Volume 13 / Issue 1
March 2017
“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.�
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from the
By Judy Smith
Ecclesiastes 3 tells us: To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: 2 A time to be born, a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted; 3 A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; 4 A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; 5 A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing; 6 A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; 7 A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; 8 A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace.
My daughter was talking to me the other week about some things and I noticed she talks like I am going to live forever. I reminded her of my age but she just seemed to ignore it. Not that she doesn’t believe it, although I do believe she thinks I will live to be 100, but because she does not want to think I am in my final season of life. That is probably more because she refuses to think about having to change my diapers. Even though I am getting discounts because of the color of my hair, that does not mean I have run out of ways to contribute to society. Remember, the line says “a time to be born and a time to die”. As long as I have breath I still have something to do. Are you in this season and if so, what do you have to do? If you are in another season please don’t waste it. There are people all around that need a word of encouragement, a helping hand, a shoulder to lean on, or maybe just a smile. Keep in mind, we don’t know when any season of our life has ended.
Did you notice that for every season, there is an opposite one? For every difficult season, there is a time of building up? Just like there are four seasons of the year, there are different seasons of our life. Most folks think when you hit the 60’s you are in the last season of your life. I don’t know if that is the way God looks at it or not but if that is true, then I am well into it. If you read Genesis you will find some answers to the life span of man. We all know that the patriarchs of the Bible (excluding Enoch) lived to be an average of 912 years. Methuselah lived to be the oldest at 969 while Lamech died at the young age of 777. After the flood in Chapter 6 when the men (and women) became so evil, God said “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” After the flood, the lifespans began to shrink dramatically (compare Genesis 5 with Genesis 11) and eventually shrank to below 120 (Genesis 11:24). Since that time, very few people have lived past 120 years old.
Let’s also keep in mind Mark 8:34-37: And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Judy Smith Heart2Heart
Motivation & Inspirational Speaking judy@heart2heartmotivation.com 828-320-9936
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly. Richard Bach
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phie Woman’s Magazine
Contents Message from the Heart
Reaching Your Full Potential
Sophisticated Women
Girlfriends in God
Me, Myself, & Inc. Swisher Internal Medicine: Celebrating 10 Years
14 16
A Time for Transition
Love Carries No Labels
Truth that Transforms
Look thru the Eyes of Children
A Family Meal Recipe: Silken Chicken
By: Judy Smith
By: Kim Fletcher
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Judy Smith 828-466-0122 judy@sophiewomansmagazine.com
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Brandy Watkins brandy@sophiewomansmagazine.com
By: Nicole Greer
By: Mary Southerland
By: Sherre Demao
By: Jan McCanless
By: Jan McCanless
By: Mary Felkins
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M arketQuest Media, LLC
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By: Letty Lozano
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pg 4 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | March 2017
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REACHING YOUR FULL POTENTIAL: Is Your Focus Too Broad To Be Effective? by Kim Fletcher, Life Coach, Speaker, Author
“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” Alexander Graham Bell I was working with a Business Coaching client the other day when we hit upon an important topic. The subject we discussed was focus. My client shared that despite his best efforts, he felt he was losing ground in his business until a recent discovery. He is an entrepreneur with many sales awards to his credit. Recently, he decided to set an unprecedented sales goal for 2017. One of the things that ignited his passion was a new product the company had added to its line. He had been including that new product with prospective clients. Instead of gaining ground, he found himself losing ground. I had coached him in the past to stop anytime he felt resistance to success. Sometimes an intentional pause will allow time for selfexploration that will uncover patterns that are sabotaging goals. He carved out time for himself just as he would for a new client. Over coffee, he took a hard look at his sales spread sheet, along with his daily practices. What had changed? Why the downturn in his results? What he discovered astonished him so much that he made an unscheduled call to fill me in. What he shared felt insightful enough to pass along to you.
Life and goals are much the same. When we desire to see a vision that holds great potential but is in the distance, we are going to have to narrow our focus to ever achieve that goal. Another way of saying this would be to say that the more focused my efforts become, the greater the outcome. If I have a broad focus as I try to do many things at once, something will pay the price. Our culture may applaud multi-tasking, but my experience shows that the masters have impeccable focus and refuse to have their attention divided. My client realized that the more products he tried to simultaneously highlight, the worse his sales would become. So he made one small change and is reaping great results. He returned to what had always worked for him. He highlights his favorite product the company offers. Sure, he will sell the other products if a client is interested. But his personal tactical light is laser focused on one item. His attention, passion and sales expertise focus a more narrow beam for a greater result down the road. Perhaps you might be able to apply this simple wisdom in pursuit of your own goals. To recap, start by setting aside time to evaluate your successes and to uncover performance pitfalls. Now, find an area of life or business in which you can narrow your focus for better results. I will leave you with a great focus tip from tennis great, Venus Williams, “I don’t focus on what I’m up against. I focus on my goals and I try to ignore the rest.”
