Sophie Woman's Magazine - Aug 2017 Issue

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Volume 13 / Issue 6

August 2017

Woman’s Magazine



Randy Everette Chainsaw Sculpting

Helicopter Rides by Carolina Helicopter Tours

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essage from the By Judy Smith

Laughter is such a gift from God. Maybe you don’t realize it came from God but I want to set you straight about that. There is an old joke that goes something like this:

Psalms 126:2 tells us: “Then our mouths were filled with laughter; our tongues sang for joy. Then it was said among the nations, The Lord had done great things for them.”

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and then He rested. Then God created man and He rested. God then created woman and since then, neither God nor man has rested.

Psalm 118:24 “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

I hope you got a chuckle out of that. Laughter makes you feel so good. That happened to my husband and me just last night. We were watching Pearl Harbor. You are probably laughing at me right now, thinking that is a war movie and it is not funny. You are right in the fact that it is a war movie and I have to say, it is one that just makes my heart break. When we decided to watch it, Richard (my husband), was telling me how he loved the part where the starlet of the movie gave the hero too much medicine. The whole scene is hilarious because of why she gives him too much medicine. He then reacts to the overdose. He falls over, hits his nose on a cabinet, breaking his nose. Now, this hero is not giving up, even after that mishap, of getting her to go out with him. She agrees and while proceeding to open a bottle of Champagne, the cork hits him in.... you guessed it, his already broken nose. Richard thinks the hero’s acting is so funny. When he was reminding me of that particular scene, I shared that I thought his acting was at his best in how he portrayed the pain he was in when trying to pour the Champagne. He did not remember that and when that scene was being shown, he laughed like I have never heard him before. Literally, we had to pause the movie for probably five minutes or longer till he got control of himself. My husband is a movie fanatic. He literally knows the whole dialogue of some movies. Yet, when he finally stopped laughing, I was just staring at him. I told him that it was like the first time he had seen that movie and I knew he had watched it numerous times. He told me then, he did not even remembered the part that I thought was so funny. That just cracked us both up and we had to take another five minute pause. It felt so good. I hope you know what I mean; that laugh that comes from the gut. It doesn’t happen often but when it does, there is nothing like the way it makes you feel. I am so blessed to have a husband that we can share those kinds of moments with. I really believe God wants His children to have joy on this earth. We do not have to wait till Heaven. In Genesis, Chapter 21 verse 6, He tells us about Sarah and she says, “God has given me cause to laugh, and all who hear of it will laugh with me.” If you remember the story, Sarah was old, I mean really old and no longer fertile but God told her she was going to have a baby. Sarah became pregnant and gave birth to Isaac. In fact, the name Isaac means “He laughs,” in Hebrew. That would have been one of those times that you had to laugh to keep from crying for most of us.

Richard gets such a kick out of me because I could watch the I Love Lucy show all the time. She was so gifted at making us laugh. They truly never get old to me and I suggest if you need some good clean humor, I am pretty sure you can find some re-runs. I think I have about 270 recorded on the DVR. That is, in case you don’t have a husband like mine that keeps me laughing all the time. My advice for this next month...dig deep and find that belly laugh. You will feel better and who knows, you might even lose some weight! Oh well, can’t blame me for trying. You have probably heard this one but just in case... A married couple was arguing about who is going to make the coffee.The wife said that in the Bible it says that men should make the coffee and the husband asked her where it said that. The wife opened the Bible and said: “Right here in HE-BREWS!” Thank you, Lord, for laughter.

Judy Smith Heart2Heart

Motivation & Inspirational Speaking 828-320-9936 | pg 3


phie Woman’s Magazine

Contents Message from the Heart


Sophisticated Women


Girlfriends in God


Me, Myself, & Inc.

14 16

By: Judy Smith

By: Nicole Greer

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A Special Thanks To All Of Our Distributors Please be sure to visit all of our participating advertisers and remember to support area local small businesses .

By: Mary Southerland

By: Sherre Demao

Soldiers Reunion Week

Downtown Newton Development

Beautiful August


He Said, She Said


Live God’s Word


Ponder Truth


Are You Really Prepared

28 30

By: Jan McCanless

by David & Amy Washco

By: Nina Heck

By: Julie McGrath

By: Metro Editorial Services

Expirement with Scrambled Eggs By: Metro Creative Solutions

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Women... Sow Seeds


eeds are part of the life cycle of a plant. Packed with potential and given the right amount of tending, they can grow exponentially. Nature shows us the natural system that ensures proper growth, flourishing and reproduction.

