Sophie Woman's Magazine June 2017 Issue

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Volume 13 / Issue 4

June 2017



Make Dad the

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this Father’s Day!

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from the By Judy Smith

A doctor, a civil engineer, and a computer scientist were arguing about what was the oldest profession in the world. The doctor remarked, ‘Well, in the Bible it says that God created Eve from a rib taken from Adam. This clearly required surgery, so I can rightly claim that mine is the oldest profession in the world.’ The civil engineer interrupted and said, ‘But even earlier in the book of Genesis, it states that God created the order of the heavens and the earth from out of the chaos. This was the first and certainly the most spectacular application of civil engineering. Therefore fair doctor, you are wrong; mine is the oldest profession in the world.’ The computer scientist leaned back in his chair, smiled and said confidently, ‘Ah, but who do you think created the chaos?’ We have all heard joke upon joke about creation. A few weeks ago, I was struck by something when doing a bible study. Have you ever been asked if you believe the Bible is the Word of God? Have you answered “from cover to cover”? I have. Yet I know that there are those who would argue with me and question my intelligence. That is your right just as it is my right to believe. I am in good company. Ronald Reagan was quoted as saying “Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face”. Look at this quote from Abraham Lincoln: “I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from The Savior of the world is communicated to us through this Book.” As I said, when doing my Bible study, I was drawn to the very first verse in the Bible. It states in Genesis 1, verse I: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Take a look at that verse. It shares when, who and what...everything we need to know about the beginning. Yet for me, it is much more simpler than that. For me it is “In the beginning God” We know the beginning and we know the end. Revelation22: 20 He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! 21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

God starts it and He is THE ENDING. Everything else from Genesis 1, verse 1 through Revelation 22, verse 21 is His living Word. Hebrews 4:12 For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Mark Twain said: “It ain’t the parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it’s the parts that I do understand.” I do not know one single person on earth who understands all the Bible has to say but just like Mark Twain said, there is more than enough we do understand than we could possibly live up to. I am just thankful we don’t have to live up to it. One of the simplest and yet most profound verses in the Bible: John 3:16. Can you quote it? “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” What have you done with that verse? Jesus paid it all and all to Him we owe. The story of Adam and Eve was being carefully explained in the children’s Sunday School class. Following the story, the children were asked to draw some picture that would illustrate the story. Little Bobby was most interested and drew a picture of a car with three people in it. In the front seat, behind the wheel was a man and in the back seat, a man and a woman. The teacher was at a loss to understand how this illustrated the lesson of Adam and Eve. But little Bobby was prompt with his explanation. “Why, this is God driving Adam and Eve out of the garden!” Do you know my Jesus? It is not too late.

Judy Smith Heart2Heart

Motivation & Inspirational Speaking 828-320-9936 | pg 3


phie Woman’s Magazine

Contents Message from the Heart


Find the Right Father’s Day Gift


Sophisticated Women


Girlfriends in God


Me, Myself, & Inc.

14 16

By: Judy Smith

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Brandy Watkins

By: Nicole Greer

By: Mary Southerland

By: Sherre Demao

God’s Good Plan

By:Patricia Middleton

The Second Time Around


He Said, She Said


Live God’s Word


Ponder Truth


Homemade Pie Crust Made Easy


By: Jan McCanless

by David & Amy Washco

By: Nina Heck

Published by:

M arketQuest Media, LLC

A Special Thanks To All Of Our Distributors Please be sure to visit all of our participating advertisers and remember to support area local small businesses .

By: Julie McGrath

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pg 4 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | June 2017

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Find the Right Father’s Day Gift


ather’s Day is an annual celebration of fathers and the contributions they make to their families. Dads get their due on Father’s Day, when sons, daughters and wives typically give dad a few gifts to show their appreciation for all he has done for them and how much he means to them.

father to see if there’s anything that could lighten his load. For example, if Dad loves spending time in the garden, take a sneak peek at his gardening tools and replace any that have grown dull or rusty.

Finding the right Father’s Day gift is not always so easy. No two fathers are the same, so while a silk necktie might bring a smile to one father’s face, such a gift may fall flat with other dads. By asking themselves a few questions in the weeks before their dads’ big day, Father’s Day shoppers can narrow down their options and find gifts that Dad will appreciate.

For the Dad who doesn’t seem to need anything, consider something he may want that he’s never had before. If Dad loves to cook but has never had formal training, enroll him in a cooking class. If Dad loves a local sports team but hasn’t been to a game in years, purchase tickets to a game and go with him to make the day even more special.

What does Dad want?

What are Dad’s hobbies?

Is Dad a techie?

What does Dad need?

Finding the right Father’s Day gift can be challenging. But shoppers who stop to think about their father and what makes the family patriarch happy can unearth a host of gift ideas that Dad is sure to love.

