Sophie Woman's Magazine Nov 2014 Issue

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INSIDE: Girlfriends In God ~ Can You Recognize God’s Love? | Page 14 Sophisticated Women ~ Do You Know You Have A Seed Of Potential? | Page 8 Me, Myself, & Inc. ~ Is It Time To Hit The “Regret” Button? | Page 29 shutterbuggerz pg 39



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Heart from the

From The Editor: Judy Smith

IT’S COMING!!! Are you ready? Yes, I am talking about BLACK FRIDAY. Let’s get some background about Black Friday to start off with. If you research when and why it started you will find several thoughts. There are some that think the term "Black Friday" originated with the practice of selling off slaves on the day after Thanksgiving. But according to, that is not the case.

start pushing in. Can you just imagine what this must look like from the other side of the doors? Blood thirsty vampires with their faces all pressed against the door, eyeing their first victim!

The witching hour is fast approaching and straws are drawn to see which unlucky, not paid enough workers must brave the turning of the lock because, as of yet, there has not been a remote store door unlocker invented. You can see their fear from the other side which gets the crowd worked up. Doors get knocked from the hinges and ripped from the tracks and they are in! Now they’re off for the kill. If you have ever been at the beach and fed the fish, you know what it looks like. The weak do not survive. Again, safely from my spectators post, it does not take long till the ones with the thrill of victory start working their way out of the store with their giant TV’s in haul like a prize trophy!

Oh how I love BLACK FRIDAY. Trust me when I say, if you love thrills and danger, this is the best opportunity of the year. However, I caution, just like with any thrill sport, next year you will need more to satisfy your desires.

So maybe I will see you this year. I am the one in the safety zone wearing the football helmet and padding. Just one more thing…. I hope your Black Friday injuries aren’t so severe that you can’t click a mouse on Cyber Monday.

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The use of "Black Friday" as a descriptor for the day after Thanksgiving has nothing to do with the selling of slaves, even though that was a very horrific time in our country. The term didn't originate until nearly a century after the practice of slavery was abolished in the U.S. The earliest known use of "Black Friday" in such a context stems from 1951 and referred to the practice of workers calling in sick on the day after Thanksgiving in order to have four consecutive days off (because that day was not yet commonly offered as a paid day off by employers), according to Snopes. In other words, it is a disease….Black Fridayitis and the symptoms are severe, not only for those who are infected by it but by everyone they come in contact with. Think with me about all those store workers who work themselves to the bones just to get ready for the witching hour. Most of them barely get time to swallow a turkey sandwich, much less have time to enjoy the pumpkin pie. They get right back at work even though they know “they’re coming”.

The frenzy starts when the lines start forming. Chairs are put out, hot chocolate is in the thermos and heaven forbid that someone even look like they are going to break line. This has become one of my favorite parts. As I maneuver myself for a great spectators position (safely out of harm’s way mind you), the tension builds for the doors to open. Some people think they are really coy as they “just so happen to walk close by” just as the doors are flung open and the crazed


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phie Woman’s Magazine

P.O. Box 1393 22 South Main Ave. Newton, NC 28658 (P) 828-466-0122 (F) 828-466-0124 Editor: Judy Smith Production Manager: Scott Hansley Graphic Design: Brittany LeFever Sales: Stephanie Daulton Ledford 828-729-8353 Kaye Ball 828-855-8140 Marion Keener 828-320-0040

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Message From The 3 Reaching Your Full 6 Sophisticated 8 The Front 11 The Truth About Parenting 12 Girlfriends In 14 Stick Chocolate 18 Key to Cooking With 20 Holiday 24 Me, Myself, & 29 So 30 Recipes For 33 My Smart Phone.....Ain’t! 34 39


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Please Make Checks Payable To Tri-City Baptist Church | pg 5


by Kim Fletcher, Life Coach, Speaker, Author

Many people mistake a tsunami as being a form of a tidal wave. In reality, they couldn’t be more different.

wistfully admire. High tide always yields back to low tide when the person loses site of their ultimate destiny and identity.

A tidal wave is a surface phenomenon where a wave heightens, ultimately reaching the shore with significant height and force. A big splash leaves it’s devastation on water front objects that stand in its way. The waves may be 20 or more feet high and it may cover a span of several feet of shoreline.

Are you more like the tidal wave? Tidal waves don’t come often, but look out when they do! While tides come and go every day, tidal waves are a bit less common. It is not every day that you meet a person who reminded you of a tidal wave? Bold and on a mission, target clearly in mind. Moved by external forces … the desire to get the promotion, the rise to the top financially, charging forward toward awards, credentials, and accolades. The tidal wave individual makes an impact indeed, one born mostly out of the forces associated with surface (or superficial) phenomenon. Our society tends to think of them as the ones making the most impact, the energy associated with their lives setting them apart labeling them as strong and unique.

A tsunami, on the other hand, begins slowly under the surface … often the result of a far away underwater earthquake. It cannot even be detected on the surface until it nears the shore. It can be three times as high and cover 10 times the ground surface of the most devastating tidal wave … a true force to be reckoned with. Its force creates lasting change! Personal vision can be compared to these oceanic forces. People can choose to have the impact of low tide or of the far-reaching tsunami … the choice of the size of our influence and ripple effect is largely up to us. We must decide to be internally intentional long before our impact is detected, much like the undercurrent of the developing tsunami. In this process, we should focus on developing our character, building significant relationships, pursuing our passions and natural gifting. This process allows our destiny to unfold. Having always been drawn like an old salt to the sea and all things nautical, I tend to see life lessons in water and the forces that move it.

And then there are the Tsunamis … is this you?! As rare as oceanic tsunamis, these people are truly few and far between. You never quite see them coming, as they quietly and inwardly develop strength and character along their journey. Their process of preparation was quiet and unassuming. They have no need for recognition, because their mission is inwardly fueled. They are out to change the world and the only reward they ask is a better future for the next generation. This should be each of us. Our most frightening thought should be failing to live out our impact. We should live each day as if someone or some cause depends upon us. Tsunamis change landscapes permanently. You can change your world for generations to come!

Are you natured like low tide? Many people live passively, much like low tide … their day to day activities barely lapping at the shore of their full potential. Maybe they believed some false voice of someone in their past who said ‘you can’t’ or ‘you aren’t enough’. Perhaps the false voice was their own. Perhaps they failed to have an authentic encounter with their Creator, from whom they would certainly have been given the message, “you are more than enough and I created you for great impact”. But they never hear the voice and they never act fully on their unique greatness … life ebbs and flows, and ultimately passes with little notice or impact. Do you realize you were created for greatness but can’t quite connect to that ultimate destiny? Some people know they were intended for a purpose. They sense an inner longing to search for the “more of life” … to make more of an impact. But daily life dulls their passion. They often start out doing those things that are significant, but often get derailed from the truly important tasks by the urgent ones…for example, the promotion requires more time at work which decreases time with the priority of family. Eventually, priorities, passions and unused gifts end up on the shelf of that life like valuable collectables which only get handled to dust and

pg 6 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014

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Sophisticated Women...

