to create and maintain a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. To the best of their ability, Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouses and partners, and other volunteers must safeguard the children and young people they come into contact with and protect them from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Adopted by the Rotary International Board of Directors, November 2006

Rotary District 3350


Rotary Youth Exchange Long-Term Exchange Program

Provide a recent, good-quality color photo of yourself (head and shoulders). Make sure your entire head is fully visible. Do not include other people or props in the photo.

Section A: Personal Information

Insert the photo digitally into the document, or attach with glue or double-sided tape; do not staple.

Before you begin your application, be sure to read all instructions on the prior page.

Size: 2 x 2½ in. (5 x 6.5 cm)

1. Applicant Information Full Legal Name as on passport or birth certificate (use uppercase for your FAMILY name; e.g., John David SMITH)

Name You Wish to be Called Male Female

Home Address – Street



Postal Code


Postal Address (if different) - Street



Postal Code


E-mail Address

Home Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number

Place of Birth (City, State/Province, Country)

Citizen of (Country)

Date of Birth (e.g., 25/Jan/1999)

2. Parent/Legal Guardian Information Full Name of Father/Legal Guardian

Rotarian? Yes

Address – Street

If yes, name of Rotary Club No



Postal Code

E-mail Address

Home Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number


Business Phone Number

Fax Phone Number

Full Name of Mother/Legal Guardian

Rotarian? Yes

Address – Street

If yes, name of Rotary Club No



Postal Code

E-mail Address

Home Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number


Business Phone Number

Fax Phone Number

In the event of an emergency, which parent or legal guardian should be contacted first (you must select one)? Father


Authorizations must be obtained from all parents/legal guardians and others who have legal rights to decisions affecting the student’s participation. Explanation is required if signatures of two parents or legal guardians are not provided.

Name of Sponsor District Youth Exchange Chair

E-mail Address

Name of Sponsor Club Youth Exchange Officer

E-mail Address

3350 Sponsor Rotary Club


Check here if your parents are divorced or separated.

3. Sponsor District and Rotary Club Sponsor District Number


Page 1 of 13

Applicant Name

4. Personal Background Religion

Dietary Restrictions (Enter “None”, or explain with details – e.g., vegetarian, vegan, allergic to…)

Do you smoke or use tobacco products?

If yes, please explain.


No If yes, please explain.

Do you drink alcohol? Yes


Have you ever used illegal drugs? Yes

Do you have a steady boy/girlfriend? Yes

If yes, please explain.

No If yes, how long have you been together, and how often do you go out?


Answering yes to these questions will not automatically eliminate you as a candidate; however, it may require special consideration of host family or country assignments.

5. Siblings (add pages as necessary) Name



Occupation or School Grade/Level

Living at Home?





















6. Languages Your Native Language Non-Native Language(s)

Years Studied


Proficiency in Non-Native Language(s) (indicate Poor, Fair, Good, or Fluent) Reading


7. Secondary School Information Name of Secondary School You Currently Attend

School Phone Number

Address – Street

Number of grades/levels at your school


School Fax Number


Your current grade level (e.g., 10th, 11th)

Month and year you expect to graduate

Postal Code


No. of years you’ve attended this school

List the courses you are currently taking

Consult with a school official or guidance counselor to find out the following information: Total number of students at your school Number of students in your grade level

Name and title of school official or counselor that you consulted

Your approx. class ranking (e.g., top 10%, 12th of 56)

E-mail address of school official or counselor

Attach a transcript, in English, of all secondary school courses completed with grades you received. Also attach your most recent grade report from the current year.

