17nov rampage

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The Rampage 2270 Highway 133 Carbondale, CO 81623

November 2017

Volume 11 Issue 1

Juul Wanna Read This: Vapes and Electronic Cigarettes On RFHS Grounds -Josie Sanchez Are electronic cigarettes and vapes an issue in school? Some would agree that they are at Roaring Fork High School (RFHS). RFHS students are vaping and using electronic cigarettes when there aren’t authority figures around. They take vapes into bathrooms to smoke knowing that there are no cameras and it would be difficult to get caught. This behavior is not only illegal, but also dangerous to students health. Based on a recent survey that was administered to RFHS students, 13% of 224 students admitted to having used electronic cigarettes and vapes during school. Over half of the students that took the survey, 67% of 225, said they had used these products outside of school. Data also showed that 54% of 225 students have witnessed someone else vape or use electronic cigarettes some time during the school day. Student use of electronic cigarettes and vapes is a concern for RFHS Principal Brett Stringer, who says, “It concerns me for a variety of reasons. The first concern is that it’s illegal and there are legal consequences for using them on school grounds, or during school events. The second concern is that if they feel the need to use them during class, then they are obviously not engaged and that is some-

What’s Inside

Humans of the Roaring Fork Valley Page 3

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thing we need to work on.” He adds that he knows “exploration and experimentation are part of growing up but I would urge students to be smart and educate themselves on the impact their decisions have. I would also emphasize that our number one goal as a school is to make sure our students are safe, and that is why we follow the rules and laws.” The sale and distribution of vapes and electronic cigarettes, which can contain nicotine or tobacco, are illegal for people under the age of 18 in Colorado. At RFHS, it does not matter what the vape or electronic cigarette contains. To combat the use of electronic cigarettes and vapes at RFHS, Stringer has implemented policies with strict consequences. If a student is caught vaping, they receive a three day suspension from school and are referred to law enforcement. Vice Principal Kelsie Goodman says, “We want everyone to know that regardless of what is inside the vape or electronic cigarettes the consequences are the same. Students are suspended from school, they get a code of conduct violation, and we call the police.” Goodman urges students to “make the smart choice and don’t engage with any of these products at all, especially not on school grounds where the consequences for your actions increase.”

Contact us at rframpage@gmail.com

Using electronic cigarettes and vapes cannot only lead to drastic consequences, but also they are a danger to teens’ health. During adolescence, the brain is still developing its decision making and its impulse control abilities. These can be affected by substances like tobacco and nicotine, which are often found in these products. Youth that use these products have a higher risk of getting addicted to nicotine, having mood disorders, and less impulse control. Adam Carballeira, a teacher and parent at RFHS, believes that the best method to prevent students from vaping and using electronic cigarettes is education. Social Studies teacher Matthew Wells agrees that “we have to talk about it more and how it affects us physically and psychologically.” The National Institute on Drug Abuse dictates that research-based programs can prevent drug abuse and addiction for youth. Researchbased programs are designed to prevent the use of drugs. When these programs are executed properly in schools, the use of alcohol and drugs is reduced. Educating the students at RFHS on drug consumption could potentially lower the use of electronic cigarettes and vapes which according to Adam Carballeira “...are much more pervasive than most adults think.”

RFHS Homecoming Recap Pages 4 & 5

Detention Policy Page 6

Boy’s Soccer Recap Page 7 Photo courtesy of Jim Seida

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Zumba: Let it Move You at RFHS! -Lucy Meade

William Luckett, a junior at RFHS, has recently decided to dedicate his Wednesday afternoons to uniting the Roaring Fork Rams community, one dance at a time, by teaching an after-school Zumba class in the auditeria starting November 1st from 1:45-2:45. Zumba is essentially a workout class which uses intense dance moves as cardiovascular exercise. Not only is Zumba a great physical outlet, but also it is an extremely upbeat activity to participate in. Luckett’s Zumba class is a beneficial alternative for those who want exercise, but don’t take part in a school sport. Luckett has been interested in many types of dance since he was 8 years old, but only recently did he become a certified Zumba teacher. “Last school year,” Luckett says, “I took a Zumba class, and had so much fun, that after the class, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.” His interest in Zumba led to research, which soon led to the discovery that he could become a teacher. With his parents and Zumba teacher on board, Luckett found a summer training class in Denver, and decided to join and become a certified Zumba instructor. Luckett explains, “It was a one day class, and [they] learned all about Latin dancing, and other types of dances, [as well as] learning how to instruct and connect with students.” To participate in Luckett’s class, just show

