Sophie Woman's Magazine - July 2017 Issue

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Volume 13 / Issue 5

July 2017



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from the By Judy Smith

hirteen colonies. Thirteen BRAVE colonies. That was the beginning of this great nation we call the United States of America. On July 4th, all across this nation, we celebrate our Independence...with vacations, outdoor BBQs, extra days off from work and fireworks. How often, I wonder, do we stop and think of the bravery and the sacrifice made to get us where we are today? On July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies claimed their independence from England. However, the battle had been raging for over a year before that and continued for several years after. There were many men and women who were willing to die for the cause, and many did. That is why, with humility and honor that I will always stand and pledge my allegiance to our great country and our flag. Another thing to make note of is that in the beginning years, they celebrated with the firing of cannons and fireworks. They also had public gatherings. The politicians spoke about our great nation. For some reason, I do not think we would have heard about special committees, special prosecutors, the left or the right and on and on. After the politicians gave their speeches, they read the Constitution. Have you ever been to a July 4th celebration and heard the constitution read? Maybe even just a small part? Just the Preamble? How long would that take? Not long and just in case you are not sure what that is, here is the Preamble. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Do we even teach the Constitution in the schools any longer unless you are purposefully taking a college course on the Constitution? George Washington said: “The People are the only keepers”. Psalms 56: 3-4 tells me; “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me?” In other words, what do I have to be afraid of? What can man do to me? Curse me, threaten me, even take my life? God holds us to a higher standard. He wants, no, He demands us to pass on His instructions. Ones like the Ten Commandments. He commands us to pass on the stories of His goodness to us so that others may know and learn and I think that includes our Constitution. How brave are you? If the Constitution or the Ten Commandments are not a priority in schools any longer, are you teaching them in your home? Are you passing them on? What happens to them if YOU don’t do that?

If “We the People” aren’t doing it? They are starting to fade away now. Are you going to let them grow dimmer and dimmer in the minds of the next generations? Again, I ask, how brave are you? Are you brave enough to pass them on? Are you brave enough to meet me along with John Stiver, Mayor Pro Tempore on the steps of the oldest courthouse in Catawba County at 10am on July 4th? Brave enough to take a few minutes out of your normal July 4th activities to bring your family with you and hear the Constitution read? Then the Ten Commandments and close with a prayer? I will be there even if I am the only one. Let’s not let our heritage fade out with the passing of time. How much time am I talking? I can’t even see this being any more than thirty minutes. If you are not familiar with the Old Courthouse it is now known as the Catawba County Museum of History and is located downtown Newton at 30 N College Ave. Please meet me on the steps and let’s start a new tradition with bringing back an old tradition! A few minutes out of your day could make a lasting impression in our future. Is your family worth that?

July 4th at 10am please bring your family to hear the reading of the constitution by John Stiver, Mayor Pro Tempore. Included will be the reading of the 10 commandments, and a closing prayer for our Nation. This will take place at the Old Courthouse, now known as the Catawba County Museum of History and is located downtown Newton at 30 N College Ave. Judy Smith Heart2Heart

Motivation & Inspirational Speaking 828-320-9936 | pg 3


phie Woman’s Magazine

Contents Message from the Heart


Summer Sun


Sophisticated Women


Girlfriends in God


Me, Myself, & Inc.

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By: Judy Smith

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

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A Special Thanks To All Of Our Distributors Please be sure to visit all of our participating advertisers and remember to support area local small businesses .

By: Nicole Greer

By: Mary Southerland

By: Sherre Demao

Sophie Shopper

Sophie Woman’s Magazine

God Bless the USA


Home at Last


Truth That Transforms


Celebrating July 4th


Not Just Fried Green Tomotoes


By: Jan McCanless

by Susan Guest

By: Mary Felkins By: Letty Lozano

By: Metro Creative Solutions

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pg 4 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