Click here to continue entry Page 2 of 13

Rotary District 3350

Applicant Name

Rotary Youth Exchange – Long-Term Exchange Program Section B: Letters and Photos Student’s Letter Write a letter introducing yourself to your future host club and host families. Keep in mind that this will be their first impression of you. Incorporate your answers to the following questions in your letter, providing as much detail as possible (if you need help generating details, also consider the italicized questions in parentheses). Specifications: Type your letter on a separate sheet (or sheets) of paper, and include your name on each. Attach your letter to this page. Maximum length: 3 pages. 1. What do you do when you have free time? 2. What you do at your school? (How many subjects do you take? What are they? How long are the classes? What is your daily schedule during the school year? Start with when you wake-up and discuss only one typical day’s schedule.) Are you able to choose courses at your school? If so, which courses did you choose, and why? 3. What are your school interests and activities? What leadership positions have you held? 4. How would you describe your home? (Do you have your own room, or do you share your room with others? Where in your house do you study? How far is your home from your school? Do you drive, ride a bus, or walk to school?) 5. What are the occupations of your mother and father? (What product or service does each make or perform? What is her/his position or title?) 6. How would you describe your community? (Is it in or near a major city? What is the population? industry? economy?) 7. What are your interests and accomplishments? (Are you interested in art, literature, music, sports, other activities? How did you become interested in the activity? How long have you been interested? How much time do you devote to the activity?) 8. What trips have you taken outside your country? Why did you take these trips, with whom, for how long? 9. What things do you dislike? (Do you dislike certain foods, animals, treatment by other people, etc.?) 10. What do you feel are your strong, and weak, characteristics? 11. What are your plans and ambitions for your education and career? Why? 12. What do you specifically hope to accomplish as an exchange student, both during your exchange and when you return?

Parent’s Letter Write a letter to your child’s host club and families, incorporating your answers to the following questions in your letter. Specifications: Type your letter on a separate sheet (or sheets) of paper, and include your child’s name on each. Attach your letter to this page. Maximum length: 2 pages. 1. How would you describe your child’s relationship with you and your family? with his/her friends? 2. How does your child react to disagreement, discipline, and frustration? 3. How does your child handle challenging or difficult situations? 4. What amount of independence do you give to your child? What is your child’s level of maturity? 5. What makes you proud of your child? 6. Why do you want your child to be an exchange student? 7. Are there any other comments you would like to share with the host families?

Page 3 of 13

Applicant Name

Student’s Photos Select a color photograph for each topic below, and digitally insert or attach each photo to this page with glue or double-sided tape (do not staple). Include brief captions, to describe the photos. MY FAMILY


Photo that includes

Photo of you participating

members of your

in your favorite

immediate family

hobby or activity



Photo of your house

Photo of your friends, pet,

or building where

musical instrument, etc.

you live

Page 4 of 13

Rotary District 3350

Applicant Name

Rotary Youth Exchange – Long-Term Exchange Program Section C: Medical History and Examination Physician: This student is considering a year abroad as an exchange student. Insufficient, inadequate, or improper information about medications or psychiatric, psychological, or other medical problems could endanger the student’s life while overseas. Allergy information is especially crucial to host family placement and student well-being. An immediate relative of the applicant may not complete the examination or fill out this form. Please type or print clearly. Please submit multiple copies of the form as directed, with original signatures in blue ink on each copy. Applicant’s Full Legal Name

Date of Birth Male Female

Home Address – Street



E-mail Address

Home Phone Number

Postal Code


Mobile Phone Number

Medical History 1. How long has the applicant been the patient of the physician? 2. Has the applicant ever been diagnosed with or received treatment, attention, or advice from a physician or other practitioner for:

Yes a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m.



Allergies Anorexia/bulimia/other eating disorder* Appendicitis Arthritis Asthma Attention deficit disorder* Bowel problems Cancer Diabetes Epilepsy/seizures Hearing loss Heart disease Hernia

n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z.


Liver disease/hepatitis Malaria Menstrual disorders Mental disorders* Pneumonia Rheumatic fever Serious headache/migraine Stomach ulcer Typhoid fever Urinary tract infection Vertigo/dizziness Visual correction – eyeglasses/contact lenses Visual problems – other Yes