By Nicole Greer, PPCC aka The Vibrant Coach

Identify them. It’s the creator’s deep desire to see you take the seeds planted within you and flourish. Once you have done this work, you will have to tend to the S.E.E.D.S.

Just like a plant you too have a life cycle. You also have seeds packed with potential. If you give them the right amount of tending, they too can grow exponentially. Planted within you at birth, your seeds have serious potential. You must tend natural talent so that it becomes a unique ability. That unique ability can grow exponentially when nurtured. Over time, your seeds flourish. Ultimately, your life is an inspiration to others giving permission to others to tend their seed. Thus, you reproduce by your example. Let’s put a system in your life that will ensure proper growth, allow you to flourish and produce results. The S.E.E.D.S. system is simple. Fellow National Speakers Association member, David Horshager, shared this acronym at the 2017 annual convention. He implored us, his fellow speakers to take sacred care of ourselves so that we can take care of our seeds of potential. Before I share the meaning behind the acronym, let’s check your mind. Seeds planted in your mind take root. You have either planted a seed of faith that produces flowers, or you have planted seeds of doubt that grows weeds. The seeds in your mind produce a landscape of mental models that create your belief system. The garden of your mind will grow exactly what you plant. The life cycle works with good seed and with bad. It is up to you to sow the proper seeds. Take a moment and think about what you think about your potential. • Do you know your seeds of potential? • Do you understand what seeds of greatness were planted in you at birth? • Are you clear on what talents within you need careful tending? Like David, who shared this system, I believe I was born with a purpose. We both have a talent for speaking. Ever since I was a baby girl, I loved to learn and then tell everyone what I had learned. I was the grade school student who gladly answered the question, “What did you learn today?” I was always eager for an audience who would share in my excitement about new found knowledge that could shift and change life for the better. I excelled in speech class, sought out leadership roles, and gravitated to opportunities to be “out front.” What about you? What are your seeds of potential?

pg 8 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | August 2017

THE S.E.E.D.S. System


The “S” stands for sleep. Your body needs rest. Just like a seed must be tucked into the soil. You must tuck yourself into bed. The Gallup organization reports that in the U.S. forty percent of adults get less than the recommended amount of sleep at 6.8 hours. This number is down more than an hour from 1942. As a society, we are moving in the wrong direction. You might be thinking, ‘Nicole you don’t understand. I can’t sleep!’ This could be the case because you have not done the work I described earlier. You must know your purpose, define your mission, identify your talents, and work with them daily, so you flourish and reproduce. Northwestern University published research on July 10, 2107, titled, Purpose In Life By Day Linked To Better Sleep At Night. This study showed that “having a purpose in life specifically results in fewer sleep disturbances and improved sleep quality and over a long period of time.” I implore you. Figure out your seeds of potential and tend them. Then get your sleep.


The “E” stands for exercise. Your body needs to move. Period. Our lives have become very sedentary. According to the website,, Obesity rates now exceed 35 percent in four states. In North Carolina, our obesity rate lands in the 15 percent to 19.9 percent rate. Obesity is having more a body mass index of 30.00 or higher. Every YMCA in North Carolina, your doctor, and perhaps your scale at home can tell you your BMI. Get your number and start moving.


The second “E” stands for eating right. I know you know this. It’s basic information we all know to be true. Eat from the garden! Eating what is natural, unprocessed, and simply prepared without sauces, sprinkles, and toppings will fuel you to tend your seeds of potential.

The “D” Stands for drink water. Your seeds need to be hydrated. Set a goal to drink eight glasses of water a day. It will fill you up. It will make your organs work more efficiently. According to WebMD, Water helps you digest your food, absorb the nutrients in your food, increases circulation, transports nutrients from head to toe and helps you focus! Fully hydrated you could clearly see your purpose and identify action steps to become who you were created to be.