Know They Have A Seed Of Potential

By Nicole Greer, PPCC Founder and Principle Coach at Vibrant Coaching You’ve heard the metaphor that life is simply a journey from ‘dust to dust.’ It’s a sobering thought offered to wake us up to our humanity. But, don’t miss this, there is really good news hidden beneath the surface. Let’s dig a little deeper. While thoughts of dust stir up the anxiety of cleaning, preparation, cooking, and entertaining for the Thanksgiving holiday ahead, the sophisticated woman knows that within her being...her soil...her soul... there is a seed of potential that must be tended. I, too, offer this message as a wake-up call! Please notice you have a seed of potential, I’ll show you how. Here’s the dirt! Acknowledging The Seed Within Within you is a seed of ordained creation that must be planted, watered, and fertilized. Recognizing your potential for growth is the first step. Stop and think about a seed. All outward appearances indicate nothing is alive. But inside we know there is life within if we simply acknowledge there is indeed something that needs to grow. Perhaps you need to plant yourself somewhere in a quiet space for a period of time to consider one of these areas of growth:

• A career transition that’s a real calling • A hobby you long to take on • A journey that needs to be mapped out • An educational track to be pursued • A talent to master • An instinct that must be followed • A book ready to be written

Whatever the case may be, you must pick up the seed and plant it in some soil for growth. Plant the Seed Once you’ve decided which seed of potential you will sow, diligently prepare your soil, plant the seed, and set out a sign declaring what will grow. In your life, this looks like taking action! Get out your tools to plow new ground. Choose an environment right for your seed. Surround yourself with people who are growing the same seeds. Share tips for the harvest. And declare to everyone that you have chosen a plot of ground that needs your time and attention. Nurture the Seed With the seed safely tucked into the right environment, it’s time for tending the soil. Now is the time for adding nutrients or fertilizers like research or classes that power the potential of your seed. The seed needs heat to activate growth. Perhaps it’s time for a mentor, a coach, or an expert in the field of your seed to shed light and hold you accountable.

pg 8 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014

Have Faith in the Seed Faith is essential to growing your seed of potential. You must trust that your seed, although unseen, is in fact benefiting from your nurture and care. All farmers who bring in a harvest know you must stay with the seed through faith. For days, weeks, and perhaps months, your faith in the seed germinates anticipation of “what could be” increasing your desire for to see growth. Experience Growth Then all of a sudden to your delight and surprise, a sprout of growth will appear. Your faith will have served you well. This sprout will be evidence that your seed of potential is real! You’ll have a renewed energy to experience even more growth while channeling a protective urgency to see the seed grow to maturity. Bloom and Bear Fruit After consistent tending your seed will mature creating blooms and bearing fruit that will delight and enrich the lives of others. After all, this is why the creator put this seed in you! Charles Capps shares in his book, Seedtime and Harvest, “Everything produces after itself. The seed is in itself.” Your seed’s potential is for something much greater than your own satisfaction. Your seed is part of a master plan to grow into the likes of a huge maple providing shelter, fuel or sustenance for the world. Enjoy the Harvest When you see your seeds real potential in serving the world, there is great joy. There’s nothing more satisfying than sitting down to a big serving of fulfillment knowing you were part of the master plan. Haven’t you been thankful for the opportunity to give? Of course, you have. The adage, ‘It’s better to give than to receive’ is true. It’s the essence of Thanksgiving. The Master’s plan is available to you in your seed. Let’s get sowing!

The Idea In Action Perhaps, you long to nurture your seed of potential as an author like my client Charlotte did? Charlotte declared to me that she was a writer but never tried to write apart from the blog she worked at diligently. She knew the potential in her seed but lacked faith in her ability to grow it to maturity. Throughout our coaching sessions, we plowed her soil (soul) and she decided to signup for a writing group. Within weeks, she found herself in a rich nurturing environment where her mind was given the right environment to put down the roots of constructing a book. She had planted her seed of potential and found a renewed faith in her writing seed. Next, Charlotte

hired a publicist to nurture her and the words from her blog posts releasing them to sprout into a manuscript about her journey with cancer. The appearance of the physical manuscript was evidence that her seed was real. Charlotte’s experience of growth created a synthesis that ultimately bloomed into a book that is bearing fruit in the lives of other cancer patients. Today, Charlotte gives thanks for her seed of potential and continues to enjoy the harvest of seeing other women use her book to deal with cancer. To see how a seed becomes fruit visit: A Poem to Awaken your Seed of Potential

On Resurrection Day

God will say, “What did you do with the strength and the energy that your food gave you on Earth? How did you use your eyes? What did you make with your five senses while they were dimming and playing out? I gave you hands and feet as tools for preparing the ground for planting. Did you, in the health I gave, do the plowing?” You will not be able to stand when you hear those questions. You will bend double with shame, and finally acknowledge the glory. Then you will turn to the right looking to the prophets for help, as though to say, I am stuck in the mud of my life. Help me out of this! And they will answer, those kings, “The time for helping is past. The plow stands there in the field. You should have used it.” Then you will turn to the left, where your family is, and they will say, “Don’t look at us! This conversation is between you and your creator!”

At its deepest level, working with a coach frees you to identify your birthright gifts, discern your deepest passions, and fulfill your highest purpose. A coach can pry you off dead center. As Principal Coach for Vibrant Coaching and Workshop Leader for The Lydia Group, LLC, a collaboration of individuals focused on work, life and spiritual growth, Nicole is on a mission to impact, energize, and influence people to lead a Vibrant Life by engaging the possibilities. As a life and business coach and workshop leader, Nicole views her role as a conduit to release all that you want to achieve. | pg 9

pg 10 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014

Front The


by Judy Smith


y very favorite time of the year is approaching and I am really starting to tremble with excitement. This is the time that I start looking at everyone else’s front porch. Thanksgiving decorations and Christmas decorations galore are awakening my senses to the wonders of the holidays and what they mean. Even though we personally don’t decorate for Thanksgiving at my house, we don’t skip right over it either. I am so thankful my son and his wife have accepted the baton of doing Thanksgiving at their house. Their house is bigger and can more adequately handle our crowd and the amount of food we all bring. I really do have to bring two large turkeys, and combine that with a ham my daughter-in-law does, well; you see I am not exaggerating here. We will take time for some traditions of what everyone is thankful for. Sometimes it is in the shape of leafs that we then put on a tree, or maybe in the shape of feathers that we pin on a turkey. Some take it serious and some just have fun and some are just thankful when we get to eat. Either way, we stop and reflect on the many blessings we take for granted day to day. we are so very thankful for the two birds who sacrificed for us to fill upon. Plus, not only for this day, but to continue to give several days following with turkey leftovers that take on many shapes and don’t forget about Turkey Surprise! Then moving forward to our Christmas traditions of just riding around seeing what you have done. That is when I get the most enjoyment of looking at your Front Porches. The imagination that some of you put into them just thrills my heart. We take the kids, we take the grand kids, we take the friends and we are never disappointed with the glee's of joy from them all. We don’t mind traveling a bit either if we hear of a great display. Actually, I wish we had a bus to get around so we could take the whole group at one time. Themes run from one extreme to the other. I am sure my grand kids would be ecstatic if they came to the house and I had a Frozen theme. I myself love the festive, jolly themes with the whimsical colors and accessories. But then again, I like most all of them. If you are struggling for a theme, here are some ideas for you. There are the traditional ones