3. Has the applicant:

a. Had any surgical operation not revealed in question 2, or gone to a hospital, clinic, dispensary, or sanatorium for observation, examination, or treatment not revealed in question 2? b. Taken any prescribed medication in the past six months? c. *Presented any history or current evidence of nervous, emotional, or mental abnormality, functional nervous breakdown, nervous fatigue, depression, suicide attempts, eating disorders, or antisocial behavior? d. Ever used heroin, cocaine, marijuana or other hallucinogens, amphetamines, or other street drugs? e. Ever received treatment for or advice about a problem with alcohol or drug use, either from a physician/other practitioner or an organization that assists those who have an alcohol or drug problem? f. Had excessive weight gain or loss recently? g. Suffered chest pain, wheezing, shortness of breath, or fainting episodes? h. Suffered chronic diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or constipation? i. Exhibited chronic skin conditions (e.g., severe acne, eczema, psoriasis)? j. Suffered weakness of neurological or muscular skeletal system? k. Had any dietary restrictions? If yes, specify and note reason (medical, religious, personal choice): If you answered “Yes” for any parts of questions 2 and 3, please explain: *Affirmative answers to questions 2b, 2f, 2q, and/or 3c require a letter of explanation from the treating physician.

Question (e.g., 2e)

Nature and severity of disorder, diagnosis, frequency of attacks, prognosis, and treatment

Page 5 of 13

Dates and duration


Applicant Name 4. Will the applicant be bringing any prescribed medication on the exchange?



If yes, please list each medication, including the international and generic names, compound symbols, dosage, frequency, and reason for use: Prescribed Medication


Reason for Use

5. Indicate year when the applicant had the following infectious diseases (or indicate that he or she has not):

Measles (rubeola)



Whooping cough (pertussis)

Rubella (German measles)

Chicken pox

Scarlet fever


6. The applicant has been immunized against the following diseases (clearly state the dates of all doses received):

Immunizations are a prerequisite to school attendance in many locations. The host country or school may require additional immunizations. Number of Doses


Dates of each dose (e.g., 25/Jan/2006)



Measles (rubeola)

Whooping cough (pertussis)

Polio (Sabin-3 or more TOPV, Salk-4 or more IPV)


Hepatitis B

Rubella (German measles)

Other (specify)

Number of Doses

Dates of each dose (e.g., 25/Jan/2006)

Mumps Additional comments: 7. Tuberculosis screening: The applicant must present evidence of recent (within 3 months) Mantoux/PPD skin test.

Date of screening (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)


. If a different test was administered or the applicant received a BCG vaccine,

please explain methods and treatments used to obtain screening results:

Physical Examination Height:


Blood Pressure: Sys.


Pulse rate/minute:

8. Does today’s examination show any abnormal findings for:

Yes No Yes No Yes No Heart (murmur, pressure) Abdomen (mass) Extremities (muscular) Hernias Skeletal system Rectal Lymph nodes/breasts Neurological Skin Genitalia If yes, please provide detailed information on a separate page (typed or computer-generated with the applicant’s full legal name and date of birth at the top of each page). Yes


Head and neck Ear, nose, throat Chest/lungs

CERTIFICATION I certify that I hold a valid current license to practice medicine and am not an immediate relative of the patient, and that I have personally examined the applicant and reported my findings as noted above and the attached page(s) (if additional pages are attached, please check here: ). I find the applicant: In good health and not suffering from any mental or medical condition(s) that would preclude participation in the Rotary Youth Exchange program. Suffering from mental or medical condition(s) as noted in my report that could impact his/her participation. Additionally, I find the applicant in good health and not suffering from any condition(s) that would preclude participation in sporting/physical activities of the applicant’s choice. Yes No Physician’s Name (type or print)

Signature (in blue ink)

Physician’s address, phone, and fax (type or stamp)

Page 6 of 13

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Rotary District 3350

Applicant Name

Rotary Youth Exchange – Long-Term Exchange Program Section D: Dental Health and Examination Dentist: This student is considering a year abroad as an exchange student. Insufficient, inadequate, or improper information about the student’s dental health, medications, or other problems could endanger this student while overseas. An immediate relative of the student may not complete the dental examination. Please type or print clearly. Please submit multiple copies of the form as directed, with original signatures in blue ink on each copy. Applicant’s Full Legal Name

Date of Birth

Home Address – Street



E-mail Address

Home Phone Number

Male Female Postal Code


Mobile Phone Number

Dental Examination 1. Is the applicant in good dental health?