July Women’s History Events

• July 2, 1979 – The Susan B. Anthony dollar is released • July 2, 1937 – Amelia Earhart’s plane is lost in the Pacific Ocean near Howland Island • July 2, 1964 – President Lyndon Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act; Title VII prohibits sex discrimination in employment • July 4, 1876 – Suffragists crash the Centennial Celebration in Independence Hall to present the Vice President with the “Declaration of the Rights of Women” written by Matilda Joselyn Gage • July 6, 1957 – Althea Gibson is the first African American woman player to win a Wimbledon title in women’s tennis singles • July 7, 1981 – President Reagan nominates Sandra Day O’Connor as the first woman Supreme Court Justice? • July 12, 1984 – Representative Geraldine Ferraro (D-New York) is chosen as the first female to run for Vice President of the United States on the Democratic Party ticket with Walter Mondale (D-Minnesota) • July 14, 1917 – 16 women from the National Women’s Party were arrested while picketing the White House demanding universal women’s suffrage; they were charged with obstructing traffic • July 19-20, 1848 – The Seneca Falls Convention, the country’s first women’s rights convention, is held in Seneca Falls, New York • July 20, 1942 – The first class of Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) begins at Fort Des Moines, IA


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pg 6 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

by Robert Louis Stevenson

Great is the sun, and wide he goes Through empty heaven with repose; And in the blue and glowing days More thick than rain he showers his rays. Though closer still the blinds we pull To keep the shady parlour cool, Yet he will find a chink or two To slip his golden fingers through. The dusty attic spider-clad He, through the keyhole, maketh glad; And through the broken edge of tiles Into the laddered hay-loft smiles. Meantime his golden face around He bares to all the garden ground, And sheds a warm and glittering look Among the ivy’s inmost nook. Above the hills, along the blue, Round the bright air with footing true, To please the child, to paint the rose, The gardener of the World, he goes.


Submitted by Creative Captures Photography

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Submitted by YadiMar Photography | pg 7




Does Not Create Self-Imposed Limitations

By Nicole Greer, PPCC aka The Vibrant Coach

Limitations surround us.

There are two places in your life where lethal limits occur:

There are rules. There are guidelines. There are laws. There are restrictions. There are checks and balances. There are governing bodies. There are regulations. There are caps. There are ceilings.

In Your Relationships

These limits hold you back. For your protection, the world we live in provides parameters. These limits keep you safe. I believe in limits. I want a speed limit through my neighborhood. I want to know that harmful behaviors will have consequences. I want a law book and a court system that governs with equity. I want every human to abide by a standard of behavior that creates civility, peace, and trust. Limitations provide safety for me, my family, and my well-being. They are necessary. Q. What is unnecessary? A. The self-imposed limitations we place in our lives. The limitations that our world puts in place come from fear. We fear pain, heartache, and destruction that a speeding car, a dangerous individual, an unfair verdict, and an act of war can cause. These concerns are real. We’ve all experienced them. So, we set limits.

Author, Jim Rohn, stated, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Jim’s insight is not just an idea. It is science. The law of averages is at work. The law explains that the result of any given situation will be the average of all outcomes. Therefore, if you associate with people who love limits, you become a person who put limits on everything. Your friends, co-workers, and family members have a grave impact on your ability to succeed. I have family members who limit. This situation is a serious challenge because you cannot completely avoid your family! However, you can be alert and vigilant to the limited thinking you adopt into your mind. Ten years ago, when I started my coaching business, there were family members who did not understand coaching. They thought it would, and I quote, “be a waste.” They could not see the possibilities in what I could build in terms of skills, talent, income and (don’t miss this) joy in my life! Without reservation (or care), these individuals quickly cautioned me and even gave me limits regarding time, money, and most importantly their support. These limits could have derailed my best efforts if I allowed them to take hold. Instead, I made up my mind. I decided the sky’s the limit. Today, I am traveling, coaching, and training people one-on-one and in collaborative coaching sessions with many organizations. Most importantly, I am helping people. Imagine what would have happened if I had let the limiting relationships hold me back. Not only would I have suffered but all the people I have had the privilege to work with would suffer a loss as well. Not only does limited thinking limit you but ultimately it limits all of us.

It is a habit.

Don’t let the people in your life limit your thinking!

Unfortunately, our fear driving, limit setting habit exceeds its limits spilling over into every part of our life! Unconsciously, we limit our potential. We limit our talents. We limit our skill sets. We limit the possibilities. Ultimately, we limit our future. And the result? We live dull, dark and limited lives.