He had become excited that his company was launching new products that he found worth promoting; however, he realized that this improvement in the product line was actually at the heart of his recent struggle. As he compared current patterns of daily actions to past months in which he had great success, he found one simple distinction. At times of his greatest success he was FOCUSED on one key product. The only thing he had changed was offering a larger variety of products. Then it hit him … this one change had reduced his focus, and was causing him to close fewer deals than in past months. As he shared his discovery, my new flashlight came to mind. Recently, my father had given me a high-end tactical flashlight. It is a nifty gadget with several qualities worth mentioning, but for the sake of time, I will only share the one quality that illustrated my client’s discovery. This flashlight is more powerful than any one I have ever seen. It will allow me to illuminate objects far away; however, when you activate the feature that allows you to see at a distance, the focus of the beam narrows considerably. In other words, I can see with it at a long distance but the scope of what I can view is quite narrow. That is the point at which my client saw the parallel to his discovery. With my nifty flashlight, if I want to see far off, I can only do so as the scope of my focus narrows. That feature will only illuminate a small area, causing me to have to scan back and forth with the beam of light to view a larger area.
pg 6 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | March 2017
Kim Fletcher is a Life Coach, Speaker and Author of global impact. She enjoys bringing lasting transformation to the personal and professional lives of her national and local clients. Contact her directly to learn more about how a coaching partnership might launch you and your team to the next level: kimfletchercoach@gmail.com.
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Move On, Move Out, & Move Up
By Nicole Greer, PPCC aka The Vibrant Coach
If you want it, it is simple. You work for it. Instead of wishing your career was better, it is time to make a move. Despite what you hear, there are jobs available and …dare I say it… perhaps even your dream job is attainable. For the last two months, I recruited sophisticated…do not miss that…women and men to take on incredible opportunities. From the restaurant business to financial planning, to a C-suite role in the information technology field; companies are looking for energetic, eager, enthusiastic individuals to grow their organizations to the next level. Despite what you may hear, notwithstanding the results of the election, and even in the wake of the great recession, the economy is healthy. Unfortunately, as the ancient saying goes, the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. It grieves me to share what a struggle it is to find candidates that shine! If you are someone who believes there is a bigger, brighter, and bolder career for you but have been holding back because of fear, I urge you to consider moving to higher ground. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the next right step in pursuit of your dream. Furthermore, there are easy yet seriously sophisticated strategies, systems, and smarts you can put in place that help you illuminate the fact that you are the best person for the job. Five Strategies, Systems, and Smarts for A Career Transition 1. Personalize your Voice Mail Creating a professional greeting for your voicemail informs the caller about your energy level, your style, and potentially about your availability. State on the greeting your first and last name, the day of the week, and the times when you are available to answer the phone. Recruiters are calling lots of candidates. If you can inform them the best time to call you back, you are more likely to connect. In the process, bring up-beat energy and a smile to the recording. I can “feel” if the candidate is an optimist who can help my clients get the job done. Your voicemail is often the first impression. With this tip, you can effectively and easily control it! 2. Be assertive. Once you have sent your first resume, you are “on the market.” It is imperative that you are prepared to share about yourself, your career thus far, and your hopes for the future. Inevitably I always ask the same first question in every interview, “Tell me about yourself.” This
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is an easy ice breaker question! However, it seems to stump a lot of individuals. Put together an answer that highlights where you’ve been, your talents, and how you make an impact in an organization’s future. 3. Keep the Conversation on the Job While organizations offer jobs, that is not their primary function. The primary function of the job is to carry out a mission and vision. This mission and vision need human resources to get the job done. Many individuals interview from the vantage of “What’s in this for me?” instead of sharing how they will provide value to the company. In a first interview, you need to keep the focus on connecting the role with your skills. Save your questions about salary, benefits, and special needs for a second interview when you know the employer is interested. 4. Get Linked In Networking with the interviewer shows that you understand that business is about great relationships. Linked In is an on-line social media platform that allows you to showcase your skills, offer testimonials about your work, and provides a profile that can confirm your professionalism. Take the time to upload a great picture of yourself, ask for endorsements from your network, and add some examples of your work. 5. Do your Homework Be ready for a screening call. This seems obvious. Know where you applied and for what job! With all the job sites available and personal technology, it is easy for individuals to apply for many positions in a single day. Keep a log of where you have applied so you can connect the dots when the recruiter calls. Go the extra yard and investigate the company. I often ask the candidate, “What do you know about the organization?” When she can tell me, that she visited the website or read an article about the organization, I know I have a sophisticated woman on the other end of the line! Ultimately, with proper preparation and planning, you could move on, move out, and move up. Almost every sophisticated woman begins with two beliefs: The future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so. At its deepest level, working with a coach frees you to identify your birthright gifts, discern your deepest passions, and fulfill your highest purpose. A coach can pry you off dead center. As Principal Coach for Vibrant Coaching and Workshop Leader for The Lydia Group, LLC, a collaboration of individuals focused on work, life and spiritual growth, Nicole is on a mission to impact, energize, and influence people to lead a Vibrant Life by engaging the possibilities. As a life and business coach and workshop leader, Nicole views her role as a conduit to release all that you want to achieve. www.thevibrantcoach.com and www.thelydiagroup.com