2. Does the applicant require dental work at this time?



3. Do you foresee the applicant requiring any dental work while abroad?



If yes, please explain below (use space at bottom or additional pages if needed):

CERTIFICATION I certify that I hold a valid current license to practice dentistry and am not an immediate relative of the patient, and that I have personally examined the applicant and reported my findings as noted herein. Dentist’s Name (type or print)

Signature (in blue ink)

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Dentist’s address, phone, and fax (type or stamp)

Enter any additional comments below. (If additional pages are necessary, attach them and please check here:

Page 7 of 13


Rotary District 3350

Applicant Name

Rotary Youth Exchange – Long-Term Exchange Program Section E: Student, Parent, & Sponsor Endorsements (Guarantee Form / Visa Application Supporting Document) Full Legal Name as on passport or birth certificate (use uppercase for your FAMILY name; e.g., John David SMITH)

Name You Wish to be Called

Home Address – Street



Postal Code


Postal Address (if different) - Street



Postal Code


Male Female

E-mail Address

Home Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number

Place of Birth (City, State/Province, Country)

Citizen of (Country)

Date of Birth (e.g., 25/Jan/1999)

(A) APPLICANT GUARANTEE I, the applicant named above, agree to do the following: (1) Purchase round-trip air travel before I depart my home country; (2) abide by the rules and decisions of the program, accepting advice and supervision of my hosts; (3) attend all orientations and trainings offered by my sponsor and host districts and clubs; and (4) not request permission to stay in my host country, and (5) return home after completion of my exchange. (B) PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN GUARANTEE We, the parents/legal guardians of the above applicant, agree to do the following: (1) Pay all costs of transportation, passport, and visa; (2) pay costs for health and accident or travel insurance, as per program rules; (3) pay for clothing for the applicant’s welfare and any uniforms required; (4) pay additional costs as circumstances arise, e.g., provide an emergency fund, if required by host district, under control of the host Rotary club/district to be returned at completion of the exchange if not used; (5) attend orientation meetings; (6) abide by program rules and follow host district policy on visiting the applicant while he/she is abroad. The Undersigned APPLICANT and PARENTS/GUARDIANS hereby agree to the Applicant’s and Parents’/Guardians’ Guarantee (A and B) and that the applicant is permitted to travel to the host district, live with approved families for up to one year, and attend secondary school. Signed (Applicant) (in blue ink)

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Signed (Father/Guardian) (in blue ink)

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Home Phone


Signed (Mother/Guardian) (in blue ink)

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Home Phone


Witness (Sponsor Rotary club representative) (in blue ink)

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Home Phone


(C) SPONSOR CLUB AND DISTRICT ENDORSEMENT The Rotary Club and Rotary District specified within this section, having interviewed the applicant and his/her parents/legal guardians and having reviewed the student’s application and related documents, hereby endorse the student as qualified for Rotary Youth Exchange and recommend to host clubs and host districts the acceptance of this student. The District agrees to provide adequate orientation to the student and parents before the student’s departure. Sponsor District # Sponsor Club Name Sponsor Club ID #

3350 Name of District Youth Exchange Chair

Name of Sponsor Club President

Name of Sponsor Club Youth Exchange Officer

Street Address of District Youth Exchange Chair

Street Address of Sponsor Club President

Street Address of Sponsor Youth Exchange Officer

City, State, Postal Code of District YE Chair

City, State, Postal Code of Sponsor Club President

City, State, Postal Code of Sponsor Club YE Officer

E-mail Address of District Youth Exchange Chair

E-mail Address of Sponsor Club President

E-mail Address of Sponsor Youth Exchange Officer

Signature of District YE Chair (in blue ink)

Signature of Sponsor Club President (in blue ink)

Signature of Sponsor Club YE Officer (in blue ink)

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Home Phone Number

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Home Phone Number

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Home Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number

Fax Number

Mobile Phone Number

Fax Number

Mobile Phone Number

Fax Number

Page 8 of 13

Rotary District 3350

Applicant Name

Rotary Youth Exchange – Long-Term Exchange Program Section F: Host Club, District, & School Endorsements (Guarantee Form / Visa Application Supporting Document) Full Legal Name as on passport or birth certificate (use uppercase for your FAMILY name; e.g., John David SMITH) Place of Birth (City, State/Province, Country)

Name You Wish to be Called

Male Female Date of Birth (e.g., 25/Jan/1999)

