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Sopris the

Cultivating community

connections since 2009

All's Fair


¡Aqui! ¡Adentro! Sol del el



Exemplary of the joyous and supportive vibe that predominated the 50th Annual Carbondale Mountain Fair, limbo co-winner Ben Armstrong (who ended up in crutches) is hoisted into the air by co-winner David Vasquez. Photo by Tommy Sands. For more "golden moments" from the 50th Muntain Fair photos see pages 6, 7 and 19. Cake 1. Lisa Mattson 2. Sara Kokish 3. Beth Johnson

Bike - Men’s 1. Hadley Hentschel 2. Evan Fletcher 3. Canyon Cherry

Cake - Alternatitve Horseshoes Doubles 1. Amelia Eshelman 1. Charlie Taylor 2. Peter Davidoff and Josh Johnson 2. Pat Duncan and Brody Smith 3. K Cesark 3. Frank Anderson and “Baggs” Craig Hoffman Cake - Cupcake 1. Emily Eshelman Horseshoes Singles 2. Mira Bromber 3. Kylyn Bradshaw 1. Frank Anderson


Bike - Women’s 1. Cloe Lutging 2. Annie Gonzalez 3. Kristie Poll

Bike - Kids 1. India Smith 2. Lexi Moebius 3. Phoenix Chenney

Fly Fishing 1. B.J. Schmit 2. Liza Mitchell 3. Dan Berg

Limbo 1. Ben Armstrong and David Vasquez 2. Anna Jasmine 3. Grace Brown Mt. Sopris Run-Off Michael Barlow (Men's 14 mile) Rachel Perkins (Women's 14 mile) Mt. Sopris Run-Off Jaden Peck (Men's 4 mile) Liza Mitchell (Women's 4 mile)

Pie - Cream 1. Gloria Greene 2. Jenn Liddington 3. Jacque Johnson

Wood Splitting - Men’s 1. Dave Emig 2. Matt Langhorst 3. Mark Ross

Pie - Exotic 1. Jeff Liddington 2. Chris Bilby 3. Larry Ott

Woodspliting - Women’s 1. Alyssa Baker 2. Stacy Neal 3. Amy Ackleh

Pie - Fruit 1. Jacque Johnson 2. Peter Davidoff 3. Gloria Greene

Worstminster Dog Show Worst in show: Falco Best in show: Luna Vaccine doses administered: 45


SEEKING HIGHER GROUND By Nicolette Toussaint

In the absence of anything like a crystal ball, most of us expect some version of the lives we have experienced so far to continue into the future. The town survey I recently filled out is a case-in-point. The survey is intended to inform the town's trustees as they begin to update Carbondale's Comprehensive Plan, a document that strives to extend “two decades into the future, well beyond the pressing concerns of today.” Given that timeframe and the climate changes we're already experiencing, I was surprised to encounter almost nothing on the survey relating to water. So far this summer, Carbondale has “escaped” water restrictions. In late June, the City of Glenwood Springs had to enact temporary water use restrictions, asking residents not to water yards, run dishwashers or fill bathtubs. Even though Glenwood had spent about $10 million to protect its water intakes and filtration in the wake of the Grizzly Creek Fire, rain and flood debris in Glenwood Canyon suddenly overwhelmed the town's

Cool, clear water

filtration systems, prompting a predawn text alert. Since last fall, Aspen too has maintained stage two restrictions that prohibit landscape watering between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and require residents to follow an odd-day/ even-day watering schedule. Aspen's utility resource manager, Steve Hunter, says that local stream flow has varied from 35 to 75 percent of median. What's more, our local snowpack – which has recently melted away on Mt. Sopris – was just 70 percent of normal. The long-term outlook is even worse. As reported in a Washington Post article in August 2020, much of the Western Slope has already “warmed more than two degrees Celsius, double the global average. Spanning more than 30,000 square mile, [the Western Slope's overheated area] is the largest 2C hot spot in the Lower 48.” Our beautiful Roaring Fork Valley borders this global hot spot. Carbondale's Municipal Water Efficiency Plan, published in 2015 and available on the town's website, states that “Carbondale owns and operates its own water and wastewater utilities.” Carbondale also “obtains its potable water supply from surface water sources in the Nettle Creek drainage, a tributary to the Crystal River, and from groundwater sources along the Crystal and Roaring Fork Rivers...” Since this same report forecasts a 143 percent increase in water demand by 2050, I'm pretty sure that folks at Town Hall must be thinking about water shortages, even if they're not asking ME about it via the survey. I, for one, would

welcome knowing more about where our water comes from and how the town hopes to navigate the pincer movement between population growth and diminishing water resources. Of course, there's not much we can do to limit growth. Most adults I know have chosen to have children and, these days, there's not much legal precedent for surrounding your town with a medieval-style wall. Legal water grabs are another matter. The Roaring Fork Conservancy estimates that, on average, 38 percent of water from the Roaring Fork above Aspen and 41 percent of the Fryingpan River above Meredith are diverted across the Continental Divide to the Front Range. Across the Western Slope, wealthy towns and individuals have purchased agricultural lands in “buy and dry” schemes to tap their senior water rights. Although that's kept fairly quiet, it's certainly happening around us. Six large ranches are for sale in the Roaring Fork Valley. The Tybar Ranch along Prince Creek Road was recently sold for $12.55 million and that sale includes a planned unit development directed by Pitkin County, two open space parcels totaling 400 acres and 10 building sites. In the third paragraph of the Post Independent's article on the sale, the paper obliquely mentioned that “water rights for the ranch date back to 1892 and it appears a portion of the ranch was homesteaded even earlier.” There's not much we can do to make it rain and snow, of course. But we could conserve.

The Town of Carbondale participated in creating the 2015 Regional Water Efficiency Plan for the Roaring Fork Watershed. That document, also on the town's website, lists two goals that haven't gotten much attention, but should: “Engaging water users and stakeholders… in coordinated public outreach and education campaigns...” Outdoor water use reductions that include “a regional model landscape ordinance for new landscapes to be built smart from the start.” I have been pleased to see a local trend away from lawns with new homes favoring native plants and xeriscapes. I suspect that, in time, the whole state of Colorado will have to pass laws to prevent residents from trying to transform our high desert landscapes into Scotland. Meanwhile, as I have watched the snows melt off Mount Sopris this summer, I have been reminded of the lyrics of an old song: All day I've faced a barren waste Without the taste of water, cool water Old Dan and I with throats burned dry And souls that cry for water Keep a-movin, Dan, dontcha listen to him, Dan He's a devil, not a man He spreads the burning sand with water... I believe that the Sons of the Pioneers were singing to a horse, not asking our town mayor how we'll “wake and yawn, and carry on to water...” But still, I'd sure welcome a public forum or two on that topic.

LETTERS Re: redistricting Thank you, Sopris Sun, for all the articles on Colorado’s redistricting process and the public hearing that will be held at the Third Street Center this Saturday at 11 a.m. While the details of the redistricting process may seem complicated, the main purpose is simple: to ensure that district maps in Colorado are fair and to prevent gerrymandering. Gerrymandering means manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts to give an unfair advantage to one political party or group over another. With gerrymandering, the political party that dominates a state’s government, for example, may not be the party that’s supported by the majority of voters in that state. Gerrymandering can also be used to divide up a particular demographic or community of voters into different electoral districts in order to dilute their influence and power. Everyone is welcome to attend this Saturday’s hearing at the Third Street Center. (You do not need to sign up ahead of time to attend.) Just being present at the meeting will help to show the commissioners that people on the Western Slope are passionate about

ensuring a true democracy and our right to elect leaders who will be responsive to their constituents. We want the Redistricting Commissioners to know that folks on the Western Slope will be holding them accountable to their duty of drawing fair lines throughout Colorado. Hope you can be there on Saturday! Debbie Bruell Carbondale

Pilfered parking signs I sadly report that around 11 p.m. on the Saturday of Mountain Fair, two metal signs in front of my house on Third Street at the southwest corner of Garfield Avenue were unbolted and removed from their steel sign post. One reads: “Senior homeowner parking. Your consideration is appreciated” and the other says: “Loading Zone”. As Mother of the Fair and facilitator of the opening drum circle, I’m disheartened that our town has scoundrels like this who disrespect other people’s property and claim it as their own. Mountain Fair weekend is a time of cooperation, mutual respect and celebration, and such behavior is not aligned with our norms. If you are in possession of my signs

or know of their whereabouts, kindly fess up and return them to the Carbondale Arts headquarters at The Launchpad on Fourth Street. Your consideration is appreciated! Laurie Loeb Carbondale

Todd Chamberlin 970-510-0246 • adsales@soprissun.com


Raleigh Burleigh 970-510-3003 • news@soprissun.com

Contributing Editor James Steindler

Graphic Designer Ylice Golden


Crystal Tapp

Proofreader Lee Beck

Current Board Members board@soprissun.com

Kay Clarke • Lee Beck Linda Criswell • Klaus Kocher Eric Smith • Vanessa Porras Megan Tackett • Gayle Wells Donna Dayton • Terri Ritchie The Sopris Sun Board meets at 6:30 p.m. on second Mondays at the Third Street Center.

Sincerest thanks to our Honorary Publishers for their annual commitment of $1,000+

Lee Beck & John Stickney Kay Brunnier Michelle & Ed Buchman Toni Cerise CoVenture Sue Edelstein & Bill Spence Deborah & Shane Evans Greg & Kathy Feinsinger Peter & Mike Gilbert Gary & Jill Knaus Carly & Frosty Merriott Mama Sandy & Lee Mulcahy James Noyes Ken & Donna Riley Patti & George Stranahan Anne Sullivan & John Colson Megan Tackett True Nature Healing Arts Elizabeth Wysong Alpine Bank

Legacy Givers

for including us in their final wishes.