of Santa, White Christmas, Silver Bells, all red, all green, all white, all colors. Then there are the Snowmen, the elves, the angels, the candles, the birds, just to name a few. The Grinch has jumped in, Santa Baby, Peppermint Twist, berries and fruits as well as the peacocks. Some are of memories of years past and some that express the birth of Jesus. The bigger, the better, is some folks theme and for others, the small and petite are just perfect. Have fun. Go for some rides; see the imagination displayed for your viewing pleasure. One thing I want to remind you of though, that is very important. Let’s not forget the ones who can’t get out and experience the sights and sounds of the Holidays. Invite a senior to your Thanksgiving or take a home bound person with you to see the lights. Ask them to share a memory from their past. Their glee's of delight or their tears of gratitude may be the greatest gift you will have to treasure for years to come. Create a memory of giving within your family. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Love, Blessings and Laughter | pg 11

CALLING ALL MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN: It’s time you know the truth about parenting teenagers Y

by Jackie E. Perry, MS, LPCS, NCC

ears before many parents are even close to raising a teenager, it seems that many already dread the day when their preschooler becomes a high schooler. They’ve heard the frequent complaints and concerns about raising teenagers. They’ve endured the needless admonitions that come from disgruntled parents. “You just wait,” they say with gloom in their voice. “Everything goes downhill once they hit those teen years.” These poor young parents nod their heads, look at the sweet faces of their children, and try hard to soak in the good years knowing that the hard times are coming just around the corner.

Well, I have made it around that bend and am now a mom to three teenagers (ages 19, 17 and 14). While parenting teenagers has certainly come with its ups and downs, I am on a mission to tell every young mom about the joys of raising teenagers. Even though I have genuinely enjoyed every stage of my kids’ development, I have to say that this season is undoubtedly my favorite. Here are my top ten reasons why raising teenagers is far more awesome than awful:

4. You will love their unfiltered, unbridled perspective on life. Even though their opinions might come flying out of their mouth at the wrong time, a teen’s honest take on things can be a breath of fresh air in a world where truth seems to be a disappearing commodity. Not only that, you may need to hear their honest take on you at times. 3. You definitely won’t get bored. Teenagers are passionate and exuberant about almost everything and anything They might not always be fervent about the things you want them to be impassioned by, but their zeal will bring an energy into your home that you will need as yours runs dry. 2. You get to live with a dreamer. Your teen’s dreams about their future will inspire you to begin re-imagining what yours will be like as well. Our teenagers can teach us how to take risks and trust God as we dream on as well. And, the #1 reason is…

10. You will laugh a lot, if you let yourself. If your kid is funny now, just wait. Our silly son did and said the funniest things when he was little. At 17, he is just plain hilarious. Even though he can cross a line at times while displaying his wit, I love the everyday laughter he brings into our home.

You have the privilege of walking beside them and cheering them as they complete the last stretch of childhood and cross over into adulthood. Even though I still ache at the memory of my oldest packing up to go to college, I also feel grateful that I got to walk beside her every stretch of the way.

9. You get to see their gifts and talents blossom like never before. When they’re little you wonder what they’ll be like when they’re older. When they’re older, you look back and trace their gifts and talents back to the early days when you had no idea that this would flourish from that.

Parents of young kids, enjoy the season you are in and look forward with anticipation to the coming years when you will be raising a teen. And, you parents of tweens and teens, know that even in the midst of the hardest days, you are smack in the middle of one of the most awesome and awe-filled seasons of parenting. Soak it in and enjoy the gifts that God has to offer you in the home stretch.

8. You will see independence and strength arise when you least expect it. You will be so amazed at their ability to stand alone when challenges appear. You will be so proud of their strength and courage. 7. You will love having deeper, thought provoking conversations. Your teen’s newfound abilities to question, debate, and discuss just about anything under the sun will delight you and drive you crazy as well. Some might tell you this is a negative trait. But, I am here to tell you that heated discussions can be a wonderful opportunity to connect with your teen as you make room for them to find their voice. 6. You will see glimpses of who they will be as a man, woman, husband, wife, father and mother. While these may make you sad at times, they will also motivate you to equip them for what lies ahead. These often encourage me and remind me that they will be just fine. 5. You will make wonderful memories doing things everyone enjoys. When we were finally able to play games and sports and do outdoor activities that my husband and I love, the competition and the fun went through the roof. Beating our kids (was sickeningly satisfying. And, when they beat us? Well, let’s just say, it was a really fun for them too.

pg 12 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014

Jackie E. Perry, MS, LPCS, NCC is a North Carolina Licensed Professional Counselor. For the past 20 years her primary focus has been working with adolescents and families to address a myriad of problems typical of this season in development. Jackie is also a frequent speaker and writer who is passionate about using her experience to equip and encourage parents and professionals through her seminars, articles and blogs. You can follow her weekly blog, LifeGiving Streams, check out her next speaking engagement or learn more about her work at She is married to John and together they are parenting three teens of their own.

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The Lure of Lesser Lovers by Sharon Jaynes

Today’s Truth

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me (Revelation 3:20 NIV).

Friend to Friend

Have you ever wondered why God continues to woo and romance us (even though most of the time we don’t even recognize it)? I think it’s because our minds forget. Spiritual amnesia runs rampant as we wander off to the wooing of other lovers.

“Step right up!” the barkers of the world’s Big Tent call. “Come and see the greatest show on earth!” And even though we know in our heart we’re going to be disappointed, we enter the tent flaps, find our way to the seat marked on the ticket stub, and wait to be entertained and amazed with all the world has to offer. In the end, we are always disappointed. This was not the greatest show after all. And even though we don’t deserve it, God woos us yet again. Sometimes I fear we are like Scarlett O’Hara in Gone with the Wind. Throughout the entire story, Rhett Butler tried to win her heart, but Scarlett was smitten by the milquetoast Ashley Wilkes. Finally, as the story comes to a close, Rhett walks away in frustration. “I feel sorry for you, Scarlett,” he declares. “You are throwing away love with both hands and grabbing for that which will never love you.”

As I watched the movie recently, I kept thinking, Doesn’t she see how much Rhett really loves her? He’d move heaven and earth to please her, if she would but let him. Why is she going after someone who would never make her truly happy?

