Final program Dragonflight 2014

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Bellevue Hilton August 8足10, 2014

Miniatures Role足Playing Board Games Live足Action Games

Don't forget to register for 2015! Dragonflight pre足registration is only $35 at the convention 足 then the rate goes up.

Dragonflight XXXV WHEN


Hello Everyone, and welcome to Dragonflight XXXV! The past year has been a busy one for the Dragonflight staff. We have a new convention registration system process (hosted by EventBrite), a new website, and a new game sign-up system.

The convention will be held from noon, August 8th to 6:00 pm August 10th. While events and casual games will run late into the night, please be advised that certain services will be available during limited hours.

Registration Desk Hours

I know that some of these changes have been frustrating at times, but we believe that in the long run, the benefits will outweigh the momentary inconveniences. I would like to thank Ted Neward, Steve Graham, Tim Borders, and Bill Gembala for devoting so much time and effort to the website revamp. They each attended many meetings in addition to the monthly convention meetings.

Registration will open Friday at noon for pre-registered guests and at 12:30 pm for all others. The registration desk will be open the following hours: Friday, August 8th, 12:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Saturday, August 9th, 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. Sunday, August 10th, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

While we are excited about the new system, we have many more updates planned for next year and the work will resume very soon after Dragonflight XXXV concludes.

Contact Dragonflight

This is my first year as Convention Director and I would like to thank everyone on the staff for their hard work and patience as I settled into the job. In particular, I appreciate Mike Snively’s confidence in my ability and Ralph Shelton’s support in the form of background information from past conventions and willingness to answer my questions.

WHERE At the convention, you can get help at the registration desk or by asking any staff member. After the convention, you can contact the convention in writing at Dragonflight 2014, P.O. Box 776, Seattle, WA 98111. To contact a specific staff person, or to get more information about the convention, you can go to our website at

Food Services

The Dragonflight organization and convention are run completely by volunteers, and both depend on those volunteers to continue to function. If you have an interest in learning the nuts and bolts of how the convention comes together, please let us know. We are always looking for help and are happy to involve new people whether they are interested in a full staff position or just volunteering for a couple of hours at the convention.

In addition to the many restaurants in the Bellevue area, there are four food options in the Hilton Hotel:

In your welcome packet you should have received an ‘End of Con’ survey. Please take the time to fill it out. We rely on our membership feedback and want to know what you liked and what you think could be improved.

• The hotel restaurant serves breakfast from 6:00am - 10:30am, lunch from 11:30am - 2:00pm, and dinner from 5:00pm - 10:00pm. it offers basic breakfast items; sandwiches, salads, pasta, seafood, burgers, and pizza for lunch; and steak, pasta, chicken, etc. for dinner.

Last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank Kelly and Gwen and the entire staff here at the Bellevue Hilton for all the hard work they do for us before and especially during the convention. Have a great weekend! Amy Gembala Convention Director



• There will be a convention food service at the bottom of the stairs in the main lobby close to the ballroom from 11:00am - 1:00pm Saturday and Sunday and 5:30pm - 7:30pm Friday and Saturday. Note that the money spent at the convention food service is returned 100% to Dragonflight.

• Basil's Bar is open 2:30pm - midnight. snacks: burgers, buffalo wings, and salads.

It offers some bar food and

• Tully's Coffee is open 6:00am - 5:00pm and offers yogurt parfaits, fruit cups, whole fruit, sandwiches, croissants with turkey & cheese or ham & cheese, pastries, muffins, etc.

HOW Registration Requirements All persons attending the convention, including those who simply wish to visit, are required to register with the convention. If you pre-registered for the convention, you are still required to first show up at the registration desk to check in. All persons attending the convention, including special guests of the convention, will be required to wear their convention name badge during the convention. Persons without a valid badge will not be able to participate in any events. Take care of your badge. Replacements may cost the full convention price. All convention registrations will take place via our registration partner site, EventBrite. Payment through Paypal or credit card is preferred for this reason. However, the convention can also accept cash or check payments for registrations on site. All money must be in US funds.

Visitor Passes


Free visitor passes are available at the registration desk and allow one person to walk around the convention and observe. Visitors are not allowed to play in any games or participate in other events.

Dragonflight XXXV A Note About Membership in Dragonflight Dragonflight is more than an annual convention; we are a member-run corporation with a mission to support the gaming hobby in the Pacific Northwest all year long. The annual membership dues ($10 for 2014), included in the listed prices to the right, supports our web site, accounting, legal, telephone, postage, tax filings and other operational expenses as a non-profit (non-charity) 501c(7) recreational club. Membership in Dragonflight allows you to register in advance for the convention, which gives you the best rates and lets you sign up early for events. Membership also allows you access to the user-supported Metro Seattle Gamers, our all-gaming clubhouse near downtown Seattle. Membership is open to anyone who conducts him or herself in a responsible manner in keeping with the goals of Dragonflight. Membership can be purchased online, at the clubhouse, or at the convention.

Convention Rules 1. Convention name badges are to be worn at all times while in the convention areas. Do not lose your badge. Replacements may cost full price. Only persons with proper name badges will be admitted to events. Event presenters are responsible for ensuring that this policy is followed. 2. Smoking is not allowed in any public areas. Smoking is permitted outside, but not near doors or open windows, as required by Washington State Law. 3. The alcohol policy states that people over 21 years of age may have and consume alcoholic beverages in their rooms and in the hotel bar. Per Washington state law, persons under the age of 21 are prohibited from having alcohol in their possession. Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed in any public areas; this includes in hallways and outdoors. Groups desiring to host a special event at the convention in which alcoholic beverages will be served are required to get permission from the convention in writing before holding such an event. Anyone drinking alcoholic beverages in the gaming areas or deemed to be inebriated will be asked to leave the gaming area. 4. Some of our guests enjoy wearing costumes at the convention. Be advised that convention policy does not allow persons to wear uniforms from the last 100 years unless these are active duty personnel in duty uniform. We do not have a costume ball or similar event. 5. Hazardous ornaments, weapons, costume weapons and similar devices are not allowed inside the convention unless they are part of a special event cleared in advance in writing by both the convention and the Hilton Hotel. Persons wearing such items will be asked to remove them. 6. Event jumping is discourteous. Please do not leave an event early to play in another event. 7. Live-action gaming is only acceptable in the designated LARP areas and as part of scheduled events. No live games involving running on or around the premises and/or brandishing weapons, such as Laser Tag, are authorized, unless they are sanctioned events conducted under supervision. 8. Children are welcome at Dragonflight, provided they are under reasonable supervision; under no circumstances should you assume that a game host is there to baby-sit your children. It is at the Game Master's discretion whether or not children are allowed to play at their table(s). Any game age restrictions are listed in the brochure. Know where your children are, and make sure they know where you are. Set a specific time and place to meet whenever you and your children are going to be in different places for even a few minutes. Have a code phrase/action in place with your child in the event you need to send someone else to retrieve them from another part of the convention on your behalf. Ultimate responsibility for your children's safety lies with you; Dragonflight and the Hilton Hotel will do the best we can to support you in that goal. Should a crisis arise, contact our staff or the hotel at once.


9. We are guests of the Hilton Hotel and are expected to behave as such. You are responsible for what you do and have to pay for what you damage, and may face civil or criminal charges. The definition of unauthorized activities is subject to the discretion of the Convention Director, members of the Dragonflight Board of Directors, Officers of the Dragonflight

Corporation, and the Hilton Hotel staff. These people have the authority to arrange the removal of anyone who engages in unauthorized activities.

Volunteering to Help Dragonflight is a volunteer organization and we need your help to put on the convention. Many people help by running games and other events while others help by working at registration, operations, or the game library. Not only are you helping to put on a great convention, there are other benefits to volunteering. Staff volunteers (people working in non-game activities such as registration): • If you work 2.5 hours you get a free premium Dragonflight lanyard. • If you work 5 hours, you get a free Dragonflight convention t-shirt or tote bag.* • If you work 10 hours you get your admission refunded.* • If you work 20 hours you get a lanyard, t-shirt and your admission refunded.* Staff volunteers are responsible for getting a signature from the staff manager or event coordinator of the area in which they work. *The admission refund is only for the convention fee and will not include the $10 Dragonflight membership fee, hotel or other fees. Only the 20 hour level includes all the individual items. T-shirt and tote bag rewards are limited to quantity and sizes on hand at the convention. Event volunteers (people who run games or other events, Game Masters): • If you run events for 6 time blocks (15 hours), you get your admission refunded.* • If you run events for 12 time blocks (30 hours), you get a free t-shirt (or tote bag) and your admission refunded. To receive a refund or t-shirt the GM must get their event sheet signed by the area event coordinator, and present the signed sheet to the registration desk staff. * The admission refund is only for the convention fee and will not include the $10 Dragonflight membership fee, hotel or other fees. T-shirt and tote bag rewards are limited to quantity and sizes on hand at the convention.

Event Sign-Up All event sign-ups should be completed via the Dragonflight website. If you require access to an internet-ready device, please check at the Registration Desk or at the Games Library, where devices are available. Any staff member can assist you with game registration. We ask that you only sign up for one event per time block, unless one of the events is fuzzy in duration (e.g., a tournament). Jumping out of ongoing events to play another is considered very bad form. Sign-up only guarantees a person the right to attend an event if they show up at the event within 5 minutes of the event's listed starting time. People who signed up will be admitted first to the event, then people with alternate sign-ups, followed by other people on a first come, first served basis. Some events do not require sign-up. For these events you only need to show up since they usually have room for everyone who wants to attend. An orange cone on the table top or a hanging balloon signifies that the event is looking for additional players.

Dragonflight XXXV continue to provide an opportunity to clear off your shelves or find some bargains on games, we have created the Gamer Garage Sale.

Time Blocks The convention is divided into 2-hour time blocks with a half hour break between. Many games (especially roleplaying games) will run 2 or more time blocks. When you schedule your event or are looking at an event you wish to participate in, keep in mind how many time blocks are needed for the event. The following chart will help you decide which time blocks are available.


2:00pm - 4:00pm 4:30pm - 6:30pm 7:00pm - 9:00pm 9:30pm - 11:30pm 12:00am - 8:00am


9:00am - 11:00am 11:30am - 1:30pm 2:00pm - 4:00pm 4:30pm - 6:30pm 7:00pm - 9:00pm 9:30pm - 11:30pm 12:00am - 8:00am


9:00am - 11:00am 11:30am - 1:30pm 2:00pm - 6:30pm

WHAT Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society is organized play from Paizo Publishing set in Golarion the world of the Pathfinder Role Playing Game. Pathfinder Society Organized Play is a constantly evolving mega-campaign played by thousands of players and the adventures you experience are shared by players around the world. Play is organized into Seasons, throughout which the actions and achievements of you and your fellow Pathfinders create an ongoing storyline. Each season consists of multiple Pathfinder Society scenarios (short, 4-hour adventures) set in a variety of exotic locations across Golarion.

