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una nueva publicación semanal con noticias Volume 13, Number 33| September 23-29, 2021 locales en español.

Shooting for success

Students at the Carbondale Community School had the opportunity to sharpen their archery skills with teacher Jenn Kendzior, thanks to a grant for equipment from the National Archery in the Schools Program. Photos by Sue Rollyson.



by Mira Winograd Four months ago, I was paging through a newspaper when one of the headlines caught my eye: “Aspen School District: We’re Not Teaching Critical Race Theory.” I was shocked, to say the least. The article went on explaining how parents were concerned about a program their school was starting to implement called the Equity Team, meant to address issues of equity and diversity. Having earned my Master of Sociology at the University of Chicago, taught in diverse districts in Denver and taught abroad in Costa Rica, I have studied critical race theory and could by no means understand why an equity team would be contentious. Critical race theory is not about telling white people they are inherently racist or making people feel guilty about events in this country's past. At its core, it is about teaching people how to have conversations about race that feel empathetic and open, rather than fearful. It is also about recognizing the existence of racist history that still affects what happens today. In order to move forward in our society, we will need to do both. To begin to move forward, we first need to be able to talk about

Let's talk about race

race. Both in my studies and own experience, I have seen so many failed conversations between well-meaning individuals that left both people frustrated and upset. I have especially seen this in the context of public schools where people from different backgrounds often find themselves in the same room. For example, while working at a predominantly Black and Latino middle school in Denver, I often heard conversations about race among students. The one I heard most frequently occurred whenever a Latino or white student used the word “black” to describe a Black student. Everyone else would instantly point at them and shout, “Racist!” Under these conditions, a student’s Blackness, an essential piece of their identity, could no longer be discussed or recognized by nonBlack peers. Subsequently, I noticed that Black students felt they had to hold their Blackness tightly to themselves, for they had been taught through these experiences that “Black” has negative connotations instead of being an adjective to describe differences. This has made us afraid to talk to each other. We have turned unique and literal differences that should be celebrated into something negative that is feared. This fear alone, of simply referring to each other by an adjective referencing race, should be enough reason to embrace critical race theory and related programming, because it educates us on how to respectfully talk about each other and address differences. If a school’s purpose is to educate, then we need to be teaching critical race theory. If we are

unable to talk about, or let others talk about a foundational, essential aspect of someone’s identity, how are we to hope that trust and understanding could grow between people who have differences within schools or in broader society? Another main premise of critical race theory is the acknowledgement of our racist history. In order to have equal opportunity and inclusiveness – another purpose of public schools – we first must learn about the inequality and antiinclusiveness that we are mired in. This confrontation should not be feared. Terrible acts such as slavery helped build this country and still have huge implications, such as on the education certain people get, the jobs they can strive for, even where they can live. Before you can fix a problem, you must first acknowledge that it is there. Critical race theory can help us do this because it builds intentional space to talk and better understand each other. Critical race theory is an attempt to free us from the fear of being discriminated against, of being canceled, of making ourselves out to be racist people when we are really just ignorant. Its goal is to enable us to recognize, voice and celebrate the strength that is diversity in this country. Teaching critical race theory allows us to set ground rules for thoughtful discussion about the impact that race has, and has always had, in the American experience. Once those ground rules and understandings are met, maybe then people can stop hurting and offending each other. Maybe we can stop pointing, labeling and canceling those who aren’t

truly bigoted racists, but haven’t yet learned how to have these conversations respectfully. As I sit in my classroom, what I want most for my students is to learn how to care for each other and support each other in becoming their best selves. I hang up pictures of my time in Costa Rica on my classroom walls and talk about the pen pal exchange I facilitated while abroad between my students in Costa Rica and a class in Colorado because I want them to see how much there is to learn and enjoy from cultures and people that are different. I want them to see how much fuller diversity makes a life. To have these experiences and make these connections, one must be able to have conversations about differences. But, unless you happen to be interested in and have access to other cultures and other experiences, choose or are able to take classes about sociology, or are privileged enough to teach abroad and also willing to learn how to engage with others outside your comfort zone — this is an education that is lacking. I found friends of color who did not label or dismiss me when I messed up when talking about race because they knew my intentions were good and I was trying to learn. They were willing to be patient and understanding. But if you don’t find that, or people rightfully don’t feel like being understanding, where will this education come from? Given our history and the fear that is still present in our society surrounding racial issues, we need to be explicitly taught how to talk about race. Critical race theory and programming like equity teams can and should fill that need.

LETTERS Downtown North — a rezone Here’s a thought. The area just north of the Rio Grande Trail that is currently zoned General Industrial, instead of rezoning it to a Willits-type of urban form with commercial on the ground floor and up to three stories of apartments above that, let’s zone it for us. Its current use, for the most part, comprises small-scale businesses operating out of shipping containers. How about we take that one step further and zone for small-scale warehouse businesses, live/work units with commercial at the ground level and owner-occupied living areas above, artist studios and collectives with a good chunk of affordable housing? What Carbondale does not need is more large-scale franchise commercial businesses and apartments that would be largely filled with a commuting population, while those who live and work here are displaced

by new urbanism. We need your input, as this area is currently under rezoning consideration in the Comprehensive Plan Update. What this area becomes will define the face of Carbondale in the future. Carbondale is unique with its local artists and craftsmen and has worked very hard in support of this. Let Downtown North become a reflection of who we are. Eric Doud Carbondale

A nickel’s worth

I’m really looking forward to attending this Thursday’s climate portion of Carbondale’s Comprehensive Plan public meeting at 6 p.m. at the Third Street Center. Climate change is my number one issue and I have five nuggets to throw into the pan: 1. Public transportation – We need to work with RFTA to expand the circulator

route to include River Valley Ranch and other outlying subdivisions. Transportation is the leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions in the Roaring Fork Valley, and as many residents as possible should have the public transportation option. 2. Building codes – Natural gas heat and appliances should be immediately banned in all new construction. Once that’s accomplished, retrofitting existing buildings to all-electric should be required. 3. Growth – I’m against all growth except affordable housing. We need to get the people in Parachute who work in Aspen to move closer to their jobs. I’m disappointed to learn the apartments going up next to the new City Market will have very few affordable units. The vast majority will be high-rent apartments primarily for city dwellers who’ve discovered during the pandemic that they don’t have to live in the Continued on page 22

The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The community is invited to submit letters up to 500 words to news@soprissun.com. Longer columns are considered on a case-by-case basis. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday. 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • September 23-29, 2021

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ACES redefines farm apprenticeships By Geneviève Villamizar Sopris Sun Correspondent

The Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES) at Rock Bottom Ranch (RBR) recently hosted a panel discussion, “So You Think You Want to Be a Farmer?” At a time when the world recognizes agriculture as the greatest contributor to the climate crisis, change in farming is critical. This panel showcased the experiences and takeaways of this season’s RBR livestock and farm apprentices doing just that. RBR is cherished for its ecological stewardship practices and bio-intensive food production, and its Farmer Training Program immerses apprentices in the hands-on raising of animals and growing food. Humane animal husbandry centers on species/pasture cycling and rotation, in which animals graze, scratch, peck and excrete. This stimulates healthy regrowth and enriches the “living” soils. In turn, these vital soils produce robust, more nutritious crops. Apprentice Hannah Pike first farmed in New Hampshire on four acres, “with a lot more tractor work,” she says. “That wasn’t really scratching my itch for conservation, so I was really interested in coming to this [farm] to learn about the intersection of conservation agriculture and how my practices can not only produce food for my community but also invest in soil health through low-till and highintensity vegetable systems like they have here at the ranch.” Regenerative systems apply not only to the ecosystems in nature or farms but to

communities. The pandemic shows how critical local food production can be when larger food systems break down. Pandemic aside, the nation’s food systems and regional economies are not always just. Disparities leave “food deserts,” areas that have no access to affordable or healthy food in general. Apprentice Hollis Vanderlinden addressed this in their previous work with the Sicangu Food Sovereignty Initiative, a nonprofit working with Lakota people in Mission, South Dakota. “I was helping to manage a beginning farmer program,” they say, “and working part-time on their farm. After helping other individuals get back to their own power to produce their own food for themselves and their community, I felt that it was important for myself and the ways I wanted to contribute to and interact with my community, to gain that knowledge for myself. And I love food! Food has always been how I connect with my friends and my community in meaningful and genuine, deep ways.” Livestock and land apprentice Shannon Hourigan shares that she has “always loved animals.” Her background was overly academic though, and she burned out. “Coming to ACES, I wanted to have that experience with animals and farming, and see agriculture through a more hands-on lens versus what I had been taught in books,” she says, but “to stack upon that knowledge,” and “take opportunities such as [apprenticing] to use that more academic background and share [it with the] community.”

Shannon Hourigan, livestock and land apprentice, speaks during the recent farmer panel at Rock Bottom Ranch. Photo courtesy of the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies. Working with livestock to regenerate the land, Hourigan has a newly-gained perspective that encompasses a more holistic view and understanding of her “external world,” she explains. “We work on such large geographic scales – we’re always outside – which is different for me, being in school, working at a restaurant. You exist in smaller, confined spaces. While you may go for a walk or a run or a hike, and be able to experience beautiful, open landscapes, it’s different existing in it every single day.” Ray Mooney moves from the obvious, “how I see myself as a consumer in the economy,” to “something that’s shunned; kind of put in the corner in our society, that farming has really brought to life with me – and it’s the antithesis of life: death.” Mooney explains that confronting death is an unavoidable part of farming. “I’ve seen way more of it this year than I ever have in my life.” Living with the animals day in and day out, “it becomes less of something you want to push away, and it becomes more of

something appreciative of the cycle of life, and inherent in the cycle of life is the end of it. It’s been something humbling to be a part of – grounding.” When Mooney describes his days, he feels pushback. “People are so out of touch with how their food is produced…” Mooney continues, “Here at Rock Bottom, the numbers are infinitesimally smaller than all the goods you’re going to buy at the supermarket. If you’re a little scared by the phone call where I tell you we had 12 birds have their last evening [alive], what goes on elsewhere is a lot more.” Rock Bottom Ranch has taken farm apprenticeships a long way from the ‘90s. Thirty years ago, apprentices were primarily labor for the growing movement of Community Supported Agriculture. Today ACES’s Farmer Training Program ushers in a new era of driven, intelligent and compassionate farmers ready to tackle climate change and a broken food ecosystem.


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SCUTTLEBUTT Climate and the Comp Plan On Thursday, Sept. 23, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., CLEER and the Town of Carbondale will host a public input session in the Community Room at the Third Street Center regarding how climate change factors into the Town’s Comprehensive Plan update. Folks who come in-person are required to wear masks. To attend online, visit cleanenergyeconomy.net

Sky Mountain Park Sky Mountain Park, on the outskirts of Snowmass Village, is made up of various open spaces totaling 2,400 acres with 28 miles of trails. Pitkin County Open Space and Trails launched a month-long public comment period for the draft management plan, seeking to enhance ecological integrity and address recreation pressures. Citizens may provide feedback through Oct. 17. Check it out at pitkinOSTprojects.com

Election season According to Garfield County Clerk and Recorder Jean Alberico, ballots for the Nov. 2 election will be mailed on Oct. 8. Local residents are advised to update their voter registration information, if necessary, at govotecolorado.gov to receive a mail-in ballot at the correct address. Students off to college and folks

who winter in another area or are traveling can also receive a ballot by mail. Voters and family members who are military or citizens living overseas have an earlier deadline, this Saturday, to verify their mailing address.

RFL Mastermind Roaring Fork Leadership is conducting a five-month program to enhance leadership skills for up to 10 local women leading in business. The course begins in January, and meetings are in-person, once a month, through May. The deadline to apply is Dec. 29. For more information, visit rfleadership.org

Masks required As of Sept. 16, masks are required in all indoor settings in Pitkin County for individuals two years of age and above regardless of their vaccination status. The county’s 11th Amended Public Health Order dictates that masks will be required indoors whenever the county reaches a high level of transmission as outlined in the CDC data tracker. Pitkin county is currently considered at a high level of transmission. More info at covid19.pitkincounty.com

Bless your pets The Aspen Chapel invites pet owners to bring their four-legged or winged friends to the Chapel Garden at 11 a.m. on Oct. 3. There, the pets

will be blessed and their owners will be provided a certificate stating so.

Potato Day There are lots of activities planned for the 112th Potato Day, on Saturday, Oct. 2, including a scavenger hunt (geared toward kids, but anyone is welcome). Registration for the hunt begins at 8:45 a.m. at Sopris Park. For more information, contact Jessi at 510-1278. A decorated potato contest includes five categories: 1) renaissance potato, 2) most representative of Carbondale, 3) most creative, 4) totally tubular, 5) the kids’ category for ages 12 and under. Pictures of the figures can be posted to the Carbondale Annual Potato Day Facebook page or on instagram using the hashtag: #CarbondalePotatoDay2021

On the night of Sept. 17, Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District responded to a structure fire at 11 Crystal Circle. Upon arrival, firefighters found a shed fully engulfed in flames, with the fire spreading to the home’s garage and apartment above it. Help was received by the Glenwood Springs Fire Department, who had the favor returned on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 19, while responding to a structure fire at 710 Lincoln Avenue. A two-story home was engulfed in flames and nearby homes were evacuated. “Without support from our neighboring agencies, the outcome of this incident would have been much worse,” said Incident Commander Jesse Hood. The causes of both fires remain under investigation. Courtesy photo.