Even if your father or husband loves what he does for a living, a gift that indulges one of his favorite hobbies may be just the thing to make this Father’s Day extra special. Outdoorsmen may prefer some new camping or fishing gear, while fathers who have an artistic side may prefer some new paint brushes and canvasses. If Dad’s a car guy, book a day at a nearby racetrack where he can race around the track and embrace his inner race car driver. Sometimes the best gifts are what a recipient needs as opposed to what he wants. If you no longer live at home, ask your mother if there’s anything your father needs that would make his life easier or more enjoyable. If you live at home, pay close attention to your

pg 6 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | June 2017

Dads with a love for technology are living in the golden age of gadgets. Father’s Day shoppers looking to satisfy their fathers’ love of technology have a host of possibilities at their disposal. Even if Dad is an early adopter who tends to get all the latest gadgets before anyone else, the tech industry evolves so rapidly that you’re bound to find something new on Dad’s wish list that he hasn’t purchased yet.

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Submitted by Candice Moore Taken by Jaime Maynor | pg 7




Practice the Platinum Rule


he first thing Sophisticated Women understand is the fact that people are different. You may be thinking, ‘I know that.’ However, I will tell you that many individuals have lamented to me that the person you are struggling with… …doesn’t understand what I am trying to do. …isn’t listening to me. …can’t see what I am creating.

By Nicole Greer, PPCC aka The Vibrant Coach

adjectives that describe water. Water is: refreshing, energizing, cooling, supportive, go with the flow, detoxifying, flexible and smooths things out. And, so are “water” people.

and my favorite…

Think about the words that come to mind when you consider the adjectives that describe wind. The wind is: energetic, global, big picture, ushers in change, goes in multiple directions at the same time, bold, forceful and knows know boundaries.

…he sees the situation entirely different from me.

And, so are “wind” people.

It’s true. People are different. They have different preferences. They have different personalities. Ultimately, when different kinds of people come together, they have difficulty in seeing differences objectively. Don’t miss that! Seeing differences objectively is the key. When a woman can see differences objectively they can:

Think about the words that come to mind when you consider the adjectives that describe fire. Fire is: hot, passionate, illuminating, intense, colorful, forging, brilliant, pioneering and radiating.

Improve relationships Generate trust Create a win-win And become sophisticated.

These sticky metaphors allow us to see easily that:

The sophisticated women I surround myself with don’t need to be right about the FACT that people are different. They embrace this fact by employing strategies, systems, and smarts to objectively notice the difference and adjust their approach to every human they meet. You can do this too! The people you encounter have four personality “elements’ that comprise their hard wiring. One of these four elements dominates your client’s personality. This article aims to help you identify what element dominates their personality and offers techniques to communicate effectively. I study several personality profile tools, and I am certified in three of them. The one that I love the most is scientific, easily understood and is most applicable are the “Four Elements” found in Laurie Beth Jone’s book, The Four Elements of Success. The Four Elements are earth, water, wind, and fire. When people hear these words strung together, they either get a deep desire to strike a disco dance pose, or they think this is some weird kind of new age voodoo that I do! Rest assured this is a legitimate, powerful metaphor for how people tick! Think about the words that come to mind when you consider the adjectives that describe planet earth. The earth is: solid, stable, structured, nurturing, ordered, layered, and full of resources. And, so are “earth” people. Think about the words that come to mind when you consider the

pg 8 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | June 2017

And, so are “fire” people.

• • • •

Earth people are all about the process. Wind people are all about vision. Water people are all about relationships. And Fire people are all about results.

Knowing the motivation of the person in front of you helps you give attention to “what matters most.” Earth people want you to explain in detail. They want you to share everything that matters. They are motivated to engage when the person and the organization that they are working with are accurate and provide structure. You cannot over-communicate with the earth if, you are providing facts and figures about how things “work.” Don’t confuse this with small talk that can seem empty or full of fluff. They want just the facts and accurate insights. Treat earth this way, and you’ll have a friend for life! Water people want you to help make things run smoothly. Their goal is to have stability. They care deeply about people and want you to exercise compassion for them too. They want you to share something personal about yourself and truly build a relationship that has depth and meaning. More importantly, they want a steady, predictable pace that creates harmony in their life. If you are warm and easy to be around, the water will be your most loyal friend. Wind people want you to make things exciting and fun.Your understanding of where the wind is headed coupled with your ability to “join in” is a necessity. The wind wants to be in your network, social, and desires your attention. Most importantly, they want friends that are optimistic about the future who “see” the potential in every opportunity.

Fire people want to get it done, period. They are driven my making a decision and seeing it have an impact. They want solutions that increase their strategic goals and future potential. They have an opinion. So, ask for it. Speak directly to them about their bottom line. Focus on a cause or purpose and you’ll have a passionate partner for life.

Water individuals listen. They bring a kind, sensitive, patient approach to exchanging information. A water’s energy is consistent, and they trust you right from the start.

If you want powerful relationships, treating people the way they want to be treated is paramount. The golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is valuable. However, the platinum rule, “Do unto others as they would like to be done unto,” will provide you an even bigger reward!