The second “S” stands for source of strength. The parable of the mustard seed found in the book of Matthew in the Bible illustrates perfectly the S.E.E.D.S. system. It reads,

He told them another parable: The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches. You need a source of strength in your life that supports you. Mine is God. I do believe there is a creator who loves me and has plans for me. I have asked him to help me see my seeds of potential and my creator has been faithful! My relationship with my creator is a partnership. I asked for the ability to see. He asks me to be faithful to the seed. Like the mustard seed, my seed can grow into the largest of garden plants and become like a tree where others can come and perch in its branches. I know this to be true. My seeds of coaching and speaking have created a safe space for others to grow their seed. My creator’s natural system made it all possible. My mentor, Ann Starrette, introduced me to the work of David Whyte, an English writer, and poet. He penned this question that I offer you as an inquiry until next month: “What shape waits in the seed of you, to grow and spread its branches against a future sky?” - David Whyte

Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds. At its deepest level, working with a coach frees you to identify your birthright gifts, discern your deepest passions, and fulfill your highest purpose. A coach can pry you off dead center. As Principal Coach for Vibrant Coaching and Workshop Leader for The Lydia Group, LLC, a collaboration of individuals focused on work, life, and spiritual growth. Nicole is on a mission to impact, energize, and influence people to lead a Vibrant Life by engaging the possibilities. As a life, executive, and business coach and workshop leader, Nicole views her role as a conduit to release all that you want to achieve. www.thevibrantcoach. com and

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God’s Love Showed Up! by Mary Southerland

Today’s Truth

Now that I think about it, some of my best friends are people who saw a need in my life and met it. In fact, the most precious friend I have saw my greatest need and met it.

Friend to Friend

Jesus looked through my sin and shame and saw my need. And oh how He showed up!

Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:26 I heard the doorbell ring, but I had absolutely no desire to answer it. I was desperately trying to withdraw from my world. It was too dark and too painful. I just wanted to be left alone. Clinical depression was sucking the life out of me. I was seeing a counselor. I was also under the care of a psychiatrist who discovered I had a chemical imbalance that required medication. But it would be a long, hard road.

God’s love compelled Jesus Christ to willingly exchange a throne for a manger, divinity for humanity and Heaven for Earth. For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16, NIV).

The doorbell rang again. I pulled the covers over my head, determined to outlast whoever was trying to work their way into my pain. It was easier to just surrender to the darkness than it was to struggle my way to the light.

God’s love changes everything and everyone who receives it. God’s love protects and breathes life and purpose into every minute of every day. God’s love is a gift beyond measure that surrounds us and covers us when life falls apart.

The doorbell stopped ringing. Whew! I was so glad I had dodged that bullet.

Do not believe the lies of the enemy when he tells you that your God has forsaken you. God is with you – Emmanuel. He endured the cross, completely and absolutely alone, because He loves you.

Nope. A loud knocking ensued … followed by the voice of Michelle, my best friend declaring, “Mary, I know you are in there. I am coming in to clean your house, and I have groceries for you in my car. I don’t care what you or your house look like, but I am coming in one way or another.” If it had been anyone else, I might have had a chance. But Michelle Johnson would bulldoze her way through the front door if necessary to get to me. Love shows up. Over the years Michelle has been “God with skin on” in my life so many times and in so many ways. She never has waited until I asked for help … she has just showed up to meet whatever need I have had in my life. During the two worst years of my battle with clinical depression, Michelle did the things I could not do. She bought groceries, picked up cleaning, lined up meals, took our kids to buy soccer cleats, and just listened as I poured out my pain. Sometimes she called and invited me to walk the half-block down the street to her house. But some days that half-block might as well have been a thousand miles, so she came to me. Her friendship is a priceless gift.

pg 10 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | August 2017

No one can take your place in the Father’s heart. God knows your pain and He understands. God created you and paid for your sin for one reason alone – He loves you. And true love always shows up.

Let’s Pray

Thank You for loving me, God. Honestly, I don’t understand that kind of love; a love that sent Jesus Christ to the cross so that I can live. But today, I celebrate Your love! Father. Please help me learn how to freely share that love with the people in my world.In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Now It’s Your Turn

Look around. Someone in your world needs to know Jesus. What can you do to help them experience the love of God? Make a plan … and then do it!

More from the Girlfriends

True love doesn’t collapse under pressure or fall apart in the hard times. In her MP3 download, Love That Never Fails, Mary shares her story and explains how to define, discover, and experience unconditional love. Check it out!

Did you know?