Back to D.C. The Mountain Pact, an organization that works with local elected officials across the West on federal climate and public lands policies, reported that key leaders within the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will return to their offices in D.C. after being relocated to Grand Junction under President Trump. According to The Mountain Pact Executive Director, Anna Peterson, “We saw so many skilled and senior leaders leave the BLM during the

Trump administration because of the misguided and forced move to Grand Junction.” The Grand Junction location will remain as a western headquarters.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Cathy Derby, Barbara Dills, Marc Grandbois, Kent Jones and Jerome Osentowski (Sept. 23); Jon FoxRubin and Karen Leavitt (Sept.

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4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • September 23-29, 2021

24); Taila Howe, Laura Stover and Geneviève Villamizar (Sept. 25); Carolyn Cipperly, Teka Israel, Klaus Kocher, Kate Phillips, Kenya Pinela, Matt Rader, Mimi Schlumberger and Leonard Zanni (Sept. 26); Susan Cheney, Kate Comer, Peggy DeVilbiss, Linda Fleming, Renee Ramge and Jason White (Sept. 27); Madeleine Dameron Dahl, Andrew McMichael, Dave Reed, Kristin Stewart, Felicia “Flash” Trevor and Pam Kaiser Williams (Sept. 28).

GarCo program nourishes in more ways than one By Danielle Davis Sopris Sun Correspondent

The meal begins with a blessing. “Let us do everything in gratitude,” says Ferdinand “Ferd” Meyer, a regular and volunteer at the Garfield County Senior Program meals in Parachute. Immediately following the blessing, Senior Services for the Garfield County Department of Human Services Manager, Judy Martin, makes her announcements to the group, which include the news that A Little Help, a nonprofit offering support to seniors, is opening a chapter here. Concluding her announcements, Martin delivers a friendly reminder: “These lunches are a way for us to build community, and so I’m making three topics off-limits: politics, religion and vaccines.” And on that note, a gentleman at my table, Vern Scott, rises to carry out his lunchtime role of tickling the ivories while the meal is served. As of Sept. 1, the Garfield County Senior Program restarted its community meals and CSA (community-supported agriculture) subscription for seniors at various sites in New Castle, Silt, Rifle and Parachute. In addition to hot meals, seniors take their pick of the freshest local produce, which is the product of a collaboration between the Senior Program and local farms. The three farms providing produce to the program this year are Abundant TerrAced Earth in New Castle, The Farm Collaborative in Aspen and the Glenwood Springs Community Garden. “I love knowing that my food is going to nourish seniors through this great program,” says Terrie Swerdlove, owner of Abundant TerrAced Earth and former social worker.

Marty Campbell and Nancy Stover enjoy a community meal. Photo by Paula Mayer. At the Sept. 1 lunch in Parachute, guests are treated to produce from The Farm Collaborative — melons, leeks, kale, squash and beets. “The kale is really popular because everyone loves making kale chips now,” says Martin as she observes the kale getting snatched up. The Senior CSA program began five years ago when Martin would visit the Glenwood Springs farmer’s market each week and deliver the produce to the meal sites. Soon, Martin forged a partnership with the Glenwood Springs Community Garden, where Garden Manager Karen Garrison tends 22 plots now dedicated to the program. In 2021, Martin and team solicited and received funding from the Northwest Area Agency on Aging and from the Aspen Community Foundation to continue purchasing

the produce shares. And, when seniors were told to stay home to reduce their risk of contracting COVID-19, the meal program evolved into a weekly grab n’ go lunch with a produce pickup via a makeshift, drive-thru window installed in parking lots at meal sites throughout the Roaring Fork Valley. “I know folks in every town we serve meals and I feel like I’m part of the community in each town,” says Martin. “The benefits of this program are twofold,” she adds. “Seniors get the freshest, most nutritious local produce, and farmers benefit from the reliable revenue.” On the menu the day I visit is a hot meal of chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans, which I’m told is the universal favorite by my tablemates. “Do you want to hear a story about Vern and me?” Meyer asks as we sit

down to lunch. Whipping out his phone, Meyer pulls up a picture of a group of college-aged men in a 1950s fraternity-like setting. “Recognize anyone?” he asks, eyes twinkling. Both geologists, the story goes that Meyer and Scott thought the other looked familiar at a previous lunch and Meyer later found an image they’re both in, two rows apart. “That’s what we looked like in our day,” they say, which garners a good-natured eye roll from Vern’s wife, DeeAnn Scott. Another guest, Frank Shove, says that, for him, the best part of the meals are the friendships and “not having to cook for myself.” Shove’s wife passed away after a long battle with cancer, during which he took care of her and cooked three meals a day. “So, I don’t really like to cook anymore,” says Shove. “I like it here because someone cooks for me.” DeeAnn Scott also wants to share a story. “Do you want to know what he said to me when we were dating?” she asks, motioning in Vern’s direction. “He said, ‘DeeAnn, I’m worried that you might love me more than I love you,’” she playfully recalls the memory with the same perfectly-timed eye roll. “Well, that made me so mad,” she whispers, and I lean in closer for the punchline, “I decided right then and there I was going to make him fall in love with me, and then I was gonna drop him flat!” she laughs, lightly smacking her hand on the table for emphasis. Vern, obviously amused by his wife’s retelling, turns to me with a wink, “Well, it didn’t work out that way, did it?” Leaving the meal in Parachute, I note another benefit of the Senior Program. The meals are a weekly opportunity for people to gather and commune with each other through sharing and storytelling, with food as the conduit.

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • September 23-29, 2021 • 5


Commissioners to visit Aspen Glen’s eagle buffer zone

By James Steindler Contributing Editor

The Garfield County Commissioners regular meeting on Monday, Sept. 20, took nearly six hours before all was said and done. The majority of the meeting was focused on a developer’s application for a Substantial Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment to remove an eagle nest buffer zone in Aspen Glen along the Roaring Fork River. Commissioner Tom Jankovsky recused himself after explaining that he and his wife recently purchased a property management company which services a number of properties in Aspen Glen. The applicant, Aspen Glen Golf Company, wishes to build in the area and has been navigating the application process since the beginning of the year. In November 2020, the commissioners determined that the proposal would affect adjacent properties and the public. Therefore, the application is meant for the consideration of a substantial modification, rather than a minor one. The eagle nest buffer zone was implemented in 1992 in order to protect a historic bald eagle nest dating back to the 1940s. According to a letter dated “May 10” from Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) area wildlife manager Matt Yamashita, “The restrictions were part of the development process from 1992, and were agreed upon by the Aspen Glen Development Company, BLM [Bureau of Land Management], Garfield County, USFWS [U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services] and Colorado Division of Wildlife in order to protect the nest and surrounding area from development and disturbance so that eagles could return and use the nest.” However, CPW no longer sees the need for the buffer zone because the tree in which the historic nest was located blew over in a wind storm in 2018, effectively destroying the nest. Roaring Fork Conservancy Executive Director Rick Lofaro in a written statement said it supported the removal of the buffer zone. However, “Should the property be developed in the future, a minimum setback and riparian buffer of 35-feet is required by Garfield County, and this setback should be upheld if not voluntarily increased by Aspen Glen.” Davis Farrar of Western Slope Consulting, representing the Aspen Glen Golf Co., explained to the commissioners that, “There are 33 built residences adjoining the Roaring Fork River. Additionally, there are ten lots adjoining the river that are vacant that can have residential units, and likely will.” Farrar went a step further and said, “The eagles have demonstrated a tolerance to human activity as evidenced by their new nesting choice, 60 feet away from two existing homes where there are no protections in place.” “County planning staff recommends approval of removing the eagle nest buffer zone and, importantly, the Garfield County Planning Commission also recommends approval,” Farrar concluded. The Homeowners Association at Aspen Glen Inc. wrote in their opposition to the proposal. “We have found from various resources and owner surveys that the overwhelming majority of owners in Aspen Glen (that have expressed an opinion) are passionately opposed to the removal of the Buffer Zone,” the letter reads. The group added that, “The Board feels that this action will have an adverse effect

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on water, wildlife and open space conservation. After all, generations of herding elk and nesting eagles were here long before we were, and part of our responsibilities as a community living among them is to protect and provide space for them.” Aspen Center for Environmental Studies opposes the removal of the buffer zone, as does the Roaring Fork Audubon Society. Roaring Fork Audubon Chair Marry Harris, in an email to Garfield County Senior Planner Glenn Hartmann, wrote: “Bald eagles are protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act as well as the Migratory Bird Treaty Act! While taking away part of their territory is not the same as physically taking a part of a species, it can have a similar disruptive impact. Please do the right thing and keep this parcel of land in protective status.” The commissioners set a date for a site visit of the three parcels in question on Wednesday, Sept. 29, at 1 p.m. While the public is welcome to observe, there will be no opportunity for public comment. The continued public hearing was set for Monday, Oct. 11, at 1 p.m.

This medical helicopter from Steamboat Springs accompanied the EMS Memorial Bike Ride on the first leg of their Colorado tour on Sept. 20. Riders stopped for lunch at the Carbondale Fire Station on their way from Snowmass to Glenwood Springs. The tradition honors medical personnel fallen in the line of duty. Photo by Raleigh Burleigh.

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Waiting for GarCo vaccination rates to rise

Graphic by Garfield County Public Health. By Jeanne Souldern Sopris Sun Correspondent

In mid-August, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) issued new metrics to Colorado’s private and public schools to support in-person learning and minimize classroom quarantines. One of the metrics issued by the CDPHE at the county level was: “Counties with a 70% or higher vaccination rate of people 12 and older with at least one COVID-19 vaccine.” At a Sept. 8 board of education meeting, Roaring Fork School District (RFSD) Superintendent Rob Stein, explained that part of the district’s back-to-school plans was to maintain universal face masks to improve the in-school learning experience with less disruption from absences, quarantines and program cancellations. It was announced that, while nine cases of COVID-19 exposure have

occured within RFSD schools since the beginning of this school year, only one of those was determined to be a case of close contact that required the quarantine of a group of 13 students considered high-risk. The other eight cases did not require quarantining. Compared to last school year’s 131 absences per day due to quarantines, RFSD is currently at four per day. A universal face mask policy, where all are required to wear face masks, is not popular with all parents in the district, evidenced by a handful of community members who spoke during the meeting’s public comment period. Stein addressed the policy and said, “I realize that it is controversial in our community to be wearing masks, but I’m an educator and I want to see kids in school. We’re keeping kids in school through these measures.” Stein explained how they met the challenge of gathering public health department statistics for a district that

includes three counties – Garfield, Eagle and Pitkin – to arrive at a formula for tracking the 70% vaccination rate goal. The goal is for students, teachers, food service and custodial staff in the district’s high schools to be at a 70% vaccination rate. The first task, Stein explained, was to answer a few basic questions, including, “As a technical question, or a methodological question, how to define our community, as they called it, and how do we define our 70%?” Stein said he defined “community” as the towns and surrounding areas of Carbondale, Glenwood Springs and Basalt. However, there is no vaccination data at the town level, only at the county level. Stein said the district asked local health departments for that information but it was not possible. “They just don't have data that slices that way.” They then defined the community as the RFSD district, as a whole,

which presented the next challenge – determining the ratio of student enrollment within the three counties that RFSD serves. The district worked with epidemiologists and statisticians from local public health departments, and, as Stein explained, “we established a sort of a multiplier based on the ratio of enrollment in our three counties.” That multiplier yielded percentages for RFSD students residing in each county, which rounded to 75% in Garfield County, 20% in Eagle and 5% in Pitkin counties. At the Sept. 8 meeting, Stein said 66% of the population eligible to receive the vaccine is vaccinated within the school district. Stein said RFSD has been monitoring those numbers since Aug. 10, when the vaccination rate was 62%. Stein shared that vaccination rates are higher in Eagle County (at 79%) and Pitkin (just over 70%). At the same




time, Garfield inches up slowly each day, hovering around the mid-60s range. Stein explained, “It’s going to take a higher vaccination rate in Garfield County before we average out.” He added, “We’re getting there, but we’re not there yet.” Stein said CDPHE put out school guidance explaining, “You can minimize quarantines if you get 70% of a community or a school vaccinated. That has a lot to do with informing our masking and other practices because we want to avoid quarantines; we want to avoid student absences from school.” Another challenge Stein cited was, “It’s mostly about getting the data so we can get accurate numbers.” He said parents could help by submitting their child’s proof of vaccination information to their school. For CDPHE vaccination data, visit: bit.ly/COvaccines For Garfield County vaccination data, visit: bit.ly/GarCovaccines


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Blessing of the Animals

Know where ya’ can put these?

Two Rivers UU celebrates our four-legged, furry, finny and feathered friends. Bring your pets to TRUU's outdoor, kid-friendly event.

It’s Our Monthly Special

Sunday, Oct. 3 at 10:00am Live Outdoor Family Event Third Street Center, Carbondale, CO

If your pet won't travel, bring a photo. We're also happy to bless stuffed critters. Animals blessed by Rev. Jane Keener-Quiat. Live music by Jimmy Byrne.