Trash rebuttal Note: This rebuttal is not directed toward the Carbondale Police Department through which the complaint was originally posted. This rebuttal is written based on the assumption that there are community members that had complained about the “free items” that were located behind our house. If you received an email from the town with a flyer attachment entitled “Trash Cleanup”, I have a confession to make. One of those pictures showcased items that were located directly behind our house along Hendrick Drive. While none of the items located there were mine, I did give permission to some of our neighbors to temporarily place items out there that they thought other community members might be able to use. This has been a practice of the residents of Rock Court for Continued on page 18

The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The community is invited to submit letters up to 500 words to news@soprissun.com. Longer columns are considered on a case-by-case basis. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • July 29 - August 3, 2021

Executive Director

Mary Lilly

Donate by mail or online. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003

soprissun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations are fully tax deductible. The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District

Plant flowers and don’t mow those dandelions

By Olivia Emmer Sopris Sun Correspondent

After 28 years of beekeeping, Ed Colby’s movements around his hives are steady and calm. Instead of a full beekeeping suit, he’s wearing blue jeans, a short-sleeved shirt and a bee veil to protect his face. The steady hum of bees fills the air as he prys open a hive. I’ve met Colby at the Emma Open Space. Past the Two Roots farm stand and over a ditch is a quiet irrigated pasture dotted with purple blooms of alfalfa. In June, at the request of Pitkin County Open Space and Trails (PCOST), Colby moved approximately 10 hives to this location, as a trial for the open space program. Paul Holsinger, agriculture and conservation easement administrator for PCOST, explained that the pilot program is an effort to take action on their stated goals of supporting pollinators on open space parcels. If the collaboration goes well, there’s interest in finding other locations to host bee colonies and to take other actions to support pollinator species. As an added incentive, cultivating plants that support pollinators could qualify some open space lessees for conservation funding through the Natural Resource Conservation Service, a part of the United States

Department of Agriculture. Every couple of weeks Colby checks on these relocated hives. “There are many problems facing honey bees, but the biggest one – the most immediate one – and the one that beekeepers can actually do something about, is controlling Varroa mites,” said Colby. “If you could imagine a critter as big as a dinner plate who lived on your back or your stomach and chewed on you, and transmitted diseases through those wounds, you can have an idea of the problems that bees have.” Varroa mites are originally from Asia but have now spread throughout much of the world, causing problems for honey bee species that are not adapted to them. Colby is a former president of the Colorado State Beekeepers Association and a staunch advocate for responsible beekeeping. With the resurgence in popularity of hobbyist-beekeeping, he worries that well-intentioned backyard apiarists could end up doing harm. He explained, “In the trade and the bee magazines, these [hives] are called Varroa bombs… Let's say that you have a hive in your backyard and it's overrun by Varroa mites, so the hive dies, and there's all that honey in there. Somebody else's bees are going to raid that

hive and they're gonna bring the mites back to their hive.” Honey bees are opportunistic and will collect honey from inactive hives. To assess the health of a colony, Colby opens the hive, pulls out a frame and, after ensuring the queen isn’t in the frame, shakes some of the bees into a mason jar. The jar is marked to show the “300 bee level.” Colby then scoops about a tablespoon of powdered sugar into the jar and covers the mouth with a mesh lid. Gently agitating the jar distributes the sugar over the bees and dislodges any mites living on the bees. Then, he shakes the sugar out of the jar and into a tub. Finally, he pours water into the tub and looks for mites floating on the surface. This time, he finds three mites. Three mites for 300 bees might not sound like much, but, if left unchecked, the mite population will double every month. For every one mite living on a bee, there are two more inside the hive that haven’t hatched yet. An infestation can quickly get out of hand if the beekeeper isn’t paying attention. In this case, Colby puts an organic mite treatment into the hive to keep things under control. There are several threats to honey bee health besides the mites, such as pesticides and loss of forage quantity and diversity.

Beekeeper Ed Colby inspects a frame from a hive at the Emma Open Space. Frames provide the structure for bees to build honeycomb and store honey. Photo by Olivia Emmer. Drought can also be a stressor, as it can reduce the amount of nectar that plants produce and that bees collect to make honey. Heat is also a stressor. Bees will spend a lot of time fanning the hive to try and cool it down, instead of foraging. Again, Colby. “This valley, when I moved here fifty years ago was all forage. Now it's all houses. So the bees are not only getting not enough to eat, but they're not getting the variety that they used to. So there used to be alfalfa, and weeds, and sweet clover and now

it's all been taken over.” Colby encourages people to improve bee forage. “Plant flowers, and whatever you do, don't mow those dandelions or– even worse – poison them, because that's [the bees’] real kick-start for the year. Dandelions come up early and they're so nutritious, not only in pollen, but in nectar.” For more information about using your yard to support pollinators, visit coloradobeekeepers.org/help-thehoneybee/plant-forage/

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • July 29 - August 3, 2021 • 3

SCUTTLEBUTT Special meeting

Welcome aboard!

TACAW persists

Glenwood Springs City Council convenes for a special meeting on Thursday, July 29, at 6 p.m. to discuss annexation and rezoning for 214 Center, a field behind the West Glenwood Mall. A large number of people commenting on the proposal is anticipated, both in-person and virtually. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. To join via Zoom, visit bit.ly/214Center

UpRoot Colorado, a nonprofit with the mission to support farmers and increase nutritional security for Coloradans by directing any surplus of locally grown foods toward hunger-relief, has hired Rita Mary Hennigan as the organization’s co-director. “We are excited that someone of Rita Mary’s qualifications and clear commitment to equity in our food system has joined UpRoot,” commented board member John Brett, PhD. “She will be an invaluable member of the leadership team, nicely complementing codirector Dave Laskarzewski.” Learn more at uprootcolorado.org

After cancelling an event due to their fullyvaccinated executive director testing positive for COVID-19, TACAW is back to putting on live music. Out of caution, they are tightening COVID protocols. Folks will be required to show proof of vaccination or a recent negative test in order to enter and all unvaccinated individuals plus kids under the age of 12 are required to wear a face covering. See tacaw.org for more information.

Redistricting hearing The Colorado Independent Redistricting Commissions will host a public hearing at the Third Street Center in Carbondale on Saturday, July 31, at 11 a.m. To testify remotely, you must sign up in advance at bit.ly/Cdalesignup Requests for sign language interpretation, Spanish-language translation or other accommodations can be made by contacting staff at colorado. redistricting2020@state.co.us

Warm waters Local rivers are flowing especially low, allowing water temperatures to increase. Warmer water holds less oxygen, thus stressing fish and other aquatic life. A voluntary fishing closure was enacted on the Roaring Fork River, from Carbondale to Glenwood Springs, as of July 24. This joins an all-day voluntary fishing closure on the Colorado River between Kremmling and Rifle. Roaring Fork Conservancy’s Hot Spots for Trout program offers volunteers a calibrated thermometer and instruction for monitoring water temperatures. Sign up at roaringfork. org/drought/

Stuttering help “Stuttering: For Kids by Kids”, a DVD in English and Spanish starring kids who stutter, is now available at most public libraries or through inter-library loan. The Stuttering Foundation, a 74-year-old nonprofit, has provided the materials for free to help children that have faced challenges like teasing, speaking out in class and teaching others about stuttering.

Homeless camp cleanup ECOS Environmental & Disaster Restoration Inc. completed its cleanup of the homeless camp on the hillside near WalMart in Glenwood Springs. The crew collected nearly 60,000 pounds of trash and debris piles reached eight feet in some places. ECOS General Manager Kris Miller reported that they filled a five gallon bucket with used hypodermic needles. Garfield County Commissioners granted up to $87,250 for the initiative.

4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • July 29 - August 3, 2021

Basalt Forward 2030 Basalt Forward 2030 is an initiative approved by the town council to obtain public insight about what they think is most important to incorporate into the town’s 2020 Master Plan. The data will be used to gauge what will be on the ballot in November 2021 as far as capital improvements are concerned. An open house takes place on Aug. 4 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Basalt Library.

Eagle alert Roaring Fork Audubon warns that ancestral bald eagle nesting grounds in Aspen Glen are now threatened by development. A “Bald Eagle Buffer Zone” was established 25 years ago to protect the site as long as bald eagles are nesting and roosting within the zone. Despite having abandoned a decades-long nesting tree after the installation of a camera in the nest in 2016, the eagles continue to nest about 0.7 miles upriver from the site and continue to rely on the habitat for roosting and foraging. A petition calling on Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Garfield County Board of Commissioners to retain the buffer zone is at roaringforkeaglecoalition.org

Sopris Sun Correspondent Olivia Emmer was selected as one of 10 Colorado journalists for a five-month fellowship with Fresh Water News and the Colorado News Collaborative. We are proud of Emmer for representing The Sopris Sun as a part of this initiative to cover timely water issues in a meaningful way. Courtesy photo.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Owen O'Farrell, A.O. Forbes, Randi Garcia, Sarah Kemme, Liz Phillips, Jake Spaulding, Greg Tonozzi and Jess Worley (July 29); Nancy Barnett, Debbie Bruell and Cheryl Loggins (July 31); Anibal Guevera and Sarah Uhl (Aug. 1); Jeff Dahl, Hattie Gianinetti, Catherine Masters, Maciej Mrotek and Justin Patrick (Aug. 2); Gavin Dahl and Sara Preston (Aug. 3); Megan Gianinetti, Kallie Hyer, Jay Leavitt, Tony Madrigal and Andrew Roberts-Gray (Aug. 4).

Sopris Lodge delivers on convenience

By Jeanne Souldern Sopris Sun Correspondence

Sopris Lodge in Carbondale officially opened to residents on July 7. Located at 295 Rio Grande Avenue, just north of True Nature Healing Arts and next to the Rio Grande Trail, it consists of one building with 23 independent living apartments. With 24 memory care and assisted living apartments, the other building is scheduled to open for occupancy this fall. Designed by Z-Group Architects, the building has plenty of large windows and skylights for natural light. The interior design, by Storm Designs, Ltd., offers a tasteful décor with artistic light fixtures and cozy seating areas in communal spaces. Both companies are based in Aspen. A studio apartment of 411 square feet rents for $4,200 a month. While that may seem a little spendy, it also includes on-site concierge services, weekly housekeeping, covered carport parking, storage lockers and emergency alert pendants available upon request. There are also one-bedroom, one-bath and two-bedroom, twobath apartments available. All units have either a patio space on the first floor or balconies on the second. Apartment features include a kitchen, basic cable and Wi-Fi, washer and dryer, individuallycontrolled heating and cooling and 24/7 emergency call systems.

