Dragonflight 2008 pre-convention program

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Dragonflight Bellevue Hilton August 8-10, 2008

Miniatures Card Games Role-Playing Board Games


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Registration Desk Hours

Dragonflight, a non-profit community of gamers, is pleased to present our 29th convention. Dragonflight 2008 features open gaming and tournaments that cover all aspects of the hobby gaming industry. Dragonflight 2008 has all kinds of board, miniatures, roleplaying, computer, live-action, and RPGA games.

Registration will open Friday at noon for pre-registered guests and at 12:30 pm for all others. The registration desk will be open the following hours: Friday, August 8th, 12:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Saturday, August 9th, 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. Sunday, August 10th, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Since 2007, Dragonflight has been held at the spacious and comfortable Bellevue Hilton Hotel, on the second weekend in August.


TABLE OF CONTENTS When............................................... Registration Desk Hours............... Time Blocks.................................. Where.............................................. Location of the Bellevue Hilton..... Getting a Room............................. Contact Dragonflight..................... How................................................. Registration Requirements............ Visitor Badges............................... Convention Rules......................... Volunteering to Help..................... Time Blocks................................. Event Registration........................ How to Pre-register for Events...... What............................................... Tournaments................................ RPGA........................................... LARPs.......................................... Story Game Lounge...................... Computer Gaming......................... Live Auction................................. Silent Auction............................... Raffle............................................ Dragonflight Annual Meeting......... Staff................................................. Event Listing....................................

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WHEN The convention will be held from 1:00 pm, August 8th to 6:00 pm August 10th. While events and casual games will run late into the night, please be advised that certain services will be available during limited hours. The convention registration desk hours are shown below.

Dragonflight 2008 will be held at the Bellevue Hilton Hotel. The hotel is located at 300 112th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA. To reach the hotel from I-405, take exit 12 and proceed west on SE 8th St. Turn right on 112th Ave SE. The hotel will be on the right. From Seattle-Tacoma International Airport there are several options. You can take the Shuttle Express for $40 per person, call the hotel to use a town car for $60, or take the 560 bus to Bellevue and then call the hotel for free shuttle service to the hotel. The Amtrak train station is located in Seattle. Taxi service from the train station is approximately $35 one way (Check with the driver).

Location of the Bellevue Hilton


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Getting a Room

Convention Rules

All housing is handled by the Bellevue Hilton Hotel. Dragonflight has no responsibility for transactions between the guest and the Bellevue Hilton. When making reservations, be sure to mention Dragonflight to get the special rate of $112 per night. You can make reservation by calling 425-455-1300 or 1-800-HILTON.

1. Convention name badges are to be worn at all times while in the convention areas. Do not lose your badge. Replacements may cost full price. Only persons with proper name badges will be admitted to events. Event presenters are responsible for ensuring that this policy is followed.

Contact Dragonflight Before the convention, you can contact the convention in writing at Dragonflight 2008, P.O. Box 776, Seattle, WA 98111. You may also send email to convention2008@dragonflight.org. To sign up to run a game, purchase a t-shirt, contact a specific staff person, or to get more information about the convention, you can go to our website at www.dragonflight.org. At the convention you can get help at the registration desk or by asking any staff member.

HOW Registration Requirements All persons attending the convention, including those who simply wish to visit, are required to register with the convention. If one pre-registered for the convention, one is still required to first show up at the registration desk. All persons attending the convention, including special guests of the convention, will be required to wear their convention name badge during the convention. Persons without a valid badge will not be able to participate in any events. On site, the convention accepts payment in the form of cash, personal check, traveler's check, and money order in the amounts exactly equal to those required by the convention. All money must be in U.S funds. We are sorry but the convention cannot accept credit cards at the event; however, if you pre-register online, you can ake advantage of our Paypal payment system.

Visitor Badges Visitor badges will be available at the registration desk at the convention. Visitor passes are free and allow one person to walk around the convention and observe. Visitors are not allowed to play in any games or participate in other events.

2. Smoking is not allowed in any public areas. Smoking is permitted outside, but not near doors or open windows, as required by Washington State Law. 3. The alcohol policy states that people over 21 years of age may have and consume alcoholic beverages in their rooms and in the hotel bar. Per Washington state law, persons under the age of 21 are prohibited from having alcohol in their possession. Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed in any public areas; this includes in hallways and outdoors. Groups desiring to host a special event at the convention in which alcoholic beverages will be served are required to get permission from the convention in writing before holding such an event. Anyone drinking alcoholic beverages in the gaming areas or deemed to be inebriated will be asked to leave the gaming area. 4. Some of our guests enjoy wearing costumes at the convention. Be advised that convention policy does not allow persons to wear uniforms from the last 100 years unless worn by active duty personnel. We do not have a costume ball, masquerade or similar event. 5. Hazardous ornaments, weapons, costume weapons and similar devices are not allowed inside the convention unless they are part of a special event cleared in advance in writing by both the convention and the Hilton Hotel. Persons wearing such items will be asked to remove them. 6. Event jumping is discourteous. Please do not leave an event early to play in another event. 7. Live-action gaming is only acceptable in the designated LARP areas and as part of scheduled events. No live games involving running on or around the premises and/or brandishing weapons, such as Laser Tag, are authorized, unless they are sanctioned events conducted under supervision. 8. Children are welcome at Dragonflight, provided they are under reasonable supervision; under no circumstances should you assume that a game host is there to baby-sit your children. It is at the Game Master's discretion whether


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or not children are allowed to play at their table(s). Often, "children okay" is listed in the brochure. Know where your children are, and make sure they know where you are. Set a specific time and place to meet whenever you and your children are going to be in different places for even a few minutes. Have a code phrase/action in place with your child in the event you need to send someone else to retrieve them from another part of the convention on your behalf. Ultimate responsibility for your children's safety lies with you; Dragonflight and the Hilton Hotel will do the best we can to support you in that goal. Should a crisis arise, contact our staff or the hotel at once.

you get your admission refunded.* If you run events for 12 time blocks (30 hours), you get a free t-shirt and your admission refunded.

9. We are guests of the Hilton Hotel and are expected to behave as such. You are responsible for what you do and have to pay for what you damage, and may face civil or criminal charges. The definition of unauthorized activities is subject to the discretion of the Convention Director, members of the Dragonflight Board of Directors, Officers of the Dragonflight Corporation, and the Hilton Hotel staff. These people have the authority to arrange the removal of anyone who engages in unauthorized activities.

* The admission refund is only for the convention fee and will not include hotel or other fees.

Volunteering to Help Dragonflight is a volunteer organization and we need your help to put on the convention. Many people help by running games and other events while others help by working at registration, operations, or auctions. Not only are you helping to put on a great convention, there are other benefits to volunteering. Staff volunteers (people working in non-game activities such as registration or auction): You get 2 raffle tickets per time block (2.5 hours) that you work. If you work 4 time blocks (10 hours) you get your admission refunded.* If you work 8 time blocks (20 hours) you get a free t-shirt and your admission refunded. Staff volunteers are responsible for getting their raffle tickets and to get a signature from the staff manager or event coordinator of the area in which they work. Event volunteers (people who run games or other events, Game Masters): You get 1 raffle ticket per time block your event runs (multiblock events get multiple tickets). If an event hosts more then 12 players, then the GM will receive 2 raffle tickets per time block. If you run events for 6 time blocks (15 hours)

GMs are responsible for getting their raffle tickets from the area event coordinator during their event. To receive a refund or t-shirt the GM must get their event sheet signed by the area event coordinator. There will be raffle boxes at registration for each genre of games. Raffle tickets can be turned in to one of these raffle boxes for a drawing of genre appropriate prizes.

If you are interested in volunteering to help run this year’s Dragonflight, contact Edmund Metheny, Volunteer Coordinator, at volunteers2008@dragonflight.org.

Time Blocks The convention is divided into 2-hour time blocks with a half hour break between. Many games (especially roleplaying games) will run 2 or more time blocks. When you schedule your event or are looking at an event you wish to participate in, keep in mind how many time blocks are needed for the event. The following chart will help you decide which time blocks are available.


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Event Registration At the convention, there will be two event selection kiosks where you can register for events. Please have an idea of which games you wish to play when you are at the event selection kiosks. Event registration opens up two time blocks before the event starts. For example, in time block A you can sign up for events in the A, B, and C time blocks. Convention guests are allowed only one event ticket per convention time block. After you have selected the game you want, you will receive a position number on the screen. If your position number exceeds the number of spots in that event, that means you are an alternate. Alternates are allowed in case someone doesn't show up for an event for which they signed up. Unlike some conventions, Dragonflight does not charge extra for events. Event tickets only guarantee a person the right to attend an event if they show up at the event within 5 minutes of the event's listed starting time. People with tickets will be admitted first to the event, then people with alternate tickets, followed by other people on a first come, first served basis.

Some events do not require tickets. For these events you only need to show up since they usually have room for everyone who wants to attend. An event whose program number includes the word Continuous will be admitting players at varying times. Check with the event itself to see when the next time will be for new players.

Advance Signup for Events Guests who have pre-registered with the convention by July 31st are allowed to sign up for up to four events before the convention starts. Approximately 75% of the ticket space in each event is available for advance signup. To sign up in advance for an event, go to our website at www.dragonflight.org. On the website select Online Event Signup, log in, and follow the instructions.

XXIX WHAT Tournaments We have several tournaments scheduled through the weekend; most prominent are the Combat Commander Tournament and the Titan Tournament, which stretched through the entire weekend; and the five Hall of Heroes events for Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WHFB), Warhammer 40,000 (WH40K), De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA), Warmachines/Hordes, and Flames of War (FoW). Space is limited, so please register early.

RPGA The Role-Playing Gamers Association (RPGA) is the roleplaying arm of organized play at Wizards of the Coast dedicated to providing play opportunities and support for Dungeons & Dragons and other d20 system games. Membership in the RPGA is free, although you must fill out a registration card that will be available at the RPGA booth. The RPGA runs several different campaigns with several different d20 systems, including D&D 4, D&D 3.5, Eberron, and d20 Masque of the Red Death. More information about the RPGA and the campaigns that they run can be found at http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=rpga.

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Live-Action Role-Playing (LARPs) For the first time ever, we are proud to have LARP games at Dragonflight. This year’s live-action events are hosted by the energetic crew of 5th Wall Gaming (www.5thwallgaming.com), from Portland. The designated LARP area is located across from the registration desk, behind the elevators. In LARPs, players take on the role of characters in a fictional setting and physically portray them, improvising their characters’ speech and movements somewhat like an actor in improvisational theatre. This is distinct from traditional role-playing games where character actions are described verbally. There will be a wide variety of LARPs to sample from, ranging from live-action versions of wellknown games such as Paranoia, Robo-Rally, Og, and chess, to more story-based games exploring mystery, suspense, horror, or humor. If you have an empty time block in your schedule or find yourself waiting time blocks and want to get some entertainment, come and join us for a short LARP game!

Story Game Lounge This year, one of the Board Rooms is dedicated to showcase a particular type of RPG, as the Story Game Lounge. Story games are a sub-category of role-playing games with a lesser focus on "My Character" and a greater focus on "Our Story" (meaning the story that all the players at the table want to make). As an experience, most any RPG out there can be played "Story Games Style" with a little tweaking. As a game, there are some games out there that are particularly tricked out by their designers to aim for a meaningful 'Story Games' experience from the get-go. They often use mechanics that are quite different from better known, older RPGs like D&D, Shadowrun, etc. For example, they may not have a gamemaster at all, instead allowing players to take turn setting the scene. Or players may be responsible for multiple characters, some of which are antagonists. The big thing is that they are as different from better-known, more traditional RPGs as railroad board games are different from ASL and as DBA is different from Warmachine, so it's nice to have a corner reserved for those who love this kind of game. If you are curious, please drop by the Story Game Lounge to try such games as In A Wicked Age, Bliss Stage, Don’t Rest Your Head, or Principia.

XXIX Computer Games The Computer Games will be providing computers for select events on a limited basis again this year! Some games are always very popular so please register in advance. Provided computers are very limited as is space. The main LAN room is principally for people that are going to be doing a lot of PC gaming and/or are fine with letting others user their computers. This year we have overflow space for people who want to bring their computers and may play some games. Please feel free to bring your own computer, monitor, surge strip, power cords, and network cable. The overflow space and LAN room will get locked up at night (sometime after midnight and subject to the whims of the attendant LAN staff member) and reopened in the morning by 9 am. Internet access for the overflow boardroom will be primarily via the hotel wireless, but we may be able to jury rig other access for casual Internet use (no P2P, don't expect a lot of speed or stability).

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We are planning to run a broad mix of games again this year. There will be a drawing each day for prizes, including gift certificates to next year's convention. There will be plenty of opportunities for pickup games. The LAN area will stay open as late as there is interest and staff to keep an eye on things and will reopen in time for the first events of the next day. Pick up games and available computers are often available after scheduled events are concluded. So stop by and take a look around! Grab someone with a staff hat/vest/shirt if you see an open computer and want to try a game out!