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For Information & Reservations call 970-945-0667 • yampahspa.com Spa Open 9-9 Salon Open 9-7 • One Block East of the Hot Springs Pool THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • September 23-29, 2021 • 7



by Will Evans

As the sun crossed the equator this equinox, day and night were approximately of equal length. The water flow in the river is low and slow. Patterns of flowing current around rocks are smaller, quieter and a yellow leaf is swirling in an eddy. Does balance between light and dark in our “watershed democracy” call for a poignant moment for reflection? Is this not an ordinary equinox? Are we in the midst of a strange global pandemic, not an ordinary plague? A question may be: are we at a paradigm shift, an inflection point, a tipping point? As we reap the consequences of an earlier era, are we entering a new era? What happens at a tipping point? What happens when a period of explosive expansion ends and a time of

Autumn reflections on restoring balance modulation manifests as limits are recognized? What happens when local limits change: population increases, precipitation shifts to less snow and more rain, or less total precipitation? If we see what is happening and continue learning, will we benefit from knowing a directional change is moving and have an opportunity to proceed wisely? If we are trapped in tunnel vision, will there be risk in traversing this transition? Jacob Lieberman, a former resident — knowledgeable about the human eye and light — reminds us risk can be significant if we are so busy with our ideas and beliefs about how life was or is supposed to be that we are overtaken by surprise in a paradigm shift. Will it be possible to miss a new reality until it is already upon us? The reality is: our atmosphere is warming; the temperature of the river water increasing, the airwater temperature combination is approaching the upper tolerances for critical local species. When will it be appropriate to behave as if we understand? Over time, ideas and beliefs grow and eventually the harvest of these fruits reveals whether a way of living is life-sustaining. In 1998, Katrina Blair founded Turtle Lake Refuge in Durango to celebrate the connection between personal health and wildlands.

She is adamant about water quality, insisting we not lose sight that river water can be drinkable — words that remind us of the Federal Clean Water Act, passed in 1972; words that today seem forgotten. The carrying capacity of a watershed can hold steady over years or it can shrink and contract, no longer able to support a resident population. As Intermountain West residents, we are within the “Arid Regions of the United States'' identified by John Wesley Powell, director of the United States Geological Survey. He warned the House and Senate Committees on Irrigation in 1890 that lands west of the Hundredth Meridian receive far less precipitation than lands in the East. Water is life. What are we growing in Carbondale? Are we growing for the benefit of a few or are we growing a living world story for children? Optimal relationship between land and population known as the “carrying capacity” is defined as the population of creatures, people and plants an ecosystem can support with lifesustaining resources. If water quality is good, everyone benefits. As the quantity of water decreases, the watershed toxins concentrate. Contaminated water reduces overall healthy carrying capacity.

8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • September 23-29, 2021

The 2015 Carbondale Source Water Protection Plan wisely focused its concerns on reducing “source water susceptibility to contamination.” In 1890 no one listened to John Wesley Powell. The West was settled as if his words were never spoken. Ecological carrying capacity means an environment will limit the size of population an ecosystem can support. We inhabit an economy obsessed with growth. Our economic impetus is to outgrow our watershed. The American Economic Association explains, “Economics is the study of scarcity, the study of how people use resources and respond to incentives.” Was Colorado settled with a “Contempt for the carrying capacity of watersheds” because economic power can buy and sell water as a commodity, use it, dismiss it or divert it to feed urban growth east of the Continental Divide? Although the politics of abundance values balance, does the politics of scarcity funnel people into tunnel vision? Has our nation construed a belief in continuous growth into an assumption this will be continuously beneficial? Our economy teaches it makes no sense to voluntarily limit one’s growth and profits. Consequently calamities accumulate; our belief in perpetual growth ignores our

interdependence with water and assumes we will always have enough drinkable water. Ranchers calculate the carrying capacity of their land. Brook and Rose LeVan of Sustainable Settings are well-acquainted with the big picture and know how many cow calf pairs of their dairy herd they can support. A pasture produces only so much forage. Animal demand is the amount of forage required per head . Exceeding those limits with too many, too much will never be enough to yield healthy milk and land. Brook explains that with knowing how much is enough and affirming relationships within the farm, they have everything needed “to heal the land, harvest nutrient-dense food and milk, and delight in all the flavors.” Ancient wisdom reminds us: there is no calamity like not knowing when is enough. And yet a short distance downstream from Brook and Rose questions about “carrying capacity” in a drought prompt puzzled looks. Is this the year we will eventually clarify what we are sowing? This summer we were blessed with rain and a harvest; gardeners in our community gratefully stocked produce into their cellars. At the same time, others work to dismember source, buying and selling water rights

Photo by Raleigh Burleigh.

and issuing building permits. One noticeable consequence at this moment is divisiveness. Have any of us ever experienced so much divisiveness in life? A transition is preceded by deviations from the norm moving within systems. As temperature increases, there is an acceleration and magnification of changing patterns. Woody Morrison, a Vancouver lawyer and Haida elder observed there are two types of societies: command structure and common mind structure. These yield two very different outcomes, because a command structured nation follows the mandates of authority — even if the authority lacks wisdom — whereas a common mind structured nation can change direction

instantaneously without mandates or orders. When people learn to think cooperatively, all activities can focus on the wisdom of a living world story. They know and live in unity. How a society deals with change may determine its future. In a command structured society, no one seems responsible for knowing when is enough. In a common mind society, everyone knows when is enough. Communication is a solution. This is how balance has been cultivated for 10,000 years in the Western Hemisphere by cultures committed to maintaining salmon runs in the rivers and herds of buffalo, deer and elk on the land. Ongoing balance is harvested from a container of communication that holds the diverse perspectives of a community. This balance and unity is cultivated in councils and talking circles. Is it possible for our command structured society to come into balance with the carrying capacity of our watershed? Can a watershed democracy grow a living world story? Can exploitative value systems of an earlier era be limited by wise balanced values in a new era? Because there is an epidemic of change now, people are frightened. Heart rates are accelerating, our ability to hear and listen impaired, our vision constricted - we do not see where we are and are unable to see where we are going. We don’t see our inseparable connectedness, we don’t see our unity. When our unity is not visible, we are confronted by the expression: “United we stand, divided we fall.” More than ever, we need to come together with our lifesustaining skills and voices to navigate this transition. And yet, more than ever there is divisiveness, the perspective of a balanced carrying capacity is perceived as “different” and excluded. Inclusivity is lacking — it is dangerous. Why is that? Are we in a confused public discourse created by design? Are we inundated with weapons of mass distraction? Richard Manning, an environmental journalist from Montana, observes we reside on a Tower of Babel with some people working assiduously to create confusion. Money is expended lavishly in keeping people continually confused with conflicting studies and false reports. Confusion is important to corporations because all they need is to protect the “status quo.” People know too much growth reduces the quality of

life for residents. Carbondale has strong, high-quality water sources and a good Source Water Protection Plan. The question is, why doesn’t our governance have interest in a wise balance with our watershed and the quality of life preferences of our people? Even robust water sources can become uncertain when times are changing. Do we need to update our Source Water Protection Plan to reflect limits changing within our watershed? Are people so confused that we have lost our political will? Is this fine with developers because they only need to operate under the current conditions, under the status quo? To maintain the status quo, all that is needed is for “we the people” to do nothing which will not restore enough balance to hold those skilled with money and power in check? When we hold disparate perceptions in our hands and hearts, will we remember our relationship with source is also about our relationship with each other? As we pass through this inversion of our reality we need to hold on and to hold each other. If we do not see each other as facets on the diamond of our humanity, then there is the potential for something just the opposite to happen. Jonas Salk, a respected physician, reminded us 50 years ago wisdom is a form of strength necessary to maintain life. Wisdom implies making discernments in advance rather than retrospectively. If we see the big picture, can we become the survival of the wisest. The cold hand of frost has touched our plants - signaling a limit to our outdoor growing season for the year. Relationships are changing. Are we wise enough to adapt and live with our local carrying capacity? Can we focus on what needs to be done? A long tradition of experience, wisdom and knowhow exists on this land for living in balance with the local environment. Can we pause, regain our balance, reflect on our relationships and craft wise town planning during a drought with no visible end in sight? Will Evans is a retired medical doctor and resident of Carbondale. He published “Circulating Source Water” in 2020, a monograph about humanity's relationship with source. The book in available online and at Mana Foods in Carbondale.

ToWN of CarboNdalE


Call for VoluNTEErS aNd SpoNSorS for 112Th poTaTo day CElEbraTioN: Carbondale’s oldest community event, Potato Day, will take place on Saturday, October 2, 2021, at Sopris Park. The 112th annual festival will include a parade down Main Street, booths and family activities in Sopris Park, along with the traditional community meal. Volunteer opportunities, sponsor, parade and vendor applications, and registration for the scavenger hunt are available at CarbondaleRec.com.

CalliNg all KidS: “TaTEr TroT” & gymKhaNa aT poTaTo day: Kids, parents and friends of all ages are welcome to sprint, walk or stroll the Tater Trot 1-mile fun run hosted by Ross Montessori School on October 2 at 8:30 a.m. Potato and Renaissance costumes are encouraged. And, Gymkhana, a Youth Rodeo event organized by the Sopris Gymkhana Club, will take place that afternoon from 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ClEEr ClimaTE EVENT - ToNighT In support of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan update, Chart Carbondale, Clean Energy Economy for the Region (CLEER) is holding an in-person community meeting tonight, Thursday, September 23, at the Third Street Center from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Masks are required for all attendees. There is also an option to join via Zoom. More information at 970-704-9220. frEE CoVid-19 TESTiNg ouTSidE of ToWN hall: Stay safe and healthy this fall with free COVID-19 testing through Roaring Fork Valley Covid Testing. The Carbondale testing location is open to symptom-free individuals Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., at 511 Colorado Ave. (on the west side of Carbondale Town Hall; access via car from 4th Street). Results are typically available within 48 hours. Walk-ups are welcome but appointments are preferred. To schedule online, visit rfvcovidtest.com. ComiNg SooN: hazardouS WaSTE day – ToWN of CarboNdalE rESidENTS oNly: Safely dispose of hazardous waste in downtown Carbondale next month. Go to CarbondaleGov.org for a list of permitted items and waste away at the 4th & Colorado Streets parking lot on Saturday, October 9, from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Save the Date: Faith & Blue WeekenD Oct. 9 anD 10: Join the Town of Carbondale Police Department for free and fun-filled events on Oct. 9 and 10. Carbondale Police Department is partnering with The Orchard Church as part of Faith & Blue, a national event presented by the United States Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (USDOJ COPS). The Faith & Blue initiative is the reinforcement of connections between law enforcement professionals and the communities they serve through the reach of houses of worship.

970-963-2733 • carbondalegov.org THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • September 23-29, 2021 • 9


ASPEN FILM Tickets for showings at

The Wheeler and Crystal Theatre through Sunday are available at aspenshowtix.com FALL FLORAL Mountain West Floral teaches folks how to make a fall bouquet with foraged leaves and natural elements at the Basalt Library from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Register by emailing laura@basaltlibrary.org LIVE MUSIC Randal and Joe perform at Heather’s in Basalt at 6:30 p.m. CONVERGENCE CIRCUS Carbondale Arts and Art of Air present the Convergence Circus at 13 Moons Ranch through Saturday with staggered viewing opportunities between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. Tickets are at carbondalearts.com CLIMATE PLAN Carbondale residents are invited to discuss climate protection parameters in relation to the town’s Comprehensive Plan update. The event takes place at the Third Street Center from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Masks are required.


PETITION DROP 350 Roaring Fork invites residents to join them in urging local municipalities to divest from fossil fuels. Find them at Glenwood Springs City Hall at noon or Carbondale Town Hall at 2 p.m. COMMUNITY PARTY Wilderness Workshop hosts a party in Sopris Park from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. with performances by Aspen Santa Fé Ballet's Baile Folklórico, The Manitou Strings and Lizzy Plotkin & Natalie Spears. The event is free, but registration is requested at wildernessworkshop.org STRING TRIO Javier de los Santos, Erin Gallagher and Sarah Graf perform Latin music from Italy, Spain and Argentina at the Basalt Library from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. More info at basaltlibrary.org STEVE’S GUITARS Whiskey Stomp performs at Steve’s Guitars at 8:30 p.m. GrassRoots will live

stream the show on YouTube. LIVE MUSIC The Jeff Andrews Band performs at Heather’s in Basalt at 6:30 p.m.


CONFLUENCE The Hudson Reed

Ensemble will debut the second episode of its web-series “Confluence.” It is free to stream at hudsonreedensemble.org PUBLIC LANDS DAY Celebrate National Public Lands Day by repairing and restoring the Crown Mountain Recreation Area with Wilderness Workshop. Registration at wildernessworkshop.org FIRE MITIGATION Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers invites folks to remove potential wildfire fuels above the Glenwood Meadows Shopping Center from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Register at rfov.org PET PAGEANT Colorado Animal Rescue will host a virtual event from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. to celebrate this past year’s successes at the shelter. More information is at coloradoanimalrescue.org LIVE MUSIC Suzanne Paris performs at Heather’s in Basalt at 6:30 p.m. DANCE PARTY To conclude the Convergence Circus event at 13 Moons Ranch, The Red Hill Rollers and The Copper Children perform a concert beginning at 9 p.m. Tickets are at carbondalearts.com



From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Carol Shure will host a Community Constellation workshop at the Third Street Center where folks can delve into generational trauma and explore how that history affects theirs’ and others’ lives today. To register (for $65) visit carolshure.com MARK BERGER New York based musician Marc Berger will play a free solo gig at Carbondale Library at 6:30 p.m. He will also share stories about the western

10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • September 23-29, 2021

wilderness. Berger will play at the Rifle Library on Sept. 27, the Silt Library on Sept. 28 and Glenwood Springs Library on Sept. 29 with all showtimes at 6:30 p.m.