up in proper clothes, ready to have a fun workout. Luckett says, “By the end of the class, you should be sweating and smiling!” Another hope for him is that Zumba plays a role in his future. Luckett sees himself possibly teaching and taking Zumba during college and throughout his adult life. As a certified Zumba instructor, Luckett is paid to teach classes, which for

Photo Courtosey of William Luckett

him means “getting more involved and possibly having this as a side job in the future.” During the rest of his high school career, Luckett plans to expand his Zumba program in other schools in the valley as a part of his Capstone project, a required graduation project for RFSD students. Additionally, Luckett’s new Zumba class is being supported by both students and faculty, making it an even more engaging event. Due to his passion for dance, Luckett has had no trouble presenting his proposal to the RFHS faculty, which was immediately supported by the staff. Vice Principal Kelsie Goodman’s first reaction was “pure joy”. She believes that “school at it’s best, is finding the thing you love, and doing it,” which rings true for Luckett and the pursuit of his passion. Along with the support from Ms. Goodman, Luckett also has the support of his Spanish teacher Ms. Marin. Nearly everyday in Luckett’s Spanish class, Ms. Marin gives the class 5-10 minute breaks, to participate in a quick Zumba break, and allows students a few minutes to dispose of excess energy. Students interested in taking part in Luckett’s Zumba class should just show up on Wednesdays at 1:45, ready to smile and sweat. Luckett’s pursuit of his passion will both unite the Roaring Fork Rams community, and develop a dynamic learning environment that students won’t want to miss out on!

Mallorca to Carbondale: Small Island to Small Town

-Lilly Peery

Though moving to a new continent for an entire year, learning new customs, and speaking a second language may seem intimidating for some, Mercedes Gual de Torrella has embraced the challenge fully. Since arriving in Carbondale, Colorado during August, the small-island girl has immersed herself in the RFHS community by joining the volleyball team, Model UN club, and participating in school events. Gual is a 15 year old exchange student from Mallorca, a small island off the coast of Spain. When considering the opportunity to participate in an exchange program, Gual said that she wanted to have to have the experience of an American high school and she “wanted to be able to speak, like, perfect English!” Gual’s current host mom, Jen Hamilton, recalls her experience of hosting Gual’s mother, Susana Gual, during the 1989-1990 high school year in Denver, CO. They have kept in touch to this day. “[Gual’s] mom and I got along really well. I loved taking her to new places. I really enjoyed having a “sister” because I grew up with 2 older brothers. Once they left for college, it was pretty quiet around the house!” This friendship inspired Mercedes to have an exchange experience of her own, and come to the US, staying with the Hamilton family- Jen and Matt Hamilton and their two sons. Gual remarked on the difference in greetings and school customs between Mallorca and Carbondale. “When you meet someone here, you give the hand[shake], but in Spain we give two kisses,” she

said. “The school is so different [here], too. You decide what classes you want to take, but in Spain you have to take [certain classes] depending on your grade.” The differences Gual has experienced between the cultures has not stopped her from successfully acclimating to the new environment. Meeting new people has been Gual’s favorite part of her exchange so far, but the language has been the most difficult. There is a lot more school spirit at RFHS, Gual noticed. “Everything here is around school and sports,” she said, adding that in school in Spain, there wasn’t dances or sports events for the school. Mercedes Gual de Torrella has enjoyed the first 3 months of her 11 month exchange by getting as involved as possible. She hopes to join the Model UN club on their trip to New York in March. Gual said, “I look forward to learning more English and making good friends.”

SerranosMarbleInc@gmail.com Cell: (970)948-7321 Office: (970)384-2015 Photo Courtesy of Mercedes Gual de Torella

Feature What’s New in Energy Club?