Numerous studies have found that vacationing produces a host of health benefits. The ongoing Framingham Heart Study, which began in 1948 and is currently studying its third generation of participants, found that men who did not take a vacation for several years were 30 percent more likely to have heart attacks than men who took time off. In addition, the FHS found women who take a vacation only once every six years or less were nearly eight times as likely to develop coronary heart disease or have a heart attack as women who vacation at least twice per year. Vacations also have been linked to lower stress levels, as a study from the American Psychological Association concluded that vacations reduce stress by removing people from activities and environments that are the sources of their stress. Vacations can even benefit employers, as an internal study from the professional services firm Ernst & Young found that employees’ yearend performance ratings improved by 8 percent for each additional 10 hours of vacation time they took. | pg 11

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2/21/17 12:35 PM | pg 13

Are you nurturing your resiliency? When life throws us a curve or we are faced with a challenge that seems insurmountable, we can feel as though everything we have worked toward or perhaps even believed has been turned upside down. It can feel very lonely, intimidating, and overwhelming. It doesn’t have to feel that way, though, if you have nurtured your ability to be resilient. For some people we know, resiliency seems to be a natural characteristic that we admire. It is, however, something that can be nurtured and embraced within each of us. Accepting change as the norm: We need only look at how our world and the way we live has changed over the past decade or two to realize that change is a constant, and something to be accepted with optimism and anticipation for what opportunities could result. Instead of viewing an unwanted change that has occurred as an affront, see it as a means of helping you grow and evolve to be better prepared for what lies ahead. Cultivating a network of support: We are never in anything alone, unless we choose to be. Are you choosing to deal or cope with a situation all by yourself? Having a network of support starts with being open to sharing, involving and including people in your life or your work. The wider your circle of connections, the more support you can muster when you need it the most. Explore how you can build your support network beyond family and close friends. Sometimes that person you don’t know well has just the insight you need to bring you your answers or “aha.” Leveraging your personal strengths: Remind yourself of what you are really good at doing and then consider how you can leverage your strengths to get you through this period of angst or challenge. This also means knowing your strengths so you can pull someone else or others in to compensate for where you lacking in insight, abilities or knowledge. This isn’t a sign

pg 14 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | August 2017

you are weak, but actually a sign you are resourceful at getting things accomplished. Celebrating adversity: You can either waste your energy on being upset and worried by adversity getting in your way, or you can choose to celebrate it as a challenge you will overcome through gaining insight, abilities and knowledge. You need only take a moment to appreciate anything you have accomplished that gives you great satisfaction to know that you feel this sense of pride because of what you overcame to achieve it. Consider what you learned from all of your accomplishments, and it may just help you navigate this most recent challenge. Being open to alternative paths: When we are determined to succeed, sometimes we can get our hearts set on a path or an outcome that is so specific, we close ourselves off to any other ways to get where we want to go. This can include not exploring options that may present themselves because we believe we have already figured it all out. Stay open to options, and allow them to blossom for no other reason than to reinforce that you have multiple ways to accomplish your end result. This will only serve to reinforce that what you are setting out to do is possible because there is more than one way to get there. The definition of resiliency is the ability to recover quickly from difficulties and adjust when faced with misfortune or obstacles. Your ability to cultivate and nurture your own sense of resiliency will play out in your life in ways you cannot possibly anticipate right now, however, in hindsight, you will be in awe of how it aided you in shifting and managing life’s little bumps along the way. Bio: Sherré DeMao inspires people around the globe through her monthly columns, weekly Insight eZine and national contributing writing. Her books, Me, Myself & Inc. ( and 50 Marketing Secrets ( have received national acclaim as Top Business Shelf picks and must-reads.

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pg 16 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | August 2017




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by Jan McCanless

Some folks refer to them as the dog days of summer, and I’ve heard a lot of people complain that once the 4th of July comes and goes, summer is over. Not according to me, I’ve had some of my fondest summer memories from August. My dad could never take much heat, so, every summer, we would pack up the car,and head out for a cabin in Michigan, where it’s a lot cooler than it is down in the South. We’d spend all of July and August up there, fishing and just generally having a languid, lazy summer. Mostly fishing, as we were big on that. My brother and I were never at a loss for something to do, and August being the height of the season, we loved every minute of it. As I’ve gotten older, I realize that I too, am not all that crazy about the really high temperatures and humidity, however, I still love summer, and try to squeeze as much out of it as I possibly can. We have a beautiful county park here, and one of the things we most enjoy is going over there in the early morning, sitting at the lake, and simply soaking it all in., The other day I was over there, I looked at the gorgeous, stately trees, listened to the birds sing, watched a squirrel grab a carrot off a picnic table, and laughed at the antics of all the ducks and geese that floated by my line of vision. I was almost overcome with emotion over the beauty and tranquility of it all.

pg 18 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | August 2017

It got me to thinking about nature and our world.

