Florence This delicate scarf knits up quickly and uses exactly one ball of Rowan Kidsilk Haze. It makes a perfect gift: a scarf which works with an everyday outfit, yet is pretty enough to wear for special occasions. Make one in your favourite colour or make several!
Rowan Kid Silk Haze, 1 ball (sample shown K, k: knit uses “Majestic, sh 589) P, p: purl RS: right side Needles: 4mm sk2p: slip one, knit two together, pass slipped stitch over Skill level: intermediate knitters st: stitch sts: stitches Gauge is not important for this project. WS: Wrong side YO: yarn over/yarn forward
INSTRUCTIONS: Cast on 41 stitches LOOSELY. (Preferred cast-on method is the cable cast-on method, although a thumb cast-on will also work. )
EDGING SECTION: Row 1: *k1, p1*. Repeat *-* to end. Row 2: as Row 1.
Copyright 2011 Karina Westermann (distantsun@gmail.com) This pattern, including text and images, is an original design. You may use this pattern only for your personal noncommercial use. All rights reserved.