Live Auction Got some old gaming stuff that you don't want anymore? Looking for a great deal on out of print games? Here's the place you want to be. Auction Location and Times Redmond Room, 9:00 am to about 2:00 pm on Sunday August 10th.

XXIX Registering Items for the Live Auction A total of 300 lots will be accepted for the Auction. Up to 150 lots will be accepted on Friday from 1:00pm to 4:00pm and up to 150 lots will be accepted on Saturday from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. A limit of ten lots will be accepted per person. If there is more than one item per lot, all items must be securely boxed or bundled together. Only original materials may be submitted for sale, no copies or reproductions of copyrighted materials will be accepted. Rules The following rules apply to registering items for the auction: 1. A person registering items for the auction is required to have a valid Dragonflight 2008 name badge. Visitor badges do not qualify. 2. All items registered for the auction are required to be in packaging that holds them together and does not allow for the spilling of contents. The convention will not have the tools or materials to prepare items for the auction. 3. The convention will charge a 20% commission fee to sellers for administration costs and Washington State sales tax. 4. Payment for auction items is acceptable in the form of cash or traveler’s check only. We are sorry, but we cannot accept personal or business checks, money orders, or credit cards. We cannot allow purchases to be on credit from the convention. Payment must be made at the end of bidding and the item picked up as well unless the Buyer is using a bidder’s paddle. 5. A Seller may designate a minimum bid for auction items. 6. All items that are registered with the auction must have an auction slip attached to them and be left in the auction registration room, which will be locked when not manned by auction personnel. 7. A lot will be auctioned off as a single unit. It may contain any number of items up to a point at which one person can easily carry them. 8. The convention will accept a total of 300 lots for registration, after which seller registration will be closed. Each individual may submit a maximum of 10 lots for the auction. 9. Money due to sellers will be made available as soon as

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possible after the close of the auction; this usually takes about 90 minutes to straighten out all the paperwork. Payments at the convention will be in the form of cash. If you cannot pick up the money owed to you, a check will be mailed out shortly after the convention. If you don't receive your payment within two weeks of the convention, you should email the Dragonflight treasurer at Dftreasurer@dragonflight.org to enquire. 10. Items not collected by 6:00 pm Sunday, August 10th become the property of Dragonflight, unless prior arrangements have been made in writing with the Convention Director or Auction Manager. A limited number of people will be allowed to keep a running tab at the auction and get a bidder’s paddle. To keep a tab you must sign up before the auction. This can be done at the Auction Control immediately before the start of the auction. All tabs must be paid immediately after the auction has ended.

Silent Auction The lots set aside for the Silent Auction will be on display at various times during the weekend; watch for posted signs near the registration desk and in the auction room (the Redmond Room.) The bidding for the Silent Auction will take place at the same time and in the same room as the Live Auction. In the Silent Auction, the bids are written on a sheet of paper near the lot or item, and at the end of the auction, the highest listed bidder wins the lot and pays the price he or she submitted. The same general rules as in the Live Auction apply.

Raffle Volunteers and GMs running official events will receive a certain number of raffle tickets (see Volunteering to Help). Four boxes will be displayed at the registration table throughout the weekend; each box is dedicated to a certain type of prizes: Board Games, Miniature Games, Roleplaying Games, and Computer Games. Participants can divide their tickets between the boxes as they see fit depending on what type of prize they are interested in. The winning tickets will be drawn from the raffle boxes at the end of the auction in the Redmond Room on Sunday August 10th, approximately 2:00 pm.

Dragonflight Annual Meeting


We will hold the annual meeting for the Dragonflight Membership Friday evening at the convention. The meeting will be from 5:30pm - 6:30pm in the lobby near the elevators. The annual meeting serves two purposes. First, our Board and Officers will bring you up to date on the state of Dragonflight. Reports on finances, recent changes and future plans will be delivered and discussed. We'll also have a chance to meet candidates for the Board of Directors election being held at the convention. Next, we'll open the floor to the membership. This is your chance to talk to Dragonflight's staff and directors. Come share your thoughts & ideas. Ask questions and give feedback. Let us know what you think. Requests for specific agenda items can be emailed to DFPresident@dragonflight.org. We hope to see you there.

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Director Event Manager Registration Manager Database Manager Dealer Liaison Volunteer Coordinator Board Game AEC Computer Game AEC LARP AEC Miniatures AEC Role-Playing Games AEC RPGA AEC Auction Coordinator Video Coordinator Network Administrator Prize Coordinator Webmaster Artist

Ken Cassady Sophie Lagace John Poole Larry White Erik Pulkka Edmund Metheny David Adams Oscar Moshker Joseph Bullock-Palser Allan Dyer Marcus Evenstar Denise Mauldin Leo Hale Pat LaBlanc Kevin Andrew, Odo Gracia Jody Cassady David Adams Rob Carlos


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EVENT LISTING Events are listed below group by time block. In each time block they are sorted by event type and then reference code. Event Numbering: The first letter is the time block of when the event starts.

Thus, an event with a code HB-265 starts in time block "H" and is a board games ("B") event with number 265. Event Difficulty: Advanced - Extensive knowledge of the game needed. Beginning - Little, if any knowledge of the game needed. Training - Players will be shown how to play, if needed

The second letter is the event type: Event Type: Demo - New game: Come check it out. Open - Anyone may play (unrestricted). Restricted - See game description for restrictions. Tournament - Multiple sessions required.

B - Board Game C - Computer / LAN Game M - Miniatures Game R - Role-Playing Game The third portion, the number, is a unique reference code for the event.

Time Block A: Fri 2:00PM BOARD GAMES Combat Commander by Rob Bottos, Combat Commander , 47.5 hrs 10 players, Tournament Combat Commander is a game of tactical squad to squad combat in World War II. Think Up Front or ASL but easier to learn. This will be a tournament and each player can play as many or as few games as they wish. To be considered for placement, a player must play a minimum of 4 games over the course of the convention. All published scenarios as well as randomly generated scenarios are eligible for consideration.

Dragonflight Titan Tournament by Michael Weber, Titan, 47.5 hrs 36 players, Tournament Titan like you remember it! This will be a tournament and each player can play as many or as few games as they wish. See the GM for more info. http://members.cox.net/mikeweber_td7 18/2008TitanTourney.htm

The War Game World War II

Puerto Rico

by John Edwards, Axis & Allies Style with Modifications, 28.5 hrs 6 players This event will end when there are not enough players to continue or around 4:30pm Saturday. It is an interesting game with a big board and many new concepts developed before Axis & Allies Revised came out. After registering for the event chat about it and what optional and modifed rules you want. This will be a relatively slow game. Players are encouraged to take their time. It is best if you have played Axis & Allies Revised before or this game. A cheat sheet will be available describing most of the differences between A & A R and this game. The game ends for the night on or before 12:30am Saturday unless players show up by 10am Saturday and want to continue. If you play you will be pleaseantly surprised. A dice tower if available will be used. The game may be recorded for play at another time. In any case I have to start picking up by 4pm Saturday.

by Mark Waldron, 2 hrs 4 players Start off the convention right! Puerto Rico is one of the most well-designed games available. Standard Puerto Rico rules plus the expansion set for extra flavor.

Grand Prix of South Africa by Michael Owen, Formula DĂŠ Kyalami Circuit, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players Formula DĂŠ is the classic auto racing board game with a different die for each gear. Players have to balance between speed and the technical limits of their cars.

Pirate's Cove by Michael Graywolff, 2 hrs 5 players In Pirate's Cove you compete to become the most famous pirate by sailing around several islands which offer you fame, fortune and treasure.

XXIX randomly. You will need to bring your own army, rule book(s),measuring by Daniel Owsen, Deluxe Alexander / tape and dice. Have fun and be a good sport. SPQR, 23.5 hrs 8 players, Tournament Warhammer Fantasy Bring and Can you lead the armies of Alexander the Great, Sicilian tyrants, Battle Carthaginian generals or Roman by Erik A Pulkka, Warhammer Republican politicians to victory? Our Fantasy, 2 hrs goal will be to play three battles with a 2 players final clash on Sat. morning. May the Warhammer Fantasy Bring and Battle. This terrain table will be for people to best overall commander win! bring their Fantasy army and play on a field of glory. You can get ready for the LARP Saturdays Tournament (note: tournament is 2250 points, Event # Orc and Pie FM-73) or just have some fun with a by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs friend. The terrain will be set up, and Younger players encouraged, 6 players 1) An Orc! Who is guarding 2) A Pie! In you can choose the mission with your a 3) 10' by 10' room! And, when the 4) opponent or roll randomly. You will adventurers find it, they are 5) Hungry! need to bring your own army, rule So, they 6) Fight the Orc and attempt book(s),measuring tape and dice. Have fun and be a good sport. to 7) Claim the Pie!

Great Battles of History Tournament

Abattoir by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 9 players Can a bunch of cows learn the meaning of life before they are slaughtered? Can they escape their fate? Come play and find out in this Mooooving game. This game is running from 4pm-4:30pm.

MINIATURES Flames of War Bring and Battle by Erik A Pulkka, Flames of War, 2 hrs 2 players Flames of War Bring and Battle. This terrain table will be for people to bring their Flames of War army and play on a field of glory. May play Mid War or Late War as long as you and your opponent agree. You can get ready for the Sunday Flames of War Tournament (note tournament is 1750 points and Late War) or just have some fun with a friend. The terrain will be set up, and you can choose the mission with your opponent or roll

Warhammer 40K Bring and Battle by Erik A Pulkka, Warhammer 40K, 2 hrs 2 players Warhammer 40K Bring and Battle. This terrain table will be for people to bring their Flames of War army and play on a field of glory. You can get ready for the Saturday Warhammer 40K Tournament (note tournament is 1750 points, Event # JM-74) or just have some fun with a friend. The terrain will be set up, and you can choose the mission with your opponent or roll randomly. You will need to bring your own army, rule book(s),measuring tape and dice. Have fun and be a good sport.

Games Workshop Demos by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 24 players, Does not require signup, Demo Always wanted to try Games

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Workshops' games but didn't know how to start? Play one of our games but want to learn another? Look no further than Games Workshop demos at Dragonflight! Learn to play Lord of the Rings, Warhammer Fantasy, and Warhammer 40,000 with the best -come in any time during the block and find your new favorite game!

Paint & Take by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players, Does not require signup, Seminar Ever wanted to know how all those beautiful miniatures get painted? Learn to the basics of miniatures painting at our Paint & Take all day long! Sit down with pros and go home with your own masterpiece!

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES A visit to Copperworld by David Butler, Gurps (SciFi), 4.5 hrs 6 players Your scout ship has discovered one of the lost colonies of the Diaspora. While you can visually observe cities, the technology seems inadequate to permit contact. A landing will be needed; but you are not alone.

Divine Intervention by Albert Beddow, MG Traveller, 4.5 hrs 6 players The group is hired to infiltrate the theocracy governing the planet Pavabid to help the Imperial SubSector government gain access to their rich mineral deposits. No experience with any version of Traveller required. A selection of pregenerated characters will be provided, as well as pencils and paper. Having your own dice (3 or 4 d6) would help.

XXIX Knight Stalker by Chey Temple, BubbleGum Crisis, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players After a concert appearence, Priss has a strange encounter. Soon, all the Knight Sabers are drawn into a game of cat and mouse.

AVP Heros by Richard j.t. Johnson, Heros Unlimited, 4.5 hrs 5 players In the third of year of the 2nd Civil War, an unknown object impacts near a disputed zone. All contact is lost, both civilian & military, with reports of monsters from refugees. Your objective is gather intel and retrieve the AIDS vaccine sample that is in the heart of the zone. You have a hunch there's going to be a lot of complications....

demonstrate Chess960 (Sometimes referred to as "Shuffle Chess" or "Fischer Random Chess". Boards will be supplied.

Catan - Struggle for Rome by Michael McGuire, Settlers of Catan, 2 hrs 4 players On the board you have a fixed map that represents southern Europe. The players represent Germanic tribes that are marching on Rome. Each player has two armies that start in the northeastern corner of the board. These armies will move across the board, pillaging cities for resources. boardgamergeek.com

Whose Fu is it anyway? by Marcus Evenstar, Munchkin Fu, 2 hrs 6 players, Tournament The munchkins went to the movies and now they're charging through the alleys of Hong Kong (or is it Tokyo?). They've become ninja, yakuza, samurai and monks but they're still killing monsters and taking their stuff.

Blood Line (The family Tree)

Time Block B: Fri 4:30PM BOARD GAMES Introduction to Chess960 by John Brow, Chess, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 12 players, Tournament This is a fun, informal tournament to

by Austin Searles, Card game, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players, Demo The Kings Health is failing. You have a very small claim to the throne; if only your bloodline were just a little stronger! Always a bright child, you realize that history is written by the winner and it’s time to think like a winner. You’re going to rewrite a little history. The problem is that your opponents are trying to rewrite history as well. Can you create the strongest bloodline and become the ruler of the land?