The quiet, meditative times can be so meaningful, if we just sit and listen, and absorb it all . In the hurry up rush rush existence we all live in now, it‘s wonderfully refreshing and powerful to simply sit and enjoy the view. Our world is marvelous, who can look at a tree, or a pond, or a duck for that matter, and not feel insignificant when compared to all of nature and her wonders. God has blessed us with our beautiful country, and how fortunate we are to live in this unique and splendid America. No wonder so many folks come over here, we have it all; mountains, sea, prairie, desert, it’s all here, all ours for the taking. Enjoy it, cherish it, and give thanks for the wonders of this great nation. Dog days of summer? I don’t think so, I think they are just another spin of the old earth, another vantage point for us to see and appreciate. When it gets so awfully warm and muggy, take your shoes off, curl up on a porch swing, and just look around. SO much to see, we can scarce take it all in! Jan McCanless is an award winning author of 13 books, a freelance columnist, and premier southern humorist. a retired teacher. She is grandmother to 9 cherubs and is a commissioned lay minister of the Lutheran faith.

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an active member of her Dr. Cavendish received her medical degree from Dr. Cavendish is excited to care for both the University of South Carolina and has served Existinginvolvement and New Patients at her new location. - Inter community and her civic includes patients in the local area since 2009. She has Call 828.757-5060 for an appointment in Honduras, community health and sports screeni been an active member of her community and her civic involvement includes - International school volunteer. Mission Work in Honduras, Community health and sports screenings , and elementary school volunteer.

Dr. Aimee Cavendish

Dr. Cavendish isa excited care division of Caldwell to Memorial Hospital for bo New Patients | pg 19 at her new location - call 828.757-

He Said, She Said

Lessons That Last A Lifetime


by David and Amy Washco

xhausted parents, sad children and endless commercials about new sneakers, glue and notebooks can only mean one thing— it’s back-to-school time! If you have school aged children, each new grade brings back memories of your own experiences. While your glow in the dark mobile of the Universe and diorama of plastic animals on the safari were impressive, most of us have strong memories of a teacher that touched our lives. We might not have recognized it at the time, but the lessons these teachers taught us motivated, inspired and most certainly shaped who we are today.

She Said

Mrs. Smith was my third grade teacher. She was compassionate and a classic southern lady. She took pride in her appearance (even wearing pearls to class) which made a lasting impression on me. On days when my hair was a mess, she would discretely pull me aside and redo it to help me put my best foot forward. She told me I was smart and pretty in that order. Her attention to detail, words of support and warm hugs boosted confidence in a little girl who had little at the time. Mr. Neiting was the first male teacher I ever had. I attended parochial school in the 5th grade so there was an interesting mix of religion and academics. His teaching style was very interactive encouraging questions and knock down drag out debates. Having an opinion was fine, but you better be prepared to back it up. He taught me that it was okay and necessary to question authority at times. He taught me to think for myself and that research and preparation are key to success. This approach to life and business has served me well throughout my career. Ms. Richards was my high school English teacher. She was that cool teacher that made you feel valued because she was interested in your personal life. She was also that teacher that kicked you in the pants when you needed it. I was hanging with the wrong crowd and not taking my education seriously. Because of her influence, and my Mother’s support, I transferred to a better high school, hit the books and graduated #5 in my class earning an acamedic scholarship for college.

the results. As I was turning it in, I saw my best friends beautiful work, and decided to make a few changes. My best friend won first place, and I received second place. Mr. Paschko came to me and revealed that had I turned in my original drawing, I would have won first place. That’s when I learned you will get further in life if you do not focus on being the best, and focus on “being YOUR best.” Dr. Pat Patton was the most feared professor on the ASU campus. He was head of the business department and Professor of the Year. It was my semester to sign-up for Marketing, and I quickly learned everyone was avoiding Dr. Patton. Evidently, he treated his class as if you were in the “real world” and he had a policy that zero was not the lowest grade you can earn. I knew I was in for a challenge when I witnessed him lock the door at the sound of the bell and refuse to let the three students in. The entire semester was centered on a term project. Dr. Patton wanted to open an appliance store, and we were assigned three cities from which to choose the best location for success. At the end of the semester, we had to turn in a written report and business plan. We were expected to present our findings to Dr. Patton and his financial backers in a onehour presentation. The night of the presentation, I turned my 107 page report in with excitement. When it was my turn to present, I displayed the title page on the overhead. One hour later ̶ I was still on the same title page! While wearing his rainbow colored afro, big red clown nose and multicolored dress suit, Dr. Patton shredded my presentation for the entire hour. The next day in class as he handed my report back mutilated with red marks. My grade was a negative 87. He revealed that he wanted to give us the absolute worst experience we could face, so that we would not be afraid of any future presentations in our career. Well, it worked! The only consolation is that my negative 87 was the second highest grade in the class. In today’s environment, the discipline, the safety issues, paperwork and pay often make teaching a difficult profession to choose. Perhaps it’s more of a calling. In spite of the challenges, the influence these individuals have on young people can positively last a lifetime. This fall, take time to thank a teacher for making a difference.