Story Game Lounge We have a game area dedicated to showcase a particular type of RPG, as the Story Game Lounge. Story games are a sub-category of role-playing games with a lesser focus on "My Character" and a greater focus on "Our Story" (the story that all the players at the table want to create). Story games are as different from better-known, more traditional RPGs as railroad board games are different from ASL, or DBA from Warmachine. If you are curious, please drop by the Story Game Lounge to try such games as In A Wicked Age, Bliss Stage, Don’t Rest Your Head, or 3:16.

Game Library A game library is provided by Metro Seattle Gamers. Check out is available for games with a photo ID.

Gamer Garage Sale We have decided to take a year off from our annual auction. In order to

The Gamer Garage Sale will take place in the main gaming area during the first two time blocks on Sunday (Blocks N and P, from 9:00am to 1:30pm). Dragonflight will have no part in staffing tables or collecting money. You will need to stand by your own goods and collect your own funds. Dragonflight assumes no responsibility for the conduct of the Garage Sale.

Dragonflight Annual Meeting We will hold the annual meeting for the Dragonflight Membership Friday evening at the convention. The meeting will be from 6:00pm - 7:00pm in the lobby near the elevators. All members are encouraged to attend. The annual meeting serves two purposes. First, our Board and Officers will bring you up to date on the state of Dragonflight. Reports on finances, recent changes and future plans will be delivered and discussed. We'll also have a chance to meet candidates for the Board of Directors election being held at the convention. Next, we'll open the floor to the membership. This is your chance to talk to Dragonflight's staff and directors. Come share your thoughts and ideas. Ask questions and give feedback.

WHO Dealers We would like to thank the following dealers for their support. Be sure to stop by their tables and check out all of the great deals they have on your favourite game supplies. Attention Span Games Dragondyne Publishing, publishers of Neverwhen Friday Afternoon Tea The Game Matrix Games Plus Gateway Station Gem Games & Hobbies Greenlake Games Rob Carlos Colorsmith

Staff Convention Director: Amy Gembala Assistant Convention Director, Special Projects: Cory Rueb Operations Manager: Gabrielle LaBlanc Registration Manager: Tim Borders MSG Library Representative: Scot McConnachie Game Librarians: Rolf and Sarah Bergstrom Dealer Liaison: Amy Gembala Marketing & Media Relations: Bill Gembala Webmaster: Ted Neward Events Manager: Laura Mortensen Board Games / Wargames / Miniatures Coordinator: Steve Graham Role-Playing Game Coordinator: Mark Walters Children’s Track Coordinator: Laura Mortensen Prize Support Coordinator: Edmund Metheny Entertainment Coordinator: Patrick LaBlanc Pathfinder Society Coordinator: Tony Lindman Artist: Rob Carlos Publications: Sophie Lagacé

Brass Card Members Chuck Monson Scot McConnachie Mike Snively


Dragonflight XXXV

PRESIDENT’S CORNER Dear Dragonflight community,

We are a collection of people with a shared interest: to promote the gaming hobby in the Pacific Northwest. It’s our desire to band together and run an allvolunteer convention each year. But this does not happen by accident. Behind the scenes are many members who go the extra mile, who volunteer countless hours on behalf of Dragonflight, whose heroic exploits are often unheralded. Let’s spotlight three people with a combined 43 years of service. Steve Graham is Dragonflight’s Secretary and Treasurer. By my conservative estimate, he puts in at least 250 hours of his time into Dragonflight every year, making sure the filings are handled with the state, preparing taxes, keeping the books, handling crises, attending meetings, liaising with other conventions, assisting with the website…the list goes on and on. This is work that must be done, work that few people willingly want to do, yet Steve always does it, day after day, year after year. And to top it off, he always holds a major staff position at the convention. Then there is Sophie Lagacé, who designs everything from flyers to banner ads, participates in every convention meeting, and handles the layout of the program each year, always with an eye toward keeping costs down. Her dedication to Dragonflight is legendary: she has put together the program for many years, even in years when she has moved out of state and cannot attend the convention! Last but not least, Larry White is the man who designed our former registration and events system. Did you know that it was so professional and cutting-edge it was adopted by five other gaming conventions? But Larry has worn a number of hats over the years, from Database Manager to Director, and in recent years, when no one else wanted the job, Larry filled in as the Registration Manager at the convention. He continues to provide valuable feedback on our new system, and is taking a much-deserved year off at the convention, so he can actually play games. Steve, Sophie, and Larry are outstanding examples, but the Dragonflight organization is filled with many volunteers who step up to get things done. And we are always looking for new recruits to help share the load. Would you like to volunteer with Dragonflight, the organization? No special expertise is required—we can train you! If you are interested, please contact me. Tim Borders President, Dragonflight

EVENTS Events are listed grouped by time block. In each time block they are sorted by event type and then reference code.

Event Numbering The first letter is the time block of when the event starts. The second letter is the event type: B - Board Games C - Computer/Console Games G - General/Other (e.g., workshops, panels, etc.) M - Miniatures Games R - Role-Playing Games W - Wargames The third portion, the number, is a unique reference code for the event. Thus, an event with a code HB-265 starts in time block "H" and is a board games ("B") event with number 265. If a table is displaying an orange cone (like a small traffic cone!), it means the host is still looking for players. If you find yourself without a game and are looking for something to do, check out the open gaming areas for a pick-up game or the Video Room for movies.


Some events, such as the Story Game Lounge, Pathfinder Role Playing, Fighting Wings, La Bataille, and Axis & Allies, will be running continuously throughout the convention. Several dealers will be offering demonstrations of various games for drop-in players. Look also for the miniatures painting workshops.

Dragonflight XXXV Time Block A, Fri 2:00pm BOARD GAMES AB100 ­ Elder Signs by William Cohen, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 8 beginner-level players of age 18 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Elder Sign is a fast-paced, cooperative dice game of supernatural intrigue for one to eight players by Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson, the designers of Arkham Horror.

AB125 ­ Axis & Allies Global 1940 2nd Edition by John Edwards, board, 32 hrs, For up to 8 beginner-level players of age 14 and up. Played all day Friday and Saturday.

AB113 ­ KEMET by Erik Pulkka, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 beginnerlevel players of age 16 and up. Runs for 2 hours. KEMET game lasts about an hour to an hour and a half, will teach new players.

AB221 ­ Galaxy Trucker by J. Scot McDonald, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 5 players. Runs for 2 hours.

AB169 ­ Russian Railways by Michael Monical, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 players of age 15 and up. Runs for 2 hours.

AB136 ­ Puerto Rico by Mark Waldron, board, 2 hrs, (No restrictions) Start off the convention right with this classic game of strategy. Produce indigo, sugar, tobacco, coffee and, especially, corn! Build, ship! We'll use the expansion.

AB173 ­ Seasons (with Enchanted Kingdom expansion) by Dave Perry, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 players. Runs for 2 hours. The greatest sorcerers of the kingdom have gathered at the heart of the Argos forest, where the legendary tournament of the 12 seasons is taking place. At the end of the three year competition, the new archmage of the kingdom of Xidit will be chosen from among the competitors. Take your place, wizard! Equip your ancestral magical items, summon your most faithful familiars to your side and be ready to face the challenge!

AB185 ­ Full campaign game of the Gallipoli landings by Geoffrey Phipps, board, Until Sunday 2pm hrs, For up to 8 players of age 12 and up. This will be a full game of the three days of the initial landing. It usually plays at double real time with two players, so even allowing for set-up we will finish the game in the weekend. It can be played by two or four players - with four players it could be played twice. The game has been in play-test for a year - the systems are all functional and I (the designer) am down to patching loopholes.

AB219 ­ Dune by Douglas Wacker, board, 2-6 hrs, For 4 to 6 players. Runs for 2-6 hours. Add a little spice to your time at Dragonflight and battle for Arrakis! If there are any players new to the game, I'll do a rules run through before we begin, but watch this video to get a basic idea of how to play: -history-and-rules-overview

AB236 ­ St. Petersburg with 5th player expansion by Luther Harris, board, 2 hrs, For up to 5 players.

AB294 ­ Defenders of the Realm by Bradley Richards, board, 3 hrs, For up to 4 players. Runs for 3 hours.

AB298 ­ Everything 7 Wonders by Miranda Folland, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 7 experienced-level players of age 15 and up. Runs for 2 hours. For all those who have played 7 Wonders before, here's your opportunity to play with most everything that has ever been published for the game. I have the base game, the Leaders expansion, the Cities expansion, most of the promo Leader cards, special Wonder boards and the Wonder Pack (new wonders). Let's put them all together and play 7 Wonders! Note: You don't have to know how to play with all these expansions, only have some familiarity with the basic game. I can teach and refresh your memory about everything.


AB150 ­ Tammany Hall

AC311 ­ Dragonflight Modded Minecraft

by Stephen Graham, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 5 players. Runs for 2 hours. Can you wrest control of New York politics? Will you try an even-handed coalition or ruthlessly favor the Italians, Irish or Germans to gain the most favors? Beginners welcome.

by David Adams, computer, 54 hrs, (No restrictions) You will need to provide your own computer and network connection to play in the game. You will need to provide your own computer and network connection to play in the game.


AM227 ­ Anima: Tactics ­ Hostile Encounters by Abraham Torres, miniatures, 4 hrs, For at least 1 demo-level players of age 13 and up. Runs for 4 hours.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES AR244 ­ First Steps by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. In your first mission as a Pathfinder agent, the head of the Grand Lodge sends you on a number of missions throughout the metropolis of Absalom in the pursuit of knowledge. This PFS event is intended for new players. Premade characters are available.

AR247 ­ Rise of the Goblin Guild (PFS #4­01, Levels 1­5) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. An investigation leads the PCs deep under the Magnimar, the City of Monuments and face to face with a burgeoning thieves guild. This event is suitable for new players. Premade characters are available.

AR246 ­ The Wardston Patrol (PFS #5­02, Level 3­7) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. War has erupted on the border between Mendev and the demon-infested Worldwound. Defense of the region now falls to small patrols to communicate between the border's many outposts. On one such patrol, the party may find itself facing an enemy of an entirely different nature. The event is intended for experienced PFS characters.

AR284 ­ Full Metal Alchemist: A Boy and His Toys by Chey Temple, rpg, 4.5 hrs, (No restrictions) Reports of an unknown and unregistered alchemist have reached headquarters. He was last seen in Ishval. What makes this important; is that he is known as Full Metal.