Community Relations Director Molly DeMarr said a greenhouse on the grounds is for residents "with green thumbs." The outdoors also offers a putting green and a therapeutic hot tub. Another amenity coming soon is a meditation room with a view of Red Hill. Executive Director Mike Luciano said one of the most lauded benefits is their resident chef. Classically trained in his native South Africa, Brett Allais' culinary skills have already earned him great praise from residents. He offers a selection of healthy meals prepared with fresh herbs and homegrown vegetables from the onsite greenhouse. Lunch and dinner are served restaurant-style in the dining room. Breakfast is served continental-style with fresh fruits, yogurt, cheeses, sliced meats and pastries. "I would say, 99.9 percent of the people here have either lived between Glenwood and Aspen for decades or their kids and grandkids are here, and that's why they're moving closer," stated DeMarr. The lower level has storage units and soon will have a pool table, a woodworking station and a dogwashing station. Pets are allowed, but Luciano said to call and ask because there are some restrictions. Julia Whalen, Sopris Lodge Life Enrichment Director, said she would plan "party events for independent

living," which many seniors enjoy. She added that there would be live music events with local musicians. Luciano admitted there were some project delays "for a host of reasons, but mostly driven by COVID, especially with materials coming from China." When asked about the most significant challenge he's faced, Luciano laughed and answered, "Getting Comcast. Honestly, that has been really the only frustrating thing." Vivage is the parent company of WellAge, the operating company for Sopris Lodge's ownership group, and boasts decades of experience in skilled nursing. Luciano shared, "Their philosophy is: everything is about the residents and we're trained to understand that we work in their house. This is their home. You have to be a little more reverent and respectful when you're working in somebody's home." Sopris Lodge resident Art Ackerman is known by many as the host of KDNK Community Radio's "Swing, Swing, Swing" show since 1987. He shared, "I like the tenants. We're almost like a family, and we've only known each other for days.” He added, "The staff that works here is wonderful." Joan Lamont, another resident, said that she and her husband, Bill, moved to Carbondale in 1999 to be closer to their children and grandchildren. When Bill passed

Sopris Lodge residents enjoy the community library. Photo by Paula Mayer.

away in October 2020, she decided she did not want to stay in their home. "I think it's very reasonable, money-wise. I know that Grand Junction has a lot of stuff and places, but I don't want to live in that heat. And Denver has a lot, but my family's here in Carbondale," Lamont explained. During our interview, Ackerman, in a concerned tone, said, "What would we do if [Chef ] Brett got sick?"

Lamont offered that she had some dill pickles and Ackerman added that he had ice cream and beer in his refrigerator. He paused and then said, "I've got some anchovy-stuffed olives. Joan, do you have gin?" Sopris Lodge's age requirement for residents is 55 or older. To request a tour or more information, email soprislodgecommunityrelations@ wellage.com or call 970-340-4460.

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Photos by Klaus Klocher and drawing by Larry Day


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6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • July 29 - August 3, 2021

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • July 29 - August 3, 2021 • 7


Visit soprissun.com to submit events.

We’re Hiring! Defiende Nuestra Tierra Director ApplicAtions due August 13. position description & how to Apply: wildernessworkshop.org/cAreers

The Art Base is currently hosting an exhibit of drawings by internationally-recognized artist James Surls titled "Complete Fragments." The exhibit is up through Sept. 27. Surls has lived in Carbondale since 1997. Photo by Olivia Emmer.


Aspen Center for Physics presents “The Flavors of Particle Physics” online at 5:30 p.m. Learn more at aspenphys.org SHAMANIC BREATHWORK

True Nature teaches breathwork to release blockage and access the subconscious mind at 6 p.m. Tickets at truenaturehealingarts.com DIVERTIMENTO

String instrument musicians will play “Mozart Divertimento” outside the Thompson House, accompanied by local poets and plein air artists. The concert begins at 6 p.m. Tickets and more at carbonalearts.com



New Castle Library hosts the Pauline S. Schneegas Wildlife Foundation at 1 p.m. to learn what to do when an injured or abandoned wild animal is encountered. GARDEN CONCERT

The Red Hill Rollers perform outdoors at True Nature at 5:30 p.m. Attendance is by donation. COUNTRY MUSIC

Aaron Watson, Michael Ray and Chancey Williams perform at the Garfield County Fair beginning at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available at garfieldcountyfair.com LIVE MUSIC

Amy Hawes and David Harding perform at Heather’s in Basalt at 7 p.m. CRYSTAL THEATRE

“12 Mighty Orphans” begins showing at the Crystal Theatre through Aug. 2. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. nightly.


Basalt Library and A Way Out screen “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” at Crown Mountain Park at 8 p.m. Masking is appreciated and distancing is recommended. Popcorn will be provided.


Wilderness Workshop invites you to explore the southern side of McClure Pass, down to Paonia Reservoir, beginning at 7 a.m. More info and registration at wildernessworkshop.org ART HIKE

Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers explores Linkins Lake at 9 a.m. through photography, watercolor and pencil sketching. Sign up at rfov.org COMMUNITY CONSTELLATION

Davi Nikent offers a group exercise to clear unresolved ancestral energy from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Pre-registration is necessary by contacting Carol Shure at communityconstellation@gmail.com YOUNG POETS

Basalt Library invites teen poets, 8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • July 29 - August 3, 2021

wordsmiths, lyricists and truthsayers to explore the art of language at 3 p.m. SOUND HEALING

Dr. Zachary Cashin leads a sound healing journey at True Nature at 5:30 p.m. Tickets at truenaturehealingarts.com


Aspen Music Festival and School musicians accompany a reading of the book “Trombone Shorty” by Troy Andrews at Basalt Library 10:30 a.m. In case of rain, the event will be broadcast on Facebook instead. POOL NOODLE FENCING

Basalt Library’s Teen Summer Olympics continues with fencing at 3 p.m. Registration is required at bit.ly/teenolympics TRAIL BUILD

Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers works with Pitkin County Open Space and Trails at 4 p.m. to re-route nearly one mile of a multi-modal trail at Hunter Creek. Sign up at rfov.org NATIONAL NIGHT OUT

National Night Out, an annual event which brings law enforcement and their community together, will be celebrated locally at Sopris Park and the Carbondale pool from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.


Roaring Fork Audubon offers one final birding trip for the season meeting at the Independence Pass parking area at 9 a.m. To register, email randybrimm@gmail.com BOOK CLUB

Basalt Library’s summer book club meets outside at noon. THUMB PAIN 101

Valley View Hospital offers a free, online educational webinar about treating thumb pain at 6 p.m. RSVP at bit.ly/VVHthumbpain


Basalt Library’s Teen Summer Olympics continues with miniature canoe-building at 3 p.m. Registration is required at bit.ly/teenolympics TRUCK CONCERT

The Aspen Music Festival and School’s concert truck cruises over to the Basalt Library for an outdoor show at 6 p.m.


Wilderness Workshop rallies to save the Homestake Valley from a proposed dam and reservoir, meeting in the town of Red Cliff to make signs and share info at 10 a.m. before gathering at Homestake Reservoir Road at noon. More info at wildernessworkshop.org BOAT RACE

Silt Library invites children and families to make a boat and enter a race at 11 a.m. The event includes music and storytime and is free and open to all.

Sol del



Conectando comunidades


By Carlos Herrera Montero Como vimos anteriormente, el proceso de conquista de las tierras, los pueblos y las culturas que habitaban el nuevo mundo, que posteriormente y hoy día llamamos el continente americano, fue un proceso intenso y despiadado, marcado principalmente por la codicia y la búsqueda de riquezas naturales (oro, plata). Una vez conquistadas estas tierras, los españoles empezaron a asentarse y a crear ciudades. Se fueron mezclando las diferentes razas y culturas. Aparecieron

A este su agrpadec nu e o y o e m o vo p par s ro y a ecto .

Volumen 1, Número 22|29 de julio - 3 de agosto de 2021

Explorando la literatura colonial

los criollos (hijos de europeos y nativos nacidos en estas latitudes) y empezaron a diferenciarse diferentes regiones culturales en todo el continente (Perú, Chile, Argentina, Colombia en el sur, México, Centroamerica, el Caribe, en el norte). Durante la época de la colonia, que se da entre los siglos XVII y XVIII, aparecen muchos escritores locales influenciados por el barroco y el neoclasicismo. En sus relatos se combina la tradición literaria de Europa con la cultura americana autóctona. Los libros y escritos que circulan son principalmente de tipo religioso, ya que los sacerdotes y frailes son los abanderados en convertir los indígenas al catolicismo y también porque seguía en pie la prohibición de importar libros que no fueran religiosos. Algunos de los escritores más importantes de ese período son: Alonso de Ercilla (1533–1594) con su epopeya “La Araucana” sobre la conquista de Chile, destacando a su héroe nacional Caupolicán; Pedro de Oña (1570-1643), otro chileno que publicó “Arauco domado”; Juan Ruiz de Alarcón (1581-1639), autor

mexicano de obras teatrales como “La verdad sospechosa”; Juan del Valle Caviedes (1652-1697), autor peruano de “Baile cantado del amor médico” y Juan Rodríguez Fraile (1566-1640), colombiano quien escribió “Crónica de la conquista y descubrimiento del Nuevo Reino de Granada”. Pero, sin lugar a dudas, el nombre que más resalta de esta época es el de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651-1695), autora y monja mexicana de una bellísima y deslumbrante producción lírica y dramática que sorprende por su intensidad emotiva y su asombrosa perfección formal. Considerada como la mayor poetisa durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVII, no sólo del territorio de la Nueva España, sino de todos los dominios hispánicos por los que se extendió el uso del castellano como lengua hablada y lenguaje literario. Por su gran inspiración poética fue llamada la "Musa Divina". Escribió teatro (por ejemplo “Los empeños de una casa”, “El amor es más laberinto”); poesía (“Primer sueño”), autos sacramentales (“El divino Narciso”, “El cetro de José”), prosa, loas y villancicos.

Veamos algo de su poesía: “Hombres necios que acusáis a la mujer sin razón, sin ver que sois la ocasión de lo mismo que culpáis.

