Wo m a n ’ s M a g a z i n e
Girlfriends In God ~ It’s Time To Escape Your Pit Of Depression! | Page 15 Reaching Your Full Potential ~ Moving From Sabotage to Success! | Page 7 Me, Myself, & Inc. ~ Is Your FAITH Empowering You? | Page 29 shutterbuggerz pg 36
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phie Woman’s Magazine
22 South Main Ave. Newton, NC 28658 (P) 828-466-0122 (F) 828-466-0124 Editor: Judy Smith Production Manager & Graphic Design: Scott Hansley Sales: Stephanie Ledford 828-729-8353 stephanie@sophiewomansmagazine.com For General Advertising Inquiries, Please Email Us At sales@sophiewomansmagazine.com
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Message From The Heart......................................pg 5 Reaching Your Full Potential................................pg 7 Sophisticated Women............................................pg 8 JournalingThe Journey Update ...............................pg 11 Wisdom For The Second Decade.........................pg 12 Girlfriends In God................................................pg 15 Health & Fitness Tips...........................................pg 16 Kid Friendly Snacks...........................................pg 18 10 Ways To Say I Love You..............................pg 20 Dinner Diva.........................................................pg 22 Storybook Beginnings..........................................pg 23 Me, Myself, & Inc................................................pg 29 Get In Gear..........................................................pg 30 Recipes For Life...................................................pg 33 There’s A Song In The Air....................................pg 34 Shutterbuggerz.....................................................pg 36
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essage M
from the
From The Editor: Judy Smith
“Love is a wonderful gift. It’s a present so precious words can barely begin to describe it. Love is a feeling, the deepest and sweetest of all. It’s incredibly strong and amazingly gentle at the very same time. It is a blessing that should be counted every day. It is nourishment for the soul. It is devotion, constantly letting each person know how supportive it’s certainty can be. Love is a heart filled with affection for the most important person in your life. Love is looking at the special someone who makes your world go around and absolutely loving what you see. Love gives meaning to ones world and magic to a million hopes and dreams. It makes the morning shine more brightly and each season seem like it’s the nicest one anyone ever had. Love is an invaluable bond that enriches every good thing in life. It gives each hug a tenderness, each heart a happiness, each spirit a steady lift. Love is an invisible connection that is exquisitely felt by those who know the joy, feel the warmth, share the sweetness, and celebrate the gift! ” ~ Douglas Pagels Maybe you want to read that again. I especially like that he says love is a precious gift. How true that is and yet most of think we deserve it. I hope you have more than you know what to do with but more importantly, I hope you give it away. If we hold it tight, if we are afraid to give it away, then what good is it. We die alone and lonely. Maybe you think those two words mean the same thing but if you really take the time to think of each, you will realize they are not. You can be alone and not be lonely and you can be lonely and not be alone and, yes, you can be both at the same time. We look at February as the month of love. Ask yourself this.... Do you know anyone who does not have someone to love them? Anyone who is alone or anyone who is lonely? One of our contributing writers shares about memories of dinner together with family and people who became like family. I invite you to reach out and give away a little love maybe even to a stranger. Lord, help us to be conscious every day of those around us who are needing our love. Amen
We never tell our family and friends enough, how much we love them and I want to take this moment to say: All My My My My To
my love to Husband Children Grandchildren Friends All Of Our Readers!
Blessings and Love, From Judy
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pg 6 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | February 2014
REACHING YOUR FULL POTENTIAL: Moving From Sabotage to Success! by Kim Fletcher, Life Coach, Author, Speaker
“Your past is over and you are ready for change.”
~Thomas Leonard, Founder – Coach University
Just this morning, I enjoyed coffee with a delightful coaching client in a warm environment while the outside temperature barely reached 20 degrees. My client shared honestly how challenging it is to re-train your mind to possess positive thoughts when the tendency is toward negativity and guilt. We discussed how old thought patterns can actually sabotage our highest vision and goals. As we concluded our session, I came away determined to put together some practical and powerful resources, ultimately allowing this individual to press into a higher level of personal and professional development. My client is sitting on the edge of a promising new season of entrepreneurship. What are you sitting on the edge of? What goals are you holding that are too important to sabotage? As we stride into February out of the month traditionally given to reflection and goal setting, can you see momentum developing toward your goals for 2014? Most likely, many of us are already struggling with discouragement or distraction. So I decided to share some thoughts to empower you to secure your success strategies for this coming year. The following excerpt is titled Top Ten Ways to Reach a Goal Faster by Thomas Leonard from his book Working Wisdom, (coming alongside with my own insights in italics). Take a few moments to coach yourself by journaling your thoughts and strategies on each point: 1. Install Consequences that really, really hurt! We are far more likely to meet a deadline or make something happen if we know a consequence exists if we miss the mark. Craft and put consequences in place that work for your personality. I work better with rewards than harsh consequences, so I often work in reverse, creating positive rewards that can be attained once I reach certain milestones. 2. Hire a short-term coach who will help you make it happen. As a coach, I often function as a Vision Keeper and Accountability Partner, reminding my clients what they have committed to and WHY it matters. “Hire” an accountability partner, someone who has the commitment to make regular contact and be firm (while remaining positive) when you drop the ball. 3. Break the goal down into important pieces and enjoy the momentum as you accomplish each one. Small daily steps will always get you farther than the occasional leap. I often tell clients to “attach each day to your vision”, doing something small but consistent each day to achieve results.
4. Link the goal to one of your values so that it becomes an expression of yourself rather than this “thing” that you’re working on. When you know what matters most to you, and you attach your goals to those values, you are far more likely to achieve them. See my bio at the end for a FREE offer that will allow you to discover your CORE VALUES. 5. Know the next goal you want to accomplish, even before you have fully started on the immediate goal. This creates perspective and context, making the current goal look much easier. Vision is context. Have the bigger picture of what is to be gained in front of you at all times as you press toward your goals. 6. Find a way to be rewarded as you go. A runner sips water continually – she doesn’t gulp it down at the end. Rewards are critical to emotionally stay attached to your ultimate goals… when you get to enjoy the benefits, the sacrifices don’t feel nearly as challenging. 7. Start feeling and acting as if the goal has already been reached and then just do what it takes to “finish” it. Live as if your highest goals have already been achieved. One client recently desired to lose weight and KEEP it off. That individual eats as if the weight is now gone and the goal is to stay fit and healthy. That vision requires healthy eating and actually is allowing the weight loss to happen as a natural result of living the vision. 8. Eliminate the consequences of nonperformance and just work on taking daily actions instead – get your juice from taking action rather than measuring up to the goal. 9. Set an earlier end point and orient everything around reaching the goal by then. Put key deadlines on your calendar and create a timeline for taking the necessary steps to get there. Wishful thinking gets you nowhere! It takes real action to create momentum! 10. Change the goal so that it can be reached easily. Most of us can think of a change that we desire for 2014. Take that change and sift it through the filter of this list, creating powerful steps that will transition you from Dreamer to Achiever… Enjoy the journey!
About Kim... Kim Fletcher is a Life Coach, Speaker and three-time Author of global impact. She and her team at Kim Fletcher Associates are bringing true transformation to the personal and professional lives of their clients. Contact her directly to learn more about her newest release, The Tension Point: Breaking Through To Where You Want To Be. 828 327 0749 / email: kimfletchercoach@aol.com / web: kimfletcherassociates.com.
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Sophisticated Women... By Nicole Greer, PPCC Founder and Principle Coach at Vibrant Coaching
Love The Truth Daddy said, “Wake up and smell the coffee.”