CRYSTAL THEATRE “The Alpinist” shows at the Crystal Theatre at 7:30 p.m.


VOTER REGISTRATION DAY The Basalt Library invites folks to arrive there and register to vote anytime between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Local Representatives will be available to answer questions and check folks’ registration status. END OF LIFE Sean Jeung, a former hospice chaplain, and Akaljeet Khalsa, a certified death doula, will show a short film and then will lead a discussion with a small group. The event is for folks who are vaccinated and masks will be required. Registration is also required. RSVP by emailing segzislis@gmail.com GARDEN CONCERT The event is for folks Birds of Play performs at True Nature's Peace Garden at 5:30 p.m. PARENT NIGHT Roaring Fork High School invites parents to visit the school and ask questions from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


FARMERS’ MARKET Carbondale’s final market of the season is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Fourth and Main. COLLEGE PLANNING Parents of seniors at Roaring Fork High School are invited to learn about college and career planning at 6:30 p.m. LIVE MUSIC Steve Cole performs at Heather’s in Basalt at 6:30 p.m.


SOCCER MATCH The Roaring Fork High School boys soccer team plays against Colorado Rocky Mountain

Visit soprissun.com to submit events.

School (CRMS) at CRMS at 4 p.m. STAND AT THE SUMMIT Environmental advocates from both the Roaring Fork and North Fork valleys stand together at the top of McClure Pass to share ideas and inspiration from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. MEN ON BOATS At 7:30 p.m. Thunder River Theatre Co. opens its season with “Men on Boats,” a play about John Wesley Powell’s expedition down the Colorado River with an all-female cast. The show will have Thursday to Sunday shows through Oct. 17. For details and tickets, visit thunderrivertheatre.com TACAW The Still Tide performs at The Contemporary at 8 p.m. Tickets are at tacaw.org


WAKE-UP CALL The Colorado River District presents its annual seminar at Colorado Mesa University from 8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. with virtual attendance options. Register at coloradoriverdistrict.org YOUTH FILMS YouthZone’s Ascent Youth Film Festival kicks off virtually and with a watch party at The Orchard in Carbondale with and music by the Hell Roaring String Band at 6 p.m. Tickets and access to the online auction are at youthzone.com LIVE MUSIC Chris Bank and Mark Johnson performs at Heather’s in Basalt at 6:30 p.m. ASPEN FRINGE The Aspen Fringe Festival presents “Fallfest” at the Wheeler Opera House at 7:30 p.m. More info at aspenfringefestival.org


POTATO DAY Carbondale’s longest

tradition continues with artisans in the park at 9 a.m., a parade on Main Street at 10:30 a.m., live music beginning at 11:30 a.m. and the community meal in the park. The Youth Gymkhana at the Gus Darien Rodeo Grounds starts at 2 p.m.


Sol del el

Conectando comunidades


AL NO ARTISTA Por Vanessa Porras

Durante los últimos meses he compartido con ustedes la importancia del arte y la creatividad en esta columna. Decidí llamarla “Al no artista” porque, como educadora, he tenido muchos alumnos que se presentaban como, "yo no soy artista," incluso antes de decirme sus nombres. En mí opinión, todos nacimos siendo artistas. El que deje de crear arte es otra historia. El arte, no discrimina ni tampoco pregunta ¿cuál es tú habilidad? para poder otorgarte permiso para crear. Un día, solamente te toca la puerta y te pide poder entrar.

A este su agrpadec nu e o y o e m o vo p par s ro y a ecto .

Volumen 1, Número 30 |23 al 29 septiembre de 2021

La magia de un cuaderno

Para mí, el arte, como las olas del mar vino y se fue. Incluso duró muchísimos años para volver a regresar. Ignore el llamado. Mantuve la puerta cerrada y como perro callejero encontró quien lo alimentara. Los rasguños en mi puerta cesaron y el llamado parecía haberse ido para siempre. Durante ese tiempo deje que mis problemas ocuparan la gran mayoría de mi espacio mental. No había motivación para crear y cada vez me enfermaba más. A pesar de haber llegado a considerarme una artista de niña, ¿cómo me iba a decir que era una artista si no creaba arte? Como siempre, esta columna está dedicada a aquellos que no se consideran artistas y también quiero tomar la oportunidad de crear conciencia hacia la salud mental. El día 10 de octubre es el día mundial de Salud Mental instituido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Conforme cambian las estaciones y los días se hacen más cortos, hay quienes necesitamos un poco más de apoyo. Si tu eres alguien que necesita ayuda o piensas que tal vez estés experimentando síntomas de trastorno mental platica con tu doctor o alguien de confianza que te pueda ayudar.

Yo no soy psicóloga ni profesional de la salud mental, pero como alguien que entiende lo que es sufrir de trastorno mental y como artista, quiero ofrecerles mi historia y como encontré magia en un cuaderno. Desafortunadamente aún es tabú hablar sobre nuestro estado mental por miedo al, ¿Qué dirán? Entiendo que ir a terapia a veces puede ser muy caro o simplemente nuestro lenguaje natal pueda ser una barrera ya que la mayoría de los psicólogos hablan inglés. A los quince años me diagnosticaron con depresión clínica, unos años después me diagnosticaron con trastorno afectivo estacional, un subtipo de depresión que ocurre a medida que cambian las estaciones. Luego siguió el diagnóstico de trastorno de ansiedad generalizada severa y finalmente distimia, una forma de depresión crónica. Durante este tiempo no estaba creando arte, pero tenía un cuaderno. Mi psicóloga me recomendó que escribiera todo lo que estaba sintiendo. Al principio fue difícil ya que era muy dura conmigo misma y quería que todo estuviera perfecto. Todo cambió cuando llegó mi maestra de escritura creativa, la Sra. Jean Winkler, quien también era nuestra bibliotecaria.

La Sra. Winkler me ayudó a escribir cuentos, poesía y hasta escribí una obra. Lo que ella me enseñó fue como magia para mi. Tuve la oportunidad de crear en mi mente un personaje que tomó vida en las páginas de mi cuaderno. Mi personaje asumió todas las dudas, inseguridades y problemas, y cómo la autora del cuento, pude guiar y liberar a mi personaje de lo que le afligía. Todos tenemos diferentes mecanismos de afrontamiento, en los últimos años, crear arte y darle vida a mis tormentos emocionales me ha ayudado no solo a afrontarlos sino a prosperar y a ayudar a otras personas también. El arte y la terapia van de la mano. Cuando empecé a ver el vínculo entre el arte y la sanación, me di cuenta que muchos de los artistas que admiraba usaban técnicas similares. La artista Yayoi Kusama pinta un patrón de puntos insistentemente que la ayuda a lidiar con síntomas de trastorno obsesivo compulsivo y las alucinaciones que la han plagado desde la infancia. Ella lo llama "medicina del arte". Similarmente, Frida Kahlo se considera la madrina del arte terapia, dado a que su trabajo es mayormente autorretratos que narran todo el dolor que sintió durante su vida. Kahlo

siempre dejó en claro, "Nunca pinto mis sueños o pesadillas, pinto mi realidad". Kahlo también mantuvo un cuaderno donde escribía cartas que nunca envió, donde rayaba garabatos y dibujaba también. Hay tanta belleza que cada uno de ustedes le puede ofrecer al mundo. Incluso la belleza que proviene del dolor. No todo lo que se marchita muere, a veces, solo necesitamos invernar para poder germinar y volver a florecer. Si tú o alguien que conoces necesita ayuda o está experimentando una crisis mental recurre a los recursos provisto abajo. Si sospechas que alguien necesita ayuda pero no está en estado de crisis, habla con ellos, déjales saber que tú estás ahí como esa fuente de apoyo. Ofrécete a caminar con ellos, a tomar un café o regalarles un cuaderno. Nunca sabes si le puedes cambiar la vida a alguien. -Aspen Hope Center 970-9255858 -Línea directa de Mind Springs Health las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana 888-207-4004, o envía un mensaje de texto “TALK” al 38255 -Colorado Crisis Service 1-844493-TALK (8255) o envía un mensaje de texto con "Talk" al 38255

CHISME DEL PUEBLO Noche de padres de RFHS Roaring Fork High School invita a los padres a visitar la escuela y hacer preguntas desde las 6:30 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. el martes 28 de septiembre. El evento será bilingüe.

El clima y el Plan Comp CLEER y la ciudad de Carbondale organizará una sesión pública el jueves 23 de septiembre en el Community Room en Third Street Center con respecto a cómo ciertos factores en el cambio climático pueden afectar en el Plan Comprensivo de la Ciudad. Las personas que atendían en persona serán requeridas el uso de mascarilla. Para asistir en línea, visite cleanenergyeconomy.net

Temporada de elecciones Según la secretaria y contador del condado de Garfield Jean Alberico, las votaciones para la elección el 2 de noviembre serán enviadas por correo el 8 de octubre. Se le aconseja a los residentes locales actualizar su información de registración de votante, si es necesario, en govotecolorado.gov para poder recibir el papel de votación por correo en su dirección actual. Los estudiantes en la universidad y las personas que viven durante el invierno en otra área o que viajen también pueden recibir su papel de votación por medio del correo. Los votantes y los miembros de familia que son militares o ciudadanos que viven fuera del país tienen una fecha límite adelantada, este sábado, para poder verificar su dirección de correo.

Mascarillas requeridas

A partir del 16 de septiembre las mascarillas serán requeridas en todos los lugares interiores en el condado de Pitkin para los individuos de dos años y mayores independientemente de su estado de vacunación. La 11a Orden de Salud Pública Enmendada dice que las mascarillas serán requeridas en lugares interiores cuando el condado alcance un nivel alto de transmisión como ha sido indicado por el rastreador de datos de la CDC. El condado de Pitkin es considerado en un nivel alto de transmisión. Para más información visite covid19.pitkincounty.com

Día de la patata Hay muchas actividades planeadas para el 112o Día de la Patata, incluyendo una búsqueda de tesoros (dirigido hacia los más jóvenes, pero todos están invitados). Las inscripciones para la búsqueda de tesoros comenzarán a las 8:45 a.m. en Sopris Park. para más información contacte a Jessi al 5101278. El concurso de patata decorada incluirá cinco categorías: 1) renacimiento de la patata (renaissance potato), 2) más representativo de Carbondale, 3) el más creativo, 4) totalmente tubular, 5) la categoría de niñes para menores de 12 años. Fotos serán publicadas en la página de Facebook de Carbondale Annual Potato Day o en Instagram usando el hashtag: #CarbondalePotatoDay2021 El festival incluirá un desfile, vendedores de artesanía y cosecha agricola y un almuerzo comunitario hecho con patatas locales. Solicite como patrocinador, vendedor o para el desfile en bit. ly/CdaleEvents

Llamas de otoño

Bendiga a sus mascotas

En la noche del 17 de septiembre, el Distrito de Protección de Incendios Rural y de Carbondale respondió a una estructura en llamas en 11 Crystal Circle. A la llegada, los bomberos encontraron un cobertizo cubierto en llamas con el fuego expandiéndose al hogar cercano y un garaje. La ayuda fue recibida por el Departamento de Bomberos de Glenwood Springs el cual regresó el favor el sábado 19 de septiembre por la tarde mientras responden a una estructura en llamas en 710 Lincoln Avenue. Una casa de dos pisos fue cubierta de llamas y las casas cercanas fueron evacuadas. “Sin la ayuda de nuestras agencias vecinas, el resultado de este incidente pudo haber sido mucho peor”, dijo el Comandante de incidentes Jesse Hood. la causa de ambos incendios permanecen bajo investigación.

La Capilla de Aspen invita a les dueñes de mascotas a que traigan a sus amigues de cuatro patas o voladores al Chapel Garden a las 11 a.m. el 3 de octubre. Al llegar, las mascotas serán bendecidas y les dueñes recibirán un certificado que lo declare.

Liderazgo latino Voces Unidas de las Montañas está buscando líderes Latines para participar en un foro comunitario y bilingüe en Morgridge Commons en Glenwood Springs el 25 de septiembre de 10:30 a.m. a 2:30 p.m. Voces Unidas se está aliando con COLOR, el Latino Caucus, Protégete y otras organizaciones para desarrollar la primera plataforma política Latine en el estado para poder identificar problemas regionales y prioridades legislativas informadas por la comunidad. Inscripciones son requeridas, para saber más visite vocesunidas.org

El Sopris Shopping Center fue repentinamente destrozado la semana pasada para la construcción de dos edificios nuevos de uso mixto que incluirán espacio comercial y 76 unidades de vivienda para alquilar. Los escombros fueron llevados al South Canyon Landfill. Según la directora del vertedero, entre el 20% y 30% de los materiales podrían haber sido reciclados si no fueron tan machacados y mezclados. Foto por Liz Muaro.