Si con ansia sin igual solicitáis su desdén, ¿por qué queréis que obren bien si las incitáis al mal? Combatís su resistencia y luego con gravedad decís que fue liviandad lo que hizo la diligencia. “ Otro nombre importante es Carlos Sigüenza y Góngora, mexicano, amigo personal de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Además de poeta fue matemático, astrónomo, cosmógrafo, historiador, cronista, biógrafo, memorialista y hasta técnico de fortificaciones y artillería. Escribió muchas y variadas obras, la más célebre sea tal vez su “Eulogio fúnebre de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz”. Y también cabe mencionar al periodista mexicano Joaquín Fernández de Lizardi, a quien se le atribuye el haber escrito la primera novela en América Latina: “El

Periquillo Sarniento” (1816). Otro ejemplo de la poesía de Sor Juana Inés: “Me acerco y me retiro: ¿quién sino yo hallar puedo a la ausencia en los ojos la presencia en lo lejos? Del desprecio de Filis, infelice, me ausento. ¡Ay de aquel en quien es aun pérdida el desprecio! Tan atento la adoro que, en el mal que padezco, no siento sus rigores tanto como el perderlos....” Definitivamente la época de la colonia fue importante en el desarrollo de la literatura latinoamericana. Es el período donde se empezaron a diferenciar y establecer las diferentes regiones geográficas, culturales y literarias de los distintos países que hacen América Latina lo que es hoy en día.

CHISME DEL PUEBLO Reunión especial El consejo municipal de Glenwood Springs convoca una junta el jueves 29 de julio a las 6 p.m. para discutir anexión y rezonificación para 214 Center, un campo localizado detrás del centro comercial de West Glenwood. Un gran número de personas que comenten sobre la propuesta es anticipado, en persona y virtual. Los comentarios serán limitados a tres minutos por persona. Para unirse por medio de Zoom, visite bit.ly/214Center

Audiencia de redistribución El Colorado Independent Redistricting Commission presentarán una audiencia pública en el Third Street Center de Carbondale el sábado 31 de julio a las 11 a.m. Para testificar de forma remota, debe inscribirse por adelantado en bit.ly/Cdalesignup Peticiones para interpretación de lenguaje de señas, traducciones al español o cualquier otro alojamiento pueden ser hechas contactando al personal en colorado. redistricting2020@state.co.us

¡Felicidades, Rita Mary! UpRoot Colorado, una organización sin fines de lucro con la misión de ayudar a granjeros e incrementar la seguridad nutricional para residentes de Colorado al dirigir excesos de comidas locales para combatir el hambre, ha contratado a Rita Mary Hennigan como co-directora de la organización. “Estamos emocionados de que alguien con las calificaciones y de buen compromiso para balancear el sistema de comida como Rita Mary se haya unido a UpRoot”, comentó el miembro de la junta John Brett, PhD. “Ella será un miembro inestimable de nuestro equipo de liderazgo, complementando

bien al co-director Dave Laskarzewki”. Para saber más, visite uprootcolorado.org

Aguas calientes Ríos locales están fluyendo especialmente bajas, lo cual permite que la temperatura del agua se incremente. Aguas más calientes contienen menos oxígeno, lo cual afecta a los peces y otras vidas acuáticas. Un cierre voluntario de pesca fue promulgado en el Roaring Fork River, desde Carbondale hasta Glenwood Springs a partir del 24 de julio. Esto se suma a un cierre voluntario de pesca de día completo en el Colorado River entre Kremmling y Rifle.

Tartamudeando ayuda “Stuttering: For Kids by Kids”, un DVD en inglés y español protagonizado por niñes que tartamudean, está disponible en la mayoría de bibliotecas o mediante un préstamo interbibliotecario. La Fundación de Tartamudeo, una organización sin fines de lucro de 74 años, ha proporcionado materiales gratis para ayudar a niñes que han enfrentado desafíos así como burlas, hablar en clase y enseñarles a otres sobre el tartamudeo.

Alerta de águila Roaring Fork Audubon advierte que un terreno de anidación de águila calva en Aspen Glen está siendo amenazado por construcción. Una “Zona de Protección de Águila Calva” fue establecida hace 25 años para proteger el sitio mientras que las águilas calvas sigan anidando en la zona. A pesar de haber abandonado el árbol de anidación después de la instalación de una cámara en el nido en el 2016, las águilas continúan anidando 0.7 millas río arriba del

Mountain Fair dibujo por Larry Day. sitio y continúan confiando en el hábitat para descansar y buscar alimento. Una petición llamando a Parques y Fauna Silvestre de Colorado y la Junta de comisionados del condado de Garfield para retener la zona de protección está disponible en roaringforkeaglecoalition.org

Limpieza pública ECOS Environmental & Disaster Restoration Inc. completó la limpieza del campamento de personas sin hogar en la ladera cerca de WalMart en Glenwood Springs. El equipo recolectó alrededor de 60,000 libras de basura y los montes de escombros alcanzaban ocho pies en algunos lugares. Gerente general de ECOS Kris Miller reportó que llenaron una cubeta de cinco galones con agujas hipodérmicas. Los comisionados del condado concedieron hasta $87,250 para esta iniciativa.

TACAW persiste Después de la cancelación de un evento debido a que su director ejecutivo, quien estaba completamente vacunado, dio positivo para COVID-19, TACAW ha regresado poniendo música en vivo. Por precaución, están reforzando protocolos de COVID. Las personas serán requeridas que muestren pruebas de vacunación o una prueba negativa para poder entrar y todas las personas no vacunadas incluyendo niñes menores de 12 años deben usar su mascarilla. Visite tacaw.org para más información.

¡Síguenos en Facebook! ¡No te pierdas ninguna novedad! Sigue a “Sol del Valle” en Facebook para estar al tanto de nuestras historias, columnas y chismes más recientes, incluyendo contenido no incluido en la versión impresa.

Se buscan trabajadores en todas partes Por Jeanne Souldern Traducción por Dolores Duarte

La Comisión Independiente de Redistribución de Distritos de Colorado (CIRC) organizará una audiencia pública en Carbondale el sábado 31 de julio a las 11 de la mañana en la sala comunitaria del Third Street Center. La audiencia permite a los miembros de la comunidad aprender más sobre el proceso de redistribución de distritos y opinar durante una sesión de comentarios públicos. Hay dos comisiones CIRC de 12 miembros – la comisión del Congreso decide los distritos del Congreso del estado y la comisión legislativa traza los 100 legisladores de Colorado, con sus 35 distritos del Senado y 65 de la Cámara. Debido al crecimiento de la población, Colorado ganará un escaño con un octavo distrito federal del Congreso. Si se aprueba, incluiría los suburbios del norte de Denver, Thornton, Arvada, Westminster y Broomfield. El 9 de julio, Blanca Uzeta O'Leary, abogada de Aspen y comisionada legislativa del CIRC, y otros miembros de la comisión, iniciaron una gira por 32 ciudades, con audiencias públicas en la ciudad de Lamar,

en los llanos orientales, y que terminará en Sterling. Están visitando comunidades de todo Colorado con la intención, dijo O'Leary, de que cada comisionado asista a todas las audiencias públicas, ya sea en persona o de forma remota a través de Zoom. "Lo llaman 'la gira' porque realmente lo es", explicó O'Leary. Tras dos semanas de gira, O'Leary admite que el ritmo puede ser un poco agotador. Sin embargo, con otras cuatro semanas de audiencias públicas por delante, es optimista sobre la participación de los coloradenses en el proceso. Los mapas preliminares de redistribución de distritos publicados recientemente, compilados por el personal no partidista del CIRC, se basan en datos de la oficina de demografía de Colorado. O'Leary comentó: "No es tan específico como lo que va a suceder el 16 de agosto, cuando hayamos recibido los datos finales del Censo de EE.UU., que serán bloque por bloque". O'Leary advierte que no hay que dar demasiada importancia a los mapas preliminares, y señala: "Yo no daría todo por sentado a partir de los mapas preliminares. Es una buena orientación, y es algo que necesitábamos para

avanzar. Y constitucionalmente, es necesario tener mapas preliminares". Tres conjuntos de información determinarán el trazado final de los mapas legislativos y del Congreso: 1) los datos del Censo de EE.UU. de 2020; 2) los comentarios verbales del público y de los comisionados, que se han dado en las audiencias públicas; y 3) los comentarios escritos del público y de los comisionados, presentados en el sitio web del CIRC. Los comisionados deben cumplir ciertas reglas de discusión, compartió O'Leary. "No podemos ponernos en contacto con el personal para hablar sobre los mapas. Cualquier conversación que tengamos con el personal en relación con los mapas tiene que ser en la audiencia pública, o presentamos comentarios por escrito al igual que el público". Y añadió: "No se hace nada sólo en una conversación privada". Las comisiones están constitucionalmente obligadas a realizar 21 audiencias públicas, pero O'Leary explicó que están realizando 32, añadiendo lugares para una mayor difusión pública. Dijo: "En los llanos orientales, donde acabamos de terminar, la gente estaba muy agradecida

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y apreciaba que fuéramos allí, porque nadie va allí. Dijeron: 'Sabes que hay tres horas de Lamar a Denver, igual que hay tres horas de Denver a Lamar'. Me pareció muy bueno". Cada comisión tiene cuatro demócratas, cuatro republicanos y cuatro miembros no afiliados. O'Leary dijo: "Puede que no estemos todos de acuerdo, pero estamos muy contentos de que se escuchen las voces de todos los rincones [de Colorado]. Los agricultores y ganaderos están siendo escuchados con gran fuerza – así que eso es algo bueno. Todo el mundo ha sido civilizado, amable y cálido en todas las audiencias hasta ahora". A nivel local, dijo O'Leary, ha habido un aumento de la población de latinos y jóvenes. "Tanto Carbondale como Glenwood Springs están viendo el mayor cambio demográfico de los últimos 10 años, y por eso queríamos ser capaces de captar algo de eso. Por eso estamos animando fuertemente a la gente a venir y testificar en la audiencia pública de Carbondale", dijo. La inscripción para testificar a distancia o en persona en las audiencias públicas de las comisiones del 31 de julio está en la página web del CIRC: bit. ly/July31CIRC


Donaciones por correo o en línea P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Executive Director Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Editor Raleigh Burleigh • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Directora Artística: Ylice Golden Traductoras: Jacquelinne Castro y Dolores Duarte Distribucion: Crystal Tapp Miembros de la Mesa Directiva Linda Criswell • Klaus Kocher Kay Clarke • Lee Beck • Megan Tackett Gayle Wells • Donna Dayton • Terri Ritchie Eric Smith • Vanessa Porras The Sopris Sun, Inc. Es un miembro orgulloso del Distrito Creativo de Carbondale The Sopris Sun, Inc. es una 501(c)(3) organización benéfica sin fines de lucro. Contribuciones financieras son deducibles de impuestos. ¡ESCRÍBENOS! Para contribuir ideas y contenido al Sol del Valle, escribiéndonos a: sol@soprissun.com Para comprar espacio publicitario en español, inglés, o ambos, mándanos un correo electrónico a:

adsales@soprissun.com También se puede contactarnos llamando a 970-510-3003.