In Your Thinking

pg 8 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

You were told, “You are only human.” It’s a shame. We even offer this to one another as solace. But, I am telling you, “It is lethal.” The word “only” indicates you have serious limitations. While the human form is fragile and subject to disease, it is an

incredible specimen. Take out the word “only” and the whole emphasis changes. You are human! Being a human means, you can think. And, you can do it in a myriad of ways. You can reason, discern, decide, choose, weigh, calculate, estimate, feel, judge, conceive, envision, imagine, sense, and plan. No other living creature on planet earth can do all this! Having mastery over your mind and exercising its capacity to do metacognition is essential. Metacognition is thinking about how you are thinking. It is the creator’s way of giving you a significant advantage in survival and success. It is your birth-right responsibility to honor this gift from above. Great theologians, philosophers, and entrepreneurs like Apostle Paul, Buddha, and Henry Ford, concur that the quality of your thinking lifts the limits on your life. Paul stated in his book to the Romans, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Buddha observed, “The mind that perceives the limitation is the limitation.” Henry Ford quipped, “Whether you think you can or you think can’t you’re right.” All things considered, the limited thinking in your life requires serious consideration.

A Virtual Coaching Exercise Use these prompts as a journaling exercise to illuminate your thinking and lift the limits that hold you back. • • • •

I have the potential to… My talents include… My skills are… My dream could become a reality if I took these actions… • My future holds amazing experiences that include…

At its deepest level, working with a coach frees you to identify your birthright gifts, discern your deepest passions, and fulfill your highest purpose. A coach can pry you off dead center. As Principal Coach for Vibrant Coaching and Workshop Leader for The Lydia Group, LLC, a collaboration of individuals focused on work, life, and spiritual growth. Nicole is on a mission to impact, energize, and influence people to lead a Vibrant Life by engaging the possibilities. As a life, executive, and business coach and workshop leader, Nicole views her role as a conduit to release all that you want to achieve. www.thevibrantcoach. com and | pg 9

The Power of the Tongue by Mary Southerland

Today’s Truth

LORD, help me control my tongue; help me be careful about what I say. Psalm 141:3

Friend to Friend

Our son and daughter-in-law and their four children recently moved to Kansas City and are living with us until they find a house. The conversation around the dinner table each night is always quite animated as Lelia and Jaydan, the nine-year-old twins, give a play-by-play account of their day at school. During the middle of dinner last night, a rare moment of silence occurred. It did not last long. Lelia looked at me and said, “Mimi, do you know what the strongest muscle in the human body is?” I stopped to think about the question before offering several answers that Lelia quickly dismissed as wrong. “I give up!” I said. With her blue eyes twinkling and a big grin on her face, Lelia said, “It’s the tongue!” Okay. I had to do a little research. The correct answer to Lelia’s question all depends on how you define strength. And the tongue is not really one muscle, but a conglomeration of eight different muscles. When it comes to versatility, the tongue is indeed powerful. Its combination of elasticity and forcefulness gives us the ability to speak, eat, sip, swallow … the list is quite impressive. According to Scripture, the tongue may very well be the strongest muscle in the body. In fact, God has a lot to say about the power of the tongue and the words we speak. Words are power tools that, in the right hands and used correctly, can build and encourage. In the wrong hands and used incorrectly, words can destroy and defeat. Unless strained through discipline and holiness, words can impart false perspectives and untruths. But the right word, spoken at the right time and in the right way can bring order in the midst of confusion, light on a very dark path, and wisdom for questions that seem to have no answers. I believe God gives us spiritual radar so we can assess a situation and speak the right word for that circumstance. In fact, Paul writes, “Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone” (Colossians 4:6). We just need to check the radar screen before we speak. Solomon also offers great wisdom concerning the use of words, “Whoever controls his mouth protects his own life. Whoever has a big mouth comes to ruin” (Proverbs 13:3, GWT). In other words, if we do not learn to use and control our tongue, it will use and control us.

pg 10 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

Psalm 34:13 offers a very clear directive to “keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.” The word “keep” indicates an action on our part. We decide. We choose the words we speak. That means we must guard our hearts and our minds. We choose what is allowed to take up room in our mind. It is literally the idea of a guard standing at the gate of the city, stationed there to keep watch. He is there by invitation only. If we want to live right and speak right – we must think right. Godly responses come from the heart. If there is something wrong with our words, then there is something wrong with our heart. The truth of Proverbs 16:23 is profound in its simplicity, “A wise man’s heart guides his mouth.” • A judge utters a few words and a guilty man is taken to death row. • A friend speaks a word of encouragement and a desperate heart finds hope. • A mother lashes out with angry words and the light in her child’s eyes is gone. • A wife offers a word of forgiveness and a marriage is restored. • A gossip makes a phone call and a reputation is destroyed. • A teenager says “no” and changes the course of her life. Yes, the tongue is strong and powerful as are the words we speak. Let’s choose today to speak words of life.