El circo viene a la ciudad

Por Raleigh Burleigh Traducción por Dolores Duarte

Es posible que la gente recuerde con cariño la caminata “Light the Night with Love HeART” de Carbondale Arts, una celebración comunitaria que tuvo lugar en febrero. De manera similar, pero totalmente diferente, Carbondale Arts se ha asociado con la compañía de entretenimiento Art of Air para dar vida a otra "experiencia inmersiva", esta vez con artistas de circo y otros artistas que convergen en el Rancho 13 Moons, al sur de Carbondale. "El concepto de experiencia inmersiva es una especie de zeitgeist (espíritu de una época) que está ocurriendo en todo el mundo en estos momentos", explicó la fundadora de Art of Air, Ariana Gradow, que es también una acróbata aérea. El movimiento ganó popularidad con instalaciones a gran escala, como la de Meow Wolf en Nuevo México, y adquirió mayor relevancia en el contexto de la pandemia. "¿Cómo podemos interactuar entre nosotros y el arte y teatro de una manera que sea segura y divertida?". reflexionó Gradow. Este espectáculo artístico al aire libre, de cuatro días de duración, celebra los cuatro

Donaciones por correo o en línea P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Executive Director Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Editor Raleigh Burleigh • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Directora Artística: Ylice Golden Traductoras: Jacquelinne Castro y Dolores Duarte Distribucion: Frederic Stevie Miembros de la Mesa Directiva Klaus Kocher • Kay Clarke • Lee Beck Megan Tackett • Gayle Wells • Donna Dayton Terri Ritchie • Eric Smith • Vanessa Porras

Foto por Lauren O'Neil. elementos arquetípicos (fuego, agua, tierra y aire) con una variedad de actuaciones y artes visuales, como acrobacias, esculturas, danza, música, titiriteros, poesía y narración de cuentos. Artistas de talla internacional, como el contorsionista del fuego Jordan Remar, viajarán desde lejos para aportar su talento gracias a las conexiones de Gradow con el circuito circense. El acceso con boleto de

entrada se realizará de forma escalonada, cada media hora, para que la gente pueda seguir la experiencia a lo largo de un sendero de media milla. Los espectadores deben vestirse adecuadamente, con zapatos deportivos, abrigos y una lámpara de mano/linterna frontal para las entradas tardías, y anticiparse para una hora y media de entretenimiento serpenteante. El sábado 25 de septiembre,

12 • el Sol del Valle • soprissun.com/espanol/ • 23 al 29 septiembre de 2021

el Circo Convergente concluirá con una fiesta de baile (con boleto aparte). Las estrellas locales del bluegrass, The Red Hill Rollers, iniciarán al espectáculo, seguido por la banda de funk de Denver The Copper Children. Los espectáculos se celebran del 22 al 25 de septiembre, de 5 p.m. a 9 p.m. Para más información, compra de boletos y voluntariado, visita carbondalearts.com

The Sopris Sun, Inc. Es un miembro orgulloso del Distrito Creativo de Carbondale The Sopris Sun, Inc. es una 501(c) (3) organización benéfica sin fines de lucro. Contribuciones financieras son deducibles de impuestos. ¡ESCRÍBENOS! Para contribuir ideas y contenido al Sol del Valle, escribiéndonos a: sol@soprissun.com Para comprar espacio publicitario en español, inglés, o ambos, mándanos un correo electrónico a:

adsales@soprissun.com También se puede contactarnos llamando a 970-510-3003.

Junta administrativa habla de negocios Por Raleigh Burleigh Traducción por Dolores Duarte

Toda la junta administrativa de Carbondale estuvo presente en la reunión ordinaria del 14 de septiembre, con excepción de Heather Henry. Durante los comentarios públicos, tres residentes presentaron problemas con el transportista de basura de la ciudad. Amy Krakow expresó la confusión sobre los recargos por contenedores desbordados. Los miembros aclararon que se le indicó a Mountain Waste colocar un aviso con detalles sobre lo que constituye "desbordamiento" en los contenedores que son multados. El vecino de Krakow tenía una preocupación similar. Patricia Savoy expresó su frustración por el hecho de que los residentes no pueden rescindir del reciclaje sin tener una cuota mensual, dado que ella recicla en su lugar de trabajo. "Lo siento Patricia", dijo Richardson. "Tratamos de acordar en la mejor política que funcione para la mayoría de la gente". Joyce Cohen se unió por Zoom desde Beaver Creek para hablar del negocio de crianza de cachorros no regulada, pidiendo a la ciudad unirse a una coalición que se opone a este asunto. Cohen reconoció que Carbondale no tiene ninguna tienda que vende animales vivos, pero instó a los miembros para aprobar una ordenanza preventiva como una señal para el estado. Durante los "comentarios de los miembros", Erica Sparhawk mencionó que hará una presentación sobre el cambio climático en un panel de la liga municipal de Colorado con Colorado Communities for Climate Action. Marty Silverstein agradeció a la junta y a la comunidad empresarial por el apoyo a la Serie Musical de Verano que concluyó el 12 de septiembre. Los fondos restantes ayudarán a apoyar festividades del Día de la Papa. Ben Bohmfalk anunció que se ha nombrado a un nuevo miembro estudiantil que empezará a asistir a las reuniones, y dijo: "Estoy emocionado de tener esa perspectiva estudiantil de nuevo en la junta". Bohmfalk también asistió a una reunión de Garfield Clean Energy y habló del éxito de su reciente programa "Solarize" que completó más de 170 instalaciones solares residenciales este año.

La Cámara de Comercio de Carbondale celebra con Titan Digital, previamente FootSteps Marketing. Foto de cortesía.

Richardson anunció que el autobús circulador de RFTA tiene ahora una parada junto al City Market. Esta adición ha sido muy solicitada en el proceso del comp plan, particularmente durante la reunión de divulgación en español. "Aquellos que han abogado por ello, saben que su voz ha sido escuchada", dijo Richardson. El primero de los tres puntos principales del orden del día, el director ejecutivo de Coventure, Mike Lowe, se reunió con los miembros para una revisión anual. La incubadora de empresas comenzó como GlenX en 2017 y, según el paquete de la reunión, recibió un compromiso de financiación por parte de la ciudad de $20,000 por año durante tres años. No obstante, los servicios ofrecidos por Coventure, en concreto como espacio de trabajo en conjunto y facilitador de redes, sufrieron un innegable revés durante el COVID. La principal necesidad que Coventure pretende abordar ahora es la escasez de mano de obra. A medida que su compromiso de financiación por parte de la Oficina de Desarrollo Económico y Comercio Internacional de Colorado se acerca a su fin, Coventure está explorando una asociación con la Junta de Servicios de Educación Cooperativa del Colorado River para la sostenibilidad financiera a largo plazo.

Según Lowe, esta escuela de oficios/centro de carreras ya está obteniendo la aprobación de los institutos locales y formará a los estudiantes en ciberseguridad, medios digitales y oficios más tradicionales. "El compromiso que la ciudad hizo con nosotros hace tres años se ha cumplido y estoy agradecido", continuó, pidiendo que los miembros amplíen el compromiso de financiación de 20,000 dólares de la ciudad durante un año más. A continuación, la Cámara de Comercio de Carbondale se unió para una actualización. La directora ejecutiva Andrea Stewart explicó que ella ha estado con la cámara durante 13 años y ahora es presidente de la Asociación de Cámaras de Comercio de Colorado. La Cámara de Carbondale recientemente cambió de oficinas en el Centro de la Calle Tres, mantiene un modesto personal de dos empleados a tiempo completo y uno a tiempo parcial y ahora tienen número de miembros igual a los números antes del COVID. Stewart solicitó al ayuntamiento un aumento de la financiación, de 20,000 a 50,000 dólares. "Creo que, a medida que los tiempos han ido cambiando en el último año y medio, hemos demostrado nuestro valor", dijo, citando la participación en el Grupo de Trabajo de Emergencia de la ciudad. Además, 10,000 dólares beneficiarían específicamente a la promoción del First Friday, ya que FirstBank se retira después de ser el patrocinador fiscal de la tradición durante los dos últimos años. Al final de la reunión del martes, los miembros entraron en una sesión ejecutiva "para una conferencia con el abogado de la ciudad en relación con las disputas que son objeto de una acción judicial pendiente o inminente ..." El paquete de la reunión indica la relación con el incidente policial del 24 de diciembre, fecha de la detención de Michael Francisco en el City Market. El jefe Kirk Wilson se unió a los miembros para esta parte de la reunión. En otras noticias de la ciudad, la comisión de planificación y zonificación elegirá un nuevo presidente y vicepresidente y entrevistará a tres posibles miembros para dos puestos disponibles el 16 de septiembre.

Conozcan a las 3 coordinadoras Comunitarias de SANA.

Maria Judith Alvarez

Soira Ceja

Brenda Kaiser

Si gusta más información por favor de comunicarse con ellas. www.facebook.com/2020SANA

el Sol del Valle • Conector de comunidad • 23 al 29 septiembre de 2021 • 13

New York Pizza a la altura de las circunstancias Por Geneviève Villamizar Traducción por Dolores Duarte

¿Necesitas una nueva razón para hacer frente al desarrollo comercial en la 133? ¡Bueno, hay una nueva "rebanada local" en la carretera 133 para apoyar! Aspen y El Jebel's New York Pizza están preparando la masa y esparciendo las salsas en su nuevo restaurante, a unas pocas puertas al norte de City Market y al lado del nuevo local de Ming's Cafe. "Tuvimos una apertura tranquila con amigos, familiares y personas sin cita el 7 de julio, pero no abrimos oficialmente hasta el 9 de julio. No hicimos una gran apertura", dijo el gerente y copropietario Ryan Baldwin. Pero, la locura se dio por igual y puedes verlo en su página de Facebook. En lo que quizá sea el vuelo de drones más ajustado de la historia, la cámara vuela FUERA del horno de pizza, a través de la fiesta y hasta la calle, donde Byron Turner carga y arranca lo que puede ser la primera entrega de pizza en bicicleta eléctrica de la ciudad. "Mientras dirigíamos el local de El Jebel", dice Ryan, "muchos clientes expresaron su deseo de que formáramos parte de la comunidad de Carbondale". El "nosotros" al que Ryan se refiere incluye a Kevin Jones y Earl Rodgers, copropietarios de los otros locales. Los tres muy involucrados en Carbondale. "Estamos muy contentos de estar aquí. Nos encanta el ambiente, es muy divertido, y hay muchos clientes contentos", añadió Ryan. En una época en la que algunos negocios están cerrando debido a la escasez de

Ryan Baldwin prepara la masa de pizza. Foto por Molly Briggs de Aspen Daily News.

empleados, New York Pizza ejerce la suficiente atracción como para reunir a un equipo. "Nuestro personal es increíble y estamos muy agradecidos de tenerlo, ya que es difícil encontrar ayuda en el sector de alimentos en estos momentos", dijo Ryan. "Ofrecemos asistencia para el pase de esquí, tenemos un buen entorno para trabajar -nuestra cocina está abierta para que no se queden atrapados en la parte de atrás- y pueden hablar con la gente. Les gusta". Al entrar una tarde reciente de entre semana, alrededor de las 3:30 p.m., la camaradería es evidente entre el personal y los clientes. Enormes televisores de

pantalla plana emiten multitud de eventos deportivos. El bar está lleno y las conversaciones son relajadas. La vitrina de pizzas muestra una rotación de pizzas de masa fina con cada vegetal de color del arco iris y una multitud de proteínas. Calentadas por rebanadas o pizzas enteras al gusto: las opciones son infinitas. En todo el valle, New York Pizza es conocida por sus enormes porciones. Las medidas son entre 1 y 2 pies de diámetro. "Este local es el más grande de los tres, por lo que hemos decidido introducir nuevos productos en el menú y ofertas especiales", explica Ryan. "Nuestras tiras de pollo empanizadas con cerveza Coors han


The Sopris Sun está buscando a alguien para vender anuncios, a medio tiempo y por comisión. El enfoque será principalmente vender anuncios en español para el Sol del Valle. Hay que ser bilingüe. Por favor, mande tu CV a Todd@SoprisSun.com


Baños naturales minerals termales “Más privado que una piscina” No WALKINS Por favor. Llame para citas Para información y reservaciones llame a 970-945-0667 • yampahspa.com El Spa esta abierto de 9 a.m. a 9 p.m. y el Salón de 9 a.m. a 7 p.m.