-Ruthie Brown

Eager to learn, the students of RFHS’ Energy Club have begun the year with strong drive and motivation, they work to achieve their environmental goals with large amounts of support and guidance from mentor teacher Wendy Boland. Their achievements have varied from year to year with each year bringing new challenges. The club was started by Melissa Reynolds, a teacher at RFHS, Michael Logan, a teacher at the local middle school, CMS, and Shannon Peelland from Sunsence. Five years ago, Wendy Boland took over as the RFHS facilitator. “The students could learn about energy and save the district through conservation [in] each school,” says Mrs Boland about the idea and motivation behind the energy club. When Mr. Logan’s former students reached 9th grade, Mrs. Boland began “facilitating” the high school energy club, and the students were able to provide the club with their ideas and knowledge of energy. The club’s goal was for RFHS to run on all renewable energy through the form of solar power. “[The students] were all pretty gung ho about energy conservation,” said Mrs. Boland. The project took three years, problems cropped up, ranging from the placement of the solar panels, to the expense, to the fight among students whether or not to continue with the project at hand. Despite the challenges, the RFHS Energy Club students succeeded, putting in place the solar panels that now provide 30% of the energy for the RFHS building. The Energy Club has grown in size this year as last year’s members have recruited several new students to join. The club’s goals vary from small to large projects. Many students want to focus on simpler energy-conserving approaches such as turning

off lights, closing windows, and unplugging electronics; however, other members have larger goals they wish to accomplish this year. These goals include working toward geothermal heating which Solana Teitler a Energy Club member stated that although they have many resources the project would be very daunting and challenging as well as taking large amounts of time to complete. Other projects include waterless toilets, daylight sensing lights and a guest speaker by the name Xiuhtezcatl Martinez. Martinez is the author of the book by the name of “We Rise”. He is a hip hop artist, has presented multiple Ted Talks, is also an “indigenous” climate activist, has recently made a appearance on The Daily Show, spoken at multiple UN meetings, and is working with RFHS through CORE, an energy company. Martinez along with the company will be coming to RFHS later in the year for an all-school competition and presentation. The competition will be a social media challenge regarding small projects students their friends and their families can do to conserve energy. Winners can receive up to 25,000 dollars in scholarship money for schooling in a energy based career. Other prizes can be won; these prizes can be for both a singular person or a group of people. The Energy Club welcomes anyone to join or support their efforts. For more information, talk with Mrs Boland or come to one of their meetings, which take place Fridays at lunch. The students look forward to this year and any help they are happy to receive. As the 2017-2018 school year proceeds the Energy Club students will work hard toward the accomplishments they wish to make and to improve the communities energy consumption and their own.

Senior Spotlight: Bella Ulrych

-Hannah Bingaman As a senior at Roaring Fork High School (RFHS), Bella Ulrych is planning steps for her future, and working hard to finish this year with a bang. Ulrych finds pleasure in being involved in the school through her extensive work in Student Council, Model United Nations, the Buddy Program, and Girls’ Summit. Since her “sophomore year [she has] helped plan and organize events like the Thanksgiving Feast, the Halloween Carnival, and [has] been in charge of the winter homecoming dance, the pep rally, and the holiday hallway decorating competition.” Attending RFHS and living in the Valley has served Ulrych well for the past four years and helped her grow into the person she is today. Her favorite part of attending RFHS has been the sense of community that the school has provided, and how “the student body is so close to each other.” Ulrych points to the relationships she has formed with her teachers as having been an important factor in her success here at RFHS. Ulrych has taken on a heavy class load all four years of high school and has developed an enjoyment for working with kids while working after school at Camp Runamuck. Her schoolwork and job keep her busy and help her prepare for life. When considering all of the great times she has had, Ulrych reflects on one of her favorite moments which involved traveling to New York City to attend an international conference for Model UN. “It was a great

3 3 Rampage November 2017

Humans of the Roaring Fork Valley

-Chelsey Serrano

Humans of the Roaring Fork Valley is a Capstone project being done by Chelsey Serrano, a senior at Roaring Fork. This capstone project is loosely based off of the “Humans of New York” journalism and photography articles. The idea is to meet and hear the amazing stories that our friends and neighbors here in the valley have to share.