He said it my whole life. It was one of his mantras. This wasn’t a pleasant invitation to enjoy the fresh brewed goodness of Folgers coffee, which is so romantically portrayed in TV commercials. This was a command to snap out of my current state of thinking, a call to consciousness, and a challenge to see what is REALLY going on in my life. It was an invitation to be my best self. His tone was usually abrupt. His intonation was stern. His cadence was quick. He wasn’t being mean, although my child’s mind jumped to that conclusion. He was demonstrating love. One of the greatest things anyone can do to show you love is to bring you to a state of consciousness. Helping someone see his or her reality is what some call tough love. It’s simply the truth. Truth is pure. While it can sting like alcohol on an open wound, ultimately it saves us from the serious full-blown reality of a disease taking over our whole being. Doesn’t it make sense to see the truth now and make a small adjustment rather than ignoring the truth? Ultimately, this blind spot could result in experiencing the full-blown pain and “dis-ease” that comes from ignoring that which might spread and kill potential? I think so. I invite you to think so too. I offer you one Strategy, one System, and one Smart to help you deal effectively with the truth. Strategies: Create “Make me Better” Relationships Open yourself up to the truth by informing the individuals in every environment in which you participate that you are open to feedback. As you work, play, and create your life, make sure you verbalize that you are on a mission to better yourself. People need permission to be truthful. My personal experience informs me that even though I may ask people for candid feedback, they go into this false mode of placating me. This exchange is empty. What I really want is for them to invest in me...to love me. I have to tell them, “No, really, make me better. Isn’t there something I could do to improve?” After all, I have a vision for my life and I need help getting there. I have had to insist that they give me a piece of truth that I can work on. And when the truth comes, sometimes it stings but all at the same time I am grateful I have consciousness. Then and only then do I have what so many of us are looking for... an opportunity. Systems: Create a personal board of directors. Get in an accountability group where you give permission to trusted advisors who will be honest with you about your progress on goals. Meet with this group at least quarterly to be held accountable for the
pg 8 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | February 2014
things you say you really want. Invite them to observe your beliefs, habits, and human traits. Take this truth and make it fuel to motivate you to a higher state of consciousness. Email info@thevibrantcoach.com for a worksheet to develop your own personal board of directors. Smarts: Celebrate verses tolerate. Our culture has developed this norm where the politically correct thing to do is to allow people to either continue to make mistakes or to underperform. Everywhere I go I witness people offering half-hearted compliments, condescending remarks, and placations. We tolerate personalities that are over or under expressed. We tolerate lack of character. and witness learned helplessness. Instead of condoning this behavior with a common platitude whispered to a co-observer, “Bless their heart.” or a thought that judges, or a pious place where the ego says in a smug tone “Thank God! You’re not like that” let’s do the courageous thing. Let’s share the truth. While you might be thinking this sounds ‘harsh’, it’s not. Perhaps you’re reacting to my words like I did as a little girl when my daddy said, “Wake up and smell the coffee.” In my little girl mind, I couldn’t understand why he acted like that. I instantly thought, “He doesn’t love me.” But, now that I am a sophisticated woman, all grown up, I see that truth is love. At its deepest level, working with a coach frees you to identify your birthright gifts, discern your deepest passions, and fulfill your highest purpose. A coach can pry you off dead center. As Principal Coach for Vibrant Coaching and Workshop Leader for The Lydia Group, LLC, a collaboration of individuals focused on work, life and spiritual growth, Nicole is on a mission to impact, energize, and influence people to lead a Vibrant Life by engaging the possibilities. As a life and business coach and workshop leader, Nicole views her role as a conduit to release all that you want to achieve. www.thevibrantcoach.com/www.thelydiagroup.com
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Journaling The J urney E T A UPD
by Judy Smith
Judy Smith reporting for torture! That is what I told them this past week when I had to have my mammogram. It is an understatement for me to say it is not a pleasant experience. I know there are a few women out there that say it does not hurt. If you think that then it just proves you are not operating with a full deck! Just sayin’. It is sort of hard to believe that it has been a year now since my last one and I did tell you that I would do an update every so often. Things have been going pretty good since last year but I have to say, my emotions were running pretty high. Heck, I was more than a little nervous and scared. Sort of like when I have six cups of coffee in a morning. Thankfully, that does not happen that often. I think I just heard some hallelujah’s from some of my networking friends. I have to tell myself….just once a year. If everything is good, well, then it will be another year. It is that “if” word that gets you though. Anyone that has cancer, I think will understand what I am talking about. Storm Jameson said that the only way to live is to accept each minute as an unrepeatable miracle, which is exactly what it is: a miracle and unrepeatable. I try to live each day , realizing how precious each minute is. However, there was another one of those seemingly insignificant words that has such huge implications. The word “try”. Most of the time I don’t succeed. Most of the time I get drawn into the norm of the day and let those unrepeatable minutes slip on by without a second thought. So during a mammogram, I am trying to accept each minute. I really think I can hold my breath for at least six or seven minutes
even when all I want to do is scream. They get you all pressed and pulled in, the whole time telling you “Just hold on. It will be over in a minute“, while they stroll back behind the shield and then tell you to hold your breath. “Hold, Hold……………..Hold“. I mean, really? You can’t pass out because the machine has got you in it’s grip. OK….breath! “You are doing so good. We only have 27 more pictures to take.” Then you have to wait to make sure all the pictures took. I don’t know if they have to run over to Wal Mart or the pharmacy to where they get them developed but they tell you not to get dressed till they know they are good to go. If I was a pessimist, then I would just have to sit there waiting for them to come back and tell me we have to do it all over again. Since I am an optimist, I am just waiting to party when they come back and tell me I can get dressed. Even though I don’t know who saw the photos, I am thrilled they liked them. I am so happy to report that I do not have to do a mammogram for another whole year. No signs of the cancer! That is twelve months. That is 365 days, eight thousand seven hundred and sixty hours. Or better yet, that is five hundred twenty five thousand, six hundred unrepeatable miraculous minutes till I have to do it again. What all can I do with those? Lord, help me to not take a one of them for granted and help me to remember each one is a miracle! Thanks for all the prayers and cards and well wishes and remember how many minutes you have to pray for me until the next one! Love and Blessings to you.