Late afternoon lion feedings by Michael Graywolff, Colosseum, 2 hrs 5 players In Colosseum you are a Roman

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impresario producing great spectacles in your arena in the hope of attracting the most spectators to your events. You'll earn wealth and glory for each event you run, using it to build ever more ambitious events. Attract the most spectators to one of your events and you'll be granted the title of Grand Impresario, with tales of your extraordinary spectacles acclaimed throughout the empire.

Texas Glory by Games Plus, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, D4, 6 players TEXAS GLORY - With you as the general, could you win Texas independence?

COMPUTER/CONSOLE GAMES Shooters by Oscar McBride, Varies, 2 hrs 6 players, Does not require signup As much fun as flaming death can be without actually getting dead. This years shooters will be selected democratically. Candidates are Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory, Unreal Tournament (classic yo!), Soldier of Fortune II, Battlefield Vietnam, and Battlefield Desert Combat. Computers are available on a first come first serve basis. Some games may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

LARP Blind Date by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs 14 players The sleepy idyllic town of Cottage Grove is an ideal place to live. Life is simple. There are no drug rings. There's no prostitution. There are no ninjas, werewolves, gangsters, dominatrixes, spies, secret agents or anything else crazy. Seriously. Blind Date can be and has been) run almost entirely in a restaurant. Featuring

XXIX some of the most colorful characters imaginable we ask for an age minimum of 16 so we can have a mature treatment of the issues involved. Despite that, we feel relatively safe saying that if it were a movie Blind Date would be rated PG13.

Discussion Panel: What is LARP by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 50 players, Does not require signup, Seminar What are those people huddled in the corner whispering doing? What about that guy with the padded sword and that person over there playing rock, paper and scissors? What is this madness? THIS.. IS.. LLLAAARRRPPPPP... This Discussion Panel is running from 6:30pm-7pm.

MINIATURES Flames of War Bring and Battle by Erik A Pulkka, Flames of War , 2 hrs 2 players Flames of War Bring and Battle. This terrain table will be for people to bring their Flames of War army and play on a field of glory. May play Mid War or Late War as long as you and your opponent agree. You can get ready for the Sunday Flames of War Tournament (note tournament is 1750 points and Late War) or just have some fun with a friend. The terrain will be set up, and you can choose the mission with your opponent or roll randomly. You will need to bring your own army, rule book(s),measuring tape and dice. Have fun and be a good sport.

Warhammer Fantasy Bring and Battle by Erik A Fantasy, 2 hrs 2 players



Warhammer Fantasy Bring and Battle. This terrain table will be for people to bring their Fantasy army and play on a field of glory. You can get ready for the Saturdays Tournament (note: tournament is 2250 points, Event # FM-73) or just have some fun with a friend. The terrain will be set up, and you can choose the mission with your opponent or roll randomly. You will need to bring your own army, rule book(s),measuring tape and dice. Have fun and be a good sport.

Warhammer 40K Bring and Battle by Erik A Pulkka, Warhammer 40K , 2 hrs 2 players Warhammer 40K Bring and Battle. This terrain table will be for people to bring their Flames of War army and play on a field of glory. You can get ready for the Saturday Warhammer 40K Tournament (note tournament is 1750 points, Event # JM-74) or just have some fun with a friend. The terrain will be set up, and you can choose the mission with your opponent or roll randomly. You will need to bring your own army, rule book(s),measuring tape and dice. Have fun and be a good sport.

Games Workshop Demos by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 24 players, Does not require signup, Demo Always wanted to try Games Workshops' games but didn't know how to start? Play one of our games but want to learn another? Look no further than Games Workshop demos at Dragonflight! Learn to play Lord of the Rings, Warhammer Fantasy, and Warhammer 40,000 with the best -come in any time during the block and find your new favorite game!

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Paint & Take by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players, Does not require signup, Seminar Ever wanted to know how all those beautiful miniatures get painted? Learn to the basics of miniatures painting at our Paint & Take all day long! Sit down with pros and go home with your own masterpiece!

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES Neverwhen Adventures by Dustin Gross, D20 3.5, 7 hrs 6 players, Does not require signup, Demo The PCs can get their fill of adventure in the nexus city of Manzala, hub of worlds. Find strange new magicks, slay fell beasts and beware the soulstealing Sons of Balil. You can create a character and join in at any time for this convention-long adventure. When you see the Orange Cone, the gate is open for you to join the quest!

SPEAKERS Interrogation 101 by John Fernandez, 2 hrs Interrogation 101 will be a discussion of the various "approaches" used in interrogation (both military and civilian) and the techniques used in "breaking" prisoners without recourse to violence.

Time Block C: Fri 7:00PM BOARD GAMES Through The Ages by Martin Hughes, Card Based Game, 4.5 hrs 4 players Originally announced as "Civilization: the card game" for Essen 2006, this game stirred up quite some interest.

XXIX "Through the Ages" seems to be the final title of the game. The designer publisher has intended this game to be a "CIV-lite". It has development, economics, war, and all the other elements you'll find in a civilization game, but in three hours play time.

No Cryin' When You Are Assassinated by Jeff Christensen, Republic of Rome, 13 hrs 6 players The Avalon Hill classic. Starting with the mid-deck and going through to the end. Would prefer players with some experience with the system. This game is tons of fun but it is soooo much better when we can focus on stratagems not on rules.

16 players, Tournament Federation Commander is Amarillo Design Bureau's new game of starship combat. This tournament will use the fleet scale 300 point battle force format described in Captain's Log #36 with modifications. The following races will be allowed: Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Kzinti, Gorn, Hydran, Lyran. Players must complete three rounds by Saturday night. The top four players will be selected per CL36 rules to participate in the single elmination semifinal and final rounds starting Sunday morning. Bring your own materials; some miniatures will be provided (Federation, Klingon, Romulans).

You kick open the door and find.... by John Kono, Munchkin, 2 hrs 6 players, Tournament Kick open the door, kill the monster, grab the loot, and backstab your buddy in this award-winning game that gives you the essence of dungeon crawling without all that messy roleplaying!

All Aboard!

Grand Prix of San Marino by Michael Owen, Formula Dé Ferrari Circuit, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players Formula Dé is the classic auto racing board game with a different die for each gear. Players have to balance between speed and the technical limits of their cars.

Federation Commander Tournament by Scot McConnachie, Commander, 42.5 hrs


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economic superpower. You achieve this by building Industries, which allow you to produce Commodities. There are six types of Industry tiles: Farms, Generators, Academies, Mines, Factories, and Banks. Each Industry is capable of producing a certain type of Commodity: Food, Energy, Labor, Ore, Capital, and Money! Except for choosing who goes first, there is no random element.

Sword Of Rome with 5th Player Expansion by Luther Harris, Card Driven Game, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 5 players Multi-player game of warfare and diplomacy in 4th and 3rd century BC Italy and Sicily. Players are Romans, Greeks, Gauls, Samnites/Etruscans, and Carthaginians.

Intro to Colombia Games by Games Plus, Colombia Games, 2 hrs D4, 2 players, Does not require signup Intros to 1812, LIBERTY, ATHENS & SPARTA, BULL RUN, and QUEBEC.

Friday Night Fire Fight

by Michael Graywolff, Ticket To Ride, 2 hrs 6 players Players collect cards of various types of train cars they then use to claim railway routes in North America. The longer the routes, the more points they earn. Additional points come to those who fulfill Destination Tickets – goal cards that connect distant cities; and to the player who builds the longest continuous route. Wow! That sounds like FUN!

by Marcus Evenstar, FRAG, 4.5 hrs 6 players The FPS that doesn't need a computer! This year featurws the cast of Preacher, Lilo & Stitch and Invader Zim. Move to retrieve weapons, armor, and gadgets to better frag your enemies. Doesn't matter if you get fragged since you respawn and come back shooting.

Wealth of Nations

by Oscar McBride, MS, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 12 players, Does not require signup Real Time Strategy multiplayer action kicks off in Age of Mythology including the Titans expansion pack. As many rounds will be played as time allows

by David Adams, 2 hrs 6 players Released June 2008! Your goal is to take your nation from humble beginnings to the status of a world


XXIX starting with an (up to) 8 player Free For All, followed by a team game either 2 four player teams or 4 two player teams. Computers are available on a first come, first serve basis.

LARP Mary Celeste by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 13 players On December 4, 1872 (some reports give December 5, due to a lack of standard time zones in the 19th century), the Mary Celeste was sighted by the Dei Gratia, commanded by Captain David Reed Morehouse, who knew Captain Briggs. The Dei Gratia had left New York harbour only seven days after the Mary Celeste. Dei Gratia's crew observed her for two hours, under full sail and heading toward the Strait of Gibraltar. They concluded that she was drifting, though she was flying no distress signals. Oliver Deveau, the chief mate of the Dei Gratia, led a party in a small boat to board the Mary Celeste. He found the ship in generally good condition, though he reported that "the whole ship was a thoroughly wet mess". There was only one operational pump, with a lot of water between decks and three-and-a-half feet (1.1 m) of water in the hold. The forehatch and the lazarette were both open, the clock was not functioning and the compass was destroyed. The sextant and marine chronometer were missing, and the only lifeboat appeared to have been intentionally launched rather than torn away, suggesting the ship had been deliberately abandoned. Popular stories of untouched breakfasts with cups of tea on the cabin table, washing hung out to dry and a cat found asleep on top of the

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gallery locker are wholly without substance. The cargo of 1,701 barrels of alcohol was intact, though when it was eventually unloaded in Genoa, nine barrels were found to be empty. A six-month supply of food and water was aboard. All of the ship's papers, except the captain's logbook, were missing. The last log entry was dated November 24 and placed her 100 miles (160 km) west of the Portuguese islands of the Azores. The last entry on the ship's slate showed her as having reached the island of Santa Maria in the Azores on November 25. Find out what happened aboard that fateful ship.

Two Legions and supporting troops match swords & pilum against the phalanxes and cataphracts of Pontus and Armenia. If you liked Tactica, you will love Tactica II. These are play test rules from Arty Conliffe, which may be released this year. While maintaining the feel of the original rules much has been simplified. And the points system makes it easier for players to get into the period without having to obtain a large number of figures. There will be plenty of skirmishers, impetous Warbands, lots of light infantry and cavalry, pesky horse archers, and even a few scythe chariots to liven things up.


Flames of War Bring and Battle

by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 9 players A group of omnipotent, plot driven entities known as the Omniseers have kidnapped a number of Batmen from across time and space and forced them to choose one to be the true Batman. This game is running from 9pm-9:30pm.

by Erik A Pulkka, Flames of War , 2 hrs 2 players Flames of War Bring and Battle. This terrain table will be for people to bring their Flames of War army and play on a field of glory. May play Mid War or Late War as long as you and your opponent agree. You can get ready for the Sunday Flames of War Tournament (note tournament is 1750 points and Late War) or just have some fun with a friend. The terrain will be set up, and you can choose the mission with your opponent or roll randomly. You will need to bring your own army, rule book(s),measuring tape and dice. Have fun and be a good sport.

Warhammer Fantasy Bring and Battle

MINIATURES Ancients, Ponts vs Romans by Mitch Berdinka, Tactica II, 4.5 hrs 8 players

by Erik A Pulkka, Warhammer Fantasy , 2 hrs 2 players Warhammer Fantasy Bring and Battle. This terrain table will be for people to bring their Fantasy army and play on a field of glory. You can get ready for the Saturdays Tournament (note: tournament is 2250 points, Event # FM-73) or just have some fun with a friend. The terrain will be set up, and

XXIX you can choose the mission with your opponent or roll randomly. You will need to bring your own army, rule book(s),measuring tape and dice. Have fun and be a good sport.

Warhammer 40K Bring and Battle by Erik A Pulkka, Warhammer 40K , 2 hrs 2 players Warhammer 40K Bring and Battle. This terrain table will be for people to bring their Flames of War army and play on a field of glory. You can get ready for the Saturday Warhammer 40K Tournament (note tournament is 1750 points, Event # JM-74) or just have some fun with a friend. The terrain will be set up, and you can choose the mission with your opponent or roll randomly. You will need to bring your own army, rule book(s),measuring tape and dice. Have fun and be a good sport.

Warmachine/Hordes Working Man's Tournament by Oroboro Games & Books, Warmachine/Hordes, 4.5 hrs 16 players, Tournament 750 point mixed Warmachine/Hordes event. Steamroller 4 format. Briefing Start time will be 6:30pm

Kursk! by The Games Matrix, Flames of War, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 12 players Recreate Kursk, the largest tank battle of WWII. We will put over 100 German and Soviet tanks on the table for this massive armored conflict!