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The Wonder of You! by Michele Cushatt
Today’s Truth
Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.-Isaiah 43:7
Friend to Friend
I cringe every time I see it. My first-grade school photo. Dorothy Hamill haircut. Awkward 1970s fashion. Slouchy shoulders, goofy grin. And a gap between my two front teeth as wide as Moses’ parted Red Sea. Somebody save me. I always hated that gap. Lauren Hutton made it look sexy. I made it look like an unfortunate genetic accident. For two entire school years that photo bothered my six-year-old self. So much so that I refused to smile in my third- and fourth-grade photos. I inherited my toothy space. Call it a genetic gift, passed down from my mother’s side of the family, along with a wide and sturdy Nebraskafarmer physique. Yay me. But unlike the Nebraska hips, which I didn’t resent until much later, I hated my teeth from the start. Other six-year-olds sported teeth that touched. Mine had to send postcards to each other. I tried to squish them together with my fingers to no avail. Mom tried to convince me the gap made me unique. I didn’t want to be unique. I wanted to be normal. That was merely the beginning of a personal critique that continues to this day. Imagine me, clipboard in hand, constantly scrutinizing my reflection. Turned-up nose? Check. Wrinkles and flabby granny arms? Check, check. Gray hair, spider veins, and stretch marks? Lord, have mercy. Somebody give me a fresh pen. Check, check, and check. When it comes to my appearance, there is little I celebrate and too much I denigrate. But if my little girl came up to me and started the same type of clipboard-carrying critique, I’d launch into a world-class lecture detailing all the reasons why she is beautiful and wonderful and valuable exactly as she is. Why can’t I do the same for myself? Because I’ve lost sight of how I was formed. In my effort to be like everyone else, I’ve lost sight of what makes me one of a kind. Just as there’s a painter behind every painting and a poet behind every poem, an artistic expertise forged every one of us. And the best artists know that variation lends creativity its value. It isn’t the common that attracts us
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but the uncommon. Years ago, long before his explosive success, my parents became fans of artist Terry Redlin. They loved his outdoor wildlife scenes, the way he brought nature alive with color and illumination. So one day they picked up a Terry Redlin print. But not just any print. A numbered print—one of a limited edition of original paintings. Replicas of that painting exist, but none exactly like theirs. Theirs includes variations not found in the replicas, unique brush strokes that lend originality to their particular piece of art. What if you and I started to see our variations the same way? What if, rather than working so hard to become a mass-produced replica, we trusted the value in the unique form we already have? What if your curly hair is actually like a numbered print? What if that birthmark or those freckles you try to hide are like a signature? What if my cavernous front teeth are like an artist’s hidden representation? In Ephesians 2:10, Paul said, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” We are not mass-produced, We’ve been designed by an expert, shaped and formed by hands with far more skill than our own. Numbered prints. Each one different from all the others. Each one bearing the name of the Artist. Gap teeth and all.
Let’s Pray
Dear Lord, I often struggle to see my uniqueness as a one-of-a-kind beauty. I look at the many flaws and variations and want desperately to be someone other than who I am. And yet, you formed me by design, and you love what you have made. Open my eyes to see what you see. Help me to find beauty where before I missed it. And help me to embrace and give thanks for the artistic work you’ve done in my one-of-a-kind life. In Jesus’ Name , Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
Today, when you catch your reflection in a mirror or window, refuse the temptation to scrutinize and criticize. Instead, give thanks for the marvelous work of God’s artistic hand.
Did you know? St. Patrick’s Day is rife with tradition, but arguably no tradition is more eye-opening than the one most synonymous with the city of Chicago. Each year, the Chicago River is dyed green for St. Patrick’s Day. A tradition that began in 1962, the dyeing of the Chicago River traces its roots to something that the Windy City’s historians believe has nothing to do with the famed Christian missionary and primary patron saint of Ireland. In 1962, pollution-control workers in Chicago employed dyes to trace illegal sewage discharges in the river. These workers realized the dye they were using turned the river green, the color most synonymous with Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. So that year, 100 pounds of green vegetable dye were released into the Chicago River to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. The tradition has endured, though much less dye is now released into the river in an effort to limit the environmental impact of the tradition. While St. Patrick’s Day celebrants across the globe are familiar with the tradition of dyeing the Chicago River green for St. Patrick’s Day, debate exists as to where the idea came from. Some believe a less successful attempt to dye a river in Savannah, Georgia green, in 1961 ultimately laid the foundation for the tradition in Chicago.