www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 11
WISDOM FOR THE SECOND DECADE: Tips to Help Parents Successfully Raise Tweens, Teens and Young Adults by Jackie E. Perry, MS, LPCS, NCC
As soon as I saw the sweater in the window of the knitting shop, I knew I’d found the perfect gift to make for my husband that first Christmas together. Even though I’d never knit a thing in my life, I was sure my sewing and cross stitch skills would help me move from a beginner to an advanced knitter fairly quickly. Full of confidence and excitement, I sauntered into the store bought the supplies I needed and an instructional booklet to guide me and hurried home to begin knitting my man a marvelous sweater. Just as I’d presumed, knitting and purling came quickly and easily. After practicing a bit I declared myself ready to begin making the sweater. Like most handicrafts, however, advanced projects require a mastery of basic skills. Because I quickly bypassed the basics, I could not complete a section without error. Each time I thought I had it right, I would soon discover an irregularity that required me to undo and reknit that portion again. This happened so frequently that I am quite certain I knit every section of the sweater multiple times! My dream of creating a masterpiece in a short amount of time turned out to be a huge fail. But, since I had exhausted my budget, I had no other choice but to wrap up the pieces and hope that my husband would appreciate the intention of my heart. Believe it or not, that unconstructed sweater still remains in a knitting bag high on a shelf in our closet. Many times we have joked about the simpler, yet more useful things I could have easily created had I had been more dedicated to mastering the basics. A potholder, a coaster or even a can huggie all would have been welcome delights! Nevertheless, there are many lessons to be gleaned from that bold attempt to generate something complex before working hard at the basics. Nothing of great worth can be created without a continued commitment to practice the fundamentals. Most parents I know want to craft a great relationship with their teen. Like knitting a sweater, this too requires a willingness to practice basic communication skills in order to fashion a tightly knit connection. While we can easily convince ourselves that a decent relationship can be attained without working on this foundational skill, the tough moments quickly remind us this is simply not possible. Even though a teen may outwardly appear resistant to this process, most truly long for a strong, health connection with their parents. Sometimes a teen’s unwillingness to engage occurs because a parent has not been persistent in their effort to connect. Other times, a teen’s resists because they feel misunderstood, criticized or even condemned when their thoughts or feelings are shared. Whether your teen is chatty, quiet, or guarded in their communication with you, keep practicing some of these basics of good communication to help improve your communication with your teen. A few helpful tips are listed below to aid you in your attempts to keep the lines open and ongoing. •
pg 12 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | February 2014
Ask open ended questions. Inquiries that require more than a ‘yes’, ‘no’ or one word response tend to yield deeper
conversation. Replace questions like “Did you have a good day?” with “What was your favorite part of today?” •
Take an interest in the things that interest your teen. Though a teen’s interest in music, sports, movies, books, or TV shows may be uninteresting, unacceptable or even offensive to you, communication and connection with a teen will require a parent to take the time to engage their teen in the areas in which they are most passionate. Few teens resist an opportunity to talk about the things that occupy their mental energy. Listen well. Trust this counselor. Active listening is difficult and always requires focus and energy. You can fool a young child with passive listening skills but you can’t fool a teen. They quickly perceive whether you are not really listening or whether you are just waiting to communicate your agenda. Slow the conversation down, tune into nonverbal behaviors and listen well before responding. Stay connected in the midst of conflict or heated discussions. Take the high road in these moments by refusing to walk away or dismiss your teen when you disagree. Disagreements give parents the opportunity to demonstrate that communication can continue even when people don’t see eye to eye. Set limits and take breaks when needed but commit to continue the conversation a resolution is found.
Express yourself by using “I” statements that focus on what you, the parent thinks and feels, rather than “you” statements that threaten your teen. This sentence structure increases the probability of being heard and helps your teen learn how to express their own thoughts and feelings as well.
Since every teen is different, every skill will need to be practiced in the context of that relationship. In a world where most teens have mastered the art of staying connected through social media and texting, they will need the help of an adult to gain a sense of what healthy, ongoing, face-to-face communication looks and feels like. You can provide a beautiful model just by implementing the basics in everything from casual conversation to caustic conflict. Over time, your commitment will ultimately knit a beautiful relationship between you and your teenager.
Jackie E. Perry, MS, LPCS, NCC is a North Carolina Licensed Professional Counselor. For the past 20 years her primary focus has been working with adolescents and families to address a myriad of problems typical of this season in development. Jackie is also a frequent speaker and writer who is passionate about using her experience to equip and encourage parents and professionals through her seminars, articles and blogs. You can follow her weekly blog, LifeGiving Streams, check out her next speaking engagement or learn more about her work at www.jackieperry.net. She is married to John and together they are parenting three teens of their own. They both love the outdoors and consider a family hike culminating with a view of the North Carolina Mountains to be an absolutely perfect day.
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Escaping the Pit of Depression by Mary Southerland
Today’s Truth
I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord (Psalm 40:1-3, NIV).
Friend to Friend
It was the spring of 1995, and I was empty. My energy was gone. I was exhausted in every way, but honestly, I had the right to feel that way. It had been a nonstop year for me. My husband was the pastor/teacher of Flamingo Road Church, a contemporary, seeker-sensitive ministry in Fort Lauderdale that had exploded in growth and begun meeting in multiple services. I attended every service, going early to welcome newcomers, and staying late to smooth the ruffled feathers of disgruntled church members. We were in the process of transitioning from a traditional church to a contemporary one. Change is always hard, but this experience had been a nightmare. I had never encountered such opposition or been the target of such criticism, and I had never known such rejection as people I thought were friends attacked my husband’s integrity, heart, and vision. I felt like a wounded soldier and wasn’t sure I would survive the war. I knew we were being obedient to what God had called us to do, but some people in our church disagreed. I was hurt and angry, and didn’t know what to do with those emotions. My ministry as the church pianist had become more of a pain than a joy. Singing was no longer the overflow of a daughter’s full heart, but the hollow performance of a spiritual chore. I loved being a mom, but, lately, even that role felt more like an unwelcome burden. I was usually the one who gave help – the one other people came to for advice. People who knew me well would describe me as a strong woman. I was driven to excel in everything, and if I couldn’t do it perfectly, I didn’t do it at all. I was legalistically disciplined … with little sympathy for weak people. Now I, the strong one, couldn’t get out of bed. The simplest decision often sent me into a full-blown panic attack. The great wisdom-giver couldn’t compile a grocery list. The woman who taught hundreds of women couldn’t bring herself to face crowds of any size. The large tasks of life were out of the question, and even the simplest tasks seemed like huge mountains. Meals, housework, and shopping were all left undone. If I somehow managed to get out of bed and get dressed by the time our kids got home from school, it was a good day. All I wanted to do was sleep. I wanted the world to go away and leave me alone. I was paralyzed. I had fallen into a deep, dark, nameless pit. I had no idea how I got there. And even more frightening was the stark reality that I had no idea how to get out. I decided I was just tired and needed to rest, so my family and I escaped the hot, humid flatlands of Florida to enjoy three weeks in
the cool mountains of North Carolina, my favorite vacation spot. That vacation is a complete blur. Our children knew something was terribly wrong. They had never seen their mom so quiet … so still … and so sad. Dan listened patiently as I poured out my fear and confusion each night. There seemed to be no answers … only questions. In his eyes, I could see the growing fear that I felt in my own heart. We had never been here before. It was a foreign land. We had no idea how to navigate these unfamiliar waters. I was in serious trouble, and I needed help. As each day grew darker, Dan and I both realized we had to come up with a plan – quickly! We decided I would see a Christian counselor Dan often referred people to and in whom he had great confidence. My first appointment with Betty was uneventful as far as I could tell - and a total waste of time. I was furious! She was supposed to “fix” me in those few hours and had failed miserably. She did, however, accomplish one thing. She named my pit. Clinical depression was a problem I knew little about. Evidently, strong, committed Christians were not supposed to get depressed, because I had never heard anyone in the church even talk about depression, much less admit they struggled with it. I recoiled at the thought of such blatant weakness in my life. I felt ashamed of what was obviously a great failure on my part, but I was desperate and willing to do whatever it took to climb out of that pit. I also knew I could not make this journey alone. Over the next year, Dan and Betty, along with many others, climbed down into that dark, slimy pit with me and became God with skin on. God really did work through them to bring me out of that pit. I believe one reason God allows me to struggle with depression is to help others. You do not have to be a prisoner of the darkness. You do not have to stand helplessly by while a friend or family member drowns in the darkness of depression. We were created to dwell in the light. Lift up your head, open your heart, and listen for the voice of the One who knows you best and loves you most. He is with you and He will deliver you.