Earth individuals are precise, detailed, want to get it “right” and are cautiously tenacious.

Here is how you determine if someone’s personality is dominated by earth, water, wind or fire.

Ultimately, your aim is to stop and take a moment to assess who the person in front of you so you can change yourself to match their style. This takes extra effort. Like anything in life, a little extra effort goes a long way. You get what you work for.

Step 1: Determine if your client is people oriented or task oriented. People oriented clients display warmth, friendly facial expressions, expressive inflection, openness, lightheartedness, and acceptance. People oriented clients are wind or water. Task oriented clients display coolness, a poker-face, monotone, closed stance, seriousness, and a questioning approach. Task oriented people are earth or fire. Step 2: Focus on the individual’s interaction style to discern between these two categories. Wind/Water Wind individuals have tons of energy, talk a lot, give lots of details, change subjects often, and tell you stories.

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Fire people are direct, love the big picture, are opinionated, and initiate to take control.

Let’s get started. About Nicole Greer, PPCC Nicole Greer is a coach. She aims to increase your performance. As a certified Four Elements practitioner, Nicole can bring the Four Elements of Success coaching/training program to your teams. From the corporations to non-profits, to individuals seeking a vibrant life, everyone can benefit from increased communication resulting in higher performance. Working with a coach frees you to identify strengths, determine the strategic plan, and fulfill your goals. As the Principal Coach/CEO for Vibrant Coaching Inc., Nicole is on a mission to impact, energize, and influence people to lead a Vibrant Life (one pulsating with energy and purpose) by engaging the possibilities. As an executive, life, leadership and business coach, Nicole offers strategies, systems, and smarts to turn what is possible into the probable.

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Breakthrough: I Am Unworthy by Kelly Balarie

Today’s Truth You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24

Friend to Friend The girl looked in the mirror. She noticed her slumped shoulders, her lack of motivation and her tired eyes. Life was always letting her down. People were too. Still, she got up and went to her closet. Before her, stood the garbs of gold, laced with jewels and vibrant colors, but as always, she was drawn to the clothes of old. She knew them well. They were comfortable. I can never be more. I can never do more. For I see my past. I remember what I did, how I lived, and how I so horribly failed. The girl was trapped in a way, but in another way she was free. The door was open to her, she could go wherever she pleased, and she could step into purpose, if only she’d choose. In fact, the King had invited her to the fullness of his kingdom. He wanted that for her. Most days, she remembered her old home – the little hut, far off. She focused on the mean people there and her retaliatory behavior on those bad days. She usually lived there. With this, she knew, she didn’t deserve to be adopted – nonetheless by someone so amazing, so powerful and so loving as him. Could he really be that way, loving? Not mad at me? Could I really be princess, not pauper? …Put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your

pg 10 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | June 2017

minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. (Ephesians 4:22-24, NIV) What are you wearing? The robes of old mistakes, problems and relational issues or Christ’s robes that wrap you in holiness, purity and purpose? Perhaps, today is the day, you let go of the clothes of old – the anger, the bitterness and the hurt – to grab hold of the attitude of bold. Perhaps, today is the day you receive and believe in God’s fullness. Perhaps, today is the day, you look in the mirror, confident and sure, with the knowledge you are: accepted, valued, rejoiced over, covered, equipped, protected, instructed, called, empowered with the mind of Christ, counseled, known, loved, seen, established, anointed, sealed, blessed, holy, seated with Christ, victorious, set free, safe and redeemed. Perhaps, today is the day you say, “I am walking out of my torture chamber, for I am His and He is mine. I am His daughter.”

Let’s Pray Dear Lord, you see me as your daughter. Help me to see myself the way You see me. May I know Your love, a love that would go to any lengths to save me. In fact, Your love already did that, with Christ. May I accept the fullness of all He did for me when He died on the cross. May I welcome You, and all that You are into my life, without fear. Teach me to have joy in who You declare me to be. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Now It’s Your Turn You are: accepted, valued, rejoiced over, covered, equipped, protected, instructed, called, empowered with the mind of Christ, counseled, known, loved, seen, established, anointed, sealed, blessed, holy, seated with Christ, victorious, set free, safe and redeemed. What word above most encourages you? How do you think you have been holding God back? How might you apply this truth to your life?

Did you know?

You might live longer if you’re extroverted, optimistic, agreeable, open-minded, and emotionally stable. Studies show that people with these traits can have stronger immune systems, healthier hearts, and longer life spans. | pg 11

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Award Winning Western Piedmont Symphon


Symphony Under the Sails Sunday, June 25, 2017 6 PM FREE to the Public Bring a picnic and your lawn chairs | pg 13

Are you building a legacy of memories? As I write this month’s column, a very special woman in my family members’ lives passed on after a remarkable 100.5 years on this earth. A great-great grandmother to my grand darlings, and a woman with immeasurable capacity to love, adapt, and embrace life, Nonie, as she was affectionately called by her grandchildren, was proof to everyone of the power of kindness, positivity, and grit.

that had everyone wondering how to keep up. What was most heart warming is that whatever it seemed she was doing, it was for someone or to help make a difference in some way. She seemed genuinely rewarded by helping others, whether it was through kind words or an act of kindness. How are you helping others and making a difference for no other reason than because it feels good and right?

