Hunter's Key April Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 1

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Lead Story Headline This story can fit 175-225 words. The purpose of a newsletter is to provide specialized information to a targeted audience. Newsletters can be a great way to market your product or service, and also create credibility and build your organization’s identity among peers, members, employees, or vendors. First, determine the audience of the newsletter. This could be anyone who might benefit from the information it contains, for example, employees or people interested in purchasing a product or requesting your service. You can compile a mailing list from business reply cards, customer information sheets, business cards Caption describing picture or graphic. collected at trade shows, or membership lists. You might consider purchasing a mailing list from a company. If you explore the Publisher catalog, you will find many publications that match the style of your newsletter. Next, establish how much time and money you can spend on your newsletter. These factors will help determine how frequently you publish the newsletter and its length. It’s recommended that you publish your newsletter at least quarterly so that it’s considered a consistent source of information. Your customers or employees will look forward to its arrival.

Volume 1, Issue 1

In this issue:

Newsletter Date

Special points of interest:

Story Title


Story Title


 Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Story Title


 Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Story Title


 Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Secondary Story Headline This story can fit 75-125 words. Your headline is an important part of the newsletter and should be considered carefully. In a few words, it should accurately represent the contents of the story and draw readers into the story. Develop

the headline before you write the story. This way, the headline will help you keep the story focused. Examples of possible headlines include Product Wins Industry Award, New Product Can Save You Time!, Membership Drive Exceeds Goals, and New Office

Opens Near You.



Emily Li, Tanya Hao, Angela Li


Events during April




Coffee/Tea Festival


Meals on Heels


Kiwanis One Day


April Divisional


Bowery Mission




Faculty Feud


Member of the Month


Future Projects




Hunter Key Club’s New Board


Hey guys! I'm so excited to serve as your president, and to continue the legacy of Hunter Key Club! My role is to facilitate club and board meetings, communicate with our sponsoring Kiwanis, and bring you more events. Our first fundraiser, Faculty Feud, was a hit, and I consider it a testament to how well our board can work together, so thank you to everyone on board for pulling through! I know we can successfully continue to bring out more projects + events, and that we'll have a super successful service year! Get hyped!

Hi! My name is Crystal Liu and I am your next Vice President. As vice-president, I help the other officers and reach out to the members of the club. Thus, it’s important to that the VP is well-rounded and easygoing. For this service year, I want to increase membership and try to maintain the number of key clubbers. I also want to encourage members to go to more events so Hunter Key Club can have a larger impact on the community.


Hi, my name is Christopher Chiang and I am your next year’s secretary. I would say it is one of the most important positions in the club because it helps to keep the board organized and up to date. The secretary functions as the keeper of files and information. In addition, the secretary sends out updates and minutes to keep members in the loop. SECRETARY

Hunter Key Club’s New Board Hey! I’m Andy Lok and your new Club Treasurer for the 2015-16 service year! Some of my goals include fundraising more for the annual Leadership Training Conference by conducting more chocolate sales, collecting club dues as early as possible to ensure that we get the Early Dues award, and generally making sure that our club funds are accurately kept track of and spent as efficiently as possible. I can’t wait to build off of the success we had this past service year, and look forward to serving as Club Treasurer!


Hey guys! My name is Sophia Zhang and I am your next year’s Editor! It will be my duty to inform ya’ll about the amazing service that goes on during the 2015-15 service year! Being an editor means creating newsletters for you guys every month! Watch out for those! EDITOR

Hi my name is Jespar Chen and I am your next year’s webmaster! One of the most important parts of being a webmaster is updating the website and having it more publicized. I also enjoy working with everyone on the board to have key club running in top notch!


Hunter Key Club’s New Board The job of the Projects Committee Head is to encourage Key Clubbers to embody our motto of “Caring— Out Way of Life” by introducing members to a variety of volunteer opportunities at local, non-profit events. Attending projects is one of the most crucial aspects to serving and giving back to the community; through projects, I hope that members will develop bonds with their fellow Key Clubbers to foster a familylike community in our club. I will encourage attendance at events and help members fulfill their duties as Key Clubbers. PROJECTS COMMITTEE HEAD

Hi my name is Andy Chen and I'm the fundraising head for the 2015-2016 service year. As head of the Fundraising Committee, my job is to work with the club treasurer to organize fundraisers and raise money for the Eliminate and Thirst Project. My goal for this year is to raise at least $2,000. FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE HEAD


Hi guys! I’m Pauline! This is my first year being on Key Club board and I’m really excited to work with Sophia and everyone else to make this service year great! I have a lot of ideas on how we can sweep the awards at LTC this year and get the word out about Hunter Key Club. After our scrapbook won third place at last year’s LTC (thanks Sophia and Elizabeth!) I’m confident that we can win first this year. I look forward to documenting the fun memories that we’ll have in our scrapbook and poster, and publicizing Key Club around school.