3D ASL by Lawrence A Spangler, ASL Starter Kit, 4.5 hrs 12 players Come play ASL Starter Kit rules with miniatures. Fast-paced WWII action; beginners welcome, no experience

necessary, just a willingness to have fun. This is a large event on a 16 foot long table and is being hosted twice during the convention.

Federation Commander Tournament by Scot McConnachie, Federation Commander, 42.5 hrs 16 players This is the Federation Commander board game. You can play with Miniatures or with the Standard game board and cardboard counters. Federation Commander is Amarillo Design Bureau's new game of starship combat. This tournament will use the fleet scale 300 point battle force format described in Captain's Log #36 with modifications. The following races will be allowed: Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Kzinti, Gorn, Hydran, Lyran. Players must complete three rounds by Saturday night. The top four players will be selected per CL36 rules to participate in the single elmination semifinal and final rounds starting Sunday morning. Bring your own materials; some miniatures will be provided (Federation, Klingon, Romulans).

Wings of War by The Game Matrix, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, D1, 12 players, Demo World War I dogfight in the skies! Take command of a plane and out wit your oppenents in this fast paced and easy to learn game. All are invited.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES Red vs. Blue: Blood Gulch Blues by Sophie Lagace, PDQ, 4.5 hrs 6 players Two bases. One box canyon. A handful of bored soldiers. It's Red vs. Blue, based on the Halo-inspired series from Rooster Teeth.

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Cyberplay by Kamal Lombardi, Cyperpunk 2020, 4.5 hrs 6 players Spend time with some fellow Edgerunners seeing what's new in Night City in 2028. There's a teenage girl who's looking for a bodyguard to help with a sim deal she's hooked up with. Is it for real, or another attempt to create a reality-based simflick with you targeted for the starring role? It'll be up to the Dream Park Night Security Squad to find out the answer.

Just a Matter of Time (Part 1) by Eric Aldrich, Spirit of the Century (modified), 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 18 players The Blue Dragons explore horror this year! All of human history, as well as our future, are at stake as the forces of madness and evil stalk the globe! A few desperate souls strive to uncover the schemes of darkness, to save themselves and the world as we know it; but what price must they pay to succeed – or is there no hope at all? Insanity, death, and corruption lurk everywhere, grasping at your mind, your body, and your very soul‌

Bayou Blues by Wade Gatton, Shadowrun 4th Edition, 4.5 hrs 6 players Last year, while sneaking onto a mafioso's yacht to obtain a briefcase, the team rescued a newsnet reporter who'd been kidnapped a few days earlier. After handing the briefcase to over to the Johnson, the liberated reporter wants to hire you to help her expose a waste-management corporation she suspects of illegal dumping in the Florida Everglades. Can you handle it, Chummers??

Blue Screen of Death by Dave Magnenat, Call of Cthulhu

XXIX (5th ed), 4.5 hrs 6 players, Advanced Opening Windows to the meeping Vistas of the Elder Gods since 1986.

Blade Runner by Mike A. Kelly, GURPS Ultra Tech, 4.5 hrs 6 players In a cyberpunk future, man has developed the technology to create replicants, human clones used to serve in the colonies outside Earth but with fixed lifespans. In Los Angeles, 2019, Blade Runners are cops who specialises in terminating replicants. LAPD's Blade Runner units prowl the steel & micro-chip jungle of the 21st century for these assumed humanoids as Man's obsession with creating a being equal to himself has back-fired....

Night of the Long Knives by Chey Temple, BESM: Lodoss War, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players After a major victory; the heroes are pursuing Ashram and Pirotess into a swamp where the heroes encounter a group of Druids, who are not happy

that the war has entered their domain. They have arranged a meeting with Ashram on neutral ground. No weapons will be allowed at the meeting. Will the meeting bring peace or sink deeper into war?

SPEAKERS Intel Ops 101 by John Fernandez, 2 hrs Intel Ops 101 will center around the four prime objectives of battlefield intelligence gathering (Numbers, Deployments, Capabilities, and Intentions), with a discussion of how knowledge (or lack of it) of these four largely dictates the course of ensuing combat operations.

A civilization building game has been created that clocks in under two hours. Tempus plays on a modular board with an array of landscapes on each land tile to ensure a different game every session. Each turn pushes player's technological advancements forward, starting from fire and ending in the modern age.

The Stars are Right! by John Kono, Munchkin Cthulhu, 2 hrs 6 players, Tournament Now the munchkins are kicking down doors in places where Man Was Not Meant To Go so they can kill Mythos monsters and take their stuff. Can you survive? Can you keep your sanity? Can you... level up?

Time Block D: Fri 9:30PM BOARD GAMES China Rails by David Adams, Empire Builder, 2 hrs 6 players Another addition to the venerable Empire Builder "crayon-rails" series of games. This time around, players are building track and making deliveries in The People's Republic of China.

Hearts Tournament by Michael Weber, Card Game, 2 hrs 32 players Standard Hearts tournament. 8 tables of 4 each for round 1 (top 2 advance). 4 tables of 4 each for round 2 (top 1 advance). Final table of 4. Each round (end when one person gets 100 pts) will last no longer than 40 minutes.

Having ideas on a Friday night by Donald Tinker, Tempus by Martin Wallace, 2 hrs 5 players

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LARP Enchanted Laundromat by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players It's 3:00 in the morning at the neighborhood laundromat, and that has attracted a number of colorful customers. The laundromat has been having some problems with the dryers being connected to the air circulation system, so everybody's laundry has gotten all mixed up. Join us, won't you, for a little tale of angst we like to call Enchanted Laundromat. This game is running from 11:30pmMidnight.

Mayday by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 18 players Every day the citizens of Mayday rise to celebrate the glory of world socialist revolution, the unfettered ambition of the proletariat to achieve a bright and brilliant new future, and emancipation from antiquities and dysfunctional

XXIX ideologies. At the close of the celebration they award the coveted Red Star to the Hero of the Socialist Revolution. Strains in the plan are generally evident by noon, and by midafternoon chaos ensues. A truthful historian would have to admit that the Red Star has never actually been awarded; some disaster always precludes the award. The problem is that the inhabitants of Mayday represent both the best of humanity and the most human elements of humanity. Faced by the possibility of failure, they redouble their efforts. When those efforts are insufficient, the citizens of Mayday find out who is to blame and eliminate those forces from the glorious revolution.

Time Block E: Sat 12:00AM BOARD GAMES Merchant Of Venus by Andrew Nick, 8 hrs 6 players Combat rules may be used, if all players agree. Many "Hamblen" variations will be used.

Kickin' It REAL Old School by Marcus Evenstar, Hacker, 8 hrs 6 players Before the flash & noise of the Web, the internet was a much different place. Crack codes, hack sites and phreak your friends in the awardwinning classic of electronic mayhem. Can you become the one, true Net Ninja?

COMPUTER/CONSOLE GAMES Freeplay! by Oscar McBride, Yo Mama, 8 hrs 6 players, Does not require signup Freeplay. We'll get a rollicking round of... whatever running and we'll play

until the cows come home or the coordinator runs out of burritos.

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ROLE-PLAYING GAMES LARP All The President's Zombies

Resident Evil - Extinction

by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 8 hrs 8 players Mr. President, we have zombies. Welcome to the center of power in the free world. This adventure focuses on a meeting between the President of the United States and many of his top advisers. They are discussing the development of what seems to be zombies in the south. This Game runs from Midnight-4am.

by Mike A. Kelly, GURPS Martial Arts, 8 hrs 6 players The trip to Alaska is a success. The players find themselves in a land free of the wicked T-Virus that destroyed the world. However, their military skills are still needed and Alaska has a need for heroes with special abilities and powers. This game will explore some of the events of the upcoming movie.

The Greater Trumps

Horror Movies

by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 8 hrs 33 players Forever, there have been the Forms. These archetypal images, faceless and mutable, are embedded into the very structure of the universe, and are the source of the ideas and ideals that underlie consciousness and fire creation. They are, in essence, ungraspable; name one and you lose part of it by fixing it in place. But there is always need for the concrete as an intermediary to the abstract, and so names developed for the Forms, names and other attributes. In an indefinable time in the ahistorical past, there developed Beings that represented the Forms; these Beings had names, and attributes, and powers. They are called Personae, and your character is one of them. The Personae were, at first, only imperfectly unique- the very nature of the Forms made them changeable, and they had a tendency to merge and separate at intervals. Some of the Personae were stronger-willed than others, and held together better, but it was always a chancy business. This situation held, stable in its unstable fashion- until something happened to change it. This Game runs from 4am-

by Chey Temple, BESM: Demon City Shinjuku, 8 hrs 8 players Mr. Jin has called on the heroes again. In Shinjuku, creatures of myth, legend and fantasy are coming to life. They are not the real thing and this will hurt his business. He wants you to find out how it is happening and stop it.

Time Block F: Sat 9:00AM BOARD GAMES La Bataille de la Moskowa by Terry Doherty, La Bataille, 9.5 hrs 6 players Get a sneak peek at the new La Bataille de la Moskowa scheduled to be reprinted after 32 years. This is the mother of all La Bataille games! We will use the simple La Bataille des Marie Louises rules for the convention. Its much faster paced and easier to learn than the more advanced La Bataille rules.

Power Grid Tournament by George Surplus, Power Grid, 4.5 hrs 18 players, Tournament, Advanced Standard Power Grid rules. Random

XXIX board selection and standard power plants for the qualifying round. The top 6 players move onto the final round. The final round will be a random Atolla Modulis with the new version of the power plants.

Through the Ages by David Adams, TTA, 7 hrs 4 players Originally announced as "Civilization: the card game" for Essen 2006, this game stirred up quite some interest. "Through the Ages" seems to be the final title of the game. The designer publisher has intended this game to be a "CIV-lite". It has development, economics, war, and all the other elements you'll find in a civilization game, but in three hours play time. This will be the FULL game, expect at least 6 hours.

Cuba by Martin Hughes, 2 hrs 5 players "Cuba prior to the revolution: Under turbulent circumstances, the villages of the island strive for independent wealth and influence.Who can buy and sell his products and goods on the domestic market profitably or take in the most on the trading ships? Who can send the right delegate to parliament in order to influence the government legislative process, or erect distilleries, hotels and banks at the right moment to the benefit of his village? Whoever has accumulated the most victory points at the end of the game, wins. Players earn victory points by shipping merchandise from the harbor, but also by erecting and using buildings, and by abiding by the law."

Wellington by Paul Hamar, GMT Card Driven, 2 hrs 4 players A GMT card Driven Wargame based on the Peninsula Campaign during the

Napoleonic Wars. The accomidates 2-4 players.


Descent Journeys in the dark by Michael McGuire, 4.5 hrs 4 players Randomly select four adventurers and delv into a dungeon. This is a great chance to learn this easy and fun board game of hack-n-slash adventuring. Note, this game will take two time blocks.

Grand Prix of France by Michael Owen, Formula DĂŠ MagnyCours Circuit, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players Formula DĂŠ is the classic auto racing board game with a different die for each gear. Players have to balance between speed and the technical limits of their cars.

Ranking an Unranked BoardGameGeek game #563 by Donald Tinker, Last Man Standing, 2 hrs 8 players Play as one of eight characters that spoof popular spy/action-movie characters or actors: James Blonde, Emma Shell, Austin Flowers, Indiana Smith, Jackie Chang, Dirty Larry, Shift, or Arnold Weissenmeiner. Machine gun, dynamite and karate chop your way to victory. The last man (or woman, or team) standing wins. This game is only 16 votes short of attaining its deserved spot in the BGG ranking system.

Your mission, if you chose to accept it... by Marcus Evenstar, Munchkin Impossible, 2 hrs 6 players, Tournament The Munchkins have watched WAY too many spy flicks and now the dungeon is full of enemy agents. Kill them and take their cheesy gadgets so you can betray your friends!

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Keesdrow Demos by Oroboro Games & Books, Keesdrow, 4.5 hrs D8, 4 players, Does not require signup, Demo Open demonstrations of the boardgame Keesdrow. An intriguing Scrabble/Boggle variation, good for kids and adults.

Annual Settlers of Catan Tournament by John Wootress, Settlers of Catan, 2 hrs 16 players Who will be the champion this year in the northwest. Could the prize be as great as last year...

Cash N Guns by The Game Matrix, 2 hrs D1, 6 players Cash N Guns is the fast paced, hillarious game of criminals and loot. Try to make out with as much cash as you can without getting whacked.

Winding Back the Clock by Games Plus, Chrononauts, 2 hrs D4, 6 players Change events in time to get home, loot artefacts, prevent (or cause) disasters. Fast-paced game for 2 or more.

COMPUTER/CONSOLE GAMES NeverWinter Nights by Nate Herring, NWN, 2 hrs Computer room, 12 players, Does not require signup Preparation and practice for the main round of Neverwinter Nights. Show up for this session and reserve your seat for the MAIN EVENT!