Haga oíR su voz EN EL cóDigo DE ENERgía comERciaL y coDigo DE coNstRuccióN vERDE:

La Junta Directiva de Carbondale está adoptando una versión actualizada del Código de Energía Comercial y Codigo de Construcción Verde del Pueblo de Carbondale para propiedades comerciales. Las nuevas actualizaciones del código de construcción comercial son parte de un objetivo a largo plazo para cumplir con el Plan de Energía y Acción Climática 2017 del Pueblo. Para obtener más información sobre las actualizaciones de código propuestas para la construcción comercial, visite CarbondaleKaleidoscope.org.

NocHE NacioNaL:

Por primera vez en la historia, el Departamento de Policía del Pueblo de Carbondale está participando en Noche Afuera Nacional, una campaña nacional para las comunidades para cultivar mejor las relaciones entre la policía y la comunidad. Son invitados a ser parte de este evento el martes 3 de agosto, 2021, de 5:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. en Sopris Park para una reunión íntima e informal para aprender sobre los recursos de policía comunitaria disponibles en Carbondale mientras disfruta de comida, juegos y actividades en la piscina.

Las LíNEas DE aLcaNtaRiLLaDo Limpias y saLuDaBLEs EstáN LLEgaNDo a su vEciNDaRio:

El mantenimiento anual del sistema de recolección comenzará pronto. Tome las precauciones necesarias para proteger su hogar: 1. Coloca una bolsa de plástico pesada sobre inodoros, lavabos y drenajes cuando no estén en uso. 2. Si experimenta un olor a gas del alcantarillado, no se alarme, abra una ventana y el olor se disipará rápidamente. 3. Si tiene mascotas que no se pueden dejar afuera, deje una ventana abierta. Aunque el olor es poquito es desagradable, no causa daños para usted o sus mascotas. Tener ventilación es útil. Para más información, comuníquese con el Departamento de Utilidades de Carbondale al 970-963-3140.

gRáFico caRBoNDaLE:

El Pueblo de Carbondale necesita sus comentarios sobre el futuro de Carbondale. La actualización del Plan Integral restablecerá las metas del Pueblo para el futuro y proporcionará orientación para las decisiones que afectan el uso de la tierra, la preservación de los espacios abiertos, los sistemas de transporte, el crecimiento económico y las instalaciones y servicios públicos. El Plan Integral es una ruta para que nuestra comunidad logre nuestra visión colectiva y objetivos compartidos. Para proporcionar sus comentarios sobre el futuro de Carbondale, realice la encuesta en línea en CarbondaleKaleidoscope.org/ chart-carbondale, antes del 6 de agosto. EvitE Los caRgos poR DEsBoRDamiENto: Evite los cargos por desbordamiento evitando el desbordamiento de la basura y el reciclaje. Se agregará una tarifa mínima de $25 por incidente a su factura mensual si su contenedor de basura o reciclaje no está completamente cerrado o el material está fuera del contenedor el día de su recolección. Para obtener más información, visite carbondalegov.org/departments/utilities/trash. Gracias de antemano por mantener los residuos al mínimo.

970-963-2733 • carbondalegov.org

Comité de la Comunidad Latina se forma Garfield Por Raleigh Burleigh Sol del Valle Editor

Existe un nuevo comité para mejorar la conciencia cultural en el condado de Garfield. Se llama: el Comité de la Comunidad Latina del Condado de Garfield. Reconociendo la diversidad de la comunidad latina dentro del condado, su objetivo es elevar la comunicación entre todes. La semilla para esta iniciativa se plantó el 4 de julio, impulsada por una promesa de campaña hecha por el comisionado Mike Samson. La idea es dar consejos a la mesa directiva del condado para mejor representar a toda la población que vive dentro del condado, un tercero de la cual — se estima — está conformada por hispanoparlantes. El comité consiste de: Crystal Mariscal, concejal de New Castle y directora de la iniciativa; Maria Judith Alvarez, doctora médica y representante de la área de Carbondale; Soira Ceja, organizadora comunitaria que representa a las partes no incorporadas del condado; Dina Prieto, concejal de Silt y intérprete para el comité; Tanya Doose, representante de Rifle y latines de tercer edad; Carlos Cornejo, Sargento de Policía con la Ciudad de Rifle que representante de las comunidades de Parachute y Rifle; y Kelvin Martinez, que representa a los obreros y latines viviendo en la ciudad de Glenwood Springs. También sirviendo en el comité pero sin un voto son Samuel Bernal de La Tricolor radio, avisando comunicación, y Karina Ventura, estudiante de Coal Ridge High School que representa a les jóvenes del condado. El comisionado Tom Jankovsky es encargado con ser la presencia de la mesa directiva del condado. Como estrategia, el comité se reunió cada mes, dando presentaciones y recibiendo comentarios por el público. Luego, reportará a la mesa directiva del condado cada tres meses con la información que vaya recibiendo. El consejo se juntó por primera vez en el edificio de administración del condado ubicado en Glenwood Springs. Fue el día miércoles, 21 de julio, por la tarde y con una cena proveída. Fue anunciado que cada mes el comité se reunirá en distintas ciudades, para que sea accesible a toda la gente del condado. Hubo un esfuerzo para asegurar que cada cosa dicha fuera traducida, o a inglés o español según el idioma de la persona hablando. Todos los miembros del comité se auto-traducía, mientras que miembros de la audiencia recibieron ayuda por la intérprete Prieto. Después de que toda la gente que atendía se introdujo, el comisionado Jankovsky dio una presentación sobre cómo funciona el condado, como extensión del gobierno estatal y con seis municipios, cada cual con sus propias “leyes de casa”. Explicó que 62 por ciento del condado es tierra pública que permanece al gobierno federal. También, dijo que la entidad que más emplea en el condado es gobierno, el segundo es construcción, tercero es

El Comité de la Comunidad Latina del Condado de Garfield se formó tras una promesa de campaña hecha por el comisionado Mike Samson. Foto por Raleigh Burleigh.

el turismo, luego servicios como restaurantes, cuidado de salud y educación, y finalmente agricultura y el extractivismo. Según Janvosky, el rol más importante que tienen los comisionados es designar y mantener un presupuesto. Explicó que Garfield es un condado que intenta nunca gastar más dinero de lo que puede procurar. Reveló que el condado tiene 350 empleados. Durante el tiempo dedicado a comentarios del público, Jasmin Ramirez, que sirve como directora para el distrito escolar RE-1, expresó su preocupación por la falta de información pública dada en español, sobre todo cuando se trata de emergencias. El sargento Cornejo estuvo de acuerdo de que es una prioridad para el comité. La próxima reunión será el día 11 de agosto en Silt, con la esperanza de tener como invitado al alcalde del condado, Lou Vallario. El comite ya tiene una pagina de Facebook: facebook.com/GarCoLatinoCommunity No es una página oficial del condado, pero ahí estará publicado dónde y cuándo se reunirá el comité, el segundo miércoles de cada mes.

Conozcan a las 3 coordinadoras Comunitarias de SANA.

Maria Judith Alvarez

Soira Ceja

Brenda Kaiser

Si gusta más información por favor de comunicarse con ellas.

Si hace tiempo que no te realizas un examen físico y tienes preguntas o dudas acerca de tu salud, el Dr. Feinsinger ofrece consultas gratis cada tercer sábado del mes. Donde: Third Street Center, Carbondale Horario: 8 a.m. a 1 p.m. Cuando: 21 de agosto 18 de septiembre 16 de octubre 20 de noviembre 18 de diciembre



Para más información, llamar a Isabel Almeida (970-948-1072) o Judith Alvarez (970-989-3513).

el Sol del Valle • Conector de comunidad • 29 de julio - 3 de agosto de 2021 • 11

Se buscan trabajadores en todas partes Por James Steindler Traducción por Dolores Duarte

No es ningún secreto que hay una falta de mano de obra. Es una tendencia nacional y el Valle Roaring Fork no es la excepción. Caminando por Main Street en Carbondale, es difícil no notar los carteles de "se busca ayuda" pegados en las ventanas de los restaurantes más populares. Algunos negocios, como el recién inaugurado restaurante Ming's, junto al City Market, han reducido su horario para poder cuidar del personal que tienen. En la entrada hay un cartel que informa a los clientes de que el restaurante estará cerrado los martes, "debido a la escasez de personal". Jared Ettelson, de The Village Smithy, ha tenido dificultades para cubrir dos puestos de cocinero. "Ha sido difícil cubrir los puestos de cocinero porque el negocio está en auge en todas partes, en todos los sectores", explica, "así que ellos [quienes buscan empleo] pueden elegir dónde quieren trabajar". Y continúa: "Al final, estamos tan ocupados que se está creando una nueva norma en niveles de personal que no habíamos visto antes". Tony Gagliardi es el director de la Federación Nacional de Empresas Independientes del estado de Colorado (NFIB). La NFIB cuenta con unos 300,000 negocios asociados en todo el país. La NFIB realiza encuestas al azar cada mes. Recientemente, un estudio mostró que "el 46 por ciento de nuestros propietarios informan de vacantes que no pueden cubrir". Gagliardi explica que "el 39 por ciento ha informado de que ha aumentado la compensación y otro 26 por ciento planea aumentar la compensación

en los próximos tres meses para conseguir que los empleados regresen a trabajar". Según Gagliardi, Colorado agotó su fondo fiduciario para el desempleo durante la primavera y cree que los propietarios de negocios van a "estar sorprendidos cuando vean todo lo que se ha incrementado la tasa de desempleo". "La protección de la nómina fue un beneficio extremo", dice Gagliardi, "pero estamos en un momento en que necesitamos empleados".