Photo Courtosey of Chelsey Serrano

“I can think about a boy named Daniel who came to school from Mexico as a third grader and had never been to school before. When he entered school anything academically was so difficult for him. I remember the first day when he was in class. He came in the middle of, I think it was, October and as he started to work I realized that he wasn’t going to be able to do anything that we were doing. Then I remember the last day of the year as we were saying goodbye and how he was so thankful; By the end of the year he was amazingly good at academics and it was because he applied himself and because he had an attitude of ‘yes I can’ and when something was hard it made him work harder. Just seeing the enjoyment he got out of learning and the opportunities that he realized that he was getting by coming to school was inspiring.” (Carbondale, Colorado)

Photo Courtosey of Jill Ulrych

worldly experience for me, and I learned a lot, not only about the issues that we are facing around the world, but also how to communicate with different people from all over the world.” Ulrych wants to stay in state when she attends college next year at either Colorado State University, University of Denver, Regis University, or University of Colorado Boulder where she intends to major in child psychology or business. In the meantime, Ulrych wants to make the most of her last year of high school. When she graduates, she doesn’t want to look back on her high school experience and think, “I wish I had done this or that my senior year. I want to make the most of the time that I have left with my friends, family, and this amazing town.”

The Booster Club has a brand new concession stand!


to everyone who helped this project happen:

Roaring Fork School District Tom Schramer Larry & Phoebe Gruel Ace Hardware Lance Luckett



Rampage | November 2017

Josie Sanchez, Kiki Roeser, & Joana Soto posing at the dance

Lucy Meade, Logan Erickson, Kendall Bernot, Lizzie Allender, & Payton Issel ready for the dance

Roaring Fork soccer boys homecoming game

Sophomore class during powder fuff football


Althea Brooke, Ruby Fuller, & Isabella Hernandez dressed up as tacky tourists

RFHS couple Ruby Fuller & Grady Burger and friend Hannah Feder during homecoming dance

Emily Broadhurst, Ricela Tapias. Logan Erickson, Gaby Santana, Lucia Penzel, & Caroline Wisroth on hippie and farmer day

Sophomore class durning brute volleyball

Senior class during powder puff football

Roaring Fork Homecoming bonfire

Spirit Week

Powder Puff

Monday: Hippie vs Farmers

Brute Volleyball Champions:

Tuesday: Tacky Tourist Wednesday: Crazy Socks & Shorts Thursday: 80’s Day Friday: Blue & Gold Day

1st Place: Juniors 2nd Place: Seniors 3rd Place: Sophomores

Powder Puff Football Champions:

1st Place: Juniors 2nd Place: Freshman 3rd Place: Sophomores

Iliana Castillon, Ralph Good, Chelsey Serrano Kloe Lee, & Hannah Bingaman as tacky tourist

CRES Homecoming Prince & Princes

Roaring Fork Homecoming football game

Truck Rally & Bonfire Wednesday & Thurday night students of all grades gathered to participate in the beloved truck rally and bonfire


Rampage | November 2017

Aiden Knaus, Liam Laird, and Marco Hernandez during the bonfire Homecoming Queen & King, Chelsey Serrano & Edwin Candela

Sophomore class during the truck rally

Knoll Featherstone announcing Homecoming football game

Junior class during brute volleyball

Iliana Castillon. Hannah Bingaman, Lucas Bensch, Paige Gianinetti, & Chelsey Serrano during the bonfire

Senior class during brute volleyball

Patrick Keleher, Kelsie Goodman, & Patrick Moravek on hippie day and farmers day

Freshman class during powder puff football

Homecoming Royalty Chelsey Serrano, Edwin Candela, William Luckett, Lisa Kelley, Edin Tena, Kendra Fernandez, Brenda Ramirez, Charlie Candela, Iliana Castillion, Jaciel Carillo, Mike Topete, Felina Cruz, & Ralph Good

Homecoming Royalty

Homecoming Dance

Roaring Fork soccer boys won against Moffat

Senior King & Queen: Edwin Candela & Chelsey Serrano


Junior King & Queen: William Luckett & Lisa Kelley

Saturday night students gathered at the Roaring Fork High School auditeria and danced the night away at the neon themed homecoming dance