14 • el Sol del Valle • soprissun.com/espanol/ • 23 al 29 septiembre de 2021

sido un gran éxito entre nuestros clientes hasta ahora". Nuestras salsas abarcan todo el espectro de sabores, desde el habanero, el extra picante hasta el templado con mango. Las salsas BBQ recorren el mapa desde la coreana hasta la Carolina Gold. Y, por supuesto, también encontrarás las habituales: búfalo, ajo parmesano y maní asiático. Saca al cavernícola que llevas dentro con una hamburguesa Mountain Primal, hecha con ganado escocés del altiplano, criado aquí mismo, en Emma. Reconociendo que no todos somos carnívoros, el restaurante de Carbondale también ofrece hamburguesas vegetarianas y una variedad de sándwiches de 10 pulgadas. Los grifos de cerveza fluyen con micros y las cervezas más ligeras, y "estamos encantados de compartir nuestro mango congelado y las margaritas de la casa", añadió Ryan. Para la temporada de fútbol, las hamburguesas o tiras de pollo empanizadas, y una cerveza cuestan 15 dólares. Las pizzas grandes de cualquier tipo, con una jarra de cerveza, cuestan 30 dólares. A partir de octubre, si eres lo suficientemente valiente, podrás disfrutar del karaoke. New York Pizza se une a una sólida compañía, junto a Peppino's y Whitehouse en Main Street. Las tres pizzerías cuentan con estacionamiento para bicicletas, asientos en el patio y abarcan diferentes temas relacionados con la pizza, ya sea la salsa, la masa, o los propietarios locales que conocemos y apreciamos. Mostrémosle algo de amor al estilo Carbondale y apoyemos a las tres.


soLicitamos voLuNtaRios y patRociNaDoREs paRa La cELEBRacióN NúmERo 112 DEL Día DE La papa: El evento comunitario más antiguo de Carbondale, Potato Day, tendrá lugar el sábado 2 de octubre de 2021 en Sopris Park, junto con la tradicional comida comunitaria. Para tener la oportunidad de ser un voluntario(a) o patrocinador; participar en desfile o como vendedor; y para inscribirse en el juego de búsqueda de tesoros, visite CarbondaleRec.com.

LLamaNDo a toDos Los Niños: “tatER tRot” & GymkhaNa DuRaNtE EL Día DE La papa: Los niños, adultos y amigos de todas las edades son bienvenidos a participar corriendo, caminando, o simplemente paseando en la divertida carrera de 1 milla denominada Tater Trot, patrocinada por la escuela Ross Montessori el 2 de octubre a las 8:30 a.m. Se exhorta a los participantes a usar disfraces de Papa o a vestirse en el estilo renacentista. Además, Gymkhana, un evento juvenil de rodeo organizado por Sopris Gymkhana Club, tendrá lugar esa tarde de 2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m. La muNicipaLiDaD DE caRBoNDaLE sERá La sEDE DE uN EvENto cLimático, pREsENtaDo poR cLEER hoy poR La NochE: Para brindar apoyo a la actualización del plan exhaustivo de Carbondale, Economía con base en Energía Limpia para la Región (CLEER por sus siglas en inglés) estará presentando una reunión comunitaria en persona hoy por la noche, jueves 23 de septiembre en Third Street Center, de 6:00 pm a 8:00 pm. El uso de una mascarilla es requisito indispensable para todo participante. También pueden acompañarnos de manera virtual a través de Zoom. Para mayor información, puede llamar al 970-704-9220. pRuEBas coNfiRmatoRias DE coviD-19 GRatuitas, EN EL EXtERioR DE towN haLL: Manténgase sano y seguro y durante el otoño, haciéndose pruebas gratuitas de COVID-19 a través del programa gratuito de pruebas confirmatorias en el Valle Roaring Fork. La ubicación del sitio de pruebas está abierto para todos los individuo libres de síntomas, de lunes a viernes de 8:30 am a 1:00 pm, en el 511 de Colorado Ave. (en el lado oeste de la municipalidad de Carbondale ─ puede tener acceso a bordo de su automóvil, entrando por 4th St.) Los resultados generalmente están disponibles antes de 48 horas. No es indispensable agendar una cita, pero es preferible que lo haga. Para agendar una cita de manera electrónica, por favor visite www.rfvcovidtest.com pRóXimamENtE: Día DE REcoLEccióN DE DEsEchos tóXicos: Elimine sus desechos tóxicos de manera segura en Carbondale el próximo mes. Tome un volante en el edificio de la municipalidad para obtener una lista de artículos permitidos y venga a deshacerse de ellos en el estacionamiento situado entre la calle 4th y Colorado Ave. el sábado 9 de octubre, de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm. aGENDE La fEcha: cELEBRacióN DE faith & BLuE DuRaNtE EL fiN DE sEmaNa DEL 9 y 10 DE octuBRE: Acompañe al Departamento de Policía de Carbondale durante un fin de semana lleno de eventos divertidos y gratuitos los días 9 y 10 de octubre de 2021. El departamento de policía de Carbondale trabajará en colaboración con la iglesia The Orchard en honor a Faith & Blue, un evento nacional presentado por la oficina de servicios policíacos orientados a la comunidad, parte del departamento de justicia de los Estados Unidos (USDOJ COPS, por sus siglas en inglés). La iniciativa Faith and Blue refuerza los lazos de unión entre los profesionales que se encuentran a cargo del orden público y las comunidades a las que sirven mediante la promoción comunitaria facilitada por las casas de culto.

970-963-2733 • carbondalegov.org

Music of the West comes from the East By James Steindler Contributing Editor

Jonny Alexander, muralista de California, fue comisionado para pintar dos murales en el nuevo edificio de usos mixtos al noreste de la rotonda. Ambos murales honran la flora silvestre y nativa a esta zona. "Siempre intento conectar un mural con el lugar donde se ubica", nos contó. Foto por Raleigh Burleigh. Jonny Alexander, a California-based muralist, was commissioned to paint two murals on the new mixed-use building northeast of the roundabout. Both murals honor wild plants native to the area. "I always try to connect a mural to where it's being placed," he told The Sopris Sun. Photo by Raleigh Burleigh.

Not to worry if you missed Marc Berger’s Garfield County Public Library District (GCPLD) tour in 2016, he is coming back to play four shows at the very same libraries! There is little time to waste, but luckily it’s only a jaunt over to your local library for an intimate and free performance. The first concert takes place at the Carbondale Library on Sunday, Sept. 26, at 6:30 p.m. Then, Berger plays at the same time in Rifle on Sept. 27, Silt on Sept. 28 and will finish the mini-tour at the Glenwood Springs branch on Sept. 29. Again, all showtimes are at 6:30. If this is the first you’re hearing of this string of shows, it’s likely because the performances were locked in only a few weeks ago. Berger already planned a show with his band at the WYO Theatre in Sheridan, Wyoming, on Sept. 24, followed by attending the Durango Songwriters’ Expo on Sept. 30. He figured, why not wrangle a few shows together in the Roaring Fork Valley on his way from Wyoming to Southwest Colorado? Growing up, Berger was on a relatively standard path before making a sharp left turn into a life of music and exploration of the western wilderness. In his last year of college he took a music appreciation course. “That really rocked my world,” he recalled. He started writing songs in law school and, “By the time I graduated, I’d written a few that I thought were pretty good. He took the songs to some music publishers with little expectation, but ended up signing a publishing contract. After graduating from law school, Berger passed the bar exams in New York and New Jersey and, to this day, has not practiced a day in his life. Instead, “I went into music and all the other things you need to do to make a living,” he joked. According to the GCPLD announcement, Berger “has performed at Austin's SXSW Music Festival and the Kerrville Folk Festival and opened for Bob Dylan and other national acts. His song ‘The Last One’ was a staple of Richie Havens' concerts.” The way Berger put it, “Without dropping names, I’ve played with a lot of pretty well known musicians.” Berger is a New York-based musician, but the inspiration for his songs comes from the West where he spends a lot of time exploring the wild. During the GCPLD shows, he’ll tell stories about

Marc Berger. Photo by Jill McCracken. exploring the West from an Easterner's perspective. “I spent years trying to will myself into being a singer,” the artist explained. “In the meantime, I became kind of a crazy mountain climber, backcountry guy. Even though I lived in the East, I became obsessed with the West.” “I’ve had all kinds of experiences in the West,” Berger said. “Given the fact that I’ve been — in my life — quite aggressive getting into the most remote places possible in the West, I have had some very interesting experiences,” he added. After reading AB Guthrie’s book “The Big Sky,” Berger was inspired to produce an album of songs about the western wilderness. “[Guthrie] was not writing about cowboys and Indians,” said Berger, “he was writing about the West in the way that I understood it and what it feels like to be in it.” Thus the album “Ride” came to be after years of hard work. The intent of the album is to take the listener on a journey through the West by way of the music and lyrics. When asked if he’d recommend a particular song of his, he stated: “You know, they’re all my children, and I try not to play favorites.” Referring to the album “Ride,” he added, “That album is not one dimensional. Each song is quite different from the other but the thread that runs through it is a connection to the West.”

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PARADE APPLICATION INFORMATION ENTRY DEADLINE IS MONDAY SEPTEMBER 27th Applications: Town Hall, www.carbondalerec.com Fees :$40 per entry payable at Town Hall Come join the fun! Parade entries will be judged for prizes. Check-in time on 2nd street is 9:30 a.m. The parade begins promptly at 10:30 a.m. For more info Email: info@carbondale history.org or jrochel@carbondaleco.net

Carbondale, CO THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • September 23-29, 2021 • 15

Marble Ski Area fight raged 50 years ago By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Correspondent

As Colorado ski areas boomed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, a couple of Denver developers decided they wanted in on the action. They eventually set their sights on Marble, a near ghost town about 25 miles as the crow flies, west-southwest of Aspen. The developers, Lee Stubblefield and John Zakovich, thought that Mt. Daly (just east of the Marble town limits) would make a dandy spot for a ski area, even though it faced south and west rather than the traditional north. They planned to sell home sites and commercial sites to finance the proposed ski area, much of which would be located on U.S. Forest Service property in Gunnison County. Stubblefield and Zakovich met fierce opposition from Marble-area residents and others, who didn’t think that creating a town with essentially the same population as Grand Junction in the upper end of the narrow Crystal River Valley was a very good idea. The Marble Ski Area never got built. Aside from the fact the proposed ski slopes faced in the exact wrong direction from the sun, other issues doomed the project including: No access to water and sewer service. Among

the incidents that also helped to doom the project: A mudslide tore through the proposed ski area. And, the developers lost their real estate license, so they couldn’t sell land to finance the $50 million project. One upshot from the sevenyear-long review process was the project prompted the Forest Service to evaluate how it reviews developments. The ski area proposal also led to the town of Marble reincorporating and to the creation of the Crystal Valley Environmental Protection

Riding up Mount Daly. Photo courtesy of the Colorado Snowsports Museum and Hall of Fame.

Association. Here is a timeline for how it all went down: 1957 – Howard and Bleu Stroud started buying Marble area ranchland and got a U.S. Forest Service permit to start a feasibility study for a ski area.

1964 – Bleu Stroud sold 1,500 acres northeast of Marble to the Oberlander Corporation of Denver, who began planning for a ski area on Mt. Daly. 1968 – U.S. Forest Service’s Paul Hauck and consultant Wally Schaeffler studied the area and said it wasn’t “encouraging” for a ski area to be developed there due to exposure, terrain-slide hazards and the preponderance of south-facing slopes. 1968 – Mountain Investments of Denver (Lee Stubblefield and John Zakovich) bought an option on the Oberlander Corporation’s 1,500 acres. 1970 – Stubblefield and Zakovich had bought options on other land, including the Darien Ranch, west of Marble, and transferred the property to the newly established Marble Ski Area, Inc. The project’s success was contingent on obtaining a Forest Service special use permit that applied to federal land. The Marble Ski Area (MSA) also applied for a Gunnison County special use permit on adjacent property it owned. The Gunnison County commissioners unanimously approved a plat for 140 home sites in the Crystal River Filing; Continental West Realty ( John Zakovich and Don Weixelman) began selling homesites. MSA took

about 1,000 skiers and potential home site buyers up Mt. Daly on snowcats. Construction began on a chairlift and lodge (the lift operated during the 1971-1972 ski season). 1971 – MSA introduced a masterplan for a $50 million development that would include: 12 lifts, two gondolas, Marble Village (consisting of a lodge, shops, restaurants, convention center, golf course and more) and creation of the Marble Metropolitan Services District for water and sewer service. At build-out, the plan projected a population for Marble and the area of 20,000. The MSA began operating its new ski area with one lift and a lodge. The Forest Service denied MSA’s special

use permit application on 4,600 acres of federal land, but White River National Forest Supervisor Thomas C. Evans told the MSA he would consider a much smaller ski area. Fearing that word of Evans’s decision would financially ruin him, Zakovich traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet with Wyoming Rep. Teno Roncolio and others to suppress any Forest Service public announcement on the project. Zakovich also met with Forest Service Chief Ed Cliff. The press release was suppressed. 1971 – A state geologist issued a report that cited geologic hazards, including the potential for: rapid erosion, mudslides, landslides and flooding. 1972 – MSA continued to

Photo courtesy of the Colorado Snowsports Museum and Hall of Fame.



465 N. Mill St., #18 (NEW TIME) Tuesdays • 1-3:30 p.m.

Buttermilk Mountain Wednesday, Sept 1 & 15 • 12-2 p.m.


Third Street Center (NEW TIME) Mondays • 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Third Street Center Wednesdays • 4-6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 11 • 12-2 p.m.


1004 Grand Ave. Re-opening Thursday, Sept. 9 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Two Rivers Community School 195 Center Dr • Sept. 9 • 4-6 p.m. GS Middle School, 130 Soccer Field Saturdays • 1:30-2:30 p.m.