And we are Scarlet, ignoring the only One who can make us truly happy while chasing after figments of our imagination… things that will never make us happy—milquetoast lovers who pale in the shadow of the Lover of our Soul. Of course, in the end, Scarlett realizes her love for Rhett, and runs home to tell him so. But it is too late. As with most analogies, this one has a fatal flaw…Jesus will never throw up His hands and walk away. “Here I am!” Jesus says. “I stand at the door and knock” (Revelation 3:20). And friend, He’s knocking even today.

pg 14 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014

Let’s Pray

Jesus, thank You for never giving up on me. Forgive me when I look to people, possession, or power to satisfy me. Forgive me when I am enticed and drawn to other lovers. I know that You are the only One who can truly satisfy the longings of my heart. Thank You for wooing me once again. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Now It’s Your Turn

When I was a little girl, I remember a picture of Jesus hanging in my Sunday school room. It was of Jesus knocking on a door. But there was something strange about that door. It didn’t have a doorknob on the outside. What does that tell you about Jesus?

What do you think are “lesser lovers” of our world today? Let’s compare notes over at my Facebookpage.

More from the Girlfriends

Do you long to feel close to God but feel like there’s something missing? That you’ve missed that mysterious formula to make it happen? Do you have a glory ache—a persistent longing to experience God’s presence and working in your life, but you’re not quite sure how to make it happen? If so, my book, A Sudden Glory: God’s Lavish Response to Your Ache for Something More, is just for you. Join me in discovering how to erase the lines between the secular and the sacred and experience a deeper more intimate relationship with God than ever before. While you’re there, you can download a free chapter or watch a video book trailer. And for all you praying wives, come on over to The Praying Wives Club for daily encouragement!

Seeking God? Girlfriends in God P.O. Box 1311 Huntersville, NC 28070

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Avalon Farm

Riding demands 8:49:05 AM SELF-AWARENESS, a10/20/14 heightened understanding of our true nature, and our true desires... “To find in ourselves what makes Avalon Farm is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, educational, charitable life worth living is risky business, organization; with our 50 acre property and infrastructure of for it means that once we know we buildings for operations donated in 2006. All of our support comes must seek it. “ from fund raising, foundations or philanthropic others. We are -Marsha Sinetar

randz Salon ad Nov 2014.indd 1


very blessed and grateful. Our organization has operated with no salaries. We are truly a rare, real “charity”.

We offer programs for broken children, non-parented children, veterans, their families, those with special needs, behavioral issues, developmental issues; and or life crisis such as disease, death, and other life transitions. We also offer programs for grand-parents who are raising their grand-children. For those who qualify, we offer short term, crisis housing. We have affiliations with various other non-profits, churches, and agencies that serve these populations. We offer our main program Healing With Horses which is a learning curriculum for behavioral modification. Other programs we offer include stress management, wellness and prevention, retreats for women, families, and corporations; and summer children’s camps.

Get involved! We offer volunteer and leadership programs. Avalon is a beautiful place – like heaven on earth! "It is a wonderful program! She does a wonderful job with the children, watching her work with the kids through the horses is amazing. It's something you have to experience. It is a great family place, very serene. This program has helped my grandson tremendously, we have seen a 90 degree turn in him after only 5 visits." -Tina Kelly


Avalon Farm Kimberly Clarke, Director Office: 704-585-6377 and (704) 651-4800 | pg 15

Sophie Broyhill Center 14_15 Season.qxp_Layout 1 9/11/14 8:17 AM Page 1

Things To Do...

November 2014

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Events subject to change without notice.

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11/1: 11/1-2:

-Fall After Market Sale, Hickory


-Handmade Holidays, Morganton -Light Up Downtown North Wilkesboro -Holiday Tree Lighting, Hickory



This does not apply for group admissions. Expires 11/30/2014.

pg 16 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014

-First Frost Art Show and Sale, Morganton

-Marty Stuart & His Superlatives Don Gibson Theatre, Shelby -Annual Downtown West Jefferson Holiday Parade

-Miracle on 34th Street (The Musical), Newton (Weekends Thru 12/7) -Holiday Farmers Market, Morganton -Memorial Tree Lighting Ceremony, Morganton -Chonda Pierce at Don Gibson Theatre, Shelby

-Marion Christmas Parade -Christmas in Uptown Lexington


-20th Annual Thanksgiving Kiln Opening, Lenoir -Ashe County Christmas Tree Farms Choose


Present this coupon for one free youth admission with purchase of adult admission.

-Southern Christmas Show, Charlotte (Thru 11/23)

-Christmas in the Park and Lighting of the Town,

Located on the SALT Block 243 3rd Ave NE Hickory, NC

-Valdese Christmas in November

11/27: 11/28:

and experience

Hickory Gun & Knife Show -“Duck Hunter Shoots Angel�, Hickory -The Haunted Farm, Hendersonville

11/7-9: 11/8: 11/13: 11/14: 11/15:

Come out to

-Rhythym & Roots 5K, Shelby -Hickory Motor Speedway 2014

-Novant Health Thanksgiving Day Parade, Charlotte

Blowing Rock (Thru 11/29) -“Shrek the Musical�, Hickory (Weekends Thru 12/14) -Choose & Cut Tree Season, Boone (Thru 12/24) -Festival of Lights, Blowing Rock (Thru 1/25) -Maiden Christmas Parade

& Cut Season (Weekends Thru 12/24)

-Newton Tree Lighting Ceremony

 


8th annual

Hickory Christian Academy


Free Community Tree Lighting Thursday, December 4th Greensboro Symphony Tuesday, December 16th


New Year’s Eve Gala Featuring “Too Much Sylvia”

Friday, December 5 5:30pm until 9pm

Bridal Expo February 22, 2015

Saturday, December 6 8am until 4pm

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Statesville Civic Center Ad Nov 2014.indd 1

10/16/14 10:55:33 AM

Catawba Valley Community College is one of 58 comprehensive colleges in the North Carolina Community College System. Our college has served the higher educational needs of Catawba and Alexander counties since 1960. At CVCC, you can choose to complete the first two years of your four-year college degree, or you can select from one of over 40 valuable career-training programs. Our programs are manageable and affordable, moving at a pace that works for you. Discover your options today at Catawba Valley Community College.

2550 Highway 70 SE Hickory, NC 28602-8302 | 828.327.7000 x 4216 | pg 17

Give The Gift Of IndulgenceThis Holiday Season

The holiday season is rife with tradition. Families have their own unique traditions, whether it’s gathering at Grandma’s to enjoy a holiday meal or singing carols together around the neighborhood with friends who live nearby. One tradition that seems to have made it into many families’ holiday celebrations is indulging in delicious baked goods. Desserts are a big part of the holiday season, when many people relax restrictions on their diets to enjoy some of their favorite cookies and cakes. While such delicacies are often served at dinnertime, homemade baked goods also make great gifts come the holiday season. Whether a friend or family member is a fully devoted foodie or simply a person who loves a decadent dessert, gifting homecooked baked goods is a great way to show your loved ones just how much you appreciate them. This holiday season, give the gift of decadence by cooking up the following recipe for “Sticky Chocolate Gingerbread” courtesy of Maxine Clark’s “Chocolate: Deliciously Indulgent Recipes for Chocolate Lovers” (Ryland, Peters & Small).