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Is it time to stop feeling guilty? My Granny Pea tried to tell me when I was a young child that it was okay not to feel guilty about making life easier on myself. The problem is, I didn’t really get what she was saying until a good time into my adulthood, after I was on my own, a mother, a business woman and attempting to be super woman. What I didn’t realize in her wise words is that by making life easier on myself, I would be able to do more, be a better mother, be a better business woman and be a better me. I finally started to get it in my mid thirties, and actually started practicing the concept of not feeling guilty about making life easier on myself on a regular basis in my mid forties. Is it time for you to not feel guilty about making life easier on yourself? Here are some possible ways you can make this a reality for you. Simplifying your surroundings: How do you view your home and work surroundings? Do you feel excitement and positive anticipation or dread? Do you see just more work to be done and feel anguish or do you view these surroundings as your refuge and providing gratification? If you are feeling the negative vibes, then you need to take stock into why this is happening. How can you simply, consolidate, or throw away what is just adding burden at home so you can transform it into a space and place you look forward to retreating? How can bring inspiration and reminders into your workspace that ground you in what is most important to you, and why you appreciate that paycheck? Taking a relationship inventory: Are there relationships in your life that are draining you or not bringing out the best in you? Are you focusing too much on relationships that are not appreciating or valuing you, and not enough on those who do? While it is never easy, it is essential that you break the ties that are no longer serving your spirit, heart and soul. The freedom you will know once you decide to let these relationships go will be empowering beyond what words can describe and lighten your load beyond what you thought possible.
pg 14 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | March 2017
Seizing back your time: If you are feeling your time is not yours at all, then it is time to seize it back. While you may believe you cannot gain back control of your time, you are wrong. You actually have more control than you realize. We all are given the same amount of time, it is all a matter of how we choose to spend it. Whether you want to admit it or not, you are choosing to allow others to control your time and dictate how you spend it. Little by little, seize control of a few hours, and then a few more hours. Before you know it, you will be spending more time the way you want and less the way you don’t. Being clear about what you want: How often do you find yourself wishing things could be different, and yet you are not sharing what you really want? How often do you hesitate asking for what you really want because you fear the outcome will not go well or exactly as you envision? If you don’t ask, you can never get. If you don’t let people know what is on your mind and is bothering you, then you will never be able to get to the other side of the situation. It will always be in limbo. It will always be bothering you. And worse, it will begin to consume your thoughts, causing more distraction and dissatisfaction. Ask to get answers. Ask to gain understanding. Ask to ultimately get what will make you happier. Living life on your terms is not selfish. It is a gift to yourself, which makes you even better for everyone else in your life. When you are satisfied and feel fulfilled, less stressed, and less put upon, you are more likely to be enjoyable, fun and endearing to be around. You may also find that you are an inspiration to others who need that role model to find their own guilt-free inner spirit.
Bio: Sherré DeMao inspires people around the globe through her monthly columns, weekly Insight eZine and national contributing writing. Her books, Me, Myself & Inc. (www.memyselfandinc.com) and 50 Marketing Secrets (www.50marketingsecrets.com) have received national acclaim as Top Business Shelf picks and must-reads.
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their doors just to make more money. They actually spend time with you and get to know your personal medical situation. This way, Dr. Jenette Swisher and her team can really help you be the healthiest you can be. The friendly staff greets you as soon as you walk into the office and you immediately notice a calm about the room. The waiting area is made up of only a few chairs and a relaxing decor, but, you don’t get to notice it for long as they strive to get you into your appointment as quick as they possibly can.
Celebrating 10 Years Serving the Greater Hickory Area
hen was the last time you felt comfortable sitting at the doctor’s office? What, stark white walls and hospital floor tiles don’t make you feel at ease? With medical diagrams and advertisements for the latest medicines plastered on the wall, you sit in a large waiting room and wonder if you might need that new medication for that ailment you don’t even know you have yet. All the while your blood pressure is moving up a couple of points and now your worried about what type of high blood pressure medicine you will need to take before you even get to see the doctor! Whew...... Ever have an experience like that? If you have then you know what I’m talking about. Most of us have been through it by now and it can make you feel anxious and uncomfortable. The moment you step into Swisher Internal Medicine, you will notice one thing right from the start; a small waiting room. Why is that significant? It means that they are not pushing as many people as they can through
pg 16 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | March 2017
Once you enter the medical area you will notice that the same peaceful decor still flows through the halls and into the examination rooms. Patient comfort is a main focus for Dr. Swisher. She believes that a good patient experience helps you to connect better with the medical provider and therefor you will build a honest and trusting relationship. Apparently this type of business model is very effective for Dr. Swisher and her team as they are one of a few private practices that haven’t been bought up by the larger medical facilities.