Sports Recap Soccer:

Roaring Fork football boys lost against Steamboat


Roaring Fork volleyball girls lost against Basalt


Sophmore King & Queen: Charlie Candela & Brenda Ramirez Freshman King & Queen: Edian Tena & Kendra Fernandez

Potato Days Parade Students from every class built a float following the “Harry Potter & the Magic Spud� theme. The floats were then judged by the Town of Carbondale 1st Place: Sophomores 2nd Place: Seniors

News -Daniela Rivera

6 Rampage November 2017

A Roaring Fork Truck Rally For The Books

Each year students and staff from RFHS participate in a variety of events during homecoming week, including the truck rally. Carbondale police dedicate their time to ensure this event runs smoothly. However, during this years truck rally on Wednesday, October 4th, a handful of students in the senior class made derogatory comments, shouting in the mix of the other chants that were going on, and it brought negative attention to the students as well as the police dept. Since then, RFHS Seniors have received the opportunity to make amends with the police department and town employees after making the ignoble comments. In order to repair the damage that had been done, a handful of senior students opted to host a breakfast at town hall to show students appreciation for the local police and town employees. The morning after the truck rally, Principal Brett Stringer received several calls from the town manager, chief of police, and concerned community members informing him of the obscene and offensive comments made by seniors riding the firetruck during the rally. On October 6th, Stringer called a meeting with all of the senior class to discuss the event. Officer Zimmerman, the School Resource Officer, was also at the meeting to contextualize the event and explain how it made him feel “disappointed” because he cares deeply about the students here at Roaring

Fork. The meeting was in no way a punishment, but more of an acknowledgement that there was harm done and about “what they did want or not want to do about it.” Stringer told the seniors that they had an opportunity to change the story, but it was all up to them. The senior class was under no obligation to make the apology, but if they didn’t, there would be some natural consequences. Some of those natural consequences could include: the community having a bad perspective on the senior class and the possible loss of the truck rally. In the thirty years that Jill Knaus, a spanish teacher in the building, has been teaching there has

Photo courtesy of Reece Ettelson

always been a truck rally. Losing a tradition like this one would be a tragedy for the students and the community. Spencer Ochko, senior and head boy at RFHS, said that it would be pointless to punish the entire school and generations to come because of the actions of a handful of boys in a class that’s leaving soon anyway. Ochko stated that if the event happened again then that would be a bad reflection of the entire school and not just one class, so then more serious action should take place. The culmination is that, school events-especially school events that are supported and helped out by police- need to be treated as respectfully as possible. After speaking to Officer Michael Zimmerman, he stated that the future of the truck rally is difficult to determine. However, the truck rally and school events alike are some of the few fun, safe events in this valley. As a result, the police department wants to support the students along with the school, but are looking to take a “closer look at it hoping to approach it all respectfully.” Regardless of where the future of the truck rally stands, students are banding together in order to make it right. An apology has been delivered to the police department along with a great breakfast and immense amount of appreciation to the town of Carbondale and the police department for all their support.

Roaring Fork’s New Detention Policy In Full Swing

-Peyton Sherman

In an attempt to keep RFHS’ student body in class and learning for the 2017-2018 school year, Principal Brett Stringer and Vice Principal Kelsie Goodman have been more efficiently enforcing the detention policy regarding tardiness and absences. Students who have one unexcused absence or three unexcused tardies per week are required to report to the Auditeria on Wednesdays after school from 1:30-2:30pm in order to serve their detention. According to the Roaring Fork District handbook, “The maximum number of unexcused absences or truancies a student may incur before proceedings are initiated to enforce compulsory attendance is ten school days during a calendar year or four unexcused absences per month.” Some people don’t think this policy is fair because sometimes when a student athlete is called for a game, they may be marked unexcused by their teachers. Each Tuesday, all students get a notification and an email goes out to the parents that says “you received this email because your child has either have 1 unexcused absence or 3 unexcused tardies in the last week. If you think this is a mistake then please call us,” said Principal Stringer. In order to be in good standing “a student must demonstrate academic proficiencies and exhibit positive behavior including good attendance,” according to Roaring Fork School District’s behavior policies handbook, which was last revised July 2012. Going into the 2017-2018 school year Roaring Fork High School’s detention policy is getting stricter. The policy is not new to the school, but the