Citizen of (Country)

(A) HOST CLUB AND DISTRICT GUARANTEE The Rotary Club and Rotary District specified within this section will provide room and board in approved homes, provide up to one year of study at the secondary school level, invite the applicant to participate in Rotary club and district events and activities typical of the host country, and provide guidance and supervision to assure the applicant’s welfare. The host Rotary club will also give the applicant a monthly allowance as specified below. The host Rotary District agrees to ensure appropriate screening, selection, and training for host families and Youth Exchange volunteers and orientation for the student upon his/her arrival. Host Country Host Club Name Host Club ID # Host District #

Monthly Allowance

Arrival Airport in Host Country

Airport Code

Name of District Youth Exchange Chair

Name of Host Club President

Name of Host Club Youth Exchange Officer

Signature of District Youth Exchange Chair

Signature of Host Club President

Signature of Host Club Youth Exchange Officer

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Home Phone Number

E-mail Address of District Youth Exchange Chair

Home Phone Number

E-mail Address of Host Club President

Arrival Date(s)

Home Phone Number

E-mail Address of Host Club Youth Exchange Officer


E-mail Address

Address – Street Home Phone Number



Business Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number

Postal Code


Fax Number

(C) SCHOOLING GUARANTEE (To be completed by the school the applicant will attend in host country.) The applicant will attend school from date of school start for one school year. Costs of tuition and activities not a part of the normal curriculum must be paid by the applicant or his/her parents/guardians. Name of School Phone Number Fax Number Date School Starts Address – Street Affix School’s Stamp or Official Seal



Postal Code


Name and Title of School Official


E-mail Address

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)

Name of Host Father

Host Father’s E-mail Address

Business Phone

Mobile Phone

Name of Host Mother

Host Mother’s E-mail Address

Business Phone

Mobile Phone


Host Family Home Address – Street Home Phone Number



Names and Ages of any Other Adults (18 years of age or older) in the Home

HOST DISTRICT: Please return at least two originals of the completed Endorsements/Guarantee Forms to:

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Postal Code


Rotary District 3350

Applicant Name

Rotary Youth Exchange – Long-Term Exchange Program Section G: Rules and Conditions of Exchange As a Youth Exchange student sponsored by a Rotary club or district, you must agree to the following rules and conditions of exchange. Violation of any of these rules may result in dismissal from the program and immediate return home, at student’s expense. Please note that districts may edit this document or insert additional rules if needed to account for local conditions.

Rules and Conditions of Exchange 1)

You must obey the laws of the host country. If found guilty of violating any law, you can expect no assistance from your sponsors or native country. You must return home at your own expense as soon as released by authorities.


You will be under the host district’s authority while you are an exchange student and must abide by the rules and conditions of exchange provided by the host district. Parents or legal guardians must not authorize any extra activities directly to you. Any relatives you may have in the host country will have no authority over you while you are in the program.


You are not allowed to possess or use illegal drugs. Legal medications that are prescribed to you by a physician are allowed.


The illegal drinking of alcoholic beverages is expressly forbidden. Students who are of legal age should refrain. If your host family offers you an alcoholic drink, it is permissible to accept it under their supervision in the home. Excessive consumption and drunkenness is forbidden.


You may not operate a motorized vehicle, including but not limited to cars, trucks, motorcycles, aircraft, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, boats, and other watercraft, or participate in driver education programs.


Smoking is discouraged. If you state in your application that you do not smoke, you will be held to that position throughout your exchange. Your acceptance and host family placement is based on your signed statement. Under no circumstances are you to smoke in your host family’s bedrooms.


Body piercing or obtaining a tattoo while on your exchange, without the express written permission of your natural parents, host parents, host club, and host district, is prohibited, for health reasons.


You must make every effort to learn the language of the host country, and may be responsible for any costs for tutoring, language camps, or other instruction.


Limit your use of the Internet and mobile phones, as directed by your host district, host club, and host family. Excessive or inappropriate use is not acceptable. Accessing or downloading pornographic material is expressly forbidden.