LARP Discussion Panel: What is LARP by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 50 players, Does not require signup,

XXIX Seminar What are those people huddled in the corner whispering doing? What about that guy with the padded sword and that person over there playing rock, paper and scissors? What is this madness? THIS.. IS.. LLLAAARRRPPPPP... This Discussion Panel is running from 8am9am.

Discussion Panel: Alternate Reality Games by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 50 players, Does not require signup, Seminar What are Alternate Reality Games? How do they work? What makes them different from LARPs? We discuss various ARGs and the past history of them as ways to generate profit for companies. Yes, you can LARP for a living. This Discussion Panel is

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running from 9am-10am.


Discussion Panel: What is a MetaLARP?

Snuggle Bunny Ring Wraiths

by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 50 players, Does not require signup, Seminar Come learn what a MetaLARP is and how to successfully run one. This Discussion Panel is running from 10am-10:30am.

Discussion Panel: Podcasting and LARPs by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 50 players, Does not require signup, Seminar Learn about how to podcast and how to incorporate them into your games. Various methods will be taught and various ideas will be discussed. This Discussion Panel is running from

by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 8 players You're on the planet of Snugglebunnies, the happiest, snuggliest place ever. Hey! Here comes Sauron! This game is running from 11am-11:30am.

MINIATURES Relief of Yorktown by Allan Dyer, Break the Line, 4.5 hrs 12 players Age of Sail Miniatures. Can the British Fleet break the French blockade and relieve Cornwallis at Yorktown? Historically they arrived a week after the British surrendered. What if they arrived a week earlier?


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XXIX 3D ASL by Lawrence Spangler, ASL Starter Kit, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players Come play ASL Starter Kit rules with miniatures. Fast-paced WWII action; beginners welcome, no experience necessary, just a willingness to have fun. This is a large event on a 16 foot long table and is being hosted twice during the convention.

Warhammer Fantasy Battles Hall of Heroes Tournament by Games Workshop Battle Bunker, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, 7 hrs Younger players encouraged, 24 players, Tournament 2250 points. Grand Tournament rules. 3 rounds. Games Workshop is bringing their support of the Hall of Hereos to a new level this year. They will be providing official judges, prizes (including forge world and black library goodies) and new scenarios. GW is also creating special terrain objectives and loot markers that players get to keep if they own it at the end of the game. WOW! Space is limited so sign up now!!

Games Workshop Demos by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 24 players, Does not require signup, Demo Always wanted to try Games Workshops' games but didn't know how to start? Play one of our games but want to learn another? Look no further than Games Workshop demos at Dragonflight! Learn to play Lord of the Rings, Warhammer Fantasy, and Warhammer 40,000 with the best -come in any time during the block and find your new favorite game!

Paint & Take by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs

Younger players encouraged, 10 players, Does not require signup, Seminar Ever wanted to know how all those beautiful miniatures get painted? Learn to the basics of miniatures painting at our Paint & Take all day long! Sit down with pros and go home with your own masterpiece!

Island Hopping by Glenn Berry, Car Wars, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players Fight your way around a series of islands to defeat your opponents. Be the last car standing or go for points to lead you to victory. This is a division 10 combat using 2nd edition Car Wars with matchbox cars. All vehicles and equipment is provided. Beginners are welcome and will be taught how to play before the game starts.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES To Ward Against the Darkness by Edmund Metheny, PDQ (using the Tekumel setting), 4.5 hrs 6 players For thousands of years the Sinking Land clan has lived in the great marshes of the Flats of Tsechélnu. Now trouble has come dressed in the uniform of the Omnipotent Azure Legion, his body found in the marsh, bloated from the Food of the Ssú. A messenger has been dispatched to Penóm but it is a six-day round trip. Can you solve the mystery before an Imperial investigation brings trouble to your village?

The Lady's Favour by Kamal Lombardi, Pirates of the Spanish Main RPG/Savage Worlds, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players, Demo Sail the seas in the Carribean near Port Royal, Jamaica where adventure

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awaits and a man accused of piracy has been unjustly imprisoned.

Rebellion! by Eric Aldrich, 7th Sea, 4.5 hrs 6 players A 7th Sea Adventure to recover a valuable item from a Montaigne nobleman. Complicating things (in addition to the regular guards) is the problem that the whole countryside is in open rebellion. This adventure loosely follows Capture! and Escape! from previous years, although playing in those isn’t the slightest bit necessary. Lots of emphasis on swashbuckling and swordplay.

Screampunk Adventures by Mike A. Kelly, GURPS Space , 4.5 hrs 6 players Join us in a Victorian Age that combines the mood of cyberpunk with the setting of an alternate Industrial Age, where computers run on steam power, walking colossi stalk the battlefields, flying ironclads rule the skies, and science is the new frontier. The Race to Space is on but can you master the new technology to save the Empire or will the corruption that rests in every heart destroy your efforts?

Neverwhen Adventures by Dustin Gross, D20 3.5, 9.5 hrs 6 players, Does not require signup, Demo The PCs can get their fill of adventure in the nexus city of Manzala, hub of worlds. Find strange new magicks, slay fell beasts and beware the soulstealing Sons of Balil. You can create a character and join in at any time for this convention-long adventure. When you see the Orange Cone, the gate is open for you to join the quest!

Divine Intervention by Albert Beddow, MG Traveller, 4.5 hrs 6 players

XXIX The group is hired to infiltrate the theocracy governing the planet Pavabid to help the Imperial SubSector government gain access to their rich mineral deposits. Pregenerated characters will be provided, as well as pencils and paper - just bring dice!

Here's Sailor Molly? by Chey Temple, BESM: Sailor Moon, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 8 players The school's fall festival is going to have a "Halloween Dance" with costume contests and exhibits. It looks like everyone is going to have a lot of fun but why does it feel like something is lurking nearby?

Story Game Lounge

by Emerald City Gamefest and Go Play NW, various, 2.5 hrs 12 players The Story Game Lounge returns! At ConQuest NW, we had two very successul days of fun story games. Come to the lounge any time Saturday or Sunday and get in on a story game. Games that might played include: Nine Worlds, In A Wicked Age, Dogs in the Vineyard, Trollbabe, Principia, an many more. If you have never heard of these games, you should come check one out!

Time Block G: Sat 11:30AM BOARD GAMES In the Year of the Dragon

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by Martin Hughes, 2 hrs 5 players Players are Chinese rulers around the year 1000. Every month you try to protect yourself and your subjects as best as you can against disease, hunger, or attacks from the Mongols. Good planning is key here, as every month new perils come again.

Britannia by Paul Hamar, N/A, 7 hrs 4 players Britannia is a Sweep of History Game spanning the time period from the Roman to the Norman Conquest. Each player takes on the role of multiple different peoples in the struggle to shape the history of Britan.

Munchkins to the Rescue!

XXIX by Marcus Evenstar, Super Munchkin, 2 hrs 6 players, Tournament Look! Flying over the streets of Munchkin City, the defenders of truth, justice, and getting more bonuses! It's the Super Munchkins, here to save the day (and then loot the body).

Memoir 44 Eastern Front & Pacific Theater by Erik Pulkka, Memoir 44, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players Memoir 44 is a two player WWII based strategy game. This game is a uniquely fun, simple and engaging boardgame for the whole family . We will have missions set up of both the Eastern Front & Pacific Theater expansions. Each game plays in about 45 minutes to an hour. Beginner are welcome. You may also bring your own copy of Memoir 44 to play, space permitting.

Settlers of Catan - Round 2 by John Wootress, Settlers of Catan, 2 hrs 4 players, Does not require signup, Restricted This is the final round of the tournament! (entry restricted to the winners of round 1)

Duel of Ages by The Game Matrix, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, D1, 8 players, Demo Assemble a team of heroes from throughout time, battle the other team players and compete in challenges from the ages. Come see why this is one of The Game Matrix's favorite games.

You Control the Champions by Games Plus, Winner's Circle, 2 hrs D4, 6 players Who's the greatest racehorse of all times? Easy to learn, very competitive, good for all ages.

COMPUTER/CONSOLE GAMES NeverWinter Nights by Nate Herring, NWN, 7 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players, Does not require signup Come join the Neverwinter Nights Hack & Slash goodness in The King’s Scavenger Hunt especially set up for DF 2008! Starting with new 1st level characters you can solve puzzles and battle baddies in the race to find the most items and get the highest score in the scavenger hunt. Points are scored by finding and returning specific items in and out of the game. Levels don’t matter, teams don’t matter, only the points matter! Beginners and experienced players welcome for this run through uncharted dungeons where even the other players may be your enemies and killing things isn’t the only way to win. Real life prizes await any who are ready to face their “Inner Dork” and hunt their way to the top of this Übersilly module." Spots are available on a first come and first serve basis. To ensure your seat come early.

LARP Amber by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players Ever wish you can remake the world how you wish? Well, become a member of the royal court of Amber based on the books of Robert Zelenay. Go to shadow realms and attempt to take the crown of Amber for yourself (or perhaps prevent your children from taking said crown). Unique "Growing up" intro to game. Knowledge of Amber helpful, but not necessary.

Trapped by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 4 players

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A small game of secrets and pizza. Four people get into an elevator, which then gets stuck between floors. You are trapped. You'll be free soon enough... if you survive until then. This game is running from 1:30pm-2pm.

MINIATURES Games Workshop Demos by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 24 players, Does not require signup, Demo Always wanted to try Games Workshops' games but didn't know how to start? Play one of our games but want to learn another? Look no further than Games Workshop demos at Dragonflight! Learn to play Lord of the Rings, Warhammer Fantasy, and Warhammer 40,000 with the best -come in any time during the block and find your new favorite game!

Paint & Take by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players, Does not require signup, Seminar Ever wanted to know how all those beautiful miniatures get painted? Learn to the basics of miniatures painting at our Paint & Take all day long! Sit down with pros and go home with your own masterpiece!

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES Story Game Lounge by Emerald City Gamefest and Go Play NW, various, 2.5 hrs The Story Game Lounge returns! At ConQuest NW, we had two very successful days of fun story games. Come to the lounge anytime Saturday or Sunday and get in on a story game. Games that may be played include: Nine Worlds, In A Wicked Age, Dogs

XXIX in the Vineyard, Trollbabe, Principia, and many more. If you have never heard of those games, you should come check one out!

Time Block H: Sat 2:00PM BOARD GAMES Shattered Empire by Michael Jones, Twilight Imperium Board Game, 9.5 hrs 7 players Third Edition with Shattered Empire Expansion. Bring your set to play on the other table, too!

Public Debut of a New Board Game by John Gastil, Yucatan: Rise of the Maya, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 4 players We will play through an alternate history game set in Mexico/Central America that involves Mayan mythology, civilization building, and fighting off the invasion of Cortez. Primary influences for this home-spun game range from Age of Renaissance to Settlers of Cattan. Our object is to simply have fun learning and playing it; feedback afterward is welcomed but not required. Alternates and walk-ins will be welcome to learn/play along, teaming up with other players.

St. Petersburg for Beginners by Richard Broome, N/A, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 4 players St. Petersburg is a fun, simple game of resource management suitable for ages 10 and up. Easy to learn, never dull, the challenge is built in as the skill of you and your friends grows. Great game for both families and competitive players!

Death By Cribbage by Dave Magnenat, Cribbage, 2 hrs 12 players The perfect two player card game

comes to Dragonflight! Play nice or cut throat...instruction available. Bring your boards!

"Fill yer hand, ya varmit!" by John Kono, The Good, the Bad and the Munchkin, 2 hrs 6 players, Tournament It's how the West was won... by kicking down doors, killing things, and taking their stuff. Face all the perils of the Old West for a fistul of treasures and a few levels more!

Badlands of Orgoth by Austin Searles, Orgoth -(not yet published), 4.5 hrs 4 players, Demo Badlands is a board game that meets

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Fantasy roleplaying. This is the only one of its kind in existence. Check out BGG for a description. look for "Badlands" If you like fantasy roleplaying and boardgames this is the one for you.

Axis & Allies Demo by Oroboro Games & Books, Axis & Allies, 2 hrs D8, 3 players, Does not require signup, Demo Axis & Allies has been around for many years now, but the new scenariobased versions of the game give oldtimers new strategies to explore, and new players a much more focused environment to learn the game in.

XXIX Descent Intro by Games Plus, Descent, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, D4, 6 players Descend into the dungeon with this popular boardgame.

LARP Robo Rally, The SLARP by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 32 players Ever play Robo Rally? Ever wish that you had the ability to interact with the robots? Ever get pressed into a little cube and recycled? No? Then come to this SLARP and learn what it's like when programmers go wild.

Paranoia by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 15 players Serve the Computer. The Computer is your friend. We love the computer. The computer needs to fall to the Communist hordes. Fill your heart with Love for the Computer. Enjoy the Computers missions in real time, LARP style. This game is running from 4pm-4:30pm.