Let’s Pray
Lord, it seems as if my world has collapsed, hurling me into a deep, dark pit. I come to you in complete surrender. I am desperate for you, helpless and afraid. Please lift me out of this pit and show me the way, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
Pour out your heart to your God, asking Him to uncover the dark places in your life. As He does, record them in your journal. Be honest with yourself and with God. Read Psalm 40:1-3 each day and claim it as God’s promise to you.
www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 15
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pg 16 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | February 2014
GLIDE YOUR WAY TO BEAUTIFUL LEGS Whenever I think of awesome legs, I remember watching martial arts movies in the ‘90s. The lead character would square off with an opponent and eventually land a devastating kick. Then, consistent with ‘90s action movies, the winner would do a victory pose and flex, showing his welldefined legs. Those kind of powerful attractive legs are more achievable than you might think. Recently I have discovered the Gliding™ sliding disc exercise workout that will help firm, tone and sculpt long, lean beautiful leg muscles. The secret is the sliding motion that engages your muscles through a full range to strengthen and lengthen the major muscle groups of your entire body. You can sculpt shapely legs, tone your inner and outer thighs, trim your hips and firm and lift your glutes with this workout. Plus your heart rate will increase helping to speed up your metabolism which in turn burns fat. Weight-bearing exercise helps maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis, but high-impact weight-bearing activities may trigger injuries in people with joint and ligament problems. Gliding™ discs offer a low-impact weight bearing option, since your feet remain in constant contact with the surface of the disc. When placed under the feet, discs facilitate gliding movements in all planes of motion. There is no jumping involved, only smooth gliding movements that resemble skating or skiing. When you stand on Gliding™ discs you must place the ball of the foot on the disc and your heel on the floor. This way your heel can act as a brake and help you maintain control of speed and range of motion. Maintaining control of the speed of the exercise helps you work your muscles throughout the range of motion. Purposeful motion builds beautiful muscles and lessens the likelihood of injury. In class, we start off slow and gradually build speed as we progress. We also add toning component such as gliding one leg squats and gliding hamstring glute lifts. Gliding™ discs workout is a super fun way to burn calories, slim and tone the body, enhance balance, flexibility and improve core strength. Plus this workout will sculpt firm toned well defined legs that even a martial artist would be in awe of.
Gliding™ Exercises Exercise Number One- Gliding™ Lunges with hand weights
The Gliding Lunge exercise primarily targets your glutes and hamstrings. This exercise also works your core and balance. Step One- Stand with feet hip-width apart, toe of left foot resting on the Glider and holding weights. Your heels should rest on the floor. Step Two- Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot back into a lunge position, keeping the right knee behind the toe. Slowly slide your left foot back to starting positions. Repeat 12-15 times and work your way up to 25 reps for one set. Tips - Keep your knees behind your toes, torso upright and abs in. Beginners do not use weights.
Exercise Number Two- Gliding™ Ab slides Gliding Ab slides are a great exercise to target your abdominals. It will also strengthen your core as well as your lower back. Step One- Begin in pushup position on knees, hands directly below the shoulders and resting on Gliders. Step Two- Contract the abs and very slowly slide the hands straight out in front of you. Only go as far as your back will allow you to go. Repeat 20 times for one set. Tips- Make sure your abdominals are engaged and back straight before sliding the gliders out. Beginners do not go out too far. Start with one set and work your way up to three sets.
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www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 17
Snacks To Nourish
Mind & Tummy
(Family Features) Parents don’t often encourage their children to play with their food. However, when snack time offers the opportunity to nourish both the body and the mind, that’s a treat any parent would be glad to serve their little ones. Learning and snacking together Invite the kids into the kitchen and take snack time to a whole new level. These tasty snack recipes feature the kid-approved flavor and crunch of Post Alpha-Bits cereal, as well as fun alphabet shapes, perfect for familiarizing young learners with the letters of the alphabet. The time spent together creating these tasty recipes provides a special learning opportunity for children and parents, while enjoying fun snacks along the way. Who knew snack time could be so educational? For a fun and tasty spin on a classic family favorite, whip up a Breakfast Banana Split. If your family is looking for a great snack to pop in a baggie for car rides, you will love this Cinnamon Crunch Mix. Or, for an airy and sweet treat, try this recipe for Cool and Creamy Bananas.
Breakfast Banana Split Prep Time: 5 min 1/2 cup Post Alpha-Bits cereal 1 small banana 1/2 cup vanilla low-fat yogurt 1/4 cup seedless grapes, halved 1/4 cup strawberries, sliced
Beyond the fun educational benefits, Post Alpha-Bits cereal as part of a nutritious breakfast is a great way to start the day. A serving provides 12 essential vitamins and minerals growing kids need. For more great recipes your family will love, and recipe nutrition information visit www.postfoods.com.
Peel banana; split in half lengthwise. Place in sundae dish or cereal bowl. Top banana with yogurt. Sprinkle with cereal and fruit. Makes 1 serving.
Cinnamon Crunch Mix
Prep Time: 5 min 2 cups Post Alpha-Bits cereal 1 cup dried fruit, such as raisins, apples or apricots Ground cinnamon Toss cereal and fruit in a medium bowl. Season with cinnamon to taste. Place ½-cup portions in individual snack bags. Store at room temperature.
Cool and Creamy Bananas Prep Time: 10 min
1 cup Post Alpha-Bits cereal 1 cup thawed fat free whipped topping 2 medium bananas, sliced 1 cup sliced strawberries
pg 18 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | February 2014
Add cereal to whipped topping in medium serving bowl; stir gently until well blended. Add bananas; mix lightly. Top with strawberries.
ill H r ette ’s Story
B A Resident a n O thy Laurels: h g i H g to Aberne since time n
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Abernethy Laurels, a not-for-profit retirement community in Newton, NC takes pride in its history and tradition of excellence. While the community offers a wide range of first-rate amenities, it is surprisingly affordable. For more information, visit www.abernethylaurels.org or call toll free 877-637-7941 or 828-465-8552. www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 19
I Love You How To Say
welcomes back welcomes back
Dennice H. Herman, MD Dennice H. Herman, MD to her new practice in to her new practice in Adult Medicine Adult Medicine Dr. Herman earned her medical degree from East Carolina University and completed her Dr. Herman earned her medical Hospital. degree from Carolina University and completed her of residency at Anderson Memorial SheEast is board certified by the American Board residency at Family Anderson Memorial She of is AOA board certified by theSociety. American Board of Practice and Hospital. is a member Medical Honor Family Practice and is a member of AOA Medical Honor Society. No stranger to Caldwell, Dr. Herman practiced family medicine at Southfork Medical Park No stranger to Caldwell, Dr. Herman practiced atcare Southfork Medical from 1999 until 2011 when she left her family office medicine practice to for patients at Park from 1999 until 2011 when leftisher office practice to care for patients at her Caldwell Hospice & Palliative Care.she She returning to Caldwell Physicians to focus Caldwell Hospice practice & Palliative Care.medicine She is returning to Caldwell to focus her in adult at Robbins MedicalPhysicians Park. practice in adult medicine at Robbins Medical Park. Dr. Herman looks forward to caring for you and the adult members of your family. Dr. Herman looks forward to caring for you and the adult members of your family.
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8-5 Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8-5
Call for an appointment: 828-757-6400 Call for an appointment: 828-757-6400 Robbins Medical Park a division of Caldwell Memorial Hospital Robbins Medical Park
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In 10 Different Languages by Sally Albright / Yahoo Contributor Network
here are so many ways to let someone know that you love them. One popular way is to say “I Love You” to your sweetheart. If you want to tell someone you love them in an interesting way try saying “I Love You” in a different language. Here are ten different ways to say “I Love You” to the one you love. 1. French: “Je t’aime” - Some say that French is the language of love. To tell your loved one “I Love You” in French simply say “Je t’aime”. To say “I Love You Very Much” you can say “Je t’aime beaucoup”. To pronounce “Je t’aime” say it like this: Jah-tEM. The Jah sounds similar to the g in protégé. 2. Italian: “Ti Amo” - Saying “I Love You” in Italian to your sweetheart is as easy as saying “Ti Amo”. If you want to tell your parents or children “I Love You” in Italian it is actually translated differently as “Ti voglio bene”. To pronounce “Ti Amo” say it like this: Tee-Ah-Mo. “Ti voglio bene” is pronounced as Tee-Voh-Lee-Oh-Ben-Ney.