Cámara de Carbondale Andrea Stewart, de la Cámara de Carbondale, comparte las preocupaciones de Gagliardi. Dice que, a nivel local, hay más vacantes que personas que buscan empleo. Añade que la afluencia de turismo ha hecho que los negocios se vean abrumados y que sea necesario contratar más personal del que tenían incluso antes de la pandemia. Otros han optado por reducir las horas de funcionamiento. Aunque el negocio va bien, el agotamiento es alto. Stewart señala que la mayoría de los carteles que se ven en Main Street son de servicios de alimentos, "pero hay muchos puestos de trabajo", dice. "Para los miembros de la Cámara de Carbondale, ofrecemos un lista gratuita de ofertas de empleo", añade. Se puede ir a carbondale.com y hay un enlace en la parte inferior de la página. Los solicitantes de empleo suelen utilizar la herramienta de la lista de anuncios en línea para buscar trabajo.

Escasez de camiones y de combustible Greg Fulton, presidente de la Asociación de

Transportistas de Colorado (CMCA), dice que ha habido escasez de conductores y mecánicos desde antes de la pandemia, "pero la pandemia tendió a exacerbar el problema". Explica que la edad media de un conductor de camión es de 55 años, y "cuando llegó la pandemia vimos cómo se retiraban varios de los conductores de más edad porque estaban en un grupo de riesgo". El virus complicó aún más el entrenamiento de conductores, ya que el instructor y el alumno tienen que pasar mucho tiempo conduciendo juntos. "Lo hizo mucho más difícil", dice Fulton. Los conductores sólo pueden conducir 11 horas al día y la mayoría de los camiones están equipados con dispositivos de seguimiento de su número de horas de movilidad. "Puedes enfrentarte a sanciones bastante significativas si superas tus horas", explica Fulton. Además, los cierres frecuentes de carreteras han obligado a los conductores a tomar rutas alternativas. "[Un] problema que empezamos a tener en la ladera oeste está relacionado con la distribución de alimentos", explica, "porque si observamos City Market/King Soopers, toda esa distribución viene de Denver". La mayor parte del combustible que llega a la ladera oeste procede del Front Range, explica Fulton. Los conductores de camiones de combustible tienen que tomar el paso de Loveland en lugar de conducir por la I-70 porque no se permite el paso de materiales peligrosos por el túnel Eisenhower. Fulton argumenta que la gente está consiguiendo más combustible del que normalmente obtendría. "Cuando tienes una bolsa en un surtidor o ves las noticias, se crea

12 • el Sol del Valle • soprissun.com/espanol/ • 29 de julio - 3 de agosto de 2021

"Contratando" dice este cartel puesto al frente de Mi Casita en Carbondale. Es un restaurante entre muchos buscando cocineres y meseres. Foto por Raleigh Burleigh. una sensación de escasez", explica, "y es como el papel higiénico [al principio de la pandemia]: todo el mundo sale, toman todos los vehículos que tiene y los llenan". Afirma que los viajes de los turistas han aumentado significativamente este verano, especialmente durante el fin de semana del 4 de julio, lo que aumenta la demanda. Estas cuestiones contribuyen al alza que se ha producido en el precio de la gasolina. "Si al transportista le cuesta más tiempo llegar a los sitios, el tiempo es dinero, así que estamos incurriendo en costos adicionales y esos costos tienen que ser absorbidos en alguna parte", explica. Sin embargo, añade Fulton, el suministro de combustible a nivel nacional es una parte importante del problema: "Todo se redujo en cierto modo debido a la pandemia y entonces se produce esta extraordinaria cantidad de demanda muy rápidamente". Fulton espera que haya más personas que apliquen como camioneros y bromea: "Siempre decimos que hay que voltear a ver al país y ganarse el sustento de veinte en veinte toneladas".

Chasing cans

By Paula Mayer Sopris Sun Correspondent

Love of competition, need for speed and control, a sense of community. These are the backbone of barrel racing, a Women’s Pro Rodeo sanctioned event dating back to Texas rodeos in the 1930s. This summer, Carbondale’s own five-year-old Teagan Rice has competed in three Junior Barrel Racing events at the Carbondale Wild West Rodeo atop her trusted steed, Waffles. “She says she wants to be a professional barrel racer when she grows up,” says mom Lindsey Rice, a fierce competitor in both Carbondale and Snowmass rodeos during her heyday. “I keep it fun and safe for her, I want her to have a positive experience.” Lindsey loves passing her knowledge and passion on to her daughter. The Rice family believes kids who grow up around livestock are fortunate. “They learn a good work ethic, hard lessons, kindness toward animals, creating a bond with things and memories,” continues Lindsey. “My dad always told me it’s expensive to have horses, but it’s more expensive not to, because having that responsibility keeps kids out of trouble.” You might be thinking, how hard can barrel racing be? You hop on a horse and ride as fast as you can around three 55 gallon oil cans in a cloverleaf pattern. While they make it look easy, the women who compete put in long hours training and preparing both themselves and their equine partners. Winning times are in the sixteen second range and contestants can be separated by 1/100th of a second, necessitating the use of an electronic eye. RaeLynn Rinaldo, a seasoned barrel racer, has as much passion for the sport today as she

did at Teagan’s age. “Anything you can do on your horse is better than anything else.” RaeLynn spends summers in Carbondale and winters in Wickenburg, Arizona, allowing her to compete year-round. “Going fast is the name of our game, but the focus needs to be on learning to ride, learning to ride well and staying in control. Control of you and your horse.” RaeLynn explains in more detail: “It’s not a motorcycle. This is an animal. An animal with a brain, with past experiences, that has been trained to do a job. Horses have good days and bad days, just like people do. They react to certain things. A motorcycle will go as fast as you tell it to go and when you lay off the gas it’s going to quit. A horse will do whatever it has to do to protect itself.” Robert M. Miller, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, in his book “Understanding the Ancient Secrets of the Mind of the Horse”, credits a horse’s primary survival tactic as being that of flight. “To understand horses, above all else, the natural instinct of this species to flee from real or imagined danger must be appreciated.” An arena filled with supportive fans, blaring music and stadium lights sounds like it hits the trifecta for real or imagined danger. “If you love something enough, you’ll find a way to do it,” says Shannon Weeks, hailing from upstate, New York. As a kid, she spent summers in Carbondale with her aunt Diane Teague, whom Shannon credits with teaching her everything she knows about horses, riding, rodeo and competition. As a teenager, Shannon knew that she had to be part of this lifestyle. She worked hard every step of the journey to realize her dream. Like many rodeo contestants, Shannon understands first hand the grit and sand it takes to get back on a horse once you’ve come off. “The

Five-year-old local Teagan Rice is all smiles as she crosses the finish line during her third barrel racing competition. Photo by Paula Mayer.

first rodeo I entered was the Snowmass Rodeo at age 13. I’m making my first rodeo run and fall off going toward the third barrel. It was a learning curve – I trusted him, but my horse had never run toward a crowd before. Unexpected things happen all the time. I trust you but I need to pay attention at the same time.” The competitive nature of these athletes is channeled toward how well she and her horse can perform on their next run. As a group, they cheer each other on, celebrate personal bests and help the next generation of young girls realize their dreams. RaeLynn Rinaldo sits quietly on Prime Time as they navigate the first barrel aka "the money barrel". Photo by Paula Mayer.

ToWN of CarboNdalE


MakE your voiCE hEard oN CoMMErCial ENErgy aNd grEEN buildiNg CodE:

The Carbondale Trustees are adopting an updated version of the Town of Carbondale’s Commercial Energy and Green Building Code for commercial properties. New commercial construction code updates are part of a long-term goal to meet the Town’s 2017 Climate Energy and Action Plan. For more information about the proposed code updates for commercial construction, please visit CarbondaleKaleidoscope.org.

¿Te gustaría entrar en oficios con un aprendiz? ¿O tienes alguna experiencia en plomería y calefacción? ¡Estamos buscando un empleado motivado! Somos una compañía termal de plomería, calefacción y solar localizada en Carbondale. Debe tener un registro limpio de manejo de conducir. Se requieren referencias. La paga está basada en experiencia.

NaTioNal NighT ouT:

For the first time ever the Town of Carbondale Police Department is participating in National Night Out, a national community building campaign to better cultivate police-community relationships. Join officers from the Carbondale Police Department on Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021, from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at Sopris Park for an intimate and informal gathering to learn about the community policing resources available in Carbondale while enjoying food, games and pool activities.

ClEaN aNd hEalThy SEWEr liNES arE CoMiNg To your NEighborhood:

Por favor envíe un correo electrónico a leslie@solarflairthermal.com o llame al 970-618-1768 Would you like to get into the trades as an apprentice? Or do you have experience in plumbing and heating? We are looking for a motivated employee! We are a small plumbing, heating and solar thermal company based in Carbondale. Must have clean driving record. References required. Pay based on experience. Please send email to leslie@solarflairthermal.com or call 970-618-1768


The annual collection system maintenance is set to begin soon. Take the necessary precautions to protect your home: • Placing a weighted plastic bag over toilets, sinks, and drains when not in use. • If you experience an odor of sewer gas don’t be alarmed, open a window and the odor will dissipate quickly. • If you have pets that cannot be left outside, leave a window open. Although the odor in such a small quantity is unpleasant, it is not harmful to you or your pets. Having ventilation is helpful. For more information, please contact the Carbondale Utilities Department at 970-963-3140.