Let’s Pray

Father, I want to please You and encourage others with the words I speak. Clean my heart, God. Transform my mind, and fill my mouth with words that honor and please You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Now It’s Your Turn

Examine the words you have spoken today in light of the following verse: Psalm 19:14 “May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to You, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” How did you do? I encourage you to memorize this verse and ask God to let it take root in your heart and work its way out in the words you speak.

Did you know?

Children have long been drawn to expressing themselves through art. According to developmental experts, coloring stimulates creativity, contributes to better handwriting, teaches color recognition, and can promote hand-eye coordination. Coloring books can help children learn to recognize boundaries and structure and develop spacial awareness. Adults, too, have recognized the benefits that coloring can bring, which includes stress reduction and improved focus. Crayons have long been a favorite tool for coloring, and over the years certain colors have emerged as fan favorites. CrayolaÂŽ conducted polls in 1993 and 2000 to find out the most popular colors of crayons in America. Blue was voted the favorite both times. Six other shades of blue, including cerulean, midnight blue, aquamarine, periwinkle, denim and blizzard blue, finished among the top 10. Purple heart, caribbean green and cerise rounded out the top 10.

RiverCrest Medical Park Opening in Granite Falls July 10th! RiverCrest Medical Park is conveniently located across from Walmart at the Shoppes at RiverCrest. In addition to space for new specialty practices, the facility will serve as the new medical home for the primary care and PLUS Urgent Care services currently offered at The Falls Medical Park. The relocation of adult services will allow additional space at the existing Falls Medical Park for the expanding services offered by Laurel Park Women’s Health and Falls Pediatrics.

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pg 12 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

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2/21/17 12:35 PM | pg 13

Are you getting in your own way? There is something about the season of summer, and especially July, that reminds us of those times in our lives where we could just kick back and take it a little easier. As children, we were out of school on summer break, with a renewed energy of doing, being and enjoying life, friends and family. There was this sense of freedom that we embraced whole heartedly. As we grew older, many of us lost that sense of freedom, or at least believe we have lost it, and what a shame that this occurs. Even amidst work demands, family demands and life’s demands, we still have many freedoms that, when embraced, can be the very thing that helps us move forward, loving life more, or perhaps even loving life again. If you feel stuck, or not enjoying life much right now, consider how you may be getting in your own way by not recognizing the freedoms you have available to you at any given moment of any given day. Freedom to choose: Even though you may believe you don’t have a choice in a particular situation or with a particular obligation that is burdening you, you do have a choice. Open your mind to all your possible resources, support and options. Be honest with yourself. Is it really entirely reliant upon you, or do you just believe this to be the case? Is there an alternative that would be more appealing or optimal for you? What can you do to enable your ability to choose to empower you? Freedom to say “No”: When so much is depending upon us, we can easily fool ourselves into believing that one more thing isn’t all that much of a burden. OR we want to help or please to the point that we find it difficult to say “no,” even when our plates are already beyond full. Does this sound like you? Just as you have the freedom to choose from a variety of options, you also have the freedom to say “no” without guilt. Consider how saying “no” is actually helping you say “yes” to what you really would prefer