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pg 20 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | February 2014
3. German: “Ich Liebe Dich” - I spent almost four years living in Germany while serving in the U.S. Army. One of the first phrases in German that I learned was “Ich Liebe Dich” which translates to “I Love You”. To pronounce “Ich Liebe Dich” say it like this: Ick-Lee-Bah-Dik. It is my understanding that in other areas of Germany it is actually pronounced Ish-Lee-Bah-Dish. The first pronunciation is the one that I had learned while living in a small town called Ansbach. 4. Korean: “Saranghayo” - This one I have had a lot of practice saying. My wonderful Mom is Korean and grew up in the countryside of Korea as a child. To say “I Love You” in Korean you would say “Saranghayo”. While there are websites that mention different ways of saying “I Love You” in Korean, this is the one and only version that my family uses. To pronounce “Saranghayo” say it like this: Sah-Rong-Hay-Yo.
5. Japanese: “Aishiteru” - Apparently saying “I Love You” in Japanese is much more complicated. You will find many versions of a simple “I Love You” for the Japanese language. Oddly enough, the Japanese culture does not use this phrase frequently, some have never used the expression in their lifetime. One of the most common ways to say “I Love You” to someone in Japanese is “Aishiteru”.
8. Chinese (Mandarin Version) “Wo Ie Ni” - If you wish to tell someone you love them in Chinese you can try this Mandarin version, “Wo Ie Ni”. There are also other versions of “I Love You” such as “Wo Oi Ney” which is the Cantonese version.
To pronounce “Aishiteru” say it like this: Eye-Shee-Ter-U. One alternative way to say “I Love You” in Japanese is “Aishite Imasu” pronounced Eye-Shee-Tey-Mas.
9. Greek “S’ Agapo” - In Greek the translation of “I Love You” becomes “S’ Agapo”. Apparently this form of saying “I Love You” is pronounced exactly as it appears, making it an easy one to pronounce to your sweetheart. If you’d rather tell someone “I Like You” in Greek you would instead say “Mou Aresis”.
6. Albanian: “Te Dua” - Having spent two weeks in Albania this one is a bit more personable to me as well. To say “I Love You” in Albanian simply tell your sweetheart “Te Dua”. To pronounce “Te Dua” say it like this: Tay-Due-Ah. 7. Dutch: “ Ik Hou Van Jou” - The Dutch language can sometimes be difficult to pronounce. Saying “I Love You” to your sweetheart in Dutch is sure to impress him/her. To Say “I Love You” in Dutch you would say “Ik Hou Van Jou”. To pronounce it say it as it appears: Ick-How-Van-Jow.
To pronounce “Wo Ie Ni” say it like this: woah-eye-nigh. To pronounce “Wo Oi Ney” you would say: woah-oi-neigh.
10. English “I Love You” - It may seem silly that I include the English way of saying “I Love You”, but it seems that many people have a hard time saying it. If you love someone you should tell them. If you are thinking of telling your sweetheart that you love them for the first time then say it in plain English “I Love You”. Now you know ten different ways for saying “I Love You”. It may be fun to include these different versions of “I Love You” in your Valentine’s Card, Anniversary Card, or in your proposal speech. Just make sure to say them often and say them with meaning.
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www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 21
Dinner Diva The
By: Leanne Ely
Teaching Basic Table Manners To Children You know how I feel about making dinner an event in your home. I’m a firm believer in getting everyone around the table together for dinner to reconnect with each other, discuss the day’s events and to nourish our bodies with good home-cooked food. A few weeks ago I talked about the importance of learning how to set a proper table. Today, I’m going to talk about something else that makes sitting down to a meal an enjoyable experience. Today we’re talking table manners. My children were taught how to behave at the table from the time they were in their booster seats, so they naturally grew up knowing what to do and what not to do at the table. This might not seem like a significant life skill to some people, but I believe that it is. Think about it. How quickly can someone be turned off by a person chewing loudly with their mouth open in a formal dinner setting? It drives me up the wall when someone reaches over my plate to grab something at the table, rather than asking for me to pass it to them. If you have children around your table, you have lots of time to train them in dinner table etiquette.
Teaching table manners to pre-schoolers.
It’s never too early to start teaching the basic stuff, like washing your hands before going to the table and sitting down on your chair to eat. Those things can start being drilled into a child as young as 2. Between then and kindergarten age, here are some other basic table manners you can start to teach: • • • • • • • •
Say please and thank you No toys at the table Ask to be excused from the table Set your napkin in your lap and to use it when wiping your face Thank the person who cooked the meal Use utensils to eat Take small bites No running around or yelling during dinner
pg 22 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | February 2014
For children at the higher end of this age bracket, they can be taught to say nice things about the foods they like and to not make a fuss about the foods they don’t like.
Teaching table manners to grade-school children.
A child at this age should automatically wash their hands before sitting down at the table and they should already be sitting nicely at the table, and saying please and thank you. But now it’s time to teach some more adult table manners: • • • • •
Don?t slurp Use a knife and fork to cut food Chew with mouth closed Don’t reach over a fellow diner’s plate Wait until everyone is served before starting to eat
Include children in discussion around the table and make sure your child knows that you’re interested in hearing about their day. When they have these manners down as children, it’s really just a matter of refining them through young adulthood. Comment on their good manners when you find they’re using them. Your praise goes a long way. Teenagers should already have these basic table manners down, but please make sure there’s a “no phones at the table” rule in place. Lead by example! Everyone should wait until dinner is over before returning to their mobile device. What is your biggest dinner etiquette pet peeve? http://www.facebook.com/savingdinner Leanne Ely is a New York Times bestselling author of Body Clutter and the Saving Dinner series. The Dinner Diva syndicated newspaper column appears in 250 newspapers nationwide. Learn how to cook great and save significant money with the Dinner Diva?s menus, recipes and shopping lists at www.savingdinner.com
Sophie Womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Magazine
torybook eginnings
Announcing the Engagment of...
Mr. And Mrs. Barry Hildebran of Hickory, NC announce the engagement of their daughter Jenna Blair Hildebran to Damon Leigh Downing, son of Vickie DowningRepass of Conover, NC and the late Kenneth Downing.
Damon Leigh Downing & Jenna Blair Hildebran
Jenna works full time as a Registered EEG tech at Neurology Associates in Hickory, and Damon is the General Manager of Longview Electric in Longview, NC.
www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 23
Wedding Flowers 101 Who doesn’t like flowers? Well, outside of those allergic to them, they seem to be a part of just about any celebration or season. However, here it is all about brides and their weddings. I am not a florist, however I have, over the years, seen most brides carry through a theme with their weddings, often without realizing it. In addition, since flowers tend to play a large role in the production of weddings, we are going to touch on a few things that might make it a little simpler to understand. Flowers tend to be seasonal, that is, some are more affordable at certain times of the year when they would naturally bloom. Most flowers from florists are grown in the field or greenhouses. Some are forced to bloom at certain times of the year, poinsettias for example. Most delicate flowers tend to be more expensive when forced, like lily of the valley. Orchids, on the other hand, are often grown in tropical climates so may be reasonable at times. It really depends on the flower itself. Discuss this with your florist well ahead of time so that both of you agree.
pg 24 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | February 2014
If you have a certain style, say vintage, chances are your wedding will carry through with that theme. If so, think of roses, lilacs and ferns. Sweet peas are wonderful and the smell is not overpowering. They are wonderful in arrangements as well as bouquets. Peonies and hydrangeas come in lots of colors and work well with other flowers. Mixing the flowers with lace, pearls and small fans keeps the theme going. Spring or summer is best for this but a change of color and flowers can make it work for any season. Do you like funky shoes, bright colors and chunky jewelry? If so, you might be a Bohemian bride. These brides are very ecochic and tend to like things a little quirky. One of the prettiest bouquets to create in this style is to use succulents, coral roses and yellow ranunculus. Eucalyptus and lime cymbidium orchids work well too. I saw a bouquet that also had turquoise, orange and green feathers in it. It is all about color! I love it when florists add unique flowers like thistle and anemones. Hypericum berries and herbs such as sage, thyme, fennel and lavender add a special touch. Below are some ideas using some common and some unusual choices. • •
Burgundy dahlias or chrysanthemums, beige scabiosa pods, “dusty miller” foliage, peacock and/or pheasant feathers. Tropicana roses, deep red callas, and purple thistle make a stunning bouquet.