Don’t take my word for it. Here are some personal testimonies from actual patients. Mauro G. – “I had a major fear of seeing the doctor and was not taking care of my health. My wife suggested I see Dr. Swisher and I did. I thank her for the attention and care she has provided for my healthcare needs. She has changed my prospective on doctors.” Debbie S. – “Dr. Swisher is not only a doctor to me – she is an angel. Her concern and care has changed my life from barely existing to an active and vibrant person again.”
Dr. Jenette Swisher, MD
ways. Our entire staff bends over backwards to care for the whole person, both inside and out. I believe we do that really well.”
Zach T. – “Brian brings a unique set of skills to Swisher’s staff. He is a good listener, knowledgeable, and always addresses my concerns. I feel like I am in very good hands at Swisher Internal Medicine.” Brian Devlin, PAC
Melissa Fowler, PA
Angela B. – “Melissa is very professional, courteous, and thorough in her care and treatment of patients. From my first visit I could tell she was completely dedicated to my health and well-being. As an added bonus, she is very likable and has excellent bedside manner. I have highly recommended her to friends and family and will continue to do so.”
Jeannette S. – “I feel like I am family at Swisher Internal Medicine. Melissa always listens and takes great care of me. She’s the best provider I’ve ever had. I never have to wait and I never feel rushed or like I am just a number. Everyone there is wonderful.”!” Candice S. – “Elena is wonderful. I would not trust anyone else with my skincare needs. She has been working with my skin and done several procedures on me. I was also very impressed with the staff. Everyone was so friendly.” Elena Willging, RN, LE
Feel Good on the Inside & Out Along with Dr. Swisher’s continued practice of Internal Medicine which is a specific focus on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases in adults aged 18 and older - is her commitment to making you look and feel better on the outside as well. “Having my own practice, I can offer what I believe people are looking for,” Dr. Swisher says. “We’re here to help people improve their lives in many
We are all happier when we feel good about ourselves. A healthy body along with an enhanced appearance can give you a renewed outlook on life and lift your spirits. Dr. Swisher and her team offer a physician led weight-loss program as well as a full line of cosmetic procedures. (To see a full list of procedures, see our ad on page 27.)
10 Healthy Years Dr. Swisher and her family moved here from Vietnam when she was only 5 years old. Her father and mother worked day and night to provide for her family and really promoted education. Dr. Swisher graduated valedictorian of her high school class and went on to Kent State University where she graduated cum laude. She received her medical degree from North East Ohio University College of Medicine in 1994. She is married to Dr. Aaron Swisher, who owns a family practice in Hildebran. They have three children Samantha, Zach and Ajay. Swisher Internal Medicine was opened in March of 2007. It has grown from a one physician practice to three health care providers and one esthetician. With increased providers, they can offer extended office hours, opening at 7:30am until 6pm most days. The practice has inhouse laboratory services, allergy testing and treatment, ultrasounds, stress testing, intravenous hydration/meds if needed, and much more for your health care needs. It has expanded the cosmetic services provided to include Botox, filler injection, Thermage, vein injection, microneedling with PRP, microdermabrasion, and much more. Swisher Internal Medicine is proud to have served and grown with the Hickory and surrounding community for the past decade. So if you are interested in high quality health care in a friendly atmosphere, give Swisher Internal Medicine a call.
Swisher Internal Medicine 30 13th Avenue NW - Hickory, NC 828-324-0100 www.swishermedicine.com
Back Row left- Katie Woody, Stephanie Cervenak, Tasha Suddreth, Shannon Monson, Christina Allman Front Row Left- Ashley Whitt, Deena Suddreth, Anna Carrigan
www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 17
A Time for Transition by Jan McCanless
I have always looked at March as a time of transition,. Winter is not quite through with us , and spring hasn’t made an appearance yet. It’s an in between time really. What has lain dormant for so long is now awakening, natures renaisance There is a lot going on during March, it’s the time of Lent, for one thing, time to contemplate putting away the old and getting out the new. If you’re like me, you might even be thinking about doing some potting and gardening. I have recently lost someone near and very dear to me, so, this March, during all the transition from one season to the next, I am giving serious thought to all the changes going on in my life. No longer young, but not yet old, it has been a difficult winter for me, but, I am looking ahead to spring. Spring brings with it warmer, nicer weather, budding of trees and shrubs, and the first peek at flowers. A true renewal of the earth, and along with all of that I am thinking of how to continue on with my various activities, show reverence for the Lenten season, and remember my friend. Spring may be the best time of year for that, it brings Gods promise home to us, that tomorrow will be brighter, lovelier, and better than today. Mother nature will move on, doing what she does best, renewing the earth and bringing new life to fruition. How can we not follow her lead? Spring is literally a new beginning for us, welcoming us to the wonders of nature, as they gradually unfold around us. Spring delights and surprises us as we walk the land, noticing new sprouts, listening to the returning birds, as they go about their nest building with glorious chirping. A couple weeks ago, I noticed that two of my Daffodils had opened up in full bloom, and I had several buds among the rest of them. It worried me to see them blooming so soon, and I didn’t want to think of them getting frost bitten and dying too early. They are still there, with more opening up every day, but, now I smile when I see them, marveling at their tenacity in the face of some really cold weather, and praising them for giving me a sign of early spring and hope. The beautiful, yellow Daffodils, a bit of sunshine on these drab, still winter days. I know the promise of spring is still ahead, and when it finally gets here, how delighted we all will be. Warmth, sunshine, and Gods glorious earth, how could it possibly get any better?