way that it is being handled is. Principal Stringer explained that “It’s the same policy as last year, in a week from Monday to Friday if one student has 1 unexcused absence or 3 unexcused tardies and on that following Monday or Tuesday and we will brings everybody up that has detention, and from there detention is from 1:30 to 2:30pm. It’s different from last year due to the inclusion of communication with parents. The first time we had detention we started with over 60 students and now it’s decreasing. “I would say right now our overall attendance is high and that’s good because it means students are in class learning, we can get better,” said Principal Stringer. By getting parents involved, the school has been able to raise attendance expectations for students and strengthen the learning environment. RFHS freshman Marcus Lopez says, “[The policy] is helpful for people who play sports because it holds the player accountable.” Detention affects student athlete’s playing time because not going to detention results in not being to play their next game. Attending detention could also help student athletes get their work done for the hour they are in there for. Students can find the policy unfair because a lot of students have doctor and dentist appointments and the parents can forget to call and might not call even after getting notified. The detention policy might not be fair to all the students or the Principal because the Roaring Fork School District Hand Book hasn’t been revised since 2012. Principal Stringer believes that the policies should

be revised in order to be more lenient. This way the students who perhaps have more going on in the background may have a chance to get more sup-

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port. Principal Stringer “would [like to] focus on why our students are not in class and why they are late. We want to make classes where our kids feel engaged and wanted, so then they want to be there.” Clearly this stronger take on the detention policy has been making improvements by getting parents involved and so increasing attendance, however, there is still room for changes in the policies.

Sports A Strong Rams Team and Their Quest for a Title

-Ralph Good

After a strong season, the Roaring Fork Rams Soccer team accumulated 14 wins, and returned to the Class 3A tournament ranked 23rd. This Rams team is lead by a dynamic defensive corp, and an exciting offensive front line that has scored a hefty 56 goals in 18 games. The Rams offense has had a number of contributors, but none more notable than junior Aidan Sloan. Sloan has racked up 16 goals and 8 assists, for a team leading 40 points. However, points aren’t just coming from Sloan. The scoring is being produced form a variety of sources including the underclass- Courtesy Photo men. Freshman Alvin Garcia has put up some unprecedented numbers for a player of his age. With 22 points Garcia leads all freshman in the 3A Western Slope League. The team has also received strong offensive support from junior Ronald Clemente, and senior Marco Ramos. Though the Rams offense has been very impressive this year, the defense has been the star of the show. Only allowing 17 goals this year, the experienced backfield has proven that they are a force to be reckoned with. Lead by junior Max Candela and senior Edwin Candela, the duo has allowed very few shots to reach the net. When the ball does find its way past the Candela’s, the Rams have a very reliable goalkeeper in Leo Loya. Allowing 16 goals in 1,095 minutes, Loya has shown that he is the final ingredient to the impenetrable Rams defense. Though the mountains of statistical success are

impressive, arguably the most impressive part of this team is their ambition and willingness to set the bar high when it comes to the final stretch of their season. “We feel like we can go all the way,” added Sloan, “we all trust each other, and can see ourselves at the top.” The first step to achieving this goal was on October 26th, where the 23rd ranked Rams topped the 10th ranked Aurora West College Prep Academy in the opening round of the class 3A playoffs. They won this contest with a score of 2-0. The next game for Roaring Fork was against the 7th ranked Academy, from Westminster, Colorado. In a tough fought match the Rams prevailed with another 2-0 victory. This win earned the Rams a spot in the state quarterfinals against the 2nd ranked Kent Denver. In a game that was much closer than the score, the Rams gave the powerful Sun Devils a tough fought match. With solid defense, and a timely goal from Max Candela, Roaring Fork kept the game exciting. Unfortunately for the Rams, a couple of late goals from Kent Denver put the game out of reach, which marked the end of a very magical season. We are sad to see our seniors go, but luckily the future is very bright for Roaring Fork Soccer. A majority of the key contributors will be returning, and the Rams will be poised to make it closer to their goal of bringing a state title back to Roaring Fork High School.