• • •
Peaches and cream. Apricot roses, cream peonies or ranunculus make a dreamy arrangement. You could add baby’s breath as filler. Yum-m-m! A simple bouquet of daisies is beautiful. Add something blue like hydrangeas or freesias to make it pop. All white bouquets made up of a single kind of flower like roses, baby’s breath (gypsophila), white anemones with black centers, hydrangeas, callas, peonies or lily of the valley definitely make a statement. Along with a touch of green, it is a combination will never go out of style. Bouquets made of just one color can be vibrant and always command a second glance. It doesn’t have to be the same kind of flower, just keep the colors in the same shade or hue.
Finally, if a florist is doing your wedding, make sure to ask if you can see pictures of her work. Most are happy to do this. Allow enough time at the initial consultation to discuss things like prices and when a deposit is due. See if they are doing multiple weddings on the same day. Like everyone else involved in the planning of your wedding, you want their focus on that day to be YOU!
Mackey S. Carpenter www.mscdesigns.net www.lovemybrides.net
In His Service Productions, is a full service creative production company. We have been blessed with the talent to offer unique, engaging, and unforgettable portfolios for corporate and private events such as training, conferences, church services, plays, live performances, graduations, and weddings. Our video productions are flawless films with clear audio, custom graphics, and sharp, vibrant, well-framed video. Our photography quietly captures the real moments as they happen for you.
www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 25
Wedding Registry
(Family Features) For engaged couples, it can seem as if there are a million things to accomplish before the big day arrives. One essential piece of the wedding puzzle involves creating a registry that makes it easy for guests to celebrate your union with gifts that reflect your personality as a couple. Before Building Your Registry It's no wonder why guests love the ease and simplicity of a gift registry. But many couples may not know where to begin when setting out to create this useful list. Here are some helpful pointers from Macy's to help you get started on creating a perfect wedding registry: * Meet with a Consultant: These trained professionals are on site to assist and discuss everything you want and need. It's a good place to start if you have questions on what items to include and what brands are available. * Look for Special Programs: Some stores offer special features, such as Macy's, whose Dream Fund allows guests to contribute any amount to the ultimate gift card, so the bride and groom can later choose exactly what they want. * Start Early: Most couples like to register 4-6 months before their wedding date, which allows more time for choosing items, planning for showers and meeting other deadlines.
pg 26 | Sophie Womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Magazine | February 2014
* Register Together: Whether it's in-store, online or both make a day of it and have fun selecting all the things that will be part of your new life together. * Choose Different Price Points: Guests will appreciate a varied list that has many gift options to fit their personal budget. * Create a Registry That Reflects You: If you're a laidback, easygoing couple, consider registering for a more casual dinnerware pattern that you can use every day, then mix in some fancy pieces to use for those special occasions. If you enjoy entertaining friends and family, be sure to choose a range of serveware and barware. Making the Right Choices With all the things needed to properly stock your home, selecting the right ones can seem overwhelming. Here are some tips to keep in mind while adding to your registry: * Select Your Settings: A five-piece setting is meant to serve one person and includes a dinner plate, salad plate, bread and butter plate, tea cup and saucer. If you want to serve eight guests, you will need to register for eight five-piece settings. * Factor in Some Extras: When registering for drinkware, be sure to register for a few extras in each glass size in case some break down the road. * Protect Your Cutlery: Be sure to choose a sturdy cutting board to protect your knife blades from chips and cracks. You can keep your cutlery in top condition by registering for a honing steel and knife sharpener. * Stock Up on Kitchen Must-Haves: When it comes to cookware, make sure to stock up on the essentials. This should include a fry pan, sautÈ pan, grill pan, sauteuse (round, deepsided design for sautÈing on the stovetop or baking in the oven) and a chef's pan. * Opt for the Basics: White dinnerware allows you to transform the look of your table year-round by changing the dÈcor and accessories around it. The classic look will be a design that you can appreciate for years to come.
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pg 28 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | February 2014
Is your FAITH empowering you? Last month’s column focused on helping you deepen your DESIRE through better understanding the power of your determination, expectations, satisfaction, inspirations, resiliency, and effort. I have been re-reading the writings of Napoleon Hill, author of the classic, Think and Grow Rich. According to Hill, the key to achievement is to “create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.” You might be saying to yourself, “How can you be ready or proceed to take action if you don’t feel as if you are ready?” The answer is to have FAITH … in your hopes, dreams, desires and in yourself. Too often the biggest deterrent to someone realizing their ultimate desires is because of a lack of faith in the possibilities or in oneself. Is this what is causing you not to feel ready to take action? Is your lack of faith holding you back? To be empowered by your faith, you need to be fearless, affirmative, intuitive, tenacious and habitual in how you go about striving toward your desires. F = Fearless: Faith is fearless. The type of faith I am referring to is defined in the dictionary as: “confidence or trust in a person or thing; a belief that is not based on proof.” When you have faith, you have confidence and trust in where you are headed. Your fearlessness is the result of your clear “expectation” related to the outcome of your desire. As a result, you are not afraid, but excited by where pursuing your desire may lead you. As Martin Luther King so eloquently stated, “Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” • •
What are you most afraid of right now in taking action and what is the worst thing that could happen? What could help you become more fearless in your pursuit of what you desire?
A = Affirmative: Faith is affirmative. It means you can positively see that what you desire can become your reality. Your focus remains resolute and optimistic in finding and seeing the possibilities versus being bogged down by or discouraged by any problems that may arise. Your affirmative attitude empowers the “determination” and “resiliency” aspects of your desire in order to realize your expectations. You are able to identify and consider options when faced with a challenge. • •
Are you envisioning what you desire in detail with specific expectations in mind? If you are overwhelmed by a particular problem or challenge, how can what you envision help you identify options or alternative ways to progress?
I = Intuitive: Faith is intuitive. When you have a strong faith in yourself, you also have a strong intuition that helps guide you to answers and opportunities. Your gut instinct becomes your compass through having trust in yourself. As mentioned earlier, the definition of faith is
about having trust in someone or something. When you get to a place where you can trust yourself and your ability to make decisions, you will be amazed at how far you will be able to go. • •
When you feel the twinge in your gut, do you pay attention to it or ignore it? If you have a feeling overcome you that is unexplainable about a particular activity, person or situation, do you pause to understand why?
T = Tenacious: Faith is tenacious. It holds you together like glue and grounds you when times are tough. You are steadfast in your belief in yourself as well as in others. You are purposefully focused on what you are trying to accomplish with the ability to persist against the odds, while also being able to resist temptations that could easily distract you. • •
How are your desires tied to a strong purpose to continue to guide and inspire you? How well are you able to resist temptations or distractions?
