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Christian’s Hat Á Ággnneess K Ku uttaass--K Keerreesszztteess

SSiizzee to fit head circumference 56 – 61 cm (22-24 inches) length approx. 21 cm (8 ¼ inches)

M Maatteerriiaallss Yarn: HWS Markoma Pittsburgh 40% wool, 60% acrylic 188 meters / 100 g ¾ skeins Needles: 3.5 mm (US 4) double-pointed needles 4 mm (US 6) double-pointed needles Notions: yarn needle stitch marker

A Abbbbrreevviiaattiioonnss BO – bind off CO – cast on k – knit

k2tog – knit 2 together p – purl p2tog – purl 2 together

G Gaau uggee 21 stitches / 25 rounds = 10 cm ( 4 inches) in pattern using 4 mm (US 6) needles

D Diirreeccttiio onnss R Riibbbbiinngg With 3.5 mm (US 4) double-pointed needles CO 105 stitches, place marker and join in the round. Rounds 1-6:

* P2, k1, p1, k1, repeat from * to end of round.

B Bood dyy Continue working with 4 mm (US 6) double-pointed needles. Rounds 1-2: Rounds 3-5:

Purl. * P2, k3, repeat from * to end of round.

Christian’s Hat © 2012 Ágnes Kutas-Keresztes. All rights reserved. This pattern is provided for your personal, non-commercial use and may not be resold or shared. Finished projects are most welcome in the Ágnes Kutas Knitwear Design ravelry group 


Repeat Rounds 1-5 until work measures approx. 14.5 cm (5 ¾ inches), ending with Round 2. (For a longer hat, knit this part longer and start knitting the crown later.)

C Crroow wnn Round 1: Round 2: Rounds 3: Rounds 4-5: Round 6: Round 7: Round 8: Rounds 9-10: Round 11: Round 12: Round 13: Round 14: Round 15: Round 16:

* P2, k3, repeat from * to end of round. * P2, k1, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round. 84 stitches. * P2, k2, repeat from * to end of round. Purl. * P2tog, k2, repeat from * to end of round. 63 stitches. * P1, k2, repeat from * to end of round. * P1, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round. 42 stitches. Purl. * P1, k5, repeat from * to end of round. * P1, k2tog, k1, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round. 28 stitches. * P1, k3, repeat from * to end of round. P2tog around. 14 stitches. Purl. K2tog around. 7 stitches.

FFiinniisshhiinngg Break yarn and draw through remaining stitches. Weave in all ends. Soak hat in cold water, press out excess water with a towel and let it dry lying flat.

Please follow the link for the matching scarf: /christians-scarf

Christian’s Hat © 2012 Ágnes Kutas-Keresztes. All rights reserved. This pattern is provided for your personal, non-commercial use and may not be resold or shared. Finished projects are most welcome in the Ágnes Kutas Knitwear Design ravelry group 


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