Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Level: 6
Module Title: Extended Practice
Module Code: OUGD603
Brief Title: Burson-Marsteller Publication
Module Leader/Tutors: Amber Smith, Andy Lodge, Simon Harrison, Phil M
Module Credits: 60
Weighting of Brief within Module: 100%
Context Burson-Marsteller is a leading international public relations firm headquartered in New York City. Burson-Marsteller's clients include government agencies and international organisations, and it is their role to provide advertising and PR services, as well as a range of other services, to these clients. As part of the pitch process, Burson-Marsteller often presents their work in the form of presentations. Brief or Tasks Burson-Marsteller frequently present their PR and advertising solutions to their clients in the form of presentations. Take a public relations campaign that the firm has worked on and produce a publication showcasing their response to the client's request. This should take shape in the for of an additional item that would be given to a client as part of the pitch process. As part of the publication design, design new branding for the client based on the information provided. Preparation/Research suggestions Initially, research publications primarily on the topic of data handling; look into the different ways that work can be presented. Research publication design within a corporate setting. The final product will be a representation of the Burson-Marsteller brand, so a professional finish is key. Look into Burson-Marsteller's current style of presentation. Try to bear their style in mind, as to not produce a piece of design work that is far removed from what the company has previously and is currently producing. Evidence – for this project students should submit New branding design for the client. The client's name should rename the same and the branding must be a representation of their ethos. Publication design that showcases the work Burson-Marsteller has done for the client, with a professional tone of voice at all times.
Briefing: Monday 30/09/2013
Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2014