Gentle, yet robust: Nonie’s sweet whispers, loving hugs Living for versus living through: In reflecting upon and caring, selfless ways were balanced with a robust Nonie’s life, she lived through so much, and yet what confidence that never hesitated to offer perspective resonated so strongly is how she demonstrated in her and guidance to others. She brought a vitality to any actions and words how she was living for so much conversation or any occasion because of her natural more. She survived the Great Depression, the loss of a ability to light up a room with her mere presence. Tiny, daughter and husband, and yet never lost her ability to yet mighty, she brought smiles to people’s faces and still see all her blessings. She somehow intuitively knew that has managed to do this through the indelible impression there was always something to look forward to in life, and impact she has had on so many lives. How are you and genuinely appreciated everyone and everything that lighting the way or lighting a spark for others? was a part of her life. Are you counting your blessings or Nonie lived in palatial splendor, not materially, but too focused on what “isn’t,” “wasn’t” or “didn’t”? euphorically in every life she touched and everyone who Embracing every moment to celebrate: You may knew her. She understood how to live with great joy, and know the song with the verse that goes, “… I hope you’ll as a result, has left a legacy of memories that will forever dance …” This was Nonie, always the first to step out on be engrained and remembered, shared and treasured, for that dance floor and celebrate at every occasion. Each generations to come. I know, for me, she was an example passing decade did not slow her love of music, dance and of everything I hope to be in loving character, selfless celebration, and if anything, she embraced it even more. service, and irreverent joy. We can all learn a thing or She lit up the dance floor, however, more important, two from her 100 years on this earth. she lit up the hearts of everyone around her because she embraced celebration with gusto. Whether it was a simple gathering or a milestone occasion, she was ever- Bio: Sherré DeMao inspires people around the globe present and ever-showing joy in the moment. How are through her monthly columns, weekly Insight eZine and national contributing writing. Her books, Me, you embracing moments with joy and gratitude? Always doing; always giving: Well into her later years, Nonie was always keeping busy and productive in ways pg 14 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | June 2017

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God’s Good Plan by Patricia Middleton

Declaring His Mighty Acts (Psalm 145:4) One generation will praise Your works to another and will declare Your mighty acts. We must never forget how important it is to share with our children (our youth) Jesus’ salvation plan, His Love toward us, and the working of His powerful Word in our lives. It’s hearing His Word that helps develop their faith. (Romans 10:17 NIV) Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard from the Word of Christ. What an awesome and delightful responsibility the Lord has entrusted us. We have the opportunity to train our children in the way of The Lord. This equips them with the necessary armor to become lovers of God and His Word. Proverbs 22:6 tells us to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Have you noticed that it is OUR responsibility to train our children? We are so very thankful to the Lord that He has blessed us with wonderful Sunday school groups, Youth Groups, and various Christian Organizations. These are all icing on the cake…and so needed and appreciated, but should never take the place of the responsibility and joy The Lord has placed in our hands as parents. Training always takes time, sharing, and leading. As we observe our daily schedules we too often come to the conclusion that time is hard to find. Where do we find this time? Being that everyone’s family schedules are different I can offer a few tested suggestions. 1.

Inquire of The Lord. (James 1:5 NKJV)

2. Begin with small amounts of time…gradually building as The Lord provides it. (Luke 16:10 AMP) 3. Make the very end of your day (bedtime) a “Celebration.” Share of the goodness of God. (Psalm 34:1 AMP) It builds strong faith in our children when we testify of how God has specifically moved in our lives… and family. We must continue to share the Lord’s manifested intervention. This is also part of leading them to

pg 16 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | June 2017

Christ. (John 4:39) Let’s share how He turned something around for our good that was originally meant for our harm. (…as He did for Joseph when he was left for dead and sold into slavery) Let’s share how He brought His Wisdom to a situation through a dream. (…as He revealed to Daniel the interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream) Let us share how He miraculously took care of our needs. (…as He did for His chosen people in the wilderness) If we allow ourselves to look at each day closely, we cannot help but to see God’s Miraculous and Merciful Hand of blessing throughout. This significant time of sharing the Word of God always ignites Great Faith in our children, no matter how young or old. The more they hear The Word of God, the more deeply seeds of God are planted and rooted. They become firmly grounded in His truths when those they love, respect, and trust more than anyone on this Earth shares the Power and Love of God with them. Remember to always bathe this time in prayer and invite Holy Spirit to direct it through you…and through your children. Yes, you will be delightfully surprised (and blessed) by their sharing, testimonies, and power in God’s Word! In our lives today, this daily time is literally a fight. Aren’t our children worth the battle? As we surrender to Him we stand on His Word believing that the battle is not ours, but His. (II Chronicles 20:15) As we step out…He STEPS IN!