10) You must attend school regularly and make an honest attempt to succeed. 11) You must have health and accident or travel insurance that provides coverage for accidental injury and illness, death benefits (including repatriation of remains), disability/dismemberment benefits, emergency medical evacuation, emergency visitation expenses, 24hour emergency assistance services, and legal services, in amounts satisfactory to the host Rotary club or district in consultation with the sponsor Rotary club or district, with coverage from the time of your departure from your home country until your return. 12) You must also have liability coverage through a travel insurance or other applicable policy, in amounts satisfactory to the host Rotary club or district in consultation with the sponsor Rotary club or district 13) You must have sufficient financial support to assure your well-being during your exchange. Your host district may require a contingency fund for emergency situations. Unused funds will be returned to you or to your parents or legal guardians at the end of your exchange. 14) You must follow the travel rules of your host district. Travel is permitted with host parents or for Rotary club or district functions authorized by the host Rotary club or district with proper adult chaperones. The host district and club, host family, and your parents or legal guardians must approve any other travel in writing, thus exempting Rotary of responsibility and liability. 15) You must return home directly by a route mutually agreeable to your host district and your parents or legal guardians. 16) Any costs related to an early return home or any other unusual costs (language tutoring, tours, etc.) are the responsibility of you and your parents or legal guardians. 17) Visits by your parents or legal guardians, siblings, or friends while you are on exchange may only take place with the host club’s and district’s consent and within their guidelines. Typically, visits may be arranged only in the last quarter of the exchange or during school breaks and are not allowed during major holidays. 18) Serious romantic activity is to be avoided. Sexual activity is forbidden. 19) Talk with your host club counselor, host parents, or other trusted adult if you encounter any form of abuse or harassment.

Recommendations for a Successful Exchange 1)

You should communicate with your first host family prior to leaving your home country. The family’s information will be provided to you by your host club or district prior to your departure.


Respect your host’s wishes. Become an integral part of the host family, assuming duties and responsibilities normal for a student of your age or for children in the family.



Learn ahead of time as much of the language of your host country as possible, and use the language regularly. Teachers, host parents, Rotary club members, and others you meet in the community will appreciate the effort. It will go a long way in your gaining acceptance in the community and with those who will become lifelong friends. Attend Rotary-sponsored events and host family events, and show an interest in these activities. Volunteer to be involved; do not wait to be asked. Lack of interest on your part is detrimental to your exchange and can have a negative impact on future exchanges.


Get involved in your school and community activities. Plan your recreation and spare-time activities around your school and community friends. Don’t spend all your time with other exchange students. If there is a local Interact club, you are encouraged to join it.


Choose friends in the community carefully. Ask for and heed the advice of host families, counselors, and school personnel in choosing friends.


Do not borrow money. Pay any bills promptly. Ask permission to use the family phone or computer, keep track of all calls and time on the Internet, and reimburse your host family each month for the costs you incur.


If you are offered an opportunity to go on a trip or attend an event, make sure you understand any costs you must pay and your responsibilities before you go.

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Applicant Name

DECLARATION IN CONSIDERATION of the acceptance and participation of the applicant in this program, the undersigned APPLICANT and his/her PARENTS or LEGAL GUARDIANS, to the full extent permitted by law, hereby release and agree to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify all host parents and members of their families, and all members, officers, directors, committee members, and employees of the host and sponsor Rotary clubs and districts, and of Rotary International, from any or all liability for any loss, property damage, personal injury, or death, including any such liability that may arise out of any negligent act or omission, excepting gross negligence or intentional conduct, of any such persons or entities, which may be suffered or claimed by such applicant, parent, or guardian during, or as a result of, the participation by the applicant in such Youth Exchange program, including travel to and from the host country. As the undersigned applicant and undersigned parents or legal guardians of the applicant, we hereby state that we have read and understood the Program Rules and Conditions of Exchange. Should I, as a student, be selected for an exchange, I agree to abide by these rules and others imposed on me with due notice during my time as an exchange student in the host country. We attest that we have read and understand the Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth. We understand that all Rotarians and host families are expected to have read and understand this statement as well. I understand that, if selected for an exchange, I will be provided with training and written material on abuse and harassment and that this information will include the contact information of the person I should contact if I encounter any form of abuse or harassment. The undersigned applicant attests that I am of good health and character, understand the importance of the role of a youth ambassador as a Rotary Youth Exchange student, and will, to the best of my ability, maintain the high standards required of a Rotary Youth Exchange student should I be chosen to represent my sponsor Rotary club and district, school, community, state/province, and country. I further state that all the material contained in this application and the attached documents are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