Sticky Chocolate Gingerbread Makes an 8-inch cake 21/3 6 13/4 2 5 1 1/2 2 1/2 2

cups dark molasses ounces dark chocolate (60 to 70 percent cocoa solids), grated cups all-purpose flour teaspoons ground ginger ounces whole pieces preserved stem ginger, drained and roughly chopped stick (8 tablespoons) unsalted butter, softened cup plus 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar, sifted (to remove lumps) medium eggs, beaten teaspoon baking soda tablespoons milk, warmed

~A pinch of salt ~Extra-large crystallized ginger pieces, to scatter (optional) ~A deep 8-inch square cake pan or 8 x 6 x 3-inch oval cake pan

pg 18 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014

Preheat the oven to 325 F. Grease and line the base and sides of the cake pan with nonstick parchment paper. Put the molasses in a pan and heat gently until hot, but do not allow it to boil. Remove the pan from the heat and add the chocolate. Stir until melted. Sift the flour, ground ginger and salt together in a bowl. Add the stem ginger and toss it around in the flour until every piece is coated. Using an electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar in a large bowl. Beat in the eggs, then the molasses and chocolate mixture and finally the flour mixture. Dissolve the baking soda in the milk and gradually beat this into the batter. Pour into the prepared cake pan, scatter with the crystallized ginger, if using, and bake for 45 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 300 F and bake for another 30 minutes. (If using the oval pan, cook for about 45 minutes at the higher temperature, then about 1 hour at the lower temperature, as it will be deeper.) A metal skewer inserted into the center should come out clean. Let cool for 5 minutes in the pan, then turn out onto a wire rack and let cool completely. When cold, store in an airtight container for at least a couple of days to mature and become sticky. Don’t worry if it sinks a bit in the middle - this is normal. | pg 19



ey To Cooking With

Autumn is ripe with vibrant colors and scenery. One of the more vivid sights this time of year are the bright, orange pumpkins that adorn walkways and front porches of homes and businesses. Not only are pumpkins ideal for decorating, but they’re also great to eat.

should have a deep orange color. Store pumpkins in a cool, dark area until ready for use to prolong freshness. Wash the exterior of the pumpkin in cool water before cutting to remove any dirt and bacteria on the surface of the pumpkin so it won’t be transferred to the pulp of the pumpkin.

Some people who plan to carve jack-o-lanterns mistakenly believe the same type of pumpkin can be used in their favorite recipes. But what carving pumpkins have in visual flair, they usually lack in flavor and substance. Instead, would-be pumpkin cookers should look to other varieties if they plan to serve pumpkin on the menu.

Slice the pumpkin in half and remove the seeds and any stringy material. Rinse and save the seeds for planting or roasting. Put the pumpkin pieces in the microwave to cook or you can steam or bake them until the pulp is soft and the pumpkin falls off of the skin. Cool the pumpkins, then puree the pulp until it’s smooth. You may want to strain the pureed pumpkin with a cheese cloth to remove any excess water before using in a pie recipe. Baked breads may benefit from the extra moisture.

Pumpkins are available from September through December, but they peak in October. Many smaller pumpkins are better and sweeter for cooking. Mini pumpkins, sugar, cheese, and pie pumpkins are varieties commonly used in recipes. The big jacko-lantern pumpkins have stringy, watery flesh and will provide little to no pulp for cooking. Select a pumpkin as you would any other type of squash. Look for a firm pumpkin with no bruises or soft spots. The pumpkin also

pg 20 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014

Pumpkins are a great source of dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium, copper, manganese, vitamin E, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. They’re also low in fat and calories. Pumpkin puree can replace the oil in some baking recipes, much as you would use applesauce. | pg 21

Abernethy Laurels Community

Not A “Cookie Cutter”


hen you look at retirement communities, often times you see the same homes and same floor plans throughout the community. That is not so with Abernethy Laurels. In fact, there are more than 129 homes with varying floor plans making Abernethy Laurels anything but a “cookie cutter” community. Just ask Abernethy Laurels residents Janet and Charlie Bittinger about personalizing a home. One of Charlie’s hobbies is photography. He has a large printer and a 30” computer monitor for making adjustments to his photographs. When choosing his home at Abernethy Laurels, Charlie shared that he loved photography and stressed the importance of needing space for his equipment. The mechanical room was changed into what Charlie defines as his “dark” room for processing photos – a few alterations made this area into the perfect space. Janet loves to sew and garden. She was able to utilize the sun room from their chosen floor plan and convert it into a sewing room. The numerous windows make it an ideal place for intricate sewing. Janet also enjoys adding special touches to their outdoor areas. When the Bittingers first looked at their potential home, Charlie envisioned ways to accommodate their hobbies and have the extra space available for when their grandchildren or friends visited. “The Marketing staff played a huge role in giving us ideas on what could be done to design our home. They walked us through the process of creating exactly what we wanted,” said Charlie. Charlie and Janet wanted hardwood floors, ceiling fans in most of the rooms, extra shelving, a larger patio, and additional space for parking. These alterations were made possible because the staff at Abernethy Laurels worked with the couple to make their dream retirement home a reality. “Listening to what is important to a person and tailor-making the home to their specific wishes is a key element in creating the perfect home for our residents,” explained Marketing Director Rob Hartsell. “Abernethy Laurels wants your home to suit your needs, hobbies, and desires. If one of our many floor plans does not conform to what you need or want, then we will work with you to create the home that does.” Residents may choose from a selection of paint colors, flooring options, countertop styles, lighting choices, sun rooms, screened porches, patios…..the list goes on and on. Abernethy Laurels wants your home to be just that- “your” home. We believe your home should be personalized and not a typical cookie-cutter home with a floor plan identical to your neighbors. Charlie and Janet both stated, “Most of our time is spent in our hobby rooms doing exactly what we love to do, and that’s what retirement is all about!” For more information about designing your dream retirement home, contact Marketing Director Rob Hartsell at 828-465-8519 or

Charlie Bittinger showing off his “dark room” setup

pg 22 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014

Janet Bittinger enjoying one of her favorite outdoor hobbies.