CharT CarboNdalE:

The Town of Carbondale needs your feedback on the future of Carbondale. The Comprehensive Plan update will re-establish the Town’s goals for the future and provide direction for decisions affecting land use, preservation of open space, transportation systems, economic growth, and public facilities and services. The Comprehensive Plan is a roadmap for our community to achieve our collective vision and shared goals. To provide your feedback on the future of Carbondale, take the online survey at CarbondaleKaleidoscope.org/chart-carbondale, by Aug. 6.

avoid ovErfloW ChargES:

Avoid overflow charges by preventing overflowing trash and recycling. A minimum $25 fee per incident will be added to your monthly bill if your trash or recycling container is not entirely closed or material is outside the container on your collection day. For more information, please visit carbondalegov.org/departments/utilities/trash. Thank you in advance for keeping waste to a minimum.

• THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • July 29 - August 3, 2021 • 13 970-963-2733 • carbondalegov.org

Seeds of change sown in Silt By Raleigh Burleigh Sopris Sun Editor

On a hot summer afternoon, one of many with temperatures fixed above 100 degrees in Silt, six high school students worked diligently to complete a harvest before taking their lunch beneath a large cottonwood tree at the edge of Highwater Farm. “It’s the best summer job,” Youth Program Coordinator Anna Thomas assured The Sopris Sun. Thomas joined Highwater Farm as an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer in 2020 and was hired to spearhead the youth program in 2021. Next, she will pursue a graduate degree at the University of Notre Dame to help influence national policy with a rooted understanding of good stewardship. Highwater Farm is a relatively new nonprofit with a threefold mission: to build a farm space, to feed the community and to empower youth through education. Twenty-five percent of what is grown goes to food pantries and hunger relief efforts in Garfield County. The name “Highwater” refers not only to the physical growing space, just south of the Colorado River, but also to the high standard of quality sought in yields and productive values. The farm itself is in its second growing season, having relied on

help from some 75 volunteers last year. The aspiration is to utilize all five acres of land being leased for 25 years from the Town of Silt. Portions of the fields will periodically be left fallow — uncultivated and in rotation — to maintain healthy soils. The Silt River Preserve is protected by a conservation easement so that initiatives like this can flourish. “Within a few more years, we hope to have 15 youth and three crew leaders managing the space,” Sara Tymczyszyn, the nonprofit’s director, told The Sopris Sun. Currently, one acre at Highwater Farm is under production. In 2021, a cohort of six hardworking and thoughtful students were led by the nonprofit’s small staff to grow, package and sell produce. Not only did the student farmers gain technical agricultural knowledge, the youth education program emphasizes personal and professional development. Each student was chosen based on application materials and received a modest stipend, plus access to fresh vegetables. The summer program is modeled after Urban Roots in Austin, Texas, employing 35 youth each year to cultivate 3.5 acres. Another inspiration for the program is the Boston Food Project, which came about in

the late ‘80s as a way to combat segregation while increasing food access. During a visit by The Sopris Sun, the students practiced their public speaking skills while guiding a tour of the land. They pointed to trial plots being used by Wild Mountain Seeds, a seed adaptation company headquartered south of Carbondale. The ripening produce was abundantly diverse: potatoes, peas, onions, carrots, herbs, flowers, squash, melons, tomatoes and more. “The challenge is the heat,” said Lucas, a student farmer. “The reward is the food.” As an added bonus, Highwater Farm treated the crew to workshops led by outside experts, consisting of topics like cooking and foraging for wild edible plants. Over hot days of hard work under the sun, interesting conversations emerged like resilient sprouts reaching for light. “Everytime I go to the supermarket,” said Scheccid, another student farmer, “it’s stressful to see perfect produce and things that shouldn’t be there, seasonably.” The students chattily mused on their shared scepticism for industrialized, mono-culture

Highwater Farm's dedicated crew: (top left to right) Lucas, Scheccid, Emma, Wyatt (bottom left to right) Brooklyn, Youth Program Coordinator Anna Thomas, Asher and Crew Leader Ellen Steward. Photo by Raleigh Burleigh.

production, especially when heavy use of pesticides is required. “Youth meet you where you ask to meet them and surpass expectations,” said Tymczyszyn, praising her staff. “[Crew Leader] Ellie [Steward] has done an incredible job. She emulates kindness and a hard-working ethic, and really leaned into how to be directive.” Meanwhile, Assistant Farm Manager Jess Dean was credited for researching disease and pests, developing effective systems and leading workshops on food insecurity. Highwater Farm is a shining example of community-led

agriculture in the region. With the youth farm program ending on Aug. 6, there will be a need for helping hands, eager to get dirty helping with the harvests. Another way to support Highwater Farm is by purchasing delicious produce at the Carbondale Farmers Market (Wednesdays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) or at the Silt Farmers Market (Wednesdays, from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.). Monetary donations, as well as materials and expertise, are also appreciated. Learn more at highwaterfarm.org

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Community, meet the police By James Steindler Contributing Editor

The first-ever Carbondale Police Department (CPD) Citizen Academy was quickly renamed the “Community Academy” so as not to deter folks without U.S. citizenship from participating. That change-up was the result of input given by the first members of the academy — and was one of many suggestions taken to heart by the department. Citizen academies are not unique to Carbondale. Police departments across the country utilize the method as a way to inform community members about what it’s like to police in their areas. However, this was Carbondale’s first and a unique take on the custom. CPD — and Chief Kirk Wilson in particular — took this opportunity to listen to the community and receive feedback with an open mind. Wilson decided to do away with the background check component to get into the academy, also at the behest of some participants, so as not to discourage some people from participating. There was plenty to talk about. Many of the attendees approached the class with a critical eye and asked tough questions throughout the five week endeavor. While apparently the arrest of Michael Francisco is not the reason the department put on the academy, it seemed to be the impetus for many who enrolled. When the subject arose, Wilson spoke with some hesitation due to the lingering potential of a civil case against the town. Nonetheless, the discussion was welcomed. Other officers deferred to Wilson on the issue. The academy was made up of five sessions, each with a it’s own focus, and ended in a final

day of simulations. Attendees learned about Colorado Senate Bill 217 and the onus it puts on law enforcement to hold each other accountable. SB-217 requires that officers log every instance of use of force, intervene when another officer is using excessive force, have body-worn cameras by 2023 and the bill removes governmental immunity (meaning an officer can be prosecuted for misuse of force). Also noteworthy is that apparently someone does not have the right to leave a scene before an officer gives them permission to do so and, furthermore, they are required to identify themselves at an officer’s request. While CPD officers fielded hard questions, participants got a taste of what it’s like to be in the line of duty. As it turns out, it’s not an easy task. The last day of the academy was on a Saturday morning, beginning at 8 a.m. Instead of a two-hour classroom setting, it was a half-day of simulations. There were three scenarios on the final day which participants played out, beginning with a car stop and progressing to a domestic dispute. Up to the point of working through these scenarios it was easy to criticize an officer’s actions or perceive their lack of thinking things through. However, being faced with having to make split-second decisions in a volatile situation is more difficult than some may think — in fact, it’s quite stressful. The scenarios were not far-fetched and it was evident that they were the types of circumstances that officers deal with a lot. During the scenarios, each of the officers conveyed that people skills are of utmost importance. On top of worrying about their own and others’ safety as a top priority, officers have to carry on conversations and quickly think of the right questions to ask to get to the

Join us to celebrate the life of

Bill Lamont

Chief Wilson, in the foreground, and former Chief Gene Schilling prepare for the tug-of-war between CPD and the Carbondale Rural Fire Protection District at this year's Mountain Fair. Photo by James Steindler.

bottom of a situation. Take it from this reporter, even in a hypothetical simulation, it takes a lot of brain power to come up with pertinent, offthe-cuff questions, one after another during an aggravating situation. In a nutshell, the academy was a great way for the police to meet some concerned members of the community and vice versa; both were willing to listen to the other and even reached some mutual understanding.

The Sopris Sun attended the academy throughout but would welcome feedback from any of the other attendees, or future participants, in regard to the course. For other community members interested in interfacing with CPD, the town will host National Night Out, an annual tradition of bringing neighbors and police together, at Sopris Park and the pool from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 3.

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If you Prefer to Attend Online The Livestream Link is: https://youtu.be/uNriw7z22wk

Open seats on the Town of Carbondale Planning & Zoning Commission and Board of Adjustment. Contact Janet Buck 970.510.1208. Applications may be found at www.carbondalegov.org or at Town Hall. Applications are due by August 16, 2021 at 5 pm. THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • July 29 - August 3, 2021 • 15

Decolonizing Ilex vomitoria By Will Sardinsky Sopris Sun Correspondent

From examining the names of streets and professional sports teams, to reconsidering what statues are displayed in public, the U.S. has arrived to a historical reckoning point. The colonial narratives of our past undoubtedly left their mark on the present and now the question is, what do we want to celebrate? “We are starting to realize that things have these permanent names that express energies and ideas related to parts of history that we don’t want to honor,” said Rachael Young, a Carbondale resident. Young is looking at history through her own lens; that of an ethnobotanist turned entrepreneur on a mission to decolonize the name of a little-known plant, Ilex vomitoria – commonly called yaupon. “The problem with the current name is that the Latin binomial is supposed to be informative, or clue people in to a property of the plant, but Ilex vomitoria does not have any emetic properties,” Young explained. Daniel Solander, a “nerd at the British Museum and one of Carl Linneas’ top guys,” according to Young, named the plant after he observed Native Americans drinking a mixture with Ilex vomitoria as part of a ceremony that involved vomiting. However, it was not the only plant involved in the ceremony, and

nowadays we know that Ilex vomitoria does not cause vomiting. As for decolonizing, Young said, “It means to remove the name of the guy who pretended to discover something. It means to remove the name that was given to it in a part of history that we may or may not want to celebrate. It means to remove racist permanence on plants and animals and structures so that the world that we’re walking around in has representation and equity for everybody.” Young’s journey with yaupon began during her time in Austin, Texas. After getting fired from a job, she started foraging for local plants. A friend mentioned that yaupon is a native plant and “a cousin of yerba mate and has some caffeine or something,” Young recounted. After harvesting it, she began experimenting with brewing it as a tea and fell in love with the way it made her feel. “I started to get to know the plant and build a relationship. I realized it was one of the most benevolent plants that I had worked with medicinally… It is more gentle than coffee or other caffeine plants; it gives you energy, but without jitters. And it’s also nootropic, which means it enhances cognition. Indigenous peoples called it the drink of social wellness.” Her deep love for the plant and need for economic stability led Young to start a company, Yayaya Yaupon. As Young’s relationship

with the plant grew stronger, she dug further into how it had seemingly been forgotten, despite being one of two of North America’s only native caffeine plants. She learned that, “with the indigenous People of the United States having been displaced and killed by the U.S. government, the knowledge of the plant died out. Even indigenous ethnobotanists I have talked to told me that they have never used it before because they thought it would induce vomiting.” Wanting to give back to the plant, Young started looking at what it would take to rename it. She brought together other yaupon companies, academics and botanists, including biologist Jack Putz, a yaupon advocate and biologist at the University of Florida. Putz, using his pool of resources, reached out to Walter Judd, a world famous authority of plant systematics. Recounting the conversation with Judd about changing the plant’s name, Putz wrote, “He was clear that we don’t stand a chance. He pointed out that the Code of Nomenclature avoids ethics… He knew of cases where one botanist stole material from another and then named a species, but that name too stands. In other words, other than for phylogenetic reasons revealed by, for example, DNA sequencing, name changes aren’t considered.” While at this point many would give up, Young refused. “The only way to change the name of a plant whose name has harmed its relationship with