MINIATURES Frag the Flag with the Big Boys! by Mark Verdeck, Car Wars 3ed, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 12 players Good ol' boys demolition derby teams of two play capture the flag, but with a twist: you have to turn three flags your team colors while keeping other teams from turning it to their colors. Be prepared to create some havoc with 6" cars on the floor. Cars provided.

Games Workshop Demos by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs

Younger players encouraged, 24 players, Does not require signup, Demo Always wanted to try Games Workshops' games but didn't know how to start? Play one of our games but want to learn another? Look no further than Games Workshop demos at Dragonflight! Learn to play Lord of the Rings, Warhammer Fantasy, and Warhammer 40,000 with the best -come in any time during the block and find your new favorite game!

Paint & Take by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players, Does not require signup, Seminar Ever wanted to know how all those beautiful miniatures get painted? Learn to the basics of miniatures painting at our Paint & Take all day long! Sit down with pros and go home with your own masterpiece!

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES The Arsenal of Heaven by Sophie Lagace, NUGGETS, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players Armed with mythical weapons bestowed by ancient gods, a group of young mortals must defend humanity against the forces of darkness. See the Website to browse the characters: http://www.tlucretius.net/RPGs/Arsenal .html

Just a Matter of Time (Part 2) by Eric Aldrich, Spirit of the Century (modified), 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 18 players The Blue Dragons explore horror this year! All of human history, as well as our future, are at stake as the forces of madness and evil stalk the globe! A few desperate souls strive to uncover the schemes of darkness, to save

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themselves and the world as we know it; but what price must they pay to succeed – or is there no hope at all? Insanity, death, and corruption lurk everywhere, grasping at your mind, your body, and your very soul‌

Cavern of K'tal by Jacob Goodisman, AD&D, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players You and companions have been called to investigate a cave expected to hold vastly powerful magical items stocked by a bandit lord thousands of years ago. Pre-generated characters, few monsters, mostly problem solving.

The Happiness Plot by John Reiher, Bureau 13 D20 OGL, 4.5 hrs 6 players The town of Mortensfield isn't even on the map of Washington and the Bureau has noted that it's been that way since 1958. Bureau 13 wants to know what's going on there and Team Fremont has been sent to investigate.

A Cure for Ranma? by Chey Temple, BESM: Ranma 1/2, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players A letter has arrived for Ranma from the Jusenkyo Preservation Society. They have discovered the existence of a magic spring in Japan. The spring will cure anyone suffering from any curse. The included map shows that the spring is in the middle of the Great Desert of Japan.

Channel Surfing by Marcus Evenstar, TOON!, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players It's time for some old-fashioned animated fun with the classic game of celluloid mayhem! The Studio has a great assignment for all of your characters that you can't refuse since you've all got really bad contracts.... Characters provided or bring your own!

XXIX "Rushorin Around" by Albert Beddow, Traveller, 4.5 hrs 6 players The Imperium needs a Solomani defector brought back to Imperial space. Armed with only minimal equipment and information, can your team of adventurers safely locate the defector and get him back to the Imperium? Pre-generated characters provided. Paper, pencils, and some six-sided dice recommended.

Story Game Lounge by Emerald City Gamefest and Go Play NW, various, 2.5 hours The Story Game Lounge returns! Ar ConQuest NW, we had two very successful days of fun story games. Come in any time Saturday or Sunday and get in on a story game. Games that might be played include: Nine Worlds, In A Wicked Age, Dogs in the Vineyard, Trollbabe, Principia, and many more. If you have never heard of these games, you should come check one out!

Time Block J: Sat 4:30PM BOARD GAMES Wealth of Nations Tournament by David Adams, Wealth of Nations, 2 hrs 12 players Released June 2008. Your goal is to take your nation from humble beginnings to the status of a world economic superpower. You achieve this by building Industries, which allow you to produce Commodities. There are six types of Industry tiles: Farms, Generators, Academies, Mines, Factories, and Banks. Each Industry is capable of producing a certain type of Commodity: Food, Energy, Labor, Ore, Capital, and money. Except for choosing who goes first, there is no random element. This will be a two

round tournament.

Power Grid/Benelux or Central Europe by Martin Hughes, Power Grid, 2 hrs 6 players Two new expansion maps for Power Grid: Benelux on one side and Central Europe on the other. Along with the maps are small rule changes to reflect the power culture in these two countries. As the Benelux countries support ecological power, players may have greater opportunities to acquire such power plants. Also, oil is more available and coal less available in these countries. As Poland has large coal supplies, coal will be much more plentiful then elsewhere in Central Europe. However, due to political stands taken by some countries, players may be limited in their access to nuclear power. The result is not just new maps, but new ways to play this great game!

Saturday Night at the Dueltrack by Michael Owen, Classic Car Wars, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players Like the automotive combat movie Death Race starting on August 22nd, Car Wars is a classic board game where the right of way goes to the biggest guns. Drive Offensively!

To Boldly Go... by John Kono, Star Munchkin, 2 hrs 6 players, Tournament The munchkins have left the dungeon and now are in orbit, rampaging through the Space Station, killing the monsters, and taking their stuff. And, instead of backstabbing your buddy, you can throw him out an airlock!

Descent by Games Plus, Descent, 2 hrs D4, 6 players CONTINUATION OF 2PM EVENT

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Wizard's Gambit Demos by Oroboro Games & Books, Wizard's Gambit, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 8 players, Demo Come learn this new game from local publisher Gryphon Forge. Wizards compete to be declared the Grand Siege Magus to lead Hyrathia into battle against a long-forgotten enemy. Be the last to complete the components for a spell, adding it to your repertoire so you can use it's power against your opponents, or gain even more powerful spells whose powers you must work to contain while continuing to compete for the title. We'll have two tables running, to teach players about this great new game.

LARP Chess SLARP by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 28 players The board is everything. The excitement pours through you every time the box is opened and you are pulled out by the great Player to once again fight on the field of battle. You have always fought for your color and probably always will. You've known it ever since you were a little checkers piece running around with your pet Go stone. It's OK with you; it keeps you busy. All around you is the hustle and bustle of everypiece getting ready. The pawns are hard at work making sure their little collar is on straight. The Knights are talking in hushed tones with the King, formulating battle plans. The bishops are intoning their prayers to the Player and discussing with the Queen about the potential for various pieces to be promoted. The Rooks are, well, being rookish. The big stone towers are over there looking as intimidating as usual. Once they hit the field they will lay waste to the other color. Soon you will all take your

XXIX places on the board and the battle will begin!

Speed Dating, The LARP by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 36 players GO! Hi. I'm Donald Trump and I would like to know if you would be interested in dating me. I have allot of mo*GO!*Hi. I'm Mike Tyson and I would like to be your dream boat. I got my rabies sho*GO!*Hi. I'm Gary Coleman and if you ask me to say that stupid line, I'll cut you. Ever want to speed date with famous people? Come on and give it a whirl. You might end up with a dream match. This game is running from 6:30pm-7pm.

(including forge world and black library goodies) and new scenarios. GW is also creating special terrain objectives and loot markers that players get to keep if they own it at the end of the game. WOW! Space is limited so sign up now!!

Hall of Heroes DBA tournament by The Games Matrix, D.B.A., 7 hrs 24 players, Tournament 4 rounds swiss pairing for this open event. Any army, any period. Players must use the same options each round. No BUAs or Rivers allowed. Winner gets his name added to the Hall of Heros plaque. See www.thegamematrix.com/HOH.html for more HOH details.

Games Workshop Demos by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 24 players, Does not require signup, Demo Always wanted to try Games Workshops' games but didn't know how to start? Play one of our games but want to learn another? Look no further than Games Workshop demos at Dragonflight! Learn to play Lord of the Rings, Warhammer Fantasy, and Warhammer 40,000 with the best -come in any time during the block and find your new favorite game!

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hrs 2 players, Does not require signup, Demo Infinity is a relatively new game from Corvus Belli, futuristic skirmish battles with a strategic approach to the rules that make this a refreshing game for miniatures gamers.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES Mystic Alliances by Kamal Lombardi, Call of Cthulu, 5th edition, 7 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players Players play characters in a nearpresent variant setting for Call of Cthulu in which the investigators are teenagers and magic is more permissable. The adventure will take place in Seattle.

Story Game Lounge by Emerald City Gamefest and Go Play NW, various, 2.5 hrs The Story Game Lounge returns! At ConQuest NW, we had two very successful days of fun story games. Come to the lounge any time Saturday or Sunday and get in on a story game. Games that might be played include: Nine Worlds, In A Wicked Age, Dogs in the Vineyard, Trollbabe, Principia, and many more. If you have never heard of these games, you should come check one out!

Paint & Take

MINIATURES Warhammer 40,000 Hall of Heroes Tournament by Games Workshop Battle Bunker, Warhammer 40,0000, 7 hrs Younger players encouraged, 24 players, Tournament 1750 points. Grand Tournament rules. 3 rounds. Games Workshop is bringing their support of the Hall of Hero’s to a new level this year. They will be providing official judges, prizes

by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players, Does not require signup, Seminar Ever wanted to know how all those beautiful miniatures get painted? Learn to the basics of miniatures painting at our Paint & Take all day long! Sit down with pros and go home with your own masterpiece!

Infinity Demos by Oroboro Games & Books, Infinity, 2

Time Block K: Sat 7:00PM BOARD GAMES Brittania by Martin Hughes, 4.5 hrs 4 players Britannia is a historical board game that broadly depicts the millennia-long struggle for control of England, Scotland, and Wales. The game begins with the Roman invasion of 43 A.D., continues through the many

XXIX struggles between Angles, Saxons, Picts, Norsemen, Scots, Irish, and other tribes, and ends with the Norman invasion of 1066. Britannia allows players to re-create this epic history, re-enacting important battles in some cases, altering the course of history in others. The game rules discourage players from making historically unrealistic moves, but also give players the freedom to alter Great Britain’s history in important ways, creating countless interesting “what if?” scenarios. What if Boudicca’s Revolt against the Romans had been more successful? What if the Romans and the Romano-British had repelled the Saxon invasions of the 5th and 6th centuries? What if William the Conqueror had died during the Norman invasion of 1066? In Britannia, the players will determine the destiny of a kingdom.

Fallen Hero by Bill Staab, Descent: Journeys In The Dark, 4.5 hrs 8 players Two groups of heroes learn about a great evil. Will they be able to team up and stop it before its too late. Descent is a dungeon crawl game using modular boards and scenarios. Characters will be setup for a quick start.

Dragonflight Titan SemiFinals by Michael Weber, Titan, 4.5 hrs 16 players, Does not require signup, Tournament The Semi-Finals of the Titan Tournament. Qualification round ends at 7:00 PM Saturday. Semi-Finals start at 8:00 PM Saturday and run until the last Titan is standing. See http://members.cox.net/mikeweber_td7 18/2008TitanTourney.htm for more details.

German Elections Are Fun! by Jeff Christensen, Die Machere, 13

hrs 5 players BGG #1 game. Very subtle but lots of fun. Prefer players who know the rules.

Enter the World of Gloominess by Marcus Evenstar, Munchkin Bites, 2 hrs 6 players, Tournament The munchkins got all angsty and now they're stalking through the halls of a horrible haunted house. They've become vampires, werewolves, changeling and mummies but they're still killing the other monsters and

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taking their stuff.

Blood line "the family Tree" by Austin Searles, card, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players, Demo The Kings Health is failing. You have a very small claim to the throne; if only your bloodline were just a little stronger! Always a bright child, you realize that history is written by the winner and it’s time to think like a winner. You’re going to rewrite a little history. The problem is that your opponents are trying to rewrite history


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as well. Can you create the strongest bloodline and become the ruler of the land?

Cheer up your opponents' characters while trying to suffer the greatest tragedies possible.

world! Do you have an ego bigger then the room you are in? This game will be perfect for you.

Ticket to Ride

"Inside the box, you find..."


by Mark Verdeck, Ticket to Ride America, 4.5 hrs 5 players Celebrate the anniversay of the travels of Phileas Fogg in a winner take all competition. On of the great EuroGames to play. Ticket to Ride is a cross-country train adventure. Players complete to connect different cities by laying claim to railway routes on a map of North America. Game will start at 8:00pm - enjoy some dinner!

by John Kono, Munchkin (?), 4.5 hrs 4 players The MIBs are hoping to get the most recent release delivered in time for the convention. If it doesn't arrive, we can explore other options....

by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 15 players Serve the Computer. The Computer is your friend. We love the computer. The computer needs to fall to the Communist hordes. Fill your heart with Love for the Computer. Enjoy the Computers missions in real time, LARP style. This Game is running from 9pm-9:30pm.

Arkham Horror Demo by Oroboro Games & Books, Arkham Horror, 4.5 hrs D8, 8 players, Does not require signup, Demo Arkham Horror is aboardgame based on the Call of Cthulhu genre of fiction. A resurrection of a much older version of the game, Fantasy Flight has created a fabulous version all their own, with lots of replay value and plenty of twists for a full evening of fun.