PERMISSION FOR MEDICAL CARE AND RELEASE OF MEDICAL RECORDS AND LIABILITY We, the parents/legal guardians of the applicant, and I, the applicant, HEREBY AUTHORIZE the release of medical information on application pages ‘Section C: Medical History and Examination,’ acquired in the course of the examinations by the physician and the dentist. We, the parents/legal guardians of the applicant, and the applicant, if of legal age, who have the sole and legal right to make the decisions on the health and care of the applicant, do release from liability and grant permission as noted of the following while our son/daughter/ward is overseas as a Rotary Youth Exchange student: •

• •

• •

In the event of accident or sickness, we/I authorize any Rotarian, authorized chaperones of Rotary activities, and/or host parent(s) of student to select the appropriate medical facility and physician(s)/dentist(s) to provide treatment. We/I give permission for any operation, administration of anesthetic, or blood transfusion that a medical practitioner may deem necessary or advisable for the treatment of our son/daughter/ward. We/I further consent to any medical or surgical treatment by a licensed physician, surgeon, or dentist that might be required by our son/daughter/ward for any emergency situation. We do request that we be notified as soon as possible, but emergency treatment need not be delayed to provide such notice. Permission is granted for immunizations required for school registration. In the case of elective surgery, we/I request that we/I be notified and our permission obtained before such arrangements are made.

We agree to hold harmless Rotary International, any Rotary district, Rotary club, Rotarian, Rotary chaperone, or host family for any intervention in an emergency situation regardless of final outcome. We agree to assume all financial obligations beyond those covered by insurance for any medical treatment rendered.

Applicant (print name)

Signature (in blue ink)

Mother/Legal Guardian (print name)

Signature (in blue ink)

Father/Legal Guardian (print name)

Signature (in blue ink)

Witnessed in the presence of Sponsor Club/District Representative (print name and title)

Signature (in blue ink)

Dated this ____________ Day of __________________ Month, _________________________ Year.

Alternative Emergency Contact in home country, OTHER THAN A PARENT/GUARDIAN Name


Continue ->

Home Address – Street

E-mail Address


Home Phone Number


Business Phone Number

Postal Code


Mobile Phone Number

Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth Rotary International strives to create and maintain a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. To the best of their ability, Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouses and partners, and other volunteers must safeguard the children and young people they come into contact with and protect them from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Adopted by the Rotary International Board of Directors, November 2006 Page 11 of 13

Rotary District 3350

Applicant Name

Rotary Youth Exchange – Long-Term Exchange Program Section H: Secondary School Personal Reference Student: Complete the top section of this form, then give the form and a stamped envelope, preaddressed to the Rotary club or district to which you are submitting your application, to a teacher or administrator who knows you and your abilities and accomplishments at school. By so doing, you give permission to that individual to release this information to the Rotary club/district Youth Exchange committee for their review. Applicant’s Full Legal Name

Date of Birth

Grade Male Female

Evaluator: This student is applying for a one-year educational study abroad program under Rotary club/district sponsorship. Please complete and forward this form within seven days of receipt to the sponsor Rotary Club/District, in the preaddressed envelope provided. The information you submit will not be revealed to the student, unless required by law. 1. Ratings Area




Below Average

No Basis to Rate

Creative, original thought Independence, initiative Intellectual ability Emotional stability Academic achievement Openness to new ideas Flexibility, adaptability Ability to communicate Potential for growth Disciplined habits Participation 2. Do you believe the applicant has the ability, work habits, character traits, and flexibility to succeed in an unfamiliar environment that will include Yes No learning a foreign language? 3. Do you believe the applicant’s parents/legal guardians support his/her wish to spend time abroad?



Not Sure

Please use the reverse side of this form, adding pages if necessary, to explain your answers to questions 2 and 3, and to provide any additional comments on the applicant’s suitability as an exchange student and cultural ambassador.