pg 14 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

to be doing. Freedom to explore: Have you lost your sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness? Have you found yourself stuck in a rut where it’s just the same old, same old? Then it is time to exercise your freedom to explore. Commit to learning something new. Consider visiting a new place, or taking a different route to work instead following the same roads you always do. Make a list of things you would like to know more about, a hobby you would like to consider or places you would like to go, and then one by one, choose to discover the wonderment of them all! Freedom to just be: Does it feel as though you barely have time to breathe with all that you are managing right now? It is exactly when you feel this way that you need to give yourself permission to stop, rest, relax and do nothing. For many of us, this seems an impossibility, but is it? Or do we just believe that it is. More than just a good night’s rest, taking mental and physical breaks are essential to our wellbeing. Give yourself the freedom to just be through taking time for you. You may just be surprised at how much more you are able to accomplish because of its rejuvenating power. Consider making this Fourth of July your day of re-declaration of your independence, by giving yourself permission to exercise your many freedoms. Through pursuit of your own happiness, contentment and satisfaction in all that your life has to offer to you is a blessing you are entitled to give to yourself. Best of all, when you are loving life again, everyone around you benefits as well.

Bio: Sherré DeMao inspires people around the globe through her monthly columns, weekly Insight eZine and national contributing writing. Her books, Me, Myself & Inc. ( and 50 Marketing Secrets ( have received national acclaim as Top Business Shelf picks and must-reads.


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pg 16 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

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by Jan McCanless

I don’t know of any holiday that gets the old “juices” flowing like the 4th of July. It’s purely American, and filled with so many wonderful memories for me. Summer wasn’t the same without the 4th of July parade through town, hotdogs in the park, and that marvelous fireworks display at night. It sent goose bumps down my goose bumps! So much criticism and rancor now, about everything it seems, we need to stop and think a minute about all that is good in our country. Starting with freedom of speech, which seems to have taken on a different connotation of late. Freedom of religion, a real ‘biggy’, and just freedom in general. For all you critics out there, this may not be the most satisfactory system to you, but would you rather have the alternative?

God Bless the USA

pg 18 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

God has truly blessed this country of America, and her citizens, we need to remember that. We have everything we need ---- in abundance. Much of it owed to the good folks who have served this country through the military. If it were not for them, we wouldn’t be here today, in what is arguably the greatest nation on earth. Our son has recently retired from 25 years with the Air Force, and he told me that while engaged in Desert Storm, the rallying cry was the song so popular at the time, you know the one that says, “I’m proud to say I’m an American, where at least I know I’m free, and I’d gladly stand beside her and defend her to this day, God Bless the USA!!!” Couldn’t have said it better myself. Jan McCanless is an award winning author of 13 books, a freelance columnist, and premier southern humorist. a retired teacher. She is grandmother to 9 cherubs and is a commissioned lay minister of the Lutheran faith.

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Home at Last by Susan Guest

Whew! Just in from the third trip this month! Don’t get me wrong, I love to travel. It is exciting to go to new places and meet interesting people. It is fun to experience different foods and architecture. I love to get away from the everyday routine. But travel helps me appreciate home. My favorite part of coming home is the welcome I receive from our pets. The little dogs happily spin in circles and give lots of kisses and love. Even though our home is not grand or spotless like many hotels I visit, it is nice to have a place where I belong. The best time to look at home projects is after I’ve been traveling. Things that were invisible to me before suddenly jump to the top of the to-do list. Being away helps me recalibrate my lifestyle and environment to be the best they can be with my busy schedule and tight budget The things that make me happy may be completely different from what makes others happy. For example, some of my clients apparently long for the ocean and a calm paradise because they crave blue colors and beach themes. Other customers like the rich luxurious Paris-feel to their home and they dress accordingly. Most of us are in between and have different personalities on any given day. My house is eclectic because I like many different styles and am not afraid to mix them. If you are not sure of what makes you happy and unique, take clues from your wardrobe or home. This portrays the image you wish others to have of you or the lifestyle you desire. Many years ago, a client gave me her color chart from “Color Me Beautiful”. She wanted to look as nice in her home as in the fashions that she wore. She wanted to be surrounded by items that made her look and function her best. Another client wanted an up-scaled “bohemian” look with an interesting red, purple, gold, and lime green color scheme. These colors were combined with folk art and sheer fabric room dividers. The look was eclectic –meaning a mix of many different styles. Furniture, rugs, and accessories from all over the world gave the area a “gypsy style”. Do you desire your home or office to have a theme that portrays your story-including who you are, who you want to be, your lifestyle, or who you want others to think you are? Here are some ideas to help you find your personal design statement and make you happier: • Friends-ask a close friend what he or she thinks your design