Jan McCanless is an award winning author of 13 books, a freelance columnist, and premier southern humorist. a retired teacher. She is grandmother to 9 cherubs and is a commissioned lay minister of the Lutheran faith.
pg 18 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | March 2017
www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 19
Party Prep 101 by Susan Guest
hat the world needs now is love, sweet love! More parties are needed and more chances to connect with each other. Parties are a great way to celebrate with friends or family or to meet the new neighbors.
Whether you wish to have a simple birthday party or a huge event; it is a lot of effort to prepare your home, plan the menu, and send invitations. My husband and I usually throw one large party each year to invite friends, family, neighbors, and those who have invited us to parties through the year. We find that it is worth the effort because we connect with those around us on a personal level. Many in our circle are so busy that we have to make a conscious effort to stay in touch. When we do get together, magic happens and we have a blast! Since my office is no longer in our home, the house tends to get a lot messier. Piles of magazines, books and papers are everywhere. Having a party forces me go through the house with a critical eye finding areas that need TLC. I usually work on a few improvements such freshening paint or cleaning a desperate area. Having a party gets me in gear. I try to take a nap the afternoon of the event. To do this requires planning but is one of my requirements to throw a successful party. A few weeks before, I start on projects and clean cluttered areas a little at a time. Several weeks beforehand, I go through recipe books and create a main menu. Foods that will store or freeze are made in advance. Anything to take the pressure off the day of the event is done beforehand. Many people don’t open their homes because they are embarrassed about what others will think of their humble abode . Some of my favorite parties have not been in huge homes and have been very crowded. (I call these “Breakfast at Tiffany’s parties”) If you simply cannot have a gathering in your home, choose a park or venue, since your main goal is to be with others. Have a budget for your party. Start with foods in your garden or pantry. If you are on a very tight budget, encourage your guests bring a dish. Try to have a vegetarian and a gluten free option and non alcoholic beverages available. Serve a special drink, whether it has alcohol or not-depending on the type of party.
pg 20 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | March 2017
If your party is after dark, lighting can ensure that your night is a success. Lower lighting and candles create a cozier and more intimate environment. Strings of lights and special effect lighting can add drama and fun touches to your décor. Place a centerpiece in the center of your serving area-it can be weeds from your yard or an extravagant floral arrangement. Group your seating to encourage guests to interact with each other. Have extra benches and stools that can be used as a seat or table. These can be fancy, or can be a crate or bale of hay, depending on the theme. The kitchen is usually where everyone congregates, so put food in several other areas of the house to disperse the kitchen crowd. Right before guests arrive, clear kitchen counters as much as possible for things that they bring. The main service area should have food grouped into categories –proteins together with things that go with them, veggies with dips, and an area for desserts. Place plates and utensils in several areas to avoid a bottleneck of people. When inviting guests, send invitations about 3 weeks before the event. Normally expect about half the number of invited to attend. (This can back-fire if everyone comes!) Like a boy scout, try to be prepared! Have a taxi service if needed. Make sure a guest room is available. Invite a doctor. Have club soda, spot cleaners, and rags available for spills. Ask guests not to feed your pets. Invite your neighbors or at least warn them about parking. Have a space available for coats and handbags. Whether your party is a themed party such as Western, 60’s, costume or a simple meal served to friends; the main goal is to make sure everyone has fun. That includes you! Don’t work so hard that you forget to enjoy your guest!
Susan Guest, ASID is an award-winning interior designer in Hickory and owner of Guest Interiors, LLC. She is one of the designers featured in “Spectacular Homes of the Carolinas”, found in high-end bookstores around the country. President of ASID Carolinas. For more information, visit www.guestinteriors.com.
Shutterbuggerz Submitted by B Lovely Photography
Submitted by Jessica Fortenberry Photography
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www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 23
Truth that Transforms WRAPPED IN STORIES THAT STIR THE SOUL by Mary Felkins
Make Every Effort.