Keep Declaring!

Patricia Middleton is a dedicated mother and grandmother, ministry leader, retired educator, tutor, and author. She has published two delightful children’s books that present biblical truth through teachable stories and lovely illustrations: Given Strength and What Shall We Give Him? They can be found at, Barnes&Nobel. com, or Patricia has been honored to serve as guest author/reader at various churches, daycares, schools, and summer reading programs. Her greatest passion is sharing God’s Word.

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--Sales Team-Mitch Keaton - Bud Watts Barry Laws - Josh Bolick Eric Holder - Pat Alley | pg 17

The econd Time Around


by Jan McCanless I’m a sucker for a good love story, I mean a good, 3 hanky, cry your eyes out love story. Seems I’ve known my share of great love stories, not the least of which was the story of my brother and his wife. They were married almost 60 years when he died a month ago. He adored her, and to her, he was her reason for being. My British friend introduced me to a woman who married her long lost love after both lost their spouses of many years. Those kinds of stories are the best, and, they just go to show that true love will win out, if it’s meant to be, it will be ! Spouse and I know personally of a couple who were divorced for years, remarried others, but, got back together again nearly a decade later. The latest couple I’ve heard of doing this is a personal friend of mine. She left her husband 4 years ago, and has been struggling to raise their 2 children alone in the interim. It’s not been easy for either of them, and as children do, they decided to meddle in their parents lives,and lo and behold, their re-wedding is this summer. Before the divorce, they had invested 20 years together, and, that, as the wife tells me, cannot be easily dismissed. The wonderful thing about these stories is the fact that love never dies, it may lay dormant, but, it never really dies. It was Frank Sinatra who sang the words ‘love’s more wonderful, the second time around, just as wonderful, with both feet on the ground”. People are worth a second chance, or a third, or a 23rd. Remind you of anything? How many times have we heard how God loves us , no matter what, forgives us anything if we but ask, and offers us that 2nd, 3rd, or 23rd chance. It’s one of the most magical, marvelous, and wonderful realities of our lives! If these couples I’ve told you about can say to one another, “all is forgiven, come home”, then why can’t we say it to one another, and finally, finally , get along in this world ? Are not we human beings worth that extra effort of forgiveness? God must think so, or He wouldn’t offer it so much. It does my heart good to hear these wonderful tales of true love, and it brings home to me the admonishment, “love one another, as I have loved you”. If we all did this in our day to day dealings with one another, we too would have a marvelous story of love -- now and forever. Our Lord expects this of us, and I for one, will try my best not to disappoint Him. Please join me. Jan McCanless is an award winning author of 13 books, a freelance columnist, and premier southern humorist. a retired teacher. She is grandmother to 9 cherubs and is a commissioned lay minister of the Lutheran faith.

pg 18 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | June 2017

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“the Brow and Body Waxing Experts” Book Online Now At or call 828.838.1441 | pg 19

He Said, She Said


Lessons From Our Fathers by David and Amy Washco

s a parent, passing on life lessons we learned growing up is important. The wisdom we impart should be intentional, and the approach we take matters. One of our first attempts to pass on the value of a dollar with our daughter didn’t go well. We challenged our daughter, Savannah, to read “fifty books for fifty bucks” over the summer. She achieved that goal. Recalling that my dad ALWAYS found a lesson in anything I did, I took this opportunity to share financial wisdom and explain how much money it takes to support a family. Holding a stack of crisp 50 one dollar bills in my hand, I began to lay each dollar across the table, covering the table like a cloth. Savannah’s eyes were huge! I prophetically said to her, “When parents get paid for a job well done, we don’t get to keep the entire amount.” I began pulling dollar bills off the table explaining to her about taxes, healthcare, mortgage, food, clothing and electricity bills. I was so caught up in my important lesson, that I missed the alligator tears down her cheeks as she realized she was only left with 11 dollars. Epic Fail on Dad’s part. Fortunately, she recovered quickly when she realized she got to keep the fifty bucks. We actually learned more from this lesson than she did. Intent and approach matters. She Said: While I love my father, I have not always “liked” my father. Struggles with alcoholism and the inability to put his family first make Father’s Day a bitter sweet remembrance. While intentional communication was not his strong suit, I give my dad credit for lessons he inadvertently taught me that have served me well. 1. Know Your Tools. My Dad was an electrician and plumber. We didn’t have money to pay for repairs. Helping him with projects taught me the difference between a Phillips and a flathead screw driver. I knew at an early age how to troubleshoot a running toilet and that duct tape worked better than any strapless bra. I was the only girl in college with my own toolbox. Every girl should own their own electric drill. 2. Vegetables Matter. As a teenage girl, growing up on a 60-acre farm was not ideal. While my friends were at the mall, I was hoeing weeds. I didn’t appreciate it at the time, but my dad taught me how to grow a garden. I know all about Silver Queen Corn, Kentucky Wonder Beans and Better Boy Tomatoes. Homegrown vegetables are just more flavorful. Because of my time in the garden, I know which snakes are poisonous, but I still believe all spiders must die. 3. Problem Solving Skills Make or Break You. Growing up poor taught me to be a survivor. To save electricity, my dad taught me how to build a proper fire. Without money for school projects, he helped me look around for what else might serve the purpose. My Dad taught me a very important lesson. Stop looking at problems as walls. Find a way to climb over them, tunnel under them, go around them or blast right through them.