pg 20 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

theme might be. Friends are often objective and see something in your personal style that you might miss. Magazines- keep a file with photos of rooms and ideas that interest you from your favorite magazines. Make notes on the things in a room that appeal to you. If you really are passionate about this, you might make separate files of kitchens, bedrooms, baths, living rooms, and outdoor spaces. This will help you later when you are ready to work with a design professional or own your own. Possessions-look at things you love that you already own and determine if there is a common theme. Both your wardrobe and furnishings might already find inspiration from the sea or nature. You might consistently have a “big city” look with blacks, grays, and graphic patterns. Travel- Collect art and home furnishings when you travel to your favorite vacation spots. These might inspire you to find a common theme in your décor. Depending on the stress of your profession, you might need a vacation feel escape from work! Pinterest- Many of us have lots of fun creating and sharing ideas of food, fashion, quotes, DIY craft projects, and home ideas on Pinterest. Look at your boards in the fashion and interior furnishings areas. They may show a consistent style that connects everything that makes you happy. Use this common thread to find a style for your personal home or office. If you are not on Pinterest, it is very fun but can be addictive. Set the timer and keep your habit under control! Colors-make note of colors that you love-whether bold or pale. If you like bright colors but are afraid to use them in a room; use them in small amounts as accents. Paint one wall in a fun color and keep the other walls subdued. Use bright colored pillows with bold patterns on a neutral sofa. If you are not intimidated by color, go for it!

I’ve often heard that home is where the heart is. Your home should help you feel safe and happy. Whether you use your home to practice hobbies, connect with family or escape from a difficult job, your home should nurture your soul! Susan Guest, ASID is an award-winning interior designer in Hickory and owner of Guest Interiors, LLC. She is one of the designers featured in “Spectacular Homes of the Carolinas”, found in high-end bookstores around the country. For more information, visit

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Truth that Transforms WRAPPED IN STORIES THAT STIR THE SOUL by Mary Felkins

Continually… Recently, while reading scripture, my eyes happened upon the word ‘continually’ in two different places. “Pray continually.” I Thessalonians 5:17 And, “… they (the disciples) stayed continually at the temple praising God.” Luke 24:53 Continually: (adverb) habitually, intermission; unceasingly; always.




A quick and inexhaustible internet search identified over 25 verses where ‘continually’ is used. Aside from a twinge of conviction, I thought little of the word. Until, three times more, I tripped over a few variations of it: “In this godless world, you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” John 16:33 (The Msg)

Any who’ve followed my writings in Sophie or on my weekly blog (, know I’m an Oswald Chambers fan (My Utmost for His Highest), the way he arranged beautiful words into power-packed truths that unabashedly spit at the reader’s soul like a staple gun. Chambers suggested it takes continual effort to walk this life without submitting to moods and the accompanying, hazardous messages they send. In order to form the mind of Christ, I’m to kick them out continually and do the thing I think I can’t. I revisited that abbreviated list of things in my life that occurred frequently or habitually and considered which will last and endure and which need to be dumped. Complaint. Stop that! Encourage the faint of heart. Keep it up. Worry. Give it over to God.

And, “The happy heart has a continual feast.” Proverbs 15:15

Care for my body. Always.

Continually. Continue. Continual.

Gossip. Uh uh. Scratch off list.

On-going, persistent, unyielding.

Prayer. Continually…

Huh. What in my life will last, endure, and keep on after interruption? What do I do frequently, without cessation? I made a list. A short one. Then my brain moved onto the next thing. But God had more to say.

pg 24 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

Pray continually. I Thessalonians 5:17 Confession here. I used to snicker at this little verse. Seriously, how did one possibly pray while one was sleeping? God couldn’t be serious.

He was, still is, and always will be. God means for me to keep at it while washing dishes, watching the news, or at my desk. When I’m at the gym, driving kids around, or listening to a friend’s concerns. While grocery shopping, upon hearing a siren wail, and throughout Sunday morning’s worship. How often am I to give thanks? Continually. (I Thess 5:18) How often am I to pray for others? Continually. (Colossians 1:9) How often am I to serve Him? Continually. (Daniel 6:16, 20) In order that I not continually arouse His anger (Ezekiel 8:17), I’m to stay continually connected to the Spirit of the living God and incline my ear to His promptings, trusting Him to strengthen me through the continuous effort it takes to face the challenges of every day.