7 Rampage November 2017

RFHS Volleyball Hopes and Goals -Frankie Harrington After a rough 2017 season, the RFHS volleyball team remains hardworking and optimistic about next season. The team, which finished this season with a record of 2-16, recognizes the amount of work and dedication to the sport that they must put in if they hope to make playoffs next season. The young RFHS team, which consisted of two seniors, five juniors, four sophomores, and one freshman, is very excited about next season. Logan Erickson, one of the captains of the team, stated “I think [the future of the team] is bright. We have great underclassman, and we just need to incorporate some things in our young team that will help us for next season.” Since Erickson is a junior, she will be returming to the team again next year. During this most recent season, Erickson was the team’s libero, which is a position that only one player on the team can occupy. Her positive attitude helps the team stay upbeat. “Something I pride myself on is being nice and talking to everybody, even kids on C team, just to make sure that everybody is having fun while playing.”

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As for the two seniors, Lily Nichols and Reece Ettelson, their losing record was not how they would have hoped to end their high school career. “I wanted them to have a good end of the season, and I wanted them to have a great senior night,” Erickson stated. “Hopefully they got something good to depart with.” Coach Bratcher spoke highly of the departing Seniors. “I’ve only gotten to know the Seniors the past two years, but in that time I have seen them grow so much in confidence and who they are as people. I am very grateful for having them as leaders on my team this year.”

A Bright Future for Roaring Fork Football

-Ralph Good

Roaring Fork High School’s football team and fan base have not had the season they were hoping for. It has been a campaign plagued by lost seniors, and the necessity to rely on talented freshmen and newcomers to backup experienced offensive and defensive lines. Regardless, this year has seen some great standout performances from a number of Rams. Joining the team late in the season, senior Jasper Germain has proven that he is the go-to guy for the offense. Starting his season as running back Germain came to the spotlight after scoring the team’s first touchdown in a loss to Moffat County. In his first game after a transition to quarterback, he once again reached the end zone with a pass. In addition, the offensive line has shown leadership well beyond their years as they are led by seniors Ruben Gomez, Spencer Ochko, and Kevin Pacheco. Despite strong leadership the Rams football team has failed to tally a win, and finished the 2017 season with a record of 0-9. However, it is not the record

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that defines this team. “The energy of our captains and seniors keeps us going,” senior center and captain Ruben Gomez said. “We try to inspire everyone to give their all, and never give up.” Along with the influential players, the coaching staff has shown to be a great fit for the young rams. “We say it everyday how great our coaches are,” Gomez continued. “They are outstanding guys.” Coaches Matthew

Phelan and Clemente Martinez are “super supportive and never quit on us,” says senior Spencer Ochko. The players may have glowing reports on their coaches, but Roaring Fork’s new coaching staff thinks just as highly about their team. “It doesn’t get much better than being around such a great group of young men and women,” raves coach Martinez, “I truly cherish each minute I get to spend with our players.” As for our dedicated seniors, Coach Martinez thinks that they “have taught the underclassmen what it truly means to be Ram Strong.” In a season that has been overshadowed by their record, our Rams football team has shown that the number of wins and losses isn’t the most important number. It is the amount of practice hours and heart that define a team. In a time where we hate to see our beloved seniors walk off the field for one final time, the future of Roaring Fork football is promising. With a new coaching staff and a heavy load of underclassmen, Rams’ Nation can sleep well knowing that our team is ready for the future.

Entertainment Gems of the Valley: Avalanche Ranch Cabin and Hot Springs -Ruby Fuller

The construction of the bridge in Glenwood Springs may have made it hard to go relax at the Glenwood Hot Springs or Iron Mountain Hot Springs, but Avalanche Ranch Cabin and Hot Springs is an additional option. Not many people in the valley know about this gem, but it’s a go-to spot because of its beautiful landscaping and scenery. How to get there: From Hwy. 82, head south on Hwy. 133 for about 12 miles. The sign for Avalanche Ranch is on the right. The address is 12863 CO-133, Redstone, CO 81623. What to do: Soak in the great views of the rocky mountains as you enjoy yourself in the springs. Word to the wise: Make a reservation in advance! Call (970) 963-2846. If you plan to cancel your reservation, you must do so 48 hours in advance. Reviews from our students: Ruthie Brown: “I’ve had multiple family members come to visit and we have all enjoyed relaxing at the Avalanche Hot Springs.” Bella Lee: “The exclusivity makes for a really peaceful environment.” Hannah Feder: “It’s a soothing experience, I would definitely recommend it to others.”