AR152 ­ The Destiny Map by Kamal Lombardi, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 1 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Play Storm Knights as they search for parts of a missing map which will reveal the location of various relics of power. Others are hot on their trail as they search for the missing pieces including Nile Imperials, Nippon Tech Yakuza, and Eidenos Warriors. This game will use Version 1.1 of the rules for TORG.


Dragonflight XXXV AR243 ­ Pathfinder Society Information and Character Building

of a train game. Preferred no. of players = 4 or 5. Meanness is welcomed!

by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Learn about the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign. Our experienced GMs will answer your questions and even help you create your own PFS character that you can use our scenarios.

by Natalie Adams, board, 2 hrs, (No restrictions) Each player starts with an identical, very small deck of cards. In the center of the table is a selection of other cards the players can 'buy' as they can afford them. Over and over again! minion

AR245 ­ We Be Goblins! by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad, has declared that the greatest heroes of the Locktoad tribe must venture forth to retrieve fireworks from a derelict ship stranded in the marsh. Prove yourselves worthy, then complete the task. Premade goblin characters are provided.

WARGAMES AW179 ­ Men of Iron by Ralph Shelton, wargame, 4 hrs, For 2 to 8 beginner-level players. Runs for 4 hours. Experienced or beginners, I will teach the game and help with the rules.

Time Block B, Fri 4:30pm BOARD GAMES BB101 ­ Alien frontiers by William Cohen, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 beginner-level players of age 18 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Do you have what it takes to be a deep space colonist? An alien frontier awaits the brave and daring! This new planet will be harsh, but if you have the skills to manage your resources, build a fleet, research alien life, and settle colonies, the world can be yours.

BB194 ­ SPANC by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 beginner-level players of age 16 and up. Runs for 2 hours.

BB170 ­ 1862 by Michael Monical, board, 5 hrs, For 3 to 6 experienced-level players of age 18 and up. Runs for 5 hours.

BB299 ­ Chicago Express! by Adam Harvey, board, 2.5 hrs, (No restrictions)


New or experienced players are welcome. This very simple (3 possible actions on your turn : auction a share, improve a location or expand a railroad) game leads to intense and vicious decision-making, an economic game in the guise

BB319 ­ Dominion

BB297 ­ Beginner Lost Legends by Miranda Folland, board, 3 hrs, For 3 to 4 beginner-level players of age 14 and up. Runs for 3 hours. Whether you've played this great game before or not, come explore 3 levels of exciting adventures as heroes. Draft cards to equip your hero and train in skills. Fight monsters assigned or pass them to other players. Defeat monsters to earn gold and experience. Become legendary! -legends

BB180 ­ Twilight Imperium by Greg Pratt, board, 6+ hrs, For 3 to 8 players. Runs for 4-8 hours. For those seeking an epic game for Friday night, Twilight Imperium is the game for you. This game will run well into the evening. We'll start the game at 4:30. The game will continue into Time Slot C for sure and probably D as well (with a slight chance of running into slot E). Please plan accordingly. There will be 7 seats available for the game in addition to the host.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES BR153 ­ Neverwhen Demonstration by Dustin Gross, rpg, 4 hrs, (No restrictions) Welcome to the world of Neverwhen. Neverwhen is a Campaign setting (Using Paizo's popular Pathfinder Roleplaying Game) that allows players and gamemasters to take items and/or characters from any d20 setting and use them in their own campaign. We are doing demos of this new Pathfinder setting. Pre-Generated characters are available. All of the scenarios reflect the ability to combine different genres within the adventure.

BR184 ­ Dragon Slayers by Dave Perry, rpg, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 players. Runs for 2 hours. The bumpkins in this nowhere mountain town could never have taken down that dragon. Their biggest hero hasn't seen battle since Drozzek rode down from the Smoking Mountains three wars-to-end-all-wars ago. So yeah, we rode into town, a bunch of outsiders ready to solve that problem. Solve a fracking dragon.


BW228 ­ The Great War Campaigns using the SCS System by Mark Woloshen, wargame, 4 hrs, (No restrictions) Standard Combat System games set in World War I - Drive on Paris, Operation Michael, Rock of the Marne.

BW237 ­ Epic Ancients II by Luther Harris, wargame, 4 hrs, For 2 to 8 beginner-level players of age 10 and up. Runs for 4 hours.

BW340 ­ JD Webster Hosts Fighting Wings by Stephen Graham, wargame, 6 hrs, (No restrictions) For the past several years, JD has hosted his Fighting Wings games at Dragonflight. Newbies are entirely welcome to join in. This year's precise theme and scenarios will be revealed at the convention. Start time depends on JD's arrival.

GENERAL/OTHER BG148 ­ 6:00pm Dragonflight Annual Meeting by Tim Borders, general, 1 hrs, (No restrictions) Runs for 1 hours.

Time Block C, Fri 7:00pm BOARD GAMES CB102 ­ Village by William Cohen, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 beginner-level players of age 18 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Life in the village is hard -- but life here also allows the inhabitants to grow and prosper as they please. Each player will take the reins of a family and have them find fame and glory in many different ways. There is one thing you must not forget, however: Time will not stop for anyone and with time people will vanish.

CB137 ­ Stone Age by Jeff Jorgensen, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 beginner-level players of age 13 and up. Runs for 2 hours. The Dawn of Mankind. Our ancestors were hard workers, resting only very little. Luckily for us, their ingenuity allowed them to make their work easier, day after day. In Stone Age, players are sent back to that arduous period of history. With tools, quite archaic at first, you will be able to collect wood, stone and gold. CARVE YOUR VICTORY - IN STONE.

Dragonflight XXXV CB143 ­ Eldritch Horror

CR120 ­ Harbor City Super SWAT


by Michael McGuire, board, 4 hrs, For 3 to 5 players. Runs for 4 hours.

by John Reiher, rpg, 4 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginnerlevel players of age 16 and up. Runs for 4 hours. Metahumans are an ever-present threat to society. You are the Harbor City Police Department Super SWAT: a normal human being, backed up by the best technology from the lowest bidder ever assembled. A super vigilante has gone rogue, killing known perps that got off on a technicality. Still, the law is the law, and this vigilante, The Metro Avenger, must be brought in -- Alive.

by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Learn about the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign. Our experienced GMs will answer your questions and even help you create your own PFS character that you can use our scenarios.

CB195 ­ Munchkin Fu by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours. Epic Munchkin Tournament 1 of 8

CB149 ­ The 2014 Federal Election by Stephen Graham, board, 6 hrs, For 3 to 5 players. Runs for 6 hours. Boardgamegeek's game #1. Which party will rule Germany in 2014 or will an unholy coalition of the CDU and Die Linke be necessary for final victory? Experienced players preferred. Game start may be delayed until 7:30 pm.

CB164 ­ Kings of Air and Steam by Darlene Hochgreve, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 8 beginner-level players of age 12 and up. Runs for 2 hours. 2 games of Kings of Air and Steam, seating 8 total.

CB197 ­ Munchkin Quest

CR249 ­ The Frozen Fingers of Midnight (PFS #0­04) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Skelg the Ripper lies wasting in his villa on the outskirts of Absalom. A frigid curse grips his bearish heart in its frosty embrace. The Society dispatches you to uncover the secrets of the freezing curse before Absalom falls to its icy grip. Suitable for new players. Premade characters available.

CR250 ­ Dawn of the Scarlet Sun (Levels 4­6)

by Martin Hughes, board, 4 hrs, For 2 to 5 beginner-level players.

by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Recently, a series of murders has sent a chill through the early morning streets of Magnimar. Someone killing worshipers of Sarenrae, the goddess of the sun. The city guard is prepared to ambush the murderer, but they need your help. Suitable for new players. Premade characters available.

CB336 ­ Sentinels of the Multiverse: Vengeance!

CR251 ­ Scars of the Third Crusade

by MIB [redacted], board, 4.5 hrs, For 6 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 4.5 hours.

CB225 ­ Caverna: The Cave Farmers

by Dean Messner, board, 2 hrs, For 1 to 5 players. Runs for 2 hours. Vengeance is a mega expansion, which comes with a complete team of 5 heroes. It also features two very exciting environments. But the truly exciting part of Vengeance is the villain team: The Vengeful Five!

MINIATURES CM127 ­ Circus Maximus by Ken Cassady, miniatures, 5 hrs, For 4 to 19 beginner-level players of age 7 and up. Runs for 5 hours.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES CR285 ­ Lodoss War "You Only Hurt the One You Love" by Chey Temple, rpg, 4.5 hrs, (No restrictions) While on patrol, near the front lines, you come across a recent battle. A small caravan was attacked. You can see dust from a wagon, about a mile off. Something important must be in the carriage.

by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Fanatics have reignited the witch-hunts in eastern Mendev, and in doing so they have captured and accused allies of the Pathfinder Society. Unless the PCs intercede and put a stop to this mob justice, their allies' deaths will spark a new wave of executions throughout the crusader nation. Intended for experienced PFS players.

CR252 ­ Port Godless (PFS #5­ 07, Levels 5­9) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. If the Pathfinders can assist the Riftwardens, perhaps a small number of the mages might be free to return the favor. This means entering the godless nation Rahadoum, where several Riftwardens have recently disappeared. Intended for experienced PFS players.

CR248 ­ Pathfinder Society Information and Character

CR154 ­ Blood and Lightning by Kamal Lombardi, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 1 to 8 beginner-level players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Play in this introductory adventure for the open gaming system 13th Age in which while on a journey to a magical location you must cope with an insane mutating traitor and a crippled dragon.

CR130 ­ Blue Dragons Does Firefly 1 by Eric Aldrich, rpg, 4 hrs, For up to 24 beginnerlevel players. Runs for 8 hours. Blue Dragons Does Firefly - This year the Blue Dragons is doing Firefly. We are using the new rules by Margaret Weis Productions. Join us for misbehaving in the Verse. Character sheets provided. This is the first four hours of an 8-hr event. The second half will be starting in time block H.

WARGAMES CW229 ­ A Clash of Giants by Mark Woloshen, wargame, 4 hrs, For at least 2 beginner-level players. Runs for 4 hours. Fast playing and relatively simple games by Ted Racier - published by GMT. Get the flavor of World War I without a huge time investment.

CW196 ­ OGRE: Exercise T by MIB [redacted], wargame, 4 hrs, For 2 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 4 hours.

CW189 ­ Spies by Rob Bottos, wargame, 4 hrs, For 2 to 4 experienced-level players of age 16 and up. Runs for 4 hours. Spies is a game of espionage and intrigue for up to five players, set in the turbulent European era of 1933-1939. You control the secret service of one of the major powers of that era - Germany, Italy, Russia, France, and Britain - in the constant struggle to gather your opponents secrets and return them safely to your own capital while protecting your own country's secrets. (Game will start at 8 p.m.)