pg 20 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | June 2017

He Said: It pains me that my dad is no longer around, but his essence and lessons live within me. My daughters are benefiting from his wisdom even today. My dad is the greatest male influence in my life and the role model for the type of husband and dad I want to be. My dad’s generation didn’t talk about feelings. I didn’t hear him tell me he loved me often but I knew he did by his sacrificial acts, hugs and the lessons he intentionally taught. 1.

Treat “everyone” equally, regardless of their position in life. My Dad reminded me often that there is only one man who has the keys to every room in the building – the janitor. This lesson has been reinforced by the statement, “You Can Easily Judge the Character of a Man by How He Treats Those Who Can Do Nothing for Him.”


Your integrity is everything. Dad continually reminded me that trust is everything. He pushed me hard to attain Eagle Scout and it was not lost on me that the first word in the list of character traits of the Boy Scout Law is “trustworthy.” When caught lying, my Dad reinforced this lesson by scraping a bar of Lava Soap on my teeth. I had to wait five minutes before spitting it out. It only took one time for me to learn this lesson.


If it’s to be, it’s up to me. This was my dad’s way of saying, “have skin in the game.” My dad grew up with meager means. He learned early in his childhood that the buck stopped with him. Taking ownership and working hard for a desired result is the most treasured lessons I learned from my dad.

The circle of life is more than simply sharing genetics. Parents have a responsibility to equip their children with life lessons that set them up for success. Intent and approach matter. We listened and your children are listening. Make sure your lesson is worth passing on.

David and Amy Washco are survivors of divorce and serve as relationship advocates. With a financial and marketing background, they are married and live in Hickory, NC. David and Amy are parents to 18 year old Savannah and 10 year old Riley.

Shutterbuggerz Submitted by Janae Clark

Submitted by Jessica Hemphill

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LIVE GOD’S WORD by Nina Heck

Do you truly believe God’s word or understand how it is relevant in your life? Each month we will look into the bible and find answers to many of the questions you may have about God, who He is and how He wants you to live your life. Together, we will not only read God’s word, but find out how to “Live God’s Word” everyday! Materials provided for this study by: Chuck Huskins /

God’s Grace: Don’t Misunderstand It Here’s the question : What is the true meaning of God’s grace? “I’m saved by God’s grace, right? So why does it matter how I live my life as long as I ask for forgiveness?” My friend was confused, as a lot of people are, about the full meaning of grace. Jesus gives us a perfect picture of God’s grace in the story of the woman caught in adultery in the 8th chapter of John. They brought this woman before Jesus to see if He would uphold the law Moses had commanded which was to stone such a woman to death. But Jesus didn’t operate under “the Law”- He operated under God’s grace. He answered them by inviting whomever was without sin to cast the first stone. Then, as one by one they walked away, He said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”(NIV) You see, the word “grace” has a two-fold meaning. It does mean the freely given, unmerited favor of God, but as you study the meaning of grace in the Greek translation, Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance defines it as : divine influence upon the heart that reflects in your life. Jesus does give the adulteress woman undeserved forgiveness, but then tells her to now leave her old way of life. She is forgiven, but expected to change from her life of sin and reflect that gift of forgiveness with a new and transformed lifestyle. When you understand the full meaning of grace, you can truly understand the following scriptures about grace : 1) Jude 1:3-4 states, “I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people. For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality.(NIV) The word “pervert” means: to turn

pg 24 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | June 2017

to an improper use or misinterpret. When grace is only seen as undeserved forgiveness anytime you sin, people may feel they can live any way they please, as long as they ask for forgiveness. This way of thinking is what perverts grace and turns it into “a license for immorality” - exactly what this scripture warns against. 2) Titus 2:11-12 states, “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.”(NIV) Grace, the divine influence on your heart from God through the Holy Spirit, is what transforms you and teaches you to say “no” to any sin or ungodliness present in your life. When you understand the full meaning of grace, the words of this old hymn take on a whole new meaning: Amazing grace! How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see! Partially knowing what grace means, creates a lot of misunderstanding about how it saves us. As a Christian, we truly are saved by God’s grace - His undeserved forgiveness for our sins - but we are also saved by the grace of God that changes our hearts, transforms our lives and teaches us to turn from our life of sin and ungodliness. God’s grace opens our eyes to the truth of God’s word and teaches us to live a life that is self-controlled, upright and godly. Now that really is “Amazing Grace”! Nina Heck has been married to her husband Kim, for over 30 years. Their greatest joy is their family - Amber, Austin and his wife Rachel, and their grandchildren Allie, Alek and Ellie. A retired hairstylist, she now has more time for her true calling - teaching God’s word in a way that will make it relevant and easy to understand. You can reach her at