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16 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • July 29 - August 3, 2021

Rachael Young with her yaupon plant and beverage. Photo by Will Sardinsky.

the indigenous people who used to harvest it… is to change the law, and it is a law. The way to change the law is to publish in Taxon Magazine which others recommend I find a taxonomist to do, or else it won’t be taken seriously.” “Snooze, snooze, snooze,” she joked, “Luckily, I eat bullies for breakfast, lunch and dinner.” Meanwhile, Young is also leading the charge on sequencing the genome. “Yaupon exists naturally in Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Arkansas. It can be a small shrub or a much larger coastal tree and the coastal variety looks and tastes very different!” If the genome turns out

to be different between varieties, that could also be grounds for renaming. Why all of this for the largely unused latin name of a plant? Young explains, “We’re not rewriting history here, it’s about the relationship to things that existed way before we did. The indigenous relationship to a lot of the plants, their relationship to the landscape.” Despite all of her effort toward changing the name, Young doesn’t want a say in the new name. “I hope that the renaming would re-engage the indigenous population in the conversation around yaupon. I also hope that it would honor it as a nourishing, food-like herb.”

Lyle Oliver

March 2, 1941 - July 5, 2021

Stanley Lyle Oliver passed away at home with his family present. He fought a valiant battle against Alzheimers and uranium exposure. Lyle was born in Telluride to Stanley E. and Viola Oliver. He was a third generation Coloradan, with his grandmother born in Rico and his dad also born in Telluride. Lyle’s paternal grandparents homesteaded on Wright’s Mesa outside of Norwood. Lyle grew up with two younger brothers and a younger sister – not to mention lots of cousins. He graduated from Norwood High School in 1960 and attended Pueblo Junior College (now CSU Pueblo). From there, he enlisted in the U.S. Army.

OBITUARIES While stationed at Ft. Carson in Colorado Springs, he met Sarah Stuart at Cheyenne Frontier Days. Lyle married Sarah on Nov. 26, 1965, and – with Sarah’s young son, Doug – they became a family. The young family at first made their home in Colorado Springs and then moved back to Norwood. Their life in Norwood brought them a daughter, Kim. While they were expecting their new bundle of joy, they briefly lived at a uranium mine outside of Uravan. In his younger days, Lyle worked in the uranium mines near Uravan and Grants, New Mexico for his uncle, Bob Williams. Shortly after Kim was born, Lyle went to horseshoeing school at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. While he was learning to shoe horses, a Roaring Fork Valley veterinarian, Dr. C.G. Dewell, was in the Pacific Northwest on somewhat of a recruiting tour. He met Lyle and suggested the Roaring Fork Valley was in need of a good horseshoer. So, after graduation, with a certificate as a master farrier, the young Oliver family moved to Carbondale. One day, Lyle was shoeing horses for DRC Brown who suggested Lyle should go to Buttermilk Mountain to ask Jack Moyes for a job loading lifts so he would have steady work for the winter. That little get-through-thewinter job ended up lasting 33 years! In 1976, Colorado experienced a major drought and had almost no snow. So, in 1977, Aspen Skiing Co. decided to implement snow making. Lyle was the

man picked to run the show. He did such a great job that he was a consultant for the 1988 Calgary Olympics. Lyle came from a horse racing family, his parents met at a racetrack, his younger brother Doug was a trainer who had great success and Kim is keeping the family tradition going with several stakes winners under her belt. Besides horse racing, Lyle’s other favorite sports were whichever sport was in season for his kids or grandkids. He was in attendance at most Basalt High School sporting events for years. Lyle was a pretty decent basketball player back in his days at Norwood High School and he made sure his kids had every opportunity to excel in his favorite sport by having an indoor and outdoor hoop set up on the old ranch. In his later years, he got to learn about a new sport, as his grandson Wyatt’s favorite sport was lacrosse. He also enjoyed watching his granddaughter Grace’s many dance recitals. Lyle is survived by: his wife of 55 years, Sarah, their son Doug (Glenda), daughter Kim, grandson Wyatt, granddaughter Grace, brothers Doug (Sandy), Tom (Lana), nieces Tona, Marcy and Ione, and nephews Kirk and Bryan. He was preceded in death by his parents, nephew Sean Kennedy, niece Tracy Kennedy and sister Phyllis Kennedy. A private, family celebration of life will take place later. In lieu of flowers, a donation may be made in Lyle’s name to the Retired Racehorse Fund.

Karen Irene Natal February 4, 1955 – July 13, 2021

Karen Irene Natal was born on Feb. 4, 1955 to John and Dolores Riley in San Francisco, California. She is survived by her husband, Dennis, her mother, Dolores Dee Blue, and a brother, Jay Riley. Karen spent her early years as a ski instructor at South Lake Tahoe and at Aspen Highlands. She met and married a Colorado native boy, Dennis Natal, in 1982. Dennis and Karen moved from Carbondale to Paonia in 1990 where she lived her life until July 13, 2021. She was diagnosed with MS and fought it for 40 years. Karen and Dennis spent many happy years traveling and camping in the high country, as well as ocean cruises. She will be remembered and missed by many. A celebration of life will be held at a later date.

B w e o i n N g s A n o i c t c a e n p i ted m o N

for the 2021 Pitkin County Cares and Greg Mace Awards

The awards this year will be particularly significant

as we recognize the volunteers in our community who found safe and effective ways to continue their work in the face of the pandemic and who kept the fabric of our community strong and resilient despite the many challenges of the past year.

Kelly McNicholas Kury Pitkin County Commissioner, Chair

Scan QR Code for Nomination forms

Learn more about the award:

www.pitkincounty.com/pitkincountycares Email: pat.bingham130@gmail.com THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • July 29 - August 3, 2021 • 17

LEGALS NOTICE PURSUANT TO THE LIQUOR LAWS OF COLORADO CRAFT, LLC, 689 MAIN STREET, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 Has requested the liquor licensing officials of carbondale to grant a transfer of a hotel/restaurant liquor license to sell malt, vinous, and spirituous liquors for consumption on the premises at 689 Main Street, Carbondale, CO. Hearing on application to be held at: Carbondale town hall, 511 Colorado avenue, Carbondale, colorado, and via Zoom.

Date and time: August 24, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Date of application: July19, 2021 By order of: Dan Richardson, Mayor Applicant: Adriana Liechti Information may be obtained from, and Petitions or Remonstrance’s may be filed with the Town Clerk, Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO 81623



By Suzie Brady

Continued from page 2

years, long before my wife and I were even a fixture on the street. First off, I don’t think any of these items could be called “litter” since they were not discarded and left for someone else to deal with. In fact, none of these free items were left out for longer than four days. I know this because of my sprinkler intervals are as such and I don’t tend to water the free items while they are present. When I think of littering, I think of people’s waste that has been left behind for others to take care of. Examples that come to mind are the never-ending bags of dog poop that are left behind on our local trails (for the record: I am not against dogs out on trails, just the dog litter that is left behind) or the seemingly consistent string of garbage that collects along the 133 corridor as litter finds its way outside the cars and trucks that are driving through town. When compared to this chronic litter around town, I would hardly put the free items that get put outside my yard in the same category. It makes me wonder why the city doesn’t do more PSAs pertaining to actual trash/ litter that city staff has to clean up in the public spaces of our community. More importantly though, why wouldn’t we try to give

items away for free to community members that could use them, before we load up our already overburdened local landfills? Why not just use “The Swap” for free items, you say? The Roaring Fork Swap is an excellent tool for many, but I would argue that not everyone in our community has the luxury of being able to check it regularly or even have access to it at all for that matter. To be honest, I don’t see the crime in leaving some free items on display for a few days every couple of years. But perhaps I am out of touch with the latest incarnation of Carbondale. In the end, rules are rules and I will abide by the town’s regulations. I would like to add though, that If you were one of the people to complain about the gathering of free items behind our house, I commend you on your desire to see a cleaner community. However, I would suggest that you take your aversion to litter to the next level and do what I do with my students every time school gets back into session. Go out, put on an orange vest (safety first) and set a good example by cleaning up some actual litter around town instead of just complaining about the sincere efforts to reduce and reuse household items.


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Dog accident On the evening of July 6, my husband and I were walking our Sheltie dog down the main street of Redstone. A family was walking their dog on the other side of the street. That dog lurched and ran after my dog, knocking me down. I took a hard fall on my right side. The family, who resides between Redstone and Carbondale, came quickly to assist and offered to exchange contact information. My husband declined, thinking I was not badly hurt. Since then we have learned that I have a significant shoulder injury. If you are that family, please contact me at Redstonecamper1@gmail.com We have insurance but could use some help with the co-pays. Thanks in advance for doing the right thing. This accident put an end to an otherwise special vacation to the Crystal River Valley. Your integrity will be deeply appreciated. Linda Venturoni Santa Fe, New Mexico


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18 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • July 29 - August 3, 2021


Photos by Raleigh Burleigh and James Steindler. Drawing by Larry Day

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • July 29 - August 3, 2021 • 19


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