RECOMMENDATION In reference to this Applicant’s candidacy as a future Rotary Youth Exchange student, I (check one): Strongly Recommend


Have No Opinion

Name and Title (type or print)

Signature (in blue ink)

Name of School


Do Not Recommend

Date (e.g., 25/Jan/2012)


DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM TO THE STUDENT APPLICANT. Please submit this form directly to:

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Strongly Do Not Recommend

Rotary District 3350

Applicant Name

Rotary Youth Exchange – Long-Term Exchange Program Application Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure that you have all of the necessary parts for your application. All copies must have original signatures signed in BLUE ink; all photographs must be originals or good-quality color reproductions. Submit the proper number of complete sets, as directed by your sponsor Rotary Club or District. Sec.


Application Component


Personal Information pages completed with photo attached


Letters completed and inserted, and Photos (4) attached


Medical History and Examination completed and signed by physician


Dental Examination completed and signed by dentist


Sponsor Endorsement Form signed by student and parents/legal guardians


Information completed at top of form, remainder left blank


Declaration and Permission for Medical Care and Release of Medical Records and Liability signed by student and parents/guardians; Alternate Emergency Contact data provided Secondary School Personal Reference form and preaddressed stamped envelope given to your teacher or administrator (do not submit this form with your application).

Copy of school transcript

Copy of passport or birth certificate

Additional Forms Required by Sponsor District (if any)

Final Instructions: When you have completed entry of the required fields in the application form, you are ready to print the document. Remember to print the proper number of copies, as directed by your sponsor Rotary Club/District. Then, you can write your letters, add your photos, obtain additional information and signatures where required, and use the checklist above to make sure everything is complete. Assemble your application into complete collated sets, including Sections A through G in order, plus the transcript, passport/birth certificate, and this checklist. Do not include the cover page or instructions page. Please do not staple or bind your application or any part of it; use paper clips or clamps instead. Submit it as directed by your local sponsor Rotary Club or District. Good luck!

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Application produced and endorsed by North America Youth Exchange Network February, 2011

3) Dues may be paid in the form of value of services and labor performed on a Rotary Community Corps project, at a rate and under conditions decided by the membership. However, members electing to pay dues in this way are not eligible to receive “reasonable compensation” for the same work, as provided under article VI, section a, of the “Guidelines for Rotary Community Corps.” SECTION G — Committees The representative, with approval of the leadership group, shall appoint the following standing committees: 1) Administrative. This committee shall be responsible for attendance, membership programs, fellowship, public relations, and such other matters as may be deemed appropriate. 2) Community Service. This committee shall be responsible for formulating and developing projects designed to serve the community. 3) Vocational Service. This committee shall be responsible for developing projects designed to improve the quality of work and to promote the recognition of the dignity and value of all useful occupations especially as they affect the quality of life in the community, and for providing information about various kinds of livelihood open to citizens of the Corps’ village or community.

4) Finance. This committee shall devise ways and means of financing any and all Corps activities requiring funds and shall work in cooperation with the appropriate committees for such activities.

The Community Service and Vocational Service committees each shall have the duty of initiating and planning one major activity in its field each year which shall involve all or most of the membership of the Corps. SECTION H — Amendments

1) These bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the members in good standing at any regular or special meeting of the Corps at which a quorum is present, provided notice of intention to vote on such amendment is given at least 14 days earlier at a meeting of the Corps at which a quorum is present, and provided such amendment is approved by the sponsoring Rotary club. 2) Nothing in these bylaws shall contravene any provision of the “Guidelines for Rotary Community Corps” as adopted by the Board of Directors of Rotary International.

Rotary Marks

Using the Rotary name, emblem, and other RI trademarks (known collectively as the Rotary Marks) in project publicity is an excellent way to promote Rotary’s mission. Make sure that the RCC promotional materials clearly identify both the sponsor Rotary club(s) or district and the Rotary Community Corps 24


Rotary Community Corps Handbook

that planned and implemented the project, and that all Rotary Marks adhere to RI and Rotary Foundation guidelines. The RCC logo may be reproduced in any one color. Find more information at (keyword search: Rotary Marks).

One Rotary Center 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201-3698 USA


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