CW134 ­ Napoleonic Wars by Jeff Marksz, wargame, 7-late (2-6 hours) hrs, For up to 5 players. Prepare for a marathon of intrigue, battle, and diplomatic maneuvering as Napolean tries to conquer Europe. Get your Dragonflight off to a good start with a classic...


Dragonflight XXXV Time Block D, Fri 9:30pm BOARD GAMES DB103 ­ Betrayal at the House on the Hill by William Cohen, board, 2 hrs, For 4 to 6 beginner-level players of age 18 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Betrayal at House on the Hill quickly builds suspense and excitement as players explore a haunted mansion of their own design, encountering spirits and frightening omens that foretell their fate.

DB198 ­ Munchkin Pathfinder by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 4 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours. Epic Munchkin Tournament 2 of 8

DB306 ­ 7 Wonders ­ Wonders you've never heard of by David Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 7 experienced-level players of age 15 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Play from one of 27 new Wonders! Gather resources, develop commercial routes and affirm your military supremacy. Build your city and erect an architectural wonder which will transcend future times. 134849

DB305 ­ Splendor by Darlene Hochgreve, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 8 players. Splendor Boardgame, 2 running simultaneously.

DB320 ­ Robo Rally by Natalie Adams, board, 4 hrs, For 2 to 8 players. Runs for 2 hours. Imagine that you're a supercomputer. Now imagine that you're bored. So you dream up a little contest for you and a couple of your supercomputing buddies. Your task is to move one of the stupid little robots out on the factory floor through a series of checkpoints scattered throughout the factory.

DB351 ­ Dead Dog Dayz of Zombicide! by Abraham Torres, board, 3 hrs, For 4 to 8 players of age 13 and up. Runs for 3 hours. Death is all around and sometimes is walks on more then two feet... Tons of Survivors and tiles form all the releases: Zombicide, Zombicide: Toxic City Mall, and Zombicide: Prison Outbreak. So you won't know what undead horrors you will face. Newbies welcomed as I will helping out as a moderator.


Time Block E, Sat 12:00am BOARD GAMES EB199 ­ Hacker by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours.

EB309 ­ Cards Against Humanity by David Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 4 to 8 beginner-level players of age 17 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Not for Kids!!! Unlike most of the party games you've played before, this is as despicable and awkward as you and your friends. The game is

simple. Each round, one player asks a question from a Black Card, and everyone else answers with their funniest White Card.

EB333 ­ Late Night Arkham Fright/Mansions of Madness by Dean Messner, board, 4 hrs, For 1 to 10 players. A great Dragonflight tradition continues with Midnight Arkham goodness! Also featuring Mansions of Madness.

EB349 ­ Midnight Kremlin by Art Brochet, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 6 players.

Dragonflight XXXV Runs for 2 hours. Purges. Waving at the parade. Siberia. All the great joys of Kremlin. At midnight. It's still early in the con; stay up and play.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES ER286 ­ Demon City Shinjuku "Hunger Games" by Chey Temple, rpg, 4.5 hrs, (No restrictions) Something is going on in Shinjuku. There are fewer demons roaming around and the people are moving in larger groups. Some demons have managed to leave Shinjuku and carry off people in Tokyo. Mr. Jinn has heard rumors and wants you to investigate.

ER354 ­ World of Spheres: In Search of the Passage by david j butler, rpg, 4 hrs, For 3 to 6 experienced-level players of age 12 and up. Runs for 4 hours. The Spheres have brought great changes to modern earth. Things change, things disappear, but not things are coming through one. The TV show "In Search of. . ." Is sending its team to investigate, hoping to follow up on last years hit success, "In Search of the Amazon River Queen" with fewer casualties

Time Block F, Sat 9:00am BOARD GAMES FB104 ­ Dominant Species by William Cohen, board, 4 hrs, For 4 to 6 experienced-level players of age 18 and up. Runs for 4 hours. 90,000 B.C. -- A great ice age is fast approaching. Another titanic struggle for global supremacy has unwittingly commenced between the varying animal species. But somebody better become dominant quickly, because it's getting mighty cold...

FB115 ­ Glass Road by Martin Hughes, board, 4 hrs, For 3 to 4 players. Runs for 4 hours. Uwe Rosenberg's Glass Road

FB183 ­ Introduction to "An Introduction to "Gallipoli 1915 ­ Churchill's Greatest Gamble" by Geoffrey Phipps, board, 5 hours hrs, For up to 8 players of age 12 and up. Depending on the number of players and their interest, we can either play the full game over the whole Gallipoli peninsula (best with 4 players), or the individual landings at Anzac and Cape Helles (good for two players). I will have two play test sets and so will be able accommodate from 2 to 8 players. I will provide copies of the rules

beforehand, but will also teach the game on the day. Your chance to get in on the ground floor of play testing a soon-to-be-famous title :-)

FB119 ­ Saturday Morning Games! by Laura Mortensen, board, 3 hrs, (No restrictions) Kids ages five and up can come and play games. Games include: Living Labyrinth, Hey That's My Fish, Pack and Stack, Quelf, Castle Keep, and many more.

FB294 ­ Origins: How We Became Human by Bradley Richards, board, 4 hrs, For up to 4 players. Runs for 4 hours. Beginners welcome.

FB278 ­ Car Wars 3x Tournament: Qualifier 1 by Greg Pratt, board, 2 hrs, For up to 6 players. Qualifier #1 for the Car Wars 3x tournament. No experience required. Vehicle designs are provided. Top finishers will advance to the final round held at 7 p.m.

FB138 ­ Eclipse by Jeff Marksz, board, 2 hrs, For up to 5 players. Classic space colonization and battle. Use your races' special abilities and protect the galaxy.

FB310 ­ Through the Ages Classic

by Michael McGuire, board, 4 hrs, For 2 to 3 players. Runs for 4 hours.

by David Adams, board, 4 hrs, For 3 to 4 players. Runs for 4 hours. A civilization building game. Military strength is just one aspect of your nation, as well as population, production or science. It is up to you which aspect you will concentrate on, more or less.

FB170 ­ 2038

FB321 ­ Settlers of Catan 3D­ish

by Michael Monical, board, 9 hrs, For 3 to 5 experienced-level players of age 18 and up. Runs for 9 hours.

by Natalie Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 4 players. The special edition encompasses Settlers of Catan and Cities and Knights for 3-4 players. This edition features three-dimensional hand painted tiles made of dense heavy weight resin and a complete interlocking border. n-3d-collectors-edition

FB144 ­ Clash of Cultures

FB177 ­ Flash Point: Fire Rescue by Joanne Panas, board, 2.5 hrs, For 4 to 6 players of age 16 and up. Runs for 2.5 hours.

FB200 ­ Super Munchkin by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours. Epic Munchkin Tournament 3 of 8

FB201 ­ 'One More Roll' Dice Games by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours.

FB222 ­ Outpost by J. Scot McDonald, board, 3 hrs, For 4 to 9 players. Runs for 3 hours.

FB231 ­ Fight Club! by Abraham Torres, board, 4 hrs, For beginnerlevel players of age 12 and up. Runs for 4 hours. Deep within the dark and dank dungeons of Crystalia Heroes hone their skills in fierce combat against one another. Privy's End is as renowned for its stench as the legendary battles that have been held there. Keep your Heroes in tip-top shape with Super Dungeon: PvP Arena! Take control of a mighty Warband to decide, once and for all, who is the mightiest Dungeon Explorer! Newbies welcomed.

MINIATURES FM330 ­ Eagle's Vengeance: Imperial Rome vs. the Druids of Briton by Stephen Graham, miniatures, 4 hrs, For 2 to 8 players. Runs for 4 hours. It is AD 52 and a punitive raid by Roman auxiliary troops to rescue Roman captives from a secret Druid temple escalates into a pitched battle as the Romans venture into an unexpected gathering of British tribes.

FM223 ­ Silent Death Astro Smash by Brian James, miniatures, 4 hours hrs, (No restrictions) Silent Death is a turn based miniature combat game in which you will control ships from the Silent Death Universe.

FM344 ­ Star Wars X­Wing Tournament 100 pt Dogfight Event


by Admin Dragonflight, miniatures, 13 hrs, (No restrictions)

Dragonflight XXXV Single List, Single Match, Swiss Round Structure 10am Start Time Come play a competitive, head to head X-Wing Miniatures tournament. Each player will be responsible for bringing a single 100 point, single faction list (mirror matches are ok). Rounds will be timed at 75 minutes each. Prize support includes Fantasy Flight Games event prizes, acrylic measurement tools and a grand prize of the Tantive IV capital ship! Tournament and prize support provided by Games and Gizmos.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES FR121 ­ It's the Muppet Show!!!!! by John Reiher, rpg, 4 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginnerlevel players of age 12 and up. Runs for 4 hours. It's the Muppet show, well it will be as soon as you figure out who your guest star will be, what the different acts are and whether or not you can herd all those muppets into a cohesive unit... wait, what am I saying? It's the Muppet show! You're DOOMED!

FR156 ­ Neverwhen Demonstration by Dustin Gross, rpg, 4.5 hrs, (No restrictions) Welcome to the world of Neverwhen. Neverwhen is a Campaign setting (Using Paizo's popular Pathfinder Roleplaying Game) that allows players and GMs to take items and/or characters from any d20 setting and use them in their own campaign. We are doing demos of this new Pathfinder setting. Pre-Generated characters are available. All of the scenarios reflect the ability to combine different genres within the adventure.

FR253 ­ Pathfinder Society Information and Character Building by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Learn about the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign. Our experienced GMs will answer your questions and even help you create a PFS character you can use in our scenarios.

FR255 ­ Master of the Fallen Fortress (Level 1) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. The ruined siege castles outside Absalom have long beckoned adventurers looking to make a name for themselves. Now an earthquake has cracked open one of these fabled ruins, and its lost mysteries and fantastic treasures lie exposed for the first time in centuries. Intended for new players. Premade characters available.


FR256 ­ The Glass River Rescue (PFS #5­01, Levels 1­5)

by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. A Pathfinder leading a diplomatic envoy from the dwarven holds of the Five Kings Mountains has gone missing, and now it falls to the party to enter Razmiran, locate the missing Pathfinder and the dwarven diplomats, and escape with their lives. Suitable for new players. Premade characters available.

FR257 ­ Cairn of Shadows (PFS #5­23, Levels 5­9) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. When the Blakros family informs the Pathfinder Society that their shared enemy is in pursuit of a dangerous artifact, the PCs must brave the shadow-stricken region of Nidal to keep this object from falling into the wrong hands. Intended for experienced PFS players.