Wow. Mrs. Snow made no effort to live in peace and harmony with people or her circumstances. Or with God.
Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy. Hebrews 12:14a
On a second visit, Pollyanna politely inquired, “How do you do today?”
I love the best-selling, classic novel, Pollyanna (1913, E.H. Porter). Following the death of Pollyanna Wittier’s mother and then her father, the eleven-year-old orphan was sent to live with her aunt, Polly Harrington.
“Very poorly, thank you,” murmured Mrs. Snow, falling back into her usual listless attitude.
Pollyanna’s father, Reverend John Wittier, often selected glad scriptures when he preached. With these happy texts etched in Pollyanna’s heart, her disposition was rarely less than sunny. One day she agreed, with unbridled enthusiasm, to perform the task of visiting Mrs. Snow, a sick, bedridden woman in the community. Upon her arrival, Pollyanna blinked a little to adjust her eyes to the gloom. Pollyanna greeted Mrs. Snow cheerfully, engaged her in dialogue. “How do you do, Mrs. Snow?” “Well, Miss Impertinence, who are you?” she demanded. Pollyanna laughed gleefully. Wait, what? Laughed, gleefully? After being insulted? Yes. Where’s the Remington? None in hand.
But Pollyanna’s cheerful spirit and attitude of gratitude was as a wall. Impregnable. Nothing Mrs. Snow said had been effective in chiseling the smile from Pollyanna’s face. The issue is this: The scowling Wal Mart cashier, the sleepy pilot who will fly me over the ocean, the irritable bank teller…and Mrs. Snow… may never be my best friend or a cherished companion, but God has called me to make every effort to live in peace with him or her, to be sympathetic. To live in harmony with one another (Hebrews 12:14a, I Peter 3:8a) When I interact with someone, I have no idea what his story is, what wounds he’s suffered in the past or any that may still be fresh and open and bleeding. Maybe that hideous wound is still bleeding because of a refusal to release bitterness. Maybe it’s because reconciliation is a skill not yet mastered.
When Mrs Snow directed Pollyanna to go lift the curtain, she eagerly let in the sunlight.
But that’s not the point. Almighty God knows and sees and cares about all those hurts. He’s got evidence of His own wounds in the palm of His nail scarred hands. My sin put them there.
“I’m so glad…because now I can see you! They didn’t tell me you were so pretty!”
Yet God said this:
“Me— pretty!” scoffed the woman bitterly.
Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic… be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing…Seek peace and pursue it. I Peter 3:8-9, 11
“Why, yes. Didn’t you know it?” cried Pollyanna. “Well, no, I didn’t,” retorted Mrs. Snow, dryly. Mrs. Snow had lived forty years, and for fifteen of those years she had been too busy wishing things were different to find much time to enjoy things as they were (E. Porter).
pg 24 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | March 2017
~When wounded, can I take the hit, turn the other cheek and go silent about the matter? If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Matthew 5:39b
~When falsely accused, can I make a wall out of myself so that bitterness will find no place to root? ~In conflict, have I allowed the Judge to determine if I’ve made every effort to live in peace? The effort might be to write a note. A, ahem, kind one.
dy For a e R t e G ather e W r e Warm
The effort might be to keep my mouth shut and run from slander like it’s a deadly disease that could destroy the world (because it could). The effort might be to pray relentlessly for an offender until I love them like Jesus does. Pollyanna clearly made every effort. When this little saint was provoked, she remained unperturbed, allowing the light of Christ in her heart to come into view. God calls me to do no less.