Lieutenant Governor of Division 11



Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Emily and I’m your lieutenant governor for the 2015-2016 service year. I’m very excited to work with everyone and get to know everyone on a personal level. That being said, I have three specific goals for this upcoming service year. First, I want to hear from you! I want to increase member input by creating many opportunities for feedback as well as making myself as accessible as possible. If you have any concerns or suggestions about how the division is run at any time, please feel free to contact me directly. Next, I want to build stronger ties within the division. From some of the suggestions I’ve already gotten from members, a lot of people are interested in connecting clubs within the division. I will facilitate this through more ice breakers at divisionals and more inter-clubbing opportunities. This bring me to my final goal: revitalizing our commitment to community service by seeking out long-term service commitments. I am in the process of finding a long-term service project for the entire division to participate in. Not only will this help build a positive reputation for Division 11 within the New York community, but it will also provide numerous opportunities for members of different clubs to join together in service. I look forward to this service year and to working with everyone to make it the best one yet!

Division 11 Board!

Tanya Hao District Webmaster My name is Tanya Hao, and I am elated to serve as your New York District Webmaster for the 2015-2016 service year! As District Webmaster, my job is to make Key Club -related technology user-friendly and more effective. Through the district website, I hope to provide the district's resources in the most efficient way possible. I believe it's also important that every club and division has its own constant, working website. For the webmasters out there, I will be releasing a resource on how to create and maintain a good Key Club website on soon; please look forward to it! Of course, my duty isn't limited to helping webmasters only. I hope to reach out to Key Clubbers and non-Key Clubbers alike about how great Key Club is! I will be doing this through various social media platforms daily. I will also be elaborating on my other various goals for this service year on Empire Key.

Angela Li Divisional


This year I was chosen to be the Divisional Historian. I'm super excited to take on this role and can't wait to see what this service year will bring. I don't think adjusting to the job as the Historian will be very difficult because it's similar to what I did as the Editor. Instead of making newsletters for Hunter Key Club, I'll be making newsletters for the division. The only thing I'm worried about is whether or not I can effectively communicate with all the all the Divisional members. I'm super excited to take on the role and so glad that Sophia will be taking over the Bulletin Editor position because I know she'll do an awesome job!

LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE By: Christopher Chiang//Secretary The Leadership Training Conference is an annual event for all Key Clubbers in the New York district, and its aim is to celebrate the achievements of various Key Clubs and Key Clubbers who have shown extreme dedication throughout the service year. As of 2014, LTC is always held at the Desmond Hotel in Albany, and it's like the Prom/Graduation of the service year, where Key Clubbers can make new friends from all over the district, reflect on their achievements (locally and larger), and celebrate the officers of the past service year while educating the new officers in the upcoming year. There were many speakers about various service projects and this year also had Playfair, which required attendees to step out of their comfort zone and make new friends. Also, Hunter Key Club was very successful at LTC this year, with many board members winning Outstanding and Distinguished awards. In addition, we won the Traditional Scrapbook Award for 3rd place and our Non-Digital Poster won first place! This was very exciting for our relatively small club, and these awards will definitely encourage other students to join our Key Club and for current members to become more dedicated! All in all, LTC was a great experience for the entire club, and hopefully everyone can go next year!


COFFEE AND TEA FESTIVAL NYC By: Crystal Liu//Vice-President On March 21st, 2015, Hunter Key Clubbers went to the Brooklyn Expo Center, an indoor venue, to volunteer for the Coffee and Tea Festival. This event featured many exhibitors that showcased their unique types of tea, coffee, and/or sweet and savory food. We arrived at 8 am, two hours before the start of the festival. We helped at the registration table, checking in volunteers and guests; at the coat check, organizing people's belongings; and in the back room, tidying and arranging empty boxes. After we finished our assignments, we had the opportunity to walk around the event, tasting all of the different types of coffee, tea, and food. We even received a tote bag filled with random goodies, like mini croissants and measuring spoons. Overall, volunteering at the Coffee and Tea Festival was exciting and fruitful.

MEALS ON HEELS NYC By: Jespar Chen//Webmaster

Meals on heels is a monthly Kiwanis event, on every first Saturday of each month. Volunteers pick up packs of food, then deliver them to elderly people within a fourfive block radius of the pickup center. It's always fun to see the assortment of really fancy lobbies, and my group had the pleasure of getting career advice from an elderly woman. It's usually less than an hour and always fun doing service with Kiwanis members!

KIWANIS ONE DAY By: Emily Li//Lieutenant Governor

The Friends of Rockaways project with New York City Young Professionals was different and eye-opening. Friends of Rockaways is an organization that works to rebuild houses in the Rockaways that were damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Although the natural disaster occurred a few years ago, the damage that it caused is still an issue for many home owners. We worked to repair someone’s basement that had been flooded with water. We mudded and sanded the walls – things that I had previously had no experience with. It was definitely very different from any service project I’ve participated in, but I’m glad that I signed up and I look forward to doing it again!