Your November Horoscope -Tyler Gruel Aquarius - January 20 - February 18 Tonight is the night to face her, Aquarius. You will slip out into the cool twilight air, dry grass crackling under your feet. Do not be afraid, but be wary. Speak to her. Let her know the truth. Let her know that you want your tax refund back. Pisces - February 19 - March 20 You will be suddenly struck by the realization that there isn’t meaning to the universe and that all human love is merely sexuality in disguise, but then you’ll be struck with the realization that some jalapeño poppers would be great about now.

Iliana Castillon Kloe Lee

Taurus - April 20 - May 20 You’ve been so stressed lately Taurus. Just sit outside tonight, relax, look up at the stars, and accept that you know basically nothing about the world you live in.

Feature Editor Chelsey Serrano Theo Stryker

Gemini - May 21 - June 21 You’ll meet a tall, handsome stranger. Over time, things that first attracted you will fade, but that connection never will. Open up to him; it could be life changing.

News Editor Ruby Fuller

Cancer - June 22 - July 22 If you’re going grocery shopping today, you should stock up. You never know when a storm might hit or when you might be trapped in your house by sentient furniture. Have a can opener and your photo albums close; you’ll need them!

Focus Editor Iliana Castillon Kloe Lee

Leo - July 23 - August 22 You have done nothing worthy of praise in the last week, Leo, and will most likely do nothing praiseworthy in the week to come. You are simply average. This is not a bad thing, and it could even be a good thing. It just is. You simply are.

Sports Editor Ralph Good Frankie Harrington

Virgo - August 23 - September 22 Do you trust your mailman, Virgo? Why is he always outside your house at midnight? And are those tentacles where his arms should be? But hey, at least your magazines will arrive on time. Is your National Geographic worth it Virgo? Is it?

Entertainment Editor Daniela Rivera Solana Teitler

Libra - September 23 - October 22 Reward yourself this week. Go out to eat, go out with friends, take a break from eating, take a break from friends, take a break from yourself. Go into the Arby’s by your childhood home and detach your inner consciousness. Have fun, Libra!

Copy Editors Hannah Bingaman Tyler Gruel Lilly Peery

Scorpio - October 23 - November 21 Treat yourself, Scorpio. Eat that brownie, splurge on that new handbag, finally get rid of that thing you’ve been hiding in your closet. No one will judge you.


Heard in the Hallways

“Wait if all the phones are down and people can’t call the police, you wanna go on a looting spree?” “Why is that the first thing you think of ?”

Editors in Chief

Editorial Staff

Capricorn - December 22 - January 19 ‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, which is better than to have never loved at all, but also somehow lost a love, thus creating a paradox. Paradoxes are bad, Capricorn. Be careful, or logic will destroy you.

“Bro, it’s like golf, the lower the GPA the better.”

Rampage Staff

Aries - March 21 - April 19 You will feel disappointed as your plans for a fun weekend will be spoiled when a busybody scientist just has to ask you what you want all that plutonium for.

Sagittarius - November 22 - December 21 You’ll dream of horses and by horses I mean that horrible,horrible thing burned into your childhood memory, but horses are great. Hydrate lots this month, Sagittarius.

Courtesy photo

8 Rampage November 2017

“What if you’re giving birth to twins and it’s daylights savings and the older twin was born first but the second twin travels back in time and is born an hour before the first twin. Would that be messed up or what?”

“Some chocolate milk just tastes like chocolate mucus.”

Tomas Bensch Ruthie Brown Daniel Cortes Josie Sanchez Colin Shapard Peyton Sherman Lucy Meade Policy Statement: Published 7 times a year, the student newspaper of Roaring Fork High School is a public forum, with its students editorial board making all decisions concerning its content. Unsigned editorials express the views of the majority of the editorial board.

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