Pretty awesome to know, through the Spirit, I can stay continually at the temple and praise God, as well. Especially since the Devil is relentlessly hacking away at his destructive agenda. “The uproar of my enemy rises continually” (Psalm 74:23). God’s all-seeing eyes are fixed continually on me. I’m to live and walk with God continually. Unbound by time, He is continually in the past, continually filling the space of my future, and continually in those dark places others don’t know about, nudging me out of them. I want to follow the example of King David who said, “My eyes are ever (translation: continually) on the Lord.” Psalm 25:15a. Being my constant and continual, everlasting to everlasting God, He never takes a summer break from our relationship. I’d like to think He won’t find me taking one, either.

Following the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, the disciples’ hearts were, at long last, turned unflinchingly toward God:

Mary Albers Felkins is a former Registered and Licensed Dietitian turned writer. Her first novel, a contemporary Christian romance, is currently under contract with Pelican Book Group. She considers scripture the most alluring romance ever written.

And they (disciples) stayed continually at the temple praising God. Luke 24:53

She is married to Bruce Felkins. Together they have four (adolescent to young adult-sized) arrows in their quiver. She’ll take a break from writing to watch Fixer Upper or if chocolate is waved beneath her nose or if her laptop is on fire.

While they didn’t literally camp out at the temple, 24/7, their continual praise and worship became their ruling disposition. It fueled their God-ordained journey into the world to share the good news of Jesus.

For stories that stir the soul, Mary cordially invites you to her website,, where you can plunge into a deep, spiritual ocean or enjoy a hearty laugh out loud. Email contact

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by Letty Lozano



ou, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself” Galatians 5:13-14 When I think of July 4th, the automatic things that come to mind are the colors of the flag, red, white and blue. I envision that flag proudly blowing in the wind. I think of parades, backyard barbeques, long weekends from my working days and of course fireworks. I have some fond memories of the way we used to celebrate from all the years past. Nowadays I think more about the true meaning of this special Holiday. On July 4th 1776 Continental Congress in Philadelphia Pennsylvania signed The Declaration of Independence. It signifies that we are all created equal and we have the opportunity to live in a free land. I am reminded on all days but this one especially; of how blessed I am to have God in my life. He created all of us and so therefore we are all his children. As an older generation now, I can’t help but think of how things have changed in the world. It’s almost like our nation, as a whole needs a spiritual awakening. God has always come first place in my life, and yet now others want to take Him out of everything. How wonderful it would be if we could actually unite as one nation under God. I think of our forefathers who fought for our freedom and the sacrifices they made, so that we could live in such a beautiful and free land that allows us to be whatever we want to be, do what we want to do, believe what we want to believe, and say what we want to say. By continuing to love and support our military we remind them of how very grateful we are to each and every one of them. My hope is that we never take our freedom for granted. How precious it is to live in a land where we are free to love, to share, to work, play, explore and discover our true selves. As we celebrate with traditions that have gone on in our family for years, or perhaps new ones that are just beginning, enjoy and celebrate how you wish: but always remember that part of our freedom is just being able to celebrate how we choose. Explain this National Holiday and its meaning to your children so that they will understand and be able to share with future generations. The true meaning must never be forgotten. It is something that needs to be emphasized and explained to younger generations. Take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way. Reach for whatever it is you want and desire. Declare your independence just like our forefathers did so many years ago. They paved the way to make our lives easier. Show your gratitude by living the life you want to live.

pg 26 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

I will continue to pray for our nation to come together and not only put God back into our families and communities but back into our Nation. I will pray continually that God will reveal his purpose and plan for our lives so that we can move forward with His blessing. How proud I am of being a child of God and living in the land of the free. This beautiful land in which we live in is founded on the belief of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our American flag in all its glory is such a special reminder to me that we are to honor everything it stands for. I guess that is why it touches my heart to see it, as I place my hand over my heart while reciting the pledge of allegiance or singing the National Anthem. What a beautiful sight it is to be in the presence and salute our flag, The United States Flag! Happy July 4th and God Bless America! Letty Lozano is a writer and author of her first Memoir, “Traveling Blind.” As a survivor of a loved ones suicide, her memoir was born out of the responses she received from readers of blog entries written during her painful journey from utter despair to a renewal of her faith and enjoyment of life. She believes only God the creator can provide the comfort, strength of mind, and encouragement required by survivors to travel blindly into the future full of confidence and renewed joy.