H = Habitual: Faith is habitual. You pay attention to what has helped you succeed and then establish success habits that continue to move you forward. What is most powerful about this aspect of faith is that when you demonstrate the effectiveness of these habits by your own actions, you instill faith in others to support you resulting in these habits being transferred to others for enhanced effect. • •
How are you establishing habits based on your successes? How are you documenting these successes for others to replicate in support of your efforts?
Strengthening your faith will help you overcome any challenge that may come your way. Allow it to bring your desires into reality. Be fearless. Be affirmative. Be intuitive. Be tenacious. Be habitual. And you will truly understand how your faith helps you embrace all that you know you can be and in what you can accomplish.
Bio: Sherré DeMao inspires millions through her monthly columns, weekly Insight eZine and national contributing writing. An expert strategist and marketer focused on entrepreneurs, her unique perspective and innovative approach has earned numerous awards regionally, nationally and internationally including being named among the Top 50 Enterprising Women of North America in 2007. Her books, Me, Myself & Inc. (www.memyselfandinc.com) and 50 Marketing Secrets (www.50marketingsecrets.com) have received national acclaim as Top Business Shelf picks and must-reads.
www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 29
help me, they might have a suggestion on how to proceed.
Get In
GEAR by Susan Guest, ASID
MOTIVATIONAL TIPS TO GET YOU STARTED ON ANY SIZED PROJECT 2014 came in with a bang! Most of us made a list of resolutions and projects that we plan to tackle this year. Just not today! Or tomorrow! When is a good time? How do you psyche yourself to get started? How do you endure the trauma of adjusting your daily life around the disturbance and stress that a project can add to your life? I am in the business of renovation and improving, but when it comes to my home or office-I am the worst procrastinator ever! Just the thought of painting and replacing the carpet in my office makes me cringe. There are so many sample books, cabinets, boxes, catalogues, and other items! It will require a team of three people three days to remove everything so that the project can begin. After taking a couple of van loads of discontinued and under-used items to the Resource Warehouse, I still have a lot of samples! It is just the nature of my business. Whether you are de-hoarding, renovating a bath or kitchen, painting a room, or adding on to your home; getting started seems to be the hardest part of a project. In writing this article, I am cheering myself on to get going on my own project. The best advice comes from personal experience. Need some ideas on how to do this? Here goes! 1) Inspire Yourself- Take a home tour, go to a museum, visit a friend who has a new house or has just finished a renovation. Walk through a furniture store that has the latest and greatest in your area. 2) Social Media- Review pictures on Pinterest, Houzz, and other sites or magazines that are similar to your tastes, budget, and needs. 3) Research- Decide whether the project you plan to undertake is a DIY (do-it-yourself) or something that will require professional help. Either way, you’ll need to research either the best way to complete your DIY project, or the best person or team to complete your large renovation. Research will help you determine your budget and whether you want to save for the funding or borrow the money. 4) Make a Phone Call- it seems like making the first phone call seems to get things in motion! In my case, it might be calling a moving company to help me find an action plan to get all of the furniture and samples out of the office. The price might not be as bad as I thought. Even if they can’t
pg 30 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | February 2014
5) Start Small- sometimes one little decision can lead to other grand decisions. Try putting removable wallpaper on one wall in your foyer in a bold color. Paint some sample boards with colors that you like and live with them a few days to see if they might be the next color for your kitchen. Completing a small maintenance project might be all you need to get the ball rolling for a more complex one. 6) Large Project- if you need to plan a larger project, take the time to envision how long it might take and break it down into smaller steps of action. It is less intimidating to do one small chore and move on to the next one that to try to do everything at once. 7) Temporary Plan- if you are gutting your kitchen, you will need to have a mini-kitchen in another area of the house with a coffee maker, refrigerator, sink, and microwave. If you live next to Bojangles, you can plan to eat every meal out. If you are renovating in a time of year that the weather is nicer, you might use your grill often. There are also some businesses in Hickory that cook healthy meals that you can purchase one at a time or order the entire week. 8) Best Time of Year for Project- Like I mentioned above, a kitchen remodel might be better when you can use your grill on the deck. If you are landscaping your yard, the best time might be spring or fall. Research will help you plan the best time for your project. 9) Plan Ahead- It is better to plan as far in advance as you can and have the workers contracted. The best workers seem to be always busy. Get in line early if possible. Unless, you get really lucky and catch them between projects, waiting on laborers can add extra time to a project. 10) Hire a Pro- If you are doing major renovations, you’ll need to get a building permit. This can be done through a licensed contractor. Building inspectors will need to come at several points and inspect the site for potential problems. This is a hassle, but they are trying to protect you and your neighbors from harm. Before you hire a contractor, you might consider hiring and architect or interior designer to help you plan your project. 11) Picture the Finished Project- The trauma that you suffer to get through the project will be worth it. Picture yourself making cookies in your new kitchen at Christmas, soaking in your new tub, and snipping roses from your nicely landscaped yard. Hopefully, one of these simple suggestions will inspire you to act. Good luck on your project and enjoy the results! Susan Guest, ASID is an award-winning interior designer in Hickory and owner of Guest Interiors, LLC. She is one of the designers featured in “Spectacular Homes of the Carolinas”, found in high-end bookstores around the country. President of ASID Carolinas. For more information, visit www.guestinteriors.com.
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pg 32 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | February 2014
KNOW ? Did You
Valentine’s Day is a popular time of the year to send greeting cards. According to the Greeting Card Association, around 145 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged annually. While that is an impressive number, Valentine’s Day actually comes in second as the most popular card-giving occasion. Christmas tops the list with some 1.6 billion cards purchased, including boxed card varieties. Other popular occasions to send greeting cards include Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, graduation, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and St. Patrick’s Day.
Recipes for ife
by Emily Wickham
Food for the Body Mom’s Delicious Pudding
(From the kitchen of Marjorie Rist, adapted from a magazine recipe) 2 small boxes Cook & Serve Vanilla Pudding 1 small container heavy whipping cream ½ - 1 Tbsp. sugar 2-3 bananas, sliced 1 can (11 oz.) mandarin oranges, drained • • • •
Prepare pudding according to directions. Put in a large bowl and seal top of pudding with waxed paper. Refrigerate until completely chilled. Whip the cream with mixer until thick. Add sugar to taste. Using a spatula, combine the pudding and whipped cream. Gently fold in the bananas and oranges. Serve immediately in dessert dishes.
A Prayer for God’s Blessing Father in Heaven, Repeatedly welcoming me into Your presence, You’re generous, kind, and warm. Creator of time but unlimited by it, You always make time for me. I confess occasionally I withhold my time and energy from others because I’m busy, tired, etc. Thank You for Christ’s perfect example of interacting and building relationships with others. Please teach me to prioritize hospitality and incorporate it more often into family life. In Jesus’ beloved name, Amen.