Board Certified General Surgeon Dialysis Access Specialist



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Mark C. Nenow, MD Board Certified General Surgeon Otolaryngologist Dialysis Access Specialist Otolaryngologist to Foothills Dialysis Access

to Foothills Dialysis Access

Dr. Bast is a generalKnee surgeon specializes inotolaryngologist. helping patients He Dr. Nenow (pronounced No) iswho a board certified who require hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis by earnedDr. hisNenow Medical Degree from Rush Medical College and completed bothHe is a general surgeon who specializes inhis helping patients (pronounced Knee No) Dr. is aBast board certified otolaryngologist. providing andand maintaining their dialysis access. require hemodialysis or peritonealand dialysis by providing who internship in general surgery his residency in otolaryngology/head neck earned his Medical Degree from Rush Medical College and completed both his and maintaining their access. Dr.Medical Bast earned his medical degree from University ofdialysis surgery at of his South Carolina. He is interested in the internship in generalUniversity surgery and residency in otolaryngology/head and neck Dr. Bast earned his medical degree from University of North Carolina School of Medicine andear, completed histhroat at UNC diagnosis and at management of general nose,School and disorders with his residencies ofresidencies Medicine and completed surgery Medical University of North SouthCarolina Carolina. He is interested in the Hospitals and University of Kansas School Medicine. Hospitals and ofthe Kansas School of Medicine. at UNC specialdiagnosis interest in sinus and ear disease. Dr.ear, Nenow aofUniversity fellow American and management of general nose,isand throatofdisorders with He isCollege board certified by American College of Surgeons. He is board bydisease. American of aSurgeons. Academy ofcertified Otolaryngology/Head Neck Surgery. special interest in sinus and ear Dr. and Nenow is fellow of the American Dr. Bast enjoys time with his family, cycling, and growing orchids.

Academy of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery.

He looks to caringorchids. for you and your family. Dr. BastHeenjoys withtohiscaring family, and lookstime forward forcycling, you andforward yourgrowing family.

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Caldwell, Caldwell Physicians, & Foothills Dialysis Access are divisions of Caldwell Memorial Hospital.

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10/13/14 11:54:21 AM

Abernethy Laurels All Creatures’ Crematorium

is a full-service last-rite option for memorializing your pet’s passing. Our pet-friendly facility in Lenoir offers a welcoming gathering room and viewing area. We provide transport in our specially designed port-a-pet van. Cremate at your convenience and view the final disposition, or we will deliver your ashes to you.

A full service retirement community in Newton

(828) 578-9110

Residential Living Assisted Living Health Care Services Rehabilitation Services 2301 Morganton Boulevard • Lenoir, North Carolina 28645 •


Holiday Bride by Mackey S. Carpenter

Just like Valentine’s Day, getting married during the holidays has a romanticism all its own. Most venues are already decorated, colors are abundant, plus the holidays put us in a totally different mindset. Whether you’re a last-minute bride or have planned this moment for a year or more, there are still a few things that can help make your wedding a lot more special. One of the things to keep in mind when decorating for a wedding or any occasion is to do it in multiples. It’s less expensive that way with fewer headaches. Here are a few of my tips to help make your holiday wedding nothing short of amazing. Borrow as many artificial Christmas trees as you can. Or check thrift stores early in the season for deals. The more the merrier and get as many “varieties” as possible. Don’t worry about decorating them with ornaments; you want them left plain or covered with white lights. Stand them around the room in clusters of three or five. They also look great placed at the end of the room so it looks like a small forest. If you do this, alternate the lit trees with plain ones. If there are enough trees, the line the entrance with some on each side. No trees available? Have someone help you cut large limbs from trees. These can be fairly long, but the diameter shouldn’t be more than 2 to 3 inches. To help them stand up, attach wooden cross pieces to the bottoms with screws. These are beautiful left natural when covered with white lights. They are stunning when painted white and even more so when glitter is added as they are being painted. The white “trees” also look good when adding decorations in a single color, like red birds. One or two per tree is all that’s needed. Candles are another great way to get a lot of bang for your buck. Do keep in mind that not all places allow lit candles. If that’s the case, battery ones are readily available now. Placing either on mirrors adds a lot of light. Or better yet, putting a framed mirror behind them not only reflects light, but doubles the images as well. Vary the sizes for even more interest. White or ivory candles usually work best for this. Although silver and/or gold candles can add a lot of elegance when placed on mirrors and used as centerpieces. Whether it’s a November or December wedding, wreaths are another way to create ambiance and help define the occasion. They can be hung in windows, from the ceiling or chandeliers and even used as centerpieces. Don’t make them too busy, using one kind of greenery (like magnolia leaves) can make a huge impact. To make your food table look like a decorator did it, try tablescaping. Simply add risers (shoe boxes or small sturdy boxes large enough for trays to sit on) spaced far enough apart as to allow for easy serving, and cover with tablecloths loosely placed on top. Work the cloths (or large pieces of fabric) in and around the boxes creating soft folds in between . If the table is against the wall, place mirrors behind the food to give the illusion of more. I would advise against using any fresh flowers or greenery on this table to prevent contamination. Only edible foods should be used here. For a simple favors, use picture frames. Using mini frames, place a picture of the bride and groom at each place setting. Or if there is a seating arrangement, use them to define each person’s place at the table. You can also use them to frame the table numbers, the menu or the program. One of the popular wedding dates this year will be 12-13-14. If this is your date, I hope you have already reserved everything. Regardless, enjoy this time of year for all it has to offer. Be thankful for all your many blessings.

pg 24 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014 | pg 25

pg 26 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014 | pg 27

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Time to hit the "reget" button? We humans. We "get it" and then we don't time and time again. We know what is good for us … our health, our wellbeing, our mental capacity, and our enjoyment of life and living, and yet we will stray away into the abyss of wanna, gotta, coulda, shoulda and woulda. We know the impact we can have in the smallest of ways, and yet we may hesitate or become easily distracted by sometimes inconsequential things. One of the greatest ways to live without regret is to make it a daily practice to "reget" what makes you feel whole and be all that you can be. This isn't about undoing as much as it is about just doing. This isn't about feeling guilty, but feeling alive. Wanna Work Less, Play More: When life feels like work, along with work feeling like work, it's time to hit the "reget" button. Chances are, you are the biggest culprit in allowing and making more work for yourself personally and professionally. One of the many words of wisdom my Granny Pea bestowed upon me as a child that I have taken into adulthood is, "Don't feel guilty about making life easier for yourself." She also encouraged me to "Always be open to all possible resources and support." What is it that you are doing that someone else could be sharing the burden of duty in doing as well? What is it that you would enjoy doing today, tomorrow, this weekend, or next? Do it. Plan it. Schedule it. Make it a priority to happen. Gotta Take Better Care of Self: Chances are, everyone reading this column has said this to themselves. This is the ultimate "reget" because we all know exactly what is necessary to take better care of ourselves, and yet we will continuously let life get in the way of doing it. Making yourself a priority when it comes to feeling good physically, mentally, and spiritually now and into the future is not selfish. It is quite honestly one of the greatest gifts you can give to your loved ones and friends, because when you feel good, you are someone that others feel good to be around, inspiring them to do the same for themselves. Coulda Made A Difference: Never second guess doing something nice for someone or making a particular situation better. If you have a thought to do it, then your inner soul is nudging you to do it. Allow your inner spirit to be your guide. Some of the most powerful gestures are the smallest of ones. A compliment. A thank you. An encouraging word. Making time