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Technology continues to infiltrate all areas of life. So it should come as no surprise that apps and digital organization play a prominent role in many couples’ weddings. Couples may now feel it is necessary to design a wedding website to keep their guests up-to-date. Though they’re useful when planning a wedding, websites are not a must-have, according to bridal etiquette experts. However, those who choose to delve into the world of wedding websites can keep these pointers in mind when navigating.

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pg 28 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

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Wedding Website Dos and Don’ts

3/16/17 12:34 PM

DO use the wedding website as a central hub for putting pertinent information about the wedding that may not be covered on invitations or save-the-date cards. DON’T ignore the potential for identity theft and privacy. Wedding websites can put quite a deal of personal information out for public consumption. Not only will the website advertise when the wedding takes place (when your home and the homes of all your guests will be empty), but also it could include birthdays, maiden names, and other information that would normally be more difficult to track down. DO use a wedding website provider that gives you the option to password protect your website. Urge guests not to share this protected information with others. DON’T caption engagement photos, bachelorette party photos and more with dates and names on the wedding website and on other social media. DO skip the wedding website if you are strongly opposed to it. When properly composed, a wedding invitation will convey all the pertinent details. A group email or phone calls can alert guests to any changes after the fact. DON’T forget to link to gift registries. DO use the wedding website to collect responses and then make a table seating arrangement online. This will help you stay more organized and streamlined. Wedding websites are yet another tool couples can use to stay organized as they plan their weddings.


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Submitted by Scott Hansley | pg 29

Green Tomatoes not just for the frying pan


erhaps in part due to the popular 1991 film “Fried Green Tomatoes,” many people are familiar with the Southern United States side dish of the same name. But as proven by the following recipe for “Grilled Green Tomato ‘Sandwiches’ with Herbed Cream Cheese” from Karen Adler and Judith Fertig’s “The Gardener & The Grill” (Running Press), green tomatoes can be even more delicious when grilled than they are when fried. Grilled Green Tomato “Sandwiches” with Herbed Cream Cheese Serves 6 Herbed Cream Cheese 1 8-ounce package cream cheese at room temperature 1 garlic clove, minced 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil 1 tablespoon snipped fresh chives Tomatoes 4 large green tomatoes (about 11⁄2 pounds), sliced 3⁄4-inch thick (to make 12 slices) - Olive oil, for brushing 2 teaspoons Seasoning Salt (see below) or kosher salt - Ground black pepper • Prepare a medium-hot fire in your grill. Place a well-oiled perforated grill rack over direct heat. • In a bowl, blend the cream cheese, garlic, basil, and chives together until smooth. Set aside. • Brush the tomato slices with olive oil on both sides and season with seasoning salt and pepper. Place the slices on a baking sheet and bring out to the grill with the bowl of Herbed Cream Cheese and a knife for spreading. • Grill all of the tomatoes on one side for about 3 minutes with the lid open, then flip and grill on the other side for 3 minutes more, or until the tomatoes have good grill marks. • Remove the tomato slices from the grill and allow to cool slightly on the baking sheet. Spread Herbed Cream Cheese on half of the slices, top with a second slice and set the sandwiches on a platter. Serve the sandwiches hot, with oozing cream cheese filling. Variation: Grill all of the tomato slices as above and top each grilled tomato with a dollop of the cream cheese and serve open-faced. Seasoning Salt Makes 1 1⁄4 cups 1 cup sea salt 2 tablespoons paprika 1 teaspoon parsley flakes 1 teaspoon dried chives 1 teaspoon black pepper 1⁄2 teaspoon dried marjoram leaves 1⁄2 teaspoon celery seed 1⁄2 teaspoon curry powder 1⁄2 teaspoon garlic powder 1⁄4 teaspoon red pepper Combine all of the ingredients in a glass jar and cover with a tight-fitting lid. Shake to blend. This keeps for several months in the pantry.

pg 30 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | July 2017

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