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Mary Albers Felkins is a former Registered and Licensed Dietitian turned writer. Her first novel, a contemporary Christian romance, is currently under contract with Pelican Book Group. She considers scripture the most alluring romance ever written. She is married to Bruce Felkins. Together they have four (adolescent to young adult-sized) arrows in their quiver. She’ll take a break from writing to watch Fixer Upper or if chocolate is waved beneath her nose or if her laptop is on fire. For stories that stir the soul, Mary cordially invites you to her website, www.maryfelkins.com, where you can plunge into a deep, spiritual ocean or enjoy a hearty laugh out loud. Email contact maryfelkins@charter.net
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www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 25
Looking thru eyes of Children by Letty Lozano
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:25-26 We all know how fast time goes by and sometimes I can’t believe my children are grown now and I am a grandmother. Being a “Gigi” to my little grandbaby has brought me so much joy and has seemed to give me a different outlook on life. The whole experience has made me live in the moment when I am with her. The other day I walked with her to the neighborhood park playground. I can’t believe how excited she became once that playground came within our view. She looked at me with the most beautiful expression and happy eyes and said “Gigi, I’m so exciting, I’m so exciting”. The simplicity of the things that she enjoys is amazing to me. We played quite awhile, and although I did some of the things with her, it was just watching her that brought me so much joy. Earlier, we were in her room playing with the big Legos, building tall towers to see how high we could go before it came tumbling down, which of course was the highlight of the event. She then arranged the Legos as a playground saying, “this is the slide, this is a picnic table and these are the steps”. She even used some as children who were going to take a nap and covered each one with all her little blankets that she took out of her dresser. She is not even 3 years old yet and she is so creative, smart and has an unbelievable imagination. She keeps me grounded; brings me back to the simple life, gives me a new perspective on the truly important things about life that seem to get lost as we get older. By stepping outside of where we are in our complicated lives and into theirs, reminds me that we are all still children at heart. No matter how old we are we miss that connection of being free, happy, with no thought of the next minute. They are mere children who depend
pg 26 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | March 2017
on others to take care of them; a reminder to us that no matter what is going on in our lives, God will always provide and take care of us. Their days are filled with magic or so it seems. They are in complete awe of new experiences and feelings that come about with no effort on their part. They remain in awareness of the beauty all around them, looking through the obstacles that their little eyes don’t even notice. The energy and the freedom they encounter are endless. They run, they laugh, and talk in such a simple and pure way because they don’t know what carrying any extra weight on their shoulders feels like. Our minds have too much information, too many past experiences, too many Things; things that hold us back from living in the moment with absolutely nothing else on our minds. How wonderful it is to live life with that kind of attitude. All it takes is to picture ourselves like pure and innocent little children, so that we can see things through their eyes. No worries, cares or concerns; only the simple truth that God will always provide whatever we need, when we need it. Spending time with children is indeed something that can change our lives, if we can slow down, live in the moment, and try to see things the way they do. Little do they know that although we can teach them many things, they are actually teaching us so much more. I pray that God will continue to bless all the children of the world.
Letty Lozano is a writer and author of her first Memoir, “Traveling Blind.” As a survivor of a loved ones suicide, her memoir was born out of the responses she received from readers of blog entries written during her painful journey from utter despair to a renewal of her faith and enjoyment of life. She believes only God the creator can provide the comfort, strength of mind, and encouragement required by survivors to travel blindly into the future full of confidence and renewed joy. www.lettylozano.com
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A family meal that packs a light, flavorful punch Silken Chicken
any people aspire to eat light meals that satisfy hunger pangs without creating feelings of fullness. Some may assume light meals must be lacking flavor, but the following recipe for “Silken Chicken” from Madhur Jaffrey’s “Quick & Easy Indian Cooking” (Chronicle Books) is light and packs that familiar flavorful punch that endears Indian cuisine to millions of people across the globe. Silken Chicken - Serves 2 to 4 For marinating the chicken: 4 boned, skinned chicken breast halves (about 11⁄4 pounds) 1⁄2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1⁄4 cup heavy whipping cream 1⁄2 teaspoon homemade garam masala (see below) 1⁄4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1⁄4 teaspoon ground roasted cumin seeds (see below) 1⁄2 teaspoon paprika 1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed to a pulp 1⁄2 teaspoon peeled, finely grated fresh ginger For sprinkling over the chicken: Salt as needed Freshly ground black pepper A little homemade garam masala A little ground roasted cumin seed A little cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon dried mint flakes Generous squeezes of fresh lemon juice • Preheat the oven to its highest temperature and arrange a shelf in the top third of the oven. • Cut 3 diagonal slits across the top of each piece of chicken breast, being careful not to cut all the way through and also not to go to the edge. Prick the chicken pieces with the sharp point of a small knife. Put them in a single layer in a large baking dish and rub both sides with the salt and lemon juice. Leave for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, combine the cream with the garam masala, cayenne, cumin seeds, paprika, garlic, and ginger in a bowl. Stir this mixture well and pour it over the chicken. Rub it into the meat and leave for 10 minutes. • Lift the chicken pieces up (most of the marinade will cling to them) and place them down in a single layer in a shallow baking pan lined with aluminum foil. On top of each, sprinkle a little salt, black pepper, garam masala, ground roasted cumin seed, cayenne, dried mint, and lemon juice. Put into the top third of the oven and bake for 15 minutes, or until the chicken is just white all the way through. Serve immediately, minted side up. Garam Masala 1 1 1⁄3 1 1 1
tablespoon cardamom seeds 2-inch cinnamon stick of one nutmeg teaspoon black peppercorns teaspoon black cumin seeds teaspoon whole cloves
Place ingredients into a clean coffee or spice grinder and ground to a powder. To make ground roasted cumin seeds: Put 4 to 5 tablespoons of the whole seeds into a small cast-iron frying pan and set over medium heat. Stir the seeds and roast them over dry heat until they turn a few shades darker and emit a wonderful roasted aroma. Wait for them to cool slightly and then grind them in a clean coffee or spice grinder. Store in a tightly closed jar.
pg 30 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | March 2017
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