126 North 4th St. Wednesday & Fridays 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Cristo La Roca, 880 Castle Valley Thursday, Sept. 16 & 30 • 4-6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25 • 12-2 p.m. RIFLE

800 Railroad Ave. Re-opening Friday, Oct. 1 2-4 p.m.

Rifle Fairgrounds Friday, Sept. 3 & 17, Oct. 1 • 4-6 p.m. Rifle Middle School, 753 Railroad Saturdays • 1:30-2:30 p.m. PARACHUTE

LIFT-UP Warehouse, 201 E. 1st St. Friday, Sept. 10 & 24 • 4-6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 18 • 12-2 p.m.

, Glenwood Springs, CO 16 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • September 23-29, 2021

Photo courtesy of the Colorado Snowsports Museum and Hall of Fame.

plan and promote a large ski area through a 4,600 acres Forest Service special use permit, despite Evans telling the company he would only consider a much smaller ski area. The Forest Service designated 624 acres adjacent to MSA property as a “winter sports and recreation area” and granted preliminary special use approval for more chair lifts and trails. 1972 – Local residents Lloyd Blue, Marge Orlovsky and Ester Fogle Neal formed the Crystal Valley Environmental Protection Association to fight the MSA. That same year, CVEPA appealed the Forest Service’s special use permit approval on the 624 acres; eventually, the Forest Service instructed its regional office to write an EIS on the 624acre ski area. 1972 – The process was started for the town of Marble to reincorporate so that residents and others could have a say in how the MSA was developed. Local attorney J.E. DeVilbiss signed on as CVEPA’s attorney and later for the town of Marble. About 70 people attended CVEPA’s organizational

Fundación de Pauline S Schneegas

Rehabilitación de fauna silvestre y centro educativo ambiental

Los centros privados de rehabilitación, de vida salvaje, no son fondeados por el Gobierno Federal o el Estado de Colorado. PSSWF descansa solamente con donaciones y nuestros continuos costos de operación. Así como el incremento de la población humana causa más conflicto con la vida salvaje, la Fundación requiere mayor crecimiento. Lista de deseos: • Donaciones en efectivo para alimento, provisiones, servicios, mantenimiento y seguro. • Alimento para perro y gato (seco y enlatado). • Fresco (manzanas, bayas y otras frutas) para carnívoros y omnívoros. • Carne- venado, alce,res, pollo y pescado para carnívoros y de aves de rapiña • Alfalfa grano de cabra, para venado y alce. • Alimento para pájaro y roedor. • Donaciones para materiales de construcción. • ¡Voluntariado – por favor visite nuestro “Website” para más información!

meeting to oppose the MSA; Pitkin County also became involved over concerns about sewage issues. 1972 – The Colorado Land Use Commission told the Gunnison County commissioners and MSA it was considering using its statutory powers to halt the project if MSA didn’t rewrite its own engineering study that claimed environmental hazards could be mitigated. 1972 – MSA withdrew its original masterplan for a ski area and replaced it with a planned unit development (PUD) that called for a project that kept the original number of dwelling units but at a much higher density than the original plan. 1973 – The Gunnison County commissioners held a public hearing on the MSA’s PUD in Gunnison on Feb. 12. Attendees included CVEPA attorneys J.E. DeVilbiss and Bill Jochems, CVEPA President Leo Paschal and Pitkin County resident Michael Kinsley. The Gunnison County Courthouse was packed with MSA supporters that day. After hearing arguments

from DeVilbiss, Jochems and Paschal, the county commissioners continued the public hearing to April 3. The April 3 hearing was more evenly divided between MSA supporters and opponents. On April 4, the Gunnison County commissioners approved the MSA PUD, even though the Gunnison County attorney admitted (under Jochems’ questioning) that the PUD data supplied by the developers was less than required under the county code, was unreasonable and therefore illegal. 1973 – In February, Marble’s 31 eligible voters cast ballots to reincorporate the town and hold an election. On March 16, Colorado Lt. Gov. John Vanderhoof administered the oath of office to Lloyd Blue (mayor) and trustees Sidney Baker, Kenneth Seidel, Karin Lindquist, Bill Deem and Stanley McKay. Marble Ski Area supporters formed a group named FOR, Inc., with Charles Drew of

Redstone as president; members included Bleu Stroud and Sylvia and Bob Morrison. The Rocky Mountain News, Denver Post, Glenwood Post, Aspen Times, Gunnison News Champion and Gunnison County Globe were among the newspapers covering the controversy. 1973 – In early April, CVEPA attorney DeVilbiss drafted a lawsuit against the Gunnison County commissioners, arguing they did not abide by their own zoning regulations, and that it would probably take a Colorado Water Court decision to make a final determination on the PUD. Other arguments in the lawsuit: Not all the required documents were submitted and not all of the lots in the PUD had been staked. The CVEPA never filed the lawsuit, deciding that other courses of action were more feasible. 1973 – DeVilbiss asked the Forest Service to hold a public hearing on the Forest

Photo courtesy of the Colorado Snowsports Museum and Hall of Fame.

Pauline S. Schneegas Wildlife Foundation

Donations by mail: 5945 County Road 346, Silt CO 81652

The Pauline S. Schneegas Wildlife Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. All donations are tax deductible.

Wildlife Rehabilitation and Environmental Education Center

Or visit psswf.org/donate


Private wildlife rehabilitation centers in Colorado are NOT funded through state or federal government. PSSWF relies solely on donations and our operational costs are continuous. As increasing human populations lead to ever more wildlife conflicts, the Foundation must continue to grow. Wish list: • Cash donations for food, supplies, utilities, maintenance, and insurance • Dog and cat food – both dry and canned • Produce – apples, berries, and other fruit for carnivores and omnivores • Meats – deer, elk, beef, chicken, and fish for carnivores and raptors • Alfalfa hay and goat grains for deer and elk • Bird and rodent food • Donations of construction materials • Volunteers – Please visit our website for more information!

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • September 23-29, 2021 • 17

Take a

STAND AT THE SUMMIT Two valleys, one landscape THURSDAY, SEPT. 30 5-7 PM


Come take a Stand at the Summit and help defend public lands on both sides of McClure Pass from oil and gas development! The Roaring Fork and North Fork Valleys are united to conserve the land, rivers, and habitats that support local agriculture and provide our communities with clean air, pure water, and abundant recreation opportunities. Join us and learn how protected public lands can help address climate change and contribute to nationwide 30x30 goals (protecting 30% of our lands and waters by 2030)! 18 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • September 23-29, 2021

FEATURING: Remarks from community leaders and stakeholders Live music and a sampling of snacks and libations from both valleys Camping is welcome after the event

Marble from page 17

Business Confluence Photo by Lewis Cooper


CRYSTAL RIVER MEMBERS Balentine Collection International



This map shows the proposed ski village in Marble that never was. Photo courtesy of the Colorado Snowsports Museum and Hall of Fame.

Service’s draft EIS on the MSA; White River National Forest Supervisor Thomas Evans turned him down. 1973 – On May 14, a mudslide tore through a long section of road leading to the ski area and oozed into nearby Beaver Lake. A few days later, a second mud and debris flow roared down Carbonate Creek, which runs through Marble and empties into the Crystal River. The mudslides gave CVEPA grounds to request an extension on public comment on the Forest Service’s draft EIS which was granted. The meeting was slated for later in May. 1973 – Meanwhile, on May 25, CVEPAmember Conny Erhard met with members of the Colorado Land Use Commission (CLUC) in Denver. She asked the CLUC to use its emergency powers to halt land sales in the area where the mudslides occurred. CLUC declined, then said it would work with Gunnison County to make developers mitigate geologic problems in the area. On July 25, the CLUC declared the entire MSA development a public hazard and told Gunnison County to stop the development until action was taken in accordance with the state’s recommendations. 1973 – Later in the year, there was a MSA management shakeup and new vicepresident Lawrence D. Hamilton suspended land sales until Nov. 1, while at the same time starting a public relations blitz to promote the project. 1973 – Other unresolved issues, such as water and sewer service, kept the development at a near standstill. For one thing, the Marble town council refused to join the Marble Metropolitan Services District, which was created to provide water and sewer service to MSA and the surrounding area. In effect, the MSA couldn’t

Alpine Animal Hospital Aspen Snowmass Southeby’s International Real Estate Ascent Group Inc. Aspen Tree Service, Inc. Bank of Colorado Carbondale Comfort Inn & Suites Carbondale Family Dental Carbondale Market Place Coldwell Banker Mason Morse Real Estate Comcast Business COMPASS For Lifelong Discovery Cornerstone Home Lending Days Inn Carbondale DHM Design Corporation Double Diamond Moving & Storage Durgin Electric, LLC Eastwood Investments, LLC ECOS Environmental & Disaster Restoration Element by Westin Basalt Aspen Valley Fireplace Company, Inc., The FootSteps Marketing, LLC Glenwood Hot Springs Resort Gran Farnum Printing Heritage Park Care Center Integrated Mountain Group Izakaya Carbondale Martin Insurance Group

MBS Associates Mitchell and Company Mountain Valley Developmental Services Osmia Organics Pacific Sheet Metal, Inc. Personal Rehabilitation Center, PC Premier Party Rental ProVelocity R.A. Nelson Red Hill Animal Health Center Redstone Inn Roaring Fork Engineering Roaring Fork Transportation Authority Silver Mountain Properties Sopris Lodge at Carbondale Sunburst Car Care Sunlight Mountain Resort T. Thompson Construction, Inc. The Colorado Health Foundation The Stabers Group Ltd. TING True Nature Healing Arts Valley View Hospital Village Smithy Restaurant, Inc. Waste Management, Inc. White House Pizza Xcel Energy

operate and grow without water and sewer service and the MSA couldn’t pay off bonds without ski area growth. This forced E.F. Hutton, the bonding agency, to withdraw its agreement to sell bonds to finance water and sewer improvements. There were also financial uncertainties over subsidizing low-income housing and securing federal funding for a proposed transit system. 1973 – The Forest Service sent a letter to state officials, and to Gunnison and Pitkin county officials, saying any decision on the MSA must be coordinated with state and local governments. 1973 – CVEPA considered it an PRESENTERS VOLUNTEERS & SPECIAL THANKS important victory when the Forest Service State of Colorado – Patrick Meyers Carbondale Chamber Staff: Andrea Stewart, conceded that its EIS on the 624-acres Garfield County – Tom Jankovsky, Kevin Batchelder Heather Beach & Katie Montie on federal land would not have much Town of Carbondale – Dan Richardson Ascent Events environmental impact, but the EIS did not Homestead Bar & Grill take into consideration the impacts the Peppino’s Pizza BUSINESS PANEL ski area would have on adjacent private Promotional Concepts Amy Charters – Lulubelle land. Observers consider this a landmark Thai House Co. & Sushi Mark Hardin – Field2Fork Kitchen & Third Street Center Forest Service decision, in that henceforth Plosky’s Delicatessen Versatile Productions it must consider environmental impacts on Lauri Rubinstein – Step Into Great Village Smithy Restaurant Moderated by Carolyn Tucker – private property rather than just ski area Colorado Workforce Center development on public land. 1973 – On Dec. 13, Richard Schneider of CHAMBER BOARD the Rocky Mountain News broke the story of PRESIDENT: John Runne, Runne & Associates Inc. possible illegal land sales on MSA property. VICE PRESIDENT: Steve Skadron, Colorado Mountain College TREASURER: Erkko Alm, Alpine Bank This revelation prompted the Colorado Real SECRETARY: Brittney Rippy, Native Son Estate Commission and Gunnison County PAST PRESIDENT: Kelcey Nichols, Garfield & Hecht, P.C. officials to investigate. The federal agency Sandi Kister Frank McSwain Kiko Pena HUD also became involved. At Large Representative Compass Real Estate Sopris Liquor & Wine 1974 – The Marble Ski Area surrendered Brendan Matthias Frosty Merriott Lauri Rubinstein its real estate license in July. FirstBank J. Frost Merriott, Inc., CPA Step into Great 1975 – In January, the MSA presented a TOURISM COUNCIL OF CARBONDALE CHAIR: Michelle Marlow, Ascent Events bankruptcy plan in Denver. TOWN OF CARBONDALE LIAISON TRUSTEES: Erica Sparhawk & Marty Silverstein Editor’s note: Much of the information in this article comes from the book “Protecting a Valley and Saving a River: The Crystal Valley Carbondale.com • 970.963.1890 Environmental Protection Association” by F. Darrell Munsell. THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • September 23-29, 2021 • 19

Years of dedication with bouts of celebration

By James Steindler Contributing Editor

Wilderness Workshop (WW) continues its work to protect parts of the White River National Forest, including the Thompson Divide from oil and gas development. The folks at WW were pleased to learn that Congressman Joe Neguse, representative of Colorado’s second congressional district, has included funding for the protection of 200,000 acres of the Thompson Divide as part of the proposed 2022 budgetary reconciliation bill, or Build Back Better Act (BBBA). “The legislative text reported out of the Natural Resources Committee provides $500,000 to acquire leases from willing sellers to protect the Greater Thompson Area from oil and gas development,” reads a press release from WW. Protections for the Thompson Divide are covered in the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy (CORE) Act, a public lands bill which has passed the U.S. House more than once, but has yet to reach a decision in the Senate. “It’s passed the House three times now, so representative Neguse is doing his jobs,” WW Policy Director Juli Slivka quipped. She continued candidly, “We are excited this year; it was part of a hearing in the Senate for the first time when the Energy and Natural Resources Committee heard the CORE Act,” but it has not yet been passed on to the full Senate from the committee. “Just in case the CORE Act doesn’t pass

this year,” explained Slivka, “Neguse is trying to make sure that the Thompson Divide withdrawal passes in whatever vehicle is moving fastest and right now that vehicle seems to be the BBBA.” The House finished its drafting of BBBA, and the Senate is now working on the same. “The fight to protect the Thompson Divide has really unified our region. Locals from all walks of life — ranchers, outdoor recreationists, sportsmen and women, local governments — we’ve all come together because we saw the importance of protecting this incredible place, said Carbondale Mayor Dan Richardson. “I am excited to see the inclusion of Thompson Divide in the budget reconciliation bill and urge Congress to pass this important piece of legislation to help protect this important landscape for our community” If passed, the BBBA would also give the go-ahead for a pilot program to capture methane exuding from abandoned coal mines in the area. Unlike the methane project funded by Aspen Ski Co. at the Elk Creek Mine near Somerset — where the methane being captured is converted into energy and purchased by Holy Cross Energy — in this case, the methane will likely be destroyed by flaring the fumes to prevent pollution. “More of what we expect to see in the North Fork and Coal Basin areas is flaring, because we don’t want to build transmission lines all over the place and there just frankly isn’t the market for electricity right now,” Slivka summarized.