for someone when they need it the most … a friend or a stranger. The difference it will make is immeasurable for you along with whomever is the beneficiary of your kindness. Shoulda Said Something: When you wish you would have expressed a feeling, concern, or idea, and now feel it is too late, it is time to hit the "reget" button. Of course, there are instances when it is best to allow a little time to heal wounds, but what I am talking about is when it comes to saying something that could be meaningful, transformational, heart-filled, inspirational, or motivational. When someone knows you care, your sharing does more than you can possibly know. When someone knows you are paying attention, your awareness tells them that they matter and are doing things that matter. Woulda Done It Differently: The magnificence in life is in the lessons we learn, if we choose to embrace them and truly learn from them. While we cannot turn back time, we most certainly can make the most of our time each and every day by transforming old habits into better, more beneficial ones. We can use our insight gained to try again, with wisdom, insight and confidence in knowing what didn't work before and then what could work now. Over these 30 days of November, make each day a "reget" day. Meditate or ponder on what is good to remind yourself to experience, express, do, embrace, share, learn and enjoy. Then experience it … express it … do it …embrace it … share it … learn it … and most important of all, enjoy it! I've heard it said that it takes 30 days to create a habit. The best part about "regetting" is that after a while, it won't be necessary … because you will just naturally be experiencing, expressing, doing, embracing, sharing, learning, and enjoying. And that truly is a beautiful thing.

Bio: Sherré DeMao inspires millions through her monthly columns, weekly Insight eZine and national contributing writing. An expert strategist and marketer focused on entrepreneurs, her unique perspective and innovative approach has earned numerous awards regionally, nationally and internationally including being named among the Top 50 Enterprising Women of North America in 2007. Her books, Me, Myself & Inc. ( and 50 Marketing Secrets ( have received national acclaim as Top Business Shelf picks and must-reads. | pg 29

So Thankful

Once again as Thanksgiving rolls around, I think about all the many blessings bestowed upon me daily. There are so many that I take for granted. Besides food and shelter, there are blessings in my design business that I treasure. These are only a few……

•GPS-it does not seem like too many years ago that we did not have this life-saving device. I remember searching for a client’s home for what seemed like hours. There were no cell phones to call and ask for help-only pay phones at convenience stores. GPS has been a definite blessing for realtors, designers and anyone who travels to clients’ homes and businesses. •Cell phones and texting-along with GPS, the cell phone has been so wonderful. It is so convenient to be able to call a client on the way to their home or office and let them know you are stranded behind an accident or running a few minutes late. It is also nice to be able to text short messages when a phone conversation is not needed or search for a phone number or information.

•Performance Fabrics-for those of us with pets and children, performance fabrics, that can be cleaned with bleach, have made life easier. Apparently outdoor fabrics are used more indoors these days than outdoors!

•Indoor/outdoor rugs-for the same reasons that performance fabrics have been a blessing, “anywhere” rugs have been great. Carpets that resist stains are on my list of thankfuls. •Books-I love books! Not only can a great novel take you to worlds unknown, it can look pretty on your shelf. Books can be used in groupings or with accessories to warm your décor. Some designers make entire art displays using custom designed covers for books. •Up-scaled consignment shops-these have made it easier to let go of things that you no longer love and feel guilty about discarding. Now you can make a little money while helping someone else find a treasure.

•Paint samples-years ago, paint stores did not sell small quantities of paint for samples. Clients purchased quarts or pints of paint to try a color on their wall. It is now so easy to test a color on a piece of poster board without breaking the bank.

•Houzz and Pinterest- Gone are the days when you had to buy tons of magazines and books for research when building a home. Now you can go to these websites (and others) and easily find ideas and inspiration. When working with a designer, you can share your idea files to give an sense of your personal style and taste. •Computer design programs-even though I still like to draw, computer programs have saved time and my clients money in giving

pg 30 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014

by Susan Guest, ASID

them ideas on furniture placement, colors, and even how a room will function.

•Design organizations-I am thankful to be a member of ASID (American Society of Interior Designers) where I can learn and be inspired by designers from all over the country. Some of my dearest friends are members I’ve met on the board for ASID Carolinas. Designers are fun and full of crazy and brilliant ideas!

•Proximity to High Point and local manufacturers- We live so close to some of the best furniture and fabric manufacturers in the world. High Point market is the largest home furnishings show in the world and right at our door step. I have attended every market except one (twice a year) since 1985. North Carolina is a great place to live. •Washlet-yes, there is a toilet seat that is heated, cleans the bowl, is lighted, cleans and dries you. Sometimes it is nice to feel like a princess!

•Favorite customers-I feel so fortunate to have so many wonderful, kind, and fun clients. Each one is unique and makes my job fun (most of the time).

•Profession I love-when asked if I would still be a designer after winning the lottery, my answer would be yes. My hubby and I might travel more, but I would still want the challenge and creativity that design brings. •New office space- I am so thankful to have found an office building close to home. As many of you know, my business has been homebased for 21 years, and I struggle daily with having too many samples, shipments, and stuff. Hopefully the new office will allow me better work/life balance and give more space for fun hobbies at home. •Friends and family-I am so thankful to have good friends and family. My dear husband and fur babies are awesome!

Last but not least, I am thankful for my faith. Even though this is a free country and we all are entitled to our own beliefs or non-beliefs, I can’t imagine not having a God to worship, praise, guide and love me. Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving! Susan Guest, ASID is an award-winning interior designer in Hickory and owner of Guest Interiors, LLC. She is one of the designers featured in “Spectacular Homes of the Carolinas”, found in high-end bookstores around the country. President of ASID Carolinas. For more information, visit


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pg 32 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014

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Recipes for ife


by Emily Wickham

Food for the Body Festive Holiday Recipes: Icy Citrus Punch (Recipe from Karen Dilliplane) 1 qt. pineapple juice 1 qt. orange juice 1/3 cup lemon juice ½ cup sugar 4 liters ginger ale 2 gal. Ziploc bags Mix everything together except the ginger ale. Divide the mix in half and freeze each half in a gallon Ziploc bag. When ready to serve, place one frozen juice block into a punch bowl and add 2 liters of ginger ale. Yield: Makes 2 batches Spinach Artichoke Dip (Recipe from Linda Troutman) 2 cups Mozzarella cheese, divided ½ cup nonfat sour cream ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided ¼ tsp. black pepper 3 cloves garlic, crushed 1 (14 oz.) can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped 1 (8 oz.) pkg. reduced-fat cream cheese 1 (8 oz.) pkg. fat-free cream cheese 1 (5 oz.) pkg. frozen chopped spinach Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine 1½ cup of Mozzarella cheese, sour cream, 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese, and next 6 ingredients. Blend well. Spoon mix into a baking dish. Sprinkle with ½ cup Mozzarella and 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Serve with tortilla chips or browned pita wedges.

A Prayer for God’s Blessing Father in Heaven, You are faithful and loving—eternally good in all Your ways. I confess sometimes I forget to thank You when I’m undergoing a trial. Wrapped up in pain, I overlook the threads of blessing. So I specifically thank You now for Your wondrous works on my behalf. You never lose sight of details, nor do You ever act without purpose. Please open my eyes wide to even the slightest bits of good every time suffering envelops

me. Please use my thanksgiving to glorify You. In Jesus’ worthy name, Amen.