Food for the Soul Reflecting on my childhood, I vividly recall one of my favorite memories: Sunday afternoon dinners. Almost all of them involved company. Friends from church—new and old—made their way to our home after the service. Together we sat around the vast table and enjoyed a delicious meal, which usually consisted of roast, potatoes, carrots, various side dishes, and Mom’s Delicious Pudding for dessert. As these precious remembrances relive in my mind, I realize again what a blessing those experiences still provide. Hospitality. My mom particularly implemented these Biblical instructions: • “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” Galatians 6:10, NASB
• •
“contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.” Romans 12:13 “Be hospitable to one another without complaint.” 1 Peter 4:9
Our world has increasingly become fast-paced. In the midst of all the ringing, beeping, vibrating—the barrage of notifications—certain aspects of Christian community await our attention. Can we turn everything off temporarily in order to pursue meaningful relationships within Christ’s body? Yes! And one incredibly effective, timeless way to interact remains around the dinner table. Building bonds of friendship, thoughtful conversation, good-natured laughter, and sincere care for one another occur when we eat together. Slowing down alongside those within God’s family accomplishes much. Some of the friends who joined us long ago for Sunday dinners became like family. When Mom’s 70th birthday party rolled around, guess who attended? Traveling hundreds of miles, these dear ones exerted effort to be present. Certainly they’re busy people. Life moves on. They arrived anyway. Because my mom cared enough to reach into their lives years prior, they cared enough to come celebrate her special occasion. Sunday afternoon dinner translated into so much more. As we continue with life’s demands, let’s not forget the importance of showing hospitality. It requires planning: inviting, cleaning, shopping, and cooking. But the benefits outweigh the sacrifice. The closer we grow towards one another, the more apt we are to reach out in significant times of need. Building relationships—face-to-face, seated at the table— unquestionably pays off. Honestly the menu holds least importance. Simply expressing kindness and love by sharing what God has provided pleases Him and ministers to others. The Lord knows we need each other, which undoubtedly underlies His instruction to practice hospitality. Let’s engage in a hospitality challenge. Since February commemorates Valentine’s Day, we can convey love for our Christian brothers and sisters by serving them a meal sometime this month. Whom can you bless by welcoming them into your home for dinner? Once you extend the invitation, several tips can enhance fellowship: • • • • • •
Keep the menu simple (another reason for Mom’s Delicious Pudding!) Clean accordingly, not overwhelmingly—this isn’t an open house Pray for your guests as you prepare Provide a comfortable, attractive setting within your means Share a Scripture passage after the meal concludes and discuss it around the table (something my dad faithfully contributed ) Use this as an opportunity to “… love one another, even as I have loved you … By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35
Already I have a family in mind that I’ll be inviting to dine with us. If you’re up to this challenge, I’d love to hear from you! Please e-mail emily@proclaiminghimtowomen.com and let me know about your experience. Together we can honor the Lord by opening out homes and hearts—one meal at a time. Until next time, that’s a Recipe for Life … Emily Wickham gently reaches women’s hearts as she teaches God’s Word. Through various writing endeavors, she encourages readers into ! close relationship with God. Additionally she hosts and speaks at the Connecting with Christ Conference. Visit www.proclaiminghimtowomen.com to read Emily’s blog devotions and to learn more about life in Christ. Connect with Emily on Facebook at www.facebook.com/emilywickham.author. Please contact Emily about speaking at women’s events such as retreats, luncheons, and conferences by e-mailing emily@proclaiminghimtowomen. com. Emily, who is grateful to God for His blessings, enjoys life with her wonderful husband and their four treasured children in western NC.
www.sophiewomansmagazine.com | pg 33
There’s A
in the
by Dolores Mueller
Music has always been in my life. I was tucked into bed by my German Mom singing Guten Abend, gute Nacht. My Dad loved singing four part a-cappella barbershop and I loved hearing it! I always wanted to get involved, but somehow life got in my way. When I finally joined Sparkling City Chorus, Corpus Christi, TX, I sang lead, the melody. Although I don’t read music well, it wasn’t intimidating. They were welcoming and encouraging. Learning about vocal production and performing kept me engaged. Moving from Texas to South Carolina, the “Sweet Adelines” website directed me to Harmony River Chorus, Augusta GA, where I sang for 10 years. The year 2012 brought me to North Carolina and the former Hickory chorus, “Carolina Style”. They had won their regional competition and were preparing for international competition in Colorado. What a thrill to compete with choruses from US, Canada, and even Sweden. Barbershop is a true American art form, but it’s sung all over the world and always in English, whether one speaks German, Japanese or Swedish! Who is “Carolina Style”? A special family of women spanning 5 decades and from varied walks of life that love to sing and perform. We are novice, experienced and everything in between. We are old friends and new acquaintances. We are daughters, mothers, grandmothers; singles, married, neighbors, mentors and inspirations to each other. We have a common love of music and like-minded determination to grow and improve on our talent. We are interior designers, college students, pharmaceutical sales reps, technical consultants, kennel owners, insurance and real estate agents, former military wives, housewives, copywriters, bankers, engineers, nurses, hospital administrators, leasing associates, receptionists, retired Air National Guard and FBI secretaries, EMTs, , nuclear instructors, and chorus directors. We arrive in vans, sports cars, even motorcycles. Some drive from right around the corner, from the mountains and one comes
pg 34 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | February 2014
from South Carolina! Others carpool from a 21 county radius from Hendersonville to High Point and Winston-Salem ,Shelby, Taylorsville, Gastonia, , Charlotte, and points in between. Phyllis carpools from Crossnore with her husband, who sings with the “Hickory Moonlighters”. Loretta is a longtime member and quartet competitor that joined “Sweet Adelines” in PA in 1968. “ I treasure all my chorus and quartets medals earned over the years. But they cannot compare to what I have felt for this chorus over the past year with my cancer diagnosis and subsequent chemo and radiation. For the first time in my life I was not able to sing and continue my great hobby. With support and love from the wonderful chorus members I got through it all. The friendships made at chorus mean so much to me and I know I can count on each and every one of them to be here for me, not only musically, but personally, through all that life has in store. Oh, by the way, did I mention how much fun we have together?” Melinda immigrated from Singapore 27 years ago. Joining “Sweet Adelines” was her way to integrate into a new country, culture and community. Music, especially singing, has been part of her life. She sings Baritone, which completes the barbershop chords. She says “What better way to make new friends then through harmonizing together”. A friend invited Leona, a teacher, to chorus. The very first night she was hooked, looking for the person “playing the piano on the highest end”. Later she learned those were overtones! Leona states, “Not only did chorus help me grow musically, it helped me become a better teacher. The support from my sister singers is always remarkable. I can only say I wish I had found this wonderful group of women years earlier.”
Jean, our director and her twin sister Julia, assistant director, both started singing as small girls and continued through college. Their youngest brother, an international medalist in men’s barbershop introduced them to this art form. Cathy, who sings low bass says: “ Once I stood in the center of a group singing four part harmony, I knew my life had changed. While I thought I had lived with a song in my heart, it was nothing like the song it sings now. I was told when I joined I’d have 30,000 instant friends and I found that was no exaggeration! Being a ‘Sweet Adeline’ has made me a better person.” Ann, a 60something kindergarten teacher, writes in her blog: “I’m back from my weekly therapy – chorus rehearsal. Nearly every Thursday since I started teaching 9 years ago, I have left all thought of school and housework behind to concentrate on learning and performing barbershop style music. This group gathers together for friendship, beautiful harmony and laughter as we strive to ring those chords and prepare for performances and competitions. I don’t think anything but chorus could keep me from spending the evening on the couch. But I know my chorus is expecting and depending on me and I will be energized by the end of the rehearsal. It’s my favorite night of the week. “
Betty sings tenor, the highest part. A college administrator and writer, she reflects: “The training for stage presence and vocal production helps my confidence in so many other areas of life – speaking to groups at work, grace under pressure, making preparedness a routine in my life. Some of the friendships I have
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made in chorus will last my lifetime. These women all want to improve themselves, love to sing, and to encourage and support each other.” If you love to sing and there’s a song in your heart, we invite you to any Thursday night, 7pm open rehearsal, Trinity Church, 2nd St, Conover. Open House is February 13. Visit our webpage, www.carolinastylechorus.org or www.sweetadelinesintl.org or call Tera at (828) 465-1506.
We look forward to hearing your voice. Let the song in the air be yours!
Happy Valentine’s Day From 210 13th Ave Pl NW | Hickory, NC 28601 | 828 322-3017
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shutterbuggerz Here are some of the photos from our January Showcase! Submitted by Greta Brown Photography
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