APRIL DIVISIONAL 4/21/15 By: Pauline Esguerra//Publicity/Scrapbook/Awards Committee Head On April 21st, Emily Li held Division 11’s first Divisional meeting of the service year in the cafeteria. The meeting began around 6 PM and started off with roll call. Members from almost all 9 clubs were in attendance. Each school talked about events they held or volunteer projects they went to during the month of April. Emily discussed her three main goals as LTG, including more membership input and commitment to long term service projects with Rescuing Leftover Cuisine. She then announced her Divisional Cabinet for the year, with students from Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, LaGuardia, and Hunter on her team. Service awards that clubs won at LTC were also handed out, such as the Perfect Paperwork Award, Early Bird Dues recognition, and Distinguished Club Award. After that, we went over future volunteer events coming up (including Green Festival, March for Babies, and Japan Day) as well International Convention held in Indiana this year! Finally, we all played a fun icebreaker called Human Bingo and ended the meeting around 7 PM. It was really fun to support Emily for her first meeting as 2015-2016 Lieutenant Governor, especially since she was our Immediate Past Club President! She did a great job and I’m really excited to attend more divisionals this year. It was also fun to see Key Clubbers from our entire division having fun and representing their home clubs.

BOWERY MISSION By: Sophia Zhang//Editor On April 28th, three Hunter Key Clubbers went to the Bowery Mission in downtown Manhattan to volunteer by serving food to the homeless. Upon arriving, the students had to wash the tabletops and sort the food in the refrigerator. After doing those chores, Kiwanians from Young Professionals and Bronx Science Key Club also joined the event. At six o’clock, they set themselves up at the serving area and the coordinator distributed roles to the students. After an hour of serving food, the counter counted up to 200 people; the Key Clubbers served about 200 people in one hour!

NYCAASC By: Ashley Qin//Key C lub Member

NYCAASC is a student run intercollegiate organization dedicated to addressing, discussing, and tackling issues concerning Asian/ Pacific Americans communities. Each year, the organization holds a conference to provide a space for activists and students to participate and educate themselves in a dialogue revolving around different themes each year. The theme this year was Critical Mass: Collective Bodies for Action. Participants had the opportunity to attend various workshops that ranged from talking about the image of Asian Americans in the media, to the roots of anti-Blackness in Asian communities. These tracks were coupled with performances by Jess X. Chen, Paul Tran, Taiyo Na & Magnetic North, as well as an amazing keynote speech delivered by Jeff Chang. As usual, volunteers this year were mostly comprised of Key Clubbers, who served to help the conference run smoothly and with enough coffee, cookies and sandwiches for all who attended the event.


By: Sophia Zhang//Editor

On April 24th, 2015, Hunter Key Club hosted the annual Faculty Feud at Hunter College High School, raising over $300 for the Eliminate Project. Many people from across the grades went to this school-wide event; some people from other schools such as Bronx Science and Stuyvesant even came to this event. The hosts, Lieutenant Governor Emily Li and Mahi, both did an incredible job of hosting the game. Jackie Weng, the president of Hunter Key Club, was the score keeper. While the success of the event depended heavily on the audience, it also depended on the great faculty at Hunter. Many teachers generated comedic responses to the questions, as a return, cracked the audience up. Ultimately, this event was an excellent fundraising event! Videos were posted on the Hunter Key Club Facebook Page. Please check them out!

MEMBER OF THE MONTH PAULINE ESGUERRA “She’s the reason why I joined Key Club!” “She always encourages and pushes me to go to Key Club with her!” “Seeing her become part of the Key Club Board will allow her to bloom like a flower. She will succeed as the committee head!”


May 2015 Sun

3 Asian















10 Ja- 11 pan Day





16 Walk to

17 AIDS 18 Walk












American Festival


Cure Arthritis

31 West Side Community Garden

Please Contact Tammy Cheng if you would like to attend any of these events!

Contacts Welcome to all new and returning members to Key Club! Let's make this service year the best one yet and start getting those service hours in by signing up to attend a project under the 'Projects' page. Projects will be key if you want points to become Distinguished Hunter Key Club Member of the month; check out more details about that under the 'Member Points' page. Feel free to contact any of the board with questions you may have, either by their personal emails or by the board email! President: Jacqueline Weng ( Vice President: Crystal Liu ( Secretary: Christopher Chiang ( Treasurer: Andy Lok ( Editor: Sophia Zhang ( Webmaster: Jespar Chen ( Projects head: Tammy Cheng ( Fundraising head: Andy Chen ( Publicity/Awards/Scrapbook Co-heads: Sophia Zhang ( Pauline Esguerra ( Please feel free to contact any of the board members with any questions you may have in our Contact page or by the emails!

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