FR287 ­ Sailor Moon "Graduation Day" by Chey Temple, rpg, 4.5 hrs, (No restrictions) Graduation day is only a week away. Soon the girls will be in high school -- most of them. Serena is failing; but if she can pass a makeup test, she'll graduate. Time for a cram session; unfortunately; something has taken an interest in her.

FR131 ­ An Enchanting Performance by Eric Aldrich, rpg, 4 hrs, (No restrictions) You are attending a modern dance and vocal, multi-ethnic fusion performance at Meany Hall. Is there more here than meets the eye?

FR155 ­ Mystic Alliances by Kamal Lombardi, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 1 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Teenagers face the Mythos in Seattle in this stand alone variant for Call of Cthulu. The Mythos are once again on the rise.

FR254 ­ First Steps (PFS Level 1) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. In your first mission as a Pathfinder agent, the head of the Grand Lodge sends you on a number of missions throughout the metropolis of Absalom in the pursuit of knowledge. Intended for new players. Premade characters available.

WARGAMES FW151 ­ Cuba Libre! by Stephen Graham, wargame, 4 hrs, For up to 4 players. Runs for 4 hours. Resolve the fate of Cuba as Castro's July 26th movement and the Directorio rebels both try to overthrow Batista's Government, while the criminal Syndicate just wants to get rich.

FW230 ­ Medieval by Rob Bottos, wargame, 4 hrs, For 3 to 10 beginner-level players of age 15 and up. Runs for 4 hours. A card-based game that takes players back to the turbulent 13th century in Europe, Middle East and North Africa. The winner is the one who survives the onslaughts of religion and the Mongols to control the largest part of 13th century Europe. We'll run 2 simultaneous games; if time allows, a second round will be played with the 5 best players from the first round.

FW232 ­ Open World War I Games by Mark Woloshen, wargame, 4 hrs, For at least 2 players. Runs for 4 hours. At Neuve Chappelle, Loos, In Flanders Fields are among a few of the World War I games available to play.

FW110 ­ Here I Stand by Adam Harvey, wargame, 8 hrs, For 6 to 6 experienced-level players. Runs for 8 hours. Due to the intense ruleset and negotiation aspect of this game, it is preferable for experienced players only though I am willing to allow new players if they read the rules well beforehand. Tentatively we will be playing the 1517 scenario with the variant of declaring a victor after 6 hrs.

FW341 ­ JD Webster Hosts Fighting Wings by Stephen Graham, wargame, 6 hrs, (No restrictions) For the past several years, JD has hosted his Fighting Wings games at Dragonflight. Newbies are entirely welcome to join in. This year's precise theme and scenarios will be revealed at the convention.

GENERAL/OTHER FG345 ­ Magic the Gathering: Conspiracy by Admin Dragonflight, general, 13 hrs, (No restrictions) Magic the Gathering: Conspiracy Multiplayer Drafting Single Elimination, 4 Player Tables 10am 10pm Come draft the new Conspiracy multiplayer format! Every group of 8 players will begin a new draft flight so there is no need to wait in long lines or arrive at a specific time! Each event will have MtG prize support and there will be opportunities to enter multiple flights across the course of the day. Top two players from each table move on to a final 4-player round. Everyone at the final table gets prizes! Convention tickets are available for 2, 3, or 4 flights. Individual flights may also be purchased directly from the tournament sponsor on the day of the event. Tournament is DCI Certified (with DCI numbers available to new players) and prize support is provided by Games and Gizmos.

Dragonflight XXXV Time Block G, Sat 11:30am BOARD GAMES GB105 ­ Cutthroat Caverns by William Cohen, board, 2 hrs, For 4 to 6 beginner-level players of age 18 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Essentially a game of 'kill stealing'. A unique combination of cooperative game play and opportunistic backstabbing.

GB187 ­ Summoner Wars by Mark Levad, board, 2 hrs, For 01 to 06 beginner-level players of age 010 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Summon your followers to destroy your enemies! Two player skirmish fun. Kind of a cross between chess and M:TG.

GB202 ­ Munchkin Zombies by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours. Epic Munchkin Tournament 1 of 8

GB204 ­ Revolution! by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours.

GB218 ­ Capitals with Callie by Adam Harvey, board, 3 hrs, For 3 to 4 players. Runs for 3 hours. New and experienced are welcome! This is a fun and intuitive city building game. Come hang out w/me and learn this entertaining game

GB279 ­ Car Wars 3x Tournament: Qualifier 2 by Greg Pratt, board, 2 hrs, For up to 6 players. Qualifier #2 for the Car Wars 3x tournament. No experience required. Vehicle designs are provided. Top finishers will advance to the final round held at 7 p.m.

GB115 ­ Hot Rod Creeps by Matt Hyra, board, 2 hrs, For up to 5 beginnerlevel players. Runs for 2 hours. After we custom build a racetrack with all the fixin's like dangerous curves, pit stops, and The Jump (complete with a Flaming Ring of Fire and a Shark Tank), it's time to start your engines. It's a crazy good time! No experience necessary.

GB322 ­ Kingsburg by Natalie Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 5 players. Runs for 2 hours. Roll the dice, claim your advisors, grow your Kingdom! Includes To Forge a Realm expansions

GB165 ­ Templar: The Secret Treasures

by Darlene Hochgreve, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 4 beginner-level players of age 10 and up. Runs for 2 hours. We'll be teaching and playing Templar, a hide and seek adventure. This will seat 3 to 9 players, 2 games running simultaneously.

GB304 ­ New 2014 game, Helios! by Miranda Folland, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours. I just got this brand new 2014 game. It plays pretty quickly and is easy to learn. You're only selecting from three possible actions but what you do with those actions is what makes this game so interesting. There are so many choices, all of them involving various ways to get points.

MINIATURES GM128 ­ SYW Miniatures by Ken Cassady, miniatures, 5 hrs, For 2 to 6 beginner-level players of age 14 and up. Runs for 5 hours.

WARGAMES GW203 ­ Ogre Designer's Edition by MIB [redacted], wargame, 2 hrs, For 1 to 6 demo-level players. Runs for 2 hours.

Melee/Wizard Tournament by Tony Van Liew, board, 4 hrs, For at least 2 players. It's a free-for-all in a scale representation of the Roman Coliseum, with room for up to 45 combatants. We will be using the standard Melee/Wizard rules with 32-point characters. Winner-Take-All! Newcomers welcome. You can bring your own miniature, or counters will be provided.

HB116 ­ Ora et Labora by Martin Hughes, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 4 players. Runs for 2 hours. Ora et Labora by Uwe Rosenberg

HB124 ­ Saturday Afternoon Games by Greg Ullrich, board, 4.5 hrs, (No restrictions) Kids ages five and up can come and play games. Games include: Krosmaster, Rivit Wars, Ticket To Ride, and more.

HB166 ­ Origin, a game of evolution

GW238 ­ Sword Of Rome with 5th Player Expansion

by Darlene Hochgreve, board, 1.5 hrs, For 3 to 4 beginner-level players of age 10 and up. Runs for 1.5 hours. Origin will be taught and played and there might be time for a second game if there is interest.

by Luther Harris, wargame, 8 hrs, For 4 to 5 beginner-level players of age 12 and up. Runs for 8 hours.

HB139 ­ Knights of the Dinner Table presents.. Orcs At the Gate!

Time Block H, Sat 2:00pm BOARD GAMES HB280 ­ Car Wars 3x Tournament: Qualifier 3 by Greg Pratt, board, 2 hrs, For up to 6 players. Qualifier #1 for the Car Wars 3x tournament. No experience required. Vehicle designs are provided. Top finishers will advance to the final round held at 7 p.m.

HB106 ­ Letters From WhiteChapel by William Cohen, board, 2 hrs, For 4 to 6 beginner-level players of age 18 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Get ready to enter the poor and dreary Whitechapel district in London 1888 -- the scene of the mysterious Jack the Ripper murders -- with its crowded and smelly alleys, hawkers, shouting merchants, dirty children covered in rags who run through the crowd and beg for money, and prostitutes ("the wretched") on every street corner.

HB111 ­ 3rd Annual

by Brian James, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 5 beginnerlevel players of age None and up. Runs for 2 hours. This is a timed 2 hour game playing up to 5 people. At the end the Players win if they have accumulated 1000 points through killing of orcs and looting treasures. The GM wins if no player has reached this goal, of if he ruthlessly kills all the PCs. Get your Hackmaster +12 ready, Memorize those spells, and roll those dice. Its time to play.... Orcs at the Gates!

HB206 ­ Munchkin Cthulhu by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours. Epic Munchkin Tournament 5 of 8

HB296 ­ Sid Meier's Civilization by Matthew Gaffney, board, 6.5 hrs, (No restrictions) Build a civilization in this game with multiple paths to victory. Includes expansions. Up to 3 additional players.

HB188 ­ Dominion


by Courtney Nichols, board, 2 hours hrs, (No restrictions)

Dragonflight XXXV HB312 ­ Suburbia by David Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 players. Plan, build, and develop a small town into a major metropolis.

HB323 ­ 6 Nimmt! by Natalie Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 players. Runs for 2 hours.

HB167 ­ A Cry For Help by Greg Filpus, board, 3 hrs, (No restrictions) "The deputy has been missing for almost two days now. He asked for your help after discovering three cadavers, each one's flesh carved up with occult glyphs. Now you fear the local lawman might be the fourth victim. Having just arrived, time is of the essence..."

HB353 ­ Descent: Journeys in the Dark 1st ed. by Nick Lewis, board, 4.5 hrs, For up to 4 beginner-level players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Enter the dungeon, seize its treasures, and defeat the Overlord.

HB205 ­ Illuminati by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours.

HB347 ­ Terra Mystica by Miranda Folland, board, 3 hrs, For 2 to 5 beginner-level players of age 14 and up. Runs for 3 hours. Everyone is welcome to join in playing this fantastic game where your people have their own ability terraforming the land to develop and grow. Should be lots of fun! I also have the two promo expansions: extra town tiles and an extra navigation round bonus tile

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES HR122 ­ Rainy Engine Skies by John Reiher, rpg, 4 hrs, For 2 to 4 beginnerlevel players of age 12 and up. Runs for 4 hours. You are a small group of robots living on Mercer Island, or what's still there above the waters. You help a group of humans survive the disaster that hit the world. Only now, several individuals are now suffering from a disease that the doc bot can't deal with. You have to find a cure from the ruins of Harbor View and fast.

HR147 ­ Playful Watch: Training Day by Laura Mortensen, rpg, 4 hrs, (No restrictions) Kids 10 and up welcome!


HR157 ­ Vancouver Arcology by Kamal Lombardi, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 1 to 5

beginner-level players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Your setting is that you are working for the Federal Security Bureau working as part of the Sectarian Crimes Division investigating occult activity. You are a team including mecha pilots that protects the Vancouver area against threats of an occult nature.