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Ponder Truth by Julie McGrath

Beauty Grows in Hard Places Have you ever seen the sign that reads, “The mountains are calling and I must go”? Well, this is undeniably a true statement for me, a girl who adores our Blue Ridge mountains. Last week I heard that call and happened to have a break from teaching, so off I went. It was time for some solitude and a vital pause in my busy life. My goals? To clear my mind, spend some time in prayer, seek some clarity on a few issues that had been tugging at my heart and cluttering up my mind. What a gift it was to experience the blessing of an afternoon alone on the Blue Ridge Parkway. If you’ve never hiked in our beautiful mountains, tune into your inner Maria VonTrapp and go! For me, nothing compares to the peaceful tranquility and joy I feel when I am up there. Enjoying the clear blue skies, mountain views and breezes, walking down trails covered in rocks and roots, there is nothing quite like it! With my goals in mind and a never-ending to-do list I was happy to leave behind, I took my journal and ventured up to Rough Ridge, a gorgeous and manageable hike about 15 minutes outside of Blowing Rock. I asked the Lord to show me something of Himself as I hiked, to show me something I needed to see with the eyes of my heart - a treasure from His vast storehouse of wisdom. He gave me one. As I hiked, I came across a gnarly plant of barren roots. It looked dead from my perspective and I’m sure if I came across it in the winter I would have thought it was just an ugly dead plant - a lost cause that needed to be dug up and cleared away. pg 26 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | June 2017

But the truth is, it was not dead at all. About two thirds of the way down the stark, viney plant, were clusters of lovely white blossoms, a cheerful display of simple and pure beauty. Hmmmm. In the most unlikely of places, out of an ugly root vine, comes beauty, even startling beauty. How could this be? Sometimes I’m surprised at the heartache of life, aren’t you? Our days here on earth can bring such blinding pain, such confounding circumstances, that sometimes, we just don’t know if we can go on. For whatever reason, whether it’s our own doing or someone else’s doing, or just how things played out, life can sometimes be HARD. So how can the HARD produce BEAUTY? All I know is that this is just God’s way of doing things. I have seen it time and time again.

disbelief, I picked it up to examine it – and what did I discover beneath it? A large gopher hole. While I was faithfully watering my pumpkin and checking on all the external clues about its health and well-being, I was unaware of a hidden threat: the underground Beauty grows in hard schemes places. of several hungry and unwelcome gophers. The real story in the life of that garden turned out to be very different from the reality of what I observed on the surface. What was Through terrible illness - the the– love and support really going on underground wasbeauty gopher of city an extensive tunnel system of a and wholefriends, family ofthe gophers. of family settling down of priorities and

learning what is sacred versus the non-essentials.

This hidden “gopher world” reminds me of a profound truth in each of our lives. The person that I really am is who I am in the hidden person Through terrible - thesees…and beauty of thatisGod is of my heart, the one loss only God the learning hidden reality the true reality. and His grace is sufficient for each day. The beauty faithful

of seeing with fresh eyes what you do have and appreciating “…for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward it more deeply. appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16:7

This truth calls me to the highest of standards: integrity God. Through terrible internal struggle - the beauty ofbefore learning It calls me to remember that His perspective and estimation of my life to seek is the trueGod one. and let His love overwhelm your heart, soul and mind.

A few questions to ask ourselves: 1. What is really going on in the quiet meditations of my heart and The key is to let the hard season do its work. By that I what is coming out when I speak? Am I thinking about God, His love and mean, don’t Thispeople, is never, ever easy! His ways? Amrun. I honoring especially those closest to me? ….or is there pride or jealousy or bitterness in my heart that no one knows about but me? “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart But somehow, with God’s help, we can learn to allow the be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” – Psalm suffering that He in His higher wisdom brought, have its 19:14

season. There are treasures in there. God’s purposes for Whatare is going onand whenintentional. no one sees? Let Am the I loving and serving our 2.lives loving difficulty He my family well in the privacy of our home? Am I spending time still has sifted through His sovereign hands and permitted, before God, praying to Him, reading His Word and attentive to what instruct and counsel He is teaching me? Amyou. I honest with him, confessing sin and asking

As we consider the eyes of God, searching for integrity and sincerity in our lives, may each of us humble ourselves in the deepest places of our hearts and minds. May we earnestly desire to please Him in every way. (Col. 1:10) May that beautiful hidden reality be what nourishes As learn the vital, anchoring lesson to quiet and you sustains our most precious priorities and refinesofthehow motivations of our hearts. then, willGod the fruit of midst our lives a big fat your heart Only and to seek in the of (like yourmaybe hard places, pumpkin!), be healthy and lasting.