Folks gathered and whooped and hollered during the 2019 Community Celebration. Courtesy photo. Reportedly, there are lots of roadblocks to simply posting up and flaring the methane. Therefore, a component of the CORE Act is “to create the regulatory framework so the Bureau of Land Management can then lease this coal mine methane to companies that are able to capture and destroy it,” explained Slivka.

Party time WW is hosting its 2021 Community Celebration at Sopris Park in Carbondale on Friday, Sept. 24. It’s an annual festivity which was nixed in 2020 but is coming back with a bang this year. The musical line-up will include the Manitou Strings followed by the local duo Lizzy Plotkin and Natalie Spears. But there’s more: Aspen Santa Fe Ballet’s Folklórico will also be performing. “We’ll have games, a bouncy castle for the kids,” began WW Communication Director Grant Stevens, “and we’ll have beer at the event,” which will be free to members. Non-

members will need to bring cash for the bar. Tasty eats from Slow Groovin BBQ will also be available for purchase. While it’s not required, the staff at WW would like folks to register in advance at wirldernessworkshop.org

To the summit Wilderness Workshop, Western Slope Conservation Center, High Country Conservation Advocates and the Colorado Farm & Food Alliance will host the “Stand at the Summit'' event at the top of McClure Pass the evening of Thursday, Sept. 30, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Folks are welcome to camp in the area if they wish to stay the night. It is a family-friendly event. Those who attend can expect speeches from community leaders and stakeholders, live music and a sampling of snacks and libations from communities on both sides of the pass. WW asks that folks register for this event as well. Registration and more information is available at: wildernessworkshop.org

DON’T TEACH BEARS NEW TRICKS BEARS HAvE BEEN SEEN IN AND AROuND CARBONDAlE Early prevention keeps bears from making a habit of visiting neighborhoods!

REMOvE ITEMS THAT ATTRACT BEARS: • Garbage • Barbeque Grills • Bird Feeders • Fruit • Pet Food • Compost


The Town of Carbondale passed an ordinance prohibiting placement of trash for pickup before 6AM on collection day and empty containers must be brought in no later than 8PM the same day. Compost and trash cans need to be in a secure and enclosed area or must be bear resistant trash can. Trash cans should be approved/certified by the Inneragency Grizzly Committee. (Sec. 7-3-60) The smell of any food may attract bears. Keep garbage indoors until the morning of trash pickup and keep outdoor barbeque grills clean and odorless. It is best to keep windows and doors securely locked, especially at night. If a bear enters your home, open doors to leave the bear an escape route and leave the house if possible.

TIP: It’s encouraged to have electrified chicken coops. GARBAGE KIllS BEARS:

Bears that make repeated visits to neighborhoods may need to be moved or euthanized. To keep your family and the bears safe, please remove any attractants and follow these tips and ordinances, until the bears hibernate in winter. Bears are 90% vegetarian and rarely hunt or kill animals, however, they are wild animals and can be unpredicatable. Do not approach any bear, especially cubs. For additional information, call the Division of Wildlife: 947-2920. Call the Carbondale Police Department if you see a bear anywhere in town at 963-2662.

20 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • September 23-29, 2021

The Sopris Sun is looking for a part-time, commission based Ad Sales Representative. Position will primarily focus on selling Spanish language ads for el Sol del Valle. Must be fluent in English and Spanish. Email resume to: Todd@SoprisSun.com

Elderberry’s Farm invites you to relax By Raleigh Burleigh Sopris Sun Editor

As the year 2021 rounds into its fourth quarter, many people have exceeded their threshold for stress — and who knows what could happen next? Never fear, nature’s got a cure, and Elderberry’s Farm, located beneath Mount Lamborn in Paonia, invites anyone and everyone to enjoy an autumn reset, away from their troubles, in early October. “Nature Cure is meant to re-establish our biochemical signals,” Lisa Ganora told The Sopris Sun. She founded the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism in Boulder, where she continues to teach, and established Elderberry’s in 2017 as a home for retreats and workshops. The term “Nature Cure,” she explained, comes from German and describes earth-based, element-based practices that arose independently in cultures around the world, including Chinese medicine and India’s Ayurvedic traditions. Western civilization, she surmised, became disconnected from this inheritance largely during the persecution of so-called “witches” — aka earthy healers — in the 14th and 15th centuries. Nonetheless, threads of European indigeneity persisted. Throughout the continent, country folk kept the ancient wisdom alive and by the 18th century a cultural movement was inspiring the likes of philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau and composer Ludwig van Beethoven. “There were those that realized that society was doing something unhealthy with urbanization,” explained Ganora. The 19th-century German Catholic priest Sebastian Kneipp is perhaps most credited with restoring a place for naturopathic medicine

Mount Lamborn overlooks the sage meadows near Elderberry's Farm in Paonia. Courtesy photo.

in Europe. As Ganora explained it, Kneipp came from a peasant family with a mother that practiced herbalism. Faced with two paths for social mobility, the military or priesthood, young Kneipp opted for the latter. His investigations in healing led Father Kneipp to profess the benefits of hydrotherapy, using cold water to exercise the lymphatic nervous system and stimulate immunity. Later on, in the early 20th century, Dr. Henry Lindlahr, who Ganora referred to as a “thug-chemist,” literally wrote the book on Nature Cure “at a time when the medical system, laws and licensing were less monopolistic,” said Ganora. Lindlahr encouraged healthy-eating and emphasized that symptoms are messages of imbalance which help to discern the root causes of illness.

“For optimal health, we have to re-establish respect for how our bodies and nature work together,” said Ganora. There are many things about modern living that confuse the body's patterns: blue light screens flitting late into the night, long consecutive hours of sitting, highlyprocessed foods and massive doses of caffeine to keep us productive. And then there’s the wakeup alarm, “How about starting your day with a sympathetic freak-out?” All that disturbance to our nervous system, overtime, undoubtedly contributes to endemic stress that prevents our bodies from ever fully relaxing. Relaxing the nervous system is essential to the body's natural capacity to heal. Considering the interconnectedness of all things, harmful imbalances within people are also spilling into the environment. “Climate change

is a symptom of disconnection,” said Ganora. “We're so disconnected from the consequences of our lifestyle.” She described the waste bin and perceptions that what is no longer wanted simply vanishes. “We’re trained not to think about these things.” “It's this profound moment of choice,” said Ganora. “It's about reclaiming our part in nature. We need to be caretakers.” The five-day reset at Elderberry's will teach folks to look first at how they're living, then at their food choices and lastly how herbs may be used as “icing on the cake.” Herbs can help people to adapt, said Ganora, but first the underlying stress must be addressed. Step one is to get harmonized with the cycles of nature. This will be accomplished through greeting the sun as it rises in the sky, walking barefoot in the mud and generally stepping into reverence and joy. The retreat will also teach breathwork and include hydrotherapy. Next, nourishing meals prepared with delicious ingredients from the North Fork Valley will connect the body to place. As Greek physician Hippocrates taught around 300 B.C. — “Let food be thy medicine.” In addition to accommodating any and all diets, herb allies will be identified to pair with each participant’s unique disposition. “The work is to heal the earth, your microbiome, body, soul, community and relationships. To reestablish our vital force,” concluded Ganora. It could begin, for you, at Elderberry's Nature Cure Retreat this Oct. 7 through Oct. 11. A three-day option is also available, as are many possibilities for accommodation, from camping to renting a private room or even a tiny house. Learn more at elderberrysfarm.com

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • September 23-29, 2021 • 21


from page 2

city to work there. It’s good that they’re not driving to work, but I don’t think they make up the majority of the drivers that are clogging up Highway 82. 4. Carbondale pool – Expansion of the pool should be delayed until it can be made net-zero. I’m told net-zero swimming pools don’t exist. I believe in technology. There must be a way. 5. Gas tax - All this is going to cost money. I propose we raise that money by increasing the gas tax. Residents will be encouraged to take public transportation if the price of gas is too high. We now have a City Market with a gas station. Glenwood Springs has no City Market gas station, so Glenwood drivers are coming here to fill up and use their City Market value card. This jams up Highway 133. We need to discourage this. Carbondale is a very green town. We’ve taken remedial climate action in the past and the very fact that this meeting is being held shows we’re climate conscious. But more can be done. The other cities and towns in this valley look to Carbondale for leadership and I hope we’ll continue to provide that with bold action. Fred Malo Jr. Carbondale

Helping hands In 2005, after Hurricane Katrina, collectively we were able to lift up the spirit of some folks in Mississippi. We have the opportunity to do that once again. I am seeking the donation of a vehicle, or vehicles, to be given away to a charity organization, or someone who lost their vehicle to Hurricane Ida in Louisiana. If you are willing and able to help, I can be reached at itssocial@yahoo.com Stephen Horn Carbondale

School board Kenny Teitler would be a phenomenal addition to our Roaring Fork School District Board! His qualities include, experience in our schools as an educator, his compassion and understanding of children and families of all cultures as well as his connection with the community after 26 years. School boards and education have never been as crucial in America as it is now. Please consider donating to Kenny at kennyteitler.com and the November ballot issue to increase teacher salaries at wearerfsd.com Carrie Podl-Haberern Carbondale

The newspaper in your hands costs $2.00 to create. Advertising does NOT cover the full cost. The Sopris Sun is a nonprofit enterprise that helps budding journalists gain experience, provides employment and freelance opportunities to local writers, photographers and artists. We also produce a weekly publication in Spanish. Please help us to continue to provide quality independent media by donating today. Mail checks to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623, scan the QR code or donate at SorprisSun.com/donate. WINDSHIELD




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289 MAIN STREET | (970) 963-2826 | CARBONDALEAH@GMAIL.COM 22 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • September 23-29, 2021

Adverteyes Advert eyes in The Sun

For more information contact Todd Chamberlin adsales@soprissun.com or 970-510-0246

We dо 't charge r obits

The death of a loved one costs enough. The Sopris Sun is happy to publish local obituaries of a reasonable length, including a picture, free of charge. Send submissions to news@soprissun.com


Like the seasons, Carbondale continues to change. Nowhere is this more apparent than the Highway 133 corridor. The Sopris Shopping Center, built in 1963, was quickly leveled last week to make way for two new mixed-use buildings, similar to the one across Colorado Avenue. The new buildings, ​​ designed by Loge Properties, will include some 10,000 square-feet of commercial retail space and 76 rental units. Debris from the demolition was taken to the South Canyon Landfill in 25-ton loads. According to Landfill Manager Liz Mauro, 30% to 40% of the materials could potentially have been recycled if they were separated or deconstructed. The landfill is now salvaging scrap metal, "but it's difficult when it's all mashed together like this," said Mauro. Final counts from the demolition dump will appear in next week’s edition of The Sopris Sun. Top left photo by Doug Stewart. Top right photo by Liz Mauro. Bottom left photo by Raleigh Burleigh.


Sharrows are markings on the street indicating that area is shared by bicycles and vehicles. Sharrows heighten the awareness of bicyclists and drivers to one another’s presence.

Smart wayS to uSe a Sharrow:

• Bicyclists: Please ride along middle of sharrows in the direction of the arrows. • Drivers: Please pass bicyclists with a minimum of 3 feet clearance (State Law).

970-963-2733 • carbondalegov.org THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • September 23-29, 2021 • 23

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Our Robust Benefit Package Includes: Medical Dental (FREE with Medical) Vision FREE Basic Life and AD&D Retirement with Matching Program Employee Assistance Program Voluntary Life 3 Weeks Paid Vacation

Flexible Spending Accounts Pet-Friendly Electric Car Charging Stations Tuition Reimbursement Off-the-Job Accident Insurance Motion Members Rewards Pro Discount on AT&T and Verizon Plans Frequent Bonuses

To learn more and apply, visit us at www.mtnvalley.org or email crogers@mtnvalley.org. Mountain Valley Developmental Services is a Colorado nonprofit providing support to people with intellectual disabilities since 1973.

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