HR145 ­ Cursed be the City by Michael McGuire, rpg, 4 hrs, For 3 to 6 players of age 11 and up. Runs for 4 hours.

HR258 ­ The Frostfur Captives (PFS #3­01, Levels 1­5)

occasion turns to crushing despair. Rea vanishes! Will they be able to find her and bring her back?

HR258 ­ Pathfinder Society Information and Character Building by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Learn about the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign. Our experienced GMs will answer your questions and even help you create a PFS character you can use in our scenarios.

by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Tasked with escorting a group of goblin prisoners from their camp to civilization for interrogation by the Pathfinder Society, you must protect them not only from the beasts and hazards of the wilderness, but themselves. Intended for new players. Premade characters available.

HR339 ­ payback

HR260 ­ We Be Goblins!

by Eric Aldrich, rpg, 4 hrs, For up to 24 beginnerlevel players. Runs for 8 hours. This year the Blue Dragons is doing Firefly. We are using the new rules by Margaret Weis Productions. Join us for misbehaving in the Verse. Character sheets provided. This is the second four hours of an eight hour event. The first half will be starting in time block C.

by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad, has declared that the greatest heroes of the Locktoad tribe must venture forth to retrieve fireworks from a derelict ship stranded in the marsh. Prove yourselves worthy, then complete the task. Premade goblin characters are provided.

HR261 ­ Day of the Demon (PFS #5­14, Levels 3­7) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. The Blakros family has come into possession of a manor house in the imperial nation of Cheliax. The Pathfinders' task is simple: clear the abandoned manor of any remaining threats before the Blakroses move in. Intended for experienced PFS players.

HR262 ­ Vengeance at Sundered Crag (PFS #5­25, Levels 7­11) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Two foes of the Pathfinder Society race toward the dwarven Sky Citadel Jormurdun, aiming to snatch away the Pathfinders' prize. Can the PCs prevent their enemies from ruining the expedition and put an end to the threat posed by these villains? Intended for experienced PFS players.

by Colin Fletcher, rpg, 4 hrs, For players of age 16 and up. Introductory game to cyberpunk 2020 no experience necessary vets welcome. 2-6 players

HR132 ­ Blue Dragons Does Firefly 2

HR346 ­ No Use Big Words Play Og! by Rolfe Bergstrom, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 1 to 5 players. Og: Unearthed Edition is the crazy caveman RPG where players have a very limited vocabulary (as befits their pea-brained neanderthal characters). Go Bang Big Smelly Thing! No experience necessary. Expect plenty of laughter, communication failures, character death, plastic dinosaur toys, and snarky Land Of The Lost references.

WARGAMES HW134 ­ Wellington ­ GMT card­ driven war game by Jeff Marksz, wargame, 4-6 hours hrs, For 2 to 4 players. The Spanish and their British Allies attempt to drive France from the Iberian peninsula...a game of strategy and tactics kept exciting with dice and card play.

HR288 ­ Tenchi Muyo "No Need For Rescue"

HW207 ­ Ogre: Destroy All Monsters!

by Chey Temple, rpg, 4.5 hrs, (No restrictions) Tenchi's step mother, Rea, is expecting. The girls have decided to throw her a baby shower. With this group, anything can happen. Soon this joyous

by MIB [redacted], wargame, 4 hrs, For 2 to 7 beginner-level players. Runs for 4 hours.

Dragonflight XXXV HW190 ­ Men of Iron ­ Blood & Roses by Rob Bottos, wargame, 4 hrs, For 2 to 2 demolevel players. Runs for 4 hours. This is a demonstration. Rob Bottos and David Sullivan are the 2 players.

HW233 ­ The Last Invasion by Mark Woloshen, wargame, 4 hrs, For 2 to 4 beginner-level players. Runs for 4 hours. A selection of games I have designed in various stages of development for publication. Games include: The Last Invasion - The Fenian Raids on Canada, Goose Green (Falklands War battle game), City State - The Italian Renaissance. Come by and join the conversation!

Time Block J, Sat 4:30pm BOARD GAMES JB176 ­ Acquire Tournament by VICTOR DRAKE, board, 4 hrs, For up to 20 players of age 12 and up. Runs for 2 hours. 4 rounds, tournament score based on your % of average final $$ held by players in your game, winner determined by highest aggregate tournament score. Will play with the original rules, not the 1999 variant. For players 12 and up.

JB118 ­ Le Havre by Martin Hughes, board, 2.5 hrs, For 3 to 5 players. Le Havre by Uwe Rosenberg

JB209 ­ Castellan by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours.

JB208 ­ Munchkin Apocalypse by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours. Epic Munchkin Tournament 6 of 8

JB226 ­ Super Dungeon Explore: The Desolation of Starfire by Abraham Torres, board, 4 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players of age 12 and up. Runs for 4 hours. With the Heroes of Crystalia's constant incursions into his realm, Starfire has searched for ever more powerful relics for his hoard to increase his strength. With his discovery of the Horn of the Dragon King he has declared himself King Starfire of the Dragonback Peaks & Lord of all Dragons!

JB281 ­ Car Wars 3x Tournament: Qualifier 4 by Greg Pratt, board, 2 hrs, For up to 6 players. Qualifier #4 for the Car Wars 3x tournament. No

experience required. Vehicle designs are provided. Top finishers will advance to the final round held at 7 p.m.

Time Block K, Sat 7:00pm BOARD GAMES

JB324 ­ Dominion

KB117 ­ Archer: The Danger Zone! Board Game

by Natalie Adams, board, 2 hrs, (No restrictions) Each player starts with an identical, very small deck of cards. In the center of the table is a selection of other cards the players can 'buy' as they can afford them. Over and over again!

JB313 ­ Belfort by David Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 5 players. Welcome to the Tasty Minstrel universe! Put your Elves, Dwarves and Gnomes to work in the Village and Guilds of Belfort to collect resources and build up the city! No Trolls!

MINIATURES JM224 ­ Silent Death Total War by Brian James, miniatures, 6 hrs, For 2 to 8 beginner-level players of age 8 and up. Runs for 6 hours. This will be a pitched battle as 2 great houses take on one another in a fight to the death. The lines have been drawn and now it comes down to this one last battle in which the victor will take all and the loser will only have the cold of space to embrace...

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES JR158 ­ Neverwhen Demonstration by Dustin Gross, rpg, 4 hrs, (No restrictions) Welcome to the world of Neverwhen. Neverwhen is a Campaign setting (Using Paizo's popular Pathfinder Roleplaying Game) that allows players and gamemasters to take items and/or characters from any d20 setting and use them in their own campaign. We are doing demos of this new Pathfinder setting. Pre-Generated characters are available. All the scenarios reflect the ability to combine different genres within the adventure.

WARGAMES JW342 ­ JD Webster Hosts Fighting Wings by Stephen Graham, wargame, 6 hrs, (No restrictions) For the past several years, JD has hosted his Fighting Wings games at Dragonflight. Newbies are entirely welcome to join in. This year's precise theme and scenarios will be revealed at the convention. The precise start time will vary based on the morning's scenario and lunch plans.

by Matt Hyra, board, 2 hrs, For up to 7 beginnerlevel players of age 16 and up. Runs for 2 hours. A high-stakes game of espionage, international intrigue, ans screwing over your co-workers. Welcome to the International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS).

KB210 ­ Munchkin Booty by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours. Epic Munchkin Tournament 7 of 8

KB211 ­ Frag Gold by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours.

KB140 ­ Robo Rally X Game by Bobbie Wiley, board, 4 hrs, For up to 7 players. Runs for 4 hours. It's the same old boring factory routine. Until some human mis- programs a 'bot! Then the fun begins! Willing to teach, if you are willing to laugh. Some variation on rules will occur.

KB220 ­ Pax Porfiriana! by Adam Harvey, board, 3 hrs, For 2 to 4 players. Runs for 3 hours. Experienced or New - This vicious and highly thematic game from the genius Phil Eklund covers a lesser known set of historical events that has the players scheming, murdering, extorting, influencing and toppling a regime.

KB282 ­ Car Wars 3X Tournament: Final by Greg Pratt, board, 3 hrs, For up to 6 players. Final for the Car Wars 3x tournament. Players must have qualified in one of the prior qualifier games to participate. Vehicle designs are provided OR you may bring an arena legal division 15 design created using the rulebooks or the tools at: (Please provide custom designs to the host at least an hour in advance of the event, with worksheets.)

KB325 ­ Kingsburg by Natalie Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 5 players. Runs for 2 hours. Roll the dice, claim your advisors, grow your Kingdom! Includes To Forge a Realm expansions

KB178 ­ Cold War


by Clayton Baisch, board, 4+ hrs, For 4 to 4 players of age 18 and up. Runs for 4+ hours.

Dragonflight XXXV 4 player game of the Cold War era. Published by Victory Games.

KB300 ­ Middle­Earth Quest by Bradley Richards, board, 4 hrs, For up to 4 players. Runs for 4 hours. Beginners welcome.

KB314 ­ Tzolkin by David Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 players. Dynamic worker placement. Players representing different Mayan tribes place their workers on giant connected gears, and as the gears rotate they take the workers to different action spots.

KB352 ­ Romolo o Remo with Expansions? by Dan Lokemoen, board, 4 hrs, For 3 to 4 players of age 17 and up. Elegant resource / expansion / exploitation / war / civilization game possibly including some of the several expansions. Rules will be taught.

KB337 ­ Sentinels of the Multiverse: Vengeance! by Dean Messner, board, 2 hrs, For 1 to 5 players. Runs for 2 hours. Vengeance is a mega expansion, which comes with a complete team of 5 heroes. It also features two very exciting environments. But the truly exciting part of Vengeance is the villain team: The Vengeful Five!

KB168 ­ Kings of Air and Steam by Darlene Hochgreve, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 8 beginner-level players of age 12 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Kings of Air and Steam plus Expansion for players more familiar with the game.

KB348 ­ Everything 7 Wonders by Miranda Folland, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 7 experienced-level players of age 15 and up. Runs for 2 hours. For all those who have played 7 Wonders before, here's your opportunity to play with most everything that has ever been published for the game. I have the base game, the Leaders expansion, the Cities expansion, most of the promo Leader cards, special Wonder boards and the Wonder Pack (new wonders). Let's put them all together and play 7 Wonders!



KM129 ­ Circus Maximus by Ken Cassady, miniatures, 5 hrs, For 4 to 19 beginner-level players of age 7 and up. Runs for 5 hours.