Wealth of Nations Finals by John Wootress, Wealth of Nations, 2 hrs 6 players, Does not require signup, Restricted This is the final round of the Wealth of Nations Tournament!

The Napoleonic Wars, 2nd Edition by Luther Harris, Card Driven Game, 13 hrs 5 players Multi-player game of warfare and diplomacy during the Napoleonic Era. Players are France, Britian, Austria, Russia, and Prussia.

I Must Suffer Before I Die by Games Plus, Gloom, 2 hrs D4, 4 players

COMPUTER/CONSOLE GAMES NeverWinter Nights by Nate Herring, NWN, 4.5 hrs 6 players, Does not require signup Come join the Neverwinter Nights Hack & Slash goodness in The King’s Scavenger Hunt especially set up for DF 2008! Starting with new 1st level characters you can solve puzzles and battle baddies in the race to find the most items and get the highest score in the scavenger hunt. Points are scored by finding and returning specific items in and out of the game. Levels don’t matter, teams don’t matter, only the points matter! Beginners and experienced players welcome for this run through uncharted dungeons where even the other players may be your enemies and killing things isn’t the only way to win. Real life prizes await any who are ready to face their “Inner Dork” and hunt their way to the top of this Übersilly module." Spots are available on a first come and first serve basis. To ensure your seat come early.

LARP Divus Ex by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 50 players The ultimate role-playing challenge. Play a God who is the master of his/her particular element. Fight against other Gods for control over the

MINIATURES Circus Maximus by Ken Cassady, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 14 players The glorious race of Rome is run again. This rabble rousing event is a crowd pleaser. The chariots will be raced for the best of the best of Rome. Bring your own chariot you will be given a spot in the race. Just want to watch? There is still betting on the race for everyone!

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES Playing at Evil by Michael Lee, Call of Cthulhu (BRP), 4.5 hrs 5 players Meet the death metal band, Pure Evil. A band so notorious it is reported that they have been banned in 7 states. A band so vile that many venues have hired priest to cleanse the hall after a concert. A band so wicked it is said that Satan never misses a show. It has been reported that the repugnance that occurs during the concert is only the appetizer for the debauchery afterward. Yes meet Pure Evil, a band of all sound and thunder with no real experience with their namesake. But

XXIX all that is going change. Over the course of an evening the members of Pure Evil are going to find out it is one thing to sing about horror, it’s completely another to cross paths with it.

Hard Times in Beachwood by David Perry, D&D 4e, 4.5 hrs 6 players Savage lizardfolk raiders threaten the halfling settlement of Beachwood. A group of locals brave the Ghostlight Marsh to track down the raiders and recover the supplies necessary for the survival of their home. Pre-generated 5th-level characters provided.

D&D Miniatures Tounament by Jeffrey Steen, D&D Miniatures, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 12 players, Does not require signup, Tournament 3rd annual D&D Miniatures tounament using the new 4th edition game system. Come ready with 200 point warband or use one of mine. Prizes for the top 3 places.

West Seattle House by John Reiher, Bureau 13 D20 OGL, 4.5 hrs 6 players In a nice suburban house in West Seattle, a family is tormented by forces unknown. A poltergeist? Evil spirits? A breakthrough Psi? Bureau 13's Team Fremont will have to find out and stop it.

A Pirate's Revenge by Mike A. Kelly, GURPS Traveller, 4.5 hrs 6 players A Von Richburg Traveller Adventure: You are in jump space headed to planet 0237, an explored world in the Thalassa Subsector which has been red-zoned by the Scouts Service to prohibit access. It has a known ancients colony along with has a

Terran deep sleep colony ship which crash landed thousands of years ago, full of dangerous prisoners sent out as expendable colonists. They were adopted by the Droyne natives and now form the only Droyne/human super-high tech colony. On the way there - evil befalls the players and they must fight for their lives or die in space....

No Need for Babysitters by Chey Temple, BESM: Tenchi Muyo, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 8 players Everyone knows that one baby brought the Masaki household to it's knees. What would happen if there was more than one? This has got to be Mihoshi's fault....

"Who you gonna call?" by Richard j.t. Johnson, Ghostbusters, 4.5 hrs 5 players Ghostbusters, Inc. has just opened a branch in Seatle and the crew has lots to do. It starts with spectral interference at the Pike Place Market and leads into the Underground. Ain't afraid of no ghosts, are you?

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Story Game Lounge by Emerald City Gamefest and Go Play NW, various, 2.5 hrs The Story Game Lounge returns! At ConQuest NW, we had two very successful days of fun story games. Come to the lounge any time Saturday or Sunday and get in on a story game. Games that might be played include: Nine Worlds, In A Wicked Age, Dogs in the Vineyard, Trollbabe, Principia, and many more. If you have never heard of these games, you should come check one out!

Time Block L: Sat 9:30PM BOARD GAMES UpBot DownBot by Roberta Wiley, Robo Rally, 10.5 hrs 7 players A variation on RoboRally! Teleport between levels (or just drop thru the pits--ouch!). Funny how that flag can be so close one minute, & not the next. Please plan to stay for the whole game (1 am or so).

LARP Soap by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 41 players Suspiciously normal things are happening in Valley Heights. What malevolent forces aren't at work here? What terrible secret isn't Dr. Johnson hiding? Why aren't all the pets in the neighbourhood going missing? Why isn't Beryl, the local gossip, involved in an evil Satanic Cult? How come all the children are exactly what they appear to be: self obsessed, spoiled little brats? Sinister events that will not be shattering the mundane lifestyles of the inhabitants of Valley Heights are about to pass by completely unnoticed... This game is running from

XXIX 9:30pm-11pm.

Expedition Lost by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players You are part of an expedition to explore the Lost Tomb of Zeyxx. You were just wandering around when suddenly this monster awoke and started to chase you . Your guns proved ineffectual, but you have managed to hide in here and wedge the door closed. While this will buy you some time, it won't stop the monster and eventually it will break in. You're trapped in here. What do you do? This game is running from 11:30pm-Midnight.

Metaverse Council Meeting by 5th Wall Gaming, Metaverse, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 50 players, Does not require signup The Metaverse Council meet to discuss the events of interest and to handle any elections that may need to happen. This game is running from 11pm-11:30pm.


BOARD GAMES Massive Multiplayer Hack and Slash by Michael Owen, Descent: Journeys in the Dark, 8 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players The dungeon crawling board game modified to allow 10 or more players! The terrors that will be encountered mean the extra players will not help.

Midnight Epic Munchkin Madness by Marcus Evenstar, Munchkin, 8 hrs 8 players, Does not require signup, Restricted Final round of the annual Dragonflight Munchkin Tournament. This Epic Level game will determin who will become this year's Ultimate Munchkin!

Midnight Robo-Rally by Mark Verdeck, Robo-Rally, 8 hrs 8 players You know the game. You love the game! Come play the game!! We're going to play the capture the flag team game. Play until you can't keep your eyes open.

Story Game Lounge by Emerald City Gamefest and Go Play NW, various, 2.5 hrs The Story Game Lounge Returns! At ConQuest NW, we had two very successful days of fun story games. Come to the lounge any time Saturday or Sunday and get in on a story game. Games that might be played include: Nine Worlds, In A Wicked Age, Dogs in the Vineyard, Trollbabe, Principia, and many more. If you have never heard of these games, you should come check one out!

Time Block M: Sun 12:00AM

COMPUTER/CONSOLE GAMES Freeplay! by Oscar McBride, Yo Mama II, 8 hrs 6 players, Does not require signup Freeplay. We'll get a rollicking round of... whatever running and we'll play until the cows come home or the coordinator runs out of burritos.

LARP A Family Matter by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 8 hrs 25 players Horace Beauregarde was found dead in his mansion, all alone by his wife on the 10th of April 1902. He leaves behind him a shattered family, torn

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apart by his rages, petty arguments and family feuds. The will is to be read at Beauregarde Mansion, a lonely building on the side of a cliff overlooking a small village. Marie Beauregarde, Horace's wife is shocked at the arrival of most of the family and a lawyer she didn't know her husband had hired. Just how many secrets did Horace leave untold when he died? Why have the rest of the family arrived? Will the feuds remain in place now that Horace has died, and is the diary that Horace has left part of a message from beyond the grave? This Game runs from Midnight4am.

Salem by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 8 hrs 25 players The Events of this game are based on the tragedy in the village of Salem in 1692. Salem had been functioning as a village for nearly forty years until this tragedy struck. The Townsfolk of Salem were on the brink of nowhere. It was a testing time for the puritans. Everything tested theyre faith, some people grew stronger from these trials; some weakened and lost complete faith in it and themselves. People began to read into every day events too deeply, and blamed things that where beyond their control as witchcraft. Hysteria ensued; people were branded witches for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Many people used this hysteria to their advantage by testifying against their fellow neighbours just for the gain of the neighbours land. Most of the people in the village lived in fear in case one of the fellow villagers decided that they where a witch. Paranoia was ripe through out the town. Not even the village Minister was safe. Salem was on the brink of destruction from these trails. Neighbours turned on neighbours, friends turned on friends, and even

XXIX family turned on family. Nobody trusted any body, and this was how life was. This was how they lived. They had a good reason to be frightened, whether they really knew it or not, rituals to summon the dead and greater gods where being practiced there until an incident, which highlighted the cultists. The cultists being headed by Rev. Samuel Parris wanted to direct all the attention away from them pointed it towards the innocent town folk. This Game runs from 4am-8am.

by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 8 hrs Younger players encouraged, 50 players, Does not require signup, Seminar Contrary to popular belief, LARPers are not just people who carry foam weapons or pretend to be dark and gothic. Take a stop by and learn what other kinds of LARPs there are and how you can get involved in them. This discussion panel is running from 8:30am-9am.

Discussion Panel: In-Game Economies

X-Files: Season 10

by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 8 hrs Younger players encouraged, 50 players, Does not require signup, Seminar Interested in learning how to keep your in-game economy stable? Want to discuss the basics on various ways to prevent hyper-inflation within your game? Then take a stop by and learn lots of ways you can have a working economy in your game that is stable. This Discussion Panel is running from 8am-8:30am.

Discussion Panel: We are NOT VAMPIRES!

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES by Mike A. Kelly, GURPS Bio-Tech, 8 hrs 6 players Interesting times all around as the Earth slips further into chaos and despair, some places have far less to slide: One of New York City's largest children's hospitals, funded by 'private donations,' is being used to provide human raw material for unspeakable alien purpose. One of the nurses stumbled on part of the secret but she vanished, just another victim of the city's lawlessness, leaving a worried and suspicious uncle who contacts the FBI. He knows what she knew the alien invasion that is about to begin and has the proof needed to start doing something about it.

Waitress Lina by Chey Temple, BESM: Slayers, 8 hrs 6 players Lina Inverse is known for her short temper and willingness to use the Dragon Slave. This time her temper has got her in real hot water. She is forced to participate in the "Waitress of the Year" competition.

Time Block N: Sun 9:00AM


Here I Stand by Ralph Shelton, 4.5 hrs 5 players Here I Stand: Wars of the Reformation 1517-1555 covers the political and religious conflicts of early 16th Century Europe. Few realize that the greatest feats of Martin Luther, Jean Calvin, Ignatius Loyola, Henry VIII, Charles V, Francis I, Suleiman the Magnificent, Ferdinand Magellan, Hernando Cortes, and Nicolaus Copernicus all fall within this narrow 40-year period of history. This game covers all the action of the period using a unique card-driven game system that models both the political and religious conflicts of the period on a single point-to-point map. Will run the 3 turn tournament scenario. No experience necessary.

Rails of Europe by David Adams, Railroad Tycoon, 2 hrs 5 players Rails of Europe is an expansion for Railroad Tycoon. Glenn Drover, one of the two designers of the original game, has designed a European setting for the expansion, which uses the original game's pieces, tiles, money, trains, shares and rules, along with a new map and card deck. There are some rules changed and added for the expansion to reflect the new setting of the expansion.

Dragonflight Titan Finals by Michael Weber, Titan, 9 hrs 4 players, Does not require signup, Restricted The finals of the Titan Tournament. See http://members.cox.net/mikeweber_td7 18/2008TitanTourney.htm for more details.

Napoleonic Wars by Paul Hamar, GMT Card Driven, 4.5

XXIX hrs 5 players A GMT Card Driven War game featuring the Napoleonic Wars from 1805-1815. The game acomidates 2-5 players with 4 generally being the most common number.

Grand Prix of Italy by Michael Owen, Formula DĂŠ Monza

carries an endless supply of bombs. The idea is to kill your opponents with these bombs - dropping bombs near them, throwing bombs at them, kicking bombs towards them. Very intense gameplay which requires complete awareness and lightning reactions. Computers available on a first come / first serve basis.

LARP Zombie Pirate Ninja Robot Cyborg Aliens

Circuit, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players Formula DĂŠ is the classic auto racing board game with a different die for each gear. Players have to balance between speed and the technical limits of their cars.