He Said

Through all my mentoring, I have realized a common theme with teacher’s who inspire: They either inspire by showing an “interest in you” or they “challenge you” beyond your perceived limits. Mr. Paschko was my 4th and 6th grade teacher. As a cartoon artist, he weaved his art skills into our daily lessons. He held an art contest one day that taught me a very valuable life lesson. The assignment was to tear an advertisement out of a magazine, rip it in half from top to bottom, and glue one of the halves to a sheet of paper. Our assignment was to draw the missing half. I completed my drawing and was very pleased with

pg 20 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | August 2017

David and Amy Washco are survivors of divorce and serve as relationship advocates. With a financial and marketing background, they are married and live in Hickory, NC. David and Amy are parents to 18 year old Savannah and 10 year old Riley.


Submitted by Amanda Markham Photography

Follow Us On: Submitted by Charismatic Captures | pg 21

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LIVE GOD’S WORD by Nina Heck

Do you truly believe God’s word or understand how it is relevant in your life? Each month we will look into the bible and find answers to many of the questions you may have about God, who He is and how He wants you to live your life. Together, we will not only read God’s word, but find out how to “Live God’s Word” everyday!

Worship : Not Just for Sunday Here’s the question: What does it really mean to “worship” God? “I’ve just gotta have my praise music at church on Sunday mornings that is when I am really able to worship the Lord”.... Sound familiar? Many people tend to think of a praise music service when they think about worshiping the Lord. Now, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with praise and worship music - I love it too - but I am saying it is only a very small part of what worship to God should look like in our lives. John 4-23-24 states, “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”(NIV) So, what is a true worshiper? The word “true” means: real, genuine and authentic; sincere; firm in allegiance, loyal and faithful. The word “worship” means: to feel an adoring reverence and respect for God. The characteristics of a true worshiper are: loyalty, genuine love, respect and reverence for God. These characteristics should be something we feel all the time and should show in our everyday decisions and actions. God loves it when we set aside special times to praise and worship Him, but He really wants our thoughts to be about Him and His will for our lives at all times. He loves us so much, He is not satisfied with only having a connection with us one day a week - He wants that connection 24 hours a day! John chapter 4 tells us two facts about true worshipers : (1) They worship in the spirit. Like me, you may wonder what that really means. As you study deeper

pg 24 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | August 2017

on this, it means worshiping with your whole heart. It is having true passion for God. When you are passionate about something, you can’t help but think about it and want to talk about it all the time. That passion continually shows in your actions and spills out into every area of your life. (2) They worship in truth. “Truth” is being properly informed. Unless we have full and accurate knowledge of the God we worship, there can be no worship in truth. Studying God’s word and developing a healthy prayer life can give us a clearer picture of the magnitude and power of our God and the ability to worship in the truth of who God really is. Worshiping in the spirit without truth, leads to a shallow, emotionally dependent experience that only serves to give us our “spiritual fix” for the week. As soon as the emotional high is over, so is the worship. Truth and spirit must go hand in hand. Truth without spirit can make our time with God an unfulfilling and meaningless encounter. This type of worship can easily lead us into a joyless life of following a bunch of man made rules and just going through the motions of attending church so we can check it off our “to-do” list for that week. “Matthew 15:8-9 states, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.”(NIV) God is not satisfied with mere words, habits or repetitive actions toward Him - He wants “us” - He wants our heart! Worship is not just something we do on Sunday - worship should be a lifestyle that shouts “I love you Lord” every minute of every day!

Nina Heck has been married to her husband Kim, for over 30 years. Their greatest joy is their family - Amber, Austin and his wife Rachel, and their grandchildren Allie, Alek and Ellie. A retired hairstylist, she now has more time for her true calling - teaching God’s word in a way that will make it relevant and easy to understand. You can reach her at

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Ponder Truth by Julie McGrath

Just to be near my Master

smiled to myself, touched by the scene. Gracie was in there a while, and Sugar was NOT budging.