KM332 ­ Introductory battletech by Colin Fletcher, miniatures, 4 hrs, (No restrictions) introductory battletech games grab a mech and have fun.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES KR338 ­ Haunted Ruins of Castle Mold­a­vay by Scott Moberly, rpg, 4 hrs, For up to 8 players. Runs for 4 hours. Labyrinth Lord, a retro clone of Basic D&D (B/X). This will be an old school dungeon crawl with a nod to the late great game designer Tom Moldvay

KR158 ­ Welcome to Chicago, Wizard! by Kamal Lombardi, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 1 to 12 beginner-level players. Runs for 1 hours. You are part of an elite group of characters connected to Harry Dresden, a supernatural wizard investigator for hire who operates in the streets of Chicago. Something is brewing to do with the supernatural involving some major power players in Chicago.

KR160 ­ Protecting Young Lion by Dave Perry, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For up to 5 players. Runs for 4 hours. How strong is your kung fu? A frightened mother wants protection for her son as he undertakes his first big mission as a magistrate. Can you overcome gang enforcers, assassins, and corrupt magistrates?

KR193 ­ The Beast of Sucker Creek by Mark Levad, rpg, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 players. Runs for 2 hours. Sightings of a hairy, man-like creature in and around Sucker Creek go back hundreds of years-the legends of the Rayado people tell of Ni-teshiih; "The Strong One" who lived in the dark swamps of the Sucker Creek basin.

KR262 ­ Pathfinder Society Information and Character Building by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Learn about the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign. Our experienced GMs will answer your questions and even help you create a PFS character you can use in our scenarios.

KR264 ­ The Confirmation (PFS #5­08, Level 1) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players.

Runs for 4.5 hours. The last test before graduating from initiate to full Pathfinder agent is the Confirmation. The society recently discovered a site on the Isle of Kortos that would be perfect for a small group of initiates. Intended for new players. Premade characters available.

KR267 ­ Assault on the Wound (PFS #5­24, Levels 3­7) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. The Society embarks on its expedition to the Sky Citadel Jormurdun with a small army in tow, but they are not the only ones seeking the dwarven fortress. Can the PCs lead their motley army to victory deep in the Worldwound? Intended for experienced PFS players.

KR266 ­ The Horn of Aroden (PFS #5­19, Levels 1­5) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. When Lady Gloriana Morilla learned of a dormant relic that might be awakened, she petitioned the Society for its aid in recovering the "Horn of Aroden." The PCs travel to Brevoy, a fragmented land of dueling, cold, and conquest to secure this horn, though in doing so they join an ongoing plot of politics and intrigue. Suitable for new players. Premade characters available.

KR289 ­ Ranma 1½ "Grand Tournament" by Chey Temple, rpg, 4.5 hrs, (No restrictions) There is going to be a martial arts tournament in a month. The first prize; is $100,000. martial artists from all over the world are coming to compete. Can it be? A tournament without someone wanting to kill and/or marry Ranma? We'll see; he still has his "friends".

KR146 ­ Spaceship Zero by Jeff Jorgensen, rpg, 4 hrs, For 4 to 8 beginnerlevel players. Runs for 4 hours. Cross time, space and the edge of sanity with the Spaceship Zero roleplaying game! Based on the cult TV series and forthcoming movie, Spaceship Zero is a '50s style swashbuckling space adventure RPG, complete with it's own soundtrack (provided by "Darkest of the Hillside Thickets"). Come aboard, seek out intelligent life forms and defend the earth from tentacled monsters from beyond.

KR265 ­ We Be Goblins, Too! by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Recently, Birdcruncher chieftains have had really short lifespans--they're being killed by the pet fire-breathing boar of a local ogre who wants the Birdcruncher land as his own. Can the four

Dragonflight XXXV heroes of the now-dead Licktoad tribe save the Birdcrunchers and, in so doing, become their new leaders? Goblin characters are provided.

KR355 ­ Call of Cthulhu : Night Witches' Sabbath by Andrew Harshman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. As the second World War rages on the Eastern Front, an all-female band of Soviet aviators answers the call to arms in defense of the Motherland, "The Night Witches". When reports of occult occurrences and sabotage among their ranks reach Moscow, a team of military advisers are dispatched to investigate.

WARGAMES KW181 ­ Andean Abyss­ the Drug War and Counterinsurgency in Colombia by Dan Carey, wargame, 4 hrs, For up to 4 players. Runs for 4 hours. This is a four player game where the sides are the Government, the right-wing AUC, the Marxists FARC, and the drug Cartels. Each side has asymetric abilities as they attempt to meet their victory conditions.

KW191 ­ Caudillo by Rob Bottos, wargame, 3 hrs, For 2 to 5 beginner-level players of age 19 and up. Runs for 3 hours. This is a playtest of a Brian Train wargame. The event organizer is one of the players. Please keep this in the wargaming area. This game combines elements of Junta, Illuminati, and Twilight Struggle.

KW213 ­ Ogre: Exercise K by MIB [redacted], wargame, 4 hrs, For 2 to 12 beginner-level players. Runs for 4 hours.

KW212 ­ Ogre: Exercise K by MIB [redacted], wargame, 4 hrs, For 2 to 12 beginner-level players. Runs for 4 hours.

Time Block L, Sat 9:30pm BOARD GAMES LB214 ­ Star Munchkin by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 2 hours.

LB215 ­ Chez Geek by MIB [redacted], board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players of age 16 and up. Runs for 2 hours.

LB307 ­ Splendor by Darlene Hochgreve, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 8 players. Addictive game of card drafting and gem collecting, more abstract than theme of Merchants in Renaissance buying gem mines. Did I mention addictive? 2014 nominee for Spiel des Jahres.

LB315 ­ Crayon Rails on Mars

METRO SEATTLE GAMERS 1600 West Armory Way, Suite C106, Seattle — 206-781-0047 —

by David Adams, board, 4 hrs, For 2 to 6 players. Runs for 4 hours. Crayon Rails on the Martian Rails map! Bring your train whistle!

LB326 ­ Evo by Natalie Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 5 players. Runs for 2 hours.

LB107 ­ Cards Against Humanity by William Staab, board, 2 hrs, For 4 to 8 beginner-level players of age 17 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Come play Cards Against Humanity with the first four expansions. As a bonus, you will be served some PWNMEAL Extreme Gaming Oatmeal to help you be your best.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES LR123 ­ The Godfairy by John Reiher, rpg, 4 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginnerlevel players of age 16 and up. Runs for 4 hours. Team Fremont has gotten an offer they can't refuse. A call for help from the Vatican and Opus Dei. Seems a certain Elf Princess has returned and has joined forces with the Costra Nostra in Sicily. It's up to Team Fremont to send her back to the land of Fae once more!

Time Block M, Sun 12:00am BOARD GAMES MB350 ­ Midnight Circus Minimus by Art Brochet, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 7 players. Runs for 2 hours. Circus Maximus stripped down to its essentials. If you haven't gotten enough whipping during the day, join us at midnight for that extra bit.

MB216 ­ Munchkin Tournament Finall Round by MIB [redacted], board, 4 hrs, For 3 to 8 beginner-level players. Runs for 4 hours. No tickets needed, players from previous rounds.

MB108 ­ Midnight Crabs Adjust Humidity by William Staab, board, 2 hrs, For 4 to 8 beginner-level players of age 17 and up. Runs for 2

You like games — strategy board games, wargames, miniatures? Then you've got to visit Metro Seattle Gamers, a clubhouse for friendly competition. Metro Seattle Gamers is a facility dedicated to the playing of games, organized, run and supported by its membership. We are not a store and are run on a volunteer and non­ profit basis by Dragonflight, the organization that hosts the annual Dragonflight convention. We provide: • A large board game collection, with modern Euros, classic strategy games and wargames! • Terrain for miniatures games, including a large Geohex supply, scenery, ground cloths, and more! • Separate rooms with white boards for notes and mapping and plenty of table space. • Space for long­term storage of games! • Internet access with Clearwire and local wi­fi network. • Unlimited access is available, so you can play on your schedule! For more information on Metro Seattle Gamers, go to, plus subscribe to the MSG email list at t­MSG/ to receive our events in your mailbox. We're also on Facebook!


Dragonflight XXXV hours. Crabs Adjust Humidity is a third-party, unofficial expansion card set for Cards Against Humanity. This event will be over by 2 am so we all can still get some sleep. We will be using just the Crabs card sets 1-3 and some of the Crabs blanks - so please bring your best (or worst) card ideas!

MB335 ­ Late Night Arkham Fright/Mansions of Madness by Dean Messner, board, 4 hrs, For 1 to 10 players. A great Dragonflight tradition continues! Also featuring Mansions of Madness.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES MR290 ­ Slayers "Wedding Bells for Lina" by Chey Temple, rpg, 4.5 hrs, (No restrictions) While tracking down clues to the Claire Bible, Lina gets a request to return home immediately. Once home, she gets the good news of her wedding day. Don't worry; her betrothed is a childhood friend.

MR291 ­ Midnight Urchin by Laura Mortensen, rpg, 3 hrs, For players of age 16 and up. Come play a crazy homeless person. Urchin is a game based on a low-budget movie directed by John Harlacher. Beneath New York, under the subway tunnels, is place known as Scum City. It's full of the dregs of society. Their only advantages are that they know how to make a drug called the Blessing and the fact that some of them know the way to Argartha where the King lives. Past characters have included Elvis with Turrets, Spaceman, and someone who thought they were MacGyver.

Time Block N, Sun 9:00am

BOARD GAMES NB126 ­ Axis & Allies 1914 by John Edwards, board, 8 hrs, For 2 to 8 players of age 14 and up. Will play until 5pm.

NB141 ­ Village + Village Inn Expansion by Brian James, board, 4 hrs, For 3 to 5 experienced-level players of age 12+ and up. Runs for 4 hours. The Village is back and a new craft as arrived! Brewing Beer! Along with this new craft a inn opens where you can meed influential people.


NB171 ­ 18NYC by Michael Monical, board, 8 hrs, For 3 to 5 experienced-level players of age 18 and up. Runs

for 8 hours.

NB109 ­ Dominant Species by William Cohen, board, 4 hrs, For 4 to 6 experienced-level players of age 18 and up. Runs for 4 hours. 90,000 B.C. -- A great ice age is fast approaching. Another titanic struggle for global supremacy has unwittingly commenced between the varying animal species. But somebody better become dominant quickly, because it's getting mighty cold....

NB235 ­ Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery by Clayton Baisch, board, 3 hrs, For 4 to 6 players of age 21 and up. Runs for 3 hours. In Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery, each player takes on the role of Dominus, head of a rising house in the ancient Roman city of Capua. Each house is competing for Influence to gain the favor of Rome.

NB308 ­ Steam Park by Darlene Hochgreve, board, 2 hrs, For 3 to 4 beginner-level players of age 12 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Learn and play Steam Park

NB327 ­ Wealth of Nations by Natalie Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 6 players. Runs for 2 hours.