Food for the Soul Christmas parties probably are being planned already—can you believe it? As my mind scrambles to determine exactly where this year has gone, holiday gatherings imminently loom on the horizon. While joyful anticipation certainly surrounds these events, an undeniable measure of anxiety also accompanies them. Busier schedules, increased financial expenditures, and exposure to strained relationships form some of the reasons for our anxiety. But wait a minute. While Christmas indeed rapidly approaches, we don’t want to forget about Thanksgiving Day. We’d be remiss not to utilize this significant opportunity to thank God, for gratefulness plays an integral role in the Christian life. And interestingly, Philippians 4:6 comfortingly communicates instruction regarding both anxiety and thanksgiving: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” God knows us so well. He wisely weaves together the reality of anxiety and the remedy of prayer … with thanksgiving. Continually I’m learning the power of acknowledging my blessings when I’m feeling down. Recognizing God’s faithful goodness lifts my spirits. But I believe this Scripture touches on even more than that. Because even in the darkest, deepest valleys—places we wouldn’t consider blessings—there’s something to be thankful for. As we especially request God’s help during anxiety-ridden times, remembering to thank Him for various intertwining aspects enlarges our perspectives. Instead of focusing exclusively on the negative, appreciating the good in any capacity effectively relieves some anxiety. Being thankful in the midst of trial increases awareness of God’s nearness and present help. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 reads, “in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Truly it’s relatively easy to thank the Lord for His blessings, but we’re commanded to thank Him for life’s difficulties, sorrows, and sufferings as well. Inevitably they consistently contain at least one blessing: the opportunity to draw closer to Him. Absolutely, we should give thanks in everything. Everything. My family and I have encountered numerous blessings along with significant hardships this year. Through it all, I’m convinced even more that God. Is. Faithful. Undergoing tough times has accentuated His loving, steadfast reliability—He’s ALWAYS present and able to help. Dear reader, what anxiety harasses you as you contemplate the upcoming holidays? Definitely I possess one or more concerns. May we both experience the freeing power of prayer … with thanksgiving.

Until next time, that’s a Recipe for Life… Emily Wickham gently reaches women’s hearts as she teaches God’s ! Through various writing endeavors, she encourages readers Word. into close relationship with God. Additionally she hosts and speaks at the Connecting with Christ Conference. Visit to read Emily’s blog. Connect with her via social media: Emily, grateful to God for His blessings, enjoys life with her loving husband and children in western NC. | pg 33

My Smart Phone..... by Jan McCanless


ain’t !

don’t know about you, but, I am weary of gadgets. Every day there is another gadget on the market, making the previous 125 of your electronic gizmos, obsolete. Where will it stop? When will it end? I’m not a gadget person, I have a microwave oven, I have a cell phone, and an electric can opener, what more do they want of me????

Not too long ago, I used an ATM for the first time, was thrilled when it went ok, and phoned my niece to tell her about it. She burst into fits of giggles. Now, the reason she laughed is because she is one of those hot shot electronic geniuses hired by Motorola, and there isn’t anything in the electronics field that she can’t operate. I hold her in the same awe as my 6 year old grandson who comes over and sets the clock on my microwave for me. Do they have any idea how intimidating they are . . .. I wonder. Remember those old party line phones, where you gave the operator the name of the person you wanted to speak to, and she rang them up for you, and along the way, you could chat with everybody else on your party line. Oh gee, those were the days!!! No wonder we seniors talk about the ‘good old days’ so much, they were a lot more fun than what’s out there now ! How I hate to punch in a number on that little bitty phone I have a hard time handling, only to be put on hold right away, or worse yet, given a menu to select from. I invariably hit the wrong number and end up in the shipping department, when all along, I wanted customer service. It is just soooo annoying ! There outta be a law.

pg 34 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014

Now, Thanksgiving is coming up, the time of year we are supposed to be grateful for all our blessings, and electronics. So, okay, I’m grateful for a lot of things, but, the jury’s still out on all the gizmos floating around .

I’m not suggesting we sit here with 2 tin cans and a length of string, but, a nice, heavy, desk top dial phone would mean so much to me, it really would. I don’t want a smart phone, mine would probably be dumb anyway, I don’t want an ipad or ipod,. or tablet, or any of those other things so popular now, and I sure don’t want a kindle !!! I know, it’s not cool, but, those old timey phones and Underwood typewriters were so nice, we thought nothing could be any better. Is it too much to ask that we speak to a live person when we make a telephone call, and if I don’t want to order something online, should I be ridiculed for that? Certainly not !!!!! I dread the day we have to order a turkey online, punch in a number to cook it, and some robot brings it to the table for us an carves it !!! what A NIGHTMARE. !!! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, you all know that, and I’m going to do it my way, forever. As I sit here enjoying my meal, I won’t even look at cable TV, nope, I recently purchased some old radio shows on disk, so, I’ll listen to the radio, and enjoy every minute of it. Fibber McGee never had to worry about the connections on his laptop !!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving, ya’ll !!!


the CHARM Experience the charm of southern living in our newly renovated facility. Nestled at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and just 45 minutes north of Charlotte, Kingston Residence of Hickory offers Independent and Assisted living services. Each resident has a private apartment and enjoys a gracious open floor plan throughout the building to gather with friends and family, along with access to our beautiful courtyard. Personal Service • Scheduled Transportation • Laundry • Housekeeping • Dressing • Bathing / Hygiene • Mobility / Transfer • Nutrition / Wellness Support • Variety of social opportunities and recreational activities to foster well-being and life enrichment Dining Experience • Professional Chef • Registered Dietician • Restaurant style dining 3 times a day • Family / Guests / Special Event Accommodations

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pg 36 | Sophie Woman’s Magazine | November 2014


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Celebrate the Holidays in Downtown Newton

There’s nothing like celebrating the holidays in Downtown Newton. Join us for the annual, “Light Up the Town,” on Sunday, November 30th, from 5-8PM where thousands of lights will transform downtown into a magical wonderland. Santa will arrive on a horse-drawn carriage and make his way into the Catawba County Historical Museum for children’s wishes and photos. While listening to carolers and school choruses, stroll the streets, enjoy hayrides and camel rides and nip the chill with hot cocoa. Shops and restaurants will be open during this holiday kick-off. Celebrate the holiday season with good times in Newton’s eateries, visit the exhibits at our local museum and enjoy local art and entertainment. Buy your holiday gifts at the town’s boutiques, where you will find an unhurried, customer-friendly shopping experience. Schedule professional and medical services at the many providers located in Downtown Newton. You can even take a Zumba class to work off those extra holiday calories.

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You’ll be surprised by what you find in Downtown Newton. We’ve renovated buildings and added many new businesses over the past few years. Join us for the 2014 Holiday Season and see what you have been missing. | pg 37 10/13/14 2:59:24 PM

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