My daughter Gracie has a little white fluffy dog named Sugar. Now I know there are many cute little white dogs out there. Each fluff ball is certainly beloved by its owner. But I must make the case: their love just cannot match Gracie’s adoration for her Sugar. Likewise, Sugar faithfully adores Gracie.

He clearly wanted to be near her, like he felt most safe, knowing exactly who was inside that door. It was his beloved Gracie, full of love and patience, assists up to high places, accommodating trips outside when duty called, occasional clean ups, and of course, food!

I observed this remarkable devotion one day when Gracie needed some privacy and shut the door to her bedroom. Sugar got the idea and gave her the space she needed. However, the entire time Gracie was in there, Sugar sat faithfully outside the door, just waiting for her to emerge. I walked by a couple of times and

He knew his master well. So, just knowing she was in there, he preferred to sit outside her door, simply waiting. Why? Because time with his beloved master had proven that the one behind the door loved him well and loved him most. He knew she was worth waiting for and he longed to simply be near her. This picture reminded me of my own heart, when I am in a place of fully remembering the profound kindness of God, when I am seeing God rightly, I seek his presence. I get as close to Him as I can. I can hardly stand a moment when I feel discord with Him. I just want to be near to the heart of the God I love. If I feel I am in a place where I am somehow outside the door, I will wait, as long as it takes, for a fresh touch from Him. I will wait. For I know He is loving and He is good - and there is no place I would rather be than in His presence. James 4:8 reads “Come near to God and He will come near to you.”


pg 26 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | August 2017

God is so kind. If we truly seek Him, He will certainly not leave the door closed, but will open it, welcoming us into His loving, gracious presence. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives;

disbelief, I picked it up to examine it – and what did I discover beneath it? A large gopher hole. While I was faithfully watering my pumpkin and checking on all the

and the one seeks finds;and andwell-being, to the oneI was whounaware knocks,ofthe door external clueswho about its health a hidden will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8 of several hungry and unwelcome threat: the underground schemes

gophers. The real story in the life of that garden turned out to be very

different of whatthis I observed the surface. WhatFor was But whatfrom doesthe thisreality knocking, drawingonclose, look like? really going on underground was gopher city – an extensive tunnel me, I would describe it as approaching sacred ground. First, I system of a whole family of gophers. have to humbly and prayerfully prepare my heart, quiet my heart. I askThis God to show meworld” the hidden searchtruth to see if hidden “gopher remindsplaces me of aand profound in each of ourislives. The person that Ius. really is who I am in the hidden there anything between Asam I prayerfully confess myperson sins, my heart, one onlyforgiveness. God sees…and the hidden the true Iofreceive histhe generous From there, reality I mustisbelieve and grace is as deep and vast as the sea and that He God’s remembers my sins “…for God sees no not more. as man sees, for man looks at the outward

As we consider the eyes of God, searching for integrity and sincerity in our lives, may each of us humble ourselves in the deepest places of our hearts and minds. May we earnestly desire to please Him in every bedroom as May we tried have ahidden moment of privacy. first way. (Col.door 1:10) that to beautiful reality be what Our nourishes thought is “Can I justprecious have a priorities tiny bit ofand time to myself here?” of and sustains our most refines the motivations our hearts. Only then, will the fruit of our lives (like maybe a big fat pumpkin!), beabout healthy lasting. But thinking it aand little more deeply, how can we blame them?

Our kids know that we moms are that safe place, those safe arms, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you that comfort and security, that LOVE. I think I understand my might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last…” – John 15:16 kids sitting outside the door a little better, after watching Sugar faithfully post outside Gracie’s door. to look forward to! Fruit thatstanding will last forever…now, that’s a harvest