No-Brainer by Games Plus, Zombies!!!, 2 hrs D4, 6 players See if you can escape the everadvancing zombie horde.

COMPUTER/CONSOLE GAMES Atomic Bomber Man! by Robert L McBride, Blowing stuff up, 4.5 hrs 6 players, Does not require signup Reworking of the classic SNES game. Atomic Bomberman pits you against 9 opponents, human or computer, in the ultimate frag-fest. For the uninitiated, you control a cute little guy who

by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 12 players "Zombie Pirate Ninja Robot Cyborg Aliens" is teh bestest LARP EVAR!!!1! For ages the Ay Leens and the Zmo Bees have been bitter enemies. Recently a treaty was declared but the Ay Leen delegation to discuss a formalized treaty crash landed on the Planet of Ninjas. The Ninjas have always hated any foreign interlopers on their planet and have a tendency to flip out and kill foreigners. As if that weren't enough, apparently there is a hidden Zmo Bee outpost that's been cut off from the rest of galactic civilization for a while and doesn't recognize the peace! To make matters worse, it appears that someone set us (or them, no one's sure) the bomb! Make your time in this bizarre mashup of far too many geeky references, risky nuclear devices and genres.

Og by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 8 players Play a caveman with a severely limited vocubulary! This is a simple LARP, with a medium to low combat rating. Try to communicate with the other players to solve problems, or to create problems for the other tribe. This game is running from 11am11:30am.


Warhammer Fantasy Legendary Battle by Fantastic Games and Hobbies, Warhammer Fantasy, 9 hrs 16 players The largest Warhammer Fantasy game in the history of North America! Come play in a humongous Legendary Battle with fantastic brandnew terrain elements and all the amazing Legendary Battles rules! Bring a WFB army (or armies) totaling at least 5,000 points, and fight for either good or evil!

Flames of War Hall of Heroes Tournament by Oroboro Games & Books, Flames of War, 9 hrs 24 players, Tournament 1750 points, Late War. This will be a qualifer for Nationals 2009. Great prizes provided by Battlefront. Winner gets his name added to the Hall of Hereos plaque. More HOH details at www.thegamematrix.com/HOH.html

Games Workshop Demos by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 24 players, Does not require signup, Demo Always wanted to try Games Workshops' games but didn't know how to start? Play one of our games but want to learn another? Look no further than Games Workshop demos at Dragonflight! Learn to play Lord of the Rings, Warhammer Fantasy, and Warhammer 40,000 with the best -come in any time during the block and find your new favorite game!

Paint & Take by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players, Does not require signup,

XXIX Seminar Ever wanted to know how all those beautiful miniatures get painted? Learn to the basics of miniatures painting at our Paint & Take all day long! Sit down with pros and go home with your own masterpiece!

3D ASL by Lawrence A Spangler, ASL Starter Kit, 4.5 hrs 6 players Come play ASL Starter Kit rules with miniatures. Fast-paced WWII action; beginners welcome, no experience necessary, just a willingness to have fun. This is a large event on a 16 foot long table and is being hosted twice during the convention.

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES Shadowrun: Threats (Classic) by Kamal Lombardi, Shadowrun 3rd Edition, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players It's 2057 and downtime in the Redmond Barrens when Mr. Johnson contacts you with the need for security for somebody out at the Sea-Tac airport. He says it's got something to do with the current presidential election which Dunkel'Zahn is running in. Is this just another bodyguard run against the usual bullets and spells? Is some corp setting runners to fall into a frame-up, to better their politics? Well, chummer, you won't know unless take the job.

Aces Harrington and the Hijacked Airship by Eric Aldrich, Spirit of the Century, 4.5 hrs 6 players A Spirit of the Century adventure. Our heroes are on board the Graf Zeppelin on the American leg of it’s around the world flight in 1929. Unfortunately, someone seems to be more interested in abducting the beautiful heiress

who’s onboard than in a successful flight. It’s up to you to stop them!

Neverwhen Demonstration by Dustin Gross, D20 3.5, 9 hrs 6 players, Does not require signup, Demo The PCs can get their fill of adventure in the nexus city of Manzala, hub of worlds. Find strange new magicks, slay fell beasts and beware the soulstealing Sons of Balil. You can create a character and join in at any time for this convention-long adventure. When you see the Orange Cone, the gate is open for you to join the quest!

Story Game Lounge by Emerald City Gamefest and Go Play NW, Various, 2.5 hrs 12 players The Story Game Lounge returns! At ConQuest NW, we had two very sucessful days of fun story games. Come to the lounge anytime Saturday or Sunday and get in on a story game. Games that might be played include: Nine Worlds, In a Wicked Age, Dogs in the Vineyard, Trollbabe, Principia, and too many more to mention. If you've never heard of these games, you should come check one out!

Field Trip by CheyTemple, BESM.: Louie, The Rune Soldier, 4.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 8 players Louie's magic class is going on a field trip with him and the gang in charge of security. The class is going to gather ingredients for potions and spells. With Louie's leadership and powerful magic, nothing can go wrong.... They're doomed.

The Treasure of Sierra Madre by John Reiher, Savage Worlds: Sky Marshals and Air Pirates, 4.5 hrs 6 players 12 years ago, the sky train SIERRA MADRE was lost in the Rocky Mountains of the Mexican Empire.

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Rumor had it that is was loaded with gold and valuables but no one knows where she went down... until now. Join the crew of the Bloody Fist as they try to be the first to find a treasure of a lifetime!

"Rushorin Around" by Albert Beddow, Traveller, 4.5 hrs 6 players The Imperium needs a Solomani defector brought back to Imperial space. Armed with only minimal equipment and information, can your team of adventurers safely locate the defector and get him back to the Imperium? Pre-generated characters provided. Paper, pencils, and some six-sided dice recommended.

Time Block P: Sun 11:30AM BOARD GAMES Carcassonne by Mark Verdeck, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 5 players The southern French city of Carcassonne is famous for its unique Roman and Medieval fortifications. The players develop the area around Carcassonne and deploy their followers on the roads, in the cities, in the cloisters, and in the fields. The skills of the players to develop the area and use their thieves, knights, farmers, and monks will determine who is victorious. Using most of the supplements.

Battle Lore by Erik Pulkka, 2 hrs 8 players Battle Lore is a two player Epic Fantasy Strategy Game. This game is a uniquely fun, simple and engaging boardgame for the whole family . We will have missions set up from various expansions. Each game plays in about 45 minutes to an hour. We will try to get two games played in the time slot.

XXIX Beginner are welcome. You may also bring your own copy of Battle Lore to play, space permitting.

San Juan by Games Plus, 2 hrs D4, 4 players Shorter easier version Rico", using cards.

to resist.. Can you stop the horror that is... The Creep? This game is running from 1:30pm-2pm.



Lunch Rush at the Honorable Franchise by Marcus Evenstar, Ninja Burger, 2 hrs 6 players Learn the secrets of stealth, swordmanship, and customer service as you deliver tasty burgers to unusual places. Bring honor to your franchise and gain promotion. Disgrace your fellows and you will apologize to your ancestors....

LARP LARP writers' LARP by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 8 players You've always been jealous of us: the few, the proud, the LARP writers. We know it, you know it. This LARP offers you the opportunity to adopt the role of a LARP writer yourself, enrolled in a competition to write the newest, greatest LARP! Please note that you will not be yourself on a LARP writing team, but a character who is a LARP writer (and really, isn't that better?) and a roleplaying all-star. Time is included to play the newly-created LARP at the end of the session. If you can't make it to the start of the game, come for the last 30-45 minutes and play characters that were created for the new LARP!

Warmachine/Hordes Hall of Heroes Tournament by The Games Matrix, Warmachine & Hordes, 6.5 hrs 24 players, Tournament 750 points. 3 rounds. Great prizes provided by Privateer Press.

Games Workshop Demos by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 24 players, Does not require signup, Demo Always wanted to try Games Workshops' games but didn't know how to start? Play one of our games but want to learn another? Look no further than Games Workshop demos at Dragonflight! Learn to play Lord of the Rings, Warhammer Fantasy, and Warhammer 40,000 with the best -come in any time during the block and find your new favorite game!

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Mutant's Down Under, using Savage Worlds. It's 2000 AD, 10 years after the Prang, the catastrophic event that killed of most of the humans and allowed mutant animals to become numerous. Bill Gaborikee, an Abo Shaman has asked the group to carry a sacred object to Westralia and sacrifice it to the Gods of the Great Barrier Reef. Come make a mutant animal and explore Australia after the Prang.

Story Game Lounge by Emerald City Gamefest and Go Play NW, various, 2.5 hrs The Story Game Lounge returns! At ConQuest NW, we had two very successful days of fun story games. Come to the lounge any time Saturday or Sunday and get in on a story game. Games that might be played include: Nine Worlds, In A Wicked Age, Dogs in the Vineyard, Trollbabe, Principia, and many more. If you have never heard of these games, you should come check one out!


Paint & Take

Meeting of the Minds

by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players, Does not require signup, Seminar Ever wanted to know how all those beautiful miniatures get painted? Learn to the basics of miniatures painting at our Paint & Take all day long! Sit down with pros and go home with your own masterpiece!

A select panel of game developers and designers will talk about their experiences and field questions from the audience. Whether you're a budding game designer, an enthusiast or both, you won't want to miss this opportunity to hear from the people wo've made our entertainment their business.


The Creep

The Gods Must be Joking

by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 2 hrs Younger players encouraged, 20 players The Creeping mold descends on those who are unknowing and unable

by Laura Mortensen, Savage Worlds, 6.5 hrs Younger players encouraged, 6 players This is game is set in Palladium's

Time Block R: Sun 2:00PM

XXIX BOARD GAMES Merchant of Venus by David Adams, MoV, 4 hrs 6 players More details later!

Bug Hunt by Michael Owen, Aliens/Space Hulk (Custom), 4 hrs 6 players Colonial Marines are exploring an abandoned colony. They do not know an unspeakable horror is awaiting them. While the Marines have powerful weapons, they "won't make any difference."

Memoir 44 Eastern Front & Pacific Theater by Erik Pulkka, Memoir 44, 4 hrs 6 players Memoir 44 is a two player WWII based strategy game. This game is a uniquely fun, simple and engaging boardgame for the whole family . We will have missions set up of both the Eastern Front & Pacific Theater expansions. Each game plays in about 45 minutes to an hour. We will try to play two games in the two hours. Beginner are welcome. You may also bring your own copy of Memoir 44 to play, space permitting. This event will only run until 4 PM.

Myriad Munchkin by Marcus Evenstar, Munchkin (various), 4 hrs 6 players Now that the tournament is over, it's time for some fun. All decks available for separate or combined play. Who will be last Munchkin standing?

COMPUTER/CONSOLE GAMES Shooters! by Oscar McBride, Shooter systems, 4 hrs 6 players, Does not require signup As much fun as flaming death can be

without actually getting dead. This years shooters will be selected democratically. Candidates are Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory, Unreal Tournament (classic yo!), Soldier of Fortune II, Battlefield Vietnam, and Battlefield Desert Combat. Computers are available on a first come first serve basis. Some games may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

LARP Players Choice by 5th Wall Gaming, Custom, 4 hrs Younger players encouraged, 50 players Your choice. As the weekend progresses, you will gain voting slips. Turn them in to pick what game you want to play at this slot. Tickets are due in at 8am on the day this happens. You pick what game we play.

MINIATURES Games Workshop Demos by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 4 hrs Younger players encouraged, 24 players, Does not require signup, Demo Always wanted to try Games Workshops' games but didn't know how to start? Play one of our games but want to learn another? Look no further than Games Workshop demos at Dragonflight! Learn to play Lord of the Rings, Warhammer Fantasy, and Warhammer 40,000 with the best -come in any time during the block and find your new favorite game!

Paint & Take by Games Workshop, LotR, WFB, WH40k, 4 hrs Younger players encouraged, 10 players, Does not require signup, Seminar Ever wanted to know how all those beautiful miniatures get painted?

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Learn to the basics of miniatures painting at our Paint & Take all day long! Sit down with pros and go home with your own masterpiece!

ROLE-PLAYING GAMES Divine Intervention by Albert Beddow, MG Traveller, 4 hrs 6 players The group is hired to infiltrate the theocracy governing the planet Pavabid to help the Imperial SubSector government gain access to their rich mineral deposits. Pregenerated characters will be provided, as well as pencils and paper - just bring dice!

Story Game Lounge by Emerald City Gamefest and Go Play NW, various, 2.5 hrs The Story Game Lounge returns! At ConQuest NW, we had two very successful days of fun story games. Come to the lounge any time Saturday or Sunday and get in on a story game. Games that might be played include: Nine Worlds, In A Wicked Age, Dogs in the Vineyard, Trollbabe, Principia, and many more. If you have never heard of these games, you should come check one out!

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