He will be faithful to show you some truly startling beauty. “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you

and bear fruit—fruit that going will last…” – John her, 15:16I will Hoseamight 2:14goTherefore, I am now to allure lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her. Fruit that will last forever…now, that’s a harvest to look forward to!

James 1:2-4, 12 Count it all joy my brothers, when you meet Going deeper… trails of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your What are you filling your heart and mind with each day? Is it helping faith produces steadfastness, And let steadfastness have its your walk with God and the growth of good and lasting fruit in your life? full effect that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in Have you let something that will eventually destroy the good nothing. Blessed is thecreep manin who remains steadfast under fruit that is growing in the garden of your life? Maybe it’s time to dig up trail for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown the dirt and set some things in order. of life, which God has promised to those who love him. Thanks again for the opportunity! I would love to be a part of the efforts of Sophie! With JOY, Julie McGrath :)

Julie McGrath is the wife of John and the proud mom of six. She loves to sing, write and encourage others to simply love Christ more! Her favorite verse is Psalm 119:32 “I run in the paths of your commands for you have set my heart free!” She is the co-founder of Making Our Mothering Significant, a ministry to moms of all ages.

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pg 24 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | October 2016

Summer Shop For


In an effort to help those friends and who lost their homes and possessions du recent flooding, we at Health Smart P Skin Care would like to give back. Please consider by the store and donating your spare c We Have: Sun Screens help those in • • need. We will be collecti Poison Ivy Medication Medsbe to Prevent & Treat Bug donations and • will donating allBites of the to Palmetto Project Community Floo More than 2 Million Americans develop skin cancer each year. Talk to one of our pharmacists about what are best for your Summer Skin Care. Check products out

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pg 28 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | June 2017

Rex Allen Theater ad April 2017.indd 1

3/16/17 12:34 PM

According to a study from the premier multiplatform wedding resource The Knot, the most popular month for couples to get engaged is December. Sixteen percent of survey respondents became engaged in the final month of the calendar year. The survey also found that the average length of a couple’s engagement is now 14.5 months. Where June once was the most popular month of the year to tie the knot, today’s couples are now heading down the aisle most often in October. Seventeen percent of weddings now occur in October, closely followed by 15 percent in September. And at what age are couples saying their “I dos”? The average marrying age for a bride is 29 and it is 31 for the groom.

Shutterbuggerz Submitted by Tiffany Co. Photography

Follow Us On: Submitted by Jessica Fortenberry Photography | pg 29

Homemade Pie Crust Made Easy

Pot pie makes for a delicious meal, especially when home cooks go the extra mile and prepare homemade pie crust. Some may be intimidated by the idea of making their own pie crusts, but the following recipe for “Turkey Vegetable Pot Pie with Whole-Wheat Crust” from Michelle Dudash’s Clean Eating for Busy Families (Fair Winds) simplifies that process, ensuring a fun and easy time cooking and, ultimately, a delicious meal.

Turkey Vegetable Pot Pie with Whole-Wheat Crust To make the crust: Combine flours and salt in a medium bowl. Serves 6

For the crust: 1 cup whole-wheat flour 1 cup all-purpose flour 1⁄4 teaspoon salt 2⁄3 cup corn oil 1⁄3 cup orange juice For the filling: 1 carton condensed cream of chicken soup (organic preferred) 1⁄2 cup low-fat milk 1 1⁄4 pound boneless, skinless turkey breast, thinly sliced into bite-size pieces 1 cup thinly sliced carrots (or frozen sliced carrots, thawed) 1 cup leeks, quartered lengthwise, then thinly sliced cross wise, using white and pale green parts only 3⁄4 cup thinly sliced celery 1⁄2 cup frozen peas, thawed 3 tablespoons whole-wheat flour 2 teaspoons dried herbes de Provence (or 1⁄2 teaspoon each thyme, rosemary and basil) 1⁄2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1⁄4 teaspoon salt

pg 30 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | June 2017

Pour in oil and orange juice and stir until moistened. Press dough to flatten and chill. To make the filling: Blend soup and 1⁄2 cup of milk in a large bowl. Mix in the remaining ingredients. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Divide dough into 2 balls, one slightly larger than the other. Roll the larger ball between 2 large sheets of waxed paper until it is 1⁄8-inch-thick or until it fits in the bottom of a 9-inch pie pan. Remove the top sheet of waxed paper. Turn dough over and carefully place in the pie pan, removing remaining piece of waxed paper. Press out any bubbles and patch holes with scraps of dough. Pour filling into the prepared pan. Roll remaining dough and lay it on top. Cut any excess dough hanging from the edges and crimp the crust between your thumb and forefinger to seal. Cut a heart into the center to allow steam to escape. Place the pie on a sheet pan and bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes, until center of crust becomes golden and an instant-read thermometer inserted into the pie’s center reaches 165 F, covering browned edges only with foil about halfway through cooking. Remove the pie from the oven and allow it to rest for at least 5 minutes before cutting.

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