deeper… JustGoing like our kids, we all know where the LOVE is, we know where we are SAFE. If the Source of all this goodness is true What are you filling your heart and mind with each day? Is it helping and real (and it is!), we will wait for it just about anywhere, for as appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16:7 your walk with God and the growth of good and lasting fruit in your life? “He will again have compassion on us…He will cast all our sins long as it takes! May we knock to seek the presence of our good truth calls me to the highest standards: integrity before God. andHave into This the depths of the sea.” Micahof7:19 faithful the Lord Jesus. Hewill loves us best. He loves us you king, let something creep in that eventually destroy the good It calls me to remember that His perspective and estimation of my life perfectly. fruit that is growing in the garden of your life? Maybe it’s time to dig up is the true one. The door is opened. As I enter into His warm welcome of love, the dirt and set some things in order. I release my thoughts of questions unworthiness I am lovingly, fully May His goodness draw us into His presence and may His A few to ask and ourselves: Thanks again for the opportunity! I would love to be a part of the restored. I let the fullness of His love in. My spirit be our ultimate joy! 1. What is really going on in the quiet meditations of is myrefreshed heart and nearness efforts of Sophie! With JOY, Julie McGrath :) what coming out of when Am I through thinking about God, and by theissweetness HisI speak? acceptance the gift ofHis thelove cross. His ways?ofAm I honoring people, especially those closest to me?me ….or Because His sacrifice, He calls me family. He calls Hisis there pride or jealousy or bitterness in my heart that no one knows about own. but me? “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” – Psalm What 19:14 a blessing to get a glimpse of who He is, to get to know this

Holy God even in some small measure. Oh, the presence of God 2. What going on sacred when no one on sees? Am IWhat lovinga and serving surely there is no more place earth!! privilege! my family well in the privacy of our home? Am I spending time still

before God, praying to Him, reading His Word and attentive to what I’m sure, as parents, we all recall our own kids sitting outside our

He is teaching me? Am I honest with him, confessing sin and asking Him to show me my heart? …or am I busy and neglectful, filling my

Julie McGrath is the wife of John and the proud mom of six. She loves to sing, write and encourage others to simply love Christ more! Her favorite verse is Psalm 119:32 “I run in the paths of your commands for you have set my heart free!” She is the co-founder of Making Our Mothering Significant, a ministry to moms of all ages.

pg 24 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | October 2016

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pg 28 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | August 2017

Rex Allen Theater ad April 2017.indd 1

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Wedding insurance can provide couples who are about to tie the knot with some peace of mind on their big days. Many wedding venues require couples carry liability coverage in the case of accidents, injuries or incidents. But wedding insurance policies may even surprise couples with regard to what they cover. Each policy is different, and couples may be able to customize wedding insurance policies to cover a host of items. Many policies cover couples in the wake of cancellations or postponements due to weather, damage to the facility or even a change of heart on the part of the couple holding the policy. But some policies may provide coverage for couples should their photographers and/or caterers fail to appear. Policies may also cover lost, stolen or damaged items, including equipment rentals, bridal growns, jewelry, and/or gifts. Couples should speak with their wedding venue representative to determine if the venue offers extended coverage and ultimately compare those offerings to policy estimates they receive on their own.


Submitted by Jessica Hemphill

Follow Us On: Submitted by Natalie Carol Photography | pg 29

scrambled eggs

Experiment with Scrambled eggs are a versatile breakfast and brunch staple. Many ingredients can be added to scrambled eggs to give them a fresh taste every time. The following recipe for “Bacon and Tomato Scramble” from Norman Kolpas’ “Buongiorno! Breakfast and Brunch, Italian Style” (Contemporary Books) makes for a beloved breakfast dish.

Bacon and Tomato Scramble Makes 4 to 6 servings

4 Roma (plum) tomatoes 6 strips good-quality lean smoked bacon, cut crosswise into 1⁄2-inch pieces 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 shallots, minced 12 extra-large eggs, beaten until slightly frothy Salt Freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons finely shredded fresh basil Directions: With the tip of a small, sharp knife, cut out the cores of the tomatoes. Cut each tomato in half crosswise and, with a fingertip, scoop out and discard the seeds. Cut the tomatoes into rough 1⁄2-inch dice. Scatter the bacon pieces evenly in a nonstick skillet and cook over medium-low heat until golden brown, about 5 minutes. With a slotted spoon, remove the bacon from the pan and drain on paper towels. Pour off almost all of the fat from the skillet, leaving just a thin glistening. Return the skillet to medium-low heat and add the butter and shallots. Sauté until the butter has melted and the shallots begin to sizzle, about 2 minutes. Add the eggs and cook, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon and scrape the bottom of the skillet, until the eggs form very moist, creamy curds. Stir in the tomato and bacon pieces, season to taste with salt and pepper, and continue cooking to your liking, taking care that the eggs remain on the soft and creamy side. Serve garnished with the basil.

pg 30 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | August 2017

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