NB334 ­ Let's move goods with Roads and/or Boats by Cullen Faugno, board, 3-4 hrs, For 2 to 6 beginner-level players of age 12 and up. Runs for 3-4 hours. Introduction to Roads and Boats.

NB316 ­ Pac Man! by David Adams, board, 1 hrs, For 2 to 8 players. Runs for 2 hours. 10am start time - Game starts at 10am The fastest game of Robo-Rally you have EVER played. Also, FREE CHOCOLATE! Did I mention FREE CHOCOLATE?!? Similar to WotC variant: ah20050923a

NB331 ­ Expansions of Waterdeep by Miranda Folland, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 6 beginner-level players of age 12 and up. Runs for 2 hours. Let's play both Scoundrels of Skullport modules of the Lords of Waterdeep expansion allowing up to 6 players. So we'll have the rich treasures of the Undermountain module and the corruption of the Skullport module. The game is pretty easy to learn so beginners are welcome.


NR133 ­ A Hot Time in the Big Apple by Eric Aldrich, rpg, 4 hrs, (No restrictions) Your group of superheroes must stop Hydra from releasing an engineered virus in New York City. Characters provided.

NR161 ­ Ghost in the Shell by Kamal Lombardi, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 1 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Play in a game of the new edition of Shadowrun using characters from the anime Ghost in the Shell who are part of Public Security Section 9 which investigates high-technology related crimes in a futuristic Japan.

NR162 ­ Neverwhen Demonstration by Dustin Gross, rpg, 4 hrs, (No restrictions) Welcome to the world of Neverwhen. Neverwhen is a Campaign setting (Using Paizo's popular Pathfinder Roleplaying Game) that allows players and gamemasters to take items and/or characters from any d20 setting and use them in their own campaign. We are doing demos of this new Pathfinder setting. Pre-Generated characters available. All the scenarios reflect the ability to combine different genres within the adventure.

NR268 ­ Pathfinder Society Information and Character Building by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Learn about the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign. Our experienced GMs will answer your questions and even help you create an PFS character you can use in our scenarios.

NR269 ­ Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible (PFS #1­33, Levels 1­5) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. The Pathfinder Society sends you to the island of Jalmeray, to stop an Aspis Consortium black market relics dealer who is organizing the local bandits and violently robbing caravans laden with relics, artifacts, and magical mysteries. Intended for new players. Premade characters available.

NR269 ­ Master of the Fallen Fortress by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. The ruined siege castles outside Absalom have long beckoned adventurers looking to make a

Dragonflight XXXV name for themselves. Now an earthquake has cracked open one of these fabled ruins, and its lost mysteries and fantastic treasures lie exposed for the first time in centuries. Intended for new players. Premade characters available.

NR270 ­ The Merchant's Wake (PFS #5­21, Levels 1­5) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. A powerful trade prince has died, and Aaqir al Hakam rushes to his homeland to attend his mentor's funeral. As an act of support, the Society sends the PCs as representatives to the event. Can the Pathfinders keep this somber event from spiraling into a bloodbath? Suitable for new players. Premade characters available.

NR271 ­ The Stranger Within (PFS #5­18, Levels 5­9) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours.

Guaril Karela, close ally of the Society, made dangerous enemies during his bid for territory and influence. The PCs must travel to the dangerous city of Kaer Maga, track down a group of assassins, and sabotage their efforts in order to save the spymaster. Intended for experienced PFS players.

NW234 ­ Open World War I Games

NR292 ­ Louie the Rune Soldier "Louie, Louie"

by Rob Bottos, wargame, 5 hrs, For 3 to 4 beginner-level players of age 16 and up. Runs for 5 hours. The event organizer is one of the players.

by Chey Temple, rpg, 4.5 hrs, (No restrictions) Merrill has found a map leading to long lost treasure. Her research finds that no one has found it yet. This may be the chance of a lifetime or an utter disaster.

WARGAMES NW112 ­ Here I Stand by Ralph Shelton, wargame, 4 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 4 hours.

by Mark Woloshen, wargame, 4 hrs, For 2 to 4 beginner-level players. Runs for 4 hours. Another chance to play these great games!

NW192 ­ Successors

NW343 ­ JD Webster Hosts Fighting Wings by Stephen Graham, wargame, 6 hrs, (No restrictions) For the past several years, JD has hosted his Fighting Wings games at Dragonflight. Newbies are entirely welcome to join in. This year's precise theme and scenarios will be revealed at the convention.


Dragonflight XXXV Time Block P, Sun 11:30am BOARD GAMES PB175 ­ Camels and Sand by VICTOR DRAKE, board, 0:45 hrs, For 2 to 5 players of age 10 and up. For 3-5 players 10 and up. Each game less than 1 hour.

PB239 ­ St. Petersburg with 5th player expansion by Luther Harris, board, 2 hrs, For up to 5 players.

PB240 ­ St. Petersburg with 5th player expansion by Luther Harris, board, 2 hrs, For up to 5 players.

PB241 ­ St. Petersburg with 5th player expansion by Luther Harris, board, 2 hrs, For up to 5 players.

PB283 ­ Car Wars 3x Division 25

post-apocalyptic Australia. Something's wrong in the jungles of Bananaland. Your team is being dropped from an airship to investigate.

WARGAMES PW182 ­ Fire In the Lake­ Insurgency in Vietnam by Daniel Carey, wargame, 4 hrs, For up to 4 players. Runs for 4 hours. This is the newest game in the COIN series, to be published in July of 2014. The game is a unique multi-faction treatment of the Vietnam War, Fire in the Lake will take 1 to 4 players on US heliborne sweeps of the jungle and Communist infiltration of the South, and into inter-allied conferences, Saigon politics, interdiction of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, air defense of Northern infrastructure, graduated escalation, and media war. **NOTE: If the game is not released in time, A Distant Plain will be played instead.**

Time Block R, Sun 2:00pm BOARD GAMES RB174 ­ Automobile by VICTOR DRAKE, board, 1:15 hrs, For 3 to 5 players of age 12 and up.

by Greg Pratt, board, 4 hrs, For up to 6 players. One off Division 25 game of Car Wars. Vehicle designs are provided OR you may bring an arena legal division 25 design created using the rulebooks or the tools at: (Please provide custom designs to the host at least an hour in advance of the event, with worksheets.) 30 point characters for everyone. Up to 8 players.

RB318 ­ Merchant of Venus

PB317 ­ Small World 6 player

RB186 ­ Glory to Glory to Rome!!!

by David Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 6 players. Runs for 2 hours. Its a small team oriented world after all! This new 6-player map will pit 2 teams against each other. 149066

by David Adams, board, 4 hrs, For 2 to 4 players. The Fantasy Flight version!

RB217 ­ Munchkin Request by MIB [redacted], board, 4 hrs, For 3 to 6 beginner-level players. Runs for 4 hours.

planning, you just might outmaneuver your fellow travelers.

RB302 ­ The Monasteries (4th expansion) by Miranda Folland, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 beginner-level players of age 12 and up. Runs for 2 hours. We'll be playing on the newest player boards the 4th expansion. It gives bonus points for connecting the monasteries printed on the board. I've also added the four extra tiles from the 2nd expansion for flavor. Previous exposure to the basic game is recommended.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES RR163 ­ Dream Park by Kamal Lombardi, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 1 to 5 beginner-level players. Runs for 4.5 hours. You are part of a security group called Night Squad who run the security for Dream Park, a gaming amusement park in the Night City area. Occasionally to pay the bills you also take on some ops on your own.

RR272 ­ Pathfinder Society Information and Character Building by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Learn about the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign. Our experienced GMs will answer your questions and even help you create a PFS character you can use in our scenarios.

RR273 ­ First Steps (PFS Level 1) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. In your first mission as a Pathfinder agent, the head of the Grand Lodge sends you on a number of missions throughout the metropolis of Absalom in the pursuit of knowledge. Intended for new players. Premade characters available.

by Natalie Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 5 players. Runs for 2 hours.

by William Crittenden, board, 2-4 hours hrs, For up to 10 players. Rome needs more people to play Glory to Rome! We love GTR, and last year we tried to organize a session for experienced GTR players to show their stuff. But turnout was low. So this year we want everyone - newbs and experienced players to come play GTR. Come find out whether you are Iacomus Nobilis or just more Legionary fodder. Glory to Rome!

PB301 ­ Wizard Dodgeball

RB303 ­ Wizard Dodgeball

by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours.

PB328 ­ Bean Traders

by Peter Newland, board, 1 hrs, For 2 to 4 players of age 8 and up. Runs for 1 hours.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES PR293 ­ Savage Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Down Under


by Laura Mortensen, rpg, 3 hrs, (No restrictions) Kids 10 and Up are encouraged to play. We'll use Savage Worlds to create mutant animals living in

by Peter Newland, board, 1 hrs, For 2 to 4 players of age 8 and up. Runs for 1 hours.

RB329 ­ 10 Days in Asia by Natalie Adams, board, 2 hrs, For 2 to 4 players. Runs for 2 hours. You have 10 DAYS in ASIA - touring by train, airplane, ship, or on foot. Chart your course from start to finish using destination and transportation tiles. With a little luck and clever

RR276 ­ The Sanos Abduction (PFS #4­05, Levels 3­7)

Dragonflight XXXV

The Pathfinders are sent to the Sanos Forest to assist an agent researching the fey who inhabit the remote wood. But like many seemingly routine tasks, the simple support mission quickly turns into an adventure the PCs aren't soon to forget! Intended for experienced PFS players.

RR277 ­ The Sealed Gate (PFS #5­20, Levels 7­11) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. Something dire has befallen the base camp in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. resulting in the disappearance of one of the Society's most valuable tools as well as two of its esteemed leaders. The PCs must track down the perpetrators and prevent this tragedy from ruining the expedition to Jormordun. Intended for experienced PFS players.

race toward it. A band of bold adventurers are the first to arrive, and stand poised to claim what's risen from the sands. Premade characters available.

WARGAMES RW242 ­ Epic Ancients II by Luther Harris, wargame, 4 hrs, For 2 to 8 beginner-level players of age 10 and up. Runs for 4 hours.

GENERAL/OTHER RG142 ­ Website Forum, 2014 by Ted Neward, general, 2 hrs, (No restrictions) Runs for 2 hours. Come give your feedback and requests for the new Dragonflight website!

RR275 ­ Risen From the Sands (Levels 2­4) by Tony Lindman, rpg, 4.5 hrs, For 3 to 6 players. Runs for 4.5 hours. When the vast sand dunes of Osiron part to reveal the pyramid of the legendary Pharaoh of Sphinxes, glory seekers from across many nations





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